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(SKKN mới NHẤT) some effective methods of correeting errors in writing english for 10th grade students

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THANH HOA EDUCATION AND TRAINING DEPARTMENT HAM RONG HIGH SCHOOL - - TEACHING INITIATIVE SOME EFFECTIVE METHODS OF CORRECTING ERRORS IN WRITING ENGLISH FOR 10th GRADE STUDENTS AT HAM RONG HIGH SCHOOL Conductor: Luu Thi Thanh Tu Teacher of English Field: English Language Teaching Methodology THANH HOA, 2020 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com BOOK MAP PAGE CONTENTS 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale 1.2 Objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Methods of the study 1.5 Significance of the study CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical Background 10 2.2 The reality of the the study 10 2.3 Measures taken to solve the problem 10 2.3.1 Teachers’ activities 12 2.2.2 The students’ activities 15 2.4 The effectiveness of the initiative 18 CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 18 3.1 Conclusions 18 3.2 Limitations of the study 18 3.3 Recommendations for further research 20 REFERENCES: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE         English is the most popular language in the world, an important school subject Recognizing the importance of this language in international communication as well as in the development of international integration, the Vietnamese education industry has chosen English as the leading subject English is not only necessary for tourism, foreign trade, foreign companies, computer users but also a compulsory high school graduation exam Therefore, every student in high school must have a certain level of English to prepare for exams and after graduating, at least they must be able to communicate, read and write some common texts meet In order to this, we constantly innovate teaching methods as well as curriculum to achieve real results for English in general and to train some basic skills for students When learning a foreign language, writing skills are considered as one of the important skills that learners need to master if they really want to succeed in communication Learning English is not an exception, especially during the opening period of international economic integration, when most of the information resources are written in English, which requires increasing writing skills of this language Writing is a skill that everyone, regardless of the profession, will use every day As students, they have been and will meet many types of writing to perfect their learning process However, according to Nunan: "In all skills, writing a coherent, fluent and suggestive writing is the most difficult thing in language learning" (In terms of skills, producing a coherent, fluent and extended piece of writing is probably the most difficult thing there is to in language) In the process of learning a foreign language, making mistakes is also an inevitable part and plays an important role When practicing writing, students often face many difficulties in writing consistent and coherent paragraphs For 10th graders at Ham Rong High School who are just starting to get used to writing a short paragraph, it is essential to point out the basic errors and guide them to fix them because it will help them improve their English in the process of learning and practicing writing skills later on Understanding the situations in which children make mistakes and how the teachers and their students correct them will also help improve their writing skills For English teachers, who have the main responsibility to help students perfect this skill, the effectiveness of teaching depends not only on the method of teaching writing skills, but also on TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com knowledge and language skills of the teacher There are many factors that affect the learner's writing results, error correction is an important factor among them We can not deny that making mistakes in writing articles is inevitable during the learning process The more students pay attention to the lesson, the more they want to be creative and develop their own way of understanding the language formation process This is one of the reasons why the number of mistakes students make is increasing but making mistakes is also seen as a positive process From mistakes, learners can see whether they write well or not and it also helps teachers assess the ability of students at certain times to help them progress quickly In the process of correcting errors, teachers still encounter feedback from students This means that there will be disagreement not only among teachers but also among the students about what errors students often make, how to fix them, whether correcting errors will work in help students improve their writing skills or not, how to fix errors most effectively, and fix errors when it is reasonable 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY This study is aimed at: - providing idears of errors and error correction in English writing skills for students at high school - finding out the errors of students in English writing classes of the grade 10 students at Ham Rong High School - suggesting the useful techniques of error correction for writing work to the grade 10 students at Ham Rong High School in learning writing English 1.3 SCOPE OF THE STUDY With the problems encountered in the process of teaching writing skills to 10th grade students at Ham Rong High School, I implemented an initiative of experience in the school year 2018 - 2019 with the subject: “Some effective methods of correcting errors in writing English for 10 th grade students at Ham Rong High School” To improve writing skills for students at Ham Rong High School, the teachers can make use of various techniques and a number of things should be done However, within the framework of a teaching experience, the author only intends