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TR NG I H C SÀI GÒN - Sinh viên khơng đ THI KH O SÁT TRÌNH TI NG ANH Th i gian làm 90 phút, không k th i gian phát đ Mã đ thi: 15 c s d ng tài li u Cán b coi thi khơng gi i thích đ thi H tên sinh viên: _Mã s sinh viên: PART I: GRAMMAR AND VOCABULARY Question 1-50: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence Câu 1: one bookstore on his street? A Has B There is C Have D There are Câu 2: Soccer players run up and down a field and try to _ the ball into the opponent’s net A bounce B throw C catch D kick Câu 3: Let’s _ a tour of this ancient city A look B take C go D be Câu 4: My sister is a financial analyst _ travels all over the world and earns lots of money A She B I C We D They Câu 5: He’s always on time He _comes late for meeting A sometimes B never C usually D often Câu 6: My grandfather has a _of cars A collect B collective C collector D collection Câu 7: What _ you like doing in your free time? A are B is C D does Câu 8: I love the sea I always go and sailing A skiing B climbing C windsurfing D hiking Câu 9: The air in cities is _ than the air in the countryside A polluted B as polluted C more polluted D much polluted Câu 10: Wallace hit the ball so hard that it flew out of the _ A chair B stadium C referee D spectator Câu 11: Restaurants, clubs and theatres are part of the _ of a city A climate B standards C nightlife D transportation Câu 12: Many of his friends _invited to the meeting A are B can C were D was Câu 13: My mother feels and she doesn’t going to work today A tired B well C hard working D boring Câu 14: Astronauts always use bags and straws for foods, liken soups A hard B frozen C uncooked D liquid Câu 15: Peter, what kinds of things are you good _? A in B at C for D about Câu 16: You play this game if you don’t want to A must B don’t have C don’t need D should Câu 17: I was working at my desk when a stranger _the office door A was opening B is opening C opens D opened Câu 18: to a foreign country? A Did you B Have you been C Have you gone D Are you Mã đ 15 -Trang 1/8 Câu 19: _did you start living in this city? A When B How much C How often D How long st Câu 20: Is your birthday May ? A on B at C in D from Câu 21: Because he is a vegetarian, he never eats _ A fruit B lunch C dish D meat Câu 22: Rebecca Dalmatian items since she was young A has collected B collective C collection D collected Câu 23: In you hit the ball over the net A tennis B soccer C golf D basketball Câu 24: We didn’t win the match It was a _ A tie B score C hit D goal Câu 25: One of my favourite water sports is _ A badminton B boxing C soccer D swimming Câu 26: Many people think Sydney is the capital of Australia, _ it’s the capital of the state of New South Wales A because B but C so D and Câu 27: They went to the coffee shop the bookstore and the supermarket A top B left C right D between Câu 28: students wear their school uniforms? A Have to B Need C Are D Should Câu 29: Astronauts usually _ for about 16 hours a day in space A have worked B works C worked D work Câu 30: Vietnam has beautiful _ along its coast A pictures B pools C beaches D place Câu 31: I work in the cabin of passenger aircraft and I look after them during the flight I am a A pilot B flight attendant C mechanic D astronaut Câu 32: Caroline has a son _name is Peter A Her B Their C His D Our Câu 33: Who is the for this book? A illustrate B illustrative C illustrator D illustration Câu 34: _are you so late for work? A Why B Who C How D What Câu 35: In the 1970s, a lot of people from Asia _ to Australia A migratory B immigrated C immigrants D immigrate Câu 36: Cities around the world are getting _ everyday A as modern as B less modern C most modern D more modern Câu 37: I stayed in a hotel on a very street There was hardly any traffic at night in the area A hot B quite C loud D noisy Câu 38: Last year, she got a in New York at the UN A job B work C rich D money Câu 39: _did you go with yesterday? –My mother A Where B Who C Whose D Why Câu 40: Panama City has a _ climate Mã đ 15 -Trang 2/8 A capital B noisy C tourist D tropical Câu 41: I think that is movie of the year A the most bad B worse than C the worst D very worse Câu 42: The subway is often during rush hours It’s impossible to sit down A crowded B empty C cheap D expensive Câu 43: I have Paris twice A visiting B will visit C visited D visit Câu 44: My job is _, but it is well-paying A interesting B good C demanding D successful Câu 45: He went fishing all morning, but he didn’t _ any fish A catches B catch C catching D caught Câu 46: I go vacation every summer A on B to C at D in Câu 47: This is the first time I a horse A have ridden B ride C rode D riding Câu 48: Athletes train very hard before a competition A should B need C mustn’t D have to Câu 49: My son’s wife is my A daughter B niece C daughter-in-law D nephew Câu 50: Remember to wear your life _ because you don’t know how to swim A trousers B jacket C insurance D coat PART II: READING COMPREHENSION Question 51-52: Read the following passage and choose the answers to questions Being a police officer isn’t always easy The job can be very rewarding and interesting, but it can