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(SKKN 2022) Adapting some techniques to create positive atmosphere in warm-up part of listening lessons for 10th form students at Nhu Thanh 2 high school

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Cấu trúc

  • The writer: Đoàn Thị Mai Thanh

  • The writer: Đinh Thị Thủy


  • 3.1. Conclusion

  • Suggested speech:

  • 2. Hoàng Văn Vân (2006). Sách giáo viên Tiếng Anh 10. Nxb Giáo Dục

  • 4. Nguyễn Thuý Minh & Lương Quỳnh Trang (2007). Thiết kế bài giảng Tiếng Anh 10. Nhà xuất bản Hà Nội

  • 6. Widdowson, H.G (1978). Teaching Language as Communication. Oxford University

  • 8. Teaching/monster.com

  • 9. www.youtube.com/watch



  • Doing a survey (questionnaires)

  • 1. How often do you listen English?

  • 2. How do you like listening lessons?

  • 3. How do you feel like the activities in warm-up part in listening lessons your teacher applied?

  • 4. How do you feel confident when doing tasks listening?


  • Some pictures in the classroom about the practicing of students

  • Students are listening videos

  • Students are working in groups and discussing

  • Students are presenting before the class

  • The teacher is helping students

Nội dung

THANH HOA DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION AND TRAINING NHU THANH II HIGH SCHOOL EXPERIENTAL INITIATIVE ADAPTING SOME TECHNIQUES TO CREATE POSITIVE ATMOSPHERE IN WARM-UP PART OF LISTENING LESSONS FOR 10th FORM STUDENTS AT NHU THANH HIGH SCHOOL The writer: Đoàn Thị Mai Thanh The post: Teacher Subject: English THANH HOA, 2022 TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of the study 1.2 Aims of the study 1.3 Objects of the study 1.4 Methods of the study CONTENTS OF THE STUDY 2.1 Theoretical background 2.1.1 Overview of warm-up 2.1.2 Overview of listening skills 2.2 Practical background 2.2.1 Contents of the test 2.2.2 The result of the test 2.3 Solutions to the problems 2.3.1 Techniques for warm-up part in listening lessons 2.3.2 Applied techniques in English 10 2.4 Results of applying method 2.4.1 Commenting 2.4.2 Special results CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 3.1 Conclusion 3.2 Suggestion REFERENCES APPENDICES Page 1 2 2 2 4 7 16 16 16 17 17 18 INTRODUCTION 1.1 RATIONALE OF THE STUDY In modern time, the trend of international integration in almost aspects, including education, has put English a position of paramount importance Understanding the benefits that the language can bring about in international communication as well as global integration, our country has chosen English as a major role The language is useful, even essential to every part of work and life, from tourism to medicine, from domestic business to foreign affairs That is reason why English has been learnt and put under a lot pressure for learners It is a core subject in schools and universities, and in examinations with a purpose that one of present time must at least read and listen to simple texts comprehensively and speak and write common pieces of information in term of communication Learning English has become a demanding requirement all over the world as well as in our country People need to use English for work, for travel or for tourism every day The four main skills to master this language are: Listening, Speaking, Reading, and Writing among which Listening skills almost the most difficult one for students to concentrate on and to catch ideas In Listening lessons, they seem to have no interest to focus on the text because of the very strange voice and accent That is why students, especially those who live in countryside where most of students are weak and have poor conditions to learn English, usually ignore this skill During the process of teaching English at Nhu Thanh 2, I have been looking for many ways to improve this skill as much as possible to help my dear ones in class because I know how important it is And, I have been applying some my own methods which result in better result of listening skills for my learners In fact, the students at my school can written tests about grammatical knowledge rather well but they meet problems in the skills Because the teacher used to ask students to exercises in their text books and further practice for the purpose of passing examinations in which there is no listening requirement Therefore, most of students have been ignored this skill so far To help students listen to English better, I designed some activities for WARM -UP in Listening lessons of English 10 From the activities I applied, I would like to write a teaching experience named: “Adapting some techniques to create positive atmosphere in warm-up part of listening lessons for 10th form students at Nhu Thanh high school” in the basic program Hopefully, my experienced ideas will make a little contribution to increase the interest in the listening skills for 10th students 1.2 AIMS OF THE STUDY This study aims at investigating how students at Nhu Thanh high school use some activities to make an interesting start in warm-up part of listening lessons Thus, I decide to name my research with the “Adapting some techniques to create positive atmosphere in warm-up part of listening lessons for 10th form students at Nhu Thanh high school” 1.3 OBJECTS OF THE STUDY In order to achieve the aims of the study, the following research question is to be answered: