Homophony is a fascinating linguistic phenomenon found across various languages, but it is particularly prevalent in Chinese Chinese speakers frequently use homophonic words and phrases in both spoken and written communication to cleverly convey their meanings This use of homophony not only allows for a subtle expression of thoughts and emotions but also achieves effects such as irony and humor in specific contexts The widespread presence of homophony in everyday life highlights its significance in Chinese culture Building on the characteristics of homophony, people have created numerous linguistic products, including tongue twisters, character paintings, idiomatic expressions, riddles, jokes, and homophonic numbers.
For foreigners learning Chinese, understanding vocabulary and language structure doesn't guarantee comprehension of cultural practices For instance, in Xiangtan, Hunan, after a couple becomes engaged, it is customary for the man to present gifts to the woman's family during holidays and her parents' birthdays A key item in these gifts is a carp, which symbolizes "gift" due to its homophonic relation in Chinese.
The term "达礼" often appears in Chinese New Year paintings, where the image of a deer is commonly featured This is due to the phonetic similarity between the words "鹿" (deer) and "禄" (prosperity), symbolizing a wish for good fortune and auspiciousness.
Understanding Chinese culture through homophonic culture is both interesting and refreshing The author aims to use homophones as a medium to enhance the teaching of Chinese phonetics, characters, vocabulary, and culture, thereby increasing learners' interest This approach simplifies the process of teaching and learning Chinese, making it accessible for everyone to master the language effortlessly.
Research on homophony emerged in the 1980s, with significant contributions from Chen Liao's "A Must-Have Homophony Dictionary" and Jin Huiping's "Homophony and Chinese Rhetoric," highlighting the close relationship between homophony and Chinese rhetoric Homophonic phenomena are no longer seen as isolated or random occurrences; they have become deeply embedded in various rhetorical devices such as ellipsis, imitation, concatenation, embedding, antithesis, and distortion Zhao Jinming's 1987 work "Homophony and Culture" provided the first systematic classification of homophonic phenomena, categorizing them into nine types based on their relationship with language and culture, including homophony in conversation, humor, folk customs and painting, as well as in place names and personal names.
The phenomenon of homophony in language encompasses various aspects, including the homophonic transliteration of foreign words, regional dialects, poetry, and idiomatic expressions Scholars like Yang Qinghui in "On Homophony in Language Expression" have initiated research into this phenomenon, while Mei Lichong's work "Homophonic Puns in Chinese and the Taboos Created by Homophony" focuses on the implications of homophony in terms of taboo language Both studies primarily analyze homophony from a pragmatic perspective, highlighting its significance in communication.
While some scholars have explored the phenomenon of homophony, their research has not fully highlighted the rich and diverse nature of this linguistic feature In Vietnam, studies on homophony are relatively scarce, with existing research primarily focusing on the classification of homophones rather than their broader implications.
This article focuses on the study of homophony in the Chinese language, examining ten specific phenomena: homophony in poetry, novels, news articles, idiomatic expressions, online contexts, couplets, jokes, advertisements, names, and traditional customs.
This article analyzes the internal structural patterns, developmental reasons, and characteristics of Chinese homophony to convey cultural information It conducts an in-depth study of the phenomenon of homophony in Chinese culture, providing learners with theoretical knowledge to foster a deeper understanding of the cultural connotations embedded in homophony The goal is to enable learners to skillfully use homophony in communication with Chinese speakers, thereby enhancing emotional expression Ultimately, this paper aims to serve as a reference for Chinese language teaching in Vietnam.
This paper consists of an introduction, main body, conclusion, and references, with the main body divided into three chapters The first chapter provides an overview of Chinese homophony.
What is homophony? Various academic works, including Zhang Jing and Zheng Yuanhan's "Rhetoric Course," Wang Xijie's "Chinese Rhetoric," and Wang Rudong's "Rhetoric of Chinese Dialects," as well as reference books like the "Modern Chinese Dictionary" and "Rhetoric Dictionary," have addressed this topic However, there is currently no consensus in the academic community, with differing opinions on the essential characteristics and definitions of the concept A precise explanation of the essence and implications of a concept is crucial for solidifying understanding Therefore, it is necessary to fundamentally explore what homophony truly is.
According to Li Shizhi's "On Homophones in Chinese," homophony is a linguistic phenomenon that utilizes the similar or identical sounds of words to convey ideas Additionally, Hu Guangmei's research further explores this concept.
The study of homophonic phenomena in Chinese highlights its significance as a rhetorical device in language application This unique construction method enhances expressive effectiveness, allowing speakers to convey emotions and information more effectively Homophony holds an important position within Chinese rhetorical figures, showcasing its role in enriching language expression.
妙地 应用了读音相同而字形、字义不同的汉字,表达了耐人寻味的意思。
In China, during the Spring Festival, it is a common tradition for families to display various sizes of the character "福" (fu) on their doors, walls, and door frames This practice reflects a deep cultural aspiration for good fortune and blessings, symbolizing hope and well-wishes for the coming year.
The character "福" is often displayed upside down, symbolizing that "happiness has arrived" since "倒" (upside down) sounds like "到" (arrived) Additionally, the number "8" is frequently associated with high-value phone numbers and license plates, as it is considered a symbol of good fortune in Chinese culture.
The concept of homophony resonates deeply with the Han people's desire for wealth and aversion to poverty While the number "4" is typically considered ordinary, its pronunciation resembling the word for "death" has led to its perception as an unlucky number, prompting avoidance When visiting a sick person, gifting apples and pears is believed to have positive effects, as "pingli" sounds like "bing li," meaning "sickness depart." Additionally, couples sharing a pear symbolizes their wish to remain together, as it plays on the phrase "bu fen li," meaning "not to separate." Homophony is not exclusive to Chinese; it exists in many languages, yet Chinese culture uniquely amplifies this phenomenon Ultimately, the art of homophony embodies the wisdom of the Han people and highlights the distinctive qualities of Chinese culture.
As Sapir stated, "Every language is a collective art of expression." In Chinese language and culture, phonetic harmony is considered an art form that transcends mere linguistic phenomena, embodying a significant cultural phenomenon as well.
