Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture

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Masters of Doom: How Two Guys Created an Empire and Transformed Pop Culture

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Masters of Doom is the amazing true story of the Lennon and McCartney of video games: John Carmack and John Romero. Together, they ruled big business. They transformed popular culture. And they provoked a national controversy. More than anything, they lived a unique and rollicking American Dream, escaping the broken homes of their youth to produce the most notoriously successful game franchises in history—Doom and Quake— until the games they made tore them apart. This is a story of friendship and betrayal, commerce and artistry—a powerful and compassionate account of what it's like to be young, driven, and wildly creative.

1 2 Contents INTRODUCTION: The Two Johns 3 ONE: The Rock Star 6 TWO: The Rocket Scientist 17 THREE: Dangerous Dave In Copyright Infringement 26 FOUR: Pizza Money 45 FIVE: More Fun Than Real Life 62 SIX: Green And Pissed 73 SEVEN: Spear Of Destiny 87 EIGHT: Summon The Demons 102 NINE: The Coolest Game 114 TEN: The Doom Generation 125 ELEVEN: Quakes 143 TWELVE: Judgement Day 158 THIRTEEN: Deathmatch 177 FOURTEEN: Silicon Alamo 194 FIFTEEN: Straight out of Doom 209 SIXTEEN: Persistent World 224 EPILOGUE 233 AUTHOR’S NOTE 237 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS 239 3 T here were two games. One was played in life. The other was lived in play. Naturally these worlds collided, and so did the Two Johns, It happened one afternoon in April 2000 in the bowels of downtown Dallas. The occasion was a $100,000 prize tournament of the computer game Quake III Arena. Hosted by the Cyberathlete Professional League, an organi- zation that hoped to become the NFL at the medium, the gathering was BYOC– bring your own computer. Hundreds of machines were networked together in the basement of the Hyatt hotel for seventy-two hours of nonstop action. On a large video screen that displayed the games being played, rockets soared across digital arenas. Cigar-chomping space marines, busty dominatrix warri- ors, maniacal bloodstained clowns, hunted each other with rocket launchers and plasma guns. The object was simple: The player with the most kills wins. The gamers at the event were as hard-core as they came. More than one thousand had road-tripped from as far as Florida and even Finland with their monitors, keyboards, and mice. They competed until they passed out at their computers or crawled under their tables to sleep on pizza box pillows. A proud couple carried a newborn baby in homemade Quake pajamas. Two jocks paraded with their hair freshly shaved into the shape of Quake’s clawlike logo; their girlfriends made their way around the convention hall brandishing razors for anyone else who wanted the ultimate in devotional trims. Such passion was hardly uncommon in Dallas, the capital of ultra-violent games like Quake and Doom. Paintball-like contests played from a first-per- son point of view, the games have pioneered a genre known as first-person The Two Johns INTRODUCTION 4 shooters. They are among the bestselling franchises in this $10.8 billion in- dustry and a sizable reason why Americans spend more money on video games than on movie tickets. They have driven the evolution of computing, pushing the edge of 3-D graphics and forging a standard for online play and community. They have created enough sociopolitical heat to get banned in some countries and, in the United States, blamed for inciting a killing spree by two fans at Columbine High School in 1999. As a result, they have spawned their own unique outlaw community, a high-stakes, high-tech mecca for skilled and driven young gamers. In this world, no gamers were more skilled and driven than the co-creators of Doom and Quake, John Carmack and John Romero, or, as they were known, the Two Johns. For a new generation, Carmack and Romero personified an American dream: they were self-made individuals who had transformed their personal passions into a big business, a new art form, and a cultural phenomenon. Their story made them the unlikeliest of antiheroes, esteemed by both For- tune 500 executives and computer hackers alike, and heralded as the Lennon and McCartney of video games (though they probably preferred being com- pared to Metallica). The Two Johns had escaped the broken homes of their youth to make some of the most influential games in history, until the very games they made tore them apart. Now in minutes, years after they had split, they were coming back together before their fans. Carmack and Romero had each agreed to speak to their minions about their latest projects: Carmack’s Quake III Arena, which he’d programmed at the company they cofounded, id Software, and Romero’s Daikatana, the long- awaited epic he had been developing at his new and competing start-up, Ion