How can some techniques help the students at Nhu Thanh High School feel more excited in listening lessons? The question has been addressed to two of the classes (10B1 and 10B2) that I have been teaching in Nhu Thanh High School with the aim to examine how the techniques in warm-up affect the process of listening here 1.4 METHODS OF THE STUDY - Using textbooks and references - Observation method - Experimental method - Survey methodology CONTENTS OF THE STUDY 2.1 THEORETICAL BACKGROUND 2.1.1 Overview of warm-up Definition of warm-up Warm-up is short-term working activities (about to minutes) which are used to “break the iceberg” and "warm" the learning atmosphere up right from the beginning of the lesson These activities are often simple but interesting enough to catch students’ attention and motivate them to learn the foreign language effectively during the lesson The purpose of warm-up part Instead of starting the lesson usually by checking up the old lesson, teachers can use a variety of warm-up activities for different purposes There are three main purposes when using these activities: * Warm up to start the lesson: to this, the teacher can use the following activities: - Talk to and pick up some information from them For example: Weather, health, films, and so on - Ask students whether they remember the previous lesson: Where did we stop last time? - Tell something about ourselves For example: Last Sunday, I went to Thu Le Park with my family … * Warm up to encourage and motivate the students to speak right from the beginning of the lesson Here are some tips and suggested questions to help teachers get started: - What did you last night? - What are your plans for this evening / the weekend? - What is in the news today? - What is new at home / at school / at work? - I think my watch is wrong What is the exact time now? - What would you like to tonight? * Warm up to lead in: By applying the following activities, the teachers can both "warm" the classroom up and guide the students to the main content of the new lesson - Use pictures - Tell a story - Ask and answer - Play the record of a song or sing a song - Draw something not clear on board and get the students to guess - Have the students to think words or definitions related to the new lesson - Get the students to guess the content or topic of the lesson based on suggestions - Hold a game for students to play, 2.1.2 Overview of listening skills Definition of listening skills Listening is defined as an interactive process of constructing meaning that involves receiving information If someone were to ask you what listening skills are at this point, you might just say that it is hearing someone talk While that may be true in one sense, because to listen you are hearing the person, there is actually a lot more that goes into it To be an effective listener means that you not only listen or hear what is being said, you understand what you are listening to Being able to understand what is being said provides you the opportunity to use that information to your benefit in all areas of your life Real listening is a process of hearing something, understanding what is being said, and then determining whether it makes sense to you As you can see, there is a lot more that goes into listening than simply hearing someone It is important that when you hear them, you also can interpret what they are saying and then actively engage in the exchange By doing this, you will be taking great strides to improve some important areas of your life, including those at home and work Do not get worried just yet; once you gain an understanding of how to improve your listening skills, you will have no problems putting that into action and getting the most out of it There is a big difference in merely hearing someone and actually listening to her or him With a little practice, you can become a great listener The purpose of listening In addition to reading, it is a part of communicative means which gets input and then processes to make meaningful communication in all aspects The purpose of listening is to gain information that becomes the basis for taking a decision on any topic A student who attends to his teacher and listens to him attentively learns a lot He stores this information in his mind and uses it in the examination A customer listens to a seller attentively and gets information about a product Later, he orders for the purchase of that product It means that listening becomes a useful activity for him 2.2 PRACTICAL BACKGROUND Although listening is so important as I have said, students in Nhu Thanh high school coming from remote and mountainous areas often have psychological problems such as being afraid of learning foreign languages and lack of positive attitudes in listening lessons Moreover, when they were at lower school, they almost only focused on grammar structure, rarely spoke or listened Their pronunciation is wrong and have no understanding when hearing the other speaking They soon get bored with listening lessons So, I choose this title to help create good environment for my students to better their English In the early school year 2021-2022, I carried out a survey through questionnaires in classes 10B1 and 10B2 at my school to want to know students’ interest in listening lessons Questionnaires How often you listen English in English class time? A always B usually C sometimes D rarely How much are you interested in learning listening English? A very interested B rather interested C a little interested D not interested at all What factors make you unwilling to listen in class? A unfamiliar topics B boring teaching way C lack of vocabulary and structures D strange voice and accent Which of the following factors may stimulate you to listen English in class? (You can have more than one choice) A teacher’s enthusiasm, friendliness and helpfulness B Various activities in warm-up part C teacher’s teaching method D interesting topics Do you think teaching listening skill by applying some activities in warm-up part is a useful way to improve your listening skills? Why? …………………………………………………………….