2.3.2 Xây dựng tập thể sư phạm đoàn kết, có kỉ cương, tình thương, trách
nhiệm 92.3.3 Để thực hiện đổi mới quản lý, chỉ đạo bồi dưỡng năng lực cho
đội ngũ đạt hiệu quả, đội ngũ cán bộ quản lí trong trường, đặc biệt làHiệu trưởng phải luôn tự đổi mới mình
2.3.4 Đổi mới cách tiếp cận và phương thức tổ chức thực hiện sinh hoạt
chuyên môn ở nhà trường 122.3.5 Bồi dưỡng năng lực thông qua tổ chức các buổi giao lưu hoạt động
chuyên môn trong trường và cụm trường 152.3.6 Đổi mới công tác kiểm tra, đánh giá đội ngũ GV theo chuẩn nghề
Trang 21 INTRODUCTION1.1 The reason for choosing the topic
Vietnam, a country facing the era of development and opening up theglobal door, studying foreign language is extremely important Resolution 29/Central on fundamental and comprehensive renovation of education Resolutionof the 8th Plenum of the 11th Plenum has set its goals for general education."Focus on developing intellectual, physical, forming quality of citizen capacity.Improve the quality of comprehensive education focus on traditional ideals,lifestyle, foreign languages, informatics, ” English is an important language inglobal communication Favorable and effective communication requires studentsto have some vocabulary, so learning vocabulary is indispensable indispensable inlearning English.
Recognize the importance of innovating teaching methods for jobs improvetheir quality and help them perfect their 4 important skills of listening, speaking,reading and writing They not only study grammar well but also apply it topractice communication skills with native speakers fluently, listen and exchangeinformation with them about real-life areas of life such as literature chemistry,hobbies, travel, learning The fact shows that in pilot textbook 6 there is a largenumber of new words and vocabulary on a variety of topics So learningvocabulary for children is still difficult, because most of them only memorizeparrots, only a few days later asked to become a new word immediately.
I would also like to share and share some of my experience in teaching andlearning vocabulary at school to be highly effective for the new 6th grade Englishsubject at Secondary School
Learning and practicing foreign languages is highly effective when learnersexpress good communication The implementation of that communicationdepends on many factors in the process of learning a foreign language that areperfect listening, speaking, reading and writing skills So teachers and studentshave to determine that understanding and using language in foreign languages isvery important, but vocabulary is much more important Also, the vocabularyused in the sentence must match the context, so it requires students to have anunderstanding of the culture, customs and traditions of that country Thecommunicator will have many disadvantages when using the wrong words, thecontext can lead to unfortunate misunderstandings Conversely, communicatorswill succeed if they use the correct words, even words used in an ornate manner,elaborating in the right context and pleasing the listener.
So how do learners learn vocabulary well and flexibly apply those words totheir listening, speaking, reading and writing skills That is the problem ofconcern for everyone who is teaching and learning foreign languages in general,English in particular It is thanks to the tricks and flexibility of the teacher.
Realizing that this issue is important, I chose the topic "Some solutions toimprove the effectiveness of teaching English vocabulary for grade 6.”
Trang 35 Attend colleagues' exchange time and learn from experience.
6 Examining and evaluating the results of grasping students' lessons so thatthey can make reasonable adjustments and supplements.
7 Instruct students to practice on their own to the skill of using Englishvocabulary in the next step.
1.3.Research object:
The object of the study is the 6th grade student in junior high school.
1.4 Research Methods1.4.1 Read the topic
To do this topic, I have researched and collected materials related to thetopic, learning from other teachers' experiences As a result, orienting the contentof the topic, understanding the research problem and solving the problem withrelatively accurate materials.
c Conversation: Through discussions on difficult issues in English teachingmethods and new vocabulary teaching methods.
d Testing: Through student quality testing, teachers make their ownassessments of the effectiveness of using some of the vocabulary teachingmethods and suggest more appropriate solutions.
