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DANANG UNIVERSITY OF ECONOMIC FACULTY OF E-COMMERCE & FACULTY OF MARKETING - - BUSINESS ENGLISH MIDTERM EXAM TOPIC HAND-MADE SKINCARE Course: Business English Group name: Group Participants: Le Tan An Duong Thi Thinh Le Thi Minh Thu Doan Quynh Trang Nguyen Anh Tuan Da Nang, April 26th, 2022 TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com TABLE OF CONTENTS THE SCRIPT EVALUATE THE CONTRIBUTION OF MEMBERS TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam THE SCRIPT COMPANY’S MEETING BEFORE LAUNCHING HANDMADE JAM RICE MILK SOAP SPLIT ROLES Chairperson: Trang Participants: An, Thu, Tuan, Thinh Trang: Alright, can we get started? In previous meetings, we discussed preparing to launch handmade soap The main aim of the meeting is to discuss our new product and decide on the issues related to its marketing strategy First, let's talk about the main ingredients that will be used to make our new product Tell me your opinion, An An: Okay, now for my opinion: I completely agree with the product you chose, rice bran soap, because as far as I know, it is made simply, can be handmade, and is mixed with vegetable oils, rice bran essence, and fresh milk In addition, its uses are also very many, such as removing dirt from the skin, exfoliating, helping remove acne and oily skin, and can be used regularly, especially as an alternative to a cleanser on the normal side Trang: Thanks, An Let's hear a few more views How about you, Thu? Thu: I don't know much about this ingredient, so I recommend another handmade product that also has many similar uses, such as using coffee grounds Many people in my family have also tried it and are very satisfied Tuan: It sounds strange Can you describe it in more detail, Thu? I still can't figure out how to use coffee grounds, but the rice bran soap product like Boss and An said, I still think makes more sense Thinh: Exactly, me too Thu: Ok now I will explain to everyone We will combine coffee grounds and add olive oil and a little brown sugar, then mix and use that compound to apply evenly on the face It has many other uses, like hair care and body skincare Thinh: Wow, this sounds very new and very good, but I know that coffee grounds are a very time-consuming ingredient to get, plus it has to be combined with many other ingredients Convenience may not be equal to bran soap rice, not to mention that when mixed into another compound, it can't be used regularly and has to be changed constantly TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam Thu: Okay, that's my personal opinion, since I don't know much about this rice bran soap, I will limit discussing Tuan: It's okay, but An, can you tell us more about this rice bran soap product? How to make it? You said it's simple right now An: Actually, the way to process it is similar to using coffee grounds Like Thu just said, it is also a compound of soap, vegetable oil, rice bran, and fresh milk, but unlike coffee grounds, it can be used many times in a long enough time Thinh: Hmm, in comparison, I still appreciate rice bran soap more because it has rice bran ingredients in it because this ingredient alone is effective, but if combined with other nutrients, it can be more effective Tuan: Ok, I agree Thu: So I Trang: Okay, So we all agree with using coffee as the main ingredient in soap products I would like to hear from everyone about the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats of our product Thu: Before proceeding with the production and distribution of rice bran soap products, I think I should outline the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats that the company will face in the near future Because of that, we can easily orient long-term business strategies for our company An: Yes, if it's a rice bran soap business, I think the company will have more opportunities than challenges Thinh: I agree with An's opinion because, currently, Vietnam is holding the second position in terms of being the world's largest rice exporter Therefore, the supply of raw materials for the production of rice bran soap is abundant and is always promptly met Tuan: Hmm, as far as I know, Thailand is also one of the world's major rice exporters Currently, the Thai rice bran soap product Jam Rice Milk Soap Senabeauty is also available on the market This product is highly appreciated and known by many people This will be a big challenge for our company Thinh: I think we should give it a try, Tuan In Thailand, they can take advantage of their inherent resources to create a successful product, so why can't we in Vietnam? Do people agree? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam Thu: Great idea, Thinh I think so too But, we need to make a lot of effort because customers are increasingly demanding in terms of product quality as well as product design trends An: According to the first time I shared it with everyone, all the ingredients that make up the rice bran soap will be sourced from nature, will not cause irritation, and will provide a safe experience for customers when using it Tuan: What about product designs or colors? What should we to be able to make a difference with Thai products? Thinh: I personally have seen Thai rice bran soap The design of this product is quite simple Trang: Can you clearly state your feelings about that product, Thinh? Thinh: Hmmm, let me think about it Like the product is compressed into a small square block and the color is mainly milky white Thu: Oh, that means we'll be able to launch rice bran products with more designs! For instance, a rectangle, a star, a circle, and so on Tuan: Haha, I agree! Trang: As a new product, practical knowledge and experience have not been collected much That would be a weak point for our company An: Don't worry, boss, we promise to work together and strive to achieve better results Thinh: Besides, I think we must always have flexible business strategies and promote the prominence of products to attract long-term