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(SKKN 2022) some methods develop the enghlish speaking skill for 5th grade

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1 TABLE OF CONTENTS Content Page INTRODUCTION 1.1 The reason for choosing the initiative 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study 1.3 Scope of the study 1.4 Method of the study 1.5 Significance of the study CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical basis 2.2 Practical basis 2.3 The reality of English teaching in grade 2.4 Result of the implementation 15 CONCLUSION 16 3.1 Conclusion 16 3.2 Recommendations 17 REFERENCE MATERIALS 19 INTRODUCTION 1.1 The reason for choosing the initiative Today, with the development of science and technology and the knowledge economy, English has become more and more important and necessary in many fields It has been included in teaching at all learning levels in which the learning level plays a fundamental and indispensable role is the primary level As an optional subject and preparation for inclusion in a compulsory subject, the goal of teaching English at the primary level is that students are initially formed with basic and simple knowledge of English, helping them initially have an understanding of the country, people and culture of some English-speaking countries, and at the same time initially form for students basic and simple communication skills in English in daily communication at school and at home: listening, speaking, reading and writing skills, with emphasis on listening and speaking skills Practical teaching shows that one of the four skills that primary school students often face certain difficulties in the learning process is speaking In the process of teaching English for the th graders, I realized that the children were still young, their ability to concentrate was not long, and at the same time, when they were new to this subject, they still had many difficulties in being active, interested in participating in activities to practice speaking skills in English lessons Some children lack of confidence, they are timid to speak, afraid of making mistakes, etc So I wondered how in every English lesson, they could participate in speaking practice enthusiastically, actively and effectively To achieve that goal in every lesson, I strongly chose the topic: "Some methods develop the English speaking skill for 5th grade" to help them love English, improve speaking skills, become more confident in communication through these methods By researching this topic, I hope to help teachers gradually overcome certain difficulties in order to have the most effective English speaking lessons 1.2 Aims and objectives of the study - To help students focus on listening to the lessons and actively participate in learning activities, especially focusing on speaking skills - To contribute to changing students' learning attitudes in the process of practicing and practicing skills, focusing on listening and speaking skills in English lessons - To help students actively achieve knowledge and confidently use English in communicating with teachers and friends - To detect and foster gifted students in English - Help promote the core qualities and competencies of students, thereby connecting friendships as well as improving the lessons’ efficiency 3 1.3 Scope of the study The initiative is applied for 5th grade in participating in practising speaking skills in class, club activities, and extracurricular activities In addition, English teachers of grades 1, 2, 3, and students' parents can also refer 1.4 Method of the study In order to implement this initiative, I have researched and used some of the following methods: - Problem analysis and synthesis methods - Methods of investigation and survey - Pedagogical observation method: organizing games, group activities, experiential activities - Scientific experimental method 1.5 Significance of the study Methods introduced in the initiative help teachers have good expertise, promote research investment, innovate teaching methods, make class hours lively, attractive, creative, and make students active and positive, love English, more confident in communication In addition, it is sustainable, long-lasting and it can be used with different forms of teaching CONTENTS 2.1 Theoretical basis: Our country in general and Vietnam's education in particular are increasingly paying attention to education career, especially teaching English to primary school students For that reason, the Ministry of Education and Training has been implementing “National Foreign Language Project 2020” which emphasizes the urgency to teach students communication skills right at primary school so that when they finish grade 5, they must have achieved level according to the European Framework of Reference for Languages To achieve the above goal, each teacher must constantly research, self-study, cultivate knowledge and innovate teaching methods; and moreover not hesitate to exchange, share and draw experiences with colleagues to get the best and most suitable teaching methods to meet the needs of learners and the increasing requirements of education