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(SKKN 2022) using mindmapping to teach vocabulary in english 8

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TABLE OF CONTENTS Page - INTRODUCTION I Reasons for choosing the research II Aim……………………………………………………………………… III Scope……………………………………………………………………2 IV Object…………………………………………………………….… V Significance VI Researching methods …………………………………………… 2 - CONTENT I Theoretical background An overview of vocabulary……………………………………………… An overview of mind mapping How to make a mind map…………………………………………… The applications of mind mapping to teaching a foreign language… II Prolematic situations of teaching English vocabulary at my school Advantages……………………………………………………………… Disadvantages…………………………………………………………… III Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary for grade students………………………………………………… … Suggested activities……………………………………………………… The advantages of using mind map in teaching and learning vocabulary…………………………………………………… Some notes of teaching and learning vocabulary using mind maps Demonstration…………………………………………………………… 9 10 11 11 14 15 15 3- RESULTS I Results after applying the reseach in teaching…………………… … II Suggestions…………………………………………………… 4- CONCLUSION 5- BIBLIOGRAPHY 6- REFERENCE BOOKS 19 19 20 21 22 1 INTRODUCTION I Reasons for choosing the research English, an international language, has developed rapidly It is a subject that features regularly on study timetables all around the world Every country does not want to be isolated in international communication, so it puts English in cirriculum of their education at program In Vietnam, English is a cumpulsory subject at schools and it has recently been choosen as a cumpulsory subject in the national examination for the General Certificate of Secondary Education or GCSE for short Besides the four skills, having a good knowledge of vocabulary is an important element in second language acquisition By learning new words, learners can enhance their listening, speaking, reading and writing as well as improve comprehension and production in second language Vocabulary learning strategies are one part of language learning strategies which in turn are part of general learning strategies (Nation, 2001) One of the strategies to teach vocabulary is to apply images and review well in a structured way Mind mapping is believed to be one of the techniques or activities which can be used in teaching and learning vocabulary effectively For all the reasons mentioned above, I have decided to choose Using mind mapping (MM) to teach vocabulary to grade students at Secondary school as the topic of my experience initiatives II Aim The study is aimed at finding the ways to use MM to teach vocabulary to grade students at LTT secondary school effectively with the textbook English III Scope Given the aim set in above, the study can not cover all aspects of vocabulary teaching and learning It only focuses on applying the insights of MM to teaching vocabulary to grade students at secondary school IV Object In doing this research, the writer would select students from class 8C1 and 8C2 at Nguyen Du secondary school with the textbook English V Significance The study will be useful to students, teachers and researchers in the field of English language teaching and learning: students can use MM model to learn vocabulary quickly and more effectively; teachers can understand more about the MM model and use it to teach vocabulary more effectively in their lessons; and researchers will use the study as a reliable source of reference in their research VI Researching methods The writer did some steps to this research, they are as follows; 2 - Surveying the literature relating to the problem; - Defining the problem; - Constructing an experimental plan by writing the research design; - Design the research instrument; - Doing the instrument try-out; - Giving the test to the students; - Teaching with mind mapping technique to the experimental group and without it to the control group; - Collecting the data through the posttest; - Analyzing the data; - Drawing conclusions; - Proposing suggestions; - Writing the report as subject CONTENT I Theoretical background: An overview of vocabulary Vocabulary is a list of words in a language with their meaning (Hornby, 2000:1331) Saleh (1997:60) states that vocabulary items fall into two principle categories, they are; (1) concrete words and (2) abstract words 1.1 Concrete Words Saleh (1997:60) states that a concrete word is a word that the meaning can be perceived through one or more of the five senses The meaning of concrete word can be pointed out by means of Audio Visual Aids (AVA), like realia (real things), miniatures, pictures, and demonstration 1.2 Abstract Words Saleh (1990:60) states that an Abstract word is a word that the meaning of which cannot generally be grasped by virtue of the five senses The notion of abstract word are like thank and enjoy, its can be shown by circumlocution or translation 1.3 Strategies of teaching and learning vocabulary * Stages and techniques in teaching vocabulary Presenting At this stage, the teacher presents the new words and the techniques often used are translation, real things, pictures, actions\gesture, definitions, situations\examples Practicing At this stage, the students are made to practice the new words The techniques often used are identifying, selecting, matching, sorting, ranking and sequencing Consolidating and revising 3 At this stage, the techniques often used are ordering, rub out