In today's global landscape, English has become essential across various sectors, particularly in business, where it facilitates effective communication and transactions This growing reliance on English has spurred an increasing demand for English language education tailored to a new generation of learners seeking to access crucial knowledge predominantly available in English (Munby, 1978: 3) or to fulfill specific professional needs Consequently, this trend has given rise to the development of English for Specific Purposes (ESP).
The Academy of Finance has established the Faculty of Foreign Languages to emphasize the significance of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) in economics This faculty focuses on equipping students with English language skills tailored for their future careers in the economic field By prioritizing the teaching of English in an economics context, the program ensures that students' learning aligns with their practical needs in the professional world.
In the context of teaching Business English in Vietnam, reading plays a crucial role in equipping students with the skills needed to comprehend written materials and communicate effectively in English Given that English is learned in a non-native environment, reading serves not only as a vital tool for knowledge acquisition but also as a pathway for further academic study Carrel (1981) highlights that for many students, particularly those learning English as a second or foreign language, reading is the most significant of the four macro-skills This is especially relevant for first-year students at the Academy of Finance, where reading enables them to engage with academic resources in English, thereby enhancing their professional expertise in specialized fields However, many students at FFL encounter various challenges in their reading endeavors.
- There has been almost no research work touching upon reading difficulties of the students at FFL
- Most first year students at FFL have not had experience in learning ESP before
- The students are not of equal level of English
- The course book Intelligent Business is totally new to them
The challenges faced by first-year English-major students at the Academy of Finance in developing reading skills through the course book "Intelligent Business (pre-intermediate)" have sparked the researcher’s interest, prompting a dedicated investigation into these difficulties.
Significance and aims of the study
This study aims to shed light on the reading challenges encountered by first-year students at FFL The pedagogical implications and recommendations presented are intended to enhance reading skills within the FFL curriculum Ultimately, this research seeks to contribute to the advancement of teaching and learning in reading economics at the Academy of Finance.
The study is aimed at:
1) Better understanding the concepts of reading, reading comprehension and reading comprehension in ESP
2) Finding out some difficulties in dealing with reading skills in the course book
3) Giving some pedagogical implication and suggestions to improve the learning of reading skill at FFL, Academy of Finance.
Research Questions
The above aims of the study can be realized by the following research questions:
(i) What is the present context of learning reading in course book Intelligent Business, pre-intermediate?
(ii) What are reading difficulties encountered by the first year students when dealing with the Intelligent Business, pre-intermediate?
(iii) What are possible solutions to help them overcome those difficulties?
In order to find out the answers to the research questions, some sub-questions shall be dealt with:
(i) What are students’ reading difficulties in terms of reading skills?
(ii) What are students’ reading difficulties in terms of vocabulary?
(iii) What are students’ reading difficulties in terms of back ground knowledge?
Once difficulties are found, feasible solutions to overcome those difficulties will be suggested.
Methods of the study
The study combines theoretical and practical approaches, drawing on various published works by renowned authors in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) teaching and learning It utilizes data from two sources: a survey conducted with 112 first-year FFL students to gather insights on their reading difficulties and their perceived causes, and class observations of three first-year classes to assess student reactions and engagement during reading sessions, which informed the development of the survey questionnaire.
Scope of the study
This study primarily addresses the challenges faced by first-year students at the FFL, Academy of Finance, in learning to read, specifically focusing on the Intelligent Business pre-intermediate course book It does not aim to explore other language skills such as speaking, writing, or listening, nor does it attempt to cover every aspect of language theory and practice.
Design of the study
The study is divided into five chapters:
- Chapter one introduces rationales, significance and aims of the study, research questions, methods as well as scope of the study
Chapter two provides a comprehensive overview of the theoretical background relevant to the research topic, focusing on key issues such as reading and reading comprehension, English for Specific Purposes (ESP), and the challenges language learners face in reading comprehension It also introduces the course book "Intelligent Business" and examines the current context of developing reading skills within this educational resource.
- Chapter three presents the research methodology in details covering context of the study, the subject and participants, data collection instruments, data collection procedure and data analysis procedure
Chapter four presents the study's findings, highlighting the challenges students face in developing their reading skills It also offers valuable pedagogical implications and actionable suggestions to enhance the learning experience.
