how to teach tenses in english grammar

how to teach english

how to teach english

Ngày tải lên: 26/10/2014, 07:30

208 1,6K 4
Tenses in English

Tenses in English

... Like,dislike,love,enjoy,hate,mind,start,stop,finish,keep,avoid,forget,miss, suggest, + V ing -Giới từ (with,without,by ,in, for,after,before ) + V ing -Used to a. S + used to + V :đà từng làm gì b. S + to be + used to ... V (inf) - S + will + not + V (inf) ? Will + S + V (inf) Tomorrow, next + Time, in/ on + future time, In + Period of time, 8. Các động từ khuyết thiếu S + can/could/may/might/must/ have to/ to ... is/am/are + V - ing - S + is/am/are + not + V-ing ? Is/am/are + S + V-ing Now, at the momment Đi sau các động từ: (to) look (nhìn); (to) listen (nghe); (to) smelt (ngửi) 3. QKĐ ã Tobe: S + was/were...

Ngày tải lên: 31/05/2013, 00:21

3 725 23
How to teach reading (lớp 12)

How to teach reading (lớp 12)

... contents FINAL NOTES  Careful pre-teaching  better understanding  Understand the text first, answer questions later  Being able to relate to the reading contents  students more interested  Answering ... they can find the answers in the reading. AFTER-YOU-READ  Adapt tasks  Life in the future: robots  travel/ work  Higher education: Talking about subjects  Summarize the reading contents ... the units: Teach Task 1 (vocabulary) before reading  Motivate students to read  Give them a focus of reading: Read and locate the words (key vocab.)  Make them curious by asking questions...

Ngày tải lên: 04/06/2013, 01:25

10 638 0
Tenses in English

Tenses in English

... use Past : use Past Continuous ( We Continuous ( We were listening were listening to the teacher when to the teacher when he he was explaining was explaining the lesson). the lesson). 3. 3. Action ... a strange noise, she a strange noise, she stood stood up and up and walked walked to the window to investigate). to the window to investigate). 1. The moon (move) around the earth ... (read) …… many kinds of dictionary carefully. 17.By the time we (arrive) , the party (finish) Nguyen Linh REVIEW OF TENSES IN ENGLISH REVIEW OF TENSES IN ENGLISH Nguyen Linh Tranphu High...

Ngày tải lên: 19/09/2013, 00:10

21 531 1
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 13

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 13

... banking. While many prominent Filipinos have Chinese ances- try, there is considerable hostility toward the Chinese dominance of business. Arab traders introduced Islam to the Philippines in ... Filipinos do not arrange themselves in neat lines. Instead, they form a pushing, shoving crowd, with each person out for him- or herself. e only times that Filipinos have queued in neat lines ... impolite to point at anyone with the forenger. Malays use a forenger only to point at animals. Even pointing with two n- gers is impolite among many Indians. When you must indicate something...

Ngày tải lên: 18/10/2013, 00:15

9 461 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 14

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 14

... business partners to dinner, but not to a luncheon. Expect to be invited to dinners and parties at the home of your Filipino partner (unless he or she is Chinese; Chinese rarely entertain ... popular in the Philippines at both lunch and din- ner. If you are hosting a luncheon, be sure to provide a dessert. ● Social events oen end with dancing and singing. Expect to be invited to sing. ● Despite ... Never decline an invitation to a social event. ● When you interrupt Filipinos during a meal, they are obliged to ask you to join in. is is a formality; just thank them and decline, saying that...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15

9 444 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 15

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 15

... Philippines, that nger is pointed at the person or thing being insulted. ● Since pointing can easily be taken for an insulting gesture, Filipinos rarely indicate objects or directions by pointing ... ended; to unify the diverse Chinese populations, only Mandarin Chinese movies may be shown—despite the fact that most Singaporean Chinese speak Cantonese, not Mandarin.) Both Malay and English ... traditions were suppressed, and Singapore was turned into a true meritocracy. Cultural Note Foreigners are honored in the Philippines by being invited to family events: weddings, anniversaries, baptisms,...

Ngày tải lên: 20/10/2013, 20:15

9 443 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 16

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 16

... generally in the morning. ● Always be on time for all business appointments. Making a Singa- porean executive wait is insulting and impolite. ● Try to schedule appointments at least two weeks in advance. ... yours). ● Unwavering civility is the single most important attribute for suc- cessful relationships in Singapore. However, diplomacy in no way hinders the determination of Singaporean businesspeople to get ... not print invitations on paper of these colors. Red or pink paper is a good choice for invitations. ● Generally, spouses may be invited to dinners but not to lunch. However, no business will...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

9 508 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 17

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 17

... next-highest- ranking person, and so on. e Koreans will be lined up inside in order of importance. ● English is the most widely studied foreign language. Your business meetings can be conducted in English. ... missionaries. Instead, a Korean scholar studying in Beijing was baptized a Catholic in 1777. It was this scholar, on his return, who introduced Catholicism to Korea. Protestantism gained a foothold in ... English is widely taught in schools. erefore, businesspeople are oen familiar with English, especially in urban areas. ● Koreans oen arrange one-on-one business meetings (as opposed to...

Ngày tải lên: 24/10/2013, 18:15

9 564 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 18

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 18

... companies. Information that should be proprietorial tends to leak during these drinking sessions. Volvo is not the only foreign firm to have had problems in this arena. Business Entertaining ● e ... have a mutual contact. Try to obtain a personal introduction. and leaving them sticking out of rice is in bad taste, because this is how oerings are made to ancestors. ● Pass food with your ... down. Beckoning a person by mov- ing a single nger toward you is very rude. ● Cover your mouth when yawning or using a toothpick. It is not necessary to cover your mouth when laughing, as many...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

9 485 0
How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 19

How to Do Business in 12 Asian Countries 19

... purity was historically a main reason for segregating interaction between castes. The Sri Lankan View When Buddhism went into decline in India, Sri Lanka emerged as a Buddhist stronghold in southern ... status to the Tamil language. But the militant troops backed out on their agreement to surrender to the Indian peacekeeping force. e ghting continued, and Indian troops remained in northern ... deadlocked. India became involved by sending peacekeeping troops to help resolve the crisis. An accord was signed that made concessions to some of the militants’ demands, including giving ocial...

Ngày tải lên: 29/10/2013, 01:15

9 452 0