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(SKKN MỚI NHẤT) Importance of vocabulary in language learning and how to be taught at 10C4 and 10C6 thach thanh 2 high school

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PART I: INTRODUCTION Reasons to choose the theme Nowadays, English is playing a very important role in the globle development Therefore, the teaching of English has been improved in method of communicative The importance of English is acknowledged by the Vietnamese government and as a result of the English language programes are made compulsory beginning at all levels of education Talking about the importance of vocabulary, the linguist David wilins argued that: “ without grmamar little can be conveyed, without vocabulary nothing can be conveyed”, indeed, people need to use words in order to express themselves in any language In my experience as a teacher, I noticed the fact that students usually find It difficult to speak english fluently The main reason for such communication Problems is lack of vocabulary Students are often confronted with the problems of Forgeting the words immediately after the teacher has elicited their meaning or after They looked them in dictionary, and this also cause of the lack of vocabulary As an English teacher I know the importance of English with my students, so I always try to find out the best methods in teaching English for them In our school system, English is both different and characteristic subject It makes students curious and passionate However, it also creates a lot of difficulties and misunderstandings As a result, students sometimes feel discouraged In this situation, teacher has a very important role to transfer the passion and the enjoyment to students When teaching English at high school, specially teaching the 10th grade at Thach Thanh high school, I see that most of my students like learning English They also try their best to learn it in all skills and language focus but they seem indifferent to other skills Learning vocabulary is a very important part of learning a language The more words you know, the more you will be able to understand what you hear and read and the better you will be able to say what you want to speak or writing Proficiency in English depends on the knowledge of its vocabulary possessed by the second and and foreign language learners and even the native speakers Students with a low vocabulary knowledge show weak academic performance in different courses related to language skills such as: speaking, listening, reading and writing It is enthusiasm and career passion that motivate me to write this experience innovation with aims to share some of my opinions on topic related to teaching vocabulary for grade - 10 students as well as to help both my colleagues and my students partically remove the difficultly when teaching related lesson For this reason, i decide to choose the theme : “IMPORTANCE OF VOCABULARY IN LANGUAGE LEARNING AND HOW TO BE TAUGHT AT 10C4 AND 10 C6 THACH THANH HIGH SCHOOL” TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Purposes of the research The main purposes of the research are: to offer some solutions with the hope of - Helping students understand the meaning of new words - Helping students enrich and practice a wide range of vocabulary - Helping students improve reading comprehesion - Helping students know how to express themselves in writing - Bolstering students’ ability to grasp ideas and think more logically - Providing reference materials for teachers or students who intend to master the language of English or want to make their English more natural and more fluent Methods of the research To make my solutions effectively, I have used some following methods : Firstly, I always get advices from my colleagues through co-working Secondly, I usually study, create and use new methods in teaching English such as using images, pictures, posters, real objects, etc Thirdly, I apply science and technology in teaching, use projecters, presents films, video clips to make the lesson actively, to motivate the spirit of studying between students Lastly, I design some activities for students to discuss about the topic releated to the lesson to enrich and enhance the vocabulary Objective and Scope of the research I the research to know about the fact of teaching and learning vocabulary in Thach Thanh high School more practically This study also investigates whether the techniques can have positive effect on students or not Can the methods help my students enhance comprehension, locate unfamiliar words in a story, use vocabulary in reading, speaking, listening and writing ? The total participants were 85 students from the tenth grade 10 C6 and 10c4 of the school year: 2019- 2020 at Thach Thanh high school , which is situated in Thach Thanh, a mountainous district in Thanh Hoa province The majority of these students come from disadvantageous families with the under medium level of living standard and learning condition as well Consequently, these students’ motivation of studying is remarkable limited due to the burden of subsistence Unfortunately, their English proficiency is almost either at the beginning level or at A1 level although they have been learning English for more than four years, since they were sixth grade students PART II: PROBLEM SOLVING Theoretic basis of the problem As mentioned, vocabulary is vital to communicate with others and understanding what one is reading It appears in every skills of language listening, speaking, reading and writing skill Many peope realize that their vocabulary