Storm. The games embodied the polar differences that had once made the Two Johns such a dynamic duo and now made them seemingly inseparable rivals. Their relationship was a study of human alchemy. The twenty-nine-year-old Carmack was a monkish and philanthropic pro- grammer who built high-powered rockets in his spare time (and made Bill Gates’s short list of geniuses); his game and life aspired to the elegant disci- pline of computer code. The thirty-two-year-old Romero was a brash designer whose bad-boy image made him the industry’s rock star; he would risk eve- rything, including his reputation, to realize his wildest visions. As Carmack put it shortly after their breakup: “Romero wants an empire, I just want to create good programs.” When the hour of the Two Johns’ arrival at the hotel Finally approached, the gamers turned their attention from the skirmish on screen to the real-life one between the ex-partners. Out in the parking lot, Carmack and Romero pulled up one shortly after the other in the Ferraris they had bought together at the height of their collaboration. Carmack walked quickly past the crowd; he had short, sandy blond hair, square glasses, and a T-shirt of a walking 5 hairball with two big eyes and legs. Romero sauntered in with his girlfriend, the sharpshooting gamer and Playboy model Stevie Case; he wore tight black jeans and matching shirt, and his infamous dark mane hung down near his waist. As they passed each other in the hall, the Two Johns nodded obligato- rily, then continued to their posts. It was time for this game to begin. 6 E leven-year-old John Romero jumped onto his dirt bike, heading for trouble again. A scrawny kid with thick glasses, he pedaled past the modest homes of Rocklin, California, to the Roundtable Pizza Parlor. He knew he wasn’t supposed to be going there this summer afternoon in 1979, but he couldn’t help himself. That was where the games were. Specifically, what was there was Asteroids, or, as Romero put it, “the coolest game planet Earth has ever seen!” There was nothing like the feeling he got tapping the control buttons as the rocks hurled toward his triangular ship and the Jaws-style theme music blipped in suspense, dum dum dum dum dum dum; Romero mimicked these video game sounds the way other kids did celebrities. Fun like this was worth risking everything: the crush of the mete- ors, the theft of the paper route money, the wrath of his stepfather. Because no matter what Romero suffered, he could always escape back into the games. At the moment, what he expected to suffer was a legendary whipping. His stepfather, John Schuneman–a former drill sergeant–had commanded Romero to steer clear of arcades. Arcades bred games. Games bred delin- quents. Delinquency bred failure in school and in life. As his stepfather was fond of reminding him, his mother had enough problems trying to provide for Romero and his, younger brother, Ralph, since her first husband left the family five years earlier. His stepfather was under stress of his own with a top-secret government job retrieving black boxes of classified information from downed U.S. spy planes across the world. “Hey, little man,” he had said just a few days before, “consider yourself warned.” ONE The Rock Star 7 Romero did heed the warning–sort of. He usually played games at Timo- thy’s, a little pizza joint in town; this time he and his friends headed into a less traveled spot, the Roundtable. He still had his initials, AJR for his full name, Alfonso John Romero, next to the high score here, just like he did on all the Asteroids machines in town. He didn’t have only the number-one score, he owned the entire top ten. “Watch this,” Romero told his friends, as he slipped in the quarter and started to play. The action didn’t last long. As he was about to complete a round, he felt a heavy palm grip his shoulder. “What the fuck, dude?” he said, assuming one of his friends was trying to spoil his game. Then his face smashed into the machine. Romero’s stepfather dragged him past his friends to his pickup truck, throwing the dirt bike in the back. Romero had done a poor job of hiding his bike, and his stepfather had seen it while driving home from work. “You really screwed up this time, little man,” his stepfather said. He led Romero into the house, where Romero’s mother and his visiting grandmother stood in the kitchen. “Johnny was at the arcade again,” his stepfather said. “You know what that’s like? That’s like telling your mother ‘Fuck you.’” He beat Romero until the boy had a fat lip and a black eye. Romero was grounded for two weeks. The next day he snuck back to the arcade. Romero was born resilient, his mother Ginny said, a four-and-one-half- pound baby delivered on October 28, 1967, six weeks premature. His par- ents, married only a few months before, had been living long in hard times. Ginny, good-humored and easygoing, met Alfonso Antonio Romero when they were teenagers in Tucson, Arizona. Alfonso, a