………………………… Most of students answered they sometimes listen English in English class They are a little interested in listening English because it is a difficult skill For question 4, they chose almost options They also hope listening skill will improve after applying some activities in warm-up part Besides, I also did a test at the beginning of the 10th form in classes 10B1 and 10B2 at my school to check students’ ability of listening in an extra lesson 2.2.1 Contents of the test Contents of the first test of listening skill in classes 10B1 and 10B2 The conversation in the listening test Man: We are lucky to have in the studio today, Molly Taylor Molly is arranging an activity course for the summer holidays Molly, this is the second year of the course, isn’t it? Molly: Yes, that’s right The summer course operated for the first time last year for a six week period from the middle of July until the end of August, the length of the summer holidays This year we’ll be holding the course again We did think about making the course longer this year and have a seven week course, as there are some schools in the area which finish term a week earlier than other schools In fact, the two private schools in the town have eight week summer holidays But in the end we decided to keep to the same plan as last year Man: But, as I understand, last year’s summer activity course was not a complete success, was it? Molly: Well, there were a few problems, yes We were actually very surprised last year by the number of people interested in the course We didn’t actually have enough staff to look after all the children who wanted to attend, and we had to turn people away The weather also gave us some difficulties There was such a lot of rain that we couldn’t go outside as often as we wanted to, but had prepared for that We had art and music activities that the children could indoors, so they weren’t left with nothing to Man: So, what activities can children look forward to this year? Molly: Well, once again we there will be art and music experts coming in who will lead creative classes for the kids We also considered providing some more exciting adventure sports like rock climbing and caving We decided not to, in the end, because it would make the course a lot more expensive for parents Instead, we’re introducing some fun projects – things that the kids can prepare together and show their parents what they have been doing For example, we’re going to put on a talent show and organize an American Night I think it will be good fun for the kids, and teach them good skills too Man: It sounds fun So, can children come on the course for the whole summer? Molly: Sure Kids can come for the whole length of the course if they like We’ve done our best to keep prices low so that it’s not too expensive for children to attend the course for as long as they want There’ll be different things to every week, so the kids won’t be repeating the same activities over and over again However, I don’t expect many kids will come for the whole summer, as I’m sure they will all go away with their parents for a week or two We do, however, ask that children attend full weeks, not just single days It makes it easier for us to keep attendance records Man: The course is currently available for children aged eight to thirteen Why is that? Why don’t you allow older teenagers to come on your summer course? Molly: It’s true, there really should be something for teenagers to in the summer holidays too Few people organize activities for teenagers because they are seen as difficult to please They think they aren’t interested in anything except computers and electronic games I don’t think that’s true I think they just don’t get the opportunity to the creative things they used to when they were children, like painting and team games At the same time, I don’t think it’s fair to force teenagers to spend their summer holidays with eight year olds They shouldn’t have to feel responsible for the little ones They aren’t babysitters In the future, when I have found the right staff, I’d like to organize a separate summer course for teens too Man: So, if a child or a child’s parent is listening, and is interested in coming to your summer activity course, what should they do? Molly: They should go to my website, www.summeractivities.co.uk and print out an application form Send it in with a deposit as soon as possible, because the places are going fast You’ll need to tell us which weeks you are planning to attend straight away, but you won’t need to choose your activities in advance You can choose what you want to every Monday We need to know