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SKKN implementation of outdoor activities at le loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability

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TEACHING EXPERIENCE Implementation of outdoor activities at Le Loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability LĨNH VỰC: English NGHE AN TRAINING AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT LE LOI UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL  TEACHING EXPERIENCE Implementation of outdoor activities at Le Loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability Subject : English Writer: Nguyễn Thùy Dương Group: Literature - English School year: 2021-2022 Phone number: 0368127702 Email: thuyduongtanky3@gmail.com Tân Kỳ, năm 2022 TABLE OF CONTENT CONTENT Page I INTRODUCTION 1 Reason for choosing the topic 2 Aims of the study 3 Scope of the study Method of the study Significance of the study II MAIN CONTENT Theoretical background methods 1.1 Teaching and learning English speaking skill 1.2 Outdoor activities in teaching speaking Practical background 2.1 Students’ viewpoints on speaking skill at Le Loi high school Applying outdoor activities in teaching speaking 2.3 Difficulties in using outdoor activities at Le Loi high school in the past few years 2.4 Tips for successful lesson for outdoor activities 14 Samples of using outdoor activities in teaching speaking skill for students at Le loi high School 14 2.2 3.1 A day as a journalist competition 17 3.2 Organizing English Speaking Club 25 3.3 Organizing Halloween festival 27 Finding and evaluation 29 4.1 Achieved result 30 4.2 Recommendation 32 III CONCLUSION IV APPENDIX 36 I INTRODUCTION Reason for choosing the topic As we know, English has been one of the most popular languages and a means of communication in the world In our modern society, the world is changing quickly with the exploration of information science, technology which develop like rain and storm Languages has been a serious barrier to cooperation and the acquisition of technical and cultural advances among nations Therefore, English has been chosen as an international language Subsequently, the Ministry of Education and Training has launched English in Vietnam’s education program from the Primary Level It has been considered as a core subject at any stage of the School Education System However, Teaching speaking English skill in upper secondary school is a big challenge for the teachers because the teacher should grow the students interest in order that they have motivation to speak It can be said that speaking is very important skill for the high school students because it prepares them to face the global world In fact, the ability of Vietnamese students to communicate has not been mastered One of the reason is that teachers have not created a suitable communication environment for students to learn foreign languages Most teachers make use of textbook and donot invest for the design of a variety of useful activities Learning English is to communicate, however, in speaking lessons they are passive, only write and hardly say and after speaking students donot know how to express their ides in a real situation related the topic they have just learnt Being a teacher of English for a long time and from my personal experience I myself find out that sometimes it can be difficult to keep my students on task in four walls of the classroom Some students show their depression during the lesson by looking out of the window especially as the school year is approaching its end and the weather outside is nice, the sun is shining You and your students are sweating in the classroom You are explaining something( for the nth times) and the class is not paying attention Some are even nodding off in the back May be it is time for a change of pace, a change of atmosphere and outdoor activitities is really considered as a wonderful inspriration for students to speak up in English if they are close to nature Learning beyond the classroom is one of the ways to address the challenging of making students interested and wanting to learn in fun ways Beyond the classroom activities carried out encourage students to learn English by focusing on task-orientated activities that encourage students in creative language use When they are outdoor they can get more motivation to learn something By taking outdoor activities the teachers find it easier to define some concepts, some definitions that are hardly explained when teaching in the classroom Working as a teacher of English for a long time, and working in a mountainous area, I understand who my students are and what difficulties they have to face when learning a language Also, I have found out the disadvantages we have to encounter when working with students coming from ethnic minorities Therefore, I always try to look for the most effective ways of teaching so that my students can understand the lesson easily and love learning English I together with my colleagues have applied a variety of different ways of teaching related using teaching aids and other technilogies