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BÀI THỰC HÀNH CUỐI KHÓA Mô đun 01 Tìm hiểu chương trình giáo dục phổ thông 2018 môn Ngoại ngữ Cấp THPT Đại Trà Họ và tên Đơn vị trường , tháng năm 2022 Chọn 01 giáo án có sẵn cho 01 tiết học tiếng Anh mà thầycô đang sử dụng The 20th period Date of preparing Oct 20, 2021 Unit 4 Special Education READING I Objectives 1 Educational aim By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve reading skill through doing guessing words (based on Braille Alphabet), matching vocabulary (give meaning.

BÀI THỰC HÀNH CUỐI KHĨA Mơ đun 01: Tìm hiểu chương trình giáo dục phổ thơng 2018 mơn Ngoại ngữ Cấp THPT - Đại Trà Họ tên: … Đơn vị: trường … …, tháng … năm 2022 Chọn 01 giáo án có sẵn cho 01 tiết học tiếng Anh mà thầy/cô sử dụng The 20th period Date of preparing: Oct 20, 2021 Unit 4: Special Education READING I Objectives: Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve reading skill through doing guessing words (based on Braille Alphabet), matching vocabulary (give meanings in column A), multiple-choice questions and gap-fill (give meanings in the box 2) Knowledge: - General knowledge: Students know how to talk about school - Language: words related to school life II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative III Teaching aids: Teacher: textbook, board, colorful chalks, raising questions, hand-outs, projector, Students: textbook, white chalks, notebooks, hand-outs IV Procedures: Time 3’ Teacher’s & Students’ Activities Contents I WARMER - Aims: to help Ss engage in and get used to the topic Look at the Braille Alphabet in the textbook and guess the words which are written in a, b, c a      MUTE      b  DEAF  c  BLIND           Picture cue drill groups - T asks Ss to look at the Braille Alphabet on the book and asks them who will use it and how to use it - T asks Ss to work out the message - T gives other cues       => Lead to the new lesson  15’   Set the scene: Do the mute, the deaf and the blind have the same education with normal people? Today we are going to investigate and read a text about special education II PRE-READING Aims: to prepare vocabularies for the topic Vocabulary − an opposition : phản đối = disagreement (n) [Synonym] − make effort (n) : cố gắng [Example] − to prevent So from doing St: ngăn chặn [Explanation] − to be proud of (exp.) : tự hào [Translation] − disabled (adj) : tàn tật [Explanation] + deaf (adj) : điếc + blind (adj) : mù + dumb (adj) : câm − mentally retarded : chậm phát triển [Translation] Pre-activity Look at the requirements Are they necessary for teachers in teaching disabled children? Requirements Yes  Aid instruments Opposition  support  Impatience  Time - T elicits the new words from the Ss - T models the words and asks Ss to repeat - T gives the meaning and the stress of new words - T asks Ss to copy down into their notebook Table Individually - T runs through the questions - T asks Ss to give the answer - Ss share their ideas - T checks and gives feedbacks  Set the scene: You are going to read passage about Ms Thuy, a teacher in a special class 18’ III WHILE-READING - Aims: Read the passage for information to the tasks Matching Pair work - T runs through the task Task 1: Matching the words in A with their - T asks Ss to read the passages in definitions in B skim to find the new words A B - T asks Ss to give the answers - T corrects the answers with the disabled mentally retarded timeconsuming demonstr ation gradually a taking or needing a lot of time b an act of showing or explaining how to something c unable to use a part of the body in the normal way d slowly, over a long period of time e less mentally developed than normal  Answer keys: c 5.d e a 4.b Task 2: Read the passage again and complete the following sentences by circling the corresponding letter A, B, C or D Thuy’s class is different form other classes because the children A are from large families B are less mentally developed C love Maths very much D are disabled At first the parents were _ the idea of sending their children to the special class A interested in B opposed to C satisfied with D worried about It can be inferred from the second paragraph of the reading passage that there has been A a change in the parents’ attitude towards the class B a lot of protest from the parents against the class C a feeling of doubt in the teacher’s ability D a belief in the parents’ opposition The writer describes how Thuy teaches the children to add and subtract in order to prove that A the children like Maths B the teacher is proud of her work C the teaching work takes time D adding and subtracting are important The writer’s attitude towards Thuy’s work in the whole class Multiple choice Group work - T runs through the task - T asks Ss to read the text again and work in pairs to choose the answers - Ss work in pair - T asks Ss to give explanation for their choice - T gives feedback and correct