Verbal communication The way people speak Conversational involvement High involvement Talk more Interrupt more Expect to be interrupted Talk more loudly at times Talk more quickly Heated conversation Arguments Loudness A rapid exchange of words Interruptions High considerateness Speak one at a time Use polite listening sounds Refrain from interrupting Give plenty of positive respectful responses Hesitant conversation Politeness Pauses Indirectness A lack of interruptions Incorrect judgement Re.
Talk more Interrupt more Expect to be interrupted Talk more loudly at times High involvement Talk more quickly Arguments Talk faster Loudness Heated conversation Respond more quickly New Yorkers Conversational Be pushy & domineering involvement Regional A rapid exchange of words Interruptions differences Be slower Less intelligent Speak one at a time Californians Use polite listening sounds Different cultural Be not as responsive upbringing Incorrect judgement Refrain from interrupting High Mannerisms & considerateness habits of communication Give plenty of positive & respectful responses Politeness Avoid reasonable judgements Communicate more traditional Communicate more modernly Hesitant conversation Older people Indirectness Generation In the mainstream American culture, the ideal form of communication is directness differences Younger people Regional variations Emotional issues More direct in "Get to the point!" differences in directness Women Express criticism Verbal communication: Less direct in "Don't beat around the bush!" Directness & Indirectness Directness The way people Gender differences Make request speak "Let's get down to business!" "Honesty is the best policy" Share ideas & expressions directly Avoid talking about emotional issues & feelings A lack of interruptions American male & female Feelings Offer opinions Pauses "Talk in circle" Men Indirectness Avoid issues Hesitate The way people converse Countries valued Definition indirectness The pattern of their conversations implications Know exactly when the time is right to speak Do not embarrass Goals of Ping-Pong Their turn depend on status, age & relationship Do not anger Cross-cultural Wait politely for a turn conversation style indirectness Conversation structures Maintain harmony Definition Monopolize the conversation Do not have enough time to answer Do not shame another person Save face Answer to questions carefully Ask too many questions Americans should modify communication style Bowling conversation style Ethnocentric Understanding the ideas or practices of another culture Recognize differences judgements How to avoid Avoid assumption Learn about other cultures