is limited so they have difficulties in expressing ideas Enriching vocabulary is very important for the students who learn English as a foreign language That is why everybody who learn English or a certain language should know the words Building a better vocabulary of English language is one of the most important things to Adequate vocabulary is the basic need to manage TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com almost all the aspects of every life efficiently, while by educated vocabulary, one can gain confidence in in speaking publicly Having a good vocabulary to draw from can help students write more effectively Students need to use more formal tone when writing not conversational language and to that Students need richer vocabulary to tap into those words that they used when speaking Recent research indicates that teaching vocabulary may be problematic because many teachers are not confident about the best practice in vocabulary teaching and at times not know where to begin to form an instructional emphasis on word learning (Berne & Blachowicz, 2008) Teaching words is a crucial aspect in learning a language as languages are based on words (Thornbury, 2002) It is almost impossible to learn a language without words; even communication between human beings is based on words Both teachers and students agree that acquisition of the vocabulary is a central factor in teaching a language (Walters, 2004) Teaching vocabulary is one of the most discussed parts of teaching English as a foreign language When the teaching and learning process takes place, problems would appear to the teachers They have problems of how to teach students in order to gain satisfying results The teacher should prepare and find out the appropriatetechniques, which will be implemented to the students A good teacher should prepare himself or herself with various and up-to-date techniques Teachers need to be able to master the material in order to be understood by students, and make them interested and happy in the teaching and learning process in the classroom The teachers should be concerned that teaching vocabulary is something new and different from student’s native language They also have to take into account that teaching English for young learners is different from adults The teachers have to know the characteristics of his/ her learners They moreover need to prepare good techniques and suitable material in order to gain the target of language teaching This research is carried out with the hope of supplying a good material for both teachers and students in their teaching and learning vocabulary 2 Practical basis of the problem Thach Thanh high school is one of the mountainous schools in Thanh Hoa province People mainly live on rice and sugar canes, the living standard is very low As a result, students have not had much good chance of studying and using English until recently Students (and even their teachers) not have an English environment to practise There has not been an even class for group D or A1 because most of the students here take part in the others groups such as: A, B, C Learning English here has not still been really important to students and people As common in other high schools in Vietnam, the students in this school have to take English as a compulsory subject in the curriculum and study it three periods a week ( period = 45 minutes), for 37 weeks a year, moreover, English, Maths, literature are core subjects, which are compulsory in the national examination at certain stages of school education system, Therefore, teachers have so much difficulty in teaching English TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Working as a teacher for a long time, I myself understand the nature of the problem and usually find it necessary to find out the ways to improve the situation I try my best to this research with a view to getting my students and other teachers to benefit from it by giving them more opportunities to practise and to better their English In reality, most students find it difficult to learn English As a result, they become passive and afraid to learn it Some other students feel a little bored with English classes because they have to remember vocabularies or structures mechanically Applying methods of teaching vocabulary in English classes is an effective solution to motivate students, to make them interested in the lessons and to love English more Solutions to the problem Language is means of communication that is made up of sentence that conveys meaning At school learning language means learning vocabulary It means that vocabulary takes an important part in language in which vocabulary will make a language meaningful I see that when teaching vocabulary the teachers should focus on - The form: Teacher need to know whether if it is a verb/ a noun/ an adjective / an adverb to be able to use it effectively - How it is spelt: it mean the words should be clarified pronunciation before being shown the written forms - How it is pronounced: It is very crucial to use the phonemic script so the students can highlight the word stresses - If it follows any unpredictable grammatical patterns For example (manmen, child- childen, … ) - How the word is related to others For example: synonym, antonyms, lexical sets - Collocation or the way the words occur together To help my students improve the ability of using vocabulary well, and taking deep investigation into this problem, I have found out some useful measures to deal with this problem - For students who have low English vocabulary, school leaders or