1.2.1 同音词、同音字是谐音现象产生的语音基础
Chinese is a syllable-based language characterized by the unique relationships between sound, meaning, and form in its characters Most Chinese words are either monosyllabic or disyllabic, with distinctions between words primarily reflected in syllable variations Mandarin features 21 initials and 39 finals, allowing for the formation of approximately 400 syllables When considering the four tones, this results in about 1,200 distinct syllables, which serve as the foundational linguistic materials for the entire Chinese vocabulary Consequently, the repetition of syllables leads to homophony, which is an unavoidable phenomenon in the language The Xinhua Dictionary contains around 10,000 individual characters.
Trong phiên bản năm 1998, có nhiều từ đồng âm, chẳng hạn như âm "gōng" tương ứng với các chữ Hán như "公", "工", "功", "宫", "攻", "弓" Hầu hết các chữ Hán đều có thể được sử dụng độc lập để tạo thành từ, do đó số lượng từ đồng âm là rất lớn Ngay cả các từ ghép cũng có khả năng đồng âm, với việc sử dụng những chữ trên để tạo thành các từ ghép như "公".
式‖、―宫室‖、―公示‖、―共事―‖、―攻势‖等同音节。在《新华字典》里,b 声母
1.2.2 想象力和创造力是谐音现象产生的心里活动基础
The belief that language possesses magical power, encapsulated in phrases like "speak misfortune and misfortune will come," is deeply rooted in Chinese culture Ancestors of the Chinese viewed certain words as having the ability to bestow blessings or bring disaster This led people to seek communication with the mystical forces of nature through language to invite fortune and avert calamity However, language is fundamentally a tool for expressing thoughts, developed by humans throughout evolution alongside labor, devoid of any mystical properties From a semiotic perspective, language is merely a combination of specific phonetic forms and semantic content, serving as a symbolic system for communication.
Words and things are fundamentally different, with no inherent connection or supernatural power between them However, in the distant past, when people had little understanding of language, it was attributed with mystical powers This led to a belief in language as a source of extraordinary magic that could bring various fortunes and misfortunes Consequently, the symbols represented by language became intertwined with the words themselves, such as the tradition of offering sweet candies during weddings, where the sweetness symbolizes harmony and happiness in marriage.
In Chinese culture, gifting pomegranates symbolizes the wish for many children, as the word "子" (zi) meaning "son" is associated with the abundance of seeds Similarly, sharing a pear signifies a desire for eternal unity, as "梨" (li) sounds like "离" (li), meaning "separation." These associations highlight the meaningful connections between words and their cultural significance.
Language serves as a vital communication tool for humans, adhering to conventional norms while simultaneously evolving to embrace trends and novelty This dynamic encourages individuals to innovate boldly, often leading to the transformation of existing words and the creation of new ones In conversations, speakers frequently overlook familiar terms in favor of recently coined expressions or entirely new vocabulary This shift in linguistic behavior has resulted in a significant increase in homophonic words, exemplified by the English terms "perform" and "display," which have inspired creative adaptations in other languages.
― 真人秀‖等词频繁出现,相对来说―表演‖、―展示‖二词使用得少了。―email‖是
The term "email" has become the universal expression for electronic mail, while its full English counterpart, "electronic mail," is used significantly less frequently.
像―卡通‖(cartoon)与―动画‖,―迷你裙‖(mini - skirt)与―超短裙‖,―酷‖(cool)
与―有个性‖― 粉丝‖(fans)与―迷‖等都是人们追求陌生化语言形式的产物。
1.2.3 方言之间的语音差异是产生谐音现象的可能条件
The significant phonetic differences in the Chinese language create conditions conducive to the formation of homophones The Han ethnic group, known for its large population, is widely distributed across vast regions, leading to the development of seven major dialect areas due to historical migrations and ethnic integration These dialects often render communication difficult for outsiders, resulting in a rich variety of homophonic phenomena amidst increasing interactions For instance, in Cantonese-speaking regions like Guangdong and Hong Kong, there are specific taboos related to homophones; restaurant staff avoid serving "fried rice" to the first customer of the day, as "fried" in the local dialect means to "fire" or "dismiss," commonly referred to as "firing squid."
In Chinese culture, certain sounds and words are associated with bad luck, leading to superstitions in business practices For instance, the sound of frying is considered inauspicious, and employees are prohibited from reading books in stores, as the word "book" sounds like "lose." Business owners aim for profitability and avoid anything that could suggest loss Additionally, in Sichuan dialect, the word for "tongue" sounds like "break," while in Cantonese, it resembles "to lose," both of which are deemed unlucky by merchants as they imply bankruptcy and financial loss.
成―吉屋招租‖;河南驻马店一带有一座山叫做―确山‖,―确‖字在方言 中有
―坑‖― 骗‖― 糟糕‖等意思,因此,生意人都忌讳称其为―确山‖,而要改成为―顺
Language phenomena are deeply rooted in specific environments, reflecting the culture of a nation or region, which inherently imbues them with national and regional characteristics The phenomenon of homophony in Chinese is firmly embedded in the cultural soil of the Chinese nation, showcasing distinct traits of Chinese identity With its long history and vast territory, China is a multi-ethnic country where linguistic and cultural differences exist across various eras, regions, and ethnic groups These differences are clearly manifested in homophonic phenomena, highlighting their temporal and regional significance.
A nation is a stable community formed historically, characterized by shared language, common geography, collective economic activities, and a unified cultural identity that reflects a common psychological disposition.
Ethnicity, often referred to as uniqueness, is encapsulated in the idea that "language is the symbol of culture, and culture is the conduit of language" (Xing Fuyi) A nation's culture is reflected in its language, and homophony is no exception, revealing the profound depth of Chinese culture The Chinese nation has endured over two millennia of feudal society, dominated by Confucian orthodoxy, which has led to a strict hierarchical ethical perspective This has fostered a mindset that values restraint and subtlety, favoring auspiciousness while shunning misfortune Consequently, these characteristics are evident in the phenomenon of homophony, where the pursuit of good fortune and the avoidance of evil are paramount In traditional Chinese consciousness, the concept of "blessing" holds a specific significance, as highlighted in the "Book of Documents: Hong Zheng."
