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TR NG I H C SÀI GọN - Sinh viên khơng đ THI KH O SÁT TRÌNH TI NG ANH Th i gian làm 90 phút, không k th i gian phát đ Mã đ thi: 07 c s d ng tài li u Cán b coi thi khơng gi i thích đ thi H tên sinh viên: _Mã s sinh viên: Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence Câu 1: you a teacher? A Are B Did C Do D Work Câu 2: we go on a hiking trip in Peru? A Why don’t B Where C What does D When Câu 3: I every winter A skied B has skied C ski D skiing Câu 4: When you eat dinner in their family restaurant, they will serve you their excellent _ A place B decoration C waiters D cuisine Câu 5: Shorts and sandals are the most popular things to in this coastal resort A put B take off C wear D make Câu 6: Do you like to read books with _ in them? A illustrative B illustrations C illustrates D illustrators Câu 7: She _ yoga every week A play B work C makes D does Câu 8: Singapore is very close to the equator and is _ and more humid than Dublin A hottest B hot as C less hot D hotter Câu 9: There are some _ drawing pictures and some dancers dancing in the street It’s great! A art B artistically C artists D artistic Câu 10: Gymnasts _ learn how to dance because this is required of everyone A should B need C have to D don’t Câu 11: The city has beautiful old buildings and parks A many B a little C much D a lot Câu 12: Doctors _ go to university before they get a job A hardly ever B never C always D sometimes Câu 13: Dublin is _ than Singapore A smallest B as small C not as big as D smaller Câu 14: The hotel is _ the centre of the city and not too expensive A with B in C on D of Câu 15: To be physically in shape, I _ for a few hours every day A exercise B look C learn D work Câu 16: The first group of immigrants _ to Australia from Europe A was coming B has come C often come D came Câu 17: The city has more than 30 _ along the 37 miles of its coast A beaches B seas C water D boat Câu 18: I remember the first time I _ a photo A took B has taken C am taking D take Mã đ – Trang 1/7 Câu 19: Dr Giovanni Ricci _ to visit a friend on New Year’s Eve when he got a flat tire A was going B is going C goes D went Câu 20: How many dolls are there in your _? A collective B collector C collection D collect Câu 21: What _ she yesterday? A was B had C did D does Câu 22: I _ a heart attack I was in a coma for several days A met B did C was D had Câu 23: I was so _ when I saw a spider on my pillow A scares B scared C scare D scaring Câu 24: Dr Ricci _ reporters that the ticket wasn’t his A spoke B talked C told D said Câu 25: Student teachers often an _ in a classroom with a more experienced teacher to get more experience A internship B teaching C example D interview Câu 26: Dublin and Singapore are both cities, _they are very different A and B so C but D despite Câu 27: We live in the city, so when we go _ vacation we like to go camping and hiking in nature A with B in C on D to Câu 28: Space station crews are often in space for six to nine months, but sometimes stay in space for over a year A they B he C she D it Câu 29: San Francisco is _ the west coast of the country A of B on C in D from Câu 30: _ players are there in a soccer team? A How big B How many C How D How much Câu 31: I like _ activities such mountain climbing and hiking A next-door B water C indoor D outdoor Câu 32: The weather _ fantastic Let’s go out A does B is C has D looks at Câu 33: The _ of Australia is Canberra A country B capital C village D district Câu 34: People with this job need special training _ be hired by a school A so B although C because D in order to Câu 35: When was the last time you _ sick? A have got B got C get D are getting Câu 36: I gave the cats food and they ate it very _ A quickly B speedy C more quickly D quick Câu 37: Erik went _ in Bermuda last year A to snorkel B snorkel C snorkelling D snorkelled Câu 38: She _ towards the bus when she fell A has run B was running C is running D ran Mã đ – Trang 2/7 Câu 39: I think the bracelet is _ of gold or silver A makes B make C made D making Câu 40: Right now I _ in a small café next to Central Park A am sitting B was sitting C sit D sat Câu 41: When I got home _ Friday night, I found an old cat sitting in front of my door A at B about C in D on Câu 42: She _ shopping in the supermarket near her office A does never B sometimes goes C likes usually D often buy Câu 43: When I the job _, I have a great feeling of satisfaction A well B good C worse D badly Câu 44: The player bounced the ball, then he _ it into the basket A threw B thrown C throws D throw Câu 45: My swimming _ is teaching me how to the backstroke A instruction B instructed C instruct D instructor Câu 46: My favourite is my talking Fred doll – he’s _! A awesome B pity C a bummer D too bad Câu 47: My cousin _ an actor for ten years and I am his fan A did B have done C worked D has been Câu 48: _ people eat turkey at