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Ngữ pháp về động từ khuyết thiếu bài tập

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Động từ tình thái hay còn gọi là động từ khiếm khuyết là loại động từ đặc biệt, có chức năng làm rõ các tính chất của hành động diễn tả bởi động từ chính trong câu. Các động từ tình thái: will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, ought to.

NỘI DUNG ÔN TẬP BUÔI LỚP 12A1 NGÀY 27/12/2021 MODAL VERBS Động từ tình thái hay cịn gọi động từ khiếm khuyết loại động từ đặc biệt, có chức làm rõ tính chất hành động diễn tả động từ câu Các động từ tình thái: will, would, can, could, may, might, shall, should, must, ought to Động từ khiếm khuyết (Model verbs) động từ lại không hành động mà giúp bổ nghĩa cho động từ Hình thức: model verb + bare infinitive Ex: I can swim very well May I go out? We shouldn’t bring him to that party  Cách dùng động từ khiếm khuyết hay gặp: Model Verbs Chức Ví dụ Chú ý Diễn tả khả - Can Could tương lai You can speak Spainish dùng câu hỏi đề nghị, Can người làm xin phép, yêu cầu It can rain gì, Ví dụ: - Could you please việc xảy wait a moment? My brother could speak Can I ask you a question? Could (quá khứ Diễn tả khả xảy -Có thể dùng “be able to” English when he was “Can”) khứ thay cho “can could” five Diễn đạt cần thiết, You must get up earily in bắt buộc the morning tương lai You must be hungry after Must Đưa lời khuyên Mustn’t – cấm đoán work hard suy luận mang You must be here before tính chắn, yêu a.m cầu nhấn mạnh Diễn tả cần thiết phải làm I have to stop smoking Don’t have to= Don’t need to Have to khách quan (nội My doctor said that (chỉ không cần thiết) quy, quy định…) Diễn tả điều - May might dùng để xin May May I call her? xảy phép Nhưng might dùng văn nói, chủ yếu câu gián tiếp: May I turn on TV? I wonder if he might go there alone Might (q khứ Diễn tả điều She might not be his - Might dùng không “May”) xảy khứ house phải khứ May Where is John? I don’t know He may/might go out with his friends Will Would Shall Should Ought to Need Diễn đạt, dự đoán việc xảy Tomorrow will be sunny tương lai Did you buy sugar? Oh, Dùng Will hay Would Đưa sorry I’ll go now câu đề nghị, yêu cầu, lời mời định thời điểm nói Will you have a cup of coffee? Diễn tả giả định She was a child She Would you like a cake? xảy dự đoán would be upset when việc xảy hear this bad news khứ Dùng để xin ý kiến,lời khuyên Where shall we eat “Will” sử dụng tonight? nhiều Chỉ bắt buộc hay You should send this bổn phận report by 8th September mức độ nhẹ You should call her “Must” She worked hard, she Đưa lời khuyên, ý should get the best result kiến Dùng để suy đoán Chỉ bắt buộc You ought not to eat Mạnh “Should” candy at night chưa “Must” (1)necessity (negative & interrogative Needn't have and didn't need to Có khác biệt nhỏ cách dùng Hãy so sánh nhé: I needn't have arrived at seven - Tôi đáng nhẽ không cần phải tới lúc 7h, làm ( I arrived at seven, but it wasn't necessary ) You needn’t go yet, need I didn't need to arrive at seven you? Trước tơi biết khơng phải tới lúc 7h ( we don't know when I arrived maybe seven or later ) Nhưng thơng thường văn nói, người ta thường dùng didn't need to trường hợp In speech, have is often contracted in the forms in this unit Cách sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt trạng thái 1.1 Could/may/might Could/may/might + [Verb in simple form] Có thể /có lẽ Chỉ khả xảy song người nói khơng Cả động từ có giá trị Ví dụ: It might rain tomorrow It will possibly rain tomorrow It may rain tomorrow = OR It could rain tomorrow Maybe it will rain tomorrow Chú ý: Maybe kết hợp may be, từ khơng phải trợ động từ Nó đồng nghĩa với perhaps Một số ví dụ Could, may, might: The president said that there might be a strike next month I don’t know what I’m doing tomorrow I may go to the beach or I may stay home (Lưu ý người Anh thường nói stay at home người Mỹ lại nói stay home.) It might be warmer tomorrow I may not be able to go with you tonight I don’t know where Jaime is He could be at home 1.2 Should Should + [Verb in simple form] Nghĩa : - Nên ( diễn đạt lời khuyên, đề nghị bắt buộc khơng mạnh lắm) - Có - dùng để diễn đạt mong muốn điều xảy Ví dụ: It should rain tomorrow ( I expect it to rain tomorrow) My check should arrive next week ( I expect it to arrive next week) Lưu ý: - Had better, ought to, be supposed to nói chung đồng nghĩa với should với điều kiện động từ to be phải chia thời - be supposed to ngồi nghĩa tương đương với should cịn mang nghĩa quy định phải, bắt buộc phải Ví dụ: We are supposed to have a math test this afternoon, but it was postponed because the Professor had to attend a science conference ( Theo