if the child has any special needs regarding their diet Man: Thank you very much for coming to speak to us, Molly I hope the summer course is a success! Students were said to answer the following questions: This year, the course will run for A six weeks B seven weeks C eight weeks The problem last year was that A few people wanted to attend B there were too few workers C there was nothing to on rainy days This, year, for the first time, children will A creative activities B new outdoor sports C organize events Molly doesn’t think children will come for six weeks because A it’s too expensive B they will the same activities again and again C their parents will want to spend time with them The course isn’t open to teenagers because A Molly thinks they aren’t interested in the activities which are available B Molly thinks they should spend time with young people of a similar age C: Molly’s staff think that teenagers are difficult to please It’s important that parents of children attending the course A: pay the full amount immediately B: choose the activities the child wants to when they apply C: inform Molly about any food the child cannot eat (Unit - Listening Destination B1) 2.2.2 The result of the test The listening conversation is not so difficult but all of students were under mark and 90% felt so sleepy while the cassette was playing the conversation They were all shocked and did not like to listen Before applying the new method Number Class Students The number of correct answers of students Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % 10B1 41 30 73 19.6 7.4 0 0 0 10B2 41 37 90.2 7.3 2.5 0 0 0 To help students improve the quality of listening lessons, I apply some techniques in warm-up part to create positive atmosphere for grade 10 2.3 SOLUTIONS TO THE PROBLEMS 2.3.1 Techniques for warm-up part in listening lessons There are many writings about improving listening to English accurately and fluently, they are both techniques and activities We can apply these theories for our teaching and learning process But with the level of my students, I have some other techniques and activities to motivate them in this skill From these activities, students will find it more and more interesting to start a listening lesson and then they are willing to focus on the contents of the text as well as the answers In the book ENGLISH 10, there are 15 units and each has a listening lesson in which I have applied the following ways to make the WARM-UP an attractive part to lead my students to the tasks with less obstacles: - Playing some music related to the topic of the lesson This activity usually makes people happy (Applied in Unit 9, 10) - Showing some pictures for students to describe This makes students create some interesting ideas (Applied in Unit 1) - “Who am I” game This game increases students’ guess about people (Applied in Unit 3) - “What am I” game This game increases students’ guess about things (Applied in Unit 4) - Play a video from the internet related to topic This activity opens the topic’s background (Applied in Unit 5) - Show a real new scene about the environment It is used to help students understand about the surroundings (Applied in Unit 11) - Show an interview between an interviewer and a football player Students learn how to ask and answer (Applied in Unit 14) - Listen to all the words appearing in the part “fill in blanks” This helps students get familiar with the vocabulary (Applied in Unit 4) Whenever they are given one of the measures above, they seem to have more desire to listen for more information in the text Moreover, students better the pronunciation and get information Statistics about the results after a year of new methods applied: 80% get marks over And here are the uses of these techniques in real lessons 2.3.2 Applied techniques in English 10 Playing some music related to the topic of the lesson (Applied in Unit 9, Unit 10) UNIT 9: UNDERSEA WORLD a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to help students to get ready happily for the listening text b Time for activity: 5minutes c Way of organizing: Whole class d Preparation: Teacher prepares a radio with a song named “BLUE WHALES 2013” and handouts of the tapescript of this song SONG: BLUE WHALES 2013 Music: Daniel ROURE/Christophe MARIE Lyrics: Jacques ROURE/Michel CHARPENTIER When the sun falls to the sea To shine on the mermaids When the kids run out to see The birds fly in the shade When the whales turn into blue And weep as we all Is there in the world Anything true But as long as we're live there's still a tiny chance Just give love a little sign To come into the dance Give the whales a " rendez- vous" It's all up to you Apart from our dreams There's nothing true When we all forget the name of those stars in the sky When all battles to gain fame Are nothing but a lie When the whales become so few And weep as we all Is there in the world Anything true When all four seasons are springs With flowers in the air When clouds carry on their wings Good news from here and there When the whales along the shore Will tell us "how are you" We'll hear for evermore Something that's true e Procedure: * Step 1: Teacher rearranges the class reasonably and delivers the handouts Then play the song twice for students to listen After that the teacher raises the question: “What animal is mentioned in the song?” * Step 