to draw a brief overview of what errors in writing skill are and how error correction techniques are used at Ham Rong High School TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Also, due to the time constraints, this study only involves a small number of students at Ham Rong School 1.4 METHODS OF THE STUDY By synthesizing, analyzing common mistakes in student writing and applying some corrective methods, I hope to contribute to help students understand the difficulties in the learning process and to suggest teachers and students some effective ways to correct mistakes to make the lesson achieve the desired results 1.5 SIGNIFICANCE OF THE INITIATIVE This initiative is hoped to be used to both teachers and the 10 grade students at Ham Rong High School This study has been able to contribute to teachers’ knowledge of teaching writing skill for students in particular, and writing for daily communicative activities in general Besides that, from the finding of the study, teachers can be provided with important information which may be valuable for their future lesson planning On the other hand, the teachers’ transformation in finding studtens’ errors and error correction implementation will be beneficial to the students TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CONTENTS 2.1 THEORY BACKGROUND 2.1.1 What is writing? The concept of "writing" in language theory In order to have an appropriate and effective approach in teaching writing skills, it is necessary to understand the concept of "writing" in language theory There are many definitions of "writing" Every linguist has his own definitions depending on the criteria they consider important According to Byrne (1979), writing is an "act of forming a sequence of symbols arranged by convention to form words and words arranged into sentences" From this perspective, we can see that any activity that makes up the word / sentence, whether meaningful or not, is considered "written" Writing, in terms of language theory, is not as simple as the concept that Byrne came up with It is a complex process that, according to Lannon (1989), defines "the process of converting materials discovered by inspiration, randomness, trial and error or whatever is in the message full meaning Writing is a process of careful decisions ” (p.9) According to this definition, writing must contain meaningful messages, this definition is more complete than Byrne (1979) because it aims to write, not write without clear direction In the process of teaching and learning, writing is considered to be a "language skill" (Tribble, 1996, p.3), it is not only the presentation of the language in written form but also the development and expression of ideas in a sequential, structured way ”It is“ a process that takes place over a period of time, especially when we spend some time thinking before writing the first outline ”(Harris, 1993, p.10) Compared to the concepts given earlier, this concept is most satisfactory because it covers all aspects of writing skills: form (written text), purpose (express ideas) , and structure (textured) When writing we know that a written document is the product of an individual with the purpose of communicating with others indirectly That means the receiver does not stand before the writer to hear from the writer Therefore, the writer must make sure that the text he or she writes is not only accurate but also easy to understand for the reader TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Several factors need to be considered when writing according to Raimes (1983) SYNTAX Sentence structures v.v GRAMMAR PROCESS Verb tense, Article, Pronoun, v.v FORMAT RECIPIENT Viết tay, readers phát âm, dấu câu, v.v STRUCTURE Paragraphs, Topics CONTENTS Coherence, Cohesion logic, v.v WRITING Brain storm, Drafts, Checking Good idears, Good writing PURPOSE Reason for writing Coherence, Cohesion OPTIONS/CHOICES Vocabulary, Collocation, Expression Writing process According to Tribble (1996), the writing process consists of steps: Pre-writing: This is the step that the writer takes before drafting, including choosing topics, thinking, taking notes, discussing, organizing ideas, drafting, collecting information (For example, interview, search library information, process data) Drafting: Drafting is the process by which writers write ideas into sentences and paragraphs, focusing on explanations, clarifying ideas, and linking ideas Revising: This is an important step for a complete document The writer will think about what the reader expects, the reader is the center of the text towards For example, refining texture, linking ideas or adding conjunctions TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Editing: The writer reviews the form of writing such as spelling, grammar and punctuation As we can see from the point of view, writing is a one-way process that does not involve the reader Reid (1993) makes the same point but adds three more steps to the writing process: feedback, evaluation and after writing This makes Reid's writing process more satisfactory In short, the steps of the writing process according to Reid (1993) can be illustrated in the following diagram: PREWRITNG DRAFTING FEEDBACK REVISING EDITING EVALUATING POSTWRITING In short, writing is an exercise that two people not in the same way However, there are basic steps that every writer must follow when writing Every researcher has different ways to illustrate the writing process, but all of them consistently write as a "recursive" rule that requires great effort from the writer 2.1.2 The concepts of "error" and "error correction": Overview of the error: There are many definitions of errors made by famous researchers such as Abbort (1981), Edge (1989), McKay (1989), Goldstein (1990), Hubbard (1991), Klassen (1993), Crosling (1996) etc Although they express in different ways, the concepts have in common the nature and function of the error: TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Goldstein (1990) defines errors as "an act of ignorance, omission, or unintentional neglect, lost from the original orientation or failed to achieve the goal"; Klassen (1993) gives a simpler definition of error According to Klassen, the error is "a form or structure that natives cannot accept because of inappropriate use."; Meanwhile, Crosling (1996) made his point in the direction of respectful of the criteria "Any deviation from the method is considered to be a fault" When it comes to errors, some researchers have the same opinion that not only foreign language learners make mistakes but also native speakers Indigenous peoples often make mistakes at two levels of "morphological error" and "expression error", the second one is a common error with higher frequency (McKay, 1984) Therefore, errors should be considered as unconventional and inappropriate We can see mistakes at all levels of language from form errors to expressions Error classification Lippman, J (2003) classifies errors into two categories: "general error" (covering error) and "specific error" CATEGORIES COVERING ERROR SPECIFIC ERROR - Not exactly in the whole - Not exactly in some parts of the sentence sentence For example: Wrong sentence For example: Wrong verb tense, syntax, wrong word choice wrong articles, wrong pronouns  Result: Failure in  Result: Difficulties in communication communication From the above categories, we can see that: - Covering errors include: Thesis Structures Information Compatibility and consistency Relevance to the object and purpose TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com - Specific errors include: Spelling Syntax Grammar Punctuation ( According to Lippman- 2003) There are many ways to classify errors depending on the purpose of the researcher in the analysis and the appropriateness with the actual conditions of the language teaching and learning Overview of error correction Error correction When evaluating an article we have the concept of "feedback" - feedback, which has two elements to distinguish: "assessment" - evaluation and "correction" - error correction In terms of assessment, learners are simply identified as performing well in the written article Regarding error correction, learners receive detailed information about the article such as: explanation, providing better ways of writing As a rule, correcting errors can and should give the writer the right and wrong way and why, but in general both teachers and learners see this concept as correcting errors Some basic methods of curing writing for students In the process of teaching in general, teachers often have to solve problems such as "which errors need fixing" and "fix errors effectively" Gower and Walter (1983) presented four problems for language teachers to solve when students made mistakes in writing, which is "what to fix, when, how and how much" Meanwhile, Raimes (1983) also gave basic error correction principles for error correction during classroom teaching: For students' writing, there is no need to mark errors but still identify errors to be corrected Identify the error carefully and find the cause Find the parts that students have successfully completed Record the students' mistakes Set up error symbols that are clear and easy to understand Regularly give reasons or correct and remove errors carefully Finally: handle errors carefully and create habits for students TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Addressing the problem of "fixing what, when", researchers often suggest that the teacher should choose to fix it immediately or until similar errors occur in the same lesson To make the problem of "how much to fix" it is clear that Gower and Walter offer some suggestions: • Engage students in the writing process • Spend less time fixing individual mistakes but focusing on common mistakes • Identify errors students have made • Indicate the location of the error • Indicate the type of error • Give learners the opportunity to correct themselves • Learners who cannot fix the lesson, ask other students for help • If the previous step fails the teacher corrects the error Edge (1989) also offers the following three basic troubleshooting steps: (i) Self-correction - Self-correction: Teachers point out errors for students to correct themselves because sometimes students need help to identify errors before they correct themselves (ii) Peer correction - Learner corrects errors together: Students work in pairs or in groups to find and correct errors in each other's writing This attracts all students to the process of error correction, making them more active, less dependent on the teacher (iii) Teacher correction - correction teacher: The teacher finds the writer who wants to say the wrong sentence and teaches students how to express it correctly 2.1.3 The relationship between error, error correction with the process of teaching and learning writing skills Making mistakes is inevitable in the learning process, in this way learners create important and essential characteristics for language learning Making mistakes is the way learners verify the knowledge they have learned, thereby grasping that language For teachers, making mistakes in the learning process helps them assess their knowledge level, consider what they need to learn to improve Error correction also has a positive impact on the language teaching and learning process Students who learn through self-correction, correct mistakes made by their classmates, and listen to their teachers' mistakes can progress faster Especially writing skills require high accuracy in words and expression TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com 2.2 THE REALITY OF THE STUDY From analyzing survey data and reading and finding errors in student writings during the course of teaching, we see some realities of the issues raised in this experiential initiative as follows:   Both teachers and students have a positive attitude toward correcting errors, and