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Analysis and mathematical physics

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Analysis and Mathematical Physics Björn Gustafsson Alexander Vasil’ev Editors Birkhäuser Basel · Boston · Berlin Editors: Björn Gustafsson Department of Mathematics Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) 100 44 Stockholm Sweden e-mail: gbjorn@math.kth.se Alexander Vasil’ev Department of Mathematics University of Bergen Johannes Brunsgate 12 5008 Bergen Norway e-mail: alexander.vasiliev@uib.no 2000 Mathematical Subject Classification: 14H; 28A; 30C,D,E,F; 31B,C; 32A; 34A; 35B,H,Q; 37F; 42A; 45C; 47A; 53C; 70K; 76D; 65E; 81Q; 82C Library of Congress Control Number: 2009927175 Bibliographic information published by Die Deutsche Bibliothek Die Deutsche Bibliothek lists this publication in the Deutsche Nationalbibliografie; detailed bibliographic data is available in the Internet at http://dnb.ddb.de ISBN 978-3-7643-9905-4 Birkhäuser Verlag AG, Basel - Boston - Berlin This work is subject to copyright All rights are reserved, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, re-use of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in other ways, and storage in data banks For any kind of use permission of the copyright owner must be obtained © 2009 Birkhäuser Verlag AG Basel · Boston · Berlin P.O Box 133, CH-4010 Basel, Switzerland Part of Springer Science+Business Media Printed on acid-free paper produced from chlorine-free pulp TCF ∞ Cover Design: Alexander Faust, Basel, Switzerland Printed in Germany ISBN 978-3-7643-9905-4 e-ISBN 978-3-7643-9906-1 987654321 www.birkhauser.ch Contents Preface vii H Airault From Diff(S ) to Univalent Functions Cases of Degeneracy A Bogatyrev Poincar´e–Steklov Integral Equations and Moduli of Pants 21 O Calin, D.-C Chang and I Markina Generalized Hamilton–Jacobi Equation and Heat Kernel on Step Two Nilpotent Lie Groups 49 D.-C Chang ¯ Bergen Lecture on ∂-Neumann Problem 77 A.S Demidov and J.-P Loh´eac Numerical Scheme for Laplacian Growth Models Based on the Helmholtz–Kirchhoff Method 107 C.D Fassnacht, C.R Keeton and D Khavinson Gravitational Lensing by Elliptical Galaxies, and the Schwarz Function 115 K.Yu Fedorovskiy Nevanlinna Domains in Problems of Polyanalytic Polynomial Approximation 131 S.J Gardiner and T Sjă odin Potential Theory in Denjoy Domains 143 P Gumenyuk Carath´eodory Convergence of Immediate Basins of Attraction to a Siegel Disk 167 V Gutlyanski˘ı and A Golberg Rings and Lipschitz Continuity of Quasiconformal Mappings 187 R.A Hidalgo A Theoretical Algorithm to get a Schottky Uniformization from a Fuchsian one 193 vi Contents V Jakˇsi´c and P Poulin Scattering from Sparse Potentials: a Deterministic Approach 205 A.A Karatsuba and E.A Karatsuba Application of ATS in a Quantum-optical Model 211 M Karmanova and S Vodop yanov Geometry of Carnot–Carath´eodory Spaces, Differentiability, Coarea and Area Formulas 233 I Kondrashuk and A Kotikov Fourier Transforms of UD Integrals 337 S Krushkal Fredholm Eigenvalues of Jordan Curves: Geometric, Variational and Computational Aspects 349 A Kuznetsov A Note on the Life-span of Classical Solutions to the Hele–Shaw Problem 369 E Liflyand and S Tikhonov The Fourier Transforms of General Monotone Functions 377 X Massaneda, J Ortega-Cerd` a and M Ounaăes Traces of Hăormander Algebras on Discrete Sequences 397 M Merkli Resonance Dynamics and Decoherence 409 Yu.A Neretin Ramified Integrals, Casselman Phenomenon, and Holomorphic Continuations of Group Representations 427 N.T Nguyen and H Kalisch The Stability of Solitary Waves of Depression 441 D Prokhorov and A Vasil’ev Singular and Tangent Slit Solutions to the Lăowner Equation 455 A Rashkovskii A Remark on Amoebas in Higher Codimensions 465 A.Yu Solynin Quadratic Differentials and Weighted Graphs on Compact Surfaces 473 X Tolsa Riesz Transforms and Rectifiability 507 Preface This volume is based on lectures delivered at the international conference “New trends in harmonic and complex analysis”, held May 7–12, 2007 in Voss, Norway, and organized by the University of Bergen and the Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim It became the kick-off conference of the European Science Foundation Networking Programme “Harmonic and complex analysis and its applications” (2007–2012) The purpose of the Conference was to bring together both experts and novices in analysis with experts in mathematical physics, mechanics and adjacent areas of applied science and numerical analysis The participants presented their results and discussed further developments of frontier research exploring the bridge between