The concept of "福" (fu) encompasses five key aspects: longevity, wealth, health, virtuous character, and a peaceful end to life It is commonly summarized in the phrase "福禄寿喜," which signifies health, long life, prosperity, happiness, and numerous descendants In Chinese culture, the practice of "祈福" (qifu), or blessing, is often reflected in homophones, such as the tradition of pasting the character "福" upside down on doorways during the Spring Festival, symbolizing "福到了" (fu dao le), meaning "blessings have arrived." Traditionally, cakes and rice dumplings were given to students before exams, as "糕粽" (gao zong) sounds like "高中" (gao zhong), wishing them success in their studies On birthdays, elderly individuals often receive paintings featuring cats and butterflies, with "猫" (mao) sounding like "髦" (mao), and "蝶" (die) sounding like "耋" (die), both conveying wishes for longevity During weddings, gifts such as red dates, peanuts, longan, lotus seeds, chestnuts, and walnuts are presented to newlyweds, with red dates, peanuts, and longan symbolizing early offspring, and lotus seeds and peanuts representing continuous births.
The phrase "五福临门," which depicts three goats, symbolizes "三阳开泰," reflecting the deep-rooted appreciation for auspiciousness in Chinese culture This affinity for good fortune permeates various aspects of life, influencing even the incorporation of foreign vocabulary As Chinese people embrace external cultural elements, they seamlessly blend their love for auspicious meanings with the adoption of foreign terms, resulting in a unique cultural synthesis.
国 特 色‖的 翻 译 现 象 。―TOEFL‖, 本 是 英 语 中―Test of English as a Foreign
―L‖,它 便 成 了―托 福‖, 融 进 寄托 幸 福 之 意。 还 有 ,―Robust‖成―乐 百 氏‖,
In Chinese culture, certain words and gifts are avoided during weddings due to their negative connotations Terms like "death," "completion," "end," and "scattering" are considered taboo When giving wedding gifts, items such as umbrellas and clocks are discouraged, as "umbrella" sounds like "scattering" and "clock" resembles "sending off to the afterlife." Additionally, brides are advised against eating melons, as "melon" sounds like "widow," which could imply a future of being alone When sharing pears with friends, it's important not to split one, as "sharing a pear" phonetically resembles "separation." If parting is necessary, it is customary to present a willow branch as a farewell gesture, symbolizing a hopeful connection.
1.4.1 谐音的功能分类
Homophony, as a rhetorical device, not only enhances the effectiveness of language expression but can also serve a word-formation purpose Functionally, it can be categorized into two types: rhetorical and word-formation uses. 修辞性谐音
Rhetorical homophony is a phonetic phenomenon aimed at enhancing language expression without creating new words or phrases By utilizing similar or closely related phonetic elements, it can render language more profound, humorous, or vivid, effectively conveying the speaker's emotions and attitudes of praise or criticism.
(1)栾平(奸笑):嘿嘿嘿嘿,好一个胡标! 你不是
Yang Zirong (taking the lead): "Is it me? Or is it you? I have loyal friends and value brotherhood! Unlike you, with the surname Luan " (from "Taking Tiger Mountain by Strategy").
A wealthy landowner had several acres of land that he rented to Zhang San, charging one chicken per acre as rent Zhang San concealed the chicken behind his back, prompting the landowner to declare that the land would not be cultivated by Zhang San In a hurry, Zhang San presented the chicken, leading the landowner to recite another verse.
In a conversation, Zhang San questions why he is not engaged initially but later is sought after The landowner responds that the initial inquiry was nonsensical, while the later interest reflects a timely understanding of the situation.
In example (1), Yang Zirong takes the negation expressed by Luan Ping through the predicate "not" and transforms it into the noun "not," which signifies "error" or "fault." This effectively and subtly interrupts and shifts Luan's original meaning.
The topic of transformation from passive to active is exemplified in example (2), where the characters "稽" and "机" subtly suggest the sound "鸡." The meaning of "鸡" within the context vividly illustrates the image of a chameleon-like figure of the rich landowner. 构词性谐音
Phonetic wordplay refers to the linguistic phenomenon of creating new words through similar sounds, which also carries a rhetorical effect The words formed using phonetic methods can be categorized into several distinct types.
Some idioms are formed using homophonic methods For example, the term "半吊子" (ban diao zi) and "二百五" (er bai wu) derive their meanings from phonetic similarities In the Ming and Qing dynasties, five hundred copper coins constituted one "封" (feng), also known as one "吊" (diao) Thus, two hundred and fifty coins represented half a "封," with the sound of "封" resembling that of "疯" (feng), leading to the idiomatic expression "二百五."
In contemporary Chinese slang, phrases like "半吊子" (half-baked) and "气管炎" (strict wife) have emerged as popular insults Additionally, the use of homophonic expressions is prevalent in various idioms, such as "腊月里的萝卜" (the radish in the twelfth lunar month) meaning "to have a frozen heart," and "纸糊的琵琶" (the paper-mache pipa) which signifies "unable to play or discuss." Other examples include "没牙的徒弟" (the toothless apprentice), referring to "a shameless disciple." These creative linguistic plays reflect the richness of colloquial expressions in modern Chinese culture.
Khi tiếp nhận từ ngoại ngữ, có một phương pháp gọi là "phiên âm tăng nghĩa", tức là việc phiên âm từ ngoại ngữ thành chữ Hán không chỉ đơn thuần là ký hiệu âm thanh mà còn mang ý nghĩa Đôi khi, ý nghĩa này không phải là bản chất của từ gốc Chẳng hạn, một loại đồ uống mang tên "Spirit" được dịch thành "雪碧" (Tuyết Bích), trong đó "雪" và "碧" tạo thành một ý nghĩa trong sáng và tươi mát mà từ tiếng Anh gốc không có.
Donhill 等,也都不同程度地取得了类似的修辞效果。有时,利用谐音的方式,故
The article explores the creative use of Chinese characters that, when interpreted literally, generate humorous and unrelated meanings for foreign words This playful approach transforms terms like "disco" into "kick the dog," "Los Angeles" into "falling chicken," "Ohio" into "still hungry," "cancer" into "cut you," and "husband" into "black wooden bench," showcasing how language can evoke laughter through unexpected interpretations.
