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01 nong thai thuy an 2032202010001 english morphplogy HK3 TX 04 LNT

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THU DAU MOT UNIVERSITY FACULTY OF FOREIGN LANGUAGES 🙢🕮🙠 ACCUMULATIVE REPORT Course: English Morphology (2+0) Major: English Language Class: K202CD.NNAN01 Batch: HK3.TX.04 Student: Nông Thái Thùy An Code: 2032202010001 Lecturer: Lý Ngọc Toàn Binh Duong, August, 2021 ASSESSMENT Examiner’s Signature Score In figures Examiner’s Signature In words Assessment Scheme Contents Marks Task 1: Presentation Examiner Examiner 3.0 Task 2: Writing PART PART PART Total 1.5 Question 0.5 Question Question Question 0.5 Question Question Question 0.5 Question Question Question 0.5 Question Question Question Question Question Question Question Question 1.5 10 PART 1: Introduction This is the Morphology course that I have learned about how word structure is organized in the English language and the major methodological approaches that have been used to study it The course is designed to introduce to the basic concepts of Morphology as to involve word formation and word structure It is taught by the lecturer Ly Ngoc Toan, Ph.D who is one of the English lecturers of the Faculty Foreign Language at Thu Dau Mot University The required document is English Morphology Third Edition that written by To Minh Thanh and published by VNU Publishing House This course takes us weeks to complete Upon successful completion of this course, we will have the knowledge and skills to demonstrate a basic understanding of the concepts of Morphology, analysis of words and their constituent elements, identify and analyze different types of sentences in English, apply knowledge learned through the course when using English in daily life and work It is not only linguistic knowledge but also the development of effective research and information synthesis skills, working independently and in groups effectively, mastering problem-solving skills Creative thinking, dynamism, accuracy, and persistence in studying, researching, and working The outcome standards in terms of knowledge are to distinguish basic concepts, apply knowledge of Morphology for the correct use of language, and creatively apply learned knowledge about Morphology to research, collaborate, research into future careers Show learner' perceptions of learning and applying knowledge of subjects and fields of linguistics research and serving future jobs related to the English language PART 2: Body The concepts: Morphology, Morph, Morpheme, Allomorph - Morphology is the study of the forms of words, and the ways in which words are related to other words of the same language Formal differences among words serve a variety of purposes, from the creation of new lexical items to the indication of grammatical structure (Stephen R Anderson, 1992, A-morphous morphology.) For example: - A morph is a word segment that represents one morpheme (the smallest unit of language that has meaning) in sound or writing It's a written or pronounced portion of a word, such as an affix (a prefix or suffix) (Richard Nordquist, 2020, Definition and Examples of a Morph in Linguistics.) For example, the adjective tall, the verb talk, and the noun cat are free morphs The endings -er (as in taller), -ed (as in talked), and -s (as in cats) are bound morphs (or affixes) - The morpheme is the smallest meaningful unit of language (Lexical and grammatical meaning) A morpheme must have a meaning, and it is the smallest unit of meaning (the smallest soundmeaning union which cannot be further analyzed into smaller units) For example: The word “dogs” has two morphemes (book+s) The word “unemployment” consists of three morphemes (un+employ+ment) - An allomorph is a variant form of a morpheme and morphs in complementary distribution Allomorphs are morphs in complementary distribution; i.e., they are never found in identical contexts For example, the plural in English has three different morphs, making plural an allomorph, not all plurals are formed in the same way; they're made in English with three different morphs: /s/, /z/, and [əz], as in kicks, cats, and sizes Types of words "The smallest of the linguistic unit which can occur on its own in speech or writing" (Richards, Platt & Platt, 1993: 40) Words can be classified into three main classes: simple, complex, and compound words - Simple words consist of a single free morpheme Example: fan, table - Complex words contain two bound morphemes or a bound and a free morpheme Example: telephone, rebirth, … - Compound words contain two or more free forms Example: blackboard, school-girl, … Types of morphemes Morphemes can be classified into free morphemes and bound morphemes, roots and affixes, inflectional and derivational Bases can be either free or bound - Free morphemes are morphemes that can independently function as words or roots, example: dog, town -Bound morphemes are morphemes that cannot be uttered alone with meaning It is always annexed to one or more morphemes to form a word (Stageberg, 1965: 87) Affixes are usually bound morphemes, if classified according their position, having three main subclasses: Prefixes, suffixes, and infixes According to their function, affixes have two main subclasses: Inflectional affixes and Derivational affixes The differences between inflectional and derivational morphemes Inflectional morphemes Derivational morphemes - modify the meaning of an item but not change - can change meaning of the stem and typically, its parts of speech they change the part of speech - are changes in words to express their semantic - indicate semantic relationships within words and syntactic relationships to other words in the sentence - are regularly distributed They occur with all or - not occur across whole classes most members of a word class - typically occur away from the root - occur close to the root, before inflectional morphemes Select words which have at least morphemes - Identify types of morphemes in each word - Identify the constituent structures of each word - Draw the labelled structures of each word - Draw tree diagrams of each word a industrialization - The English word industrialization consists of