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Factors affecting decisions on using e wallet momo of students of banking university ho chi minh city 2022

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MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING STATE BANK OF VIETNAM BANKING UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY PHẠM NGUYỄN ĐAN THÙY FACTORS AFFECTING DECISIONS ON USING E-WALLET MOMO OF STUDENTS OF BANKING UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY GRADUATION THESIS MAJOR: FINANCE – BANKING CODE: 7340201 HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING STATE BANK OF VIETNAM BANKING UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY PHẠM NGUYỄN ĐAN THÙY FACTORS AFFECTING DECISIONS ON USING E-WALLET MOMO OF STUDENTS OF BANKING UNIVERSITY HO CHI MINH CITY GRADUATION THESIS MAJOR: FINANCE – BANKING CODE: 7340201 HO CHI MINH CITY, 2022 i ABSTRACT The purpose of this research is to identify the factors affecting decisions in using Momo E-wallet of students of Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City The study was conducted on a theoretical foundation and earlier research on decisions to use Momo, in which the factors affecting the decisions to use the service is closely examined The research data was collected through a self-administered questionnaire which was distributed online with a total of 150 respondents Supported by the collected data, the study was conducted formal research by quantitative research method using descriptive statistical analysis, correlation and linear regression analysis The research results show that Social Influence, Perceived Usefulness and Perceived Reliability significantly show positive effect on decisions to use Momo of BUH students Additionally, Perceived Ease of Use and Perceived Cost also affect these decisions but possess a lower impact level From the research findings above, the study suggests solutions and can be used as recommendations relating to e-wallet service activities of Momo in order to improve the platform design as well as services to attract more consumers As a theoretical contribution, this study applies Technology Acceptance Model to investigate the factors affecting decisions in using Momo E-wallet of students of Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City Keywords: Decisions on using, Momo, E-wallets, Technology Acceptance Model ii COMMITMENT I hereby declare that this thesis is my own work, with the support of my supervisor, Mr Nguyen Duy Linh, a lecturer at the Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City's Faculty of Finance To the best of my knowledge and belief, the thesis does not copy prior studies, and all assertions and material presented herein are correct and truthful The report's statistics and material are clearly cited and presented honestly Ho Chi Minh City, ………………… Author Phạm Nguyễn Đan Thùy iii ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to the teachers from Banking University Ho Chi Minh City, who generously assisted me throughout my four years of schooling I have gained a lot of knowledge over the last four years, all of which help me to become more confident and experience in the future Secondly, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my supervisor Nguyen Duy Linh, Ph.D., who has wholeheartedly guided and helped me to complete this research Due to the limitation of time, knowledge, and practical experience, this thesis certainly still has many shortcomings in the implementation process I am looking forward to receiving the sincere responses and suggestions of lecturers to improve this thesis This would be the basis, the premise for me to improve my knowledge in the future Best regards! iv CONTENT LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS vii LIST OF FIGURES viii LIST OF TABLES ix CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research motivation 1.2 Research gap 1.3 Research objectives 1.3.1 General objectives 1.3.2 Specific objectives 1.4 Research questions 1.5 Research object and Research scope 1.5.1 Research object 1.5.2 Research scope 1.6 Research methodology 1.6.1 The approach methods 1.6.2 Data collecting methods 1.6.3 Data processing methods .5 1.7 Research framework 1.8 Research contributions 1.8.1 In literature 1.8.2 In practice .6 