first-generation Mexican American, was a maintenance man at an air force base, spending his days fixing air conditioners and heating systems. After Alfonso and Ginny got married, they headed in a 1948 Chrysler with three hundred dollars to Colo- rado, hoping their interracial relationship would thrive in more tolerant sur- roundings. Though the situation improved there, the couple returned to Tucson after Romero was born so his dad could take a job in the copper mines. The work was hard, the effect sour. Alfonso would frequently come home drunk it he came home at all. There was soon a second child, Ralph. John Romero savored the good times: the barbecues, the horsing around. Once his dad stumbled in at 10:00 P.M. and woke him. “Come on,” he slurred, “we’re going camping.” They drove into the hills of saguaro cacti to sleep under the stars. One after- noon his father left to pick up groceries. Romero wouldn’t see him again for two years. Within that time his mother remarried. John Schuneman, fourteen years her senior, tried to befriend him. One afternoon he found the six-year- old boy sketching a Lamborghini sports car at the kitchen table. The drawing 8 was so good that his stepfather assumed it had been traced. As a test, he put a Hot Wheels toy car on the table and watched as Romero drew. This sketch too was perfect. Schuneman asked Johnny what he wanted to be when he grew up. The boy said, “A rich bachelor.” For a while, this relationship flourished. Recognizing Romero’s love of arcade games, his stepfather would drive him to local competitions–all of which Romero won. Romero was so good at Pac-Man that he could maneuver the round yellow character through a maze of fruit and dots with his eyes shut. But soon his stepfather noticed that Romero’s hobby was taking a more obsessive turn. It started one summer day in 1979, when Romero’s brother, Ralph, and a friend came rushing through the front door. They had just biked up to Sierra College, they told him, and made a discovery. “There are games up there!” they said. “Games that you don’t have to pay for!” Games that some sympa- thetic students let them play. Games on these strange big computers. Romero grabbed his bike and raced with them to the college’s computer lab. There was no problem for them to hang out at the lab. This was not uncommon at the time. The computer underground did not discriminate by age; a geek was a geek was a geek. And since the students often held the keys to the labs, there weren’t professors to tell the kids to scram. Romero had never seen anything like what he found inside. Cold air gushed from the air- conditioning vents as students milled around computer terminals. Everyone was playing a game that consisted only of words on the terminal screen: “You are standing at the end of a road before a small brick building. Around you is a forest. A small stream flows out of the building towards a gully. In the distance there is a gleaming white tower.” This was Colossal Cave Adventure, the hottest thing going. Romero knew why: it was like a computer-game version of Dungeons and Dragons. D&D, as it was commonly known, was a pen-and-paper role-playing game that cast players in a Lord of the Rings–like adventure of imagination. Many adults lazily dismissed it as geekish escapism. But to understand a boy like Romero, an avid D&D player, was to understand the game. Created in 1972 by Gary Gygax and Dave Arneson, two friends in their early twenties, Dungeons and Dragons was an underground phenomenon, particularly on college campuses, thanks to word of mouth and controversy. It achieved urban legend status when a student named James Dallas Egbert III disappeared in the steam tunnels underneath Michigan State University while reportedly reenacting the game; a Tom Hanks movie called Mazes and Monsters was loosely based on the event. D&D would grow into an interna- tional cottage industry, accounting for $25 million in annual sales from nov- els, games, T-shirts, and rule books. The appeal was primal. “In Dungeons and Dragons,” Gygax said, “the average person gets a call to glory and becomes a hero and undergoes change. 9 In the real world, children, especially, have no power; they must answer to everyone, they don’t direct their own lives, but in this game, they become super powerful and affect everything.” In D&D, there was no winning in the traditional sense. It was more akin to interactive fiction. The participants con- sisted of at least two or three players and a Dungeon Master, the person who would invent and direct the adventures. All they needed was the D&D rule book, some special polyhedral dice, and a pencil and paper. To begin, players chose and developed characters they would become in the game, from dwarves to elves, gnomes to humans. Gathered around a table, they would listen as the Dungeon Master cracked open the D&D rule book–which contained descriptions of monsters, magic, and characters–and fabricated