and remember, networks, bingo, wordstorm, slap the board, matching, noghts and crosses, what and where, jumbed words, guess the picture 1.4 Vocabulary in English textbook grade The vocabulary in English is continued to presented and built up according to topics That is why using mind maps is believed to be a good way to help students not only rivise the learned words but also learn the new ones An overview of mind mapping 2.1 Definition Buzan (http://www.usingmindmaps.com/what-is-a-mind-map.html) states that a mind mapping is a powerful graphic technique which provides a universal key to unlock the potential of the brain It is visual map of ideas, laid out in a radial format around a central thought and it involves a unique combination of imagery, colour and visual-spatial arrangement which is proven to significantly improve recall when compared to conventional methods of note-taking and learning by rote It needs imagination and association to activate our brain in remembering something Based on DePotter and Hernacki as translated into English (in Abdurrahman, 2008:153), “Mind mapping is the use of whole brains technique by using the visualization and other graphic infrastructure to make an impression” Besides, mind mapping is one of techniques which can make the students more enjoyable and interesting in studying vocabulary According to Martin as translated into English (in Trianto, 2009:158) mind mapping is a concrete graphic illustration which indicates how a single concept related to other concept in the same categories Mind mapping is a pattern which at least consists of picture, symbol and colour that will not just help the students to understand the vocabulary knowledge but also make the students feel good, enjoyable and attract their brain which at last leads them to have interest in mastery vocabulary knowledge 2.2 Classifications Trianto (2009:160) describes that mind mapping can be distinguished into four kinds, namely; (1) network tree, (2) event chain, (3) cycle concept map, and (4) spider concept map 2.1.1 Network Tree The main ideas made in a quadrangle and other words written in the connection line It is suitable for visualization (a) a cause and effect relation (b) a hierarchy, (c) branch procedure, and (d) technical terms which can be used to explain some correlations 4 2.1.2 Event Chain The event chain can be used for giving an accident order, steps in a procedure, or steps in a process It is suitable for visualization (a) some steps in a process, (b) some steps in a linier procedure, and (c) an accident order Ecosystem component Ecosystem component Ecosystem component Ecosystem component 2.1.3 Cycle Concept Map In this concept map, the accident combination has no final result It is suitable to show a correlation how a combination accident is interacting to produce a group of result repeatedly Evapora-tion water steam water Condensa-tion 5 2.1.4 Spider Concept Map The spider concept can be used for sharing opinion from a central idea until get more various big ideas It is suitable to visualization (a) something which is not based on hierarchy (b) a category which is not parallel, and (d) the result of sharing opinion Mind mapping is similar to a road makes study, work and thinking enjoyable, it can help to solve the lack of stock of students’ vocabulary in memorizing some words which are related from universal word as a key word How to make a mind map 3.1 Parts of Mind Mapping Technique There are some parts of mind mapping (Windura, 2008:77-86) namely; (1) central image, (2) key word, (3) basic ordering ideas, (4) branches, (4) colour and (5) picture 3.1.1 Central Image 6 A central image has to describe the main idea of a mind mapping and put it on the centre of the paper It is for activate the students’ right brain, strengthen the students’ memory and make the learning activity enjoyable 3.1.2 Key Word A key word is a word that can lead a sentence or event Identifying a familiar word in one’s own language or another language that sounds like the new word and using only one key word per line It is as an urge to remember a lot of words for the students It is strong noun or verb that creates image to trigger recall the memory 3.1.3 Basic Ordering Ideas Basic ordering ideas are the branches that collect sort information and it connected to the central topic that radiate out from the centre Making basic ordering ideas which can direct our mind to make mind mapping and it need creativity that encourage the students to understand to the material It is thick and thinner at the ends It can be seen as headings for your topic and spread anywhere but not become steep 3.1.4 Branches The branches should be curvy and in the same length as the words or pictures above it These branches can be seen as sub headings It is thinner branches and containing details 3.1.5 Colour Colour is a very good memory sign and it involves the right brain in learning for long term memory Colours encourage creativity and help in memorization Adding plenty of colours via branches, map background and images will add life to your mind map It makes easier to comprehend and remember 3.1.6 Picture In mind mapping, pictures which can change or strengthen a key word that has been written before 3.2 The Criteria of Making Mind Mapping Technique Based on what Buzan (in Purwoko, 2005:20) states that the mind mapping uses colors and pictures to help constructing your imagination with your style in making mind mapping Words or pictures which are in the curvy lines or