Thanksgiving? A Which B Who C What D Where Câu 49: My favourite _ to play is ping-pong A toy B instrument C sport D music Câu 50: Most of my students use _ transportation to get to school, for example buses A rail B private C public D air Question 51-52: Read the following passage Choose the correct answers My sister is a financial analyst She travels all over the world and earns lots of money She loves being in London one week and Shanghai the next She doesn’t have much of a personal life, but she says that will come later, when she’s older – My mother doesn’t understand She thinks my sister should get married and have a family Personally, I’m with my sister Câu 51: What does the author think about his sister’s job? A She should quit the job B He is unhappy with the situation C He supports his sister in her career D His sister should get married and have a family Câu 52: What is not true about the author’s sister? A She is a busy person B She works as a travel agent C She has a well-paid job D She’s been to different countries Question 53-55: Read the following passage Choose the correct answers Mã đ – Trang 3/7 My name’s Nora I’m from Mexico and I’m 26 years old I’m a teacher and I teach math at a high school near my home I live with my family in Mexico City I’m an outgoing, hard-working person I’m short and I have long, dark hair I have one brother and one sister My sister’s name is Bertha and she has two sons, Luis and Alex I love playing with them My 31-year-old brother, Julian, has a daughter named Sofia I’m very similar to Julian We both like science and sports Julian is easygoing, but Bertha is different She’s very quiet and serious She’s interested in history and she likes reading books I really like playing sports, especially soccer I also like listening to music and surfing the Web I like to go hiking in the mountains, but it’s difficult because we live in a very big city Câu 53: Who is Nora talking about? A Her parents and siblings C Here nieces Câu 54: What is true about Nora? A She lives on her own C She is a shy girl Câu 55: Who does ‘she’ refer to? A Sofia B Nora B Herself and her relatives D Her grandchildren B She likes using the Internet D She has three nephews C Luis D Bertha Question 56-60: Read the letter Choose the best answers Dear Grandma and Grandpa, Thank you both for the wonderful wedding present Both Jill and I have always wanted to go to France and visit many museums We were so shocked when we first saw the airplane tickets to France as a wedding present, Paris is wonderful! The only trouble is trying to decide where to go I want to go to the museums, but Jill wants to see some of the beautiful traditional churches In the end we decided to see the churches in the morning (when the weather is cool) and the museums in the afternoon (because they are air conditioned) This allows us to get the most sightseeing done during our two-week stay There are many coffee shops, too Jill likes sitting outside and watching people, but I like sitting inside where I can enjoy the smell of the coffee French coffees are so much more aromatic and stronger than the coffee we are used to back home Thanks again for the lovely trip! We sent you a postcard, but I think we will arrive back home before you get it It is a picture of the Eiffel Tower Love Fred and Jill Câu 56: What did Freddy’s grandparents give him and Jill as a wedding present? A A cake B Some coffee C Tickets to a museum D A trip to France Câu 57: Which of the following statements about the married couple is true? A Both of them are indoor people B Freddy is an indoor person, and Jill is an outdoor person C Freddy is an outdoor person, and Jill is an indoor person Mã đ – Trang 4/7 D Freddy and Jill hate to travel Câu 58: Why did they decide to visit the museums in the afternoon? A They could get a discounted price B The art is better in the afternoon C The museums are closed in the mornings D The museums have air conditioning Câu 59: How long was their trip? A Two months B One-month C One-week D Two weeks Câu 60: What did they send their grandparents? A A postcard of Eiffel Tower B A photo of Paris C An invitation to their home D French coffee Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the following extract The Cubans (61) _ revenge last night for the game they (62) _ in Havana two months ago The Baltimore Orioles beat the Cubans 3-2 (63) _ Cuba, but in yesterday’s (64) _ game at the Camden Yards stadium, the Cubans beat the Orioles 12-6 Rain (65) _ the game for 56 minutes in the first inning When the game started (66) _, the Orioles could not stop the Cubans This was the first ever game (67) _ a Cuban and an American team in (68) _ United States, and the Cuban fans at the stadium celebrated the (69) _ with music (70) _ dancing Câu 61: Câu 62: Câu 63: Câu 64: Câu 65: Câu 66: Câu 67: Câu 68: Câu 69: Câu 70: A take A win A with A first A break A next A both A the A teams A