in order to contribute to organizing English speaking lessons for 5th grade students in the most effective way 2.2 Practical basis The psycho-physiological characteristics of primary school students are easy to remember, quick to forget, easy to lose their focus during class, unsustainable memory, like to learn but quickly bored A large part of students are bored of studying or studying in the form of opposition Therefore, teachers must how to keep the lesson lively and attractive so that the students are always active in the acquisition of knowledge and love the subject Through theoretical and practical research, it has been shown that using a number of methods to practise speaking skills in lessons helps students learn actively and mobilizes all students to participate actively and excitedly That is what all teachers and parents expect from their children From that practical meaning, I have researched, thought about and experimented this topic in order to form the passion and love the subject for the children, thereby improving the quality of teaching 2.3 The reality of English teaching in grade 2.3.1 Advantages a Teachers: - Initially, they have approached and used typical teaching techniques, including speaking techniques quite well - Gradually become familiar with and active in organizing a speaking lesson - Flexibly co-ordinate of teaching techniques - Create a lot of teaching materials suitable to the content of the lessons, so many speaking lessons become lively, exciting, attractive and highly effective - Use and operate modern teaching equipment to serve the speaking teaching process: video tapes, cassettes, video players, projectors b Students: - Students have initially gotten used to learning and practicing speaking skills in class - Most students work in pairs, in groups quite effectively while completing the teacher's requirements and exercises after speaking - Some students have developed skills and techniques in speaking in front of a group 2.3.2 Difficulties a Teachers: There are still some teachers who face certain difficulties in performing speech teaching techniques and manipulations, in choosing techniques to suit each lesson or each stage of the lesson Less using or not proficiently using teaching aids for speaking lessons (cassette radio, projector, illustrations ) b Students: - Students have little opportunity to communicate in English outside of classroom lessons, and have little access to teaching aids and materials related to speaking lessons - Some children are shy, afraid to speak and even afraid of making mistakes when communicating in English - Students are not familiar with the speed of reading and speaking in tapes and discs c Specific investigation: During the teaching process, I personally undertake the teaching of grade 5, with the awareness of both studying the characteristics of the students' learning situation in the subject and learning from experience, right from the beginning of the school year I have decided to direct myself a specific plan and method to actively investigate the learning situation of the students under my charge The specific investigation results are as follows: Class 5A Total 38 Successfully complete SL % 15.8 Complete Incomplete SL % SL % 28 73.7 10.5 2.3.3 Solutions: 3.1 Teaching pronunciation skills at primary school As we see, nowadays in society, there is a situation of students who have studied English for many years but still cannot communicate or communicate unconfidently with foreigners They don't understand what we say and vice versa So where does the cause come from? In my opinion, it is easy to see that our students are poor in pronunciation skills In order to learn English communication well, students must first learn pronunciation skills since they are still primary school students Therefore, I have tried to focus on teaching pronunciation to students in the lessons, paying special attention to the following sections: 3.1.1 The ending sound of the words The ending sound of words in English is often forgotten by students, which leads to serious consequences in communication, which easily leads to confusion between words with the same beginning sound but different ending sounds, so listeners and speakers will misunderstand each other Therefore, in the process of teaching new words, I often emphasize the ending sounds more carefully so that students can pronounce them correctly and remember them Example: In the book, there are words with the same first sound but different pronunciation at the end When teaching these words, teachers need to guide students to read the ending sound correctly so that they not get confused between words when speaking as well as when listening The first three syllables are all /baɪ/, but the word “bike” has the ending sound /k/ , the word “bite” has the ending sound /t/ , and the word “buy” does not have an aspirated ending sound: + bike /baɪk/ + bite /baɪt/ + buy /baɪ/ 3.1.2 Word stress For Primary students, when teaching word stress, we must clearly explain to them that in English words with syllables or more will always have stress and the stress is in the syllable which we emphasize