teachers need to increase more periods out of the curriculum in school - Teachers need more than an illustration which is accurate, concise and vivid for each - Teachers try the best way to find out the most effective technique of learning vocabulary for learners on the reality of the problems: for example , teachers should prepare which words should be taught, the words are used most often throughout the text or the ones that are key to understand the main aspect of the text - For homework, besides asking students to exercises in textbooks, teachers should have available amount of tests related to the topic TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com PART A: THEORY OF VOCABULARY The theory of teaching and learning vocabulary is so complicated and it makes students confused To help my students gain benefits from the lesson When teaching vocabulary, I always consider the following points: - Definition of vocabulary - Why teaching vocabulary is necessary? - Why the students often forget vocabulary ? - Techniques to teach vocabulary: A Definition of vocabulary Vocabulary ( from the Latin for “ name” also called wordstock, lexicon, and laxis ) refers to all words in a language that are understood by a particular person or a group of people There are two main types of vocabulary: active and passive An active vocabulary consists of the words we understand and use in everyday speaking and writing Passive vocabulary is made of words that may recognize but not generally use in the course of normal communicatinon From the definitions above, it can be concluded that vocabulary is the total number of words that are needed to communicate ideas and express the speakers' meaning That is the reason why it is important to learn vocabulary B Why teaching vocabulary is necessary? Vocabulary plays a fundamental role in teaching and learning a foreign language It is the basic for the development of all other skills like reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, spelling, pronunciation Vocabulary is the main tool for students to use English effectively when he/ she is confronted with a native English speaker, when watching movie or when listening to a favourite song in English, when reading a text or when writing a letter to a friend, students always need to operate these words C Why students often forget vocabulary? Students are taught hundreds of words but they not remember them all This is the biggest challenges that encounter teachers while teaching vocabulary Teachers assume that once a word is taught, it has tobe learnt and remember as well because they not use the word immediately and sometimes because they not understand it correctly From the reasons mentioned above, I have found out some useful techniques in teaching vocabulary which will be presented as below D What should the teachers before teaching vocabulary Good preparation Before starting a new lesson, the teacher must have good preparation He/she should prepare a list of new words appearing in the reading that are neccesary to teach students in order to well in the reading And he/ she should make the teaching learning vocabulary process clear and easy for students to remember With good performmance of teaching vocabulary, students will be motivated for the tasks in the next part: while-reading and post-reading that leads to a good TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com and successful lesson for both students and the teacher However, teaching vocabulary is not just conveying the meaning to the students and asking them to learn those words by heart If the teachers believe that the words are worth explaining and learning , then it is important that they should this efficiently Teachers should use different techniques and activities in teaching English vocabulary to motivate their students, enrich their vocabulary and enable them to speak English properly as well as the reading comprehension well Choose the words to teach Normally, a reading text always appears some new words, but it is not neccesary to teach all of them and teach them in the same ways The teacher should choose words which need teaching Choosing words to teach, the teacher has to consider whether they are active or passive words - Active words are words which students know and use in communicating or writing - Passive words are words which students only know and understand when they read a text The ways to teach two forms of words are not the same Active words relate to basic skills: Listening, Reading, Speaking and Writing The teacher, therefore, needs to spend more time presenting and practising, specially the ways to use words To passive ones, however, students can only know and students don’t need to spend much time using them, So the teacher should choose and decide which words are taught as active or passive ones To save much time, the teacher always endures what he/she will teaches – words students haven’t known To avoid teaching words which are unnecessary, the teacher should check students’understanding by asking some questions or asking students to give examples with the new words And the teacher can ignore if the words are difficult and strange and they are not related to the passage Teachers also should encourage students to guess the meaning of new words if the words are important and easy in the passage.Teacher should mark the words he/she can ask students to guess However, the teacher has to show students ways to guess the meaning of new words by reading words near new words carefully and check affixes This not only helps students to know more