- Chapter five is the conclusions summarizing the main issues in the study and mentioning limitation and suggestions for further study.
An overview of reading and reading comprehension
2.1.1 Definition of reading and reading comprehension
Reading is a complex form of information processing that has been examined from various perspectives by scholars, leading to diverse conclusions about its nature These differing views often stem from the distinct purposes researchers have in studying reading; some focus on uncovering the underlying cognitive processes, while others aim to identify sub-skills for teaching and assessment Each perspective reflects the scholar's interpretation of what reading entails As noted by Williams (1990), reading is fundamentally "a process whereby one looks at and understands what has been written."
Reading is a psycholinguistic process where the reader reconstructs a message encoded by the writer through graphic displays, as noted by Goodman (1971) This reconstruction is described as a cyclical process involving sampling, predicting, testing, and confirming.
Reading is fundamentally about extracting meaning from a text, as emphasized by Nuttall (1982), who describes it as “getting a message from a text.” Harmer (1989) elaborates that reading involves both the eyes and the brain, where the eyes gather information and the brain interprets its significance Additionally, Harmer highlights that the pace of reading is determined by the reader, allowing individuals to control how quickly they engage with the material.
Reading is a developmental process that goes beyond simply mastering text and grammatical structures; it involves understanding the content and re-expressing the author's ideas in our own words.
In conclusion, numerous scholars have attempted to define reading, yet no single definition encompasses all its complexities Ultimately, all definitions highlight the fundamental interaction between readers and authors, emphasizing that reading involves engaging with the author's thoughts rather than merely processing their words.
Now it is important to understand thoroughly the definition of reading comprehension
Reading comprehension is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of how readers interpret written symbols To fully grasp this process, it is crucial to recognize the various factors that influence reading comprehension and contribute to the overall understanding of the text.
(1992) described reading comprehension as an understanding between the author and the reader This view point focuses on the reader’s understanding of the message based on his/her background knowledge
According to Grellet (1981), reading comprehension involves effectively extracting information from a written text This process allows readers to recognize the graphic form of the text and understand its meaning Upon completion of reading, learners are expected to master grammatical structures, pronunciation, and content, enabling them to apply this knowledge in real-life situations Ultimately, students can showcase their understanding by re-expressing the text's content through various methods, including note-taking, summarizing, and answering questions.
Concerning ways to exploit reading texts, Nuttall (1996: 48-120) pointed out several reading skills of which some basic ones consist of:
Guessing the meaning of words based on structural and contextual clues
Recognizing and interpreting cohesive devices
Recognizing implications and making inferences
In conclusion, effective reading requires not only language knowledge but also background knowledge of the text, which plays a crucial role in comprehension When understanding falters, reading ceases to occur Additionally, readers form expectations and make predictions about the content, and the accuracy of these predictions significantly impacts their reading experience This process involves three key elements: the text itself, the reader's background knowledge, and the contextual factors necessary for interpreting the text.
2.1.2 ESP and Reading comprehension in ESP Definition of ESP and reading comprehension in ESP
English for Specific Purposes (ESP) is defined variably by different authors, with some viewing it as distinct from English Language Teaching (ELT), while others see it as a pragmatic response to evolving global ELT needs Hutchinson and Waters (1987) emphasize that ESP should be regarded as an approach driven by specific reasons for learning, where students aim to acquire both general language skills and job-related competencies Widdowson (1983) further highlights that ESP focuses on training learners to develop restricted competencies to handle clearly defined tasks, aligning course objectives with the specific purposes of the learners.
From the viewpoints mentioned above, it is clear that two central areas in ESP are content and methodology
* Content is about how narrow or broad the scope of a particular course is, when compared with the totality of the language For some people, for example, a course named
A specialized "English for Business Purposes" course is essential for effectively addressing the unique needs of various business fields, such as accounting, advertising, and marketing Tailoring the course content to specific specializations ensures that learners acquire relevant language skills that directly apply to their professional contexts.
Methodology is crucial in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses, as these programs focus on enhancing language skills relevant to specific fields It is essential not only to introduce relevant linguistic elements but also to consider the methods of introduction and practice, which significantly impact the learning experience.