2: After minutes, teacher calls students to answer and asks other students to give comments Suggested answer: It’s a whale * Step 3: Teacher leads to the new lesson Suggested answer: They are about the destruction of forests and the environment, which leads to cry of people for the consequences such as: flood, storm, tsunami and so on * Step 3: Teacher leads to the new lesson with students’ keenness Showing some pictures for students to describe (Applied in Unit 1) UNIT 1: A DAY IN THE LIFE OF … a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to suggest students to imagine about daily life of a teacher b Time of activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Group work of four d Preparation: Teacher prepare some pictures about daily routine e Procedure: * Step 1: Teacher delivers each group a list of pictures and asks students to talk about the activities in the pictures in minutes * Step 2: Teacher asks about on behalf of their groups to present in front of class The others listen and give comments Suggested speech: Good evening everybody! This is a typical day of Mrs Hang She is a teacher She gets up at 5.30 and then she cleans her teeth After that she has breakfast and goes to work at 6.30 She works from A.M to 11 A.M Then she goes home at 11.20 A.M… 10 * Step 3: Teacher gives feedback on the best group’s speech This helps students feel enjoyable to start the listening lesson Organize a game “Who am I” (Applied in Unit 3) UNIT 3: PEOPLE’S BACKGROUND a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to help students elicit the information about a famous person before learning about Sally in the conversation b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Whole class d Preparation: Teacher prepares a picture of Park Hangseo (a beloved coach of Vietnamese football team) and cards about the information about Park Hangseo 1.Date/Place of birth: - 04/01/1959 in Korea Picture Who am I? The coach of Vietnamese football team since 2017 Height: 1.70m Used to be a football player Park Hangseo 11 e Procedure: * Step 1: + Teacher calls one student to go to the board and get cards about Park Hangseo’s information He/ She chooses any cards and reads in turns + Teacher asks other student listen and guess who is he/ she If students can guess the right person first, he/she will get a present This activity creates good mood to start listening Suggested answer: He is Hangseo * Step 2: Teacher gives feedback and announces the winner Organize a game “What am I” (Applied in Unit 4) UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to help students feel relaxed before the lesson after being checked the old lesson b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Whole class d Preparation: Teacher prepares a picture of a camera e Procedure: * Step 1: + Teacher gives the first piece of information to class by saying: I am a thing I help you to take photos + If students can answer, congratulations If not, show the picture to the whole class Suggested answer: It is a camera * Step 2: Teacher gives feedback then introduces the new lesson related to the camera 12 Play a video from the internet related to the topic of the lesson (Applied in Unit 5) UNIT 5: TECHNOLOGY AND YOU a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to help students think about the things that a RAM of a computer can to help people, which is related to the topic of the listening text b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Group work d Preparation: Teacher prepares a video of the uses of RAM e Procedure: * Step 1: + Teacher divides the class into groups and appoints a leader from each group + Teacher asks students to watch the video twice to list uses of a RAM * Step2: The leader discusses with the group’s members in minutes to write on a piece of paper and hand in The teacher collects and shows the answers of groups on the screen Suggested answer: From the video, there are uses mentioned: they are: Loading applications, browsing the internet, editing a spreadsheet, experiencing the latest game, switching quickly among these tasks, remembering where you are *Step 3: + Teacher asks other groups to comment and provides corrective feedback + Teacher congratulates the best group’s result Therefore, students feel willing for the lesson about the computer 13 Show a real scene about the environment (Applied in Unit 11) UNIT 11: NATIONAL PARKS a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit 11 to bring an awful part of the environment because of pollution and overexploitation b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Individual work d Preparation: Teacher prepares a video of the scene with forests of few trees and animals People face with dangerous diseases and no cure They are in danger of extinction e Procedure: * Step 1: Teacher plays the video of the scene in English, students may only understand the destruction visually but this helps them feel sorry for our surroundings and think of the solutions 14 * Step 2: Teacher asks students some questions: How is the environment? How you think to solve this problem? Suggested answer: The environment is destroying seriously To solve this problem, we should raise awareness of protecting the environment such as growing more trees, placing rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins, recycling paper and plastic bottles, … * Step 