that sound Primary school students will not be able to recognize word stress on their own Therefore, when teachers themselves introduce words, they have to model many times to the children, so that the children realize which sound is stressed, from which they can realize what sound the word's stress falls on Example: - Usually, two-syllable nouns and adjectives will have stress on the first syllable: island, village, pretty, clever 6 - Two-syllable verbs are often stressed on the second syllable: exchange, review - Most compound nouns have stress on the first syllable: bedroom, bus stop, seaside These are just a few simple rules that can help 5th graders recognize word stress With higher levels, teachers will again provide longer and more complex rules But in my opinion, these are appropriate rules to teach students when starting to learn English 3.1.3 Sentence stress - When reading, not only pay attention to word stress but also sentence stress In the English textbook program 5- Part 1, in phonics lessons, the author mentioned the stress of sentences Those are the main information words of each sentence Example: 'When did you 'go to the 'zoo?- I 'went there 'yesterday 'When will 'Sports 'Day 'be?- It'll be on 'Saturday Therefore, phonics lessons not only help students practice pronunciation, but also help students review sentence patterns and improve speaking skills 3.1.4 Sound linking Our primary school students could barely hear sample dialogues spoken by foreigners years ago The reason is because they not pay attention to the trick of linking sounds between words in a sentence Of course, if listening skills are not good, students will not be able to speak fluently That's why I want to emphasize that understanding and teaching students the rules of sound linking is very important This helps students to confidently communicate in English Therefore, to help them recognize and practice how to link words in sentences, I often guide them how to read the simplest sounds When saying many times, they will get used to this sound connection Example: There is a book on the table / ðeə iz ə buk ɔn ðə teibl / - transcribe each word in a sentence without linking sounds / ðe ri zə bu kɔn ðə teibl / - transcribe with linking sounds 3.1.5 Sentence intonation Intonation is also very important in speaking English but our students often not pay attention to intonation when speaking Therefore, in lessons, I often remind students to pay attention to the intonation of sentences with the following rule: - With affirmative and negative sentences, I teach them to fall their voice at the end of the sentence Example: I didn’t see you at the party yesterday ↷ I have a headache ↷ - With questions, there are types: + Wh-question: fall the intonation at the end of the sentence Example: What's the matter with you? ↷ + Yes / No question: raise the intonation at the end of the sentence Example: Does he karate in his free time? ⤻ Teaching pronunciation skills is one of the most important tasks, especially for 5th graders when they are aware of the intonation of sentences If they pronounce correctly from the beginning, they can confidently communicate in English both in class and in life 3.2 Create an English speaking environment right in the classroom: Students in rural areas are very disadvantaged compared to urban students If in the city, children can often be sent by their parents to foreign language centers directly taught by foreigners, with teaching assistants of good Vietnamese teachers, with many modern equipment for teaching English, our rural students don't have any This is the reason why I always create an English speaking environment in my classes to help students have more opportunities to practice their English speaking skills by the following measures 3.2.1 English teachers must be English speakers from the beginning to create quick reflexes in English for students: As soon as I was assigned the task of teaching English to 5th grade, I anticipated the difficulty that I would face in the process of teaching them speaking skills, which is how to make them have the habit of speaking English during class time This is not a small problem, requiring the tireless perseverance of teachers My rule is don't get discouraged, don't give up when students don't understand what the teacher is saying I speak English at the beginning of class, from the daily greetings to the lesson content I teach students from simple imperatives commonly used in the classroom to more complex imperatives so that they can get used to and carry out commands when I speak English instead of Vietnamese Although there were students who couldn't remember and follow my orders right away, gradually in the next lessons they were able to remember and apply them Example: Stand up! Sit down! Open your book, please! Listen and tell me your answer! Why you choose that? 3.2.2 Encourage students to speak English in class: - Attitude positively influences action In a class, there are some students who are shy and not quick-thinking They are often very lazy to speak English, lazy to discuss with friends because they are afraid of saying the wrong thing