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due date to be handed in and submit via lms no later than 12 00 midnight on friday of week 4

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20C1MAN50209101 ORGANISATIONAL BEHAVIOUR Lecturer: Ngan Tuyet Truong Assignment Rubric Contents Individual Assignments 1.1 Self-Study (Quiz) 1.2 Self-Reflection (Individual Reflection) 1.3 Course Citizenship Behaviours Team Assignments 2.1 Case Study/ Report 2.2 Team Presentation 2.3 Team: Peer Assessment Textbooks and Teaching Aids 10 Academic Integrity 10 1 Individual Assignments 1.1 Self-Study (Quiz) Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12.00 midnight on Friday of Week Weight: 10% (1d) of total score Overview: Self-study is a type of self-assessment, based on that purpose, this assignment aims to help you with improving your ability in time management as well as being active and responsible for your own learning journey The assignment will come with 20 multiple choice questions as a quiz that accounts for 10% of the total score For each answer chosen, please write a short explanation why you believe it could be the correct answer The materials will be uploaded to LMS earlier on Week 4, you not need come class for this self-study activity Please read all the provided materials as references to the quiz, you may also need to look for further materials to accomplish the assignment Correct answers will be given and discussed in the two reviewing weeks (week 11 and 12) Note: Alike explanations will be considered as cheating and you lose all the mark for this assignment 1.2 Self-Reflection (Individual Reflection) Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12.00 midnight on Sunday of Week 12 Weight: 20% (2d) of total score Overview: This Individual Reflection deliverable is a relatively short individual response (+/- 10% of 1,000 words) to what you have learned about the issues explained for each topic as it relates to you and your future/career Grades are based on the depth of self-reflection and internal analysis, as well as a demonstrated grasp of key course concepts Your Individual Reflection should be both of individual/personal and reflective, which means no two papers will be alike and the writing should be a chance to reflect the process you have learned and how it may contribute to yourself and your professional future This assignment is designed to fulfil two purposes: personal growth and personal application Thus, your goal is to contemplate yourself and your future professional career as a HR Manager, including your own strengths and limitations That is the personal growth element On the application side, you will not remember any of what we have spent this term if you not apply it to your own life or work experiences Personal insights: Respond to what you have learned about yourself and the topics in the specifically related deliverable: How the concepts we have covered in class relate to you? Internalise the issues and tell me how they apply to your professional life Helpful Tips for Writing and Individual Reflection:          Longer paper does not mean better grade Some of the best papers ever turned in were only the recommended length Start with an outline and use headings to organise your thoughts and orient the reader Make sure to work to make the paper flow smoothly Start with an introduction about yourself, what you had known about Organisational Behaviour before learning this course? What you expected to know more when starting to learn this course? For the body part, listing out some sub-headings for the topics you would like to share about your insights A conclusion to summarise your thoughts If your talk about course concepts, use the words we used in class Maintain a conversational, but professional tone Avoid slang or casual language Do not turn this into an exercise to vent your frustrations in a negative or nonconstructive manner If you want to criticise (yourself or others) be realistic, provide evidence and be constructive Whilst it may be therapeutic to “off-load” then send me a private response separate to the Individual Reflection � Constructive criticism is welcome (as is constructive agreement) and is an opportunity to develop debate and learning for everyone I may not agree with you and may well debate your views with you; but disagreements supported with considered analysis, will not result in lost marks Try not to be superficial and say things that would be true of anyone For example, “I am a hard worker and I will succeed at my career if I work hard” That sentence does not say much – pretty much everyone will succeed if they work hard! A good answer will provide examples that show how you are good worker and talk about how likely you are to put the effort needed to succeed or advance in your career These types of superficial responses often reflect a desire to say what others want to hear and thus not really impress anyone The two things that I look for when grading the Individual Reflection are 1) a wellwritten, professional paper, and 2) that you have “processed” the material we have covered in class Be sure to review the grading criteria This assignment is much more for you than for me � Depth