quy định ) 1.3 Must Must + [verb in simple form] Nghĩa : - Phải - bắt buộc mạnh (người bị bắt buộc lựa chọn khác) Ví dụ: One must endorse a check before one cashes it (người ta phải ký sau séc trước rút tiền) George must call his insurance agent today A pharmacist must keep a record of the prescriptions that are filled An automobile must have gasoline to run An attorney must pass an examination before practising law This freezer must be kept at -200 - Hẳn - diễn đạt suy luận có logic dựa tượng có thật Ví dụ: John’s lights are out He must be asleep (We assume that John is asleep because the lights are out.) The grass is wet It must be raining (We assume that it is raining because the grass is wet.)  Must thay have to trường hợp sau - Đứng sau Will thời tương lai Ví dụ: We will have to take a TOEFL test at the end of this year - Had to thay cho must khứ Ví dụ: The teacher had to attend a science conference yesterday  thời have to thay cho must khi: Hỏi xem có bị buộc phải làm điều khơng diễn đạt bắt buộc khách quan mang lại để làm giảm nhẹ tính bắt buộc must Ví dụ: Q : Do I have to leave a deposit? A : No, you needn’t but you have to sign in this register, I’m sorry but that’s the rule Cách sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết để diến đạt trạng thái thời khứ Could/ May/ might + have +P2 (có lẽ đã) Chỉ khả khứ song người nói khơng dám Ví dụ: It might have rained last night, but I’m not sure (Có lẽ đêm qua trời mưa) The cause of death could have been bacteria (Nguyên nhân chết có lẽ vi trùng) John might have gone to the movies yesterday (Có lẽ John tới rạp chiếu bóng ngày hơm qua) Could + have +P2 (có lẽ - thực tế khơng) Ví dụ:We could have solved this problem at that time (But we couldn’t in fact) (Lẽ lúc chúng tơi giải vấn đề này.) SHOULD + HAVE + P2 (lẽ phải, lẽ nên - thực tế khơng) Thành ngữ tương đương với Was / were / Supposed to MUST HAVE P2 - Hẳn (Chỉ suy luận logic dựa tượng có thật q khứ) Ví dụ:Paul did so well in his speech today that he could have rehearsed it many times this past week (Hôm Paul có lời phát biểu hay, tuần qua diễn tập nhiều lần ) MIGHT HAVE BEEN VERB+ ING - có lẽ lúc (Chỉ suy luận logic dựa tượng có thật q khứ) Ví dụ:I didn’t hear the telephone ring, I might have been sleeping at that time I didn’t watch that scene on television, I might have been paying attention to the argument MUST HAVE BEEN VERB+ ING - hẳn lúc (Chỉ suy luận logic dựa tượng có thật khứ) Ví dụ:I didn’t hear you knock, I must have been sleeping at that time I didn’t see him this morning, he must have been working in the office EXERCISE She _ be ill I have just seen her playing basket ball in the school yard a needn't b shouldn't c mustn't d can't Hiking the trail to the peak _ be dangerous if you are not well prepared for dramatic weather changes You _ research the route a little more before you attempt the ascent a might / can b may / mustn't c can / should d must / needn't Peter has been working for 10 hours He _ be very tired now a needn't b must c has to d should He is unreliable What he says _ be believed a cannot b must not c may not d might not I _ find my own way there You _ wait for me a should / can't b have to / must c can / needn't d might / mustn't I was reading the book last night before I went to bed I never took it out of this room It be lying around here somewhere Where _ it be? a might / needn't b can / should c shouldn't / may d must / can When you have a small child in the house, you _ leave small objects lying around Such objects _ be swallowed, causing serious injury or even death a should / must b should not / might c needn't / may d mustn't / can't Jenny's engagement ring was precious! It _ have cost a fortune a must b should c can d needn't You _ take your umbrella along with you today It rain later on this afternoon a ought to / mustn't b needn't / will c will / must d should / might 10 I _be at the meeting by 10:00 I will probably _ take a taxi if I want to be on time a must/ have to b may / must c should / needn't d mustn't / shouldn't 11 You forget to pay the rent tomorrow The landlord is very strict about paying on time a needn't b mustn't c not have to d may not 12 I am not deaf You _ shout a must b mustn't c need d needn’t 13 _ I borrow your lighter for a minute? - Sure, no problem Actually, you _ keep it if you want to a May / can b Must / might c Will / should d Might / needn’t 14 I not mind at all You _ apologize a shouldn't b needn't c mustn't d oughtn't to 15 Ted's flight from Amsterdam took more than 11 hours He _ exhausted after such a long flight now a must be b must be being c must have been d should have been 16 The lamp _ be broken Maybe the light bulb