and afraid of being ridiculed Therefore, I always encourage students to speak according to the topic of each lesson and persistently correct their pronunciation mistakes and word mistakes without scolding or blaming Using gentleness, sophistication, affection, but also perseverance, teachers can help students have a good and steady thought, positive attitude towards learning to speak English In my opinion, if we that, we will also get the expected results - Regulations on emulation and reward regime: I often give stars or stickers to my children as soon as they answer correctly, try hard, and make progress Regulate that students who reach 10 stars will be given gifts At the end of the class, I always let students vote for the most active students and give them stars or stickers.- Regulations for monitor regime: The student who gets the most stars, the most active of the previous class will be the monitor of the next class The monitor is given the following rights: to direct the students to practice reading in a certain activity in the class; or given a star to any friend in the class - Create opportunities for many students to interact during class so they don't get bored 3.2.3 Correct mistakes for students: - Correcting pronunciation and grammar errors for students while speaking is an important job However, how to correct them, correct them at the appropriate time is a job that requires delicacy and high pedagogy - When students are practising pronouncing a certain sentence correctly, this is the right time for teachers to correct mistakes when they read it wrong - For the case when students are concentrating on thinking and finding vocabulary ideas to express a certain content, teachers should not interrupt to correct errors because this will lose confidence and hyperactivity when they likes to participate in their communication practising activities - Teachers need to have a positive attitude towards students' language errors Accepting mistakes is an inevitable part of the process of learning a foreign language, helping students learn from their own and friends' mistakes 3.3 Using games in speaking lessons: The games that I introduce below can be flexibly applied to students of all grades in primary school, not only English but also other subjects at school And especially teachers can apply it to all forms of direct teaching in class or teaching online during the Covid-19 epidemic time 3.3.1 Let’s Beat Corona Virus - Aims: To help Ss: + Review vocabulary, practice sentence patterns learned + Practice quick reflexes in children - How to play: The teacher introduces the game name The teacher gives some questions about the vocabulary or sentence patterns that the students have just learned These questions are hidden behind the viruses surrounding the castle where the children are kept Students have the task of choosing any virus and answering questions to rescue the children locked in that castle - End of the game: Summarize and commend students Integrate game content into health protection propaganda to prevent the Covid-19 epidemic - Example: This game can be used in Review 1, English textbook 5, Part to help students review the words they have learned from Unit 6-Unit 10 or use in sentence pattern practice activities for Point and say, Let's talk in units 9 3.3.2 Help the crow drink water : - Aims: To help students review vocabulary according to learned topics, practice listening, observation skills, etc - How to play: Students play in two teams Representatives of the teams participate in the game by answering any questions given by the teacher related to the student's lesson to put the stones in the jar so that the water rises to help the crow drink water For each correct answer, the student will put a stone in the jar Keep doing this until the students answer all the questions so that the water in the jar rises The team that can answer the most questions correctly and faster, the crows get to drink the water first, that team will wins - End of the game: Congratulate the winning team and commend both teams - Example: Unit 6: Lesson English Textbook 5- Part 1: Start the lesson with this game to help students review words about school subjects in English: Students play in teams , will choose any question, look at pictures, listen CDs or watch clips to answer questions about a certain subject 10 3.3.3 Who wants to be a millionare? - Aims: To help students: + Review vocabulary or sentence patterns, phonetic knowledge, grammar + Practice quick reflexes in children - How to play: The teacher shows the image of the game on the screen and introduces the game The teacher gives some questions about the vocabulary, phonics, and grammar that students have learned Students take turns observing, reading and answering questions corresponding to each score level of 200, 400, 600, 2000, - End of the game: Summarize the score that the whole class achieved Congratulate and praise students - Example: Review English Textbook 5- Part 2: In warm up or at the end of the lesson, teacher can use this game to help students review vocabulary, sentence patterns, and grammar knowledge in unit of lessons from