branches will help the students’ memory to make associations Furthermore Buzan (in Purwoko, 2005:20) explains the steps below in how to make mind mapping, they are presented below; Step Take a piece of white paper and it is in a landscape position Step Start by drawing a coloured image in the centre of the paper and write the key word with capital letters Step Choose a color and draw the main themes of the mind mapping on the thick branches radiating out from the central image Step Add other main themes branches around the map 7 Step Make thick and colourful branches spanning out from your mind map Step Write basic ideas about the key word and still use the capital letters Step Add an image to all the main branches to represent each key theme and also use images to visualise every important key word on your map Step Let your mind mapping be as imaginative as possible The applications of mind mapping to teaching a foreign language 4.1 Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary One of the simplest ways how to use a mind map is gathering and sorting new vocabulary The example shows city vocabulary organized in groups Students find it much easier to memorize the words which they see placed in a certain spot, connected to a certain topic Works well with students of all ages 3.2 Using mind mapping to teach students how to take notes and plan tasks Another way of using a mind map is giving students a task where they have to display a summary of some topic, for example, My favourite pastimes Each bubble may contain more than one word or even a phrase This mind map can be 8 used the by student in the making a short comment about classroom for speech or a his free time If a mind map is created by the teacher and shown at the lesson, it can be used as a basis for classroom discussion or a writing task Older students may use a mind map for outlining their report or an essay II Problematic situation of teaching English vocabulary at my schools Advantages My school is one of the best schools in Quang Xuong district with a lot of outstanding achievements Teaching and learning English are more and more attached here 1.1 The teachers of English In our school, there are five English teachers aged from 30 to 42 All of them were trained at Hong Duc and Ha Noi universities Everyone has been teaching English for over 10 years They are all young, enthusiatic, active, creative and willing to devote to teaching career Most of the teachers can apply new teaching method, the information technology, teaching aids to teaching skillfully They are also familiar with the techniques of teaching vocabulary 1.2 The students All of the students have learnt English for years at primary schools Most of them are obedient and dutiful They also know how important the English is and they are also familiar with the diferent ways of learning vocabulary Disadvantages Besides the advantages above, teaching and learning English vocabulary also meet with some difficulties 2.1 About the teachers Some teachers still face a number of difficulties in the iplementation of certain operations, teaching techniques of each lesson, each stage of the lesson or the combination of the teaching techniques 9 Some teachers are still afraid of using or even not teaching aids proficiently for the lesson In teaching vocabulary, some teachers not use the different techniques They often list the new words on the board then explain them and not revise the words at all, which is not easy for students to learn the words eagerly, quickly, and permanently 2.2 About the student Although all of the students have learnt English for years at primary schools, they are at various levels A number of them are only good at grammar, not at speaking, writing and listening Moreover, their vocabulary is very poor That is why they not have enough vocabulary to express their ideas in writing and speaking and they not understand what they hear Consequently, the way to present the vocabulary is very important to make sure that they remember the pronunciation, understand the meanings, usages of the new words, the connected words for a long time 2.3 Specific survey In the process of teaching, I have been given the duty to teach the grade With the awareness of researching and studying the situation of students’ learning the subject and learning from experience, right since the beginning of the school year, I outlined a specific plan and method to actively investigate the situation of students’ learning in my class Though the investigation in four skills, I realized that most students neither recognized nor were sure about the vocabulary they had listened in listening skill Hardly did they use the right vocabulary to express their ideas in speaking and writing skill In reading skill, they had difficult understanding the text because of a number of new words The survey result as follows: Class Total Good Fair Average weak Poor number of No % No % No % No % No % students 8A1 35 20 11 31,4 13 37 11,6 0 8A2 34 21 10 29 12 35 15 0 8A3 37 24 12 32,5 12 32,5 11 0 Total 106 23 22 33 31 37 35 13 12 0 III Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary for grade students Suggested activities 1.1.Implementing the word mapping through reading By using the technique, students will not only study the new words actively but they will also understand the text easily 1.1.1 The steps of teaching 10 10 Step1 Select words for vocabulary instruction Prepare for vocabulary instruction by carefully selecting the words to be taught Choose