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(SKKN 2022) improve the quality of fostering good students in english

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Category Content Page OPENING 1.1 The reason of selecting topics 1.2 The purpose of research 1.3 The subjects of research 1.4 The method of research 1.5 The new features of the initiative experience THE CONTENT OF THE INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE 2.1 The basic theory of the initiative experience 2.2 The reality problem before using the initiative experience 2.3 The initiatives experience or the solutions were used to solve the problem 2.4 The effectiveness of the initiative experience to the educational 16 activities, myself, colleague and school CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion 18 18 3.2 The petition 18 OPENING 1.1 The reason of selecting topics Nowadays, English is considered as an international language for exchanging and learning experiences between countries around the world Therefore, from the beginning of the renovation, our Party has paid attention to education and English has been chosen as a universal and compulsory subject in high schools as well as colleges and universities With that importance, the Department of Education and Training has organized many contests for junior high school students such as: online English test, contest to select excellent students at school and district level and especially contest to select excellent students at the provincial level… From these competitions, the children have many opportunities to show their abilities and help them improve their knowledge However, achieving the real learning requirements is not an easy thing It depends on many factors: the quality and efforts of the students, the attention of their parents, especially the expertise, capacity and enthusiasm of the teachers Teaching English not only teaches according to knowledge standards but also aims to train a good generation of students, helping them to have the ability to communicate with the trend of international integration That's why I chose the topic "Improve the quality of fostering good students in English" 1.2 The purpose of research One of the great policies of our Party and State for education in the innovation period is: Improving human resources and fostering talents for the country To create a future talent source for the country, we need to train them to help them develop their thinking ability 1.3 The subjects of research The excellent students at Yen Hung secondary school 1.4 The method of research - Through the process of teaching, testing, detecting, direct contact with students, - Learn basic and advanced types of exercises in textbooks and reference materials, on some websites - Find out some technical skills to common types of exercises in textbooks and reference materials, on some websites in the process of fostering students - Analyzing, classifying, systematizing the types of exercises and summarizing experiences in the process of fostering good students 1.5 The new features of the initiative experience In the teaching and learning work, the first stage is the selection of students This stage is very important I selected the team as soon as the school year ends through discussions with teachers at primary school to select students with the ability, talent, intelligence, passion to join the team Then I conducted the review and retraining from the first days of approaching students after discovering the positive factors through studying the children in primary school and a number of survey tests The next step, after selecting students, we plan for ourselves in a specific way Thematic teaching is the method that I personally find the most effective In addition, I also guide students to regularly search for documents and have advanced knowledge on the media, especially on the internet Choose the Website which is the most useful and convenient Today, with the development of information technology, there are many useful English learning sites such as: http://edupia.vn, https://duolingo.com and online English competitions like IOE Taking advantage of those resources, I guided students to self-study and self-discovery that have helped students a lot in cultivating and improving their knowledge To have more efficiently, I instructed my students to set up more than one nicknames to practice IOE exams have attractive contents and immediately results That is the reason why all students are usually eager to participate THE CONTENT OF THE INITIATIVE EXPERIENCE 2.1 The basic theory of the initiative experience Although there are objective conditions and subjective influence directly in the teaching process, but we knew how to overcome the challenges ahead foreseeable, gradually improve the quality of the lesson to apply the purpose of the program, new textbooks * For the teacher: Selecting the team as soon as the new school year begins to select students with ability, talent, intelligence and passion to join the team Making a plan for yourself Compiling programs according to thematic, clear, specific and detailed training content for each block, class, and field of knowledge, and necessarily fostering according to the process from low to high, from easy to difficult to learn for students to access The use of advanced reference books is indispensable for good students' exam preparation Currently, I am using a number of reference books to foster: Advanced English supplementary exercises (6,7,8,9) The set of exam questions for good students in English, Selection of exam questions for good students in English subject In addition, I often collect exam questions from other districts in the province and from other provinces through information technology to help them