However, the most effective method that allows my students to participate in is outdoor activities Because students can relax and learn at the same time, they have no pressure of studying In the recent years I have been appointed as a leader of English group, I have been more opportunites to apply many outdoor activities at Le Loi high school on a large scale and also ask other English teachers to so as I have done From then on I have found that our students have studied more actively and effectively They are always more eager to access the lesson than before My students always look forward to outdoor activities They no longer feel stressful and bored during the classes To be honest, I feel absolutely satisfied with the teaching initiative I have done Based on my long working time and real activities I and my students have done for several years, I have made decision to choose the topic “ Implementation of outdoor activities at Le Loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability” with the aim of sharing my ideas with other colleagues Of course, this study can’t be perfect in limited time I hope that the contribution of my colleagues will bring it to perfection and be widely applicable Aims of the study The study is carried out to meet the following aims - Provides in depth- information on the types of activities and environments learners participate in them, as well as how they engage themselves in such activities It provides the evidence in favor of the view that outdoor activities are valuable and should not be underestimated as a way to enhance learning opportunity and language exposure for students - To give a brief overview on outdoor activities and introduce samples of outdoor activities out of the class - To increase student creativity and activeness - To reduce students’ stress and pressure - To improve the quality of teaching and learning English at Le Loi high school - To boost communication English skill of the students at Le Loi high school - To identify the demotivation in English speaking learning and teaching - To suggest some feasible solutions to eliminate the demotivating factors in English speaking lessons in order to better students’ English learning - To suggest some outdoor activities in teaching speaking skill Scope of the study The scope of study is about applying outdoor activities in increasing students' interest in learning speaking to students at Le Loi upper secondary school - - Method of the study I have collected and studies various materials relating to the subject so that I can find out the orientation for the content of the topic, understand the research problem and solve the problem with relatively accurate documentation Apply and adapt some essential knowledge from the workshops and classes I have participated in before Through attending English lessons of colleagues in and out of school I summerized some valuable experiences in holding outdoor activities Carry out surveys and interviews among students as well as having small discussions about the effectiveness of the application - Through expert group meetings, I and my colleagues have discussed the problem of teaching method and skills to teach English speaking skills Significance of the study Hopefully, the findings will make a little contribution to the banks of teaching initiatives to increase interest in learning speaking English for students by implementing outdoor activities The study may also help to find out what are the difficulties when applying outdoor activities Furthermore, it may not only help to find out the difficulties when applying outdoor activities but also give some suggestions to help teachers to overcome these difficulties II MAIN CONTENT 1.Theoretical background methods 1.1 Teaching and learning English speaking skill 1.1.1.Communicative language teaching approach – an effective language teaching method Definition of communicative language teaching approach "Communicative language teaching (CLT), or the communicative approach, is an approach to language teaching that emphasizes interaction as both the means and the ultimate goal of study." (www.wikipedia.org) Communicative language teaching makes use of real-life situations that necessitate communication The teacher sets up a situation that students are likely to encounter in real life Unlike the audio-lingual method of language teaching, which relies on repetition and drills, the communicative approach can leave students in suspense as to the outcome of a class exercise, which will vary according to their reactions and responses The real-life simulations change from day to day Students' motivation to learn comes from their desire to communicate in meaningful ways about meaningful topics Margie S Berns, an expert in the field of communicative language teaching, writes in explaining Firth's view that "language is interaction; it is interpersonal activity and has a clear relationship with society In this light, language study has to look at the use (function) of language in context, both its linguistic context (what is uttered before and after a given piece of discourse) and its social, or