also be dangerous Like many jobs, there are both advantages and disadvantages with this kind of work If you like doing something different every day and working with people, you don’t mind long hours, the job might be for you On the other hand, the pay is not great and the work can be very demanding Câu 51: What is the main idea of this paragraph? A Police work is dangerous and demanding B Police work is not for people who not like working long hours C Being a police officer is more difficult than most jobs D There are good and bad things about police work Câu 52: What does the word ‘pay’ mean? A Money someone gets for doing a job B An award someone receives for doing good work C Give a person money for their work D Money you borrow from someone Question 53-55: Read the following blog Choose the answers to questions Hello everyone! We’re back in the city again after three days in the jungle It was amazing there –very exotic with a lot of interesting plants and animals It wasn’t boring at all! The jungle can be very noise at night; it was incredible We stayed in a small cabin with two Mã đ 15 -Trang 3/8 Mexican tourists, Jorge and Antonio They were really friendly and we had a good time together Their English was better than my Spanish! I think the jungle was the best part of our trip, better than our boat trip up the river last week We’re staying in a hostel and it’s my turn to cook-but I can’t cook well! I’m looking forward to seeing everyone back home soon! Best wished to all! Sam Câu 53: Why does Sam write this blog? A To let people know that he and his friends were in danger B To tell people about his exciting trip C To complain about his trip to the jungle D To warn people of dangerous plants and animals in the jungle Câu 54: What is NOT true about Sam? A Sam stayed in the jungle for three days B Sam was so scared of dangerous animals in the jungle C Sam preferred the jungle trip to the boat trip D Sam and his friends took turns to cook during the trip Câu 55: Who does pronoun ‘we’ probably refer to? A Everyone back at home B Jorge and Anyonio C People in hostel D Sam, Jorge and Antonio Question 56-60: Read passage Choose the answers to questions Jeanne Smedley has just set a new world record in the Capital City MiniMarathon Smedley, 26 and a native of Capital City, set a new record of 27 minutes and 14 seconds This is not only the faster time ever run by a woman, but beats the fastest time for men as well Remarkably, not only Smedley run fast enough to win the race and beat the record, but she also had time to stop and help another runner who had fallen down Said injured athlete Meg Connors of Smedley, “I was amazed that she stopped to help me She lost a lot of time, but she is such a kind person I’ve never seen her anything selfish” Beth Mulgrew, another runner, said “Jeanne is a true champion We need more people like her in sport She is a great role model for young people” Smedley began running at an early age “I used to help my father make deliveries in our neighbourhood The faster that I could deliver things, the more money he would pay me So I would run as fast as I could to make each delivery I soon got pretty good at running” Jeanne Smedley will be receiving her gold medal and a 1000$ prize in front of the City Zoo at 2:00 pm on Monday Câu 56: According to the article, what is Jeane Smedley? A A runner B A bus driver C An opera singer D A race car driver Câu 57: What is the new record time? A 26 years B 27 hours 14 minutes C 26 minutes D 27 minutes 14 seconds Câu 58: What other runners thinks of Smedley? Mã đ 15 -Trang 4/8 A She is a really good athlete B She won the race because she was lucky C She is a selfish person D She never helps other athletes in the race Câu 59: What will Smedley be awarded? A Only money B Money and a medal C Money and a free ticket to the zoo D Some gold Câu 60: Who does the pronoun ‘me’ refer to? A Jeanne Smedley B Beth Mulgrew C A neighbour D Meg Cornors GAP FILLING Question 61-70: Choose the best words to complete the story My friend had really good luck last weekend! (61) Friday night she left work at o’clock When she (62) home she found an old cat setting in front of her door The cat was (63) _, so she fed it She put out a bowl of food and some water The cat ate the food very quickly, and then continued to sit there After that she decided to (64) _ its hair The cat meowed happily while she brushed it The next morning, the cat was still sitting in front of her door! So she (65) _ it again, and it meowed happily again That night it was raining, so she let the cat (66) _ in her kitchen On Sunday, she went to the supermarket She saw a (67) with the picture of the cat on it The sign said, “Missing cat: Please call 5557810.” When she got home, she called the number The (68) of the cat was very happy! Thirsty minutes later, he came to her house to get it When he got there, he (69) her $50 to say thank you After he left, she went to the mall and spent the money (70) a new pair of shoes Câu 61: A At Câu 62: A was Câu 63: A sad Câu 64: A tie Câu 65: A feeding Câu 66: A to sleep Câu 67: A movie Câu 68: A owner Câu 69: A lent Câu 70: A on B Until B turned B sleepy B shave B