The expansion of English for Specific Purposes (ESP) has been driven by three key factors: the increasing demand for English tailored to specific needs, advancements in linguistics, and developments in educational psychology (Hutchinson & Waters, 1987).
Reading comprehension is essential in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) courses, where the focus is on enhancing students' reading skills and familiarizing them with specialized vocabulary and terminology across various fields By the end of an ESP course, students should be equipped to interpret texts relevant to their areas of study, enabling them to gather information effectively for their academic and professional pursuits When students set realistic reading goals and develop competence in reading for specific purposes, they can build a solid foundation of key concepts that will support their future career advancement.
Reading comprehension is crucial in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) This article will explore various types of reading exercises used in ESP to enhance understanding and proficiency. Types of reading exercises in ESP
Grellet (1995: 45) identifies four primary exercise types aimed at enhancing reading skills through the formal organization and content of texts: reading techniques, text form analysis, meaning comprehension, and text assessment Notably, certain exercises are frequently utilized in English for Specific Purposes (ESP) reading.
- In reading techniques, predicting, skimming, scanning, and inferring are of common use
- In analyzing the form of the text, there exists such exercises as chronological sequence, classification
Context of the study
This study focuses on the Faculty of Foreign Languages (FFL) at the Academy of Finance, a key institution for training professionals in accounting, auditing, banking, and finance who require English proficiency Established just two years ago, FFL offers a four-year program with English as the primary subject Currently, FFL enrolls approximately 240 students, representing a small fraction of the total student body at the Academy Despite its new status, the faculty has garnered significant attention from the Director and other staff members within the Academy.
English is taught in a formal classroom setting, divided into two stages In the first two years, students engage with two primary textbooks: Intelligent Business and North Star, focusing on key language skills Typically, two or three teachers facilitate the class, each responsible for teaching different language skills In the second stage, students advance to learning English in specialized subjects such as Accounting, Finance, and Economics, as well as exploring grammar, phonetics, semantics, and literature, including English and American works, along with cross-cultural communication.
Students in the English faculty attend classes almost daily, but the allocation of time for reading skills is inadequate First and second-year students receive only three 45-minute reading sessions per week, while third-year students have just two, and fourth-year students have none This limited exposure hinders their ability to learn and practice reading effectively, despite the expectation that they engage with diverse English materials in fields like accounting, finance, and insurance Consequently, this lack of reading practice contributes to the difficulties students face in comprehending texts.
Students at FFL face challenges in mastering English due to their learning environment, which lacks interaction with native English speakers This non-English language context hinders their overall English proficiency, particularly affecting their reading skills.
The reading habits developed in students' first language significantly impact their English reading behavior In Vietnamese schools, pupils focus on reading aloud to enhance pronunciation and fluency, without a structured approach to teaching the four language skills separately Consequently, students often carry over their first language reading strategies, leading to challenges in comprehending English texts effectively.
The subject and participants
The study involved 112 first-year English students at the Faculty of Foreign Languages, Academy of Finance, who were nearing the end of their academic year Aged between 17 and 20, these male and female students shared similar backgrounds, having completed upper secondary school and passed an entrance exam to join the Academy Due to the small size of the FFL, all first-year students were selected to participate in the survey questionnaire.
Data collection instruments
In order to obtain a sufficient collection of reliable and valid data for the study, questionnaire and class observation were fully employed
Classroom observation served as the foundation for developing the survey questionnaire in this study The researcher and her colleagues conducted observations during their lessons to pinpoint the challenges students encounter with reading texts Observations were made in three distinct classes (K46 51/01, 02, 04), with each class observed three times across different units Each observation lasted 45 minutes, focusing on specific units to gather comprehensive insights into student difficulties.
A survey questionnaire serves as a primary data collection instrument, offering a valuable tool for researching attitudes and concerns within a specific group of interest This method is particularly advantageous for identifying subjects' difficulties in learning ESP reading, as it is relatively comfortable, time-saving, and economical to administer The survey questionnaire also provides an added benefit of preserving subjects' anonymity, allowing for unbiased answers Furthermore, it enables the researcher to gather information from a large population in a short time, making data analysis easy and simple due to the standardized questions.