about the new words and their part of speech such as nouns, verbs, adjectives, adverbs…by themselves but also encourages them to have good habit in reading in stead of stopping reading to look up the dictionary Choose the techniques to teach vocabulary Learning a language is basically a matter of learning vocabulary of that language Not being able to find the words to express ourselves is the most frustrating experience in speaking another language English learners come from difficult cutures, languages, castes, religions they can not understand explanation made in the target language Likewise, if the teachers teach by translating in their native language, which interfere with influency Teaching is a challenging job therefore, TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com the teachers who teach vocabulary should use different teachniques for learners mentioned as below 3.1 Using pictures Pictures as a part of visual aids are used as a technique in teaching English vocabulary Pictures used to explain the meaning of vocabulary items can be posters, postcards, flashcards, graphs, family photograph, maps or even board drawing… With easy words, students can immediately guess the words but with some difficult ones, students have to imagine and make a connection from the image to the words Anyway, pictures help motivate students and make them to pay attention and take apart Example for illustration: English 10: Unit 1- Reading – vocabulary - Vocabulary: buffalo, field, harrow, peasant, transplanting - illustrative pictures: This is the buffalo The peasant is harrowing The farmers are doing transplanting in the field - Vocabulary: Dolphin, Endangered species( unit 9- Undersea world) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Dolphin Endangered species In this technique, teacher shows the pictures one by one and asks students questions related to new words Example the way the teachers show the words: buffalo, harrow, field Teacher : what is this ? Students: it is a ( buffalo, harrow, field) Teacher: what does the word ( buffalo, harrow, field) mean? Students give the answer to the meaning of the word buffalo ( harrow, field ) By looking at the pictures, students can easily find out the meanings of these words and phrases Example for illustration: English 10: Unit 12- Reading – vocabulary The teacher show the phrase: Lull baby to sleep In this way teacher shows the picture and asks the question: Teacher: what is the mother doing? The students: She is lulling the baby to sleep 3.2 Using realia Example for illustration: English 10 Unit 5- Reading – vocabulary - Vocabulary: + different parts of computer systems - Realia: keyboard, mouse, speaker, CPU, floppy disks CD Roms, VDU (we can use toy items instead of real items) TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com When teaching these words, teacher show students real objects and let them get the meanings of these words With real objects, students will find it easy to learn vocabularies and they will be more interested in the lesson Teachers will have probably realized by now that including realia into classroom involves a great deal of preparation in some cases Is it really worth you time? The answer is yes And your students’faces will be living proofs 3.3: Using body language Example for illustration: English 10: Unit 4- Reading – special education - Vocabulary: + raise both hands + open up fingers + close fingers The teacher is raising both hands - Body language: Teacher use his/her actions or gestures to mine these words After each action, students will tell the meaning of the words the teacher has mined actions and gestures will be able to facilitate communication, understanding and participation Additionally, actions and gesture will make you appear to be a more charismatic teacher Putting yourself out there, fearlessly, demonstrates confidence TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Your students will therefore be more engaged and more likely to retain what they’re being taught in the classroom Using body language, actions or gestures is also a good way to motivate students in studying especially in learning vocabulary because this technique can make them not feel bored Students can have good memory about vocabulary because it relates with part of human body Therefore, they can be easy to remember it 3.4 Drawing Objects can either be drawn on the blackboard or drawn on flash cards The latter can be used again and again in different contexts if they are made with cards and covered in plastic They can help young learners easily understand and realize the main points that they have learned in the classroom Example: when teaching in unit 4- English 10 in part A( Reading) The teacher can use chalks to draw some Maths symbols on the blackboard to help mentally retarted students understand some new words in reading as below: + Add - Subtract : Divide × Plus 3.5 Using spoken languages With this technique, teacher can use definition forms, synonyms or antonyms to show the meaning of new words Example: In Unit – Part A: Reading When teaching the word “ peasant” or “ occupation “ teacher can use synonym to help students know its meaning: farmers = peasants, occupation= job Example: In Unit 10 – Part D: reading, writing To introduce and show the meaning of the word “married”, teacher can use antonym: married ó single( part D- writing) crowedó emty 3.6 Using prefixes, suffixes, root words With many words in English, teacher can use prefixes or suffixes to show the meaning of new words By using this way, teacher can use some usual