complex, real analysis, potential theory, PDE and modern topics of fluid mechanics and mathematical physics Harmonic and Complex Analysis is a well-established area in mathematics Over the past few years, this area has not only developed in many different directions, it has also evolved in an exciting way at several levels: the exploration of new models in mechanics and mathematical physics and applications has at the same time stimulated a variety of deep mathematical theories During the last quarter of the twentieth century the face of mathematical physics changed significantly One very important aspect has been the increasing degree of cross-fertilization between mathematics and physics with great benefits to both subjects Whereas the goals and targets in the understanding of fundamental laws governing the structure of matter and energy are shared by physicists and mathematicians alike, the methods used, and even views on the importance and credibility of results, often differ significantly In many cases, mathematical or theoretical predictions can be made in certain areas, but the physical basis (in particular that of experimental physics) for confirming such predictions remains out of reach, due to natural engineering, technological or economic limitations Conversely, ‘physical’ reasoning often provides new insight and suggests approaches that transcend those that may be rigorously treated by purely mathematical analysis; physicists tend to ‘jump’ over apparent technical obstacles to arrive at conclusions based on physical insight that may form the basis for significant new conjectures Mathematical analysis in a broad sense has proved to be one of the most useful fields for providing a theoretical basis for mathematical physics On the other hand, physical insight in domains such as equilibrium problems in potential theory, asymptotics, and boundary value problems often suggests new avenues of approach viii Preface We hope that the present volume will be interesting for specialists and graduate students specializing in mathematics and/or mathematical physics Many papers in this volume are surveys, whereas others represent original research We would like to acknowledge all contributors as well as referees for their great service for mathematical society Special thanks go to Dr Thomas Hemping, Birkhă auser, for his kind assistance during preparation of this volume Bjăorn Gustafsson Alexander Vasilev Stockholm-Bergen, 2009 Analysis and Mathematical Physics Trends in Mathematics, 1–19 c 2009 Birkhă auser Verlag Basel/Switzerland From Di(S 1) to Univalent Functions Cases of Degeneracy H´el`ene Airault Abstract We explain in detail how to obtain the Kirillov vector fields (Lk )k∈Z on the space of univalent functions inside the unit disk Following Kirillov, they can be produced from perturbations by vectors (eikθ )k∈Z of diffeomorphisms of the circle We give a second approach to the construction of the vector fields In our approach, the Lagrange series for the inverse function plays an important part We relate the polynomial coefficients in these series to the polynomial coefficients in Kirillov vector fields By investigation of degenerate cases, we look for the functions f (z) = z + n≥1 an z n+1 such that Lk f = L−k f for k ≥ We find that f (z) must satisfy the differential equation: zw z2w + − zw w−z f (z) − f (z) − w2 f (w)2 f (z)2 = × f (w)2 f (w) − f (z) (∗) We prove that the only solutions of (∗) are Koebe functions On the other hand, we show that the vector fields (Tk )k∈Z image of the (Lk )k∈Z through the map g(z) = 11 can be obtained directly as the (Lk ) from perturbations f( z ) of diffeomorphisms of the circle Mathematics Subject Classification (2000) Primary 17B68; Secondary 30C35 Keywords Reverted series, Koebe function, Kirillov vector fields Introduction For f (z) = z+a1 z +a2 z +· · · , Schiffer’s procedure of elimination of terms in series [16] permits to construct the Kirillov vector fields L−k f (z) for a positive integer k Let z 1−k f (z) = f (z)1−k 1+ j≥1 Pjk f (z)j be the expansion of z 1−k f (z) in powers of f (z), then L−k f (z) = j≥k+1 Pjk f (z)1+j−k If f is univalent, let z = f −1 (u) The author thanks Paul Malliavin for discussions and for having introduced her to the classical book by A.C Schaeffer and D.C Spencer, Ref [15] Also thanks to Nabil Bedjaoui, Universit´e de Picardie Jules Verne, for his help in the preparation of the manuscript H Airault f −1 (u)1−k is obtained (f −1 ) (u) with the derivative of the Lagrange expansion of [f −1 (u)]k This explains why Laurent expansions for inverse functions are important in the theory of Kirillov vector fields On the other hand, for