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Power Quality GuideBook

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SolaHD draws upon nearly 100 years of global experience in developing innovative solutions to optimize operational performance, improve efficiencies, preserve data and increase equipment longevity. Our comprehensive line of products stretch from entrances to load points to communications networks throughout facilities, making our total power quality solutions indispensable to today’s industries.

Power Quality GuideBook Introduction SolaHD draws upon nearly 100 years of global experience in developing innovative solutions to optimize operational performance, improve efficiencies, preserve data and increase equipment longevity Our comprehensive line of products stretch from entrances to load points to communications networks throughout facilities, making our total power quality solutions indispensable to today’s industries Total power quality involves both power protection and power conversion Power conversion choices made upstream can impact the type of power protection required downstream Only SolaHD’s products and expertise can save you time, money and space with combined power protection and conversion solutions that are right for your facility Power Supplies Power Supplies and Uninterruptible Power Supplies provide clean, consistent power Both products safeguard equipment from power anomalies, such as fluctuations through complete power failures Power Supply and UPS systems can also offer power conditioning benefits by filtering noise, harmonics and dangerous frequency variations Power Protection and Conditioning Surge Protectors and Power Conditioners insulate equipment from the transient noise, voltage surges, harmonics and changing voltage conditions that cause 95% of all power quality issues FILTERS AND SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES AC AND DC DIN UPS POWER SUPPLIES UPS + = Total Power Power Power Protection Conversion Quality DATA/SIGNAL LINE SURGE PROTECTIVE DEVICES POWER CONDITIONERS SUPPORT and EXPERTISE Service and Support Selecting the proper power quality solution for your application can be tricky Experienced and dedicated sales representatives, along with award-winning online tools, help you make the right choice, every time Representatives are available around the world for stock and support help automation TRANSFORMERS distributION transformers Power Conversion Transformers regulate voltage anywhere that the available voltage must be changed to accommodate electrical circuit or equipment requirements Transformers are designed and built in a vast range of configurations to meet requirements for variables, such as size, heat, voltage capacity and environmental conditions Introduction SolaHD is at work for you on the facility floor, branch panel, power distribution points and point-of-use applications Our products power the most demanding applications and environments They can be used in conjunction or alone to ensure controlled, reliable power at any part of the factory floor or machinery SDU UPS Power Supply SCP SCP100S24X-CP1 SDN-C Series DIN DC Power Supply Pow SC er Sup P 10 ply 0S24 X Solatron Plus -CP INP Service Entrance STV100K Surge Protective Device (SPD) OU TP UT S5K Modular UPS Point of Use K-Factor Harmonic Transformer Distribution Transformer UT STV100K Surge Protective Device (SPD) SDN40-24-480C DIN 3-Phase Input DC Power Supply SHP Modular DC Power Supply MCR Series Constant Voltage Power Conditioner Off-Line UPS Power SCP Supply 100S24X-CM INPUT OUTPUT MCR Series Constant Voltage Power Conditioner Service Entrance Surge Protective Device (SPD) Active STFV Tracking Series Filter ® LVGP Transformer Branch Distribution Act ST ive Tra FV ckin Ser g ies Filt er® SBE Industrial Control Transformer SDN2.5-24-100 DIN DC Power Supply STFV SPD Industrial Power Conversion and Protection Solutions SPD/Filters Transformers Service Entrance Power Conditioning X X Branch Panels X X Networks X X Large Machinery X X Process Rooms X X PLC’s and Industrial PC’s X X X X Power Supplies UPS X X X X X X X X X Ethernet and Communications X X X DeviceNet™ X X X Motion Control X X X Drives Analog I/O X X X X X X X pOWER quality solutions selection table Establishing and maintaining production efficiencies frequently requires a multi-staged approach that addresses the various forms of power disturbances Only SolaHD offers the breadth of products that are designed to neutralize the entire range of power disturbances throughout facilities That’s why for more than 90 years, industries have turned to SolaHD for total power quality solutions POWER QUALITY SOLUTION DISTURBANCE UPS POWER CONDITIONERS surge protectiVE devices ACTIVE TRACKING FILTERS k-factor transformers DRIVE ISOLATION TRANSFORMERS TRANSFORMERS DC POWER SUPPLIES Power Interruptions Brownouts Voltage Sags Voltage Swells Voltage Transients Harmonics