situational, context (who is speaking, what their social roles are, why they have come together to speak)" (Berns, 1984, p 5) The goal of communicative language teaching approach The main goal of communicative language teaching is to build, to make, and to develop learners' communicative ability in the classroom and outside the classroom in order to the learners to be active speakers without many thinking about grammatical mistake In other words, the main goal of this approach is to make an improvement of the communicative competence, especially ability for speaking in the classroom or out of class with other person by using oral language The way of learning English speaking effectively Speaking is" the process of sharing meaning through the use of verbal and non- verbal symbol, in a variety of context (Chaney, 1998, p.13) Learning English speaking as second language is actually not easy for Vietnamese students According to Margre S.Berns again, "language is interaction, it is interpersonal activity and has a clear relationship with society" (Berns, 1984.p.5) Therefore, learning speaking is not just a process of imitation or repetition of drills It requires a lot interaction between students In speaking activities, the more communicative activities students attend, the more improvable speaking skills students get The main criterion for success in learning speaking is whether or not the learners can communicate fluently in English The below steps are some guidance that can helps learners reach to this aim The first step is realizing the fact that learning the English language should not be a duty or chore for the learners; it should be taken as a fascinating hobby that will help learners to expand their horizons in many aspects of their life One of the most important aspects of improving spoken English is to have an extensive vocabulary so that they could express their thoughts clearly and easily Having a good stock of words would help them to be more precise with their construction and more articulate with their speech Next, having knowledge of basic grammar is another very necessary component of improving spoken English It is not necessary to have an extensively detailed knowledge of grammar for speaking fluent English In fact, speaking in absolutely correct grammar may sometimes lead to awkwardness in casual and informal meetings or talks So, learners just have a basic knowledge of grammar would be enough to get learners started The other step is to be able to convey what they want to express in a confident and easy manner For this, learners need to believe in themselves Also, not hesitate to ask the other persons for clarification if learners not understand them or they themselves are stuck on a word or two in the middle, and need some help Last but not the least, keep practicing.– Speaking English themselves as much as they can and trying to understand the different accents of native English speakers are two things that would take learners a long way in retaining what they learnt as well as improving their spoken English skills Watch English movies, news channels, etc to hear crisp English diction and absorb the different styles of pronunciations 1.2 Outdoor activities in teaching speaking 1.2.1 Definition of outdoor activities According to Miskimmin states the outdoor activities are exciting means of providing opportunities for huge learning and personal growth While Hornby, the outdoor activity is an activity done outside a house or building Outdoor activity means student’s activities that are done outside the classroom whether in the school yard, the town park, the zoo, the industry, or any other places Outdoor activities usually mean activities done in nature away from civilization In addition, according to Rickinson states the outdoor activity is a board and complex one, which touches on a wide range of educational activities in many different setting Relevant examples include outdoor adventure education, field studies, nature study, outdoor play, heritage education, environmental education, experimental education and agricultural education Outdoor activities at school are carried out in parallel with other educational activities in schools It is a part of teaching and learning a certain topic in a curriculum of the school Students take part in outdoor activities under the instruction of the teacher Through the practice, specific actions of the students, outdoor activity is a purposeful, organized educational activities conducted on or off campus of school to develop and improve the quality and the potential of the students themselves, nurture the senses of self- reliance, share with the people around Its aim is to create creativity, different environment for students to be most experienced, turn creative ideas of students into reality so that they can show off their speaking’s ability 1.2.2 Outdoor Activities Method Outdoor activity is one of teaching method that the students are under the teacher guiding and make the certain and concrete aim to go to place or area for learning and observing something Outdoor activity is a visit to certain place