The province has renamed several locations, changing "Chicken Cage" to "Keelung," "Cow Dung Cape" to "Yushi Li," and "Fan Po Li" to "Fan Tao Li." In Beijing, the names of "Dung Beetle Alley," "Muffled Gourd Alley," and "East River Rice Lane" have been updated to "Time Bright Alley."
Examples like "Mengfu Lu Hutong" and "Dongjiao Minxiang" showcase successful phonetic transformations of place names, captivating social linguists Similarly, personal names often carry deeper meanings; for instance, the name "Zhou Libo" contains "Libo," which phonetically resembles the English word "Liberty."
(当然,有些单位算不算规范的新词新语,尚有待进一步研究) ,字—字相谐的
Trong tiếng Trung, một số từ có thể được hiểu qua âm thanh tương tự, như "去音" thể hiện sự khinh thường, và các con số như "8" (không sai) hay "880" (bó tay) mang ý nghĩa tương tự Các cụm số như "1.14" (một chút ý nghĩa) hay "55555" (tiếng khóc) cũng được sử dụng phổ biến Ngoài ra, một số từ tiếng Anh như "O" (tôi muốn nôn) hay "你才放P" (bạn mới là người xả hơi) cho thấy sự tương đồng giữa tiếng Anh và tiếng Trung.
1.4.2 谐音的文化分类
Poetry is a treasure in the realm of Chinese literature, celebrated for its unique rhythm and subtle beauty Poets often employ homophonic techniques to express their complex emotions in an implicit manner This style of poetry has ancient roots, showcasing the rich tradition of nuanced expression in Chinese literary culture.
The lines "Lotus seeds are as clear as water, and the lotus heart is completely red" and "In the third watch, I write on stone, remembering the midnight inscription" are from Southern Dynasty Lefu poetry The word "lotus" phonetically resembles "love," symbolizing the poet's subtle yet profound affection.
在 唐 代 , 诗 人 刘 禹 锡 的―东 边 日 出 西 边 雨 , 道 是 无 晴 ( 情 ) 却 有 晴
Li Shangyin's verses, such as "The spring silkworm dies only when it has spun its last thread" and "The wax torch burns to ashes before its tears dry," convey an ineffable emotional depth These lines, characterized by their hazy beauty and vivid imagery, have become timeless expressions of sentiment, resonating throughout the ages.
In the film "Sister Liu," the lyrics of a song cleverly use homophones of three surnames—Tao, Li, and Luo—to satirize three landlords who consider themselves talented This playful wordplay not only highlights the absurdity of their claims but also showcases the witty, lively, and bold character of Sister Liu.
The poem "Butterfly Loves Flowers: Reply to Li Shuyi" uses the imagery of poplar and willow to symbolize Yang Kaihui and Liu Zhiwen, conveying profound sorrow and heartfelt mourning for their passing.
In the Ming Dynasty novel "Journey to the West," author Wu Cheng'en systematically names and ranks the three main characters: Sun Wukong, Zhu Wuneng, and Sha Wujing The phonetic play on their names reveals deeper meanings, translating to "Sun, do not fear," "Zhu, incapable," and "Sha, pure."
In the Qing Dynasty novel "Dream of the Red Chamber," character names often employ homophonic puns to convey deeper meanings, reflecting the tragic fates of the characters or satirizing them and the feudal society For instance, the author introduces Zhen Shiyin and Jia Yucun at the beginning, using homophones to imply the idea of "concealing the truth with false words." Nearly every character's name in the novel subtly hints at their personality or destiny, such as Jia Baoyu, whose name sounds like "false treasure."
In the narrative, the character Yu symbolizes a rebellious spirit, referred to as the "true stubborn stone." The names of the four sisters—Yuan Chun, Ying Chun, Tan Chun, and Xi Chun—phonetically suggest a lament for their fleeting youth and tragic fates Jia She, whose name sounds like "hypothesis," indicates his superficial role in the Jia family, lacking the approval of Grandmother Jia Similarly, Jia Jing's name, resembling "false tranquility," critiques his pretense of seeking peace while actually living in the countryside, highlighting the irony of his character.
The term "coffin's edge" cleverly combines the first characters of "tariffs, military reduction, and organization," while also humorously referring to bondholders as being trapped at the "coffin's edge," highlighting the perilous nature of their work During that era, individuals involved in public debt often engaged in these three professions, but the market's volatility meant that one could swiftly transition from wealth and luxury to financial ruin The phrase "tariff, military reduction, and organization" serves as a metaphor for the inherent risks associated with their occupations.
Headlines have long been regarded as the "eyes" of newspapers, playing a crucial role in attracting readers The effectiveness of a headline lies not in its prominence on the page, but in its inherent power to engage By cleverly utilizing puns and wordplay while adhering to the facts of the news, a headline can create a striking visual impact, generate suspense, and ignite readers' interest and enthusiasm Crafting a compelling headline is a challenging task for editors The phenomenon of homophony in news headlines can generally be categorized into two types: idiomatic expressions and common word puns.
In these news headlines, conflicting linguistic information quickly diverges from the reader's cognitive framework, creating questions that spark curiosity and interest in the article Additionally, the use of phonetic similarities enhances the appeal of the headlines.
最妙不可言的一则新闻标题是《美―立歼‖对手伊―拉克‖敌军》2003年 3月
On the 25th, the Xinmin Evening News vividly illustrated the strategic intentions of both the U.S and Iran The United States, relying on its advanced weaponry, aims for a swift victory, with authoritative figures suggesting that combat could conclude by the end of the month In contrast, Iraq is focused on a prolonged conflict, seeking to entangle its opponent in a drawn-out struggle.
"拉克" translates to "holding back to defeat the enemy," while "美立歼" cleverly incorporates a homophone of "美利坚," seamlessly blending with the reported content.
The term "graduate student" creates a striking contrast in meaning, generating a strong sense of intrigue in the reader's mind and compelling them to explore further.
