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THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NGUYEN MONG TUAN COMPREHENSIVE SCHOOL TEACHING INNOVATION EXPERIENCE THE PRIMARY STRESS POSITION OF THE ENGLISH WORDS FOR 11th GRADE STUDENTS Written by : Nguyen Van Thuan English Teacher Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive School Subject: English THANH HOA 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGES INTRODUCTION…………………………………………………… 1.1 THE REASON OF SELECTING THE TOPIC…………………… 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE TOPIC…………………………………… 1.3 THE TASKS OF IMPLEMENTING THE TOPIC…… ………… 1.4 THE MAIN METHODS OF STUDYING THE SUJECT………… 1.5 STUDIED OBJECTS OF THE TOPIC…………………………… 3 4 THE REAL STATE OF PROBLEM RESEARCH……………… 2.1 The real state………………………………………………………… 2.2 The result of the above real state…………………………………… 5 PROBLEM SOLVING……………………………………………… 3.1 THE MEASURES OF IMPLEMENTING………………………… 3.2.THE METHODS OF ORGANIZING TO IMPLEMENT………… 3.2.1 DEFINITE STRESS……………………………………………… 3.2.2 POSITION OF THE PRIMARY STRESS DEPENDS ON THE FORMS OF THE: VERBS – NOUNS – ADJECTIVES – ADVERBS……………………………………………………………… 3.2.3 OTHER MATTERS OF STRESS………………………………… 6 10 12 CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL………………………………… 4.1 THE RESULT OF RESEARCHING……………………………… 4.2 PROPOSAL………………………………………………………… 15 15 17 REFERENCES……………………………………………………… 18 INTRODUCTION 1.1 THE REASON OF SELECTING THE TOPIC: As we all know, marking primary stresses on multi-syllable words is so much challenging for not only English learners, but the teachers as well There have many different ideas on this matter For many teachers, it is essential and better to teach stress while teaching each word itself to the students This is undoubtedly an excellent approach, but how the students remember all individual words together with their primary stress pattern is a big question And, the stdents may forget the word, or its stress pattern, or they may find it impossible to guess a new word’s stress pattern Other teachers believe that it is important for the students to be provided with rules for marking stress, after that they are able to the practice better In fact, English, as we know, is not a phonetically alphabet language, and there are always irregular words facing the students After years of teaching, with the valuable help of colleagues, I find that it is effective and importand to combine the two above mentioned ideas whiles teaching the students how to mark primary stresses on multi-syllable English words To better their teaching, teachers are to make the students aware of what a primary stress on a multisyllable word is, how to guess the stress patterns on certain words Checking the students’ work, giving remarks, and summarizing the cases areimportant Keeping the work done times after time, paying attention to the irregulars, establishing new rules are also essential and effective In this talk, I would like to share with you my own experiences (which I have had through time of teaching and which I have had from colleages’ sharing) on how to mark stresses on multi-syllable words I really hope to receive your feedbacks and sharing so as to enrich my knowledge to better my work And I am writing into my initiative “The primary stress position of the English words for 11 th grade students” This is considered to be a reference document, thus I would like the colleagues to give comments and ideas to my initiative so that I can make it perfect and practically used in teaching 1.2 OBJECTIVES OF THE TOPIC 1.2.1 For the students - Determine the objectives, the requirement and the importance of English - Understand the methods of determining the primary stress position of the words quickly, effectively when doing exercises, tests and examinations - Know how to apply the methods of determining the primary stress position of the words to exercises, tests and examinations about stress - Speak English perfectly with accurate stress 1.2.2 For the teacher - Guides, examines and remarks the students to study the methods of determining the primary stress position of the words quickly, effectively - Follows close to the process of teaching English especially when teaching students to exercises, tests, study for getting GCSE, attend to advanced students examinations or entrance examinations to university - Supplies useful knowledge and good experiences for myself in order to improve the quality of teaching 1.3 THE TASKS OF IMPLEMENTING THE TOPIC - Understand the students’ state of skill of doing stress exercises - Studying the skill of doing stress exercises - Apply the topic to teach English in Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive school - Compare, collate the result of implementing the topic - Remark, have conclusion about the result and effect