Electrical Noise AC/AC Conversion AC/DC Conversion DC/DC Conversion Power Quality Optimize production efficiency by eliminating power disturbances and noise Power Quality’s Increased Importance Industrial environments depend on electronic equipment to succeed in today’s highly competitive, efficiency-driven business world Computers, drives, motion controllers and sensors have become essential for optimal productivity, consistency and quality However, these sensitive components require clean and stable electrical quality to perform properly Power quality issues, such as voltage fluctuations, harmonic distortions, noise and power outages, disrupt production, damage equipment and corrupt valuable data Where Do Power Quality ISSUES Originate? Poor power quality is characterized by electrical disturbances, such as transients, surges, sags, power interruptions and harmonics The disturbances can originate externally without warning, but are often generated within your facility Eighty percent of electrical disturbances that cause poor power quality come from within your facility Powering on and off very large equipment, wiring errors, poorly specified or improperly-serviced power conversion equipment, grounding loops and even normal daily operations can foster power quality issues that lead to production disturbances and lost data Severe weather, utility fault clearing, power line accidents and other external network issues like grid switching or powerfactor correction capacitors represent the remaining twenty percent of power quality problems These disturbances often generate spikes or power interruptions that can instantly damage equipment Worst of all, these incidents are completely unpredictable and beyond anyone’s control Protect Your Production and Equipment One solution is typically not enough to ensure reliable power Due to the numerous sources and types of power disturbances, maintaining power quality requires a multi-tiered approach Protecting your facility begins by isolating all power-offending devices, such as drives, motors, welders and large compressors Essential and sensitive equipment, such as PLCs, monitors, drives, vision systems and industrial computers must be safeguarded with Active Tracking® Filters and Surge Protective Devices It is also critical to specify high quality power conversion products, including K-Factor and Drive Isolation transformers Last, but not least, all panel points should utilize Surge Protective Devices Table of Contents POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES Voltage Surges, Power Interruptions, Brownouts and Voltage Sags Voltage Transients, Frequency Variations, Harmonics and Electrical Noise SolaHD POWER QUALITY SOLUTIONS Active Tracking® Filters and Surge Protective Devices 11 Power Conditioners 12 Uninterruptible Power Supplies 13 Drive Isolation and Protection 17 FRequently ASked QUestions 18 GLOSSARY 21 POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES Recognize electrical disturbances Understand their impact Select the correct power solution VSU VOLTAGE SURGE A voltage surge, also referred to as an overvoltage or a line swell, is a temporary voltage level increase for durations from a half cycle to a few seconds These disturbances can also last as long as several cycles Cause Voltage surges can be caused by large load shutdowns, such as switching off high-power electric motors and the normal cycling of HVAC systems They can also be caused externally as loads are shed from the utility Effects Surges and swells can lead to significant equipment and hardware damages solution UPS Power Conditioners  Voltage Regulators SolatronTM Plus Power Conditioner  Optimal solution PI POWER INTERRUPTIONS Power interruptions are a complete loss of voltage for an extended time period Cause This total power disruption is typically created through an accident or equipment failure in the utility’s generation or distribution network Effects Power interruptions halt production and can decrease the lifespan of electrical equipment The sudden nature of most power interruptions can also create hardware failures and crashes in PLCs and other computer based equipment solution UPS  Generators S5KC Modular UPS POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES Recognize electrical disturbances Understand their impact Select the correct power solution BR BROWNOUTS Brownouts, or voltage reductions, are conditions in which the supplied voltage level has been restricted below normal minimum levels for an extended period that may last days Cause Overcapacity and other network issues can force utilities to intentionally create a brownout condition to compensate for high demand on the electrical power grid Effects Brownouts can negatively impact the efficiency and lifespan of electrical equipment They can also result in hardware crashes and occasional equipment failure solution Voltage Regulators  MCR Voltage Regulator VSA VOLTAGE SAGS