outside the class that is done as academic activities and it has an education purpose Outdoor activites are very delightful teaching learning method because the students will have the pleasant activities and get the enjoyable experience Teacher and students can go to certain places such as supermarket, factory, traditional market, a famous person’s house… Based on the explaination aboved, we can conclude that outdoor activities are the teaching learning activities that are done at class outside for learning something, where the students can directly observe an object The students can also make recreation during the activities and refresh their mind from boring learning activities From these outdoor activities students will get the direct experience that can make them interested in the topic which is delivered by the teacher, so the students want to have deepen knowledge by finding information from books and other sources, it can develop their self-study, their co-operation In general, outdoor activity is encouraged by motivation to find information about certain thing, exercise students attitude, develop students interest and appreciation and enjoy the new experience Outdoor activities can make the students see directly event and increase the students experience This experince cannot got by them in the class only The life in the four walls is very restricted Meanwhile, they will get so many knowledge that enrich of things which cannot be learnt in the class 1.2.3 When to use outdoor activity? When the weather is nice and flowers are blooming, the only problem with the spring bloom is being stuck inside a classroom When the fresh air and sunshine beckon, I’m glad to take my students outside because I know we can still be productive when we are free of walls Yes, it is possible to absorb knowledge when they can explore everything by themselve We have found that the students can bring back energy and pay attention more when they return to the class One of the most memorable classes for students are those that they are spending outside The more experiences they have, the more knowledge they get So we should spend time organizing outdoor activities whenever we can I am assure that they will bring bebefits to our students as well as our teachers Outdoor activities can take place at any time during the academic year 1.2.4 The advantages of outdoor activities in teaching speaking It is easy to realize that outdoor activity is very significant in language teaching It is really a worthwhile learning experience for both the students and the teacher Not only can students have more opportunities to "act" and "interact" with their peers trying to use the English language, but also students' English speaking, listening, and understanding will improve Students learn to use the language in a more realistic, more practical way Also, through outdoor activities, the students learn how to express ideas, opinions, by using words or sound of articulation As we know, in the class the teachers face many kinds of students There are students with full spirit to study, students with lack of motivation just like reluctant learners, the students that just want to play, the students that did not understand English, or students that just sit quietly without saying a word But the teacher can manage that problem with outdoor activities just like English problem itself Oliver(2009) said that “ Outdoor education can provide motivators that will aid not only the reluctant learner, but students of all types” When the students make groups and the teacher is ordering them to use English when they were communicating in outdoor class and the students use it very well They can communicate effectively through each other, they express ideas and make their works easier and faster Larsen Freeman explained that outdoor activities are important in the communicative approach because they give learners an opportunity to practice communicating in different social contexts and different social roles In addition, it is also allowed students to be creative and to put themselves in another person's place for a while The outdoor activity would seem to be the ideal activity in which students could use their English creatively and it aims to stimulate a conversation in which students might find themselves so that they can practice and develop their communication skills 1.2.5 Disadvantages of using outdoor activities In many places, taking a class outside is prohibited because of safety, liability, time constraints, or being located in an unsuitable area Outside classroom activities depend on the weather so much On cold or rainy day, we can not carry out them and sometimes it if not safe for the students It can be denied that leaning English by using outdoor activities classroom can take a lot of time to prepare for it The Teacher must plan the outdoor activity carefully and have the permission of the principal to it It also costs much money in each lesson to buy things necessary for the lesson Sometimes we call some charities donating money in order to oraganizing for these activities - In order to hold Halloween