morphemes: the free base industry is a free morpheme and the suffixes -al, -ize, -ation are bound morphemes - The constituent structures: industry is the noun, free morpheme; the affixes -al, -ize, -ation are the suffixes, bounds and derivational morphemes - The labelled structure: [[[[industry ] + al] + ize ] + ation] - The tree diagram: b inaccessibility - The English word inaccessibility consists of morphemes: the free base access is a free morpheme and the prefix is in- and the suffixes -ibil, -ity are the bound morphemes - The constituent structures: access is the noun, free morpheme; the affixes in- is the prefix and suffixes -ibil, -ity are bounds and derivational morphemes - The labelled structure: [[ in + [[ access ] + ibil ]] + ity] - The tree diagram: c reimbursements - The English word reimbursements consists of morphemes: the free base burse which means “purse” and the affixes are re-, im-, -ment, -s are the bound morphemes - The constituent structures: burse is verb, free morphemes; re- is a derivational class-maintaining prefix meaning “again”; im- is the allomorph of the derivational class-changing prefix meaning “in”; -ment is the derivational class-changing noun-forming suffix meaning “result”; -s is an allomorph of the inflectional noun plural morpheme - The labelled structure: [ [ [ re + [ im + [burse] ] ] + ment ] + s ] ] - The tree diagram: d irrecoverable - The English word irrecoverable consists of morphemes: the free base cover which means “happen to something or somebody” and the affixes ir-, re-, -able are the bound morphemes - The constituent structures: cover is a free base, which is verb; ir- is an allomorph which is the derivational class-maintaining prefix meaning “not”; re- is a derivational class-maintaining meaning “again”; -able is a derivational class-changing adjectives-forming suffix meaning “that way” - The labelled structure: [ ir + [ [ re + [cover]] + able] ] - The tree diagram: e fatalistic - The English word fatalistic consists of morphemes: the free base fate which means “happen to somebody or something” and the affixes -al, -ist, -ic are the bound morpheme - The constituent structures: fate is a free base, which is a noun; -al is a derivational class-changing adj-forming suffix meaning “of”; -ist is a derivational class-changing noun-forming suffix meaning “person who believes in”; -ic is derivational class-changing adj-forming suffix meaning “concerning” - The labelled structure: [ [ [ [ fate ] + al ] + ist ]+ ic ] - The tree diagram: Word-formation process - The definition of word-formation process: The process of building new words from the material already existing in the language according to certain structural and semantic patterns Yule (1985, p.5360) defines word formation process as a way of forming and creating new words from the use of old words - Types of word formation process: There many types of word formation processes They are coinage, borrowing, compounding, blending, clipping, backformation, conversion, acronym, derivation, prefix and suffix - Clarify each type of word formation process: Coinage Coinage process as the way of creating the new word with referring to the most topical sources which are invented to the trade names for certain commercial products Borrowing Borrowing process is the way of creating new word with taking over of words from other languages and using continually in society Compounding Compounding process as the way of creating new word with joining of two separate words into a single form to describe something new Blending Blending process is the way of creating new word with combining two separate forms of words to produce a single new term Clipping Clipping is the process of reducing the elements of word Backformation Backformation is specialized type of reduction process Conversion Conversion is the process of changing the function of words Acronym Acronym is the process of creating new word with forming from the initial letters of a set of other words Prefixes and Suffixes Both prefixes and suffixes processes are included into affixes PART 3: Conclusion Morphological awareness is helpful to increase the learners' vocabulary and to recognize the meaning easily by viewing affixes attaching in words The proposed course, by the end of the winter semester, makes the students know Morphology and its concepts as morphemes, morphs, allomorph, affixes; the word-formation process and how many types of word formation process; identify and analyze the patterns and structures The aims and functions of morphology are to help us accurately read and understand component parts of words like roots, prefixes, and suffixes A morpheme is the smallest unit of meaning within a word Morphological knowledge, the target of the assessment, is the ability to identify, manipulate, and use units of meaning in word recognition, spelling, accessing, and communicating word meaning in reading and writing Morphological knowledge is closely related to vocabulary knowledge Students’ knowledge of vocabulary is highly correlated with their reading ability Thus, studying morphology can give insight into how students build their vocabulary and, ultimately, improve their reading To sum up, firstly the knowledge of morphology can be applied among the teachers to increase their vocabulary, detect the changes of word classes, know the word origins and enhances the teachers’ mind to think creatively Morphology brings a lot of benefits to the learners as well, because it helps to understand English vocabulary and grammar better ... modify the meaning of an item but not change - can change meaning of the stem and typically, its parts of speech they change the part of speech - are changes in words to express their semantic - indicate... of language (Lexical and grammatical meaning) A morpheme must have a meaning, and it is the smallest unit of meaning (the smallest soundmeaning union which cannot be further analyzed into smaller... process and how many types of word formation process; identify and analyze the patterns and structures The aims and functions of morphology are to help us accurately read and understand component

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2022, 15:53