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SỞ GIÁO DỤC VÀ ĐÀO TẠO THANH HÓA TRƯỜNG THPT LƯƠNG ĐẮC BẰNG SÁNG KIẾN KINH NGHIỆM TOPIC APPLYING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS IN TEACHING READING Người thực hiện: Hoàng Thị Hiền Chức vụ: Giáo viên SKKN thuộc môn: Tiếng Anh THANH NĂM 2022 TABLEHÓA CONTENT Contents A INTRODUCTION I Resons for choosing the topic II Aims of the study III Scope and research methodology B MAIN CONTENT I THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND The importance of reading skill Stages of reading What are graphic organizers? Types of graphic organizers employed in the study Research context II SOLUTION III RESULTS AFTER APPLYING THE STUDY C CONCLUSION REFERENCES Page 1 1 1 7 12 13 A INTRODUCTION I Reasons for choosing the topic Reading is a vital skill for language learners According to Carrell (1984:1): “Reading is by far the most important of the four macro skills particularly in English as a second or a foreign language” By reading, the readers will get knowledge which is important in daily life activity For the students at school, reading is an activity that can motivate them to be active in adding their knowledge and activating their thinking process Reaching much information in reading will help the students have much knowledge, especially related to their study When dealing with a reading lesson, however, students at my school often find it hard to overcome some challenges This is the reason why we should change our traditional methods Using graphic organizers is one of the effective solutions Graphic organizers actually have the power and potential to enhance the learning ability of students in all age groups Use of graphic organizers as visual tools for visual learners of comprehension will make comprehending a reading text easy and fun for students Through the use of graphic organizers, students are able to gain a better understanding of the underlying concepts that can be found within what is being read, allowing them to isolate text that is not important to their learning This will also enable teachers to determine main ideas so that they can help students entire stories from their reading My hope in the reasearch “APPLYING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS IN TEACHING READING” is to provide classroom English teachers as well as their students with an in – depth understanding about how and what they should with graphic organizers and keep the students much more involved in the reading process II Aims of the study To give out a brief overview on graphic organizers The application of these activities help create environment for students to develop their reading skills III Scope and research methodology: - Scope: Researching in the process of teaching English at Luong Dac Bang high school - Research methodology: making survey, reading reference books, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences B MAIN CONTENT I THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND The importance of reading skill Reading is a valuable skill for acquiring knowledge It enhances students’ language skills, especially if the reading material blends familiar and challenging concepts Vocabulary, grammar and syntax are all advanced by reading, which improves students’ ability to speak and write Reading plays a significant role in building both linguistic and background knowledge for other language skills Harmer (2007:99) asserts “through reading students get more Reading can improve students’ vocabulary knowledge, on spelling and writing” Academically, reading is prominent to develop academic skill, critical thinking and academic purpose (Solikhah, 2015) “Reading is not just picking up words, phrases, and sentences written in the text; it is an activation of the prior knowledge students aready have in mind We use our Knowledge of the world to understand the text” (Hedge, 2010:9) Stages of reading A reading lesson can be divided into three stages which are pre-reading stage, while-reading stage and post-reading stage Each of these stages carries its own features and purposes and requires different techniques and strategies (William, 1984:37) 2.1 Pre-Reading Pre-reading stage has been considered as an effective learning tool to better comprehend reading texts and to avoid possible failure in understanding and extracting information during the reading processes They are commonly used to prepare students to understand what they are about to read Many studies have found pre-reading activities as facilitative for comprehension of texts as it links the learner’s prior knowledgewith understanding the text in hand It is claimed that such pre-reading activities are challenging and motivating in the sense that they challenge students to recall their previous knowledge Ringler, L.H.,& Weber, C K (1984) called pre-reading activities enabling activities as they elicit prior knowledge, provide background and focus attention They pointed out that such experiences involve understanding the purposes for reading and building the necessary knowledge needed for