PowerPoint Presentation “Monica and Friends” The Challenge To Internationalize 1 Members 01 02 03 04 05 Secti About Mauricio de Sousa Productions Established in 1959 Founded by Mauricio de Sousa A pioneer in cartoons and animation movies in Brazil MSP has successfully created cartoons for TV and movie theaters in this country S W O T Licensing Cooperating with several influential Organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, Its market share in Brazil Educational and entertaining value of all products M.
“Monica and Friends”: The Chall enge To Internationalize Members 01 02 03 04 05 Secti About Mauricio de Sousa Productions • • • Established in 1959 Founded by Mauricio de Sousa A pioneer in cartoons and animation movies in Brazil • MSP has successfully created cartoons for TV and movie theaters in this country S W O T -Licensing -Cooperating with several influential Organizations such as UNICEF, UNESCO, -Its market share in Brazil -Educational and entertaining value of all products -MSP yet had no special plan for its internationalization process -Lacking in professio-nal international business managers ->Had not been able to achieve a solid position in any foreign market -The updating technologies -The animation policies and political stability in the United Sates, Japan, Korea, and French are relatively positive and steady -Other competitors such as Walt Disney, Times Warner, -Culture differences, cross-national management, and competition from robust developed conglomerates and local audiovisual companies -Brazil’s restriction on imports The global animation industry and markes Human creativity is a powerful source of competitive advantage The creative economy includes a broad range of services originating from people’s ideas The global animation industry and markes In 2011 The international market for the creative economy trade reached a record US$624bn 2002 and 2011 An annual growth rate of 8.8 % In 2011 Exports from developing countries totaled US$227bn 2002 and 2011 Exports of creative goods and services from developing countries showed an average of 12.1% The global animation industry and markes Animated movies and TV shows can increase profitability by using different formats of commercialization and merchandising Many releases of blockbuster films have been based on recognized franchises of TV shows, books and comic books (Battersby and Simon, 2012) licensing A wide range of corporate structures coexist in the industry, from large media conglomerates to small independent companies Intellectual properties migrate from entertainment to products, and vicevers a. Additional or even main revenue streams from ancillary products and entertainment. The primary mode of is licensing. The Brazilian animation industry and market o In the 1980s, the Brazilian animation industry was virtually nonexistent o A limited number of domestic broadcastercontrolled the content for TV o Limitations in terms of access to technological resources o In 2014, the Brazilian animation industry began to grow o Represented 4% of the Brazilian audiovisual production o Brazilian animation expanded from movies to TV and new characters Internationalization 01 02 In 1970 A huge success worldwide 1980s and early 1990s International initiative to an end In 2000 03 Successful sales have been achieved among licensed products MSP Productions licensing & Peculiarities Brazilian market recognized MSP as a powerhouse in the area of licensing The internationalization of MSP was an ongoing process Was among the main players, alongside large groups such as Disney and Warner Future perspectives Mauricio had to make a decision • Who would be responsible for MSP’s international activities? • Could a licensing agency perhaps streamline and professionalize MSP’s international operations? Produced other cartoons • With partners: taking part in the production. Ambitious vision Develop the market Aims: Double movies & cartoons sell licensed • The US, Asia, Europe, Latin product worldwide. America. => company executives travelled around the world and several actions took place Conclusion 01 02 03 The MSP is in its process of internationalization Has a number of strategic alliances during its international marketing Mauricio’s cartoon Was to be educational as well as entertaining The characters of MSP are its potential to reflect a series of important issues The international market is full of uncertainty and opportunities MSP should fully realize the potential opportunities and risks MSP is recommended to specifically design a plan for this process Thank you for listening References - Textbook: https://mail.google.com/mail/u/0/ inbox/FMfcgzGpGBCvPbJqpRCT NQmvHppdzMhS?projector =1&messagePartId=0.2 - Google: https://essay.100due.com/monicaandfriendsthechallengetointernation alize/ - Youtube: ... totaled US$227bn 2002? ?and? ?2011 Exports of creative goods? ?and? ? services from developing countries showed an average of 12.1% The global animation industry? ?and? ?markes Animated movies? ?and? ?TV shows can increase ... different formats of commercialization and? ?merchandising Many releases of blockbuster films have been based on recognized franchises of TV shows, books? ?and? ?comic books (Battersby? ?and? ?Simon, 2012) licensing... -The updating technologies -The animation policies and political stability in the United Sates, Japan, Korea, and French are relatively positive and steady -Other competitors such as Walt Disney,