prefixes such as un-,il-, dis-, re-…or suffixes such as -able, -er, -or, -ty, -less… to teach different parts of speech Furthermore, teacher can use root words to teach vocabulary Try to use common roots with common words This way must be repeated and repeated day by day Teacher ought to it slowly and frequently Some common roots: trans (move, go) such as transport/ translate, pect (see): such as respect/ expect Example: In unit : school talk – Part A: Reading Teacher uses prefixes : “in-” to teach students the word inconvenient Teacher uses prefixes : “un-” to teach students the word uncrowed Example : In unit 4: special education- Part A: Reading 10 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Teacher uses suffixes “ tion” to make Noun from given verbs Demonstrate ( v) → demonstration ( N) Oppose ( V) → opposition ( N) Example: in unit 4: Special education- Part A: listening Teacher uses the root word “ photograph “ to teach vocabulary photograph - photographer ( N): the person who takes photograph - photogenic ( Adj): looking attractive in photograph or on film - photography ( N): The art or practice of taking and processing photographs - photographic( A) : relating to or resembling photographs 3.7 Translating With words which are too difficult to use one of the above techniques, teacher can give students their Vietnamese equivalents in meaning after introducing them Ex: In unit 13: films and cinema – the word “ sequence” = chuỗi 3.8 Gap - filling In this kind of task, teacher prepares a list of sentences with a missing word in each one The words for students to fill in are the ones the teachers has just taught This activity can help students not only remember the words they have learnt but also know how to use the words in specific situations 3.9 Matching Matching is a widely used activity among stages: pre-reading, while-reading and post-reading and it is quite easy to students There is a variety of tasks Teachers can choose one that is suitable for their students and this also depends on what the words are Follows are some samples of matching tasks for teachers to choose: - Matching the words with their definitions - Matching the words with the right pictures - Matching the words with their meanings - Matching the words with synonyms - Matching the words with antonyms Example: Match the words in column A with the meaning in column B( unit 9: English 10- undersea world) A B 1.Carnivores a.The variety of life in the world or in a particular habitat or ecosystem Biodiversity b A ship that can travel under water Gulf c A child or animal in relation to its parent or parents Submarine d A large area of sea that is partly 11 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com surrounded by land e Animals that eat meat Offspring Suggested answer: 1e, 2a, 3d, 4b, 5c 3.10 Guess meaning from the context While reading, language learners may confront with unfamiliar words in context Encounter a few words may not block in general comprehension of the text However ,when readers are not acquainted with numerous or the most essential ones in the text their reading comprehension may be impaired words Guess meaning from the context refer to the ability to infer the meaning of an expression using contextual clues These clues may be purely linguistic or situational The best way to help student guess the meaning from the text is to use antonym and synonym Example 1: Marry curie worked very hard, she earned a degree in Maths with flying colours (Unit 3: people’s background- English 10) A very well B difficultl C badly D easily Example 2: Music is an integral part of life The word integral means _ ( unit 12- Music: English 10) A unnecessary B essential C impolite D encouraged 3.11.Multiple – choice questions Multiple – choice questions require students to identify the right answers from among a set of possible options that are presented to them To create valid multiple choice items for checking not only vocabulary but also grammar teachers should use single, clearly – stated questions including a total of to options It may take time for teachers to construct good multiple – choice items Teachers, however, can sometimes use this activity to motivate their students Example: Choose the best options A, B,C,or D to complete sentences ( unit 12English 10: Music ) Question 1: I find this work very A Tire B Tiring C tired D Tires Question 2: No one can avoiding getting listening to her A confuse B confuses C confused D.confused Question 3: Amy gave a lyrical _ of her experience in the South seas A Describe B Describing C Descriptive D Description By designing this activity, the teacher not only check students’ knowledge of Attitudinal adjectives but also grammar correctly ( Question and help students recognize adjectives end in” ing” or adjectives end in” ed”, Question checks students’ grammar, they need to fill in the blank with a noun as a rule: a/ an/ the + adj+ Noun 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 3.12.Mindmap A mind map, or spidergram, is a strategy for making notes on a topic, prior to writing It is a structured strategy, which shows the (hierarchical) relationship of ideas, as opposed to an unstructured strategy, such as brainstorming, in which students produce notes at random on paper Making a mind map should be a spontaneous pre-writing activity Students start with a topic at the centre and then generate a web of ideas from that, developing and relating these ideas as their mind makes associations Mind maps work well as their visual design enables students to see the relationship between ideas, and encourages them to group certain ideas together as they proceed Mind maps work especially well when created in groups, since the discussion this engenders aids the production of ideas, and makes the task livelier and more enjoyable 3.13 Using games: Games such as bingo and concentration Games are often used as short warm-up activities or when there is some time left at the end of a lesson Using games is one effective and interesting way that can be applied in any classrooms especially English classrooms Games help students to make and sustain the effort of learning They provide language practice in the various skills- speaking, writing, listening and reading.  