as B taking B have lost B in B return B feel B again B between B a B victory B nor C took C won C to C early C cancelled C continuous C middle C it C battle C and D taken D lost D on D last D stopped D before D in front of D an D failure D also Question 71-80: In each question below, choose one sentence that means the same as the sentence in italics Câu 71: I borrowed Tom money A Tom paid me the money he had borrowed B Tom borrowed money from me C Tom lent money to me D Tom gave me money Câu 72: I’m into music A I am interested in music B I dislike music C I am listening to music D I study music Câu 73: Those boys have no books to read A Those boys don’t have to read books B Those boys need to read books C Those boys hate reading books D Those boys don’t have books to read Câu 74: She went horseback riding last week A She rode a horse last week B She fed a horse last week C She saw a horse last week D She bought a horse last week Mã đ – Trang 5/7 Câu 75: I collect guitars A Collectors like my guitars C I’m a guitar collector Câu 76: My room is bigger than your room A Your room is smaller than mine C Our rooms are alike Câu 77: She earns a lot of money A She spends a lot of money C She makes a lot of money Câu 78: She is a famous writer A She is a well-known writer C Nobody knows her as a writer Câu 79: Peter’s car is red A Peter collects red cars C Peter has a red car Câu 80: He left in a hurry A He left very quickly C He left quietly B The guitar collection is not mine D I saw a guitar collection B My room is the same as yours D Your room is as small as my room B She owes a lot of money D She loses a lot of money B She doesn’t have any fans D She isn’t a popular writer B Peter favourite colour is red D Peter was driving a red car B He left sadly D He left reluctantly Question 81-90: Choose the beat reply in each conversation below Câu 81: Sam: I’ve been sick all week Liza: Really? A Lucky you! B That sounds like great news! C How fantastic! D I’m sorry to hear that Câu 82: Girl: Let’s go to the beach this time Mother: I can sunbathe on the beach A Sure B I’d rather not C How about going shopping? D I don’t know, Câu 83: Boy: Tim is not allowed to watch TV for a week! Girl: A Tim has a new TV B Tim’s very well C Poor Tim! D Tim’s lucky Câu 84: Woman: How was the trip to Australia? Man: A It was delicious B It was amazing! C It was cold D It was so big Câu 85: Jane: How often you go jogging? Linda: _ A Every morning B For a week C Since last week D On the river bank Câu 86: Jane: Would you like some coffee? Sarah: _ It will keep me awake to finish my essay A No, thanks B Yes, please C Sorry, I can’t D That’s not my favourite Câu 87: Jack: What kind of music you like? Mã đ – Trang 6/7 Vanessa: A Rock singers B Blues C Jazz musicians D Piano Câu 88: Mike: Why you like badminton? John: A I like playing it with my colleague B I play it every weekend C I started playing it last year D It’s fun and easy to play Câu 89: Mother: What’s the weather like in Tokyo? Father: A I like Tokyo in the summer B It is Japan’s busy capital C Tokyo is a beautiful city D Tokyo is hot in summer Câu 90: Jane: What’s your hobby, Hannah? Hannah: _ A I have made them for five years B I make necklaces C I usually make them for my friends D I made those toys when I was ten Question 91-100: Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently from the others Câu 91: A mind B night C thin D shine Câu 92: A church B business C curry D hurry Câu 93: A seat B meat C bread D clean Câu 94: A bank B gather C father D band Câu 95: A character B chemist C Christmas D chimney Câu 96: A union B under C usual D unit Câu 97: A looks B cuts C stops D turns Câu 98: A honey B hand C head D honour Câu 99: A cancel B cigar C century D cent Câu 100: A cried B brushed C kicked D mixed 1A 2A 3C 4D 5C 6B 7D 8D 9D 10C 11A 12C 13D 14B 15A 16D 17A 18A 19A 20C 21C 22D 23B 24C 25A 26C 27C 28A 29B 30B 31D 32B 33B 34D 35B 36A 37C 38B 39C 40A ÁP ÁN 41D 51C 42B 52B 43A 53B 44A 54B 45D 55D 46A 56D 47D 57B 48D 58D 49C 59D 50C 60A 61C 62D 63B 64C 65D 66B 67B 68A 69B 70C 71C 72A 73D 74A 75C 76A 77C 78A 79C 80A 81D 82A 83C 84B 85A 86B 87B 88D 89D 90B 91C 92B 93C 94C 95D 96B 97D 98D 99A 100A Mã đ – Trang 7/7 ... older – My mother doesn’t understand She thinks my sister should get married and have a family Personally, I’m with my sister Câu 51: What does the author think about his sister’s job? A She should... towards the bus when she fell A has run B was running C is running D ran Mã đ – Trang 2/7 Câu 39: I think the bracelet is _ of gold or silver A makes B make C made D making Câu 40: Right now I _... 33: The _ of Australia is Canberra A country B capital C village D district Câu 34: People with this job need special training _ be hired by a school A so B although C because D in order to

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2022, 13:53

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