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(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) effective way to measure brand attitudinal equity

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Nguyen Thi Minh Thu EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Nguyen Thi Minh Thu EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY ID: 22110061 MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: Dr Tran Ha Minh Quan Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2015 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY Acknowledgement Firstly, I would like to thank all the lecturers and staffs in ISB who have been supporting me throughout the course Secondly, I would like to express my special gratitude to Dr Tran Ha Minh Quan, my master thesis‟s supervisor, for providing me supporting materials, spending time to review the draft and giving many comments and recommendations on my work Finally, I would not be able to complete the thesis without supporting and encouragement from my family and my friends in searching for necessary data and information during the study process, I would like to thank all of them TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY Abstract In Vietnam, market research is an emergent industry since 15 years around Regardless the Vietnamese companies or the international ones, domestic market research industry cannot avoid the global trend: Brand needs agencies to be faster, more predictive on what consumers‟ plan to and even cheaper – “conflicted” This research is aimed to introduce a effective way to measure brand equity to solve this problem in both tracking projects and ad-hoc usage and attitude project This measurement can be used as a strong product for local agencies This also probably helps the agencies shorten the questionnaire length and cost as a consequence Specifically, the objective of this research is to validate whether this new measurement that can be used for calculating the brand equity is strong/ powerful enough in Vietnam market, which means: (1) Brand Attitudinal Equity has the positive impact on Brand Claimed Share of Wallet (2) Brand Attitudinal Equity has the positive impact on real brand market share In order to achieve objectives, the researcher employed quantitative methods Primary data was collected through a survey by questionnaire The questionnaire was based on literature review and focused on variables to measure brand attitudinal equity In order to validate two hypotheses, the author applied linear regression, curve regression The results showed that that there is positive impact of brand attitudinal equity to brand claimed share of wallet (individual level) and to real brand market share (aggregate level) Some limitations and implication for future research are also mentioned in this study Key words Brand attitudinal equity, measurement, brand equity, Zipf distribution TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY TABLE OF CONTENT Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background: .6 1.2 Research questions .7 1.3 Research significance 1.4 Research boundary .8 1.5 Research structure Chapter 2: Literature review and research model 11 2.1 Brand Equity and Brand attitudinal equity: .11 2.1.1 Brand Equity: 11 2.1.2 Brand attitudinal equity: 16 2.2 New approach – Zipf distribution: 17 2.2.1 The Zipf distribution (or power law): .17 2.2.2 The Zipf distribution applied to calculate brand attitudinal equity: 21 2.3 Research Model 23 2.4 Measurement explanation: .24 2.4.1 Attitudinal equity: .24 2.4.2 Claimed Share of Wallet: 24 2.4.3 Market share: .25 Chapter 3: Research Method .27 3.1 Research philosophy 27 3.2 Research method: .29 3.3 Research design: 30 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 3.3.1 Quantitative research: 30 3.3.2 Target respondents: 31 3.3.3 Sampling method: .32 3.3.4 Questionnaire design: 34 3.4 Data analysis 35 3.5 Limitation of the method: 35 3.6 Research ethics: 36 Chapter 4: Research Result 37 4.1 Background information analysis: 37 4.2 Calculation of brand attitudinal equity: 37 4.3 Hypothesis Validation: .39 4.3.1 Validation among respondent level: 39 4.3.2 Validation among aggregate level: 44 Building of aggregate “brand attitudinal equity” variable: 44 Curvilinear regression: .44 4.4 Result: 46 Chapter 5: Research Implication .48 5.1 Research contribution: .48 5.2 Specific Implications: 50 5.2.1 Build up questionnaire: .50 5.2.2 Build up calculation: 51 5.2.3 Possible further analysis: 51 5.3 Research limitation: 52 5.4 For further research: 53 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY References 54 APPENDIX 56 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY Chapter 1: Introduction 1.1 Background: In Vietnam, market research is an emergent industry since 15 years around One of the first and the biggest companies