3: Teacher listens to the answers and then leads to Cuc Phuong National Park Show an interview between an interviewer and a football player (Applied in Unit 14) UNIT 14: THE WORLD CUP a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit 14 to give students a relaxing atmosphere because the player is popular and loved by almost students That is Lionel Merci b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Individual work d Preparation: Teacher prepares video of the interview about Merci (Source: 15/3/2017, BBC news) Why have you been playing for the same club for 10/15 years? / Why did you switch clubs so frequently? It would be really interesting to know what drives a certain player to seek new challenges and leave his actual club every two years, while others spend all their careers in one team, despite getting offers from better teams or with more money The player should answer this question in detail The usual 1-sentence answers made up by the club’s PR manager ain’t good for us Who is the most underrated player you’ve ever played with/against? I suppose you could ask who’s the most overrated, but most of the players would certainly avoid this question as they respect fellow players What can you on the pitch when you feel you aren’t in good form? Do they try harder to make up for the mistakes, risking more humiliation, or they just avoid ball contact until subbing/end of the match Also, how common it is for a player to ask the manager to sub him off as he’s feeling that it won’t happen today? What drives you to get up and go training every day? Does he truly love football as they all say, or does he look at the training as a chore which has to be done? What drives them to train even if they don’t want to? Is it passion for football, preserving their status, or is it just the money? What’s the dressing room morale like? I mean, what’s it like after a win or a loss? Do players celebrate every victory or just big ones? If they lose, is there somebody in the team (manager, captain) who can speak up and motivate the players not to be sad but to believe in themselves and try harder? believe in themselves and try harder? The most important thing is to ask a bit more complex questions There are 15 thousands of interviews with footballers online or in the newspapers If you get the chance, you would want to make a different interview e Procedure: * Step 1: Teacher plays the video, most of students may not understand the conversation but they have chance to see their idol saying and laughing This makes them feel happy and get ready voluntarily for the lesson * Step 2: Teacher asks students some questions: Who is being interviewed? In which team is he playing? Suggested answer: Lionel Merci He is playing for Barcelona * Step 3: Teacher listens to the answers and then leads to Pele’, also a famous player from Brazil in the past Listen to all the words that are missed from the tasks (Applied in Unit 4) UNIT 4: SPECIAL EDUCATION a Aim of activity: This activity is used in Unit to make students get familiar with the words in terms of spelling and pronunciation b Time for activity: minutes c Way of organizing: Individual work d Preparation: Teacher writes all the words on the board, records them in a disc e Procedure: * Step 1: + Teacher writes all the words on the board: photographic, exhibition, beauty, simple, peaceful, chickens, stimulate, escape + Teacher plays the disc twice for class to listen and repeat and then asks the advanced students to make sentences for practice, especially learn by heart in writing them * Step 2: Teacher lets other students to comment 2.4 RESULTS OF APPLYING METHOD 2.4.1 Commenting After applying these techniques in warm-up part of listening lessons, I see that the listening skills of students are improved day by day Adapted techniques have brought a new wind to the teaching process They not only make warm-up part in listening lessons refresher, more interesting but also show that the motivation of the students has changed in a positive trend, which leads to a successful lesson for teachers When I asked my teachers at school about these techniques, they said that these were very interesting and useful for creating positive atmosphere in listening lessons and improving students’ listening skills 2.4.2 Special results Comparing students’ listening skill before and after applying the methods above, we can see the results of the same test (Unit B1 Destination) I gave to 16 students at the beginning of the 10th form and after months at my high school in classes 10B1 and 10B2 I tested them in an optional period with questions Before applying the new method Clas s Number Student s The number of correct answers of students Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % 10B1 41 30 73 19.6 7.4 0 0 0 10B2 41 37 90.2 7.3 2.5 0 0 0 After applying the new method Clas s Number Student s The number of correct answers of students Number % Number % Number % Number % Number % Nu mbe r % 10B1 41 0 7.5 11 27 12 29 19.5 17 10B2 41 4.9 12 12 29 12 29 15 10 These numbers prove that teaching and studying English at high schools still have so many limitations, especially in the countryside or remote areas Students not have many chances to practice listening and speaking English, so teacher should create as many interesting activities as possible for the lessons in textbook for these