dealing with the content and the structure of the material In this early stage, teachers are expected to motivate students to read, especially by activating or building students’ background knowledge of the subject and familiarizing them with some of the language needed in coping with the text According to Williams (1984:37), the purposes of the pre-reaing stage are: - To introduce and arouse interest in the topic - To motivate learners by giving a reason for reading - To provide some language preparation for the text Normally, pre-reading phase often lasts from two to ten minutes depending on each lesson Before delivering activities for this stage, the teacher needs to take the objectives of the lesson, the situation of teaching and learning, the students’ needs into account 2.2 While-Reading While- reading stage is the main part of a reading lesson Without this stage, the students will lose the chance to deal with the text to understand the writer’s purpose and clarify the text’s content in detail Williams (1984:38) points out the aims of the while- reading stage: - To help to understand of the writer’s purpose - To help to understand of the text structure - To clarify the text He also gives the teacher some questions to ask himself in order to deal with the above mentioned aims: What is the function of this text? How is the text organized or developed? (e.g.: a narrative, an explanation with various examples, an argument and counter argument) What content or information is extracted from the text? What may the reader anger or deduce from the text? What language may be learned from the text? What reading styles may be practiced? It is clear that, question (1) deals with the aims of understanding, the writer’s purpose, and question (2) helps to recognize the text structure and the rest help to clarify the text content The answers to these questions will be a guide for the teacher in this stage Depending on their answers, the teacher will choose suitable activities for students which focus them on exploiting the meaning of the text, and develop their reading skills Concerning the whilereading stage’s activities, in his research, William (1984:39) has a more generating idea: “While- reading work should begin with a general or global understanding of the text, then move eto te smaller units such as paragraphs, sentences and words” 2.3 Post-reading The post-reading stage is the final but not the least important stage of a reading lesson because it is the time for students to apply what theyhave got from the text into real life communication In William’s opinion (1984:39), the post reading stage aims at: - To consolidate or reflect uopn what has been read - To relate the text to the learner’s own knowledge interest or views In summary, each of the reading stage carries its own aims and activities It is very effective if these three stages are combined flexibly and appropriately for an efficient reading lesson In the while- reading stage, it is neccesary to help students improve and develope sub- reading skills such as skimming, scanning or reading for details If the students can acquire these skills, it is easier for them to understand efficiently the significance of the text To acquire these skills, students may be instructed to take part in various tasks or activities acording to each skill There are numerous tasks or activities in this stage The teacher should be flexible in choosing them for their reading lessons What are graphic organizers? A graphic organizer is a visual frame used to represent knowledge and understanding of a subject matter by arranging important aspects of a concept or topic into logical pattern using labels There are many types of graphic organizers namely maps, graphs, charts, diagrams, or clusters Each of these patterns can be expressed in different layouts but they have similar purposes that portray the relationship between facts, terms or ideas within a learning task In reading lessons, graphic organizers can be efficiently used in all lessons for students of all ages to check not only students , understanding but also motivate and improve their critical thinking In the words of Krasnic [6; p.24] students are able to clear their thoughts and sharpen their thinking by organizing and connecting key concepts related to what they are reading from the text This process can help students to enhance their critical thinking, a kind of cognitive activity appearing in many of cognitive process of language learning Types of graphic organizers employed in the study During my teaching process, five basic graphic organizers namely Network tree, KWL chart, Compare & contrast matrix, Problem & solution map, and Cause & effect map will be described The value of these organizers will be discussed and followed by their application in English reading lessons at upper secondary schools in Vietnam 4.1 Network tree Graphic organizer can help students organize facts and information related to the reading text A network tree is a type of graphic organizer that show connections A network tree is made up of a series of oval of two or