positive k, let Lk f (z) = z 1+k f (z) as in [10], [14] We prove that Lk f = L−k f for any k ∈ Z if and only if f (z) = z/(1 − z)2 , = df or −1 We exhibit some of the many solutions of t = (L−k − Lk )ft However we dt can relate these solutions to the Koebe function only when k = In sections two and three, we discuss expansions of powers of inverse functions and manipulations on these series In section four, we relate the inverse series to the Kirillov vector fields and to diffeomorphisms of the circle In section five, we calculate some of the flows associated to the vector fields (Lk ) In section six, we consider the image (Tk ) of the vector fields (Lk ) under the map f → g where g(z) = 1/f (1/z) For a univalent function f (z), it is natural to consider g(z) = 11 , see for example f(z ) 1−k f (z) 1+k g (v) = v This leads us to consider expansions of [17], [5] Then z f (z) g(v) v 1+k g (v) in powers of g(v) for a function g(v) = v + b1 + bv2 + · · · We have v k+1 g (v) = g(v)1+k + j≥1 Vj−k g(v)−j The image vector fields (Tk ) are given by Tk g(z) = j≥k+1 Vj−k g(u)−j We compare the two families of vector fields (Lk ) and (Tk ), they have respectively the generating functions A(f ) and B(g) where in z 1−k f (z), then the expansion in powers of u of L(u) = A(φ)(u, y) = φ (u)2 φ (u)2 φ (u)2 φ(y) φ (u)2 φ(y)2 = − − φ(u)2 (φ(u) − φ(y)) φ(u) − φ(y) φ(u) φ(u)2 B(φ)(u, y) = φ (u)2 φ (u)2 φ (u)2 φ(y) = − φ(u)(φ(u) − φ(y)) φ(u) − φ(y) φ(u) (1.1) (1.2) 1 1 u2 , (1.3) B(φ)(u, y) = − A(ψ) then φ(y) u u y φ( z ) In the last section seven, we examine degenerate cases for the vector fields (Lk ) and (Tk ) Let ψ(z) = Change of variables in series b −1 p 2.1 Laurent series for [g −1 (z)]p with g(z) = z + b1 + n≥1 n+1 z n and for [f (z)] with f (z) = z + · · · + bn z n+1 + · · · Derivatives of the Laurent series For n ≥ 0, n integer, the Faber polynomial Fn (z) of g is the polynomial part in the Laurent expansion of [g −1 (z)]n where g −1 is the inverse function of g, see [6], [5], [9] and [8] For any p ∈ C, the Laurent expansions of [g −1 (z)]p and of [f −1 (z)]p can be obtained with the method of [2] Cases of Degeneracy Definition 2.1 The homogeneous polynomials Knp , Fn and Gn = Kn−1 , n ≥ 1, n integer, p a complex number, are defined with ⎧ ⎪ (1 + b1 z + b2 z + · · · )p = + n≥1 Knp (b1 , b2 , )z n ⎪ ⎨ log(1 + b1 z + b2 z + · · · ) = − k≥1 Fk (b1 , b2 , )z k (2.1) k ⎪ ⎪ ⎩ z + G z + · · · = + G + b1 z + b2 z + · · · Remark that p = is a root of Knp as a polynomial in p, since for n ≥ 1, Kn0 = b Lemma 2.2 See [2] Let g(z) = z + b1 + bz2 + · · · + n+1 z n + · · · and let p ∈ Z, then ⎧ g(z) ⎪ ⎨( z )p = + j≥1 Hjp j g(z) with the same coefficients (Hjp ) zg (z) g(z) p−j ⎪ p ⎩ ( z ) = + j≥1 Hj g(z) zj j j If p = 0, Hjp−j = (1 − p )Kjp It extends for any p ∈ C and limp→0 p Kjp = − Fj g (z) In particular, z = + j≥1 Fj 1j with Fj = Hj−j g(z) z b Corollary 2.3 Let g(z) = z + b1 + bz2 + · · · + n+1 z n + · · · and f (z) = z + b1 z + p b2 z + · · · + bn z n+1 + · · · , let p ∈ C With the convention that p − n Knn−p is Fp −(n+p) p if p = n and n + p Kn is equal to Fp if n + p = 0, we have ⎧ p n−p ⎨[g −1 (z)]p = z p + n≥1 p − n Kn zn (2.2) −(n+p) p −1 p p ⎩[f (z)] = z + zn n≥1 p + n Kn Corollary 2.3 generalizes: Let h(z) = + b1z + b2 z + · · · We put f (z) = zh(z) and g(z) = zh( 1z ) Define the maps Ep : f (z) → Ep (f )(z) = z[h(z)]p with p = 0, p ∈ C and Inv : f (z) = z[h(z)] → φ(f )(z) = f −1 (z), the inverse of f and compositions of these maps Then Ek o Ep = Ekp and Inv o Inv = Id Lemma 2.4 Let (kj )1≤j≤s be a finite sequence, kj = then φ(f )(z) = [Eks o Inv o Eks−1 o Inv o · · · o Ek1 o Inv o Ek0 ](f )(z) = ⎡ ⎤ A (k , k , , k ) n s K −k0 βn (k1 ,k2 , ,ks ) z n ⎦ z ⎣1 + βn (k1 , k2 , , ks ) n n≥1 where An (k1 , k2 , , ks ) and βn (k1 , k2 , , ks ) not depend on the coefficients of f (z) If βn (k1 , k2 , , ks ) = 0, we replace the corresponding term in the expansion F zn by (−1)s−1 k0 × sj=1 kj × n n A similar result holds for g(z) by defining Ep : g(z) → Ep (g)(z) = z[h( z1 )]p with p = 0, p ∈ C and Inv : g(z) → φ(g)(z) = g −1 (z), the inverse of g The next H Airault expansions will be important We take the derivative with respect to z in the series of Corollary 2.3, the denominators (n + p) disappear and for any p ∈ C, ⎧ −1 (g ) (y) ⎪ ⎨ −1 + n≥1 Knn−p y1n = 1−p [g (y)]1−p y (2.3) −1 −(n+p) n ⎪ ⎩ (f−1 ) (y) + = K y n n≥1 [f (y)]1−p y 1−p f (z) f (z) p [f −1 (y)]1−p [g −1 (y)]1−p ) ( z ) , of and of −1 f (z) (f ) (y) (g −1 ) (y) In [1], see (A.1.2), (A.7.1), the following lemma is used to prove the identity on the polynomials coefficients of the Schwarzian derivative L−k Pp − L−p Pk = (k − p)Pp+k With a change of variables