A gift shop owner in Shanghai cleverly displayed a couplet at the entrance of his store, stating "With courtesy, one can travel the world" and "Without courtesy, one cannot move an inch." By replacing the character "理" (reason) with "礼" (courtesy), the shopkeeper creatively promoted his products, showcasing an ingenious use of homophonic techniques.
The People's Daily highlights the intriguing contrast between the terms "洋货" (foreign goods) and "洋祸" (foreign disaster), which share the same pronunciation yet convey entirely different meanings This linguistic playfulness captivates readers and leaves a lasting impression, showcasing the richness of language and its impact on perception.
On August 12, 2016, Tencent News published an entertainment article featuring the headline: "Yao Chen Shows Off Her Toned Abs While Subtly Displaying Her Shoulders, Exuding a Fresh Pregnancy Vibe."
The clever use of homophones in the news headline, linking "炫腹" (showing off a pregnant belly) with "炫富" (showing off wealth) and "孕味" (pregnancy charm) with "韵味" (elegance), effectively highlights the theme of artist Yao Chen's public appearance after her pregnancy This innovative approach captures readers' attention, making the content appealing However, it is important to note that some news outlets excessively exaggerate and sensationalize headlines solely for clicks, which is not advisable.
Since the announcement in 2018 that Huang Xiaoming and Guan Xiaotong would serve as ambassadors for the Beijing TV Spring Festival Gala, they have been affectionately referred to by audiences as "Little Crowns." This nickname plays on the fact that both names start with the character "Xiao," which phonetically resembles "Huang" and "Guan."
In 201
Puns are a form of "figurative language" often used for humor This linguistic style has a unique development in Chinese idioms known as "Xiehouyu." Xiehouyu consists of two types: those based on metaphorical meaning and those relying on homophony Understanding the metaphorical meaning requires hints from the first part, leading to interpretations that evoke new insights or meanings.
The term "bite the text and chew the words" connects the concepts of "text," "words," and "books," while the actions of "biting" and "chewing" relate to "mice." This association leads to a deeper interpretation, enriching the meaning behind the phrase.
The phrase "old" is what the author truly intends to convey This type of idiomatic expression is highly evocative and easily sparks associations Additionally, the language used is humorous and witty, carrying an undertone of teasing.
In the context of "Water Margin," the character Wu Yong is celebrated as the clever strategist of the Liangshan heroes However, when someone refers to another as Liangshan's strategist, it superficially points to Wu Yong but subtly plays on the phonetic similarity to "without use," humorously and ironically implying that the listener is ineffective or useless This clever wordplay conveys a gentle yet pointed critique.
如―一二三五六—没事‖,― 没事‖是喻义的结果,―没四‖是谐音的结果。
The phrase "Confucius moving house—it's all a loss" cleverly plays on the homophonic relationship between "books" and "loss." Referring to Confucius, a renowned thinker and educator, it suggests that his home would be filled with numerous books Consequently, when he moves, he is metaphorically said to be carrying only books, implying that in gambling or competitions, the outcome is invariably a loss.
父亲向儿子磕头—— 岂有此理(岂有此礼)
公共厕所仍石头—— 引起公愤(引起公粪)
Rice soup symbolizes a close relationship, while the phrase "the monk arrives home" emphasizes the significance of a sacred place Similar to homophonic puns, these expressions may lack straightforward meanings but are not uncommon Other examples include "chicken feathers ringing a bell" indicating reluctance, "Confucius moving houses" implying loss, "hanging straw curtains in the main room" suggesting a lack of communication, "the sun appearing on a cloudy day" representing false hope, and "four measures of cotton for two" indicating imbalance.
The article explores the expressive nature of Chinese idioms and phrases, highlighting examples such as "Zhang Gong—playing the lute, marrying nine times—Ba Youli's departure, and covering with a cotton quilt in the sweltering heat of Wuhan." It discusses the two types of expressions: those that clearly articulate both the metaphor and its explanation, and those that only present the metaphor, omitting the explanatory part The former is straightforward and easy to understand, while the latter is more subtle and intricate, allowing for playful interpretation.
Whether in humorous or serious contexts, the use of idiomatic expressions adds liveliness and charm to language However, it's important to use them appropriately and sparingly; overuse can undermine the seriousness of communication and lead to unintended consequences.
Internet homophones are a unique category of language that emerged and is used within the online environment Due to the efficiency, convenience, and informality of online communication, users prioritize quick exchanges over strict language norms This has led to the widespread substitution of homophones and near-homophones, with numbers and foreign words also playing a role, resulting in a distinctive and engaging set of internet homophones Within this digital vocabulary, new words and expressions formed through homophonic techniques are particularly prominent, and they can be roughly categorized into several types.
1 运用英文字母和单词的读音谐音。例如―DD‖,英文字母―D‖的读音,谐 音指汉语―弟弟‖;―U‖,英文字母―U‖的读音,与英文单词―You‖音同,转指汉语
Trong tiếng Anh, từ "JJ" phát âm giống như chữ cái "J", gần giống với âm của từ "chị" trong tiếng Trung, trong khi "CU" kết hợp âm của chữ "C" và "U", tương tự như cụm từ tiếng Anh "See you" (hẹn gặp lại).
The term "dog leash" is a homophone for "go die," originating from a performance by Chinese artist Huang Zitao during a concert where he showcased his English rap skills, leading to its viral popularity.
2 汉语字、词之间的谐音。这一类较为常见。
Homophones play a significant role in language, as seen in examples like "斑竹" (bamboo) and "版主" (forum moderator), which sound alike Similarly, "王八" (a derogatory term) and "网吧" (internet cafe) share phonetic similarities, while "西西" (giggle) and "嘻嘻" (laugh) represent laughter through sound Other examples include "馨香" (fragrance) and "信箱" (mailbox), as well as "幽香" (subtle fragrance) and "邮箱" (email box) Additionally, "霉女" (unattractive woman) and "美女" (beautiful woman) illustrate contrasting meanings, while "菌男" (bacteria man) also demonstrates the impact of homophony in language.
The phrase "I started to panic" was humorously mispronounced as "I started to feel square" due to the pronunciation differences among people from Fujian, who often confuse the sounds of "f" and "h." This playful substitution of "square" for "panic" quickly gained popularity online, leading users to express their feelings with the phrase "I feel so square."