Voltage sags, sometimes called undervoltage, are a temporary decrease in the voltage level The drop typically lasts at least one half cycle, but can endure for up to several cycles Cause Voltage sags are a result of large load start-up and utility switching While short-lived, these disturbances can reduce the efficiency and lifespan of electrical equipment Effects Similar to voltage reductions, repeated exposure to voltage sags can result in hardware failures and crashes in PLCs and other computerized equipment solution UPS  Power Conditioners Voltage Regulators Power Supplies with sag immunity S5KC Modular UPS  Optimal solution POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES Recognize electrical disturbances Understand their impact Select the correct power solution VT VOLTAGE TRANSIENTS Voltage transients, also called spikes and impulses, are the result of sudden massive increases in voltage FREQUENCY VARIATIONS While rare in utility power, frequency variations are most common with back-up power systems, such as standby generators Cause Voltage transients can come from outside the facility through lightning strikes, power outages and utility grid switching They can also originate inside the facility from short circuits, tripped breakers and the start-up of heavy equipment Cause Frequency variations can exist if local power generation has poor speed regulations or through faults in the system This disturbance can also be created by the disconnections of a large block or load or source of generation Effects Sensitive electronic equipment is most at risk from these disruptions A voltage transient may cause system lock-up or failure, which can corrupt or lead to loss of valuable data Effects Frequency variations can cause system crashes and equipment damage, even ones that have UPS protection solution Surge Protective Devices  Power Conditioners Isolation Transformers Surge Protective Devices  Optimal solution FV solution UPS  SDU AC A-Series POWER QUALITY DISTURBANCES Recognize electrical disturbances Understand their impact Select the correct power solution H HARMONIC DISTORTION Voltage distortion is created by multiples of the fundamental frequency (for example, 180 Hz in a 60 Hz system) Cause This sinewave distortion is typically generated by non-linear loads similar to switchmode power supplies used by personal computers, office equipment, variable-frequency drives and solid-state electronics Effects Harmonics represent trouble for equipment throughout industrial facilities by overheating neutral conductors and transformers, tripping breakers, creating a high neutral current, reducing system capacities and even loosening electrical connectors solution Drive Isolation Transformers  K-Rated Transformers UPS Power Conditioners Drive Isolation Transformers EN ELECTRICAL NOISE Electrical noise is a low amplitude, low current, high-frequency disturbance Cause Electrical noise can be caused from both inside and outside the facility It can also be generated by powerful electric disruptions, normal equipment operations or poor maintenance Distant lightning strikes, switching power supplies, electronic circuits, poor brush contacts on motors, improper wiring and utility switching are just some examples of electrical noise sources Effects These random noise signals are superimposed on voltage waveforms and can cause computer bugs, glitches and other hard-to-diagnose computer maladies They also produce undesirable effects in the circuits of control systems solution Isolation Transformers  Active Tracking® Filters Power Conditioners UPS Isolation Transformers  Optimal solution 10 Dip Proofing Inverters For an individual computer, process control circuits or a group of machines, another simple solution is to install a Dip Proofing Inverter (DPI), which can ride through a voltage sag event down to % of nominal voltage for up to 3.1 seconds Figure 32: Dip Proofing Inverters (DPI) Power Quality Guidebook - Page 66- Voltage Dip Compensator (VDC) A Voltage Dip Compensator (VDC), which can ride through a sag down to 37 % of nominal voltage for up to 3.1 seconds can also be used to protect single phase equipment and control circuits Figure 33: Voltage Dip Compensator (VDC) Power Quality Guidebook - Page 67- Dynamic Compensator (Dynacom) DynaCom is a low voltage dynamic voltage compensator designed to mitigate voltage sags by injecting a compensating voltage directly into the power supply Under normal system operating conditions, Dynacom allows system voltage to pass through with high efficiency In the event of a voltage sag, Dynacom produces a compensating voltage of an appropriate magnitude and duration to “fill in” the sag, thus reproducing the original voltage waveform The direct injection technique used in Dynacom provides accurate and efficient voltage compensation The Dynacom can correct input voltage to as low as 40 % of nominal voltage up to second Figure 34: Dynamic