of Reflection Demonstrates an ability to recall, describe and reflect on the experiences gained 0–2 No evidence of reflection, only description of experience 3–5 Reviews prior learning (past experiences inside and outside of the classroom) at a 6–8 Reviews prior learning with some depth, revealing slightly clarified meanings or – 10 Reviews prior learning in depth, revealing fully clarified meanings or indicating broader during the course Reflection and SelfAssessment Demonstrates a developing sense of self as a leaner, building on prior experiences to respond to new and challenging contexts (may be evident in selfassessment, reflective, or creative work) No evidence of reflection, only description of experience Depth of Reflection In task that asked for connection to be made between incident and learning There is no reflection that connects the incident to learning, description only surface level, without revealing clarified meaning or indicating a broader perspective about educational or life evets Describes own performances with general descriptions of success and failure The incident is linked to learning at a surface level, the examination of own performance and the actions of others is limited indicating a somewhat broader perspective about educational or life events perspectives about educational or life events Articulates strengths and challenges (within specific performances or events) to increase effectiveness in different contexts (through increased self-awareness) Evaluates changes in own learning over time, recognising complex contextual factors (e.g works with ambiguity and risk, deals with frustration, considers ethical frameworks) Examines own performance and the actions of others in order to identify significance to learning Clearly examines own performance and the actions of others in order to identify significance to learning; relates this to broader experiences and perspectives in order to find personal meaning 1.3 Course Citizenship Behaviours Due date: On going Weight: Up to +/- 10% (+/- 1d) of total score The aim of this assessment is intended to prepare for you how to respect the organisation’s rules as well as helping you to be more responsible for your learning outcomes Attendance in every class is essential If you miss class, it is your responsibility to find out what was missed In addition, it is very important that you come to class to share your thoughts and impressions in order to contributing to class’s discussions as well as giving peer assessment to other members You are expected to be prepared for every class session You will be randomly called during session to share your thoughts or when presenting your team’s answers as representative if there are discussion activities For each insightful 1) answer, 2) question, 3) idea or 4) excellent contributions during discussion, you will have a bonus point of +1% (up to +10%) on your final grade If you wish to be absent, you should have a reasonable reason which will be considered carefully In contrast, individual will also be considered to have penalty by subtracting -1% (up to -10%) on their final grade for 1) chatting with friends during session (although passing notes is fine), 2) absent with unacceptable reason, 3) being late for class session, 4) some other behaviours that demonstrate they are irresponsible or unethical Team Assignments 2.1 Case Study/ Report Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12.00 midnight on Friday of Week 12 Weight: 30% (3d) of total score The aim of this assignment is to improve students’ team-work skills as well as writing skill along with knowing how to apply theories into practises You will be divided into teams (team of 5) Each team will be assigned to analyse a case study that reflects the concept of a topic Based on materials and instruction given by lecturer, the teams will choose a case study themselves to analyse and prepare the report You are required to define the problem in the topic (or case study) and use all applicable theories to analyse the problem The case study is preferably an organisation that you can investigate empirically: It could be one where you did their internship, the workplace of their acquaintances, or any organisations that you notice problems and can get access to information Otherwise, the teams can also have a case study by collecting information from the Internet, the sources should be carefully considered to ensure the reliability The structure of the report consists of: Summary/Abstract (250 – 300 words) Introduction Key Concepts of The Given Topic Case Study Theories to Practice (analysing the case) Conclusion and Recommendations References The length of the report is 2,500 – 3,000 words (references included), single-spaced typed (12-point font, Times New Roman) This limit does not include appendix, which the students are free to use for charts, figures, and other background material that not necessary in the main body of analysis However, appendix which are not directly referenced in the main text will not be read Each report will be required submitting through Turnitin sometime before class The case report will be evaluated equally on the following criteria: How well (thoroughly and