three different sizes connected by many branches to show how facts and information develop from a main idea or a topic Also, this organizer is often used to indicate a work cooperation, a hierarchy or branding procedure The main type of question for this organizer are: what is the superordinate category? What are the subordinate categories? How are they related? How many levels are there? Students can it themselves , in pairs or on groups and then share what they have done with others 4.2 KWL chart A K-W-L [7; p.1] chart helps students understand what they know (K), what they want to know (W), and what they learned (L) when reading or researching a topic This is an effective visual tool to improve students by tapping their prior knowledge and letting them set their own purposes for learning By analyzing the L column, both the teacher and students can evaluate students’ grasp of knowledge or content Then the teacher can make plans to enrich concepts or to remedy misconceptions KWL What we Know What we want to know What we learnt 4.3 Compare & contrast matrix The compare and contrast matrix has a wide variety of classroom applications English teachers can use it as a means of comparing different historical events, geographical regions, cultural and traditional differences or political systems Students are able to clearly see similarities and differences between more than one by using this type of graphic organizer This reading activity can be done in the whole class, in groups or individually 4.4 Cause & effect map A cause and effect map is one of the effective organizers used to show relationships of all factors (causes) that lead to the given situation (effect) It is usually preceded by cause and effect analysis The teacher uses this organizer to help students realize that there are many causes that contribute an effect It also graphically displays the connections of the causes to the effect to each other Students can this task individually, in pairs or in groups and then share what the information in the diagram with the others 4.5 Problem & solution map The critical thinking necessary to problem-solve by posting and evaluating solutions is an important skill the students need throughout their lives Being able to write clearly and persuasively about proposed solutions is as important as being able to think clearly and logically in formulating solutions This reading guide helps students organize and write about problems and proposed solutions This activity is also applied into a writing class where students are aware of the relevant problem and discuss reliable methods Students can this task individually and then share what the information in the diagram with their partner or their group members Research context 5.1 Setting and Participants 5.1.1 Students The participants were students of 12A2 class (2020 – 2021) and 11A10 class (2021- 2022) in Luong Dac Bang high school Most these students are generally at pre-intermediate level They have learned English for at least five years at high school However, they usually express no interest in reading lessons due to the long texts and the difficulties 5.1.2 Teachers Although new teaching methodologies are offered, we find our teaching of reading comprehension is not successful yet Because there are many students in a class, and all of them are different from one another Not only must the children be exposed to a variety of texts and books that develop their reading skills, but they must also be having fun and be constantly stimulated The results from this research will give us an objective view on how to improve students’ reading ability and how our teaching will be better 5.2 Textbook and Reading materials The reading materials used in the study consisted of selected texts from English Textbook 11 and 12 published by Education Publishing House In the textbooks, there are 16 units with diverse topics There are some samples based on the English textbook in which such common organizers are appropriately applied It is hoped that English teachers will have a better insight into graphic organizes and become confident to integrate these effective tools into their reading classroom practice The study was conducted when the participants had already had knowledge about basic structures as well as vocabulary in textbook of grade 10 Therefore, the author found that it matched with the objectives of the learning program and students’ levels of proficiency II SOLUTION: Sample 1: Unit 1- Tiếng Anh 11- Textbook, p.12-Education Publishing House Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to: - List special qualities of a friendship - Apply the knowledge to choose the best friends Stage: While – reading Time allowed: 10 minutes Procedure: - Devide class into groups - Ask students to read the text and list the special qualities of a friendship - Call them to report their answers to the class - Ask them to answer the questions: How many qualities of a friendship are mentioned in the text? Which is the most important quality? What does it tell you? - Lead in the new lesson Special qualities of a