festival at our school, we need to have permission of the school leaders together with the determination of all English teachers - The head of the team has to develop programs, then the school leader has to check, give some additional things and sign - In English teacher group, we have to agree on the assignments and the programs b The organizational structure includes: + Chairman of the festival: the English group leader + Vice manager in charge of expertise + Vice manager in charge of the entertainment + students team leaders c Time + It is held on the night of the 31st of October d Procedure: Step 1: Teacher and some gifted students will make a plan, prepare questions carefully Step 2: Students are worked in groups or individual Step 3: choose M.C and the participants Step 4: make a detailed script Step 5: submit the detailed plan to the headmaster to be passed Step 6: Hold a meeting with the attendance of other English teachers and students for the coming event Step 7: After the competition, teacher and students gather and access their work e A detailed script Masters of the ceremony are Linh and Duc- gifted students OPENING CEREMONY Linh Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to our special event HALLOWEEN 2020 hosted by English group of Le Loi high school Duc And today we are very delighted to be the MCs of the most lookingforward programme of the year Linh And the most impressive and fabulous performances will be presented on this stage I’m sure that all of the audiences here will enjoy yourselves and have a memorable evening And now I am sure Musical performance from grade 12 will not make all of you disappointed The first perfomance come from the handsome boys and beautiful girls of 12A4 Welcome them The song is mixed from Intro plus Mashup Flashmod Duc The next one come from the students of grade The song is mixed from Intro plus Ice Cream plus Say so (Wow, such is a nice perfomance) Duc I would like to introduce the honourable guests coming to the party tonight Linh Mr Nguyen Văn Thinh - The principal of Le Loi High school Duc Mrs Lo Thi Anh Hoa – The vice principal of Le Loi High School Linh Mrs Chu Thi Minh Xuan The vice principal of Le Loi High School Duc Mr Tong Tat Duong - The vice principal of Le Loi High School Linh It’s pleasure for us to introduce the sponsors of “Haloween the night of fear ” as well as people who financially assisted us throughout the whole process Here let me introduce the sponsors in Vietnamese… Duc And especially, welcome all the teachers, students and audiences coming to our party tonight Linh Next, we’d like to invite a special guest who will make a speech before the event Please welcome Mr Nguyen Van Thinh- principal of Le Loi high school Duc Thanks for your meaningful speech from you and wish you good health to help your school better and better Linh An english competition can’t be lack of the judges and who are they can you guess? Duc All they are English teachers in this school.and now clap your hands to welcome them 1.Ms.Nguyen Thuy Duong 2.Mr.Le Van Thang 3.Mr.Phan Van Duong 4.Mr.Nguyen Dinh Luu Ms Vo Tuyet Mai Mr Hoang Van Thien Linh I will say something about the Halloween Halloween is celebrated in some countries on October 31st of every year It is a time to remember the saints (hallows) martyrs and the good people who died Halloween activities include carving the pumpkins, telling scary stories and watching horror movies The most common activity in Halloween is when the kids go (Trick or Treat) and have costume parties In this activity, the kids dress up in many different costumes After that, they go door to door knocking on people’s doors in their neighborhood Hence, people prepare themselves for the kids knocking on their doors so they buy lots of sweets and candies In addition, children knock on doors and say “Trick or Treat” When the kids get a candy or a sweet they leave happy On the other hand, if they don’t get a good treat they may show some tricks Duc Tonight we welcome a competition of teams including parts Linh Part 1: Introduction from teams Duc Part 2: Halloween dances Linh Part 3: general Knowledge Duc Part 4: Games Linh Part 5: Halloween fashion show PART I: INTRODUCTION FROM TEAMS Duc Well It ‘s time for the party, without hesitation everyone look up at the stage and welcome teams tonight It is the first challenge for teams tonight and as you know this is the first part” Introduction” Here we are the rule for the first section Each team makes a presntation in English to introduce the teams, the teams members as well as the messages that bring to contest tonight The maximum time for each team is minutes Linh Are you ready to introduce your team? It is time for team Gryffindor from 11A5 Let’s welcome them Duc It’s time for the next team to be on stage for greeting Slytherin 11A1 Where are you? Linh Let’s welcome the next team Ravenclaw10A1 to be on this stage Duc We are going to enjoy the presentation from Hufflepuff 10A5 ( after the introduction M.C asks audience to get attention to them such as: How you feel about their presentation? please give them an applause) Linh To warm