concisely) the team describe the organisational context, the relevant parties, and the factors that are important to the problem Accurately and thoroughly use of key concepts from readings, lectures and other materials provided How well the team integrate key concepts with information about the situation to illuminate the problem in a way that leads to solutions Extent to which recommendations are consistent with analysis Feasibility and specificity of recommendations Quality of written analysis and the report presentation Appropriate and reliable references General suggestions for the assignment: The teams should read the given materials first to understand and define the key contents of the topic Summary/Abstract section will be for a brief description of the context The abstract should satisfy: What is your topic? What are the key contents of the given topic? What content/theory concern your team the most? Briefly describe the case study aligned with issues/problems, and your team recommendations? (250-300 words) The Introduction section will be for giving a broader picture of your topic Try to introduce the topic by referring to real word current issues For example: what are the trending issues of the topic in organisational context? What theories worth applying and why? Concisely describe recommendations of your team for the issue The Introduction section should also need a paragraph for outlining the content of your report The Key Concepts section is for specifically presenting the background of the given topic to position your topic’s issue and the theories you going to use Presenting key concepts are covered by the topic but indicating some theories/concepts that you intend to use for further analysis Case Study section is for you to describe the issue of chosen topic in the context of organisation If you choose a case from the Internet, you will need to paraphrase it carefully to avoid plagiarism Briefly introduce the case What is the case about? How can the issue arise? Theories to Practices section is for you to apply your understanding of theories into real world issues Try to appropriately make a linkage between theories to explain what is happening in the case and/or potential solutions? Conclusions/Recommendations section is for you to generally evaluate the issue with your reasonable recommendations Please not forget to include references (sources where you got the information from) 2.2 Team Presentation Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: Send the ppt presentation slides to instructor day before your presentation (week – week 8) Weight: 20% (2d) of total score The aim of this assignment is for student to practise public speaking with confidence in an international standard Starting from week 5/session there will be presentations of teams on the topic assigned Teams are not required to prepare a written case analysis on the day that they present, but the presentation must ensure covering all the main concepts from the reading materials The power-point presentation slides should be divided into four main sections 1) Table of Content, 2) Introduction, 3) Key Concepts, 4) Conclusion and 5) References The presentation will be assessed based on criteria: content of the slides, eye contact, volume and clarity, flow, confidence and attitude, visual aid, and time � Guidelines for power-point slides: Include the Team Number and Members Include Topic Look professional and be easy to read Visual aids: having some graphics, diagrams, pictures, or graphs to illustrate your point Colourful and creative design power-point slides The presentation can last for up to 20 minutes The presentation will be recorded for grading purpose The format of the presentation is that one team will be giving the presentation while other teams observe and assess on the performance The observing teams will be given an assessment template to identify the strengths and weaknesses of the presentation team, give comments and feedback to contribute for improvement At the at of the presentation, there will be 10 minutes for Q&A, the observing teams are all required to have questions, comments, or feedback for the presentation team Insightful thoughts or ideas will be awarded individually as extra bonus (not just for the team but also for the individual) A piece of advice: The teams should practise the entire presentation as a group at least once before class session 2.3 Team: Peer Assessment Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: Send the assessment form via LMS to instructor after the presentation (week – week 8) Weight: 10% (1d) of total score As mentioned earlier, when a team gives presentation other teams will observe to have questions, comments and feedback at the end of the presentation To assess the presentation performance, the observers need to ensure the following criteria: The comments should be constructive and objective The environment should be professional with supportive, polite, cooperate and respectful behaviours Try to find some strengths and give compliments before commenting on the weaknesses of the presenters Feedback for improvement is a must, we not just criticise others The assessment template is as below: Observers Team