The phrase "I'm so anxious" carries a tone of sarcasm, while "monkey awesome" is a playful phonetic twist on the Cantonese expression for "very impressive," which is actually pronounced "ho se lei." This phonetic variation gained popularity during the 2016 Spring Festival, as internet users embraced it as a humorous blessing to share with friends and family.
"My life goal is to be a farmer, enjoying mountain springs and a bit of land." This phrase cleverly plays on the advertising slogan "Nongfu Spring is a little sweet," reflecting the modern desire to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and embrace the tranquility of rural living.
The phrase "There is nothing difficult in the world, only a fear of newcomers" vividly illustrates how young employees inject fresh energy into a company, surpassing their predecessors This dynamic not only highlights the potential of new talent but also reflects the genuine feelings of competition experienced by seasoned employees.
Papi 酱 là một hiện tượng mạng nổi tiếng, nổi bật với các video chứa đựng nhiều ngôn ngữ mạng hiện đại Trong các video của cô, không chỉ có những câu nói hài hước mà còn xuất hiện các hình thức ngôn ngữ chơi chữ thú vị.
Trong video, nhiều lần nhắc đến từ "酱吧" (tạm dịch là "như vậy đi"), "男盆友" (nam bạn trai) và "爱豆" (idol, nghĩa là thần tượng), thể hiện sự sáng tạo ngôn ngữ và cách chơi chữ trong giao tiếp hiện đại.
Youku Video's original variety show "Mars Intelligence Agency," co-produced with Galaxy Cool Entertainment, is the first online program that uses variety show techniques to explore intriguing discoveries among the public The show encourages all unique and interesting findings, featuring agents who safeguard proposals and engage in lively debates, ultimately aiming to activate the audience's insight potential The post-production of the program also incorporates a significant amount of homophonic elements.
杰叔这个词一出来你就结束了( 杰叔‖与―结束‖相谐)
―香菇‖― 蓝瘦‖表示―想哭‖―难受‖,起源是广西南宁一小哥失恋后录视频:
The phrase "Blue and thin, fragrant mushroom" reflects a mix of emotions, highlighting confusion and sadness The speaker expresses disappointment, questioning why such words are being said, feeling isolated and left behind This sentiment resonates with the struggles of a girl who feels alone in her experience, emphasizing the need for understanding and connection.
懵逼 měng bī(只有第三声没有第一声)一词原是东北方言,意思是被某事
The term "a blank expression" refers to a state of being so stunned or shocked that one is left speechless, often characterized by a bewildered look This expression has become a popular way to convey shock, especially among creative internet users who have expanded its usage into various contexts, such as "game theory blank," "matrix blank," and "advanced blank." These innovative combinations significantly enhance the impact of the original term, making it a versatile expression for conveying astonishment.
"照骗," a homophone of "照片" (photo), represents a deviation from the neutral term "photo," which carries no rhetorical color This term employs a pun to convey a sense of deception associated with images, reflecting the internet users' perception of misleading visuals.
Couplets are a treasured cultural gem of the Chinese language, celebrated for their exquisite charm and clever wordplay, particularly through the use of homophones, making them immensely popular.
During the Northern Song Dynasty, the impoverished scholar Lü Mengzheng created an unconventional couplet during the Spring Festival, reflecting his dire situation The upper line read "Two, three, four, five," while the lower line stated "Six, seven, eight, nine," with the horizontal inscription "North and South." This peculiar couplet attracted the attention of his struggling friends, who initially found it baffling but later applauded its cleverness once they grasped its meaning.
The author employs homophonic wordplay to create a couplet that expresses dissatisfaction with the phenomenon of wealth inequality.
Another example is the couplet: "The monk paints lotus flowers," paired with "The scholar writes in the forest of books." This couplet reads the same forwards and backwards, showcasing a clever use of homophony in a palindrome format It highlights the richness of expression in the Chinese language and the wit of the author.
The couplet "八音齐秦,笛清能与箫和" subtly incorporates the homophonic names of Lu Su, Fan Ka, Di Qing, and Xiao He This intricately structured couplet is intriguing and thought-provoking A more remarkable example of such wordplay can be found on the Sanyuan Tower in the outskirts of Neijiang City, Sichuan Province Built during the Jiaqing era of the Qing Dynasty, this tower may not stand out among China's famous architectures, but it captivates with its cleverly inscribed couplet featuring names from the Three Kingdoms period.
The couplet, "In the pagoda, gazing at Kongming, lamenting the difficulties of travel," and its counterpart, "A bird in a cage, longing for its nest, resenting Guan Yu for not being Zhang Fei," cleverly references six famous figures from the Three Kingdoms: Zhuge Liang, Jiang Wei, Lu Bu, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, and Zhang Fei The first four names are cleverly hinted at through homophones, showcasing a brilliant double entendre This couplet suggests that life can sometimes leave us feeling trapped, akin to Guan Yu's frustration and the helplessness of not having Zhang Fei Through its intricate wordplay and philosophical depth, this couplet stands out as a remarkable example of Chinese humorous couplets, rich in meaning and thought-provoking.
"Listen, my child, in this world, being an official is the best path!" These were the final words of the grandfather, and his obedient grandson took them to heart Many years later, he became the most skilled coffin maker in the village.
A crab accidentally bumped into a loach while taking a stroll, prompting the loach to angrily ask, "Are you blind?" The crab, feeling wronged, replied, "No, I'm a crab!" This exchange highlights the playful wordplay between "blind" and "shrimp" in Chinese, showcasing a humorous misunderstanding.
During a driving school theory class, the instructor stated that anyone who causes a serious traffic accident and then flees the scene would face a lifetime driving ban A girl in the class raised her hand and humorously remarked, "Then I guess I’ll never get married!" playing on the similar sounds of "driving ban" and "marriage ban."
In today's world, consumers have significant autonomy over their purchasing decisions, yet they often find themselves overwhelmed by the vast array of colorful products and services available Advertising plays a crucial role in this landscape, as it can shape consumer opinions, influence market trends, and sway target audiences Consequently, the pursuit of creativity and competitiveness in advertising has become an essential goal for marketers Innovative phonetic advertising can resonate more closely with consumers' psychology, leading to increased sales and substantial profits, making it highly sought after by businesses.