in the Cauchy integral, we prove 2.2 Expansions of z ( Lemma 2.5 See [1] Let f (z) = z + n≥1 cn z n+1 , then ⎧ ⎪ p n+p n ⎨(i) ( zf (z) )2 ( f (z) z ) = + n≥1 Pn z f (z) with the same polynomials Pnp ⎪ p p n ⎩(ii) zf (z) ( f (z) z ) = + n≥1 Pn f (z) f (z) Lemma 2.6 See [2] Let g(z) = z + b1 + bz2 + b32 + · · · , then z ⎧ g (z) g(z) k ⎪ ⎨z ( z ) = + j≥1 Vjk j g(z) g(z) with the same polynomials Vjk k−j ⎪ k ⎩(z g (z) )2 ( g(z) = + V ) j≥1 j z g(z) zj The polynomials Pnp and Vjk are homogeneous in the variables (cj ), respectively (bj ), they can be calculated with differential operators as in [1] or with binomial analysis as in [6] In the following, we relate them to the (Knp ) Proposition 2.7 The polynomials (Pnp ) in Lemma 2.5 satisfy [f −1 (y)]1−p = y 1−p [1 + (f −1 ) (y) Pnp y n ] = n≥1 −(1+p) Pnp = Gn (K1 −(2+p) , K2 y 1−p 1+ n≥1 −(n+p) n y (2.4) Kn , , Kn−(n+p) ) (2.5) Proof We put z = f −1 (y) in Lemma 2.5 and we use (2.3) We have Gn (P1p , P2p , , Pnp ) = Kn−(n+p) ∀n ≥ (2.6) Moreover the map G on the manifold of coefficients is involutive (GoG = Identity) Proposition 2.8 The polynomials (Vjk ) in Lemma 2.6 satisfy [g −1 (y)]1−k = 1+ y 1−k (g −1 ) (y) Vjk j≥1 = yj 1+ n≥1 Knn−k y1n (2.7) Quadratic Differentials and Weighted Graphs 499 for all varying centers bk and ∂ M = π lim ((z − ak )Q1 (z)) + π lim ((z − ak )Q2 (z)) (7.13) z→ak z→ak ∂ak for all varying punctures ak From (7.12) and (7.13) taking into account (3.1) and (3.2), we obtain ∂ M(C ∗ ) = π (P1 (b∗k ) + P2 (b∗k )) ∂bk and ∂ M(C ∗ ) = π (P1 (a∗k ) + P2 (a∗k )) ∂ak l j=1 (b∗k − a∗j )−1 l j=1 n−1 j=1 (a∗k − a∗j )−1 (b∗k − b∗j )−2 = (7.14) n−1 j=1 (a∗k − b∗j )−2 = (7.15) In (7.14) we assume, of course, that n ≥ and ≤ k ≤ n − In addition, if n = 4, then the second product in (7.14) is taken over empty set of terms In this case, we assume that the value of this product is Similarly, the first product in (7.15) is if l = In (7.15) we assume that ≤ k ≤ k0 , where k0 = min{l, l + n − 3} Therefore if n ≥ 4, then (7.14) gives the following n − necessary conditions for critical points of M: P1 (b∗k ) = −P2 (b∗k ), ≤ k ≤ n − (7.16) If l ≥ 1, then (7.15) in its turn gives k0 necessary conditions: P1 (a∗k ) = −P2 (a∗k ), ≤ k ≤ k0 (7.17) It follows from formulas (3.1) and (3.2) in Section that each of the polynomials P1 and −P2 satisfies equations (1.3) For n ≥ 2, this gives another n − conditions: P1 (b∗k ) = −P2 (b∗k ), for ≤ k ≤ n − (7.18) Let P (z) = P1 (z)+P2 (z) Since P1 and −P2 are polynomials of degree l+2n− 4, each of which has the highest coefficient −α2n /4π , the polynomial P has degree ≤ l + 2n − Since all points a∗1 , , a∗l ,b∗1 , , b∗n are distinct, equations (7.16)– (7.18) imply that the polynomial P has at least l+2n−4 zeros counting multiplicity Therefore, P must vanish identically Then, of course, P1 (z) = −P2 (z) and hence Q1 (z) dz = −Q2 (z) dz l+n Summing up, if M achieves its maximum at (c∗1 , , c∗l+n ) ∈ C with c∗l+n = a∗1 = ∞, c∗l+n−1 = 0, and c∗l+n−2 = 1, then for ≤ k ≤ l + n − all coordinates c∗k are finite and distinct Let Q1 (z) dz be the Jenkins-Strebel quadratic differential associated with Problem for punctures a∗1 , , a∗l , centers b∗1 , , b∗n , and weights α1 , , αn Then the orthogonal differential Q2 (z) dz = −Q1 (z) dz is a Kuz’mina quadratic differential associated with Problem such that the trajectory graph ΓQ2 of Q2 (z) dz is homeomorphic to Γ on C In addition, the side i i i i γkj of ΓQ2 corresponding to the side lkj of Γ carries the same weight wkj as lkj does This implies that the critical graph ΓQ1 , which is dual of ΓQ2 , is homeoi i morphic to Γ on C and the side νkj of ΓQ1 , which is transversal to γkj , has the 500 A.Yu Solynin i Q1 -length wkj Therefore the quadratic differential Q1 (z) dz satisfies all conditions required by Theorem This establishes the existence of a Jenkins-Strebel quadratic differential with the desired properties Examples and remarks In this section we consider some important particular cases of Theorem (a) Trees and continua of the minimal logarithmic capacity Let Γ = {V , E, F , W } be a free tree with l leaves and positive lengths of its edges Then n = 1, F contains only one face D = C \ (V ∪ E), and we may assume that the length of ∂D is By Theorem 2, there is a quadratic differential of the form Q(z) dz = − 4π P (z) l k=1 (z − ak ) dz , l where P (z) = z l−2 + · · · + c0 and R(z) = k=1 (z − ak ) are relatively prime, whose critical graph ΓQ , complemented, if necessary, by second degree vertices on its edges, is homeomorphic to Γ and carries the same weights It is well known, see [14, Chapter 1], that the set KQ = VQ ∪EQ is extremal for Chebotarev’s problem on continua of the