Unit 11Unit 15 or vocabulary in any lesson 11 3.3.4 Save the Ocean - Aims: To help students review vocabulary, sentence patterns according to learned topics, practice listening comprehension, reading comprehension, observation skills, etc in the form of multiple choice or deductive - How to play: The teacher introduces the game: The cruel witch has kidnapped all sea creatures from the ocean, the children are assigned to help the mermaids rescue the sea creatures by answering the questions about vocabulary, sentence patterns learned or reading comprehension, listening comprehension given by the witch Each of your correct answers will save a sea creature back into the ocean And so on until all the questions are answered to help all sea creatures return to their oceans - End of the game: Congratulate and praise the whole class, educate students in the sense of protecting marine resources - Example: Unit 15 Lesson 1(English Textbook 5- Part 2), In the warm-up activity, teacher can use this game to help students review words on career topics for students 12 3.3.5 Travelling with Doraemon - Aims:Review vocabulary, sentence patterns according to learned topics, practice listening comprehension, reading comprehension, observation skills, etc - How to play: The whole class participates in the game, they are assigned to answer questions about vocabulary, learned sentence patterns or reading comprehension, listening comprehension by choosing the answer A or B to join Dorae-mon discover famous tourist destinations in the country as well as the world For each correct answer, students will go with Dorae-mon to a tourist destination Keep doing this until you have answered all the questions given by the teacher - End of the game: Congratulate and praise the whole class, educate students to love nature, the country, and the scenic spots - Example: Unit 18: Lesson English Textbook 5- Part 2: Start the class with this game to help students review words about seasons and weather 13 3.3.6 Pick up Lucky Money - Aims:To help students review and consolidate vocabulary or sentence patterns, grammar knowledge - How to play: Divide the class into teams (Peach blossom - Apricot blossom), representatives of the teams will take turns choosing any red envelopes to answer multiple choice questions If they answer correctly, they will receive a red envelope; If they answer incorrectly, they won't get that red envelope for their team - End of the game: the team that gets the most lucky money will wins - Example: Unit 14: Lesson (English Textbook 5- Part 2): Teachers can use this game to help students consolidate and review vocabulary about characters' personalities 14 3.3.7 Magic Wheel - Aims:To help students review vocabulary or sentence patterns, phonetic knowledge, grammar, listening comprehension, reading comprehension exercises - How to play: Divide the class into teams, representing each team in turn spin the Magic Wheel to get the score After spinning the Magic Wheel, students have to choose and answer any question If the answer is correct, they will get the number of points just spinned If the answer is wrong, the right to answer belongs to the other team - End of the game: the team that scores the most points wins - Example: Unit 11: Lesson 1-Task 2: Point and say (English Textbook 5- Part 2): Teachers can use this game to help students consolidate vocabulary and sentence patterns about common diseases “What’s the matter with you?” 15 3.3.8 Mysterious box - Aims:To help students review vocabulary or sentence patterns, phonetic knowledge, grammar, listening comprehension, reading comprehension exercises in the form of multiple choice or deductive - How to play: Students play in two teams Representatives of the teams participate in the game by answering any questions given by the teacher related to the student's lesson For each correct answer, students will receive the number of candies in each gift box Keep doing this until you have answered all the questions At the end of the game, the team with the most candies will wins - End of the game: Congratulations and praise to both teams - Example: Unit 14: Lesson (English Textbook 5- Part 2): Teachers can use this game to help students consolidate and review vocabulary and sentence patterns about the characters and the content of fairy tales 16 2.4 Result of the implementation Since the beginning of the school year, I have applied the methods to develop speaking skills as described above for 5th grade and I have seen a marked change in their attitude and sense of learning They are very interested and actively participate in speaking activities in class such as role-playing conversations, practicing sentence patterns with fluent and confident voices Besides, their pronunciation skills have also improved a lot, so the results are improved significantly The specific results are as follows: - This is the result before I apply this initiative: Class 5A Total 38 Successfully complete SL % 15.8 Complete Incomplete SL % SL % 28 73.7 10.5 My lessons are highly appreciated by colleagues and school leaders when applying the above measures In addition to improving speaking