treat error as an essential part of the learning process, as an important factor in improving students' writing ability  Although error correction plays an important role in writing skills, and although both teachers and students have tried, students' writing skills have not improved much The reason is that many errors have not been pointed out and thoroughly corrected after making a general assessment of the student's writing, so even if students review it, they can not understand where they are wrong   There are errors that both teachers and students find difficult to identify, such as logical errors, speech errors, or word errors (Example: Correct sentence: I like reading historical magazine Wrong sentence: I like reading historic magazine The adjective historic - famous, important in history and historical - belongs to history.) Students and teachers only pay attention to spelling, grammar or structure errors when evaluating writing In the method of error correction, both teachers and students think that the teachers correct errors, students correct students' mistakes and self-rectify is the main method Students are often passive in the process of correcting errors In general, there are still many problems in correcting errors of students' writing, especially students in grade 10 who are new to the types of writing in the curriculum such as letters, invitations, narratives, etc Therefore, in order to improve the quality of teaching and learning in general as well as improve the effectiveness of error correction in the learning process of writing, the introduction of effective and appropriate error correction methods need to be understood and applied 2.3 MEASURES TAKEN TO SOLVE THE PROBLEM 2.3.1 Teachers’ activities Steps in the assessment process for student writing Determine "Which errors need correcting" Correcting all errors in a student's writing is not really necessary Teachers should choose important points - this depends on the language goal the 10 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com lesson is directed at This requires the teacher to identify errors in the overarching or minor errors and guide students When students understand the common types of errors, they will identify the types of errors in their writing It is often easier for students to find grammatical errors than grammatical, verbal, or logical errors Determine "How many errors should be corrected" Teachers may decide to correct only basic and serious mistakes so as not to discourage students from having too many errors in their writing However, the amount of error that should be corrected depends on the students Because some students are embarrassed to have received too many errors while others are not happy if the article recognizes only a general comment such as "good work" Forming "Method of error correction" - Use symbols when correcting lesson: This method proves to be convenient because the teacher does not have to write all the words and phrases in the article, especially when the number of lessons is high Symbols and meanings: GR: Grammar – Ngữ pháp Voc: Vocabulary – Từ vựng Sp Spelling error – Chính tả P Punctuation error – Lỗi dấu câu V Verb tenses errors – Lỗi W.O Wrong word order – Sai trật tự từ W.W Wrong word used – Dùng từ sai Agr Agreement – Đồng ý Y upside down (chữ y ngược) word missing - Thiếu từ ! Careless error – Lỗi bất cẩn Good, well done – Bài làm tốt ? I don’t understand – Khó hiểu Prep Preposition – Giới từ  Good point – Đúng/ hay Cap Capitalizing this word – Lỗi viết hoa () Unnecessary word – Từ không cần thiết Φ Omitting this word – Lược bỏ từ - Give feedback carefully: Giving feedback plays an important role in encouraging students to read through the lesson and be more eager to learn 11 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com during the learning process In addition to pointing out mistakes, teachers should encourage and praise what students are trying to show in the writing - Use a pen other than ink: Teachers often use a red pen when fixing lessons to make them easier for students to see But if a teacher uses a red pen to cross out any mistakes in the writing, then the students will look overwhelmed and inadequate, which will make them feel that they cannot write well and that they not want to receive the writing as a result, they no longer want to write Correcting the writing is not merely about pointing out the wrong thing but also encouraging students to express and correct the mistakes themselves The teacher should use a pen other than the ink of the article to correct it or use a pencil to correct the lesson to help students understand that the teacher is giving suggestions - Mark the margin of the article to help students identify mistakes: This method applies when students are familiar with the error symbols Students can find the errors themselves in lines or sentences with symbols Steps after reviewing student writing Organize general comment after marking Students will learn more if the teacher has time to correct the lesson in class after grading Students can avoid making similar mistakes in their writing when listening to comments on other articles There are errors in the expression that the teacher could not write in the article, so in the process of remedying the student will hear more Provide students with basic writing principles and exercises related to students' common mistakes The teacher may provide short memos (such as the structure of writing a letter of direction that invites you to the play house) or the problem finding exercises for students to practice 2.3.2 The students’ activities Change students' attitudes with error correction In the past, many teachers thought that making mistakes was a bad thing To them, it indicates that the student is ignorant or lazy, and in some cases the teacher blames the student for not paying attention or doing homework 12 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com carefully The teacher