friendship Unselfishness Constancy Some are not A twosided affair It lives by give and take constan t Changeabl e, uncertain people can’t be true friends Loyalty Two friends must know each other well No suspicion s Sympath y Trust There must be mutual trust People cannot keep secret will never keep friend long There must be a perfect sympathy No sympathy, no friendship Sample 2: Unit 16- Tiếng Anh 12- Textbook, p.172- Education Publishing House Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to: - State the history and development of The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations Stage: Pre/While – reading Time allowed: 10 minutes Procedure: - Ask students to work in groups of and help them brainstorm the ideas with the question “What you know about The Association Of Southeast Asian Nations?” - Record the questions the students have about the topic in the W (Want to know) column This establishes a purpose for reading or researching - Ask them to read, research and discuss the topic - Put the new information in the L (Learned) column - Discuss with the students whether they can now confirm or deny any statements listed in the K (We know) column K What we know W What we want to know L What we learned Expected answer: K W L What we know What we want to know What we learned - The Association Of - Which countries - The five original member Southeast Asian founded ASEAN? countries, namely Indonesia, Nations or ASEAN Malaysia, The Philippines, Singapore, and Thailand - ASEAN was - What are the main founded ASEAN founded in 1967 in goals of the - The two main goals of the Bangkok association? association are to accelerate the economic growth, social - Vietnam joined progress and cultural this association in development, and to promote 1995 - What sectors does peace and stability through ASEAN economic respect for justice and the rule cooperation include? of law in the relationship among countries in the region - It includes trade, investment, industry, services, finance, agriculture, rural development, forestry, energy, transportation and communication, science and technology, small and medium enterprises, and tourism Sample 3: Unit - Tiếng Anh 12 - Textbook, p.12- Education Publishing House Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to: - Identify the differences between their friends’ family life - Recognize the value of sharing feelings, household chores between members of family Stage: Post – reading Time allowed: 10 minutes Procedure: - Ask students to work in groups of - Deliver the “Compare and Contrast matrix” for students - Ask them to discuss in 10 minutes and fill in the matrix (Handout) - Call them to give the answer - Teacher give feedback COMPARE AND CONTRAST MATRIX Questions Answer Partner Partner Who work in your famiy? Who does the household chores? What is your responsibility in the famiy? What interest your family members share closely? Who you often share secrets with ? Who you talk to before you make an important decision? Expected answer: Questions Answer Partner My father Who work in your famiy? Who does the household All members chores? What is your responsibility Wash the dishes and in the famiy? clean the floor Partner Both parents All members Cook dinner and wash the dishes 10 What interest your family members share Watch films Do the gardening closely? Who you often share My mother My father secrets with ? Who you talk to before you make an important Both parents Both parents decision? Sample 4: Unit 10 - Tiếng Anh 12 - Textbook, p.106 - Education Publishing House Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to: - List out the problem and find out solutions for species extinction - Recognize their duty of protecting endangered species Stage: While – reading Time allowed: 10 minutes Procedure: - Divide students into groups - Deliver the problem and solution map for students Group 1: habitat destruction Group 2: commercial exploitation Group 3: pollution - Ask students to list the problem explored in the center of the organizer - Each group discuss the possible solutions - Ask students to present their ideas Habitat destruction - drainage of wetlands - cutting of forests - urbanization - road and dam construction Evidence (optional) - save and conserve natural resources - raise awareness about biodiversity Possible solutions - habitat restoration - manage wood cutting trees p.80 - Education Sample 5: Unit - Tiếngand Anhplant 11 - more Textbook, Publishing House 11 Objectives: By the end of this activity, students will be able to: - List out the causes and effects of overpopulation - Aware of the problem of overpopulation Stage: Pre – reading Time allowed: 10 minutes Procedure: - Divide students into groups - Deliver the cause and effect map for students - Ask students to list the topic explored in the center of the organizer - Each group discuss the causes and effects of overpopulation - Ask students to present their ideas Causes Effects An imbalance between births and deaths Lack of female education Environmental pollution Overpopulation Conflicts and wars Immigration Rise in