2 CONTENT2.1 Rationale
In teaching and learning English, vocabulary is one of the threecomponents that make up the language knowledge system and acts as a means,condition for forming and developing communication skills In any language, therole of vocabulary is also very important Can see a language is a collection of
Trang 4the vocabulary, or through the vocabulary units But that does not mean that onlyunderstanding the individual vocabulary units, independently of each other butcan only master the language through dialectical relationship between vocabularyunits Thus, learning vocabulary and practicing vocabulary usage skills are theleading factor in the transmission and acquisition of a language in general andEnglish in particular Because vocabulary is a linguistic unit, it is expressed intwo forms: verbal and written If you want to use that language, you must masterthe form of verbal expression of words and words But due to the relationship ofvocabulary with other elements in the language (grammar, phonetics,intonation ) or in communication situations Without a necessary vocabulary,learners cannot use sentence structures and linguistic functions in communication.However, the perspectives of teaching and learning vocabulary in English areconstantly changing, leading to a lot of changes in vocabulary teaching andlearning methods Therefore, how to choose teaching methods to promotestudents' activeness, self-awareness, initiative, creative thinking, self-improvement skills, practical skills, and passion for learning practice and the willto rise up for students is something that all English teachers care about.
2.2 Status solutions
In English, there are many reference materials that help teachers innovateteaching methods Especially every year, the education and training departmentorganizes professional training courses Helping English teachers to approach anduse new methods effectively.
However, due to the fact that teaching and learning English, teachers stillface many difficulties such as:
- Students are not fully aware of the importance of learning vocabulary butonly focus on studying grammar or sentence structure.
- Students lack vocabulary, lazy to learn vocabulary, gradually lose basicvocabulary so it directly affects the acquisition of four skills: listening, speaking,reading and writing.
- Most of the children are still passive in thinking, the ability to judge themeaning of words is limited.
- The children have not yet associated with images in thinking about thesecond language So they are passive when using vocabulary to form completesentences.
Through experience of teaching period: English 6 Section 17 (Unit 3 Acloser look 1) and I have surveyed students in grade 6 (6 minutes) with thefollowing question content: Find the words that indicate the part above Humanbody (Networks) The results are as follows:
Vocabulary test results when no measures have been appliedNumber of
students amount % amount % amount % amount % amount %Excelent Good Average weak poor
Trang 5From the above results and through teaching experience, I myself havealways pondered: How students have vocabulary, thereby improving the qualityof teaching English I have found some solutions and the results are quitesatisfactory.
2.3 Content, solution
* Implementation measures:
In order to have an attractive and attractive teaching period for students,promoting students' active activities, it requires teachers to invest a lot of time,effort, using teaching methods and techniques modern From lesson design topreparation of teaching equipment such as pictures, visual equipment
To teach a vocabulary effectively, it is necessary to ensure the followingsteps:
- Prepare for teachers:
+ Search for documents, images related to the topic, to design lessons Useteaching methods and techniques to promote students' learning activities.
+ Regularly making simple visual aids to create excitement in lessons. + Assign learning tasks, prepare lessons for students before learning newlessons
+ Prepare lesson thoroughly, in detail before going to class.
- Prepare for students:
+ Prepare homework before class.+ Find new words at home.
+ Practice pronunciation often.
+ Attention in class listening to lectures, energetic statements to buildlessons, positive, self-discipline in group and pair activities.
+ Collecting many documents, pictures related to lectures with teachers.+ Actively make visual aids when the teacher asks.
- Students must be the central character in the lesson Give students theright to take initiative and develop questions to promote students' intellect.Frequently use your new vocabulary So teachers have to think of many gameactivities in groups, in pairs so students can participate in better lesson design.Depending on the requirements of each skill, there are appropriate tricks for each
Trang 6lesson Fully exploit the activities and apply them flexibly but not confined to theframework.
* Some principles to teach new words:
- Choose new words by topic: Teachers should choose 5-8 new words toteach, these words must be active vocabulary, which means that the students willuse frequently in class to practice basic skills, especially in practicing speakingand writing skills.
- These words need to have a high frequency meaning they appearfrequently in the article.
- These terms need to be acquired in the learning process of students atpresent and in the future.
- Avoid boring students, monotonous lessons, teachers do not let studentsrepeat words many times Because does not bring effective learning.