of the topic 1.4 THE MAIN METHODS OF STUDYING THE SUBJECT I write this topic based on: + The method of studying theory + The method of investigating + Comparison, collation and summary of the result, effect of the topic 1.5 STUDIED OBJECTS OF THE TOPIC - The students of class 11A7 : The academic year 2021 -2022 - Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive school THE REAL STATE OF PROBLEM RESEARCH 2.1 The real state: During the process of teaching English at Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive school, having helped students to study for preparing GCSE, take part in advanced students examinations and entrance examinations to universities and colleges Through many years of my own teaching, I realize that most of students are bad at not only knowledge but also the skill of identifying the primary stress position of the words when they exercises, tests, examinations about the stress of the words With the primary stress position of words exercises require students to have certain knowledge, and they have to know and remember the main rules of position of the primary stress They may learn them by heart and apply these rules to exercises flexibly so that they will get good result Many years ago, when taking the national examinations, students had many difficulties in indentifying the main stress of the words in the test At that time only about 30 percent of the students in Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive school was able to this kind of exercise From this consequence, we can see that: If the teachers pay no attention to innovating the method of teaching and helping students have the best way to determine the primary stress of the words, they can not understand how to it effectively and quickly To improve above consequence as well as help the students of our school to this kind of this exercise better and more confidently, I present some methods or called the rules of determining the primary stress position of the words quickly, effectively In this subject I will present some basic rules that students can understand and remember easily, from that they will be able to apply to exercises, tests or examinations effectively 2.2 The result of the above real state: I applied my topic to teach the students of class 11A7 in the academic year 2021-2022 Through the fact of teaching, I could hold the real ability of the students as well as their ways of determining position of stress, and I had practical solution to support, guide them to this kind of exercise scientifically and effectively For the students, by applying this method they could determine the position of the primary stress quickly and exactly PROBLEM SOLVING 3.1 THE MEASURES OF IMPLEMENTING 3.1.1 For the teacher: - Guides the students to study basic knowledge and the rules of position of the primary stress in the English words - Reminds the students to learn the rules of each part of stress by heart - Prepares exercises, tests for each part and the synthetic general exercises - Has the students practise to analyse, compare and collate 3.1.2 For the students: - Concentrate on the lessons; understand the rules, the methods to find out position of the primary stress of the words, - Know how to apply what they have learnt to exercises, tests, examinations, flexibly and effectively - Compare, estimate and get out experience by themselves to exercises, tests or examinations of stress better 3.2 THE METHODS OF ORGANIZING TO IMPLEMENT NOTES - The primary stress of words is marked with a comma ( ‘ ) in front of or above the syllable containing stress - Primary stress of words falls in two or more than two – syllable words and in syllables containing vowels as a, e, i, o, u - Primary stress of words never falls in weak syllables containing /ə/ The topic “The primary stress position of the English words for 11 th grade students” is the methods to determine the primary stress position of English words which appears in exercises, tests, examinations quickly, effectively and speaking English more accurately, consists of three following parts: 3.2.1 DEFINITE STRESS Stress in suffixes For the stem words with the following suffixes, stress is on these suffixes: - ee employee /implɔɪ’i:/ - eer volunteer /vɒlʌt’ɪə/ - ese Chinese / tʃai’ni:z/ - ette cigarette /sigə’ret/ - esque picturesque /piktʃə’resk/ - ique unique /ju:’ni:k/ - oo bamboo /bæm’bu:/ -ade lemonade /lemə’neid/ -self himself /him’self/ -ur occur /ə’kɜ:/ -dict predict /pri’dikt/ -ect effect /i’fekt/ -fer prefer /prifɜ:/ -mit commit /kə’mit/ -pel compel /kəm’pel/ -press express /ek’pres/ -rupt corrupt /kərʌpt/ - sist assist /ə’sist/ -test detest /di’test/ -tract attract /ə’trækt/ -vert avert /ə’vɜ:t/ -vent prevent /pri’vent/ - aire millionaire /miliə’neə/ -ain entertain /entə’tein/ (apply to verbs) The words with the