up the atmosphere, look up to the stage and welcome the pop dances coming from contestants Minutes for you to show your talents Duc Are you ready to enjoy the excellent dance form Gryffindor from 11A5 Let’s welcome them! Linh It’s time for the next team to be on stage for Slytherin 11A1 Where are you? Duc Let’s welcome the next team Ravenclaw10A1 to be on this stage Linh We are going to enjoy the presentation from Hufflepuff 10A5 PART II: HALLOWEEN DANCES Linh You guys wanna relax a little bit after so hot performances ? OK, now let’s look up to the stage and enjoy our musical performance presented by teams Duc Are you ready to introduce your team? It is time for team Gryffindor from 11A5 Let’s welcome them Linh It’s time for the next team to be on stage for greeting Slytherin 11A1 Where are you? Duc Let’s welcome the next team Ravenclaw10A1 to be on this stage Linh We are going to enjoy the presentation from Hufflepuff 10A5 ( after the presentation M.C could say “Thanks for the impressive performance) PART III: GENARAL KNOWLEDGE Duc I am sure all of you are looking forward to this part of the competition It’s named “ Knowledge” We will introduce the rule to the teams Linh There are 12 questions for teams Each team takes turn to answer the questions If the teams give correct answer, they will get points If they can’t give the correct answer, the other teams have chance to anwer and get points from the judge Time limitation for each questions is seconds Are you ready? Duc It’s the first question for the team Hufflepuff 10A5 Linh Question 1: At Le Loi high school, how many English teachers are there? And how many males and females teachers in English groups? Duc ( After the team Hufflepuff’s answer) Wow That’s an excellent answer Answer: There are English teachers: males and females Linh The second question belongs to the team Ravenclaw coming the class 10A1 Duc Question 2: What is the full name of the principal and three viceprincipals at Le Loi high school? Linh ( After the team Ravenclaw’s answer) It’s a correct answer All of you are very good students Answer: Nguyen Van Thinh- the principal Lo Thi Anh Hoa- the vice principal Chu Thi Minh Xuan- the vice principal Tong Tat Duong- the viceprincipal Duc The team Slytherin 11A1, it’s your turn Are you ready to answer the question? Linh Question 3:When was Le Loi high school establish? Where is it located? Duc ( After the team Slytherin’s answer) What a pity! It’s incorrect Answer: In 1981- it is located in Tan Phu- Tan Ky Linh And here is the question for the team Gryffindor coming from 11A5 Duc Question 4: How many classes are there in this school? What is the full name of the head of Ho Chi Minh communist Youth Union at Le Loi high school? Linh ( After the team Gryffindor’s answer) Answer: 33 classes- Nguyen Van Giap Duc Now this is the second round of the teams First, we would like to invite Hufflepuff 10A5 Are you ready to answer the question? Linh Question 5: In which country did Halloween originate? Duc ( After the team Hufflepuff’s answer) That’s an excellent answer! Congratulation Answer: Ireland Linh It’s the turn of Ravenclaw coming the class 10A1 Duc Listen carefully your question Question 6: What mammal is able to fly and is associated with Halloween? Linh ( After the team Ravenclaw’s answer) Wow! I admire your knowledge It’s wonderful Answer : A bat Duc We would like to invite The team Slytherin 11A1 to answer this question You have only seconds Listen! Linh Question 7: What witches use to ride in order to get around town? Duc ( After the team Slytherin’s answer) This time you are absolutely right Congratulation Answer: Broomstick Linh The next question belongs to the team Gryffindor coming from 11A5 Duc Question 8: Which phrase kids say when knocking on doors on Halloween? Linh ( After the team Gryffindor’s answer) That’s a perfect answer Clap your hands to support the team Duc And the final round is coming Take turn and answer- Hufflepuff 10A5 Are you ready to answer the question? Linh Question 9: Which fruit is carved up Halloween and placed outside for children to see And what color is it? Duc ( After the team Hufflepuff’s answer) Exactly! Congratulation to all of you Answer: Pumpkin, orange Linh Ravenclaw coming the class 10A1- this is your question Duc Question 10: Name of the tow colours most often associated with the Halloween? Linh ( After the Ravenclaw’s answer) I couldn’t agree with you more You have just get points from the judge Congratulation Answer: Black and White Duc The team Slytherin 11A1- where are you? Raise hands so that I can see you clearly Here is your question Linh Question 11: Which religion does Halloween belong to? Duc ( After the team Gryffindor’s answer) What a pity It is not our feed back Answer: Christian and Celt Linh The last question for this part is for the team Hufflepuff 10A5 Duc Question 12: What is a shortened version of the term Halloween? Linh ( After the team Hufflepuff’s answer) This question is rather difficult but the team can it You deserve getting points and claps from the audience Answer: All Hallow’s Evening PART IV: GAMES Linh To continue the