answers passage can be described as A humorous B angry C suspicious D admiring 7’ IV POST-READING - Aims: Give the summary of the topic Gap-fill Group work Fill each of the blanks with a suitable word from - T gives Ss handouts and runs through the box some words that Ss may not know read opposition write disabled efforts time- T asks Ss to work in groups to find consuming fingers Maths arms proud the evidence Twenty –five (1) _ children have the chance of - T calls on some Ss to read aloud their learning how to (2) and (3) thanks to the answers (4) _ of a young teacher, Phan Thu Thuy - T gives answers Although her idea, at first, met with (5) _ from - T gives comments the parents of the disabled children The reaching work in the special class is (6) For example, in a (7) _ lesson, the teacher has to use her (8) _ and (9) _ to teach the children how to add and subtract The children are now (10) _ and happy  Answer keys: disabled read opposition consuming Maths 10 proud 1’ write arms efforts time fingers V HOMEWORK − Learn by heart vocabulary − Read the passage carefully to remember the main ideas − Prepare the new lesson : Unit 4: Special Education _ Part B: Speaking (interview, timetable, lower – secondary, oral, finally, semester, honest, change, break) – P.47 & 48 + Do Task (P.47) - T sets the homework -Ss listen and take notes Dựa hiểu biết thầy cô sau hồn thành mơ-đun Tìm hiểu Chương trình mơn Tiếng Anh Chương trình GDPT 2018, thầy/cơ hãy: Câu Viết 01 đoạn phân tích để điểm phù hợp hay chưa phù hợp giáo án việc đáp ứng yêu cầu phương pháp dạy học tiếng Anh theo Chương trình GDPT 2018 Trong giáo án này, Giáo viên biên soạn chưa: Thể đủ thông tin ngày dạy, tuần dạy, … Các mục tiêu cần đạt (Objectives) chưa có viết cụ thể đâu mục tiêu giáo dục, kiến thức, kỹ năng, thái độ, kỹ cần đạt Nội dung giáo án chưa tập trung nhiều vào hoạt động hóa học sinh, cịn tập trung vào hoạt động nói, trình bày giáo viên Giáo án cần làm rõ hoạt động giáo viên học sinh Điều chỉnh sau dạy (Remarks)/experiences phần ghi lại ưu điểm hạn chế cần phát huy/ khắc phục tiết học sau Sau tìm hiểu chương trình giáo dục phổ thông môn tiếng Anh, đặc biệt phương pháp dạy học tiếng Anh theo chương trình GDPT 2018, tơi nhận thấy có điểm chưa phù hợp nêu Vì vậy, giáo án bên cải thiện việc điều chỉnh thời gian nói giáo viên học sinh, lấy học sinh làm trọng tâm; tạo điều kiện cho học sinh có giao tiếp nhiều thơng qua hoạt động cặp nhóm, … Bên cạnh đó, có số điểm phù hợp sau: 1.Giáo án đề cập đến giáo cụ giáo viên học sinh sử dụng trình dạy học phù hợp 2.Giáo án đủ mục/phần chính: warm-up, pre-reading, while-reading post-reading 3.Phần warm-up điều chỉnh, phù hợp với học sinh tạo hứng thú Câu 2: Viết lại hay cải thiện giáo án nói cho phù hợp với yêu cầu Chương trình GDPT 2018 Week – Period 13 Date of preparing: Sep 30, 2021 Date of teaching: Oct 6, 2022 UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION Reading I Objectives: Educational aim: By the end of the lesson, students will be able to improve reading skill through doing guessing words (based on Braille Alphabet), matching vocabulary (give meanings in column A), multiple-choice questions (in task 2) Knowledge: a General knowledge: - Knowledge about special education and the Braille Alphabet b Language: - The past simple tense, the present simple tense - Vocabulary concerning special education Skill: - Speaking: talk in pairs and in groups - Reading comprehension: to match words in column A with their meaning in column B, to choose the best answers Attitude / quality: - Be confident in communicating with friends/ teachers - Show sympathy for friends/people who aren’t physically perfect Forming competence: - Co-operation (ready to help friends in pair work/ groupwork) - Self-study (can perform individual tasks and solve problems by themselves) II Method: Integrated, mainly communicative II Anticipated problems: - Students may have no ideas about special education and Braille III Teaching aids: Teacher: textbook, board, colorful chalks, raising questions, hand-outs, projector Students: textbook, white chalks, notebooks, hand-outs IV Procedures: Contents Time I WARMER mins - Aims: to help Ss engage in and get used to the topic Look at the Braille Alphabet in the textbook and guess the words which are written in a, b, c a    b    c               MUTE         DEAF BLIND  Set the scene: Do the mute, the deaf and the blind have the same education with normal people? Today we are going to investigate and read a text about special education 13 II PRE-READING mins Aims: to prepare information and vocabularies for the topic List out your daily activities and which ones would be difficult for disabled people to (3mins) Teacher’s Activities Students’ Activities Picture cue drill groups - T asks Ss to look at the Braille Alphabet on the book and asks them who will use it and how to use it - T asks Ss to work out the message in groups - T gives