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Big data analytics services and solutions case study

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IT industry is booming with the technology evolution Latest trends in IT are tightly integrated with the advanced technologies One of the emerging technologies Hidden Brains focused on is Big Data W.IT industry is booming with the technology evolution Latest trends in IT are tightly integrated with the advanced technologies One of the emerging technologies Hidden Brains focused on is Big Data W.

I Ti ndus t r yi sboomi ngwi t ht het ec hnol ogy evol ut i on.Lat es tt r endsi nI Tar et i ght l y i nt egr at edwi t ht headvanc edt ec hnol ogi es Oneoft heemer gi ngt ec hnol ogi esHi dden Br nsf oc us edoni s" Bi gDat a" We  r eal i z ed  t her ol e" Bi gDat a"wi l lpl ayi nI T wor l di nf ut ur eandwes t ar t edt of oc usoni t f r om t he year2011-ar i ghts t epf or war d Vol ume Thequant i t yofdat agener at edand s t or ed.Thes i z eoft hedat a det er mi nest heval ueandpot ent i al i ns i ght -andwhet heri tc anac t ual l y bec ons i der edbi gdat aornot Var i et y Soonwegotanoppor t uni t yt o wor konapr oj ec twhi c hwoul d r equi r et r ac ki ngi nfluenc eofus er s onmul t i pl eSoc i alNet wor k pl at f or mss uc hasFac ebook, Thet ypeandnat ur eoft hedat a Thi shel pspeopl ewho  anal yz e  i tt o effec t i vel yus et her es ul t i ngi ns i ght Vel oc i t y Twi t t er ,Li nkedI n,I ns t agr am, Thes peedatwhi c ht hedat s YouTubeands howc as eAnal yt i c s gener at edandpr oc es s edt omeet whi c hwoul dhel pAdver t i s er st o t hedemandsandc hal l engest hatl i e adver t i s eandpr ovi deot her i nt hepat hpr oj ec tdevel opment benefit st ot heus er sbas edon Var i abi l i t y s oc i alnet wor ki nt er ac t i onsas Li kes ,Comment ,I nt er es tand muc hmor e   Thei nc ons i s t enc yoft hedat as et c anhamperpr oc es s est ohandl e andmanagei t Asafir s ts t ep,i twasnec es s ar yf or Ver ac i t y ust o  r ec ogni z e  5mai n Thequal i t yofc apt ur eddat ac an c har ac t er i s t i c st oi dent i f ywhet her t hes ys t em woul dr equi r eBi g dat abas eds ol ut i onornot var ygr eat l y,affec t i ngac c ur at e anal ys i s Soc i alDat aAnal ys i s   wasmai nl yi nt he c or eoft hepr oj ec twi t ht womai n c ons t i t uentpar t s :         Gat herdat agener at edonSoc i al Net wor kwebs i t esand         Sophi s t i c at edanal ys i soft hatdat a Onc ees t abl i s hedt hatweneedt ous eBi gDat a bas eds ys t em wedefineds ol ut i onappr oac has : Gett heSoc i alac t i vi t i esofus er sonmul t i pl eSoc i alNet wor k pl at f or ms Fort hes ame,weneedt oi nt egr at e100+API s TheAPIdat awi l lbei nbul kanduns t r uc t ur edandt hat ' swher e t heneedt ous eBi gDat aAr c hi t ec t ur et omanaget hi s Bi gDat aAr c hi t ec t ur ehel pedust omanageuns t r uc t ur eddat a Pr oc es st heuns t r uc t ur eddat aandal gor i t hm t ogetpr oper l y r equi r edanal yt i c s Thenexts t epwast o  anal yz e  anddefinet heBi gDat aAr c hi t ec t ur eand Tec hnol ogi c alc omponent sr equi r et ous e Hadoop:   OpenSour c eFr amewor kt os t or eandpr oc es sBi gDat a Hbas e:OpenSour c enonr el at i onalDat abas e Cl ouder a  ManagerConfigur at i ont omanageCl us t er s Us eof   HadoopCl us t er   t omanageunpr oc es s eddat a Pr oc es s eddat amanagedi nMySqlDat abas e Us eofApac heCas s andr aass ec ondar ydat abas ef ors c al abi l i t y andhi ghper f or manc e Us eofMongoDBt heNoSqlDat abas e Cr eat edaMas t erCr awl ert oc r awldat af r om Soc i alNet wor kAPI s Us edJ avaaspr ogr ammi ngl anguage Us eofJ ava:   Cons i der i ngt heamountofdat as ys t em neededt omanageand pr oc es s ,i twasevi dentf orust onott ous ePHPasi ti snotamul t i t hr eadi ng l anguageandwedonotwantt omaket hes ys t em Ar c hi t ec t ur ec ompl exbyus i ng Pt hr eadwhi c hi sanObj ec tOr i ent edAPIt hatal l owsmul t i t hr eadi ngi nPHP   I nor dert oext r ac toutt hebes tper f or manc ef r om t hes ys t em,weus edJ ava whi c hi sadef aul tmul t i t hr eadl anguageandc anmanage100soft hr eadsata t i me Formor ei nf or mat i ononhow t ogr ow yourbus i nes s vi s i tourwebs i t ewww hi ddenbr ns c om orc al l+13239083492 © Copyr i ght-Hi ddenBr nsI nf ot ec hPvt Lt d Thi sc as es t udyi sf ori nf or mat i onpur pos eonl y.Hi ddenBr nsI nf ot ec hPvt Lt d.makesnowar r ant i esexpr es s edori mpl i edi nt hi ss ummar y Nomat er i alf r om her emaybec opi ed,modi fied,r epr oduc ed,r epubl i s hed,upl oaded,t r ans mi t t ed,pos t edordi s t r i but edi nanyf or m wi t houtpr i orwr i t enper mi s s i on ofHi ddenBr ns Al lt r ademar ksment i onedher ei nar et hepr oper t yoft hei rr es pec t i veowner s ... c ht hedat s YouTubeands howc as eAnal yt i c s gener at edandpr oc es s edt omeet whi c hwoul dhel pAdver t i s er st o t hedemandsandc hal l engest hatl i e adver t i s eandpr ovi deot her i...Vol ume Thequant i t yofdat agener at edand s t or ed.Thes i z eoft hedat a det er mi nest heval ueandpot ent i al i ns i ght -andwhet heri tc anac t ual l y bec ons i der edbi gdat... ki nt er ac t i onsas Li kes ,Comment ,I nt er es tand muc hmor e   Thei nc ons i s t enc yoft hedat as et c anhamperpr oc es s est ohandl e andmanagei t Asafir s ts t ep,i twasnec es s ar yf

Ngày đăng: 30/08/2022, 06:56