just burned out a should not b might not c must not d will not 17 It is a top secret You _ tell anyone about it a mustn't b needn't c mightn't d won't 18 We have plenty of time for doing the work We _ be hurried a needn't b shouldn't c mustn't d mayn't 19 Frank's wallet is lying on the coffee table He _ it here last night a must have left b should have left c must be leaving d needn't leave 20 John failed again He _ harder a must have tried b should have tried c can tried d may have tried 21 The television isn't working It _ during the move a should have been damaged b needn't be damagedc must have been damaged d ought not be damaged 22 She spoke in a low voice, but I _ what she was saying a can understand b could understand c were able understand d could have under stood 23 Robert arrived without his books He it a could have lost b would have lostc should have lost d will have lost 24 “ where you think Roony is today?” “ I have no idea He _ late.” a should have left b would sleep c would have sleep d may have sleep 25.The photos are black The X-ray at the airport them a should have damage b would have damagec would damage d must have damage 26 The children _ “thank you” to you when you gave them their gifts a will have said b should have saidc must say d should say 27 Jean did very badly on the exam She _ harder a must have studied b could have studiedc sholud have studied d must studied 28 These two boys are identical They _ twins a must have been b should be c must be d should have been 29 Had we known your new address, we _ to see you a came b will come c would have come d would come 30 My car stopped on the high way It out of gas a may run b must be c may have run d should have run 31 You have been reading for four hours This book _ be very interesting A can B might C must D should 32 Don’t phone Ann now She _ be having lunch A might B can C must D has to 33 This road is very narrow It _to be widened A might B needs C mustn’t D may 34 My mother permitted me to go out at night She said, “You _ go out tonight.” A may B have to C must D ought to 35 He advised me to take an English course I _ it early A should have taken B should take C will have taken D may take 36 You _ ring the bell; I have a key A mustn’t B needn’t C couldn’t D shouldn’t 37 The line is busy; someone _ the telephone now A must be using B must have used C must use D must have been using 38 “Are you still going to Florida for vacation?” “Yes, but I really _because I don’t have much money.” A shouldn’t B can’t C mustn’t D won’t 39 “Did Peter go downtown by car or by train?” “He _by train because his car was in the mechanics.” A must go B has to go C had gone D must have gone 40 “Have you seen Kate?” “No, but she _ be at her desk.” A may B ought C would D can 41 “Can I borrow twenty dollars?” “No, you know I _ lend you money any more.” A might not B shouldn’t have C won’t D not going to 42 _ you remember what you were doing at this time yesterday? A Can B Must C May D Should 43 I _ understand this letter Will you translate it for me? A mustn’t B may not C can’t D shouldn’t ’ ’ ’ 44 Daisy s parents don t let her go to late- night disco She _ be at home at o clock in the evening A must B may C can D has to 45 _ you give me some advice about the language course? A Have B Should C May D Could 46 Why didn’t you give me a call yesterday? We _ discuss everything together A can B may C must D could 47 Yesterday I _ finish the work because I was very tired A could B can’t C couldn’t D mustn’t 48 Sit down, please _ a cup of tea? A Do you like B Do you like to drink C Would you like D Will you like 49 Sorry, I _ stay any longer I really must go home A mustn’t B can not C couldn’t D may not 50 “It _rain this evening Why don’t you take an umbrella?” “That’s a good idea May I borrow yours?” A had better B could be C must D might ... unit Cách sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết để diễn đạt trạng thái 1.1 Could/may/might Could/may/might + [Verb in simple form] Có thể /có lẽ Chỉ khả xảy song người nói khơng Cả động từ có giá trị Ví... = OR It could rain tomorrow Maybe it will rain tomorrow Chú ý: Maybe kết hợp may be, từ khơng phải trợ động từ Nó đồng nghĩa với perhaps Một số ví dụ Could, may, might: The president said that... needn’t but you have to sign in this register, I’m sorry but that’s the rule Cách sử dụng động từ khiếm khuyết để diến đạt trạng thái thời khứ Could/ May/ might + have +P2 (có lẽ đã) Chỉ khả q

Ngày đăng: 16/07/2022, 08:00


Hình thức: model verb + bare infinitive Ex: I can swim very well. - Ngữ pháp về động từ khuyết thiếu  bài tập
Hình th ức: model verb + bare infinitive Ex: I can swim very well (Trang 1)