customers Tuan: We can use the media to promote our brand, combining it with selling on E-commerce sites Do people think it's reasonable? An: This is a great strategy, Tuan Trang: In the immediate future, we will also face many difficulties in terms of costs in buying machines and production technology But I will try my best to mobilize other shareholders to support and help us with this project Does everyone agree with this decision? An, Thu: I agree Tuan, Thinh: Wow, Boss is great Trang: Shall we continue to discuss market research methods? Tuan: I have also done a few market research projects in the past, and I find using the questionnaire survey method very effective It gives us data quickly and in a large number We just need to design a questionnaire that asks about the awareness of rice bran soap and how often each person uses it In addition, we state the utility of the product to make them prefer it TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam An: With the above method, it is possible to collect data quickly and a lot, but I don't think it's very promising Maybe people have used the product and their answers are reputable or not Or they just fill it out? With the status quo, it will greatly affect our development project Tuan: Let's just filter the research subjects Although it is difficult to be exact, it is fast My previous projects also developed very well Trang: Hmm , I understand What you think, Thu? Thu: I quite agree with An Maybe your previous projects Tuan are popular products, everyone knows about them, so the answer is correct, but now it's a handmade skincare product, very few consumers use it because they use branded products Instead, we can the in-depth interview method We localize the subjects we observe using this handmade skincare and we ask specifically to give them a complete and believable answer Thinh: That would take a lot of time Thu: That's right, but we only need a group of about 15-20 people in the above category to give us the answers we expect The project needs high accuracy, so each of us spends our It's okay to ask for 30–35 minutes, and since this is a product that belongs to a product group that is not too popular, I think the in-depth interview method will be the most reasonable Trang: OK, that's very convincing Thinh and An, what you think? An, Thinh: We have no opinion Trang: Continue the meeting with the next topic! Target customers are one of the important factors that we need to pay attention to Identifying our target customer segments determines our pricing and marketing strategy Thinh: I think we should focus on the segment of people with low and middle incomes because their requirements for handmade soap are not so high Therefore, they easily trust the quality of our product In addition, the number of customers in this segment is very large An: I see that not only low-income people are interested in handmade soap products Nowadays, many soaps on the market often contain chemicals that can cause skin irritation, so consumers are very afraid Therefore, the high-income customer segment will also be interested in handmade products made from natural ingredients like these Thu: I find that just relying on the income factor to determine the target school is not enough We need more than that If only based on income to evaluate, how we know what customers need in this handmade soap product? Then, how we properly meet the needs of our customers and satisfy them? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam Tuan: Hmmm, I think Thu's opinion is very reasonable Thu: We can rely on the results of the in-depth interview proposed by me to assess the needs of our customers, thereby knowing what they need in a handmade soap product and thereby determining the exact group of customers we need Thanks to that, we can know the right target market that we need to focus on and satisfy them at the same time An: That’s a good idea I agree Tuan: Ok, let's it Trang: I also agree with Thu's point Our product is not focused on high-income or low-income customer segments To develop product production, we should understand what customers need from a handmade soap product Let's continue to move on to the topic of product prices! An: The price of 100.000 VND for handmade jam rice milk soap is reasonable This price is not too expensive compared to the same milk lines of competitors It’s also enough for us to make a profit Thinh: No, I don’t think so 100.000 VND is still a bit expensive I think the price of handmade jam rice milk soap should be 89.000 VND because this is a popular price in the market Besides that, using the odd pricing strategy will make people feel cheaper than using the even pricing one Tuan: I have the same opinion Perhaps the most reasonable price for this product is about 89.000–100.000 VND I think mid-range products will be suitable for the affordability of most Vietnamese consumers Thu: 89.000 or 100.000 isn't much of a difference I think the price should be 50.000 VND for a hand-made jam-rice milk soap This is a market penetration pricing strategy Maybe we will suffer a capital loss in the beginning, but when customers start to love handmade jam rice milk soap, it's not too late to increase the price of our product An: I think we shouldn’t use this pricing method because the products whose prices are too low will make consumers doubt their quality Tuan: I feel that the price that Thinh suggests is the most reasonable I absolutely agree with using the odd pricing strategy for the product because this is one of the intelligent pricing strategies chosen by lots of enterprises An: I also think the price proposed by Thinh is reasonable Not too different from my offer TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam Trang: OK, after listening to all of your opinions, I also agree with Thinh's opinion Now, let's talk more about the special offers for the first purchase Does anyone have any suggestions about this? An: In my opinion, we should apply a percentage discount