shoot the lively shot for this industry is AC Nielsen Up to this day, the game for market research is blooming with many players joined including not only international companies such as Kantar World Panel, Millward Brown, TNS, FTA, Ipsos, Epinion, Chimigo,… but also local agencies such as Tita, FFL, AMCO, The Window… However, regardless the Vietnamese companies or the international ones, domestic market research industry cannot avoid the global trend: “the research will be much cheaper, more insightful, predictive and faster The existing model of market research, in particular the large trackers, is broken It is too slow, too expensive, and not sufficiently useful.” – Jan Hofmeyr (2013) – TNS Chief Researcher – gave his points of view regarding the market research trend in the future In the Mobile World (MRMW) Conference 2013 in London And the analytics seems like usually report what did happen weeks or months ago rather than predicting what is likely to happen next Obviously, there is sign of changing raised in the market research industry on the world Many market research companies have adjusted their strategy in order to focus on new products/ models – which are not only simpler/ easier to measure but also more helpful in predicting Brand needs agencies to be faster, more predictive on what consumers‟ plan to and even cheaper – which means, the current status of research agencies in Viet Nam does not meet brand‟s expectation This is the conflict that needs to be solved Look at the conflict given, especially for trackers (as mentioned) where people usually spend at least 45 – 60 minutes to answer the full questionnaire (Mai, 2014), would the market research companies need to review their model again – to make their TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY questionnaire length shorter but the model is still powerful? Remember that the adult brain can effectively focus and concentrate for up to 25 minutes only (Chrapko, 2014) Cases of international companies seem to be more optimistic than the local ones due to the development from mother branch Sooner or later, these companies would be able to change their focusing and change more easily and quickly They can get more advantages than Vietnam market research companies since they have the power to “grow” research products Usually, local companies don‟t have any new products which are validated worldwide and improved time-to-time The old/ backward and modest methodology makes Vietnam companies losing their competitions among blooming market research field This research is aimed to introduce an effective way to measure brand equity with well-validation in Vietnam market Brand equity is the most important section in both tracking projects and ad-hoc usage and attitude project This measurement can be used as a strong product for local agencies This also probably helps the agencies shorten the questionnaire length and cost as a consequence 1.2 Research questions The objective of this research is aimed to validate whether this new measurement that can be used for calculating the brand equity is strong/ powerful enough in Vietnam market This study would answer the above question With the result of the study, not only local market research agencies or Vietnamese market research team – who not have the specific model to measure brand equity can consider applying without any doubt, but also international companies – who have already built their model globally can consider improving their product more competitive TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 1.3 Research significance Firstly, mentioning about brand equity, there is a huge storage of research topics, studies talking about this However, brand attitudinal equity is totally difference Attitude is not behavior, it is more about the one‟s perception towards a brand, it lead to the probability buy or not buy if consumers want or not want buy a brand The first significance of this research is – talking about measurement “brand attitudinal equity” but “brand equity” Secondly, this research is aimed to provide a measurement that can be applied during research work in research agencies If this measurement is well-validation in Vietnam, it can be used regardless any individual company They can use without “black box” confidential requirements to consult their clients Finally, there is no research in Vietnam doing the validation this “brand attitudinal equity” measurement based on Zipf distribution 1.4 Research boundary To validate a new measurement, the previous researcher has used many sources of sample to compare together: building panel samples, conducting many surveys across countries, conducting surveys across categories….Due to limitation of time, capability and the ability to access information, this research focuses on the validation within study, within Vietnam market