may just say "Sit down" and not pay attention to the student as if he or she did something wrong However, according to the new approach, students make mistakes which means that they are trying to find new expressions, they learn theory combined with practice Writing is a process and cannot ask the student right from the beginning Must make students understand error correction as one of the ways to help them improve skills, is an important and useful part of the learning process This helps students feel more confident and balanced before going into writing Emphasize the importance of proofreading and correcting errors Error correction is required, it is not a problem Students need to see it as an essential need while learning writing skills Correcting errors when students try their best to write often does not encourage students The appropriate solution is to turn error correction into activity in the classroom Involving students in the writing process is another way to encourage students to use English without worrying about making mistakes Raising students' awareness of proofreading and correcting errors will help them pay more attention to correcting their own writing and yours To help students raise awareness, teachers themselves need to be aware and set some rules when discussing, can give extra points for students to have accurate comments on your writing in the past class curing program Instruct students on how to find and point out errors • Using an error correction system is really effective, which encourages students to correct their own problems and correct others' problems Teachers need to give clear instructions and notation systems at the beginning of writing • Example: Find and point out errors in Jack Friedhamm's biography article 13 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CORECTION: Jack Friedhamm was born in New York on October 25, 1965 He began school at the age of six and continued until he was 18 years old He then went to New York University to learn Medicine He decided on Medicine because he liked biology when he was at school While he was at University, he met his wife Cindy Cindy was a beautiful woman with long black hair They went out for years before they decided to get married Jack began to work as a doctor as soon as he had graduated from Medical School They have had two children named Jackie and Peter, and have lived in Queens for the past two years Jack is very interested in painting and likes to paint portraits of his son Peter Apply drafting activities repeatedly Repeated drafts are considered an effective way to correct errors This method motivates students to participate in the correction process To perform this operation need to follow some steps:   Instruct students to look for errors in each draft: In this activity, students are asked to write copies so that the final version is as complete as possible Each time, students need to pay attention to the types of errors according to the following table: 14 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Errors 1st version Check out the structure and logic of the article 2nd version Pay attention to how to use words, grammar, forms 3rd version Find all possible errors Scoring plus gives students the ability to find and point out errors in papers The plus point can encourage students to engage in error correction activities to help you perfect your writing   Assess student progress through each draft paper: Teachers can also see students' progress through each article, and can also give points to students who show significant changes 2.4 THE EFFECTIVENES OF THE INITIATIVE The experiential initiative is implemented to point out and analyze some common mistakes for 10th grade students while learning writing skills, as well as provide some effective error correction methods for teachers during careful instruction writing ability Actual teaching in the 2018-2019 school year tests the writing skills of students in grades 10A5 of 55 students at the beginning of the term compared to the end of the semester Test the students’ writing skills with a quiz 20 minutes after they finish Unit A day in the life of - write a paragraph of 100 -120 words about your daily activities (Your daily activities) The analysis results of the following errors: Errors 0-4 errors 5-8 errors 9-12 errors More than 12 errors Grammar students 12 students 12 students 15 students Vocalbulary students 11 students 12 students 10 students Spelling students 12 students 15 students 10 students Analyzing data shows that at the beginning of grade 10, students' writing skills are uneven and weak with a rate of more than 50% with errors 15 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Especially, the writing results of the writing show that only 25% of students achieved above average results Test the skill of finding errors by finding and correcting errors for 10 sentences in 15 minutes with 15 students at different levels according to the test results, the results are as follows: Students Weak Medium Good 1-4 errors 5/5 students 3/5 students 2/5 students 5-8 errors 0/5 student 2/5 students 3/5 students 9-10 errors 0/5 student 0/5 student 0/5 students Through testing, we find that the skill of finding and correcting errors is not entirely dependent on the grammar and vocabulary base but due to the ability to apply that language into practice During the writing period in the first semester, applying the measures mentioned in part of the experiential initiative, students' ability to find and correct errors has improved significantly through each test during the learning process The error-finding skill "Error Identifitaction" among 55 students tested with 70% of students found that more than 50% of the errors in the article were required to find errors Writing skills through group activities, 50% of students in the group have the ability to correct the group's writing during the discussion The results of the tests after the writing