They also encourage students to interact and communicate and create a meaningful context for language use.  This activity is a good way to help students memorize new words as well as make them more interested in the lesson After presenting the new vocabulary and building up a list on the board with their Vietnamese equivalents, teacher follows the following steps to get students to play it: PART B: ACTIVITIES ON TEACHING AND LEARNING VOCABULARY A long with teaching and showing the meaning of new words, activities for checking vocabulary after that are very important to help students remember the words they have learnt in the class and know how to use them corrrectly An interesting and appropriate activity with students’ level will help stimulate them in the next stages of the lesson The activity teacher chooses for his/her students should be based on what the words in the lesson are and students’ level as well as their interest teacher should create suitable and useful activity for checking vocabulary after instructing them to pronounce the words correctly Teachers can apply some popular and effective activities for assessment of experimental results as follows: Activitiy 1: The teacher prepare some questions related to the vocabulary they have learnt in the text book English 11 to check their grammar and the ability to use vocabulary, In this task the teacher ask student to work individulally Choose the correct answer: A, B, C or D : 13 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com A period of ten year is called _ A decade B century C millennium D Thousand Charlie chaplin has been the most famous movie stars of all time in film A silently B silences C silence D silent The word spectator has the same meaning as _ A Audible B Audience C Audio D Automatic The opposite meaning of common is _ A Usual B Ordinary C Rare D popular Listening to English songs on the radio is one of the best ways to your listening skill A Improve B Improvement C.Improving D Improves computers are wonderful _machine which speed up calculation A calculating B lighting C Accurating D.producing Rapid run - off would cause frequent floods and leave little water during dry season The opposite meaning of Rapid is A quick B Slow C fast D Mass In Quoc Tu Giam there are turtles with the names of on its back A Scholars B schools C.scholarships D schooling Choose the word whose has underlined part is pronounced differently? A Pleasure B Mature C Measure D Architecture 10 Which world has a different stress pattern from the others? A Transmit B Allow C request D cancel Activitiy 2: The teacher ask students to work in pairs by using some suggested words and phrases they have learnt to make a dialoge related to the lesson Teachers give student time to the task and call out some pairs present in front of the class Through this task, it is easier for the teachers to check students grammar, spelling, pronunciation, intonation and the use of language flexibly For example: In unit 12- Music ( English 10 page 124) part B : Speaking - kind of music :……………… - Favorite bands - Favorite singers:……………… - Reasons to listen to music:………… - When to listen :……………………… A sample conversation of students in 10 C6 class - Thach high school They are speaking English related to the topic given under the observation of the teacher Diu: Hello, Hoa Do you often listen to music? Hoa: Hi, Mai I am a big fan of music Diu: What kind of music you like? Hoa: well, I really like Pop 14 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com music Diu: Me too Why you listen to music? Hoa: I listen to music to relax myself, sometimes I listen to music to learn foreign language Diu: Can you tell me some favourite bans, you know? Hoa: uhm, l don’t really remember some bands but Backstreet boys is my favourite one Diu: When you often listen to music? Hoa: I often listen to music when I’m out, sometimes before going to bed Diu: yes That’s a great idea Good bye, Hoa Hoa: See you later Activity : After teaching new words from unit to unit 3, Teachers ask students use the following vocabulary to fill in the blanks contented, humanitarian, crowed, frightening, flying colours Many organizations are trying to help people in the earthquake areas Though I’m not perfect, I’m with whatever I It was such a _experience that all of us would never forget Every day my brother has to ride his bike in narrow and street to get to school In spite of her difficult living condition, Marrie curie worked extremely hard she earned a degree in Physics with _ Suggested answer: humanitarian contented frightening crowed flying colours Activity 4: playing game After presenting the way to pronounce the sounds / i/- /i:/ in part E- English 10 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Teachers hang out some pictures on the board and ask students to work in groups to match the pictures with the corresponding sound The class is divided in to