following suffixes have stress on the syllables right in front of these suffixes -sion discussion /dis’kʌʃn/ -tion foundation /fau’deiʃn/ -ic economic /i:kə’nɒmik/ -ical economical /i:kə’nɒmikl/ -ity familiarity/fæmili’ærəti/ -ial official /ə’fiʃəl/ -ially oficially/ə’fiʃəli/ -tive suggestive /sə’dʒestiv/ -ative representative /repri’zentətiv/ -logy technology /tek’nɒlədʒi/ -ian librarian /lai’breəriən/ -ance attendance /ə’tendən/ -ence independence /indi’pendənt/ -ience experience /ik’spiəriən/ -ient efficient /i’fiʃənt/ -iar familiar /fə’miliə/ -eous spontaneous /spɒn’teinəs/ -ious victorious /vik’tɒriəs/ -ory memory /’meməri/ -cial financial /fai’næʃl/ -tial preferential /prefə’renʃl/ -cion suspicion /sʌs’piʃən/ -xious anxious /’ænʃiəs/ Except for : television /’teliviʒən/ Politics /’pɒlətiks/ Arabic /’ærəbik/ Lunantic /’lu:nətik/ Arithmetic /ə’ri θmətik/ Cathotic /’kæθətik/ Rhetoric /’retərik/ The words with the following suffixes, stress is on the third syllable counting from the last syllable of the word -ate consulate /’kɒnsjulit/ -ute constitute /’kɒnstitju:t/ -ude institude /’institju:/ -ite opposite /’ɒpəzit/ -ary documentary /dɒkju’mentəri/ -ative propagative /’prɒpəgeitive/ -fy beautify /’bju:tifai/ -ply multiply /’mʌltiplai/ -ise econnomise /i’kɒnəmaiz/ -ize modernize /’mɒdənize/ 3.2.2 POSITION OF THE PRIMARY STRESS DEPENDS ON THE FORMS OF THE: VERBS – NOUNS – ADJECTIVES – ADVERBS Stress in two-syllable words Two - syllables words have unequal strength - Stress of the most of these words is on the stronger syllables Example: Advice (n) /əd’vais/ Machine (n) /mə’ʃi:n/ Mistake (n) /mis’teik/ answer (n-v) / ‘ænsə/ happen (v) /’hæpən/ amazed (v) /ə’meizd/ alone (adj – adv) / ə’l əʊ/ Two - syllables words have unequal strength Position of stress depends on the forms the words VERBS: In this case, stress of most of the words is on the second syllables Example: begin /bi’gin/ relax /re’læks/ maintain /mein’tein/ NOUNS, ADJECTIVES AND ADVERBS Stress is on the first syllable of most of nouns, adjectives and adverbs Example: hobby (n) /’hɒbi/ habit (n) /’hæbit/ luckily (adv) /’lʌki/ busy (a) /’bizi/ pretty (a) /’priti/ Stress in three - syllable words - The rules for verbs For most three-syllable words, stress is on the last syllable Example: entertain /entə’tein/ understand /ʌndə’stænd/ introduce /intrə’dju:/ - If the last syllable is weak or short, stress is on the second syllable 10 Example: develop / di’veləp/ determine /di’tɜ:min/ - Stress is not on the first syllable, except for the definite stress in part [] Example: concentrate /’kɒnsentreit/ Modernize /’mɒdənaiz/ - Rulers for nouns, adjectives, adverbs + For most three-syllable nouns, adjectives, adverbs, stress is on the first syllable Example: Cinema /’sinəmə/ Intellect /’intəlekt/ Government /‘gʌvmənt/ Difficult /’difiklt/ Different /’difərənt/ + If the first syllable is a weak, short one, or ended with /əʊ/, the main stress is on the second syllable Example: Computer /kəm’pju:tə/ Potato /pə’teitəʊ/ Disaster /di’za:stə/ +For three – syllable nouns, adjectives and adverbs, stress is rare on the third syllable, except for part [] Example: volunteer /vɒlən’tɪə/ referee /refə’ri:/ Stress in words of more than three syllables 11 - For more than three syllables words which does not belong to definite stress, stress is usually on the third syllable counting from the last syllable Example: Biology /bai’ɒlədʒi/ Philosophy /fi’lɒsəfi/ Manificent /mæn’nifiksənt/ Trigonometry /trigə’nɒmətri/ 3.2.3 OTHER MATTERS OF STRESS For two- syllable words which have both noun and verb meanings - Nouns have stress on the first syllable - Verbs have stress on the second syllable Example: Words Contrast Decrease Export Insult Progress Record Nouns /’kɒntra:st/ /’dikri:s/ /’ekspɔ:t/ /’insʌlt/ /’prəʊgres/ /’rek ɔ:d/ Verbs /kən’tra:st/ /di’kri:s/ /iks’pɔ:t/ /in’sʌlt/ /prə’gres/ /ri’k ɔ:d/ The primary stress position of compound nouns Most compound nouns have main stress position on the first syllable Example: filmmaker /’filmmeikə/ shorthand /‘ʃɔ:thænd/ bookshop /’bʊkʃɒp/ airport /’eəpɔ:/ dropout /’drɒpaut/ check-up /’tʃekʌp/ 12 breakdown /’breikdau/ But compound verbs combined from a verb and a preposition have stress on the second syllable Example: breakdown /breik’dau/ tryout /trai’aut/ walkout /wɔ:lk’aut/ dropout /drɒp’aut/ check –up /tʃe’kʌp/ Affects of suffixes for the position of stress The following suffixes neither have stress nor affect to position the main stress of words -able, -age, -al, -en, -ful, -ing, -ed, -ish, -like, -less, -ly, -ment, -ness, -ous, -fy, -wise, -y Example: Ly Ful Ing Ment Dangerous Beauty Engineer develop /’deindʒərəs/ /’bju:ti/ /endʒi’nɪə/ /di’veləp/ Dangerously Beautiful Engineering development /’deindʒərəsli/ /’bju:tifl/ /endʒi’nɪəriŋ/ /di’veləpmənt/ suffixes make a change of the position of