Compensator (Dynacom) Power Quality Guidebook - Page 68- Dynamic Sag Corrector (MiniDySC) The DySC (pronounced ‘disk’), rated at 250VA to over 3,000 kVA specifically protects sensitive equipment and manufacturing processes from deep voltage sags and momentary interruptions, the most common power quality ‘events’ The DySC can correct input voltage to as low as % of nominal voltage for 50 ms and 50 % voltage for seconds Figure 35: MiniDySc Power Quality Guidebook - Page 69- Section Large scale solutions to voltage sags In section of this guideline, solutions related to the control level solutions were discussed The solutions range from equipment specifications to the use of single phase power conditioners Other level of solutions to voltage sags, which are more comprehensive, are the panel feeder and whole plant solutions These solutions increase in cost with the size and scope of the equipment or circuits being protected From Figure 29: Locations for Power Conditioners To achieve the large scale solutions for voltage sag requires the use of threephase power conditioners [17] Descriptions of a few three-phase power conditioners available in the market are described in the following pages Power Quality Guidebook - Page 70- 9.1 Active Voltage Conditioner (AVC) The Vectek Active Voltage Conditioner (AVC) is an inverter-based system that protects sensitive industrial and commercial loads from voltage disturbances It provides fast, accurate voltage sag correction as well as continuous voltage regulation and load voltage compensation It has been optimally designed to provide the required equipment immunity from the level of voltage sags expected on the ac supply network The AVC is available in load capacities of 20kVA - 10MVA and has an operating efficiency exceeding 98% It offers extremely fast response to three-phase sags down to 50% (duration: 30 cycles), and single-phase sags down to 25% (duration: 12 seconds) on the ac supply network Standard models are optimized for sag correction and for enhanced regulation allowing correction of voltage sags and surges, the AVC-R is available All AVC models provide continuous regulation within –10% of the nominal mains voltage and can remove voltage unbalance from the supply Optionally, models can be configured to remove flicker and harmonic voltages from the supply Figure 36: Active Voltage Conditioner Power Quality Guidebook - Page 71- 9.2 Datawave The Datawave is a Magnetic Synthesizer that generates a stable output waveform to distribute to the sensitive electronic equipment The selfcontained system can be used to condition utility power, distribute it to sensitive electronics, and monitor power parameters Systems are available with outputs ranging from 15 to 200 kVA This system available total power conditioning under the worst power conditions – maintaining consistent output quality even during - 40% under voltages and +40% over voltages for second Power conditioning, monitoring and flexible output distribution from a single factory tested unit Handling of non-linear loads and high neutral current without over sizing The general specifications are: Voltage Regulation: For input voltages of ± 40%, output voltage is within +5% for any load condition up to full load Single Phase Protection: For loss of one input phase, output voltages remain within 6% and –4% up to 60% load Figure 37: Datawave Magnetic Synthesizer Power Quality Guidebook - Page 72- 9.3 Flywheel UPS A flywheel is a simple form of mechanical (kinetic) energy storage Energy is stored by causing a disk or rotor to spin on its axis Stored energy is proportional to the mass of the flywheel and the square of its rotational speed Advances in power electronics, magnetic bearings, and flywheel materials coupled with innovative integration of components have resulted in direct current (DC) flywheel and increasing battery life A flywheel together with a motor-generator (M/G) set can immunize critical processes against all voltage sags When a voltage sag occurs, the motorgenerator set feeds the load, the energy being supplied by slowing down the flywheel Different connection topologies of the flywheel to the M/G set exist of which Figure 38 shows the main components of a connection using power electronics Figure 38: Flywheel UPS Power Quality Guidebook - Page 73- 9.4 Dynamic Voltage Restorer (DVR) The PureWave DVR is designed for series connection in a medium voltage distribution line It maintains the voltage applied to the load during sags and swells by injecting a voltage of compensating amplitude and phase angle into the line The PureWave DVR is a means to satisfy the stringent power quality demands of industrial and commercial customers It also provides a means for energy users to isolate themselves from voltage sags, swells, and unexpected load changes originating on the transmission or distribution system The general specifications for the DVR are as follows: Phase Three Phase