familiarize themselves with the different types of questions and practice more * For the students: Because the time that the children receive training at school is not much, I have provided materials and guided them to study at home Encourage students to self-study, study materials and review the topics which was assigned by the teacher Creating accounts on websites such as http://edupia.vn, https://duolingo.com Using Google for more reference information is also very helpful in learning English, especially Google translate in listening to pronunciation and translating 2.2 The reality problem before using the initiative experience Students have to study too many subjects in the main program Moreover, the program to foster good students is very limited in terms of self-study time, so they invest little time in learning and fostering good students so the results of the contests are not as expected Students lack motivation to study because they not know how to study Students lack materials, most of them not have computers connected to the Internet at home to serve their self-study and self-improvement outside of class time 2.3 The initiatives experience or the solutions were used to solve the problem Fostering excellent students is the key work in raising people's intellectual level, training resources and fostering talents for schools in particular, for localities and districts in general; and is one of the important tasks of the education sector of our country Over a period of time participating in the work of fostering excellent students, I realized that in order to improve the quality of this work, it is necessary to perform the following tasks well: After selecting the team, make a training plan, select materials and guide students to apply information technology for self-study at home During the refresher time in class, I classified the exercises and guided the students on how to the exercises 2.3.1 Vocabulary: Of course, in order to vocabulary exercises, students must have vocabulary, but vocabulary in English is unlimited and human memory is not like the memory of a computer, so you want to well in the exercise In this form, students also need to have certain technical skills For example, Give the correct form of the words given (find the correct form of the given word from the root): This type of exercise is very common in advanced materials and in English proficiency exams For this type of exercise, you must determine the type of word (adjective, noun, verb, adverb), synonym or antonym, etc Eg: The (MAJOR) of people interviewed prefer TV to radio Since the word "major" comes after "the" and before "of", it must be a noun And the word to be filled in is “majority”) To help students be confident with this type, when teaching vocabulary I always provide other word forms For example, when teaching the word environment (n), I give related word forms such as environmental (adj), environment (adv) ) and environmentalist (n of person) 2.3.2 Pronunciation: In English, like any other language, pronunciation is very important Phonological exercises are an indispensable part of fostering good English students Similar to the type of vocabulary exercise, this type requires students to have correct vocabulary and pronunciation, but sometimes also requires guessing skills when doing the test: If you know 3/4 of the words, you can infer the word you are looking for: if one of the three known words has a different pronunciation, the other word will definitely sound the same as the other two: the three known words have the same pronunciation then the remaining word is the word to find… Eg: A device B signature C exhibition D facility When pronouncing we will see words "signature", "exhibition", "facility" in the underlined part are pronounced /i/, then the remaining words will have a different pronunciation In recently examinations, particularly the examinations for good Ss, there often have phonological exercises We know that, most language learners are influenced by their mother tongues And so are Vietnamese people The majority of Vietnamese people learning English have not focused on stress yet This thing would create difficulty for learners to the exercises To help Ss solve this problem, I offer some following suggestions: - Most of verbs have two syllables, the stress of the word will fall on the second syllable Ex: De'mand, in'crease, re'duce ,at'tract…… (Except: 'answer, 'enter, 'happen, 'open, 'study, 'finish, 'borrow, 'promise ) -Accent is often in front of the following endings: +-tion: pro'tection, con'dition, com'putation +-sion: de'cision, con'clusion (exception: ' televition) +-ity: curi'osity, ne'cessity +-ial (ially): e'ssential, me'morial, in'dustrial +- ion: poli'tician, lib'rarian, ian: mu'sician -The words end with:-ee-, eer,-ese, -aire, -ique the stress falls on the last syllable Below is a phonics exercise that I gave my students to Most of them got the maximum score and very interested in this type of exercise 2.3.3 Grammar: a Give the correct form of the verbs This type of exercise is very common in exams Students must be able to determine the tense of the sentence, the subject in the sentence, consider the verbs, phrases or prepositions in front (after: like, hate, love, prefer, after, before, V+ing ) Example: When I (be) young, I (have) a white dog In this example, the word "young" represents the action that is now no longer happening And the verb "be" in this sentence in the past simple is "was", and "have" becomes "had" 10 In the process of conjugating verbs, I always remind them to pay attention to the subject of the sentence Example: "Everyone (like) …… having meal with their family." In the example above, the subject "Everyone" - is an indefinite pronoun, so the verb "like" is conjugated as "likes" b Choose the best answer: With this exercise, Ss need to take their interest in the words before and after the verbs and the meaning of the sentence To it well, Ss ought to consider sentence’s structures or position of the word to be filled in order to select the appropriate answer Ex: What a pity! I'd rather "to the Big C supermarket last night A to have gone B to go C to go had gone D have gone With this example, Ss need to determine structure "would rather" There are patterns: "would rather + bare infinitive (at present) and: "would rather + have + pp + (in the past) So, the answers (A) and (B) are not suitable because of the preposition "to", (C) is also not true because the auxiliary verbs is "had" And the correct answer for this question is (D) c Rewrite the sentences: This exercise demonstrates the Ss’ general knowledge including vocabularies, grammatical structures, adverbs, prepositions There are main forms: arranging the words into the correct order (in IOE this appears in: "What's the order?"), completing the sentences with the given words in the brackets, rewriting using different grammatical structures beginning with the words given or writing sentences using cue words With rearranging the words into the correct order, Ss ought to determine the words’ part of speech, patterns of the sentence (subject, verb, adverb, etc.); 11 then match words into phrases and then match the phrases into complete sentences With completing sentences with the given words Ss must understand the grammatical structures (which preposition the word goes with, what form of the verb is ) Ss are also be able to create each individual word or phrase and then match them into complete sentences With rewriting sentences using a different grammatical structures beginning with the words given, Ss need to know some rules of changing tenses (simple past present perfect (negative), changing the form ("This is the first time "< => " never before", superlative + the present perfect = present perfect + comparative, ), using synonym (there is/are have), especially the forms of inversion When fostering good Ss, especially with Ss in grade and 9, teachers need to teach the children about this form Inversion is the form which the verb is put before the subject of the sentence with meaning stressed To many Ss, this exercise is quite difficult because they not understand its aims and rules While teaching, I often give explanation to my Ss about the way to make an inversion sentence It’s the same way to make a question, that is, we always have to move the auxiliary verb to the beginning of the sentence, but there is no a question mark at the end There are some common inversion structures below: *) Inversion with negative adverbs NEVER, RARELY, SELDOM - Mostly used in simple present, present perfect verb or modal verbs Can, Could Never, Hardly, Seldom + auxiliary verb + subject + main verb Ex: I have never heard a weaker excuse =>Never have I heard a weaker excuse *) Inversion to express two events consecutively occurring: HARDLY when /NO SOONER than It’s mostly used past perfect tense with the intention of "just ." 12 Hardly, scarcely, barely + 1st clause (inversion in past perfect) + when/before + 2nd clause (simple past) Ex: As soon As I came home in the evening I switched on the television => No sooner had I come home in the evening than I switched on T.V *) Inverse with adverbs ONLY Only when +1st clause (down) + 2nd clause (inversion): Only after + 1st clause (down) + 2nd clause (inversion): Only if + 1st clause (down) + 2nd clause (inversion): Only then/ later + the main clause (inversion): Only by/after/before + V-ing + main clause (inversion): Ex: I didn't remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp only after posting the letter =>Only after posting the letter did I remember that I had forgotten to put on a stamp *) Inversion with NO -Under/In no circumstances + main clause (inversion): in any case -At no time + the main clause (inversion): at no time -In no way + the main clause (inversion): no way -On no account/ On no condition + main clause (the inversion) Ex: You shouldn’t phone the police under any circumstance =>Under no circumstances should you phone the police *) Inversion with SO and SUCH So adjective + to be + S + that + clause Such + to be + subject (Noun) + that + clause Ex: The problem was so difficult that we couldn't find the solution to it =>So difficult was the problem that we couldn't find the solution to it => Such was the difficulty of the problem that we couldn't find the solution to it *) Inversion with NOT 13 + It was not until + time + that + clause => Not until + time + clause (inversion) Ex: It was not until 2010 that we met Ms John -> Not until 2012 did we meet Ms John There are also some inversion structures in conditional sentences but it’s impossible for me to mention in this assignment 2.3.4 Listening When teaching listening skills, it must be conducted in three stages: Before listening, during listening and after listening Listen to get the main idea, listen to details, listen to complete exercises, listen to check answers and need a variety of listening forms • Before listening: during that time, students should prepare the necessary things for the listening lesson • While listening: students need to focus their attention on the listening text and develop an understanding of the topic of the lesson • After listening: summarize what has been heard and what knowledge students have about the topic that they’ve heard 2.3.5 Reading: 14 With the reading exercise, I always guide my Ss to read the questions and find the keywords in question before reading to find keywords in the text Ss can guess the words due to the context but not necessarily to look up in the dictionary The reading