The survey questionnaire, detailed in Appendix 3, comprises 23 questions derived from a class observation checklist, aimed at assessing first-year students' opinions on their reading texts and the challenges they face with the course book Intelligent Business It is organized into four key sections: the first investigates students' perceptions of difficulties in reading skills; the second identifies challenges related to background knowledge; the third addresses vocabulary-related issues; and the final section explores difficulties in other areas.
Data collection procedure
The procedure of collecting data could be divided into three main phases as follows
* Phase 1: the thorough preparation for the data collection was made at this stage
A comprehensive checklist was developed for the class observation scheme, aligning with the research questions and incorporating targeted questions for the questionnaire This checklist, detailed in Appendix 4, assesses students' reactions to lectures, their engagement in activities, and their attitudes towards the teacher's methods Additionally, it highlights the challenges students face while reading, providing valuable insights into their learning experience.
The draft questionnaire was developed by adapting various sources from relevant literature and was reviewed by colleagues with expertise in the field for their feedback It was then tested on a sample of 15 students to identify any issues with interpretation or ambiguity After analyzing the pilot study data and discussing it with both colleagues and students, the final questionnaire was created, resulting in the omission and modification of certain items that lacked discrimination or failed to gather the required information effectively.
* Phase 2: At this phase observations were carried out in three different classes (K46
51/01, 02, 04) with the checklist of criteria set
During this phase, a survey questionnaire was distributed to 112 first-year English students at the FFL, Academy of Finance, who were in their second term The students showed enthusiasm and willingness to cooperate with the researcher, resulting in all questionnaires being successfully completed.
* Phase 3: Data collected from survey questionnaire and observation was synthesized and classified at this phase The data were arranged in accordance with the research questions
The study summarizes first-year students' reading difficulties across three categories: vocabulary, reading skills, and background knowledge, using tables for clarity Employing the mean score method of descriptive statistics, each difficulty item was assigned a score on a four-point scale: Very Difficult (4), Difficult (3), Easy (2), and Very Easy (1) This approach allows for identifying the highest scores for questions deemed most challenging by students The majority of responses fell into the categories of Very Difficult, Difficult, and Easy, with only a few questions rated as Very Easy Detailed findings will be presented in Chapter 4.
This study provides a comprehensive overview of its context, subjects, participants, and methodologies, including data collection instruments and analysis procedures It involves four groups of students, along with contributions from colleagues and friends A questionnaire was administered to the students, and the information gathered from class observations and surveys was meticulously processed The analysis of these results will offer valuable insights for pedagogical implications and suggestions aimed at enhancing students' reading skills.
This chapter aims to address reading challenges faced by students in the pre-intermediate Intelligent Business course It begins with an analysis of classroom observations and survey results from students learning English through this course book The chapter concludes with pedagogical implications and suggestions designed to enhance the learning experience and improve reading proficiency.
Difficulties encountered by the students when learning reading skill
This part of the study is an analysis of all the data collected in accordance with data collection instruments, that is classroom observation and survey questionnaire
4.1.1 Data analysis of the classroom observation
The class observations were carried out in three different classes (K46 51/01, 02, 04) for three units, namely unit 9, unit 12 and unit 13
In the observation of class 51.01, the reading unit focused on Marketing for students During the pre-reading stage, the teacher introduced the topic and explained key terms in Vietnamese, prompting students to discuss questions in small groups While over half of the students actively engaged in this activity, a significant portion remained reluctant to participate In the while-reading stage, students worked individually with the teacher explaining concepts in English, but this approach failed to inspire enthusiasm, resulting in a quiet and disengaged classroom atmosphere Finally, in the post-reading stage, when asked to summarize the text, only a few students participated, while most appeared indifferent, with some distracted by personal matters.
For unit 12 with the reading text: Getting better service, the researcher observed class
In a dynamic classroom environment, the teacher sparked interest in the topic by discussing key terms in both English and Vietnamese Students were divided into two groups to explore the characteristics of American and British customers, fostering engagement and collaborative learning After group discussions, representatives shared their findings, which the teacher documented on the blackboard, providing corrections and clarifications The pre-teaching vocabulary session, enriched with definitions and synonyms, captivated students, enhancing their understanding and retention During the reading stage, students worked in pairs to complete exercises, displaying eagerness and motivation as they collaborated and self-corrected their answers, transforming the reading experience into an enjoyable and interactive activity.