groups: group A, group B, group C, and group D When the time is over, the teacher will call out some representatives for each group to give their answer The winner will be the first to finish the task with the correct answer Picture picture 16 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com picture picture picture picture picture picture Suggested answer 17 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com /i/ / i: / Ship( picture 2) Sheep ( picture 1) Film( picture 4) Bean ( picture 8) Cinema( picture Cheese ( picture 6) Fish( picture 7) Meat( picture 5) Activity 5: Using mind map in teaching vocabulary Example: when teaching unit 9: Undersea world – English 10 The teachers use the key word ” Undersea World “ and ask students to work in groups to find out vocabulary related to the given topic In this way, students will focus on the topic and enrich vocabulary easier Ocean shrimp dolphin UNDERSEA WORLD Shark Starfish Fish submarine The assessment of experimental results of the research 4.1 Findings of the research Over a year of teaching, two classes have been chosen to the research: the participants were 10C and 10C6 I found that, my students paid more attention to the lesson, the ability of doing the test better, the ability to use vocabular to speak English in daily life more perfectly Some errors about using vocabulary, especially special cases of word formations have been limited remarkably This study was used in the school year 2019- 2020 at classes: 10 C4, 10 C6 at Thach Thanh high school and the result was collected as the following: Before applying the techniques 18 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Class The Very Rather A little Not number of Intersted in interested in interested interested students English English in English in English 10C6 43 (7 %) (16 %) 10 (23%) 23 (53 %) 10 C4 42 ( 6%) (19%) 9(21%) 23 (54%) After applying the techniques Class The Very Rather A little Not number of Intersted in interested in interested interested students English English in English in English 10C6 43 11 (26 %) 10 (23 %) 10 (23%) 12 (28 %) 10C4 42 12 ( 29%) 11 (26 %) 9(21%) 10 (24 %) Comparing with old methods I had applied to my students before that and after using new methods in pre-reading, I can present some changes in my students’ attitude and results as follow: Before After - Students didn't work effectively because new words they got from teacher difficult to remember and they were confused with other new words they didn’t know in the text So they weren't motivated - Students weren't motivated - Students' attitude for the lesson wasn't good They felt bored and confused when dealing with new words so they weren't active in their lessons - Students' result for the lesson wasn't good Because most of them couldn't complete their tasks - students worked effectively.Teacher elicites new words in interesting and fascinating ways and they knew strategies to not worry about any other new words they met - Students were motivated - Students felt interested and excited because they were active in a lot of activities during the lesson - Students’ result for the lesson was good because most of them completed their tasks well 4.2 The effectiveness of the study in comparison with the previous methods The research results above show that doing the researches not only helps the students understand the lessons well but also have a good chance to practise what they have learnt To achieve this requires the teachers need to invest time, effort and intelligence to discover treasures of knowledge It is also necessary 19 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com for the teachers to select proper methods so that they can promote the students’ proactive ability in learning English There are different methods of teaching English, but the most important thing is that we must use the one that works in a certain situation Actually, various activities in each lesson can help with making students more dynamic and active What I will is to make effective use of all four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing I can teach speaking through reading, listening, speaking, and writing and vice versa One more important thing I should is implementing task-based teaching Tasks must be varied, challenging and interesting enough to hold students’ interest in communication Tasks must also be relevant to students’ needs, such as their jobs or target situations However, not all students can achieve the desired result because it is really difficult for students to remember new words and use them flexibly I myself usually adhere to the principal that it is better if I teach my students essential things and things that motivate students so that they can gain the best result from their teaching PART III – CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS Experimental lesson Learning is a personal journey.We are simple guides our students have to the traveling A guide can’t force a tourist to see what he or she doesn’t want to see We organize the environment, but We can not learn for them, Therefore, they have to the learning themselves So the teachers should teach the essential things and prepare interesting lesson plans that motivate students to get the best result Teaching is a really difficult task The teacher must have good knowledge, skills and other factors to adapt to education environment, so the teachers should be plexible, creative Tasks or activities should be applied for different levels of students, different classes This piece of work aims to highlight the importance of vocabulary