minimal logarithmic capacity containing the points a1 , , al Thus, Theorem shows in this particular case that every positive free tree can be realized uniquely up to a linear mapping as a continuum of minimal logarithmic capacity on C A detailed treatment of Chebotarev’s problem and related trees was given in a recent paper of P.M Tamrazov [21] (b) Triangulation Assume that every face fk ∈ F is bounded by three distinct edges Then Γ induces a finite triangulation on S2 Now, Theorem says that every triangulation with prescribed lengths of sides of all triangles can be constructed as a conformal triangulation induced by some Jenkins-Strebel quadratic differential In addition, such a conformal triangulation is unique if we fix the vertices of its initial triangle (c) Cells with a fixed perimeter Let Γ = {V, E, F, W } be a plane weighted graph such that vk ≥ for all k, ≤ k ≤ m, and let every boundary cycle ∂fk has length Let P (z) Q(z) dz = − n−1 dz (8.1) 4π (z − b ) k k=1 be the quadratic differential defined by Theorem for the graph Γ Here P (z) = n−1 z 2n−1 +· · ·+c0 is a polynomial of degree 2n−4 such that P (bk ) = k=1 (bk −bj )2 It is well known, see [14, Chapter 6], that the quadratic differential (8.1) is n extremal for the problem of the maximal product k=1 R(Dk , bk ) of conformal radii of non-overlapping simply connected domains D1 , , Dn such that bk ∈ Dk and bn = ∞ Thus, Theorem asserts in this case that every cellular structure, each cell of which has perimeter 1, can be realized as a domain configuration of a Quadratic Differentials and Weighted Graphs 501 quadratic differential Q(z) dz which is extremal for the problem of the maximal product of conformal radii (d) Linear graphs Let Γ have a single vertex v1 lying at ∞ and n ≥ loops Then its dual Γ is a linear graph with n edges and n + vertices We may assume that Γ has vertices v1 , , vn+1 such that = v1 < v2 < · · · < vn+1 = 1, edges lk,k+1 = [vk , vk+1 ], and weights wk,k+1 = vk+1 − vk , ≤ k ≤ n Then, of course, the total weight of the vertex v1 is Theorem implies that the linear graphs Γ are in a one-to-one correspondence with quadratic differentials of the form Q(z) dz = − C2 4π dz n+1 k=1 (z − bk )2 , (8.2) n+1 where = b1 < b2 < · · · < bn+1 = and C = w1,2 j=2 bj One can easily see that the quadratic differential (8.2) has a single zero of order 2n − at ∞ An explicit correspondence between the poles b1 , , bn+1 of Q(z) dz and the weights w1,2 , , wn,n+1 of the graph Γ is given by the following n − equations: wk−1,k + wk,k+1 = w1,2 wn,n+1 = w1,2 n+1 j=2 n+1 j=2 n+1 bj bj j=1 n j=1 |bk − bj |−1 , ≤ k ≤ n − 1, (8.3) (1 − bj )−1 It follows from Theorem that for every set of positive weights wk,k+1 , ≤ k ≤ n, such that nk=1 wk,k+1 = 1, the equations (8.3) have a unique solution b1 , , bn+1 satisfying the conditions = b1 < b2 < · · · < bn+1 = The latter also can be established by lengthy, routine calculation involving some work with Vandermonde determinants; cf proof of Theorem 1.3 in [3] (e) Cyclic graphs If Γ has two vertices v1 = and v2 = ∞ and n ≥ parallel edges from v1 to v2 , then its dual Γ is a cyclic graph with n vertices and n edges We may assume that Γ has vertices bk = eiθk , = θ1 < · · · < θn < 2π = θn+1 and edges lk,k+1 = {eiθ : θk < θ < θk+1 }, ≤ k ≤ n In addition, we may assume that lk,k+1 carries the weight wk,k+1 = (θk+1 − θk )/2π Then, the total weight of each of the vertices v1 and v2 is Theorem implies that the cyclic graphs are in a one-to-one correspondence with quadratic differentials of the form: Q(z) dz = − C2 4π z n−2 dz , n iαk )2 (z − e k=1 (8.4) n where = α1 < α2 < · · · < αn < 2π = αn+1 and C = (w1,2 + wn,n+1 ) k=2 (1 − eiαk ) An explicit correspondence between weights wk,k+1 and poles of Q(z) dz is given by the system of equations: wk−1,k + wk,k+1 = Ceiαk (n−2)/2 n j=1 (eiαk − eiαj )−1 , ≤ k ≤ n (8.5) It follows from Theorem that for every admissible choice of weights the system (8.5) has a unique solution C ∈ C and α1 , , αn ∈ R such that = α1 < · · · < αn < 2π 502 A.Yu Solynin In the case of equal weights w1,2 = · · · = wn,n+1 = 1/n, the poles of quadratic differential (8.4) are equally spaced on the unit circle and therefore (8.4) becomes: Qn (z) dz = − z n−2 dz π (z n − 1)2 (8.6) By the well-known theorem of Dubinin [4, Theorem 2.17], the quadratic differential n Qn (z) dz is extremal for the problem of the maximal product k=1 R(Dk , bk ) of conformal radii of non-overlapping simply connected domains Dk , ≤ k ≤ n, whose centers bk ∈ Dk vary on the unit circle The counterpart of this problem, suggested by G.V Kuz’mina, for 2n non-overlapping domains, n of which have centers varying on the circle Cr (0) and the remaining n have centers varying on C1/r (0), < r < 1, has remained open for a quite long time It is conjectured that for every n ≥ and < r < 1, the extremal partition of this problem is given by the domain configuration of the quadratic differential Qn,r (z) dz = z n−2 (z n + pn )(z n − 1/pn ) dz (z n − rn )2 (z n + 1/rn )2 with some < p < depending on n and r It is worth mentioning that symmetric cyclic graphs with an even number of edges are in a one-to-one correspondence with linear graphs Therefore, the corresponding quadratic differentials are in a one-to-one correspondence as well Indeed, let Q(z) dz be a quadratic differential of the form (8.4), for which the the set of poles is symmetric with respect to the real axis and contains poles at ±1 Then, scaled Joukowski’s mapping z → (1/4)(z + + z −1 ) transforms Q(z) dz into a quadratic differential of the form (8.2) We want to mention also that the Joukowski’s mapping z → (1/2)(eπi/2n z + −πi/2n −1 z ) transforms the symmetric quadratic differential Q2n (z) dz defined by e (8.6) into the quadratic differential QT (z) dz = − dz , 4π (z − 1)2 Tn2 (z) where Tn (z) = cos(n arccos(z)) denotes the classical Chebyshev polynomial of degree n which deviates least from zero on [−1, 1] (f ) Platonic solids Of course, every regular pattern can be represented by the critical graph of some Jenkins-Strebel quadratic differential The five Platonic polyhedra: tetrahedron, cube, octahedron, dodecahedron, and icosahedron, correspond, respectively, to the following Platonic quadratic differentials: z(z + 8) dz , 4π (z − 1)2 z + 14z + Qc (z)dz = − 2 dz , 4π z (z − 1)2 √ (z + 2z − 1)2 √ dz , Qo (z)dz = − 4π z (z − (7 2/4)z − 1)2 Qt (z)dz = − Quadratic Differentials and Weighted Graphs 503 z 20 − 228z 15 + 494z 10 + 228z + dz , 4π z (z 10 + 11z − 1)2 √ √ (z 12 + 11 5z − 33z − 11 5z + 1)3 √ √ √ dz Qi (z)dz = − 4π z (z 18 − 57 z 15 − 57 z 12 − 247 z + 57 z − 57 z − 1)2 Qd (z)dz = − 8 For each of the Platonic polyhedra, the above representation is unique up to a Mă obius map The zeros of the Platonic quadratic differential represent the vertices of the corresponding polyhedra while the poles represent its face centers In each case, the representation above is given via a stereographic projection in such a way that the center of one of the faces is located at ∞ The first three of these quadratic differentials are easy to compute To get the explicit expression for the dodecahedral quadratic differential, we used Klein’s invariants V (z) = z(z 10 + 11z − 1) and F (z) = z 20 − 228z 15 + 494z 10 + 228z + for the icosahedral group G60 , see [5, Section 5] Then since the icosahedron and dodecahedron are dual polyhedra, the icosahedron can be represented by the quadratic differential Qi (ζ) dζ = C(V (ζ)/F (ζ)) dζ for some constant C < Now changing variables via the Mă obius map z = (ζ − c)/(1 + cζ) with c = √ √ − 255 + 114 − 57 − 25 being the smallest, in absolute value, negative zero of F (z), we obtain the desired form Qi (z) dz after long but routine simplification It is important to emphasize that the critical graph of each of the Platonic quadratic differentials coincides precisely with the stereographic projection of the corresponding Platonic tessellation of the sphere and is not just a homeomorphic representation of it (g) Disconnected graphs If Γ is a disconnected graph homeomorphic to the critical graph ΓQ of some Jenkins-Strebel quadratic differential Q(z) dz , then each face fk of Γ is necessarily a simply connected domain or doubly-connected domain on R Thus, Theorems and can not be extended for arbitrary disconnected graphs, at least not directly Even more, as simple examples show, an analytic embedding of a disconnected graph, if it exists, is not unique in its homotopy class, not even up to Mă obius maps in the case of R = C So, any study of analytic embedding of disconnected graphs should address these issues Acknowledgements I would like to thank the referee of the first version of this paper for his suggestion to use uniformization to prove the existence assertion of Theorem I also would like to express my sincere thanks to my colleagues at the Department of Mathematics and Statistics of Texas Tech University Professor Roger W Barnard and Professor Kent Pearce for their constant help during my work on this and some other projects In particular, their careful reading of my manuscripts makes them more readable and allows me to avoid many errors The remaining errors are mine 504 A.Yu Solynin References [1] L.V Ahlfors, Lectures on Quasiconformal Mappings Van Nostrand, New York, 1966 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Riesz kernel