words by considering the reading and the words that are keys to understanding the text Step Project a blank word map on the screen Model how to construct a word map and demonstrate to students how to use the word map for building and exploring word relationships Step Write the key words on the word map In each blank, write and say the key word that will be taught Step Use a think-aloud to model how to explore relationships between words Use the think-aloud strategy to (a) demonstrate how to explore word relationships; (b) think about the meaning of the key word or related words; (c) model how to further the meaning of the word by examples and nonexamples, or synonyms and antonyms, of the word; (d) find the definition of the word in a glossary or dictionary and find its use in context or a discussion with another student about the word’s meaning; and (e) draw a picture of the word to illustrate its meaning in context Step Record ideas that have been used to explore the word meanings and relationships.During the think-aloud, record information about the word in the appropriate space on the word map Step Students are directed to use the word maps during and after reading to add infor-mation about the key words.Students use the word maps for recording new information while they are reading After reading, they may further develop their word meanings by looking for dictionary definitions, drawing pictures of words, and adding new words from their readings Step Students share their maps with others Have students share their maps with the class During this sharing period, students use the information on their word maps to develop and expand the class map Students write new information on the group map and are encouraged to revise their own word maps to incorporate these new ideas 1.1.2 Example 1.2 Gathering new vocabulary Teachers can use the technique to teach phrasal verbs, the different forms of verbs, the different parts of speech of words, the different meanings of words, words related to a subject, collocation words (words that are commonly used together) and so on By using the technique, students will revise the words they have learnt and learn the new ones from their teacher as well as their friends They will also 11 11 have their own maps of different tasks at home 1.2.1 The steps of teaching Step 1: Make a central image/topic in the centre of the paper Colour and add something interesting Step 2: Draw some basic ordering ideas, spread out from the central image/topic Step 3: Thinking of all something interesting as much as possible and funny for you and it can be connected with the central image to give you the inspiration Step 4: Add some branches to the basic ordering ideas using symbols, pictures, and colours as much as possible Step 5: Thinking of the details which are interesting and it can encourage your curiousity Add to your mind map Step : Continue it until you have adequate information for your mind map 1.2.2 Example 12 12 1.3 Sorting new vocabulary Teachers can use the technique to teach synonyms, antonyms and so on 1.3.1 The steps of teaching Step 1: Make a central image/topic in the centre of the paper Colour and add something interesting Step 2: Draw some basic ordering ideas, spread out from the central image/topic Step 3: Thinking of all something interesting as much as possible and funny for you and it can be connected with the central image to give you the inspiration Step 4: Add some branches to the basic ordering ideas using symbols, pictures, and colours as much as possible Step 5: Thinking of the details which are interesting and it can encourage your curiousity Add to your mind map Step : Continue it until you have adequate information for your mind map 1.3.2 Example 13 13 The advantages of using mind map in teaching and learning vocabulary DePorter and Hernacki (in Abdurrahman, 2008:172) describe that there are some advantages of using mind mapping technique, they are as follows; 2.1 Flexible Explaining something can be easy without confusing in add the material based on the mind mapping We can put the label and category of something based on our own opinion anywhere in the mind mapping 2.2 Concentrate on the Topic Getting the subtopics what we talk about with focus on the main ideas easily Keep focus on the keyword can help us to make it simple and it does not waste the time 2.3 Increasing Comprehension Using mind mapping can make easy in understanding the material Mind mapping is a simple think pattern so it is not make us confuse to understand what we have learned and easy to remember the material 2.4 Enjoyable Imagination and creativity are unlimited in using mind mapping, so it can be funnyto learn By using pictures and colours, it makes the brain enjoy and excited in thinking something what we want about the material 14 14 Some notes of teaching and learning vocabulary using mind maps - Teacher makes sure that students know the main steps which are stated above to draw a mind map - Teacher can organise students to work individually, in pairs or in groups according to the purpose of the tasks - After giving out the main idea/topic, teacher should model first - Timing is necessary as well as the teacher’s motivation and help will encourage students to work eagerly and actively - The teacher’s careful preparation is the success of the lesson Demonstration UNIT 2: LIFE IN THE COUNTRYSIDE Period: 10 Lesson 2: A CLOSER LOOK I Objectives - By the end of the lesson Ss can + Pronounce correctly words containing the clusters /bl / and /cl/ + Use lexical items related to topic of life in the countryside II Content: - Vocab:topic of life in the countryside - Grammar: Comparative forms of adjectives and adverbs III Preparations: - Materials: Ss’ books, text books, tape & radio - Method: T- WC, group work, individual work IV Procedures: Warm up.