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(LUẬN văn THẠC sĩ) factors affecting word of mouth a study of facebook fan pages

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UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Tran Ngoc Tu FACTORS AFFECTING WORD-OF-MOUTH: A STUDY OF FACEBOOK FAN PAGES MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMICS HO CHI MINH CITY International School of Business Tran Ngoc Tu FACTORS AFFECTING WORD-OF-MOUTH: A STUDY OF FACEBOOK FAN PAGES ID: 21110026 MASTER OF BUSINESS (Honours) SUPERVISOR: Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Trang Ho Chi Minh City – Year 2014 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ACKNOWLEDGEMENT This thesis could not be accomplished without the help, advise, support, guidance and encouragement of many people I would like to express my sincere gratitude to my supervisor, Dr Nguyen Thi Mai Trang, for her guidance and correction to my thesis, especially for her enthusiasm in quickly answering and support Second, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to Professor Nguyen Dong Phong, Professor Nguyen Dinh Tho, and Dr Tran Ha Minh Quan for their valuable time as the members of the proposal examination committee My sincere thanks are also to all the members of ISB create the best convenience for me as well as ISB students during the course Thirdly, I would like to thank my dear colleagues, friend and classmates for their invaluable advice, encouragement and help me collect the research data Last but not least, I would like to express my great thanks to my family for their encouragement and assistance for my three years study the master course and finish this thesis i TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ABSTRACT Vietnam has been one of the fastest growing countries in Internet and social networking sites for years Facebook is the most popular social media site, nearly 25 million of the 36 million Internet users in Vietnam (VietnamNet, 2014) Understanding the influences of Facebook to the youngster’s behavior, many business organizations build fan­pages on the social media site to build better connection with their customers Identifying the factors affecting brand word­of­mouth through the study of Facebook fan­pages can help the organization understanding the motivation of Facebook users who involving in their brand fan­page As a result, those factors, which have huge impact on the word­of­mouth, are Content value (including Functional value and Hedonic value), and Interaction value of the Facebook brand fan­ page Therefore this research can help improving business if people know which ones to investment Keywords: word-of-mouth, brand fan-page, Facebook, Vietnam ii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS EFA Exploratory Factor Analysis KMO Kaiser­Meyer­Olkin WOM Word­Of­Mouth SPSS Statistical Package for the Social Science software SMM Social media marketing SNS Social networking sites B2C Business­to­customer iii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com LIST OF TABLES Table 1.1: Top 10 Social Media Sites Among Internet Users in Vietnam, April 2013 Table 4.1: Sample characteristics 30 Table 4.2: Functional Variables Item­Total Statistics 31 Table 4.3: Reliability test results 33 Table 4.4: Rotated Component Matrix 34 Table 4.5: Final Rotated Component Matrix 36 Table 4.6: Casewise Diagnostics 38 Table 4.7: Multiple Regression ANOVA 39 Table 4.8: Mutiple Regression Coefficients 40 Table 4.9: Simple Regression ANOVA 41 Table 4.10: Simple Regression Coefficients 42 iv TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.2: Conceptual Model 18 Figure 3.1: Research process 24 Figure 4.1: Hofstede interculture dimemsions comparision 45 v TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENT i ABSTRACT ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS iii LIST OF TABLES iv LIST OF FIGURES v CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 1.1 Research Background 1.2 Research Problem 1.3 Research Objectives 1.4 Research Methodology 1.5 Research Scope 1.6 Structure of the Research CHAPTER 2: LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Social networking sites 2.2 Brand Communities 2.3 Facebook 10 2.4 Brand Fan­pages 11 2.5 Motivation of Facebook Brand Fan Pages 12 2.6.1 Fan­page functional value 13 2.6.2 Fan­page hedonic value 14 2.6.3 Social interaction value 14 2.6.4 Self­concept value 15 2.7 Word of Mouth 16 2.8 Proposal model and hypotheses 18 CHAPTER 3: RESEARCH METHODOLOGY 20 3.1 Research method 20 3.2 Research design 20 3.2.1 Informants of the study 20 vi TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 3.2.2 Sample size and Sampling method 21 3.2.3 Measurement scale 21 3.3 Research process 24 3.3.1 Qualitative research 24 3.3.2 Quantitative research 26 3.3.3 Data analyzing 27 3.4 Data analysis method 28 CHAPTER 4: DATA ANALYSIS AND RESULTS 29 4.1 General characteristic of the research sample 29 4.2 Reliability test: The Cronbach’s alpha test 30 4.2.1 Fan­page functional value 31 4.2.2 Fan­page hedonic value 31 4.2.3 Social interaction value 32 4.2.4 Self­concept value 32 4.2.5 Fan­page usage intensity 32 4.2.6 Word­of­Mouth 32 4.3 Exploratory factor analysis 34 4.4 Multiple regression analysis 37 4.4.1 Assumption 1: The linear relationship 37 4.4.2 Assumption 2: Homoscedasticity of residuals 38 4.4.3 Assumption 3: No multicollinearity 38 4.4.4 Assumption 4: No significant outliers 38 4.4.5 Assumption 5: Residuals are normally distributed 38 4.4.7 Result of multiple regression analysis 39 4.5 Simple regression analysis 40 4.5.1 Assumption 1: Homoscedasticity of residuals 41 4.5.2 Assumption 2: Residuals are normally distributed 41 4.5.5 Result of simple regression analysis 41 4.6 Hypotheses assessment and discussion 42 CHAPTER 5: DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION 46 5.1 Conclusion 46 vii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 5.2 Managerial implications 48 5.2.1 Social interaction value 49 5.2.2 Fan­page functional value 50 5.2.3 Fan­page hedonic value 50 5.3 Limitations 51 REFERENCES 52 APPENDIX A: QUESTIONARIES 59 APPENDIX B: SURVEY RESULTS 67 APPENDIX C: MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION 70 APPENDIX D: SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION 73 viii TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com PART 2: MAIN CONTENT The question in this part is about the fan-page X and brand X To what extent you agree with each of the following statements, please indicate your answer using the following 7­point scale where: = Strongly disagree = Disagree = Fairly disagree = Neutral = Fairly agree = Agree Agree Strongly Agree Fairly agree Neutral Fairly disagree Disagree Strongly disagree = Strongly agree 7 7 7 The content of the fan­page X is helpful for me The content of the fan­page X is useful for me The content of the fan­page X is functional for me The content of the fan­page X is practical for me The content of the fan­page X is fun The content of the fan­page X is exciting 60 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 10 The content of the fan­page X is pleasant 11 The content of the fan­page X is entertaining 12 I can meet people like me on the fan­ page X 13 I can meet new people like me on the fan­page X 14 I can find out about people like me on the fan­page X 15 I can interact with people like me on the fan­page X 16 I can make a good impression on others on the fan­page X 17 I can improve the way I am perceived 7 7 7 7 18 I can present others who I am 19 I can present others who I want to be 20 I frequently ‘follow’ the posts on the fan­page X I often ‘like’ the posts