K n (x) = x/|x|n+1 , for n such that < n ≤ d Observe that K n is a vectorial kernel The n-dimensional Riesz transform of a finite Borel measure μ on Rd is defined by Rn μ(x) = K n (x − y) dμ(y), x ∈ Rd \ supp(μ) Notice that the integral above may fail to be absolutely convergent for x ∈ supp(μ) For this reason one considers the ε-truncated n-dimensional Riesz transform, for ε > 0: Rεn μ(x) = |x−y|>ε K n (x − y) dμ(y), x ∈ Rd The principal values are denoted by p.v.Rn μ(x) = lim Rεn μ(x), ε→0 whenever the limit exists Partially supported by grants MTM2007-62817 (Spain) and 2005-SGR-00774 (Generalitat de Catalunya) 508 X Tolsa n Given f ∈ L1loc (μ), we also denote Rμn (f ) = Rn (f dμ) and Rμ,ε (f ) = Rεn (f dμ) Recall the definition of the maximal Riesz transform: R∗n μ(x) = sup |Rεn μ(x)| ε>0 We say that the Riesz transform operator Rμn is bounded in L2 (μ) if the truncated n are bounded in L2 (μ) uniformly on ε > operators Rμ,ε If in the preceding definitions one replaces the kernel K n (x) by the Cauchy kernel 1/z, with z ∈ C, and one considers a Borel measure μ in the complex plane, one gets the Cauchy transform: Cμ(z) = dμ(ξ), z ∈ supp(μ) z−ξ We have analogous definitions for Cε μ, Cμ (f ), Cμ,ε (f ), C∗ μ, etc One says that a subset E ⊂ Rd is n-rectifiable if there exists a countable family of n-dimensional C submanifolds {Mi }i≥1 such that Hn E \ Mi = 0, i where Hn stands for the n-dimensional Hausdorff measure In this paper we are interested in the relationship between rectifiability and Riesz transforms, in particular in the existence of principal values and L2 boundedness for Riesz transforms This subject has been object of active research in the last years and there are still many difficult open questions dealing with this topic In next sections we survey some recent results and open problems in this field There is no attempt at completeness As usual, in the paper the letter ‘C’ stands for an absolute constant which may change its value at different occurrences On the other hand, constants with subscripts, such as C1 , retain its value at different occurrences The notation A B means that there is a positive absolute constant C such that A ≤ CB Also, A ≈ B is equivalent to A B A Principal values for Riesz transforms and rectifiability Before talking about principal values of Riesz transforms we recall a fundamental result of geometric measure theory Theorem 2.1 Let E ⊂ Rd with Hn (E) < ∞ Then, the density Hn (E ∩ B(x, r)) r→0 (2r)n Θn (x, E) := lim exists for Hn -almost every x ∈ E if and only if n is integer and E is n-rectifiable The difficult implication in this theorem is ∃ Θn (x, E) Hn -a.e x ∈ E ⇒ n is integer and E n-rectifiable Riesz Transforms and Rectifiability 509 The fact that n must be integer if the density exists is a result of Marstrand [Mar], and that E must be n-rectifiable is due to Preiss [Pre] (and to Besicovitch in the case n = 1, d = 2) Let us remark that if E is n-rectifiable, then Θn (x, E) = for Hn -a.e x ∈ E Moreover, previously to Preiss’ theorem, Mattila [M1] proved that Θn (x, E) = for Hn -a.e x ∈ E ⇒ E is n-rectifiable Concerning principal values for the Riesz transforms we have the following Theorem 2.2 Suppose that n is an integer such that < n ≤ d Let E ⊂ Rd n with Hn (E) < ∞ The principal value p.v.Rn (H|E )(x) exists for Hn -almost every x ∈ E if and only if E is n-rectifiable Notice the analogies between Theorems 2.1 and 2.2 The fact that rectifiability implies the existence of principal values was proved first by Mattila and Melnikov [MM] for the Cauchy transforms (with n = 1, d = 2), and their proof generalizes easily to n-dimensional Riesz transforms That E must n be n-rectifiable if the principal values p.v.Rn (H|E )(x) exist for Hn -almost every x ∈ E was recently proved by the author in [To7] Under the additional assumption that Hn (B(x, r) ∩ E) lim inf >0 Hn -a.e x ∈ E, (2.1) r→0 rn Mattila and Preiss had previously proved [MPr] that if the principal value n )(x) exists Hn -almost everywhere in E, then E is n-rectifiable Getting p.v.Rn (H|E rid of the hypothesis (2.1) was an open problem raised by authors in [MPr] Let us also remark that in the particular case n = 1, Theorem 2.2 was previously proved in [To1] (and in [M3] under the assumption (2.1)) using the relationship between the Cauchy transform and curvature of measures (see Theorem 3.2 below for the details) In higher dimensions the curvature method does not work (see [Fa]) and new techniques were required It is not known if Theorem 2.2 holds if one replaces the assumption on the existence of principal values for the Riesz transforms by n R∗n (H|E )(x) < ∞ Hn -a.e x ∈ E That this is the