The phrase "Enjoy the Lightness of 'Slim'" cleverly plays on the homophone "slim" and "suffer," appealing to women who desire a slimmer figure while still enjoying life's pleasures In a world where the concept of slimness is often revered, the ad focuses on the psychological allure of fashion rather than explicitly promoting weight loss By suggesting a painless experience of achieving a slim physique, it alleviates the fear associated with dieting and exercise, enticing not only those currently struggling with weight but also women who aspire to be slimmer This broadens the target audience and ultimately increases potential profits for the product.
The term "Lenovo" not only shares a phonetic and visual resemblance with its brand name, but its meaning also aligns closely with the company's identity Lenovo Group embodies this connection, emphasizing innovation and creativity in its products and services.
In the IT industry, there is significant recognition, leading to the natural extension of the slogan: in today's high-tech world, what would happen if humanity lost the connection to computers? This inherent appeal resonates with a wide range of consumers.
The advertisement for Huiyuan's fresh orange juice, featuring the slogan "True Orange, Love You Every Day," effectively captures consumer attention with its clever use of wordplay It builds on the brand's commitment to health, as seen in previous slogans like "Drink Huiyuan Juice, Walk the Healthy Path" and "Deliciousness Accompanies Success." The phrase highlights that Huiyuan's products are authentic and genuine, offering consumers sincere love and care This emotional appeal aligns perfectly with the notion that juice is a guardian of health, allowing consumers to appreciate the beauty of the language while reinforcing the brand's core values.
―神州行,我看行。‖ (中国移动―神州行‖业务广告)
The Shenzhouxing brand, under China Mobile, is the largest and most widely covered telecommunications brand in China, highlighting its extensive customer base This brand embodies the principles of "speed and affordability," allowing users to enjoy network coverage and call services comparable to those of Global Communication customers It is available for activation in all cities across the nation and supports roaming between these cities.
The "Internet Plus" phenomenon, a prominent economic formula of our time, significantly influences commercial behavior, particularly in advertising language for both online and offline platforms Advertisements creatively mimic idioms, sayings, and popular internet phrases to capture consumer attention and boost sales Examples include slogans like "Hundred Clothes, Hundred Smooth" for clothing ads, "Arriving as Expected" for iPhone 7 promotions, "Act Early to Avoid Spots" for cosmetics, "Astonishingly Clear" for eyewear, "Unmatched Adhesion" for tape ads, "No Flakes to Worry About" for shampoo, and "Every Need, Perfectly Printed" for printing services.
Advertising slogans like "Aging with a Stench" for stinky tofu, "High and Mighty" for elevated products, "Bathe at Your Leisure" for bathing products, and "Quietly Mosquito-Free" for mosquito repellent effectively convey the intended messages of businesses These phrases are concise, vivid, and engaging, resulting in a strong communication impact.
In Chinese culture, the saying "a name must be proper for words to be harmonious" highlights the importance of careful naming practices One common technique is the use of homophones, which can be found in personal names, place names, and business names These names not only emphasize unique phonetics but also embody positive aspirations and meaningful wishes.
Lu Xun once remarked on the intriguing names of various alleys in Beijing, such as Dazhao Hutong, Zhu Xiang Hutong, Xie Zhi Miao, and Gui Ren Guan However, upon closer inspection, these names originally stemmed from more mundane origins, like Pi Chai Hutong, Nai Zi Fu, Sheng Jiang Hutong, Xie Zi Miao, Gou Wei Ba Hutong, and Gui Men Guan While the names may have changed, their underlying meanings remain unchanged.
Naming conventions in China often reflect beautiful aspirations, as seen in names like Liu Yun (Flowing Cloud), Wang Zi (Prince), and Li Nian (Ideology) As China prepares for the upcoming Olympics, the names of the beloved mascots, known as the Fuwa, have captured national attention The mascots, named Beibei, Jingjing, Huanhuan, Yingying, and Nini, not only embody their charming personas but also phonetically convey "Beijing Welcomes You," symbolizing Beijing's warm invitation to the world for the Olympic Games.
As society progresses and the economy develops, the importance of money in modern life has surged, leading many to desire substantial wealth However, the saying "A gentleman values wealth obtained through proper means" emphasizes the need for legitimate avenues to acquire it Consequently, many businesses are not only enhancing their internal operations but also creatively naming their establishments For instance, "Qian Jin Hot Pot," which sounds like "advance," reflects the owner's strong desire for financial prosperity Similarly, "Da Han Shi Dai" cleverly uses a homophone for "era" to signify a focus on Korean cuisine while also implying modern dietary trends The name "Xie Tian Xie Di," resembling "Thank Heaven," immediately suggests a seafood restaurant, enticing crab lovers with its catchy title With the trend of globalization, the integration of foreign vocabulary into Chinese has increased, often through phonetic translation This method is also prevalent in the naming of imported products, such as "Nike," which evokes durability, and "Shu Fu Jia Soap," promising comfort and superior quality Lastly, "Meng Si Perfume," which implies deep longing in dreams, highlights the product's popularity among consumers.
Pepsi beverages not only deliver a delightful taste that brings joy but also embody the experience of enjoying a refreshing drink.
The phrase "Pepsi-Cola" embodies the desires of many, making it a top choice among similar beverages.
When naming products, Chinese individuals often use homophones and symbolism to evoke good fortune and avoid misfortune However, cultural nuances can lead to unexpected challenges in exporting goods A notable example is a Chinese fan named "Bianfu," which illustrates the complexities of cultural interpretation in international markets.
In the realm of branding, cultural nuances play a significant role, as seen with the Chinese word for "bat," which sounds like "fortune" but requires a name change for export due to negative associations in certain countries Similarly, products branded as "violet" must be renamed for export, as the flower symbolizes homosexuality in the West Conversely, when translating or importing goods, challenges arise as well; for instance, an American film company named "Fox" cannot be translated directly into Chinese as "狐狸公司" due to potential misinterpretations.