program is a competition called knowledge I will explain the rules to the teams -we have in total 12 questions for teams Duc The following is an expected team game called THE MYSTERY BOX Participating in the contest, there are teams from TYPICAL classes, you will choose a member of your team he or she is responsible for picking any item in the box, describing it to his teammates so that the other person can guess exactly what the item's name is With each correct answer, the team will score 10 points and after minutes, the team with the higher score will be the leading team, likewise the remaining teams in turn 2, and 4, You guys get all the rules ??? So let's start with the competition of teams.) Please, a lively round of applause for a performance from teams Mini game for audience Đức Ask the audience: After enjoying the special performances, the dramatic competition, next we will come to an attractive section called: “Audience with the night of fear” In this competition, audience can try to answer the most special questions and also have opportunity to win the most special gifts from us READY????? Ok Let’s start PART V: HALLOWEEN FASHION SHOW Linh To continue the program is a competition called Halloween fashion show Please invite teams to start the competition Duc I will explain the rule of this part Each team has minutes to your fashion show on this stage If the team have the best impression on the judge basing on criteria , that team will get 30 points Each team choose one representative to talk about their show Linh Don’t let everyone wait longer Welcome to Gryffindor coming from 11A5 Clap our hands to support them Duc ( After the Gryffindor’s performance) I was impressived by your performance All of you must have worked hard We highly appreciate all of you Linh It’s time for all of you to warmly welcome the next team Ravenclaw coming from class 10A1 Duc ( After the Ravenclaw’s performance) Wow! An excellent performance This is the first time I have seen such an impressive performance like that I love your team Linh And now, don’t let you wait any longer, The most expected perfomance of the Halloween party tonight belongs to the team Slytherin 11A1 Please make some noise!! Duc Thanks for your wonderful performance All of you really give the audience the most relaxing moments Linh The last team to be here today for this part is Hufflepuff 10A5 Are you ready Duc (After the team Hufflepuff’ s performance) What’s a lovely performance Many thanks to all of you Linh We have witnessed five parts of the competition Which team will be the winner today? You can guess? Before coming to the result from the judge we wanna hear the feeling of our invited guests Duc As far as I know, you are a 10th grade student, and also the first time you have participated in our Halloween festival How are your feelings now? (ask one student to answer) Linh Do you feel the heat of the competition this evening? (ask one student to answer) Duc Do you like Halloween? Are you excited to look forward to Halloween? And how you feel now? Linh Thanks for your compliments! Duc Before turning to the highly anticipated part - awards section, let's take a look at the performance from 12A4 Linh Thus, congratulations to couples participating in the contest, please invite the teams to step forward to receive the awards And we would like to invite the sponsor to the stage to award our excellent participants Duc The winner tonight is Slytherin 11A1 All of you deserve it We would like to invite the principal Nguyen Van Thinh approach the stage and give award to the winner Linh can you guess who is the runner- up? The runner up is team Ravenclaw Congratulation! We would like to invite the vice principal Lo Thi Anh Hoa to come to the stage and give the flowers and prize for the team Ravenclaw Duc And the test the team Hufflepuff 10A5 and the team Gryffindor 11A5 will have the same score All of you will receive the third prize Many thanks for all Linh This is end of our special English club tonight Once again, we would like to thank the school administrators, the sponsors of THE-X and all audiences spending your evening with us Good bye See you next time Some pictures are illustrated for this even Finding and evaluation 4.1 Achieved result I have applied this research for several years to teach and instruct my students and my colleagues I have found that outdoor activities have made them more interested After holdning any outdoor activities, I have gained many useful experience and some lessons have been learnt My students have opportunities to get to know themselves and their environment through their senses They inprove their speaking’s skill for sharing their knowledge, expressing their feelings and making their own decisions without asking for help, which make them more successful in their lives In comparison to the survey I have conducted before applying outdoor activities, the result changed acoording to the progressive direction, they have regularly used English to each other and they have been more confident in English speaking hours and I also realized clearly the efficiency of some students