a scene: down by a river, perhaps, a castle shrouded in mist, the distant growl of a beast. Which way shall you go? If the players chose to pursue the screams, the Dungeon Master would select just what ogre or chimera they would face. His roll of the die determined how they fared; no matter how wild the imaginings, a random burst of data ruled one’s fate. It was not surprising that computer programmers liked the game or that one of the first games they created, Colossal Cave Adventure, was inspired by D&D. The object of Colossal Cave was to fight battles while trying to retrieve treasures within a magical cave. By typing in a direction, say “north” or “south,” or a command, “hit” or “attack,” Romero could explore what felt like a novel in which he was the protagonist. As he chose his actions, he’d go deeper into the woods until the walls of the lab seemed to become trees, the air-condition- ing flow a river. It was another world. Imbued with his imagination, it was real. Even more impressively, it was an alternate reality that he could create. Since the seventies, the electronic gaming industry had been dominated by arcade machines like Asteroids, and home consoles like the Atari 2600. Writ- ing software for these platforms required expensive development systems and corporate backing. But computer games were different. They were acces- sible. They came with their own tools, their own portals–a way inside. And the people who had the keys were not authoritarian monsters, they were dudes. Romero was young, but he was a dude in the making, he figured. The Wizard of this Oz could be him. Every Saturday at 7:30 A.M., Romero would bike to the college, where the students–charmed by his gumption–showed him how to program on refrig- erator-size Hewlett-Packard mainframe computers. Developed in the fifties, these were the early giants of the computer industry, monolithic machines that were programmed by inserting series of hole-punched cards that fed the code. IBM, which produced both the computers and the punch card ma- 10 chines, dominated the market, with sales reaching over $7 billion in the 1960s. By the seventies, mainframes and their smaller cousins, the minicomputers, had infiltrated corporations, government offices, and universities. But they were not yet in homes. For this reason, budding computer enthusiasts like Romero trolled uni- versity computer labs, where they could have hands-on access to the ma- chines. Late at night, after the professors went home, students gathered to explore, play, and hack. The computer felt like a revolutionary tool: a means of self-empowerment and fantasy fulfillment. Programmers skipped classes, dates, baths. And as soon as they had the knowledge, they made games. The first one came in 1968 from the most unlikely of places: a U.S. gov- ernment nuclear research lab. The head of the Brookhaven National Labora- tory’s instrumentation division, Willy Higinbotham, was planning a public relations tour of the facility for some concerned local farmers, and needed something to win them over. So, with the help of his colleagues, he pro- grammed a rudimentary tennis simulation using a computer and a small, round oscilloscope screen. The game, which he called “Tennis tor 2,” con- sisted merely of a white dot ball hopping back and forth over a small white line. It thrilled the crowds. Then it was dismantled and put away. Three years later, in 1961, Steve “Slug” Russell and a group of other students at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology created Spacewar on the first minicomputer, the PDP-1. In this game, two players shot up each other’s rocket ships while drifting around a black hole. Ten years later, a pro- grammer and amateur cave explorer in Boston, Will Crowther, created text- based spelunking simulation. When a hacker at Stanford named Don Woods saw the game, he contacted Crowther to see if it was okay for him to modify the game to include more fantasy elements. The result was Colossal Cave Adventure. This gave rise to the text-adventure craze, as students and hackers in computer labs across the country began playing and modifying games of their own–often based on Dungeons and Dragons or Star Trek. Romero was growing up in the eighties as a fourth-generation game hacker: the first having been the students who worked on the minicomputers in the fifties and sixties at MIT; the second, the ones who picked up the ball in Silicon Valley and at Stanford University in the seventies; the third being the dawning game companies of the early eighties. To belong, Romero just had to learn the language of the priests, the game developers: a programming language called HP-BASIC. He was a swift and persistent student, cornering anyone who could answer his increasingly complex questions. His parents were less than impressed by his new passion. At issue were Romero’s grades, which had plummeted from A’s and B’s to C’s and D’s. He was bright but too easily distracted, they thought, too consumed by games and computers. Despite this being the golden age of video games–with ar- [...]