(5’) * Aims: - Help students to get used to the topic of the lesson - Ask sts to use a mind map with kinds of words about the countryside Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents Mind mapping - Remind Ss of the vocabulary they learnt in GETTING STARTED before moving on to this lesson which focusses on words describing the countryside by using mindmaps - Look at the book and answer the questions 15 15 Presentation.( 10’) * Aims: - Help students to learn the students some new words about the countryside - Mind mapping -individual - TVs Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents - Ask Ss listen to the recording 1.Listen and repeat the words and repeat the words Make sure *New words : that they pronounce the words - hay: cỏ khô with the correct stress pattems - pole: cọc, cột sào - cattle: gia súc - Explain new words and ask Ss - wild (a): hoang dại repeat new words - vast (a): rộng lớn, mênh mông - nomadic (a): thuộc du mục -Now check understanding of - blackberry: cây/ mâm xôi these words - scenery: phong cảnh - bloom: nở hoa - blossom (v,n) hoa, trổ hoa - Check vocabulary Put the words in into the appropriate category Some wprds can be used in more - Elicit ideas from the Ss Say than one category; “Give mean example of to describe Words something vast” Go through all the words in this way to make people friendly,brave , sure everyone understands them boring,nomadic ,colourful - Ask Ss work individually by life slow,hard,boring,inconvenient, drawing a mind map peaceful,nomadic,colourful scenery colourful, vast, peaceful - Let Ss compare their answers with a partner and then discuss as a class There may be some variations in the answers For a more able class ,encourage Ss to explain why they choose that word for the category - Have some Ss repeat the words/ phrases indicating the topic of life in the countryside 16 16 - Ss listen to the recording and repeat the words 3.Practice: (18’) * Aims: - Guide the students to exercises - Pair work, group work - Tvs , Students book Teacher’s and Ss’ activities + Task 1: Matching - Make sure Ss understand the meaning of the verbs first There may be some cofusion abot the difference between /pick/ and /pick up/ is the specific vebs used for collecting fruit, vegetalbes or flowers through the action is the same as the more general tearm/pickup/ - Ask Ss then work independently or in pairs.When they have finished ,let them exchange their answers with a partner/another pair Then T alicts the correct answers + Task 2: Complete sentences - Ask Ss use the vocaabulary they have learnt in activities and to this exercise - Ask Ss to look at the sentences and decide if an adjective or a verb is missing.This narrows down the area of words they need to refer to 17 Contents Match the nouns / noun phrases in the box with each verb =>Keys : - ride : a horse , a camel - put up : a tent , a pole - collect : hay , water - herd : the buffalloes , the cattle - pick : wild flowers , apples Use the words from and to complete the sentences Remember to use the correct form of the verbs => Keys : picking peaceful inconvenient nomadic herd vast ridden/ brave put up/ hard 17 - Ask Ss then complete the sentence by themselves - Let Ss check their answers as a class B Pronunciation + Task 3: Pronunciation Listen and repeat the words Pay - Ask Ss listen and repeat Pause the attention to the initial clusters recording to drill difficult -/bl/ : blackberry,blind, bloom, blossom - Have Ss say the words individuaaly or in -/cl/ : clothing, climb, click, clay, small groups clock,clear 6.Listen and circle the word you - Have Ss listen and circle the words hear - Have Ss the activity in pairs and blame blast challenge each other to choose the correct blue clock words close ’ Consolidation and homework: (7 ) 3.1: Consolidation Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents Have Ss look at the sentences and Listen to the sentences and underline the words with clusters /bl/ repeat and /cl/ first blowing climbed - Ask Ss listen and repeat bloom clear , blue - Ask Ss to review the words, and clusters Blind they have learnt - Ask Ss to review the words, and - Direct Ss how to exercise in the clusters they have learnt workbook - Direct Ss how to exercise in the workbook 3.2: Homework Teacher’s and Ss’ activities Contents - Write a short passage about the Do the tasks at home countryside - Prepare the next lesson 18 18 RESULTS I Results after applying the research in teaching In the first semester of school year 2021 -2022, I boldly applied these initiatives in teaching the students of class 8A1, 8A2 and 8A3 at my shool and achieved very positive results as follows: - All of the student now can draw mind maps themselves skillfully - Learning vocabulary is no longer boring but more enjoyable, active and creative Students can understand many words when they are spoken or written; recalling them when needed; using them with the correct meaning, in a grammatically accurate way; knowing grammatical connections with other words and using them in the right situation - Many students applied mind mapping to revising grammatical rules, outlining an essay or pratising speaking not only in studying English