stress - The following suffixes can make a change of the possition of stress in original words al, ary, ity, ion, ic,ial , alism, ian, ious Example: -ian -ity -al -ial human durable environment president /’hju:mən/ /’djurəbl/ /in’vaiərəmənt/ /’prezidənt/ humanitarian durability environmental presidential /hju:m æni’teərɪən/ /djurə’biləti/ /invaiərəmæntəl/ /prezi’denʃl/ 13 -alism -ion experiment exhibit /iks’perimənt/ /ig’zibi/ experimentaliasm /iksperi’mentəlizəm/ exhibition /igzi’biʃn/ CONCLUSION AND PROPOSAL 4.1 THE RESULT OF RESEARCHING - Through surveying, experimenting, comparing and collating the result that the students of 11A7 school year 2021-2022 applied my subject to exercises, tests and examinations of stress, I have conclusion that : 4.1.1 About the theory: For the teacher - Creates the teaching methods which are suitable for students request - Forms and applies the methods, skills of doing exercises on stress to teach the students flexibly and effectively From this, I have been improving my quality of English teaching For the students - Understand and know how to exercises, tests, examinations of stress perfectly They feel confident and enjoy doing this kind of exercises 4.1.2 About the fact : - Through result of doing stress exercises, tests and examinations, it can be seen that the experience and result of the students in doing this kind of this exercise have been improving much more than they used to be Because they can understand the basic rules of determining the primary stress primary of the words Furthermore, they can pronounce English words better and speak English perfectly - To have a basic comparison, give out the exact conclusion for the studying process and applying the topic to teach English in Nguyen Mong Tuan Comprehensive School I implemented to examine and collate the result of class 11A7, the academic year 2021 -2022 was applied the above topic 14 4.1.3 Question: Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions (Allowed time: 15 minutes) Question A legal Question A suspicious Question A comfortable Question A document Question A information Question A machine Question A return Question A abandon Question A instruction Question 10 A reveal Question 11 A stagnant Question 12 A occur Question 13 A emergency Question 14 A identity Question 15 A compile Question 16 A attitude Question 17 A reduce Question 18 A emerge Question 19 A compulsory Question 20 A decent B diverse B marvelous B excellent B development B development B office B market B benefit B intelligent B offer B tableland B prefer B activity B modernize B compose B instinctive B impress B organic B certificate B secure C polite C physical C communicate C improvement C psychology C fiction C process C constitute C comprehend C provide C survive C apply C vulnerable C impressive C compete C continent C technique C belief C category C maintain D complete D argument D confident D environment D activity D expert D office D dialect D inflation D collapse D swallow D surface D initiative D emotion D complex D applicant D finish D medium D accompany D confide The achieved result of class: Class Total 11A7 37 Mark 0-4 number % 16,2 Mark 5-6 number % 18 48,6 Mark 7-8 number % 10 27,1 Mark 9-10 number % 8,1 15 4.2 PROPOSAL Application the topic: “The primary stress position of the English words for 11th grade students” has been gaining good result However, I myself have not discovered its limitation yet, I would like to get the comments and advice from the colleagues, especially from the English teachers so that my topic will be more completed and widely used in teaching English for students in high school CONFIRMATION OF THE PRINCIPAL Thanh Hóa, May 25th, 2022 I declare that this is my writing and It does not infringe any copy Writen by: Nguyen Van Thuan 16 REFERENCES 5.1 Textbooks English 10,11,12 ( Published in 2007 Educational Publishing ) 5.2 Book of English teachers 10,11,12 ( Published in 2007 Educational Publishing ) 5.3 Documentation teacher training class 10,11,12 ( Published in 2007 Educational Publishing ) 5.4 English language teaching Methodology ( Teacher ' s work book) 5.5 Internet 17 ... skill of identifying the primary stress position of the words when they exercises, tests, examinations about the stress of the words With the primary stress position of words exercises require students. .. syllables containing /ə/ The topic ? ?The primary stress position of the English words for 11 th grade students? ?? is the methods to determine the primary stress position of English words which appears... OBJECTIVES OF THE TOPIC 1.2.1 For the students - Determine the objectives, the requirement and the importance of English - Understand the methods of determining the primary stress position of the words

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2022, 19:42