skills for students in general in class, I also established an English Club with the aim of attracting students who are gifted in the subject to create opportunities for them to develop their abilities, participate in extracurricular activities to practice speaking skills, exchange eloquence contests, give presentations, tell stories, act plays, etc…Here are some illustrative images about extracurricular activities: 17 -This is the result after I apply this initiative: Class Total Successfully Complete complete SL % SL % 5A 38 21,1 30 Incomplete SL % 78,9 CONCLUSION 3.1 Conclusion: After successfully applying this topic, I myself have obtained significant results and valuable experiences for myself as follows: - Teachers must always give students the opportunity to communicate, in other words, they must always create a foreign language environment during English lessons to create excitement for them to gradually help them use English as their primary language in communication at school and in life Depending on the grades and students’ levels, teachers can use short, simple, easy-to-understand, easy-to-remember English sentences - Teachers must always encourage students to use the knowledge they have learned to use in communication - Teachers should not pay too much attention to students' mistakes while speaking Let the children listen and speak naturally and freely, not force the student to stop speaking while he or she is trying to express his or her thoughts 18 in English, doing so will make them feel Fear of making mistakes when speaking - Teachers should integrate learning games in speaking lessons in the form of "playing - learning" - During the time at home, guide children to practice communicating in English through radio, television, listen to songs in English so that they can get acquainted and further improve their listening, pronunciation, and intonation skills while speaking of native speakers, - Create speaking teaching aids suitable to the content of the speaking lesson: pictures, models, tapes, powerpoint slides, games - Teachers need to choose, use and coordinate flexibly speaking methods and techniques in the course of teaching hours, at the stage of practice after speaking, in addition to the exercises in the textbook, if there is time Teachers need to give appropriate exercises with high practical communication features By creating such foreign language environments, students can practice their speaking skills well and thereby form communication skills in the most effective way 3.2 Recommendations From the reality of teaching as well as the success and limitation in the implementation of the topic, in order to contribute to more effective English teaching, I personally have the following practical recommendations: a.For teachers: - It is necessary to constantly self-study and self-improve in order to improve professional qualifications, increase innovation in teaching methods, and be creative in organizing teaching activities - Actively learn, exchange, and draw experience with colleagues through lesson observations, class visits and especially with foreign experts through professional activities, training workshops, and seminars organized by education industry - Promote the application of information technology in teaching, actively explore and create new and attractive teaching methods that attract the attention of students, thereby improving the quality of teaching and learning b For leaders or managements: - It is necessary to create conditions for teachers and students to have more opportunities to exchange, learn and draw experience through seminars with domestic and foreign experts - Provide sufficient reference materials and manuals for teachers to have the most effective teaching methods and forms Although the initiative has been applied by me at my working place and brought practical results but mistakes and omissions cannot be avoided I hope the scientific councils and friends and colleagues contribute constructively and supplement my initiative to be more effective I sincerely thank you! 19 CERTIFIED BY THE PRIME MINISTER UNIT Hau loc, May 18th, 2022 I swear this is my experience initiative write, not copy other people's content The implementation Lưu Thị Hằng 20 Reference materials 1.English 5, Work book Teacher's book Teaching Grammar and Vocabulary Methodically catechize English language In primary school English language talk according to topic Hanoi publisher, 2006 ... pronunciation skills is one of the most important tasks, especially for 5th graders when they are aware of the intonation of sentences If they pronounce correctly from the beginning, they can confidently... patterns about the characters and the content of fairy tales 16 2.4 Result of the implementation Since the beginning of the school year, I have applied the methods to develop speaking skills as described... process is speaking In the process of teaching English for the th graders, I realized that the children were still young, their ability to concentrate was not long, and at the same time, when they

Ngày đăng: 09/06/2022, 20:54

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