unemployment Better medical facilities Pandemics and epidemics III RESULTS AFTER APPLYING THE STUDY The students participating in this study were given the questionare before the study had been conducted to assess students’ attitude toward the reading lessons in the textbook Then, it was used one more time to find out if there were any changes The results of the final assessment are shown in the following table Table: Students’ attitude towards the importance of reading skill - At the beginning of the study: Students 12A2 11A10 Very 17,5% 51,5% - At the end of the study: Students Very Rather 25% 40,5% Little 32,5% 7,5% Not at all 25% 0,5% Rather Little Not at all 12 12A2 11A10 32,6% 70% 45,6% 21,6% 17,4% 4,4% 4,4% 0% C CONCLUSION Graphic organizers are a helpful learning tool for students of all ages to organize, clarify, or simplify complex information – they help students construct understanding through an exploration of the relationships between concepts, guide students to categorize information while they are taking notes They also help all students to connect new material to prior knowledge, draw conclusions, make inferences, identify main ideas and details and to summarize Careful design, creation, and use of graphic organizers can provide important intellectual guardrails to guide students toward deeper understanding and learning After two years applying graphic organizers in teaching and learning reading at Luong Dac Bang high school, I am a firm believer in the benefits of using graphic organizers in my classroom Most of my students have become more interested in reading lessons and of course their learning ability has improved step by step Moreover, their learning results in English subject has got better Hoang Hoa, 1st June, 2022 XÁC NHẬN CỦA THỦ TRƯỞNG ĐƠN VỊ Tôi xin cam đoan sáng kiến kinh nghiệm viết, sai xin chịu hoàn toàn trách nhiệm Writer Hoang Thi Hien 13 REFERENCES Tiếng Anh 11- Textbook - Education Publishing House Tiếng Anh 12- Textbook - Education Publishing House Bromley, K., Irwin-DeVitis, L & Modlo, M (1999) 50 graphic organizers for reading, writing & more: Reproducible templates, student samples, and easy strategies to support every learner New York: Scholastic Professional Books 40 Graphic Organizers That Build Comprehension During Independent Reading by Anina Robb, Scholastic Teaching Resources Ringler, L H., & Weber, C K (1984) A language -thinking approach to reading San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich APPENDIX QUESTIONNAIRE FOR STUDENTS This survey questionnaire is intended for the study “APPLYING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS IN TEACHING READING” I am grateful for your goodwill and cooperation in truthfully completing the questionnaire, which hopefully takes you just little time Please be assured that the information you provide will be treated in the strictest confidence Thank you very much! Please tick or write answer where necessary How is reading skill important to you? A Very B Rather C Little D Not at all Do you think reading can help you … ? A improve other language sills C enrich your vocabulary B broaden your knowledge of the world D improve your grammar What you think about reading tasks? A Boring B Difficult C Easy D Normal Do you feel reluctant to the reading tasks? A Yes, always B Yes, sometimes C No, I like doing them very much D No, I them willingly What problems are you facing in learning reading? A Your limitation of vocabulary and grammatical structures B Lack of background knowledge C The limited time D Lack of appropriate reading techniques What you often to overcome difficulties? A Wait for the answer when the teacher correct B Ask the teacher for help C Search for reading materials on the Internet D Discuss with friends to find out the right answer How would you like to participate in reading tasks? A Work in groups B Work in pairs C Work individually D Whole class What you expect from your teacher to help you overcome difficulties? A Encourage you to activate your previous knowledge into reading text B Offer you as many chances to read the passage as you expect C Provide you with certain key words D Suggest you essential reading techniques needed for each kind of reading tasks E Exploit different kinds of reading materials suitable to your reading ability and your interest F Others (please specify): ……………………………………… Thank you very much for your cooperation! ... their reading My hope in the reasearch ? ?APPLYING GRAPHIC ORGANIZERS IN TEACHING READING? ?? is to provide classroom English teachers as well as their students with an in – depth understanding about... books, applying in teaching, observing and drawing out experiences B MAIN CONTENT I THEORETICAL AND PRACTICAL BACKGROUND The importance of reading skill Reading is a valuable skill for acquiring... thinking, a kind of cognitive activity appearing in many of cognitive process of language learning Types of graphic organizers employed in the study During my teaching process, five basic graphic

Ngày đăng: 05/06/2022, 10:26

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