other cues - T give bonus marks to the group having quicker and correct answers on board - look at braille alphabet on page 44 - answer the questions individually (“the disabled people”) - find out the message (in groups) - write on board => Lead to the new lesson - listen to T - Ask Ss to work in groups of or to list out their daily activities - Ask some Ss from different groups to report their ideas - Work in groups to list out Eg: get up, wash my face, have breakfast, go to school by bike, listen to the teachers, write the lessons, talk to friends, play soccer, watch TV, etc - Ask Ss to write the list on the board and point out what activities would be difficult for - Point out some activities Eg: go to school by bike, listen to the disabled people to Vocabulary (10 mins) − an opposition: phản đối = - T elicits the new words from the Ss disagreement (n) - T models the words [Synonym/pictures] − make effort (phr): cố gắng = try, and asks Ss to repeat - T gives the meaning attempt [Example] and the stress of new − to prevent SO from doing St: words ngăn chặn [Explanation] - T asks Ss to copy − to be proud of (exp.): tự hào down into their [Translation] notebook − disabled (adj): tàn tật [Explanation/pictures] + deaf (adj): điếc + blind (adj): mù + dumb (adj): câm − mentally retarded: chậm phát triển [Translation]  Set the scene: You are going to read passage about Ms Thuy, a teacher in a - T sets the scene special class 17 III WHILE-READING mins - Aims: Read the passage for information to the tasks + Task 1: Matching - Ask Ss to read the passage individually in Task 1: Matching the words in A skim and Task with their definitions in B (7 mins) - Encourage Ss to guess A B the meaning of the disabl a taking or needing a words in the context ed lot of time b unable to use a part - Tell Ss to compare mental of the body in the their answers with a ly normal way partner retard c slowly, over a long ed period of time - Call on some Ss to Time- d less mentally read their answers aloud consu developed than in front of the class ming normal teachers, write the lessons, talk to friends, play soccer, watch TV, etc - say the words - repeat the words - practice and copy down on Ss’ notebooks - pay attention to T Matching Pair work - Read the passage and the task individually -guess the meaning of the words - Discuss and Share their answers with their partners - Some Ss give out their answers -Listen and self-correct - Give correct answers and have Ss explain all the words carefully to make sure the students understand the meaning of the words gradua lly  Answer keys: b a 4.c d - T asks Ss to read the Task 2: Read the passage again and text again and work in complete the following sentences by groups to choose the circling the corresponding letter A, answers through a game “Secret boxes” B, C or D (10 mins) - T lets each group Thuy’s class is different form choose a box and other classes because the answer Group will children receive bonus marks if A are from large families having a correct and B are less mentally developed fastest answer C love Maths very much - T asks Ss to give D are disabled explanation for their At first the parents were _ the choice idea of sending their children to the - T gives feedback and special class correct answers A interested in B opposed to C satisfied with D worried about It can be inferred from the second paragraph of the reading passage that there has been a a change in the parents’ attitude towards the class b a lot of protest from the parents against the class c a feeling of doubt in the teacher’s ability d a belief in the parents’ opposition The writer’s attitude towards Thuy’s work in the passage can be described as the exercise - Copy down Multiple choice Group work - read the text - work and discuss in groups -explain their choice -listen and correct A humorous C suspicious B angry D admiring Answer key: 1.D - 2.B - 3.A - 4.D 10 IV POST-READING (10 mins) mins - Aims: to share their opinions Handout: Imagine you are an interviewee Your friend took part in a volunteer work last summer You interview your friend about the activities that he/she did to help the disabled Cues: - Where did you work? - How long have you done? - What did you to help the disabled? - What difficulties did you meet? - … 1min V HOMEWORK − Review the new words and Do the rest of tasks − Read the passage carefully to remember the main ideas − Prepare the new lesson : Unit 4: Special Education - Speaking – P.47 & 48 Interview - T gives Ss handouts and runs through some words that Ss may not know - Think and brainstorm some other questions if possible - T asks Ss to move round to interview - Move and interview - T calls on some Ss to share their work - Share their work - T gives comments and bonus marks - listen - T sets the homework -Ss listen and take notes Remarks/Experiences:

Ngày đăng: 05/07/2022, 10:27

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