1.9 Thesis structure CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEWS 2.1 Cashless payment 2.1.1 Definition 2.1.2 The role of cashless payment 10 2.1.3 Types of cashless payments 11 2.2 Electronic wallet 12 2.2.1 Definition 12 v 2.2.2 Role of electronic wallet 13 2.3 Consumer decisions on using E-wallet service 14 2.3.1 Definition 14 2.3.2 The role of consumer decisions on using E-wallet service .15 2.4 Theoretical literatures .16 2.4.1 Theory of Reasoned Action – TRA 16 2.4.2 Theory of Planned Behavior – TPB 17 2.4.3 Technology Acceptance Model – TAM 18 2.5 Relative empirical studies 19 2.5.1 International studies 19 2.5.2 Domestic studies 21 2.6 General regression model 28 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 32 3.1 Research process 32 3.2 Proposed regression model for sample 33 3.3 Research hypotheses 33 3.3.1 Relationship between Perceived Usefulness and User Decision .33 3.3.2 Relationship between Perceived Ease of Use and User Decision 34 3.3.3 Relationship between Social Influence and User Decision .34 3.3.4 Relationship between Perceived Reliability and User Decision .35 3.3.5 Relationship between Perceived Cost and User Decision .35 3.4 Scale construction 36 3.5 Data collection methods 38 3.6 Model testing method 39 3.7 Data processing methods 39 3.7.1 Quantitative method 39 3.7.2 Descriptive statistics method 40 Measures of Frequency 40 Measures of Central Tendency 40 vi Measures of Dispersion 41 Cross-tabulation 41 3.7.3 Cronbach’s Alpha reliability coefficient method 41 3.7.4 Exploratory factor analysis 42 3.7.5 Pearson correlation matrix analysis 44 3.7.6 Regression analysis 44 CHAPTER 4: RESEARCH RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONS 47 4.1 Research results 47 4.1.1 Descriptive statistics 47 4.1.2 Analyzing the scale’s reliability 52 4.1.3 Exploratory Factors Analysis (EFA) 53 4.1.4 Pearson correlation coefficients 55 4.1.5 Regression test results 56 4.1.6 Variance Inflation Factor test .57 4.1.7 Heteroskedasticity test 58 4.1.8 Accepted linear regression model 59 Testing the assumptions of residual normal distribution 59 Testing assumption of the linear relationship .60 4.2 Discussions on the results of research findings 61 CHAPTER 5: RECOMMENDATIONS AND CONCLUSIONS 65 5.1 Conclusions 65 5.2 Recommendations 65 5.2.1 Perceived Usefulness 66 5.2.2 Perceived Ease of Use 66 5.2.3 Social Influence 67 5.2.4 Perceived Reliability 67 5.2.5 Perceived Cost 68 5.3 Limitations and research direction 68 REFERENCES 71 vii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS Abbreviation Meaning BUH Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City DW Durbin Watson E-banking Electronic banking E-wallet Electronic wallet ECM Expectation-Confirmation Model EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis IT Information Technology MOMO Mobile Money PCI DSS Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard PEU Perceived Ease of Use PI Personal Identification Number POS Point of Sales PU Perceived Usefulness QR Quick Response SEM Structural Equation Modelling SMS Short Message Service SPSS Statistical Package for Social Sciences TAM Technology Acceptance Model TPB Theory of Planned Behaviour TPR Theory of Perceived Risk TRA Theory of Reasoned Action UTAUT Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology VIF Variance Inflation Factor viii LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1 Model of Consumer Behavior .15 Figure 2.2 Theory of Reasoned Action Model 17 Figure 2.3 Theory of Planned Behavior Model 18 Figure 2.4 Technology Acceptance Model 19 Figure 4.1 The degree of impact of factors affecting consumer’s decisions in using Momo E-wallet at BUH .58 Figure 4.2 Histogram graph and the Normal P-P Plot of Regression 59 Figure 4.3 Scatter plot 60 70 SUMMARY OF CHAPTER In the fifth chapter of the thesis, recommendations for factors that influence BUH students' decisions about using the Momo e-wallet have been proposed At the same time, it comes to a conclusion on the overall role of this electronic payment system and the necessity to concentrate on aspects that influence consumer decisions and satisfaction Finally, this chapter further discusses the conclusion as well as the topic's limitations and 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I am currently a senior student