In Chinese culture, the term "fox" often carries negative connotations such as cunning, suspicion, and associations with seduction Currently, many Chinese consumers prefer to give domestic products foreign names, which has sparked varied opinions within the Chinese language community However, it is crucial to approach this trend with caution to avoid potential misunderstandings in communication.
China, known as a land of etiquette and a multi-ethnic nation, boasts a rich and diverse folk culture An examination of the Han ethnic group's customs reveals that many daily behaviors are linked to homophony This phenomenon of homophony is evident not only in verbal communication but also in non-verbal interactions Ultimately, these practices can be summarized into two main purposes: seeking good fortune and avoiding misfortune.
2.10.1 吉祥的谐音崇拜
In Chinese culture, auspicious phrases, known as "jixiangyu" or "koucai," are often created through homophonic techniques to express wishes for happiness, prosperity, and good fortune These phrases have a wide application in traditional customs For instance, it was customary for innkeepers to serve boiled pig's trotters to students, symbolizing a hope for them to encounter "familiar questions" during exams Additionally, gifts such as fish and cakes are commonly exchanged, representing wishes for wealth, promotion, and family unity Architectural decorations often feature symbols like bats, deer, and longevity peaches, which correspond to blessings of happiness, wealth, and long life, reflecting the people's aspirations for reunion, longevity, and prosperity.
In ancient China, the number nine was considered auspicious due to its phonetic similarity to the word for "long-lasting." This belief influenced various cultural practices, such as dividing the heavens into nine layers and the emperor performing sacrifices to Heaven nine times a year Additionally, celebrations of longevity were often marked by the number nine rather than ten Traditional Chinese architecture frequently incorporates the number nine as a fundamental element, evident in structures like the Temple of Heaven in Beijing, where steps, pillars, and levels often reflect the significance of nine or its multiples, symbolizing a connection to the divine.
The phrase "长地久" plays on homophony, reflecting the significance of the number nine in Chinese culture For instance, Beijing, the capital city during the Ming Dynasty, features nine gates, and the Forbidden City contains a total of 9,999 rooms Additionally, the Tiananmen Gate is structured with nine bays, while the palace's door nails are arranged in a way that symbolizes pathways This cultural emphasis is also evident in the royal banquet dishes, highlighting the importance of these numerical associations in Chinese architecture and traditions.
In Chinese culture, the practice of cleaning during the twelfth lunar month, known as "sweeping away dust," is a common tradition as the Spring Festival approaches Families thoroughly clean their homes, wash various utensils, and refresh bedding and curtains, creating a joyful atmosphere filled with the spirit of welcoming the New Year Historical records, such as those in "Lüshi Chunqiu," indicate that this custom dates back to the times of Yao, Shun, and Yu Specifically, on the 24th day of the twelfth lunar month, people sweep their homes, as the word "dust" sounds similar to "old," symbolizing the removal of past misfortunes and the welcoming of new beginnings This tradition embodies the people's hopes for renewal and their desire to bid farewell to the old and embrace the new.
2.10.2 不吉利的谐音避讳
In Chinese, certain words are avoided due to superstitions or cultural taboos, a practice known as "taboo avoidance." This avoidance often arises from homophones that sound similar to words associated with negative connotations or events Such linguistic practices are deeply rooted in thousands of years of feudal ethical traditions.
In Chinese culture, the taboos surrounding names have a distinct historical evolution During the feudal era, it was considered unacceptable to directly address emperors, sages, respected elders, teachers, and officials by their names, leading to the practice known as "name avoidance."
Throughout Chinese history, various rulers have altered names and terms to avoid using characters associated with their own names, reflecting the deep-rooted Confucian ideals of respect and filial piety For instance, Qin Shi Huang, known as Ying Zheng, changed "January" to "Duan Yue," while Han Wu Di, Liu Heng, modified "Heng Shan" to "Chang Shan." Similarly, Jin Han Di, Sima Ye, renamed "Jian Ye" to "Jian Kang" to avoid the character "Ye." Song Ren Zong, Zhao Zheng, replaced "Zheng Bing" with "Chui Bing," and Liao Xing Zong, Yelü Zongzhen, altered "Nuzhen" to "Nüzhi." Lastly, Qing Sheng Zu, Xuanye, changed "Xuanwu Gate" to "Shenwu Gate." These name changes illustrate the influence of traditional values on language and cultural practices in the Han ethnic group.
Homophonic taboos are a significant aspect of Chinese linguistic customs The character "蛋" (egg) is frequently associated with derogatory terms such as "笨蛋" (fool), "混蛋" (bastard), "坏蛋" (bad egg), and "王八蛋" (scoundrel), leading to its avoidance in food names As a result, chicken eggs are referred to as "鸡子儿" (chicken child), century eggs are called "松花" (pine flower), and scrambled eggs are simply referred to as "炒蛋" (stir-fried egg).
中国赌桌上讳言―书‖,因为―书‖― 输‖相谐,会带来坏运气;船上讳言―陈‖,
The Chinese language often reflects cultural beliefs, as seen in the homophonic association of "Chen" (陈) with "Chen" (沉), which is considered inauspicious for boatmen Similarly, in business, the term "Zhe" (折) is avoided due to fears of loss This illustrates the Han nationality's direct reflection of a mindset that seeks to avoid bad omens.
Language is akin to a river, constantly evolving and enriched by cultural influences Culture, as defined in human cultural studies, encompasses the entire way of life shaped by the constraints of a social community's members It is as ancient as humanity itself and is present in every society, each possessing its unique cultural identity Individuals, whether part of a group or alone, exhibit cultural characteristics that influence their personality, temperament, interests, and even the simplest behaviors Thus, language is inherently a part of culture, yet culture encompasses more than just language, as language is merely a subsystem within the broader cultural system Language reflects the rich cultural forms of a nation, illustrating the reciprocal relationship between language and culture Specifically, homophony, a unique linguistic phenomenon, is intricately linked to culture, with Chinese homophonic expressions being both a product of and a reflection of deep-rooted Chinese culture This phenomenon is prevalent across languages, especially in Chinese, appearing in literature, news, everyday expressions, popular phrases, and various forms of folk art.