on the fan­page 21 X 7 22 I regularly ‘comment’ the posts on the fan­page X 23 I recommend brand X to other people 7 24 I introduce brand X to other people 25 I say positive things about brand X to other people PART 3: PERSONAL INFORMATION This section of the questionnaire refers to background or biographical information The information will allow me to classify and compare groups of respondents 61 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 26 Gender  Male  Female 27 Age group in years  < 18  18 – 25  25 – 35  > 35 28 Education level  High school  Bachelor  Master  > Master 29 Employment status  Self­employed  Employees  Students  Others:………………………………… ­­­­­­THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR YOUR TIME­­­­­­ 62 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com BẢNG CÂU HỎI Kính chào Anh/ Chị, tên TRẦN NGỌC TÚ, học viên cao học Viện Đào tạo quốc tế thuộc Trường Đại Học Kinh Tế TP HCM Tôi nghiên cứu NHỮNG YẾU TỐ ẢNH HƯỞNG ĐẾN LỜI TRUYỀN MIỆNG CHO CÁC TRANG THƯƠNG HIỆU TRÊN FACEBOOK Việt Nam Rất mong Anh/ Chị dành khoảng phút để trả lời Phiếu khảo sát Xin lưu ý Anh/ Chị khơng có câu trả lời sai, tất có giá trị Thơng tin cá nhân Anh/ Chị hồn tồn bảo mật không tiết lộ đồng thuận từ phía Anh/ Chị Trong q trình thực phiếu khảo sát này, Anh/Chị có thắc mắc nào, xin vui lòng liên lạc với thông qua địa email: tutnt30@gmail.com PHẦN 1: THƠNG TIN TỔNG QT Anh/ Chị có tài khoản mạng xã hội Facebook khơng? Có Khơng (Nếu chọn ‘Không’ xin anh chị dừng đây, cảm ơn a/c) Anh/ Chị có thường xuyên xem “like” Fan-page Facebook thương hiệu? (Ví dụ trang Apple, Sony, Samsung, Jetstar, Toyota, Facebook) Có Khơng (Nếu chọn ‘Khơng’ xin anh chị dừng đây, cảm ơn a/c) Fan-page Facebook thương hiệu bạn thích tham gia nhất? (Từ xin gọi Fan-page X, thương hiệu X) .……………………… 63 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com PHẦN 2: NỘI DUNG CHÍNH Xin anh (chị) lưu ý, câu hỏi Phần liên quan đến Fan-page X thương hiệu X mà anh chị chọn Xin Anh/ Chị cho biết mức độ đồng ý Anh/ Chị phát biểu bắng cách đánh dấu chéo (x) = Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý = Không đồng ý = Hơi không đồng ý = Khơng có ý kiến = Hơi đồng ý = Đồng ý Hồn tồn khơng đồng ý Khơng đồng ý Hơi khơng đồng ý Khơng có ý kiến Hơi đồng ý Đồng ý Hoàn toàn đồng ý = Hồn tồn đồng ý Với tơi, nội dung fan­page X có ích Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X hữu dụng Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X thiết thực 7 Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X thực dụng Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X vui Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X hứng thú 10 Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X thú vị 11 Với tôi, nội dung fan­page X giải trí 64 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 12 Tơi gặp người sở thích fan­page X 13 7 7 7 20 Tơi gặp người sở thích fan­ page X Tơi tìm thấy thơng tin người sở thích fan­page X Tơi giao tiếp với người sở thích fan­page X Tơi tạo ấn tượng tốt cho người khác tham gia fan­page X Tơi nâng cao cách tơi nhìn nhận tham gia fan­page X Tơi thể cho người khác thấy tơi tham gia fan­page X Tơi thể cho người khác thấy muốn trở thành tham gia fan­page X Tôi thường xuyên theo dõi fan­page X 21 Tôi thường ‘like’ viết fan­page X 22 Tôi thường ‘comment’ viết fan­page X 23 Tôi gợi ý thương hiệu với người khác 24 Tôi giới thiệu thương hiệu đến người khác 25 Tơi nói điều tích cực thương hiệu cho người khác 14 15 16 17 18 19 PHẦN 3: THÔNG TIN CÁ NHÂN Xin Anh/ Chị cho biết thông tin sau để phục vụ việc phân loại so sánh nhóm đối tượng khảo sát 26 Giới tính  Nam  Nữ 65 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 27 Độ tuổi  < 18  18 – 25  25 – 35  > 35 28 Trình độ học vấn  Cấp ba  Đại học  Thạc sĩ  > Thạc sĩ 29 Nghề nghiệp  Tự doanh  Nhân viên  Sinh viên học sinh  