In class 51.04, the focus was on the Revolution in the car industry as part of unit 13 During the pre-reading stage, the teacher introduced new terms related to the topic, explaining them in English while students attentively took notes However, the observation revealed that students were largely passive, showing little interaction and interest in the lesson During the while-reading stage, the teacher assigned exercises and reviewed answers with the class, providing additional information on each term Despite these efforts, many students remained silent, with some appearing disengaged and sleepy throughout the reading lesson.
To the researcher’s observation, this teaching way did not motivate the student in reading and to some extent discouraged them from knowing new words
In conclusion, the class observation enabled the researcher to identify initial reading difficulties faced by students and informed the development of the survey questionnaire While the observation could not encompass all reading challenges in the FFL program at the Academy of Finance, the data obtained from the questionnaire closely aligns with the insights gained from the observation.
The survey results will be presented in tables, each accompanied by a detailed analysis These tables highlight the challenges students face when engaging with reading texts in their course materials The identified issues are categorized into reading skills, background knowledge, vocabulary, and other factors Columns 3, 4, 5, and 6 display the number of students who ranked various items in the questionnaire.
The analysis of the findings involved assigning difficulty scores to each item on a four-point scale: 4 for Very Difficult, 3 for Difficult, 2 for Easy, and 1 for Very Easy, as referenced by Pham Thi Thanh Thuy (2000) This scoring method allows for the identification of questions that students perceive as the most challenging.
The survey results indicate that students perceive questions related to background knowledge and vocabulary as more challenging compared to those assessing reading skills and other areas Detailed responses to the specific questions reveal this trend across different sections of the questionnaire.
4.1.2 Students’ reading difficulties in terms of reading skills
1 Understanding the main idea of paragraphs or reading texts?
4 Predicting vocabulary and terms through context or definition?
5 Recognising implications and making inferences and conclusion?
Table 1: Students’ reading difficulties in terms of reading skills
The data indicates that recognizing implications, making inferences, and drawing conclusions are the most challenging reading skills, with a total score of 363 points A significant portion of students, 34.82%, find these skills very difficult, while 54.46% also report difficulty Similarly, predicting vocabulary and terms through context or definitions poses a challenge, with 25.89% of students considering it very difficult and 67.85% finding it difficult Additionally, 76.78% of students struggle with summarizing reading texts, and understanding the main ideas of paragraphs is also perceived as difficult, scoring 311 points In contrast, skimming and scanning skills are viewed as less problematic, scoring 300 and 290 points, respectively.
Table 1 reveals that students struggle the most with recognizing implications, making inferences, and drawing conclusions, scoring 363 points in these areas Consequently, these critical reading skills should be emphasized immediately after students engage with the course book Additionally, many students report difficulties in predicting vocabulary and terms from context or definitions, with a score of 358 points, which can be attributed to challenges with syntax Research indicates that proficient readers utilize syntax and sentence structure to anticipate upcoming text (Barnett, 1989), and understanding syntax can enhance reading speed and prediction skills (MacNamara, 1967).
Table 1 highlights that understanding main ideas, skimming, and scanning are perceived as relatively easy skills, with scores of 311, 300, and 290 respectively This ease can be attributed to teachers' recognition of the significance of these skills; skimming aids students in confirming predictions from titles or illustrations and activating relevant schemata, while scanning allows them to locate specific information, a common requirement in real-world reading Consequently, educators prioritize teaching these skills from the onset of reading instruction, resulting in students facing fewer challenges with the material they have been taught.
4.1.3 Students’ reading difficulties in terms of background knowledge
8 Understanding unfamiliar cultural content of the reading texts (e.g., differences in values, attitudes and cultural customs)?
9 Understanding terms explained by teachers in
10 Understanding lectures completely in English? 39 50 23 0 352
11 Finding Vietnamese equivalent for terms? 49 57 6 0 379
Table 2: Students’ reading difficulties in terms of background knowledge
Table 2 reveals that students face significant reading difficulties related to background knowledge, with scores ranging from 351 to 379 points, indicating this as their most challenging area in reading comprehension The highest difficulty is associated with finding Vietnamese equivalents for terms, scoring 379 points, as 94.64% of students reported this task as very difficult or difficult, hindering their understanding of reading texts "Understanding unfamiliar topics" follows closely, scoring 375 points Although questions 8 and 10 present the least difficulty, with scores of 351 and 352 points respectively, they still pose substantial challenges, as 24% of students rated question 8 as very difficult and 34.82% did the same for question 10.