majoring in Finance and Banking from Banking University of Ho Chi Minh city I am conducting my research for my thesis with the following topic “Factors affecting decisions on using e-wallet Momo of students of Banking University Ho Chi Minh City” The purpose of this research is to provide you with more modern and convenient features when using Momo services So it is a pleasure that you take your precious time to answer the questions in the following survey This survey questionnaire is designed to collect data for the study of “Factors affecting decisions on using Momo of students of Banking University Ho Chi Minh City” Therefore, your response to this survey will be of immense value for the research and remain anonymous and completely confidential Collected data will be used for research purposes only Thank you very much! GENERAL INFORMATION Your Gender:  Male  Female  Other Your School Year?  Freshman  Junior  Sophomore  Senior  Other Your Major?  Finance - Banking  Economic Law  Accounting - Auditing  International Economy  English Language  Business Administration  Information Systems Management  Other Average monthly income (in million VND):  Under  3-5  5-7 81  Above  No income yet, depending on family How many hours a day you use your smartphone to surf the Internet?  Under hour  3-5 hours  1-3 hours  More than hours Have you ever used MOMO E-wallet?  Yes  No How long have you been using MOMO?  Less than year  2-3 years  1-2 years  More than years How did you know about MOMO?  Family, relatives  Friends, colleagues  Social medias  Internet  MOMO's marketing campaign  Other What you use MOMO for?  Payment  Saving  Transfer  Insurance  Travel booking  Online shopping  Other 10 How many times a week you use MOMO?  Not usual  1-3 times/week  3-5 times/week  Everyday 82 PERCEPTION OF USING MOMO SERVICES Pleaser mark [X] on the corresponding box Level Strongly disagree; Level 2: Disagree; Level 3: Neutral; Level 4: Agree; Level 5: Strongly agree No Features I PU1 PU2 PU3 PU4 PU5 Agree level PERCEIVED USEFULNESS Using Momo allows me to make payment faster Using Momo allows me to transfer money more quickly Using Momo increases my work efficiency Using Momo helps me to get discounts, promotions when paying for services Using Momo helps me to save transaction fees 5 5 5 5 5 II PERCEIVED EASE OF USE (PEU) PEU1 I find it is easy to log in and use Momo PEU2 PEU3 I find it is fast and simple to use payment services on Momo I find it is easy to understand the instructions on Momo III SOCIAL INFLUENCE (SI) SI1 People who influence my behavior (e.g colleagues) recommend that I should use Momo People who are important to me (e.g family, SI2 frends, relatives, etc.) recommend that I should use Momo SI3 People on social networks (e.g Facebook, Zalo, etc.) recommend that I should use Momo 83 IV PERCEIVED RELIABILITY (PR) PR1 PR2 PR3 PR4 I believe that my personal information will be protected when performing transactions on Momo Using Momo is as safe as making direct transactions at the counter Momo has solved the problems or errors in the process of using it Momo has optimal security layers to help protect the transactions 5 5 V PERCEIVED COST (PC) PC1 Momo has appropriate fees PC2 Momo is worth paying for (service fees) 5 PC3 With current fee, Momo brings you good experience IX USER DECISIONS (UD) UD1 I will continue using Momo UD2 I will use Momo on a daily basis UD3 I am satisfied with the quality of Momo 5 UD4 I will recommend my relatives and friends to use Momo I would like to thank you for your cooperation in the survey! Warm regards, SINCERELY THANKS! 84 ...MINISTRY OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING STATE BANK OF VIETNAM BANKING UNIVERSITY OF HO CHI MINH CITY PHẠM NGUYỄN ĐAN THÙY FACTORS AFFECTING DECISIONS ON USING E-WALLET MOMO OF STUDENTS OF BANKING UNIVERSITY. .. using Momo E-wallet of students of Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City The study was conducted on a theoretical foundation and earlier research on decisions to use Momo, in which the factors affecting. .. theoretical contribution, this study applies Technology Acceptance Model to investigate the factors affecting decisions in using Momo E-wallet of students of Banking University of Ho Chi Minh City Keywords:

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