is feeding B sleep B family B own B pays B into C On C arrived C hungry C brush C fed C sleeping C slogan C police C gave C to D Form D left D angry D cut D feeds D slept D sign D boss D borrowed D for PART IV: SENTENCE TRANSFORMATION Question 71-80: In each question below, choose the sentence (A, B,C or D) that same as the first one Câu 71: These photos were taken by some pupils A Some pupils take these photos B Some pupils took these photos C These photos were bought by some pupils D Some pupils were in these photos Mã đ 15 -Trang 5/8 Câu 72: Whose books are these? A What are these books about? B Are thy yours? C Who has this book? D Who these books belong to? Câu 73: I borrowed a swimming costume from my friend A My friend bought me a swimming costume B My friend gave me a swimming costume as a present C My friend lent me a swimming costume D I borrowed money to buy my friend a swimming costume Câu 74: Your car is more expensive than mine A Your car is cheaper than my car B My car is not as expensive as yours C My car costs much more than yours D My car is as expensive as your car Câu 75: The hotel has two restaurants A The hotel is between two restaurants B There aren’t any restaurants in in the hotel C We eat meals in one of the hotel restaurants D There are two restaurants in the hotel Câu 76: They are fast typists A They type quickly B They write fast C They used to type fast D They are typing very slowly Câu 77: John didn’t arrive on time yesterday A John was never on time B John was a little late yesterday C John was late yesterday D John is a very punctual person Câu 78: I started working here in 1998 A I have worked here since 1998 B I haven’t worked here since 1998 C I stopped working here since 1998 D I started looking for a job in 1998 Câu 79: There are only a few concerts this month A There aren’t very many concerts this month B There are a lot of concerts this month C There is only one concert this month D There are no concerts this month Câu 80: They did their work carefully A They occasionally worked carelessly B They used to be careful C They were careful with their work D They are careful workers Mã đ 15 -Trang 6/8 PART V: CONVERSATIONS Question 81-90: Choose the best response to complete each conversation Câu 81: Tom: How often you go swimming? John: _ A We spend hours swimming B I’ve gone there twice C I swam two weeks ago D Occasionally Câu 82: Mike: Is this your watch? Jen: _ A It’s three o’clock B It’s a Rolex watch C Sorry I’m late D I think it’s Dave’s Câu 83: Lily: Would you like a drink? Tim: _ A I don’t like coffee B I refer tea C Coffee, please D Yes, two ice-creams Câu 84: Maya: What’s the time? Kate: _ A For two hours B Two thirty C Two hours and a half D Two hours later Câu 85: Son: John broke this plate Mother: _ A It doesn’t matter B That’s very good C Here you are D Yes, please Câu 86: Peter: There weren’t any more tickets for the match Dave: _ A I hope so B Yes, I agree C It isn’t enough D That’s a pity Câu 87: Lily: Omar, this is my husband, Pat Omar: _ A Nice to see you again, Pat B Please to meet you, Pat C Take care, Pat D Hello Long time no see Câu 88: Liza: Would you like some more ice-cream? Jane: _ A It’s delicious B No thanks I’m full C It tastes so sweet D Enjoy your meal! Câu 89: Lily: It’s time for lunch Omar: _ A One hour B At 12 o’clock C Oh good! D Don’t say that again Câu 90: Man: Are you looking forward to your vacation? Woman: _ A We’re going to France B Not many C Yes, I’m really excited about it D Yes, I’m really good at it PART VI: PRONUNCIATION Question 91-100: Which underlined part was pronounced differently from the others? Mã đ 15 -Trang 7/8 Câu 91: Câu 92: Câu 93: Câu 94: Câu 95: Câu 96: Câu 97: Câu 98: Câu 99: Câu 100: A hide A calendar A stayed A show A height A bread A wins A chain A union A sure B sit C fit B car C cook B finished C borrowed B snow C cow B help C helicopter B head C breath B hits C stops B chef C change B update C umbrella B silent C sad H T -ÁP ÁN B D B A B D C C C 10 B 11 C 12 C 13 A 14 D 15 B 16 B 17 D 18 B 19 A 20 A 21 D 22 A 23 A 24 A 25 D 26 B 27 D 28 D 29 D 30 C 31 B 32 C 33 C 34 A 35 B 36 D 37 B 38 A 39 B 40 D 41 C 42 A 43 C 44 C 45 B 46 A 47 A 48 D 49 C 50 B D knit D cent D joined D grow D honour D meat D kicks D chair D unable D same 15 51 D 52 A 53 B 54 B 55 D 56 A 57 D 58 A 59 B 60 D 61 C 62 D 63 C 64 C 65 C 66 B 67 D 68 A 69 C 70 A 71 B 72 D 73 C 74 B 75 D 76 A 77 C 78 A 79 A 80 C 81 D 82 D 83 C 84 B 85.A 86 D 87 B 88 B 89 C 90 C 91 A 92 D 93 B 94 C 95 D 96 D 97 A 98 B 99 A 100 A Mã đ 15 -Trang 8/8 ... a few concerts this month A There aren’t very many concerts this month B There are a lot of concerts this month C There is only one concert this month D There are no concerts this month Câu 80:... dangerous Like many jobs, there are both advantages and disadvantages with this kind of work If you like doing something different every day and working with people, you don’t mind long hours,... swam two weeks ago D Occasionally Câu 82: Mike: Is this your watch? Jen: _ A It’s three o’clock B It’s a Rolex watch C Sorry I’m late D I think it’s Dave’s Câu 83: Lily: Would you like a drink?

Ngày đăng: 14/08/2022, 13:52