promotion for first-time customers Purchase handcrafted jam rice milk soap We will give you a 10% discount on the order value This is the most effective form of discount promotion because it is easy to attract the attention of customers Should we this show? Thu: I think we should increase the discount to 20% for customers Because if we only offer a 10% discount, that discount is too low and not enough to attract customers Offering attractive discounts helps boost our sales Besides, it also helps to attract new customer groups for us Tuan: I not agree with Thu's opinion A large discount will make customers feel that our products are not of good quality, and since then, they will not trust our products anymore What people think when we offer free shipping on the first order? I think the shipping fee is one of the reasons why customers hesitate to place an order because the shipping fee is too expensive This promotion is very effective because it helps increase customer order rates, which means we will receive more orders Trang: I appreciate Tuan's input But, this promotion doesn't work because it doesn't apply to customers buying at the shop What you think, Thinh? Thinh: I agree with your boss's opinion I find the "buy get free" promotion an effective form of promotion Because customers will feel very profitable when buying and getting free, stimulating consumer demand Trang: Oh, that's a good idea! What about everyone? An: I feel that the proposed program Thinh is quite satisfactory Thu: I concur with Thinh Trang: So with the offer for first-time customers who buy our product, we will promotion of buy get An, what is your opinion about advertising? An: I think we should organize a press conference to advertise handmade jam rice milk soap This is the fastest way for us to convey our messages, images, and services to customers and partners Thu: I think this form of promotion is not effective Because we need to invest a large amount of money in this program, Instead, we should harness the power of social media With more than 4.95 billion social media users worldwide today, social media marketing is a great way to TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam share unmissable promotional content We can choose from several social networks: Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, or Tik Tok Trang: I think this idea is quite feasible How about Tuan and Thinh? Tuan: I support Thu's idea, and I have a little more idea for social media advertising We will post promotional articles on Facebook and Instagram platforms to promote our products Thinh: I'm in favor of promoting products through social media, but just writing ads is not enough Because when customers see promotional articles on social networks, they tend to ignore and not pay attention to the product We should hire the current celebrity, Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc, to make a promotional video for the product As such, customers tend to trust and care about our products Trang: I feel that the cost of inviting Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc to act in an advertisement is very high How you feel, Thu? Thu: After hearing the opinions of Tuan and Thinh, I think we should combine these two ideas, and, instead of inviting Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc to make a promotional video, we should invite KOL on Tik Tok to make a video Advertising for our products like that, the cost we pay influencers on Tik Tok will be much cheaper than inviting Ninh Duong Lan Ngoc Moreover, Tik Tok is one of the most popular social networks today, and our potential customers spend a lot of time watching Tik Tok This is a form of advertising that reaches a large number of customers An: After hearing everyone's opinions, I found that the program you suggested would be much more reasonable and efficient than my program And I would like to further suggest that we invite beauty blogger Ha Linh to make a video to promote the product on Youtube I see that Ha Linh is currently a beauty blogger who is trusted by many people and uses the products introduced by her If we invite her to a promotional video for our product, I'm sure it will be known by a lot of people Thu: That's a great idea Tuan, Thinh: I couldn’t agree more Trang: So today's meeting decided to use rice bran as the main ingredient to produce handmade soap products Besides, we will use an in-depth interview method to learn about the needs of the target customers The price of our product is expected to be sold for 89,000 VND For the customer's first purchase, we use the "buy get free" policy Regarding the advertising strategy, we will take advantage of the Tiktok platform to communicate and invite TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam beauty bloggers and reviewers to promote the product At next week's meeting, I'd like everyone to report in detail on the production and communication strategies for the product Does anyone else have an opinion? Thu: I’m not Tuan: Me too Trang: Oh right! See you next week And have a good day! An+Thu+Tuan+Thinh: Thanks, see you next week! TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam EVALUATE THE CONTRIBUTION OF MEMBERS Name Doan Quynh Trang (Leader) Le Tan An Duong Thi Thinh Le Thi Minh Thu Nguyen Anh Tuan Write a script TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com ... a handmade skincare product, very few consumers use it because they use branded products Instead, we can the in-depth interview method We localize the subjects we observe using this handmade skincare. .. understand what customers need from a handmade soap product Let's continue to move on to the topic of product prices! An: The price of 100.000 VND for handmade jam rice milk soap is reasonable... customers need in this handmade soap product? Then, how we properly meet the needs of our customers and satisfy them? TIEU LUAN MOI download : skknchat@gmail.com Group – Midterm Exam Tuan: Hmmm, I

Ngày đăng: 07/06/2022, 16:53