Voltages 4.6 – 34.5 kV Power 2-30 MVA Ride Through Capability 50% for single phase fault for second 50% for three phase fault for 333 ms Power quality problem Power quality solution Figure F Figure 39: Dynamic Voltage Restorer Power Quality Guidebook - Page 74- 9.5 Three phase Dynamic Compensator (Dynacom) Under normal system operating conditions, DynaCom allows system voltage to pass through with high efficiency In the event of a voltage sag, DynaCom produces a compensating voltage of an appropriate magnitude and duration to “fill in” the sag, thus reproducing the original voltage waveform The direct injection technique used in DynaCom provides accurate and efficient voltage compensation The specifications for the Dynacom are as follows: Phase Three Phase Voltages 208-690 volts Power 342 - 987 kVA Ride Through Capability 40% for second 0% for 60 ms Figure 40: Three phase Dynacom Power Quality Guidebook - Page 75- 9.6 Dynamic Sag Corrector (ProDysc) The second version of the Dynamic Sag Corrector is called the ProDysc The ProDysc is suitable to protect the entire equipment or the panel feeders depending on the loading capacity of the feeder The specifications for the ProDysc are as follows: Phase Three Phase Voltages 208-480 volts Power 10-164 kVA Ride Through Capability 0% for 50 ms 50% for second Figure 41: ProDysc Power Quality Guidebook - Page 76- 9.7 Dynamic Sag Corrector (MegaDysc) The third version of the Dynamic Sag Corrector is called the MegaDysc The MegaDysc is suitable to protect whole panel feeders (process level) depending on the loading capacity of the feeder The specifications for the ProDysc are as follows: General Specifications Phase Three Phase Voltages 480 volts Currents 400-2400 Amps Power 333 kVA- MVA Figure 42: MVA MegaDySc Power Quality Guidebook - Page 77- References [1] Information Technology Industry Council (ITIC), 1996 [2] Cahier technique no 149 EMC: electromagnetic compatibility by Jacques DELABALLE, 2001 [3] IEEE 1159, IEEE Recommended Practice for Monitoring Electric Power Quality, 1995 [4] IEC 61000-2-1 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 2: Environment - Section 1: Description of the environment – Electromagnetic environment for low-frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public power supply systems [5] MS IEC 61000-2-2: Compatibility levels for low frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in public low voltage power supply system [6] Power Quality Application Guide, Voltage Dips introduction, Copper Development Association, November 2001 [7] MS 1760: 2004 Guide on voltage dips and on Public Electric Power Supply system [8] Understanding Power Quality Problems interruption), Math Bollen, IEEE Press, 2000 [9] Electrical Power Systems Quality, Roger C Dugan, Mark McGranaghan, Wayne Beaty, McGraw Hill, 1996 short interruptions (Voltage Sag and [10] MS IEC 61000-2-4: Compatibility levels in industrial plants for low frequency conducted disturbances [11] Power Quality Handbook, Southern California Edison, Power Quality Department, California [12] MS IEC 61000-2-12: Compatibility levels for low frequency conducted disturbances and signaling in medium voltage power supply system Power Quality Guidebook - Page 78- [13] SEMI F47-0706 Specification for Semiconductor Processing Equipment Voltage Sag Immunity [14] MS IEC 61000-4-11 Testing and measurement techniques – voltage dips, short interruption and voltage variation immunity tests for equipment less than 16 A per phase [15] MS IEC 61000-4-34 Testing and measurement techniques – voltage dips, short interruption and voltage variation immunity tests for equipment more than 16 A per phase [16] Power Quality Application Guide, Voltage Dips Mitigation, Copper Development Association November 2001 [17] Power Quality Primer, Barry W.Kennedy, McGraw Hill, 2000 Other related internet resources: SEMI – www.semi.org IEC – www.iec.ch Power Standards Lab - www.powerstandards.com Epri PEAC – www.epri.com Power Quality Guidebook - Page 79- Contact Us Tenaga Nasional Berhad (TNB) is committed to maintaining and delivering a reliable supply of electricity We are always pleased to provide further information on power quality to customers If you have any enquiry on power quality, please contact the nearest TNB office near you Power Quality Guidebook - Page 80- ... facilities, making our total power quality solutions indispensable to today’s industries Total power quality involves both power protection and power conversion Power conversion choices made...  Redundant modular design  Fail-safe design Power Quality Challenges Reactive Power Conditioning, PCS100 RPC Power quality problem from Power quality problem from inside (loads) outside (grid)... has the products to meet your needs Power Quality Solutions The SolaHD brand offers the broadest power quality line, including uninterruptible power supplies, power conditioners, voltage regulators,

Ngày đăng: 15/08/2022, 21:08