exercises are divided into some specific forms: a Read and answer the questions: This is the most popular type of exercises With this, Ss must distinguish types of questions: inverse questions, selective questions, informative questions (with question words) After understanding, Ss can easily the requirements easily without translating the text b Read and answer T/F: This is the common type in reading text Once Ss find the keywords in the questions and in the reading text, Ss can easily find out the correct answer c Read and choose the best answer: This type is common in advanced materials After finding the keywords, the Ss will also exercises well During the test, time is extremely important And reading requirements before reading text is the first choice to save time d Read and find the main information: This is also the popular type of exercise in reference books The requirements may include some passages with a/ a few pieces of information desired, then Ss are asked to match them suitably In some text, Ss are asked to give the title for a given passage correct carefully I always encourage them to use difficult and interesting phrases and structures as inversions, passive form, reported speech To write a good essay, beside the good structures 2.3.6 Writing: Writing is an indispensable exercise in fostering good Ss and tests for good Ss It is said to be the most difficult for Ss It requires Ss to have general knowledge about grammar and vocabularies The easiest form is rewriting sentences (already mentioned above) and writing sentences using words 15 given After that is writing a paragraph, an essay on the given topic such as family, friends, a letter (, greeting, thanking, application ), opinions, To write well, Ss need to revise their knowledge of vocabularies and grammar regularly, along with getting on well the other forms of writing and the structure of each kind In the course of teaching, I always ask Ss to write and handle me to check and, Ss need to use the correct vocabularies English exercises are abundant So I have my Ss practice doing a lot of exercise with the thought that the more they practice the longer they remember Furthermore, I also encourage my Ss to use the internet in their study The sites , www.hellochao.vn ,http://www.tienganhonline.net, www.tienganh123.com, www.tienganhhoamattroi.com (already mentioned above) supply many exercises on vocabularies, grammar, and other skills The learners can interact the internet to discuss about the concerned issue to and get immediately 2.4 The effectiveness of the initiative experience to the educational activities, myself, colleague and school After applying the method, my students have made great progress, markedly improved their rankings, and they also have changes in their learning styles: 16 self-study, self-research, independent thinking and creative in problem solving, enthusiastically participate in English competitions at all levels Therefore, my good students team also promptly met the requirements of the contest to select excellent students in the first round of the province In the years before this method was not applied, my team of excellent students rarely won the district level prize But in the school year 2020-2021, my team has achieved many remarkable results As follows: School year Number of students reaching school level Number of students who passed in round (provincial level) Number of students who passed in round (provincial level) Number of students who passed in round (provincial level) 2018-2019 0 2019-2020 0 0 2020-2021 2 Below is the picture of my students who achieved good results- passed in round (provincial level) was awarded by former successful students in the last school year 17 - CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion: The reality shows that fostering good students is a difficult job for teachers of all subjects in general and the subject of English that I am undertaking in particular However, with the love for the profession and for children, perhaps any teacher can overcome difficulties and hardships so that the job of training talents for the country is increasingly making great strides 3.2 The petition: It is proposed that the Department of Education build a bank of exam questions for excellent students, which are exam questions for excellent students at all levels from school to national level over many years to enrich references for teachers and students with the right orientation in exam preparation for excellent students Yours sincerely, 18 THE SCHOOL HEADMASTER’S Yen Hung, April 10th 2022 CONFIRMATION I assure this is my assignment Writer’s signature: Le Đuc Chung Vu Thi Lai XÁC NHẬN CỦA HỘI ĐỒNG KHOA HỌC NGÀNH THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING YEN DINH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING INITIATIVES EXPERIENCE IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF FOSTERING GOOD STUDENTS IN ENGLISH 19 Writer : Vu Thi Lai Position: Teacher Working office : Yen Hung secondary school Initiative of experience in the field (subject): English THANH HOA-2022 20 ... websites in the process of fostering students - Analyzing, classifying, systematizing the types of exercises and summarizing experiences in the process of fostering good students 1.5 The new features... the trend of international integration That's why I chose the topic "Improve the quality of fostering good students in English" 1.2 The purpose of research One of the great policies of our Party... NGÀNH THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING YEN DINH DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING INITIATIVES EXPERIENCE IMPROVING THE QUALITY OF FOSTERING GOOD STUDENTS IN ENGLISH 19 Writer : Vu

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2022, 22:17