learning as an essential part in foreign language learning Although it has been neglected for many decades, during the 80s it became a 'hot' topic for researchers Lexical knowledge is central to communicative competence and to the acquisition of a second/foreign language and a lack of vocabulary knowledge is an obstacle to learning An attempt is made to review the trends in the area of teaching vocabulary through various techniques teachers use when teaching Before presenting the meaning or form of vocabulary items, teachers need to notice the type of the vocabulary, the students’ level and characteristics, and also the value of the techniques for the learners In other words, students' age, level of education as well as English proficiency Etc may affect their learning, so teachers need to be aware of these differences when applying their teaching technique’s They can further provide their students with vocabulary learning strategies with opportunities to encounter words repeatedly and in more than one context Anticipate the problems that students may have to face with such as spelling, stress, pronunciation, kind of words such as: noun, abjective, verb, 20 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com advers… Teachers should prepare exercises before hand to limit students’ errors and get better result of study Suggestions for further studies That research is restricted to vocabulary and the participants in the research were students in grade 10 only, It’s hoped that the techniques having been mentioned in this report will bring about several benefits in teaching and learning English to teachers and learners Teachers can apply the theme to teach the grade 11 or 12 to motivate students Recommendations To improve the school’s education requires that the School Administrators, organizations are constantly interested in investment of educational facilities such as projectors, laptops, labs, and so on so that the teachers can have opportunities to use up-to-date technologies in teaching Administrative officers of Education and Training at higher level should pay more attention to daily life of teachers, encouraging them timely in their teaching job, especially in scientific research such as teaching aids, innovative experience and higher science study Individually, I hope that in the future at Thach high school there will be a class for students who take part in group D or A1( maths, Literature, English,/ maths, physics, English) so that English tearchers and students have more chances to master English With my little knowledge and study in reference books, I hope to contribute my little ideas in teaching English at senior high school In process of implementation, there should certainly be errors or omissions, so I am looking forward to receiving your comments on my topic so that I may more and more improve my teaching English Thank you so much ! THE CONFIRMATION OF THE HEADMASTER COMMITMENT Thach Thanh, june 26th 2020 I assure that this is my experience innovation and that no parts of the initiative have been copied from the others’ authors’ ones Written by Le Xuan Tuan Trinh Thi Ha REFERENCES 21 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Vocabulary and language teaching Lon Don Long Man Language learning strategies What every teacher should know Boston : HeinLe and 323 HeinLe New ways in teaching vocabulary Alexandra, VA: TESOL Learning vocabulary in another language Cambridge university press Downs, M.(2000) Increasing student Motivation Teachers’ Edition 4: – 13.7 Allen V Techniques in Teaching Vocabulary Oxford University Press, 1983 www.teachingenglish.com The importance of enriching vocabulary- Beranda, 23 july 2014 Tự học thực hành Tiếng Anh 10- Nhà xuất Giáo Dục 10 Sách giáo khoa tiếng Anh 10 - Nhà xuất Giáo Dục 11 Đề kiểm tra theo chuẩn kiến thức Tiếng Anh 10 12 Book: “Những vấn đề chung đổi giáo dục Trung học phổ thông môn tiếng Anh” ( Bộ Giáo dục Đào tạo) – NXB Giáo Dục 22 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... various and up -to- date techniques Teachers need to be able to master the material in order to be understood by students, and make them interested and happy in the teaching and learning process in. .. hope of supplying a good material for both teachers and students in their teaching and learning vocabulary 2 Practical basis of the problem Thach Thanh high school is one of the mountainous schools... them to have good habit in reading in stead of stopping reading to look up the dictionary Choose the techniques to teach vocabulary Learning a language is basically a matter of learning vocabulary

Ngày đăng: 10/07/2022, 06:37

Xem thêm:

Mục lục

    B. Why teaching vocabulary is necessary?

    Vocabulary plays a fundamental role in teaching and learning a foreign language. It is the basic for the development of all other skills like reading comprehension, listening comprehension, writing, spelling, pronunciation. Vocabulary is the main

    C. Why do students often forget vocabulary?

    2. Choose the words to teach

    Learning a language is basically a matter of learning vocabulary of that language. Not being able to find the words to express ourselves is the most frustrating experience in speaking another language. English learners come from difficult cutures, languages, castes, religions. they can not understand explanation made in the target language. Likewise, if the teachers teach by translating in their native language, which interfere with influency. Teaching is a challenging job therefore,



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