period of 10 students or any group in Semester I (40 articles) are as follows: Errors Grammar Vocalbulary Spelling 0-4 errors 15 articles 15 articles 17 articles 5-8 errors 15 articles 17 articles 12 articles 9-12 errors articles articles articles More than 12 articles articles articles errors Results of practicing the writing skills of students at class 10 A5 after periods of writing in the firrst semester of the school year 2018 - 2019 have not really reached the perfection level because students of class 10A5 are students 16 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com who are not paying much attention to English subject, and they are of uneven level ò English proficiency However, it is initially found that if actively changing the content as well as the method of teaching foreign languages, it will bring certain effects and realize the ultimate goal of language learning that is to use the language in the language life and work 17 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS 3.1 CONCLUSIONS Writing is one of the most important language skills for English learners, perfecting it requires a lot of time and efforts The problem for both teachers and students in the learning process is finding effective teaching and practicing writing skills On the other hand, you can realize that making mistakes is inevitable and plays an important role in language learning Errors in the learning process are considered positive steps, whereby students gain more experience, awareness and make certain progress The implementation of the experiential initiative with the above mentioned goals has provided some effective remedies for students in the English program 10 With teaching, I see this initiative as a motivation which helps me and my colleagues to be more creative in teaching because teaching English writing skills in high school is not a simple task because it requires a lot of effort to explore and be patient The results cannot be seen overnight but take a relatively long time The scope of application of this initiative can be extended to all English learners of all grades because the writing skills and error correction requirements are included in all lesson units in the textbook 3.2 LIMITATIONS OF THE INITIATIVE Because of the limitation of time, this study has some limitations It only investigated the current situation of teaching writing skill in some communicative English classes at Ham Rong High School The respondents of the study were limited to the grade 10 students, so the situation about finding errors and error correcting in writing skill could not be considered as representative of all students learning English as a foreign language at Ham Rong High School 3.2 RECOMMENDATIONS In order to succeed in helping students correct errors in articles to perfect their writing skills, it is indispensable for the enthusiasm, love of the job and professional qualifications of teachers Besides, there should be support, encouragement, attention and timely guidance of the school and the leadership 18 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com In the next school year, I have the desire to implement an experiential initiative that will add some writing skills into the elective curriculum to enrich the teaching of writing skills for students at high schools Above is all that I have done and learned from my teaching experience However, the topic may not avoid limitations that need to be added Many untouched issues will be interesting topics for further research such as: - A study on errors and error correction to improve students’s speaking skill - Strategies and tecniques for finding errors and correcting errors activities in writing classes for the 11 or 12 grade students at Ham Rong High School I am looking forward to the comments of colleagues to make my initiative more complete! APPROVAL BY THE HEADMASTER OF THE SCHOOL Thanh Hoa, May 27th, 2020 I hereby declare that this study is conducted by myself, if something goes wrong I would be responsible before the law Luu Thi Thanh Tu 19 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com REFERENCES Academic writing – Oxford Press Chuẩn kiến thức kỹ môn Tiếng Anh 10, 11, 12 – (Tái lần thứ nhất) NXB Giáo dục Việt Nam 2010 Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary (7th edition) Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 10, NXB Hà Nội 2009 Thiết kế hoạt động dạy học Tiếng Anh 10, tập II, NXB Giáo dục Hà Nội Tứ Anh – Phan Hà – May Vi Phương – Hồ Tấn, Sổ tay người dạy Tiếng Anh, NXB Giáo Dục 2004 http://www.teachingenglish.edu.vn http://www.violet.vn TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com DANH MỤC CÁC ĐỀ TÀI SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG ĐÁNH GIÁ XẾP LOẠI CẤP SỞ GD&ĐT VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: Lưu Thị Thanh Tú Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Giáo viên Tiếng Anh, Trường THPT Hàm Rồng TT Tên đề tài SKKN Techniques for organizing Kết Cấp đánh đánh giá Năm học giá xếp loại xếp loại đánh giá xếp (Phòng, Sở, (A, B, loại Tỉnh ) C) Sở C 2018-2019 communicative activities in pair work and group work for students of Grade 10 at Ham Rong High School * Liệt kê tên đề tài theo thứ tự năm học, kể từ tác giả tuyển dụng vào Ngành thời điểm TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... writer takes before drafting, including choosing topics, thinking, taking notes, discussing, organizing ideas, drafting, collecting information (For example, interview, search library information,... finding out the errors of students in English writing classes of the grade 10 students at Ham Rong High School - suggesting the useful techniques of error correction for writing work to the grade. .. correcting errors Some basic methods of curing writing for students In the process of teaching in general, teachers often have to solve problems such as "which errors need fixing" and

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