In response to questions 8 and 10, a majority of students found them "difficult," with only 12 and 23 students respectively selecting "easy." Additionally, question 9, which assessed students' understanding of terms explained by teachers in English, proved challenging, resulting in a score of 354 points.
The analysis reveals that first-year students face significant challenges in interpreting reading texts due to their limited background knowledge, particularly in Business English Their familiarity with General English and reliance on traditional teaching methods contribute to a passive learning approach, making them dependent on teacher assistance This lack of independent study habits often results in difficulties with unfamiliar vocabulary, causing them to become stuck and disengaged from the reading process Furthermore, students are not accustomed to listening to lectures conducted entirely in English, especially in the context of Business English The absence of direct Vietnamese equivalents for many economic terms complicates their understanding, as these terms often require specific situational context for comprehension Consequently, this leads to ineffective reading skills and discourages students from further engagement with the material.
Teachers must recognize their students' reading habits and weaknesses to enhance their reading effectiveness Additionally, the Academy's learning program should be attentive to the gaps in background knowledge among first-year students.
4.1.4 Students’ reading difficulties in terms of vocabulary
12 Understanding the details of reading texts? 22 60 22 8 320
13 Finding the appropriate meaning for polysemantic words (từ đa nghĩa)?
14 Finding the meaning of unfamiliar words? 17 78 14 3 348
15 Understanding and remembering vocabulary and terminologies?
16 Understanding the meaning of phrasal verbs? 29 68 15 0 379
Table 3: Students’ reading difficulties in terms of vocabulary
Vocabulary presents significant challenges for students in reading comprehension, as indicated by scores ranging from 320 to 379 Notably, question 16, which focuses on understanding phrasal verbs, received the highest score of 379, with 25.89% of students finding it very difficult and 60.71% rating it as difficult Conversely, only 13.39% reported it as easy, and no students considered it very easy Similarly, question 13, related to finding meanings of polysemantic words, scored 361 points, highlighting its difficulty The least challenging aspect, understanding details of reading texts (question 12), scored 320 points; however, 73% of students still classified it as very difficult or difficult, while only 30 students found it easy or very easy.
Pedagogical implication and suggestions
Based on the theory of reading comprehension and its application in English for Specific Purposes (ESP), along with the findings of the study, several pedagogical implications and recommendations are proposed to enhance reading skills in the Intelligent Business course book.
4.2.1 Training students to become efficient readers
Students are pivotal to the success of reading lessons, alongside the efforts of teachers and the use of materials To foster efficient reading skills, it is essential to equip students with various reading strategies, ensure they complete their homework, and encourage the development of extensive reading habits. Training students with different reading strategies
The primary factor influencing reading strategies is the purpose behind reading a specific text Therefore, teachers must guide students to understand that various tasks necessitate different levels of comprehension and focus It is essential for students to recognize that adapting their reading strategies and pace based on their reading objectives can lead to more effective and rewarding outcomes.
Reading strategies, as described by Wallace (1993), are flexible and selective approaches that vary based on text type, context, and reading purpose Key reading skills include skimming, scanning, context-based word guessing, and predicting, which enhance comprehension and efficiency.
Scanning is the process of quickly reviewing a text to locate specific information or to assess its relevance for a particular purpose To effectively extract targeted information without reading the entire document, students should employ strategic techniques.
- Look at scanning questions if available to get more concentrated and be aware of the details they are looking for
- Let their eyes wander at specific names, places, dates, statements, definitions, etc until they find the required specific information
- Ignore or skip other significant information
- Pay attention to the particular part of the text containing the details that they are searching for
- Keep in mind or write down the specific terms of required information
Teachers at FFL, Academy of Finance, should guide students on when to apply effective reading strategies, such as scanning, to enhance their reading speed and comprehension skills.
Skimming is a reading technique where individuals quickly glide over a text to identify key points and understand its overall structure without focusing on irrelevant details To effectively teach skimming, educators can engage students in activities such as identifying misplaced sentences, matching topic sentences to paragraphs, and creating titles or subtitles Additionally, teachers should encourage students to examine the source, author, and accompanying images, as well as skim any questions before delving into the main text.