but also in other subjects The practice of using mind maps is a very useful skill in their daily lives - As a result, their four skills are much better and they are interested in learning the subject more, which motivates me much in my teaching career This is also the reason leading to the relatively positive result of the first semester in the school year 2021-2022 in the classes that I am teaching Hopefully, my own small experience will help colleagues enrich their experience in teaching vocabulary The specific result are: Class Total Good Fair Average weak Poor number N of No % No % No % No % % o students 8A1 35 10 29 17 48 17 0 8A2 34 11 32 16 47 15 0 8A3 37 13 35 18 48 14 0 Total 106 34 32 51 48 16 15 5 0 - In comparision with the result from the beginning of the school year, the figure has changed as follows: Good Fair Average weak Poor Increase Increase Decrease Decrease No student 10,0 % 17,0% 21,0% 9,0 % II Suggestions Considering the results obtained in this study and discussions in the previous parts, there are several suggestions that the writer would like to present To the teachers of English Teacher of English are expected to the following things - Teach vocabulary by using media in order to motivate and make students interested in learning vocabulary; 19 19 - Use mind mapping technique in the process of teaching and learning of English especially in vocabulary; - Create more relaxed atmosphere in the process of teaching and learning of vocabulary he students get bored and make them interested in studying vocabulary To the students The students are suggested to the following things - Pay attention to the teacher’ explanation about the lesson and participate in the knowledge of learning vocabulary through mind mapping technique; - Find the extra study actively to support their ability, especially in learning vocabulary; - Practice their vocabulary in written and oral communication; - Love the English language as one of the important subjects in the school and be active students CONCLUSION In conclusion, at the secondary school level, teaching and learning English vocabulary play an important role to help students fully develop their language knowledge and skills However, teaching and learning English vocabulary should be varied, more flexible and enjoyable Therefore, with this innovative experience I hope to make small contribution to help teachers and students in my school in particular, and at numerous schools in general overcome the difficulties in teaching and learning English vocabulary and making it more efficiently In my opinion, there are no methods or techniques that show absolute usefulness for the teaching unless the teacher can stimulate his/ her students and arose student’s interest in learning And what I hope to in this research is teaching better and finding the success in educating Due to the short time as well as limited knowledge of the author on this matter, the subject can not avoid limitations which need adding and commenting I would like to listen to the comments of all colleagues so as to make my subject more complete! * I hereby declare that this research is due to the experience I myself have written, copy from nobody I sincerely thank you! Quang Xuong, April , 12th, 2022 The writer: COMMENTS AND ASSESSMENT OF THE SCIENCE COUNCIL Bùi Trung Thành 20 20 BIBLIOGRAPHY Practical handbook of language teaching (David Cross) A course in language teaching - Practical and Theory (Penny Ur) Cambrige university press Teacher book, new text book 10 published by The Ministry of Education and Training Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh Trung học sở (Nguyễn Hạnh Dung) English language teaching Methodology of The Ministry of Education and Training International, Linguarama, 2005 Advantages of Mind Map http://www.usingmindmaps.com/what-is-a-mind-map.html Solfware Edraw Mind Map version 7.1 21 21 REFERENCES Byrne, D (1979) Teaching writing skills London: Longman Gu Yue Gou (1999) English Teaching Methodology Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press Harmer, J (2004) How to teach writing Malaysia: Pearson Education Limited Practical handbook of language teaching (David Cross) A course in language teaching - Practical and Theory (Penny Ur) Cambrige university press Teacher book, new text book 11 published by The Ministry of Education and Training 7.Phương pháp dạy tiếng Anh Trung học phổ thông (Nguyễn Hạnh Dung) English language teaching Methodology of The Ministry of Education and Training How to write a paragraph - Le Thi Thu Suong 22 22 DANH MỤC NHỮNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐẠT GIẢI 1- Một số giải pháp nhằm giúp học sinh THCS phát triển kĩ đọc hiểu có hiệu Xếp loại C cấp tỉnh Năm học : 2005-2006 2- Cuộc thi dạy học theo chủ đề tích hợp dành cho giáo viên trung học cấp tỉnh Đạt giải ba Năm học : 2015-2016 23 23 ... to the following things - Teach vocabulary by using media in order to motivate and make students interested in learning vocabulary; 19 19 - Use mind mapping technique in the process of teaching... mind mapping be as imaginative as possible The applications of mind mapping to teaching a foreign language 4.1 Using mind mapping to teach vocabulary One of the simplest ways how to use a mind... mapping is one of techniques which can make the students more enjoyable and interesting in studying vocabulary According to Martin as translated into English (in Trianto, 2009:1 58) mind mapping

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2022, 22:38