... wrapped in a bandanna, Lane got along perfectly with Romero Though he didn’t share Romero’s insurmountable energy or ambition, he too loved the nuances, tricks, and thrills of Apple II programming And, like Romero, all he wanted to do was make games While in New Hampshire, the two even decided to merge their one-man-band companies– Romero’s Capitol Ideas and Lanes Blue Mountain Micro–under one roof as Ideas... Deep Jay was an Apple II guy as well, but of a different nature By his own admission, he wasn’t much of a programmer But he had two important qualities that Romero respected: a genuine understanding of Apple II code and an intense passion for games Seven years older than Romero, the thirty-yearold Jay grew up in Rhode Island as the son of an insurance adjuster and a gift card saleswoman In high school... peaceful on The island of Arathia Your duties as protector of the temple of Metiria at Tarot were simple and 23 uneventful Recently things have changed An unknown influence has caused the once devout followers of the true god Metiria to waver in their faith Corruption has spread through the Island, with whispers of an undead being of great might granting power to those who would serve The lords of the realms... was not up to the task And, as quickly as he had once decided to befriend Lane, Romero shut him out In Romero’s eyes Lane wasn’t up to the rigors of the death schedule And Romero didn’t want anything standing in the way of the teams profitability With Carmack, he had everything he needed One time when Lane left the room, Romero spun around and told Carmack, “Let’s get him out of here.” At the same time,... businessman of the year The good times brought challenges Al was soon running a $12 million company with 120 employees and feeling overwhelmed Competition followed, including a company in New Hampshire called Uptime In the winter of 1989, Al phoned Jay Wilbur, an Uptime editor he had met at a gaming convention, and asked him if he wanted to come down and help Jay, who was growing tired of the cold and feeling... wife, and her two kids Though Stan was still making a decent living as a news anchor, the sudden doubling of family size was too great to maintain his former lifestyle So he ventured into the nearby bluecollar neighborhood ol Raytown, where he found an old farmhouse on two acres of land within city limits Overnight, it seemed, Carmack was in a strange house, with a strange family and going to a strange... Invaders Others showed signs of true innovation For instance, Ultima Richard Garriott, a.k.a Lord British, the son of an astronaut in Texas, spoke in Middle English and created the massively successful graphical role-playing series of Ultima games As in Dungeons and Dragons, players chose to be wizards or elves, fighting dragons and building characters The graphics were crude, with landscapes represented... who explained how excited he was to get into the gaming world Romero and Lane would be the first two employees in a new Special Projects division devoted solely to making games On the way out, Al patted Romero on the back and said, “By the way, let me know if you boys need an apartment to rent I’ve got some places in town; I’m a landlord too.” Romero, Lane, and Jay left Softdisk’s business office for... played from a boom box A dart-strewn poster of the hair metal band Warrant hung on the wall Carmack, Lane, and Romero each sat at his own fancy machine “Look,” Al said, “we can’t take two months to get out 33 this first disk We have to get it out in four weeks And you have to have two games on it so we can entice people to subscribe.” “One month!” they cried Two months, the original deadline, was tight... was tight enough There was no way they could come up with two games from scratch They would have to port a couple of their existing Apple II games to PC–a specialty that both Carmack and Romero could handle And they had just the titles: Dangerous Dave, an Apple II game of Romero’s, and The Catacomb, a title of Carmack’s Romero had made his first Dangerous Dave back in 1988 for Uptime It was a fairly straightforward . a high-stakes, high-tech mecca for skilled and driven young gamers. In this world, no gamers were more skilled and driven than the co-creators of Doom and. were as hard-core as they came. More than one thousand had road-tripped from as far as Florida and even Finland with their monitors, keyboards, and mice.

Ngày đăng: 22/02/2014, 21:33

Mục lục

    Introduction: The Two Johns

    One: The Rock Star

    Two: The Rocket Scientist

    Three: Dangerous Dave In Copyright Infringement

    Five: More Fun Than Real Life

    Six: Green And Pissed

    Seven: Spear Of Destiny

    Eight: Summon The Demons

    Nine: The Coolest Game

    Ten: The Doom Generation

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