* Steps for presenting new vocabulary (Các bước giới thiệu từ vựngmới)
1 Use a suitable technique to elect or show the meaning of the newvocabulary.
2 Model the pronunciation clearly (twice).
3 Ask students to repeat the word chorally and individually 4 Correct students’ pronunciation.
5 Write the words on the board and students copy down on theirnotebooks.
6.Check that students clearly understanding the meaning and pronunciation.7 Draw students’ attention to aspect of vocabulary such as part of speech ,collocation, frequency etc…
8 Give students a written record
* Electing techniques for teaching vocabulary a Visual aids
Use a picture to introduce new words about the things in the house Flash card
Visual aidsRealiaSynonym/
8 techniques
Mind mapFavorite topics
Trang 7Unit 2 My house
The picture of prepositions of places
Trang 8The picture of body parts (Unit 3 My friends)
The picture of emotions (Unit 3: My friends)
Trang 9The pictures of places.
The use of realia , or real-life objects in the ESL classroom can make a huge
difference in student learning. It engages them and motivates them to learn It’s fun
and sets a more natural learning environment Some realia you may use tointroduce new vocabulary includes:
- Use real things (teacher brings dictionary, caculator, lucky money, sun cream,scissors, plaster,backpack , flash-lamp or group of following different topic suchas.
Trang 10
c Synonym/ Antonym * Synonym
- Synonym are words that have the “same meanings” or “nearly the same meaning”.
- Use the questions Ex :What’ s another word for “ holiday”?Holiday = vacation
Trang 11* Antonym ( từ trái nghĩa )
- Antonym are words that have the “opposite meanings”
Trang 12E.g: Teacher: A “ destination” What does this mean in English?Student: “ It means that “ điểm đến” in English.
- T ask Ss to translate some words from English to Vietnamese such asdictionary, compass, villa, stilt house, chest of drawer, ceiling fan, creative, neck,cheek, statue, railway station, memorial, temple, art gallery, palace, cathedral,square, suburb etc
+ Translate from Vietnamese into English
- Teacher: How do you say “Điểm đến” in English?
Ex : A destination
- T ask Ss to translate some words from Vietnamese into English such as
tốt bụng, thông minh, chiếc ô, làm vườn, trượt tuyết, bóng bầu dục, quan trọng,cần thiết, nổi tiếng, điều ước, khóa cửa, đồ uống có ga, gian lận, đồ đạc, nhà sàn,căn hộ, dao, kéo, gương, etc.
Food and drink
Trang 13g Mind map Unit 2: My home
h The result, the effect brings
With what I share as above and apply in teaching has brought meunexpected results In the 2021-2022 school year, I was in charge of teachinggrade 6, I applied innovative methods in teaching attractive new words into thelecture and brought them interesting lessons During the teaching period, I foundthat the students are more hardworking, interested in learning vocabulary and alsolearning better The results achieved after the tests of specific vocabularyknowledge are as follows:
Trang 14Number ofstudents
Vocabulary test results when no measures have been applied
amout % amout % amout % amout % amout %
Here is a table of results I can compare to take the average of 3 tests for grade 6 students:
Number ofstudents
Vocabulary test results after applying the measures
I found the lessons more exciting and lively Students already memorizenew words right in the classroom What is more important is that their vocabularyincreases significantly.
In short, the innovation of teaching methods has brought great resultscompared to traditional teaching, especially with English.
Finally I want to say that with design experience "Some solutions toimprove the effectiveness of teaching English vocabulary for grade 6.” I sharethat hope to be of some help to my colleagues.
e Scope and effects of the solution
This project is not only applied for students of Secondary School but alsofor secondary students in City.
The traditional way of teaching with a teacher-centered teaching methodshows that students are not interested in learning, and the effectiveness is nothigh The innovation of student-centered teaching methods has made them moreinterested in learning, more active students, more effective teaching hours,leading to higher test results In addition, the preparation of vocabulary lessonsalso helps students actively participate in pair and group activities to promoteattention and enthusiasm when practicing listening and speaking English duringclass hours of the students in the classroom, creating more lively hours andattracting more students' attention, meeting the "two increases, two decreases"that have a real effect in improving the quality of education and perfectingstudent's personality, contributing to comprehensive student developmenteducation.
3.1 Conclusion
Vocabulary plays an important role in the language system Withoutadequate vocabulary, people cannot use words as a means of communication Thecorrect teaching of English vocabulary for junior high school students givesstudents the means to communicate for comprehensive development The richer astudent's vocabulary is, the greater its ability to use it, the more accurate it will beand the more clearly it will communicate.