who have active learning awareness I am very pleased to see that the number of students who like learning English increased significantly and I will show the results as follows Statements Like very much like Like a little Donot like Frequency 30 25 40 Percentage 30 25 40 Statements Very interesting Interesting Boring Frequency 50 40 10 Percentage 50 40 10 This result indicates that the measures which I have carried out improve the efficiency of teaching for students After the outside classes, my students always feel relaxed and look forward to another activity Weak students are no longer under pressure when they discuss something in English My students are not only able to speak English more confidently but also feel excited to take part in exploring the problems and challenges in real- world 4.2 Recommendation After analyzing some outdoor activities with the aim of enhancing the speaking ability among students, various should be given as follows - Every teacher should apply suitable outdoor activities and carry out outdoor activities frequently so that the students have more opportunities to practice English speaking skill as a daily routine Day by day, they can communicate more and more fluently and naturally - Students should be taught the skills to learn speaking from lower classes so that they will have a certain skill when they come to higher grades - Try to involve each student in every speaking activity They will no longer to meet the psychological fear of exercises or test of speaking - Reduce teacher speaking time while increasing students speaking time - Indicate positive signs when commenting on a students’ response III.CONCLUSION The aim of the present study is to investigate upper secondary school students’ experience anf perception of regular outdoor learning I want to emphasize that the results from this research originate from a small school in mountainnous area, but I hope that the findings make a great contribution to our knowledge about students’ experiences of outdoor learning My students perceived several potential advantages but reflected also on challenges from using this learning environment By solving problems and working together in small groups, my students were enabled to discuss and exchange ideas which they found important in their learning Most of my students expressed a solid perceptions of outdoor activities as a positive and enjoyable learning environment Outdoor learning, I think, need to be organized so students feel motivated and know what to Using outdoor activities seems to be a promising way of varying every day school practice and to increase students’ motivation for learning However, teachers need appropriate training in applying outdoor activities which is often lacking in preservice teacher training Once again, I would like to emphasize that the students who try to use English outside classroom, for sure, the most improvement Obviously, motivation is the key here and I also believe that outdoor activities is an important tool for more English exposure My thoughts about “ Causing interested in learning” is just the experience drawn from the old and new methods of teaching in practice May be lacking but that’s personal fators I wish all level and branches are more interested in this subject Create a good environment to help students in learning English especially the students in mountainous area, they will have chances to study and get new knowledge Beside this I also wish the Principal is really interested in the facilities of the school to serve better for the studying of the students Creating more outdoor activities so that they have good chances to study better and get higher knowledge with important subject However, above are the measures that I have applied only at my school In the course of use, there are still many difficulties and limitations in the application these measures into teaching and learning Therefore, I look forward to receiving constructive feedback so that I can complete my work better My assignment can have some unavoidable mistakes for my limited knowledge If any readers see any problems with my small piece of work, I am willing to listen to contributing ideas APPENDIX SOME EVIDENCE OF CONDUCTING THE COMPETITION “ A DAY AS A JOURNALIST” ( The vice principal hold a meeting to announce the plan of the competiton) ( Co-operation with Ho Chi Minh communist to advertise the competition on social network) Certificate of Recognition (The Jugde gather and score the students’ performances) ... AND EDUCATION DEPARTMENT LE LOI UPPER SECONDARY SCHOOL  TEACHING EXPERIENCE Implementation of outdoor activities at Le Loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability. .. topic “ Implementation of outdoor activities at Le Loi upper secondary school to enhance the students’ speaking ability? ?? with the aim of sharing my ideas with other colleagues Of course, this study... materials relating to the subject so that I can find out the orientation for the content of the topic, understand the research problem and solve the problem with relatively accurate documentation

Ngày đăng: 03/07/2022, 07:29