only and with three categories of beverages Moreover, the target respondents were also chosen based on the assumption that these population account for 80% of categories‟ user However, the result provided is still able to answer whether this measurement is strong enough to be used for Vietnam market or not TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 47 As Hofmeyr said (2008), it is more ambitious in scope than most measure, in that it assigns an attitudinal purchase propensity to every brand a respondent can buy, not just a target brand Even so, when correlated with share of wallet, it outperforms other attempts to estimate individual purchase propensities for a brand TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 48 Chapter 5: Research Implication 5.1 Research contribution: Together with the development of Vietnam economy, market research field continues its growth year by year For retailers and consumer goods companies, Vietnam is an attractive market: the economy is growing briskly and sustainably, and the population is adding a million people a year Even more important, the county‟s middle class, now appropriate of million households, is growing fast The cities, though mostly small, are expanding rapidly (six of them – Can Tho, Da Nang, Haiphong, Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, and Nha Trang) The requirement of growing brands and gaining more share makes market research industry also accordingly grow (about 10% per year) Now it is also even bigger and bigger with many market research agencies jumping into the competition This challenge – also opportunity puts the players in the race to convince clients (consumer goods/ service companies) using their services As stated in chapter 1, Vietnam local research agencies are the ones who have less of advantages compared with the international ones International market research companies always have “R&D” department which keep improving and finding new models for sales That is the reason clients usually ask local agencies to “field and tabulation” research or the simple one only They cannot provide a deep, confident and insightful analysis This research meets the requirement of introduction of a new, useful and simple product that can be applied in any “brand understanding” projects Using this approach, local market research agencies can shorten the gap between themselves and the international ones TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 49 In contrast with many commercial “research on research” models, the brand attitudinal equity measurement based on Zipf distribution has many advantages: - Publication: It is not a “black box” (everyone can implement the approach, including marketing team, research team in consumer goods and services companies with – not only research agencies) - Power: o It is an individual-level measure that covers all brands that are available to a person in a product category, no matter how many brands there are It is alsa highly correlated with share of wallet and with market share as established independently of the survey In the other hands, “brand attitudinal equity” can be a variable at respondent level This can help research deeper analysis to see what can “impact” on this perception and how to improve it to gain more share The prediction of “attitudinal equity” of a brand can improve brand‟s performance in the market in near future o It is calculated individually based on ranking and a power law The difference among ones‟ habits when giving a rate to brands is eliminated (i.e consumer tend to give the higher marks to brands than consumer 2, Ha Noi tend to give the higher marks than Ho Chi Minh…) The bias due to the culture and habit is limited noticeably - Simple: The measurement is based on one variable – this is typical overall brand performance on 10 point-scale Building up with two typical questions to define evoked set of brands, there are totally three questions to have “brand attitudinal equity” in respondent level What‟s new is the insistence on multi- TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 50 brand measurement (rather than multi item measurement) This is the simplest calculation among many models to calculate brand equity - Short: the length of questionnaire in average is around 8.5 minutes with simple screener questions and three questions of brand attitudinal equity (Of course this length also depends on how many brands consumers have in their evoked set) To summarize, apply this new measurement can help market research department/ companies keep up with the global trend “simple, quick and insightful” and also help to improve the quality of fieldwork and interviews thanks to the short questionnaire length 5.2 Specific Implications: For companies who are interested and want to apply this model in their analysis, the author suggests