Khác:…………………… ­­­­CẢM ƠN ANH/ CHỊ ĐÃ THAM GIA KHẢO SÁT­­­­ 66 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com APPENDIX B: SURVEY RESULTS EFA - Total Variance Explained Initial Eigenvalues No Total Extraction Sums of Squared Loadings % of Cumulative Variance % Total % of Cumulative Variance % 5.054 28.075 28.075 5.054 28.075 28.075 2.246 12.479 40.554 2.246 12.479 40.554 1.547 8.596 49.150 1.547 8.596 49.150 1.120 6.222 55.371 1.120 6.222 55.371 1.097 6.092 61.463 1.097 6.092 61.463 1.040 5.777 67.240 1.040 5.777 67.240 883 4.906 72.145 752 4.177 76.323 673 3.740 80.062 10 602 3.345 83.407 11 545 3.031 86.438 12 496 2.757 89.195 13 435 2.417 91.612 14 402 2.233 93.845 15 385 2.142 95.987 16 291 1.617 97.604 17 230 1.275 98.879 18 202 1.121 100.000 67 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Rotated Component Matrix Component Self2 790 Self4 771 Self3 767 Self1 747 Usage2 829 Usage1 818 Usage3 665 Hedonic3 838 Hedonic1 836 Hedonic2 441 Interaction1 797 Interaction2 523 Interaction3 522 WOM3 751 WOM2 701 WOM1 632 Functional1 843 Functional2 729 68 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Multiple Regression Coefficients Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B Std Error (Constant) 495 382 Functional 159 074 Hedonic 180 Interaction Self Beta t Sig 1.296 197 179 2.146 034 096 163 1.878 063 366 103 314 3.564 001 157 103 132 1.533 128 a Dependent Variable: Usage Simple Regression Coefficients Model Unstandardized Standardized Coefficients Coefficients B (Constant) Usage Std Error 1.939 232 387 069 Beta t 450 Sig 8.360 000 5.568 000 a Dependent Variable: WOM 69 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com APPENDIX C: MULTIPLE LINEAR REGRESSION KMO and Bartlett’s test Kaiser­Meyer­Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy Bartlett's Test of Approx Chi­Square Sphericity 767 756.553 Df 153 Sig .000 Multiple Regression Model Summary Mode R l R 540a Adjusted R Std Error of Square 292 Square 268 the Estimate Durbin­ Watson 1.42585 2.092 a Predictors: (Constant), Self, Functional, Hedonic, Interaction b Dependent Variable: Usage Scatterplot: Regression Standardized Residual 70 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Histogram of Regression Standardized Residual Normal P-P Plot of Regression Standardized Residual 71 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Coefficients Unstandardized Standardized Collinearity Coefficients Coefficients Statistics Std Model B Error (Constant) 495 382 Functional 159 074 Hedonic 180 Interaction Self Beta t Sig Tolerance VIF 1.296 197 179 2.146 034 854 1.171 096 163 1.878 063 795 1.258 366 103 314 3.564 001 768 1.303 157 103 132 1.533 128 805 1.243 72 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com APPENDIX D: SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION Scatterplot For Test Homoscedasticity Residuals Histogram 73 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Normal P-P plot Model Summary Mode R l R 450a Adjusted R Std Error of Square Square 203 196 the Estimate 1.28337 a Predictors: (Constant), Usage b Dependent Variable: WOM 74 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... “friends” of a fan who not participated in a fan? ? page also see what a fan interacted on brand fan? ?page and attracted by the content of 11 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com brand fan? ?page... brand word? ?of? ?mouth through the study of Facebook fan? ?pages can help the organization understanding the motivation of Facebook users who involving in their brand fan? ?page As a result, those factors, ... successful brand fan? ?pages Specifically, this research will examine: Impact of Fan- pages content (functional & hedonic) on fan- pages usage intensity Impact of Social Interaction on fan- page usage intensity

Ngày đăng: 16/07/2022, 19:40