Members Course Lecturer Name Presenters Topic Date Criteria Content Introduction, Key References Team No Organisational Behaviour Ngan Tuyet Truong Team No Concepts, Conclusion Grading to 10 – 2: Some content facts seem and questionable and is missing an introduction, body, conclusion and/or references Poor design power-point slides Grade – 5: Somewhat knowledgeable of content with or examples; and is missing an introduction, body, conclusion, or references Acceptable design power-point slides – 8: Knowledgeable of content with or good examples; and includes an introduction, detailed body, conclusion, and references Good design power-point slides – 10: Knowledgeable of content with several realistic examples; and includes an engaging introduction, detailed body and memorable conclusion, good references Excellent design power-point slides Eye Contact – 2: In general, presenters make very little or no eye contact with people in the room – 5: In general, some presenters make eye contact with people in the room – 8: In general, presenters make eye contact with certain people in the room – 10: In general, presenters make eye contact with most everyone in the room Volume & Clarity – 2: The presenters consistently mumble so that the people in the back cannot hear the speech – 5: The presenters mumble sometimes and the people in the back can hear some parts of the speech – 8: The presenters mumble a bit but people in the back can hear most of the speech – 10: The people in the back can hear the speech very clearly Flow – 2: In general, the speech of presenters includes so many distracting pauses (keep silent for seconds) and many verbal fillers (um, uh, er, etc.) – 5: In general, the speech of presenters includes some distracting pauses and some verbal fillers – 8: In general, the speech of presenters includes or pauses an a few verbal fillers – 10: In general, the speech of presenters flows nicely and limited distracting verbal fillers Confidence & Attitude – 2: In general, the presenters speak with little or no enthusiasm, poise and/or assurance – 5: In general, the presenters speak with some enthusiasm, poise and assurance – 8: In general, the presenters mostly speak with enthusiasm, poise and assurance – 10: In general, the presenters speak with enthusiasm, poise and assurance Visual Aid Graphics, diagrams, pictures or graphs – 2: The visual aid does not connect to the speech and is messy, lacks colour and creativity – 5: The visual aid somewhat connects to the speech and is somewhat neat, colourful and creative – 8: The visual aid connects to the speech and is mostly neat, colourful and creative – 10: The visual aid complements the speech and is neat, colourful and creative Time – 2: The presentation is 30% short or over the allocated time – 5: The presentation is 20% short or over the allocated time – 8: The presentation is 10% short or over the allocated time – 10: The presentation is given 10 in the time allocated Textbooks and Teaching Aids Required Textbooks and Materials: Stephen Robins & Timothy Judge (2017), Essentials of Organizational Behavior 16th, Global Edition, Pearson Additional Recommended Text: McShane, Von Glinow (2012) Organizational Behavior 6th ed New York: McGrawHill/Irwin Jonh M.Ivancevich, Robert Konopaske, Michael T.Matteson (2014) Organizational Behavior & Management 10th ed McGraw Hill International Edition Academic Integrity Academic integrity is a fundamental value that affects the quality of teaching, learning, and research at a university To ensure the maintenance of academic integrity, students are required to:  Work independently on individual assignments Collaborating on individual assignments is considered cheating  Avoid plagiarism Plagiarism is an act of fraud that involves the use of ideas or words of another person without proper attribution Students will be accused of plagiarism if they: Copy in their work one or more sentences from another person without proper citation Rephrase, paraphrase, or translate another person’s ideas or words without proper attribution Reuse their own assignments, in whole or in part, and submit them for another class  Work responsibly within a working team In cooperative team assignments, all students are required to stay on task and contribute equally to the projects Group reports should clearly state the contribution of each group member Any acts of academic dishonesty will result in a grade of zero for the task at hand and/or immediate failure of the course, depending on the seriousness of the fraud 11 ... (Individual Reflection) Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12. 00 midnight on Sunday of Week 12 Weight: 20% (2d) of total score Overview: This Individual Reflection deliverable...1 Individual Assignments 1.1 Self-Study (Quiz) Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12. 00 midnight on Friday of Week Weight: 10% (1d) of total score Overview:... that demonstrate they are irresponsible or unethical Team Assignments 2.1 Case Study/ Report Due date to be handed in and submit via LMS: No later than 12. 00 midnight on Friday of Week 12 Weight:

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2022, 21:24

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