to build a standard questionnaire and calculation for this model Later, the author also suggests some ways to analyze more deeply 5.2.1 Build up questionnaire: Questionnaire built should have four standard questions: - Q1: Which of the following brands you are aware of? - Q2: Which of the following brands you currently buy/ use? o This question would depend on which category the research is working on If this is the FMCG products, the usage period chosen may be in the short time (i.e in the past four weeks, in the past three months, in the past six months…) If this is the durable products, the usage period even is longer (i.e in the past 10 years…) The author suggests to choose the usage period during which consumers can use at least two brands TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY - 51 Q3: In case none of the brands you currently use is not available, which of the remaining brands would you buy/ use instead? - Q4: How would you rate each brand you regularly buy/ use or would consider buying/ using? (10 point scale) 5.2.2 Build up calculation: The calculation is set as a standard for data processing department by following steps: Doing coding and inputting data in server Creating new variable named “Brand attitudinal equity” (AE) for each brand Using the equation 2.2 to calculate the value of AE Creating new variable named “Subgroup brand attitudinal equity” (Group_AE) for each brand Grouping respondents in few groups so that the researcher can refer the differences in perception/ evaluation on brand imagery between who have high “equity” and low “equity” Building template for the aggregate brand attitudinal equity of each brand – that can be changed if using filter variables (i.e filter area, filter demographic…) 5.2.3 Possible further analysis: There are many ways to conduct more analysis when looking at individual level of brand attitudinal equity The author suggests some ways that can be applied by using this measurement combined with the other tools of research Running correlation/ regression to find the relationship between brand attitudinal equity and brand perception/ brand imagery This result can tell that which really impact on brand attitudinal equity Through this result, the research can suggest brand team some ways to improve their brand performance Through this result, the research can also see what is the TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 52 important of the category and some analysis to predict the development of the category in the future As mentioned in part 5.2.2, grouping respondent based on value of brand attitudinal equity can help to see the differences between people who have high score of a brand and who have low score of a brand Understanding the differences can help brand team to fix their product or their marketing campaign Aggregate brand attitudinal equity can be tracked time to time Comparing brand attitudinal equity quarter by quarter help marketer make decision more accurate than keeping tracking on brand usage (brand usage funnel, brand used most often) – what market research companies usually Because behavior is the temporary reaction Behavior can be changed due to the market circumstances (i.e temporary promotion, trial activities, and weakness in distribution…) 5.3 Research limitation: First of all, as mentioned in chapter 3, there are some limitations related to the chosen research method The first limitation comes from the data collection: the less variety of the categories Besides, the survey is just conducted in Ho Chi Minh City only; it may leak of the confidence to make the conclusion for entire Vietnam The second limitation of the research is due to the capacity limit The survey was done with two validations within the survey The two other ways of validation cannot be done because they need to build panel to compare This is outside of the author‟s survey TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 5.4 53 For further research: As stated above, the first limitation is the variety of categories For better research in the future, this issue needs to be considered Choosing different kinds of categories supports for strong validation with higher confidence Suggested categories in the future are “food”, “mobile”, and “insurance”/ “banking”… Further research can consider to conduct the survey in other area (i.e Ha Noi, Can Tho and Da Nang…) to see whether there is any difference in term of brand‟s perception and brand‟s rating – that lead to the inconsistency with brand share (both individual and aggregate level) Last but not least, further research need to build some separate panels of consumers to the comparison and validation in order to make the research have firmer support to the arguments TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 54 EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY References Aaker, D (1991) Managing Brand Equity New York, NY: The Free Press Aaker, D (2002) Building strong brands London: Free Press Bryman, A & Bell, E (2007), Business Research Method, 2nd edition, Oxford University Press Chrapko, T.E (2014) Brainbooster DVD program Retrieved from http://www.worldmysteries.com/sci_memory1.htm Fisher, C et al (2004) Researching and writing a dissertation for business students Pearson Education Gendlin, T.E (1998) A process model University of Chicago pp Hackley, C (2003) Doing Research Projects in Marketing, Management and Consumer Research Routledge Heding, T et al (2009) Brand management: Research, Theory and practice Taylor & Francis e-Library Hofmeyr, J & Holtzman, P (2008) A new measure of brand attitudinal equity based on the Zipf distribution International Journal of Market Research Vol 50 Issue Jacoby, J & Kyner, D.B (1973) Brand loyalty vs repeat purchasing behavior Journal of Marketing Research, 10, (February), pp 1–9 Keller, K.L (1993) Conceptualizing, Measuring, and Managing Customer-Based Brand Equity American Marketing Association Journal of Marketing, Vol 57 Kohli, C & Leuthesser, L Brand Equity: Capitalizing on Intellectual Capital Retrieved from http://www.brandchannel.com/images/papers/brandequitycapitalizing.pdf Korhonen, A (2010) The Brand Image versus the Brand Identity of a New Brand – Case RIPS Ruis Snack Kothari, C.R (2004) Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques 2nd revised edition New Age International (P) Ltd TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 55 Moisecu, O.I A Conceptual analysis of brand loyalty as core dimension of brand equity Babes Bolyai Univeristy Morgan, G.A.; Griego, O.V Gloeckner, G.W (2001), SPSS for Windows: An introduction To Use and interpretation in Research Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc Neville, C (2005) Introduction to research and research methods Bradford university school of management Newman, M.E.J (2006) Power law, Pareto distributions and Zipf’s law University of Michigan MI 48109 Roberts, K & Wong, E At Last Brand measurement equals brand performance Forethought Reasearch Rumsey-Johnson, D (2007) Intermediate Statistics for Dummies Wiley Publishing, Inc Saunders, M.; Adrian, T and Lewis, P (2007) Research method for business students Financial Times Press Travis, D (2001) Emotional branding: How Successful Brands Gain the Irrational Edge Crown Publishing Group Weinberg, S.L & Abramowitz, S.K (2002) Data Analysis for the Behavioral Sciences Using SPSS Cambridge University Press Wilson, J (2010) Essentials of Business Research: A Guide to Doing Your Research Project SAGE Publications Ltd TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 56 EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY APPENDIX Questionnaire Form Dear respondents, My name is Thu, student of University of Economy Ho Chi Minh City For my master thesis, I have designed the following questionnaire for the research of the perception and usage habit of some beverage products All information provided is used for research purpose and personal information is confidential I would highly appreciate if you could fill this questionnaire We expect your kind cooperation S1 Giới tínhcủa đáp viên (SA) Gender Nam Male Nữ Female S2 Tuổi đáp viên (SA) May I know your age? Dưới 14 Below 14 14-18 19-24 25-29 30-35 36-40 Trên 40 Above 40 S3 Anh/Chị thường uống mức độ nào? How often you consume ? Nước tăng lực Energy drink Nhiều lần ngày More than times a day 1 Chấm dứt Terminate Tiếp tục Continue Chấm dứt Terminate Trà xanh đóng chai uống liền Ready to drink green tea Trà thảo mộc Herbal tea 1 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 57 EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 2-3 lần ngày 2-3 times a day lần ngày Once a day 4-6 lần tuần 4-6 times a day 2-3 lần tuần 2-3 times a week lần tuần Once a week 2-3 lần tháng 2-3 times a month lần tháng Once a month Ít lần tháng Less than once a month 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Q1a Nhãn hiệu trà xanh đóng chai uống liền sau anh/chị biết đến? Which of the following ready to drink green tea brands are you aware of? Q2a Nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua? Which of the following brands did you use in the past weeks? Q3a Giả s nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua kh ng c n bán thị trường nữa, anh/ chị s uống nh n hi u d i đ y để thay thế? In case none of the brands you used in the past weeks is not available, which of the remaining brands would you use instead? Q1a Q2a Q3a C2 - NET C2 Lemon C2 Apple C2 Wild fruit C2 Peach C2 Orange C2 Others KHONG DO - NET Khong Do Sugar- lemon Khong Do Less sugar - lemon Khong Do Others Lipton Pure Green Lemon & Honey 10 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY Lipton Pure Green Honey Lipton black tea (lemon) Lipton Red tea Nestea 100 Lemon O Long Tea Plus Real Leaf Ginseng Real Leaf Grosvener Siraitia DoDoHaBa Others………………… 58 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q4a Bạn cho nhãn hiệu sau điểm dựa anh/chị cần trà xanh đóng chai uống liền? (1 tệ tăng dần đến 10 tuyệt vời) (SA) How would you rate each brand you regularly buy/ use or would consider buying/ using? (10 point scale: means very bad and 10 means excellent) h n hi u ức đ đ p ứng nhu cầu Brand Meet your needs …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q5a Trong 10 lần mua gần nhất, anh/chị uống nhãn hiệu sau lần? Thinking about your last 10 purchases, how many times did you use…? h n hi u Brand …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 59 Q1b Nhãn hiệu n c tăng lực sau anh/chị biết đến? Which of the following energy drink brands are you aware of? Q2b Nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua? Which of the following brands did you use in the past weeks? Q3b Giả s nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua kh ng c n bán thị trường nữa, anh/ chị s uống nh n hi u d i đ y để thay thế? In case none of the brands you used in the past weeks is not available, which of the remaining brands would you use instead? Q1a Q2a Q3a Lipovitan Number - Yellow Number - Strawberry Number - Lemon Number others RedBull Rising Cola Rong Do - Strawberry Rong Do - Fruit Samurai - Yellow Samurai - Strawberry STING - NET Sting - Strawberry Sting - Ginseng (Yellow) Sting - Kiwi Lemon X2 - Yellow X2 - Strawberry X2 - Lemon Others………………… 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q4b Bạn cho nhãn hiệu sau điểm dựa anh/chị cần trà xanh đóng chai uống liền? (1 tệ tăng dần đến 10 tuyệt vời) (SA) How would you rate each brand you regularly buy/ use or would consider buying/ using? (10 point scale: means very bad and 10 means excellent) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY h n hi u Brand …………… …………… …………… …………… 60 ức đ đ p ứng nhu cầu Meet your needs – – – – – – – – – 10 – – – – – – – – – 10 – – – – – – – – – 10 – – – – – – – – – 10 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q5b Trong 10 lần mua gần nhất, anh/chị uống nhãn hiệu sau lần? Thinking about your last 10 purchases, how many times did you use…? h n hi u Brand …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) …………… … Lần (times) Q1c Nhãn hiệu trà thảo m c sau anh/chị biết đến? Which of the following herbal tea brands are you aware of? Q2c Nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua? Which of the following brands did you use in the past weeks? Q3c Giả s nhãn hiệu anh/ chị uống tuần qua kh ng c n bán thị trường nữa, anh/ chị s uống nh n hi u d i đ y để thay thế? In case none of the brands you used in the past weeks is not available, which of the remaining brands would you use instead? Q1a Q2a Q3a C2 Cool Mum tea DR.THANH - NET Dr Thanh - Sugar Dr Thanh Non Sugar Sagiko Tam Thanh Thai Versea Winter Melon Tea 360 Tribeco Winter Melon tea Lincha TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY VFRESH VFresh Aloe Vera Vfresh Artichoke WONDERFARM - NET Wonderfarm - Winter Melon Wonderfarm Ginseng Wonderfarm - Suong sam/ Suong Wonderfarm Mum Others 61 10 11 12 13 14 15 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q4c Bạn cho nhãn hiệu sau điểm dựa anh/chị cần trà xanh đóng chai uống liền? (1 tệ tăng dần đến 10 tuyệt vời) (SA) How would you rate each brand you regularly buy/ use or would consider buying/ using? (10 point scale: means very bad and 10 means excellent) h n hi u ức đ đ p ứng nhu cầu Brand Meet your needs …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 10 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 11 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 12 …………… – – – – – – – – – 10 HỎI CHO NHÃN HIỆU DÙNG TRONG TUẦN QUA VÀ CÂN NHẮC DÙNG THAY THẾ ASK FOR BRANDS USED IN P4W AND BRANDS CONSIDERED Q5c Trong 10 lần mua gần nhất, anh/chị uống nhãn hiệu sau lần? Thinking about your last 10 purchases, how many times did you use…? h n hi u Brand …………… … Lần (times) 10 …………… … Lần (times) 11 …………… … Lần (times) 12 …………… … Lần (times) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... of brand equity, especially the effective way to measure brand attitudinal equity – Zipf distribution In the first part, the concept of brand equity, brand attitudinal equity and the current measurements... or brand Items … i Brand Attitudinal Equity Equity (Brand 1_Res 1) Equity (Brand 2_Res 1) Equity (Brand 3_Res 1) Equity (Brand 1_Res 2) … Equity (Brand 3_Res 3) Claimed share of wallet Share (Brand. .. EFFECTIVE WAY TO MEASURE BRAND ATTITUDINAL EQUITY 11 Chapter 2: Literature review and research model A effective measure of brand attitudinal equity based on the Zipf distribution 2.1 Brand Equity

Ngày đăng: 16/07/2022, 19:49

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