* Guessing words from the context:
Students can effectively determine the meanings of new words or phrases without a dictionary by employing two key strategies: structural formation and context clues By analyzing the structure of words, such as prefixes like un-, in-, dis-, and suffixes like -ance, -ity, and -able, learners can infer meanings Additionally, utilizing context clues allows students to deduce unfamiliar terms through the meanings of surrounding words, including synonyms and antonyms These techniques enhance vocabulary comprehension and promote independent learning.
Some tips following are used for predicting information in a reading text:
- Read the title of the text, if you find no clues to guess, read on
- Look at the illustrating pictures, if available, to find the clues
- Move your eyes quickly through the first and the last sentences of the paragraph in the text
- Make predictions based on the contextual clues already found
- Read the text again to confirm what you have predicted Assigning and checking students’ fulfillment of homework
To enhance students' learning habits, which currently remain passive and reliant on teachers, educators should implement a diverse range of reading exercises with varying types and difficulty levels, such as gap-filling, gist, and comprehension tasks These exercises should be provided after each lesson and can be checked as a warm-up activity within approximately 15 minutes, offering students valuable opportunities to practice their reading skills Students will have the autonomy to choose which skills to apply in completing the tasks and can engage in peer discussions for self-checking, sharing their opinions on the questions, and addressing any challenges they face during the exercises.
Assigning project work that allows students to experience personal achievement can effectively motivate them to read extensively with clear objectives Teachers can implement long-term assignments requiring students to engage in in-depth reading related to specific topics As part of their projects, students may be expected to present their findings through either a final oral presentation or a written report.
To engage students in reading, teachers should diversify the types of reading tasks assigned By effectively assigning and monitoring homework, educators can significantly improve students' reading skill development. Encouraging students’ extensive reading habits
According to Nuttall (1982), immersing oneself among native speakers is the most effective way to learn a foreign language, with extensive reading being the next best option For students learning in a foreign language, engaging in extensive reading enhances their vocabulary, understanding of English language structures, and insight into the culture of English speakers, helping to address common vocabulary and grammar challenges This self-directed activity outside the classroom reinforces language skills and provides essential practice for developing effective reading strategies As students read more extensively, they improve their reading speed and comprehension, creating a positive feedback loop that Nuttall describes as "the virtuous circle of a good reader."
Figure 2: The Virtuous Circle of a Good Reader
Teachers play a crucial role in guiding students on recommended reading materials, identifying reliable sources, and teaching effective reading strategies Additionally, educators can enhance students' reading speed by providing timed passages for practice.
4.2.2 Improving economic background knowledge for the first year students at FFL
The findings indicate that students struggle with understanding economic terminology and finding Vietnamese equivalents To address this, it is essential to teach basic economic subjects like microeconomics and macroeconomics in Vietnamese alongside English for first-year students Encouraging self-study of Vietnamese economic articles and participation in workshops or lectures by economic specialists at the Academy of Finance is crucial Additionally, implementing a mark bonus for attending these workshops can motivate students This approach will equip them with fundamental economic knowledge, enhance their familiarity with course materials, and boost their confidence in tackling specialized content.
4.2.3 Teachers’ being aware of their students’ needs
Many students struggle to fully understand lectures delivered in English, particularly when it comes to complex terminology This often results in limited engagement during reading classes, as teachers may mistakenly assume that their students can grasp the material based on their existing English proficiency Additionally, traditional teaching methods may contribute to a passive learning environment where students are not actively involved Ultimately, effective teaching should focus on fostering a collaborative atmosphere between teachers and students to maximize knowledge acquisition and skill development.
This chapter analyzes the results of a survey conducted among students learning English reading through the Intelligent Business course book, focusing on the reading difficulties they face It presents pedagogical implications and suggestions aimed at enhancing their reading skills Key recommendations include training students to become more efficient readers, improving their economic background knowledge, and ensuring that teachers and the Academy of Finance are aware of the students' needs at FFL.
To ensure a successful reading lesson, students can leverage their knowledge and reading skills, employing effective strategies to navigate and overcome challenges in understanding a text.