skills CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION 3.1 CONCLUSION From the comparison, I can assure that the methods I have discussed above are certainly useful because I have applied months of the 10th form’s students During the school year, I have usually used these techniques for the WARM UP part of LISTENING lessons in creating the good atmosphere for 10 th form students I prepared the lessons very carefully at home with pictures or questionnaires I saw that my students were very motivated and active in listening Furthermore, they better at written tests or oral tests I think this is a good way to improve students’ listening skill With these activities, I think teachers can apply for their schools, specially schools in the rural areas because students not have many chances to practice listening English outside For the better students, teachers can design exercises more difficult to motivate them The solutions I have mentioned above are only a small contribution coming from the personal experience to the process of innovation of teaching methods Even though there will be the inevitable shortcomings, I look forward to receiving additional comments of teachers and 17 colleagues to find more effective methods in the educational program and in the coming periods I also hope that the readers, especially teachers, can find something useful to the teaching job in this initiative These methods can also be applied for other class form: 11 or 12 3.2 SUGGESTION Based on the research results, it is suggested that teachers should design interesting activities more frequently to improve the listening skills as well as guide students to be more aware of the listening skills They should choose types of the same activities as ones to develop students’ communication skills THE HEADMASTER’S IDENTIFICATION Thanh Hoa, May 15th 2022 I ensure that this study has been written by me The writer Doan Thi Mai Thanh 18 REFERENCES Hoàng Văn Vân, Hoàng Thị Xuân Hoa, Đỗ Tuấn Minh, Nguyễn Thu Phương, Nguyễn Quốc Tuấn (2006) Tiếng Anh 10 Nxb Giáo dục Việt Nam Hoàng Văn Vân (2006) Sách giáo viên Tiếng Anh 10 Nxb Giáo Dục Kiều Hồng Vân & Nguyễn Thị Hoa Lý (2006) Thiết kế hoạt động dạy học Tiếng Anh 10 Nhà xuất Giáo dục Nguyễn Thuý Minh & Lương Quỳnh Trang (2007) Thiết kế giảng Tiếng Anh 10 Nhà xuất Hà Nội Harmer, J (1991) The Practice of Language Teaching Longman Widdowson, H.G (1978) Teaching Language as Communication Oxford University Iteslij org/Techniques/ Kayi Teaching Speaking ntml Teaching/monster.com www.youtube.com/watch APPENDICES APPENDIX Doing a survey (questionnaires) How often you listen English? A always: .% B usually: .% C sometimes: % D rarely: % How you like listening lessons? A very much: .% B not very much: .% C little: % D not at all: % How you feel like the activities in warm-up part in listening lessons your teacher applied? A very much: .% B not very much: .% C little: % D not at all: % How you feel confident when doing tasks listening? A much confident? % B confident? % C little confident? % C not confident? % The answers: Question Number Option A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%) A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%) A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%) A (%) B (%) C (%) D (%) Before applying new techniques (Survey at the beginning of the school year) 10B1 10B2 2.4 4.8 61 51.2 31.8 48.8 2.4 17 12.3 68.3 63.3 12.3 24.4 2.4 2.4 73.1 61 24.5 36.6 0 0 2.4 24.4 24.4 73.2 75.6 After applying new techniques (Survey at the end of the school year) 10B1 10B2 24.4 12.2 61 58.5 14.6 24.4 4.9 19.5 12.2 66 66 14.5 19.4 2.4 61 49 39 51 0 0 12.2 4.9 36.4 24.4 27 36.6 24.4 34.1 APPENDIX Some pictures in the classroom about the practicing of students Students are listening videos Students are working in groups and discussing Students are presenting before the class The teacher is helping students Mẫu (2) DANH MỤC SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM ĐÃ ĐƯỢC HỘI ĐỒNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM NGÀNH GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO HUYỆN, TỈNH VÀ CÁC CẤP CAO HƠN XẾP LOẠI TỪ C TRỞ LÊN Họ tên tác giả: ĐOÀN THỊ MAI THANH Chức vụ đơn vị công tác: Tổ trưởng chuyên môn - Trường THPT Như Thanh TT Tên đề tài SKKN Cấp đánh giá xếp loại (Ngành GD cấp huyện/tỉnh; Tỉnh ) Kết đánh giá xếp loại (A, B, C) Năm học đánh giá xếp loại Improving reading skills for students through adapting multi- choice exercises for while- reading period in Ngành GD cấp ngành - Tỉnh Thanh Hóa C 2017-2018 Ngành GD cấp ngành - Tỉnh Thanh Hóa B 2019-2020 English12 Developing speaking skills for 10th form students at Nhu Thanh high school in grammar lessons through production part ... start in warm-up part of listening lessons Thus, I decide to name my research with the ? ?Adapting some techniques to create positive atmosphere in warm-up part of listening lessons for 10th form students. .. the interest in the listening skills for 10th students 1 .2 AIMS OF THE STUDY This study aims at investigating how students at Nhu Thanh high school use some activities to make an interesting... Overview of warm-up 2. 1 .2 Overview of listening skills 2. 2 Practical background 2. 2.1 Contents of the test 2. 2 .2 The result of the test 2. 3 Solutions to the problems 2. 3.1 Techniques for warm-up part

Ngày đăng: 06/06/2022, 19:21