case for n = was shown in [To1] using curvature However, for n > this is an open problem that looks very difficult (probably, as difficult as n proving that the L2 boundedness of Riesz transforms with respect to H|E implies the n-rectifiability of E See next section for more details) Given a Borel measure μ on Rd , its upper and lower n-dimensional densities are defined, respectively, by μ(B(x, r)) μ(B(x, r)) Θn,∗ (x, μ) = lim sup , Θn∗ (x, μ) = lim inf r→0 rn rn r→0 The “only if” part of Theorem 2.2 is a particular case of the following somewhat stronger result 510 X Tolsa Theorem 2.3 Let μ be a finite Borel measure on Rd Suppose that n is an integer such that < n ≤ d, and let E ⊂ Rd be such that for all x ∈ E we have < Θn,∗ (x, μ) < ∞ and ∃ p.v.Rn μ(x) Then E is n-rectifiable The arguments to prove Theorems 2.2 and 2.3 are very different from the ones in [MPr] and [M3], which are based on the use of tangent measures A fundamental step in the proof of Theorem 2.3 consists in obtaining precise L2 estimates of Riesz transforms on Lipschitz graphs In a sense, these L2 estimates play a role analogous to curvature of measures in [To1] Loosely speaking, the second step of the proof consists of using these L2 estimates to construct a Lipschitz graph containing a suitable piece of E, by arguments more or less similar to the ones in [L´e] To describe in detail the L2 estimates mentioned above we need to introduce additional terminology We denote the projection (x1 , , xn , , xd ) → (x1 , , xn , 0, , 0) by Π, and we set Π⊥ = I − Π We also denote Rn,⊥ μ(x) = Π⊥ (Rn μ(x)) and Rεn,⊥ μ(x) = Π⊥ (Rεn μ(x)) That is to say, Rn,⊥ μ(x) and Rεn,⊥ μ(x) are made up of the components of Rn μ(x) and Rεn μ(x) orthogonal to Rn , respectively (we are identifying Rn with Rn × {(0, , 0)}) Theorem 2.4 Consider the n-dimensional Lipschitz graph Γ := {(x, y) ∈ Rn × n Rd−n : y = A(x)}, and let μ = H|Γ Suppose that A has compact support If ∇A ∞ ≤ ε0 , with < ε0 ≤ small enough, then p.v.Rn,⊥ μ L2 (μ) ≈ p.v.Rn μ L2 (μ) ≈ ∇A Let us remark that the existence of the principal values p.v.Rn μ μ-a.e under the assumptions of the theorem is a well-known fact The upper estimate p.v.Rn μ L2 (μ) ∇A is an easy consequence of some results from [Do] and [To6] and also holds replacing ε0 by any big constant The lower estimate p.v.Rn,⊥ μ L2 (μ) ∇A is more difficult To prove it one uses a Fourier type estimate as well as the quasiorthogonality techniques developed in [To6] We remark that we not know if the inequalities p.v.Rn μ L2 (μ) ≥ C3−1 ∇A or p.v.Rn,⊥ μ L2 (μ) ≥ C3−1 ∇A in Theorem 2.4 hold assuming ∇A ∞ ≤ C4 instead of ∇A arbitrarily large and C3 possibly depending on C4 ∞ ≤ ε0 , with C4 Riesz Transforms and Rectifiability 511 L2 boundedness of Riesz transforms and rectifiability In this section we are interested in the following problem Question 3.1 Consider E ⊂ Rd with Hn (E) < ∞, with n integer Suppose that n the Riesz transform Rμn is bounded in L2 (H|E ) Is then E n-rectifiable? The answer to this question is known (and it is positive in this case) only for n = This is due to the relationship between the Cauchy transform and the notion of curvature of measures Given a measure μ, its curvature is c2 (μ) = dμ(x)dμ(y)dμ(z), (3.1) R(x, yz)2 where R(x, y, z) stands for the radius of the circumference passing through x, y, z If two among these points coincide, we let R(x, y, z) = ∞ Given ε > 0, c2ε (μ) stands for the ε-truncated version of c2 (μ), defined as in the right-hand side of (3.1), but with the triple integral over {(x, y, z) ∈ C3 : |x − y|, |y − z|, |x − z| > ε} The notion of curvature of a measure was introduced by Melnikov [Me] when he was studying a discrete version of analytic capacity, and it is one of the notions which is responsible of the big recent advances in connection with analytic capacity Curvature is connected to the Cauchy transform by the following result, obtained by Melnikov and Verdera [MeV] Theorem 3.2 Let μ be a Borel measure on C such that μ(B(x, r)) ≤ C0 r for all x ∈ C, r > We have Cε μ 2L2 (μ) = c2ε (μ) + O(μ(C)), (3.2) where |O(μ(C))| ≤ C1 μ(C), with C1 depending only on C0 Building on some techniques developed by Jones [Jo] and David and Semmes [DS1], L´eger proved the following remarkable result (see also [To3] for another different and more recent proof): Theorem 3.3 Let E ⊂ C be compact with H1 (E) < ∞ If c2 (H|E ) < ∞, then E is rectifiable Using Theorems 3.2 and 3.3, it follows then easily that if H1 (E) < ∞ and the Cauchy transform is bounded in L2 (H|E ), then E is 1-rectifiable However, an identity analogous to (3.2) is missing in dimensions n > This is the reason why Question 3.1 is still open for n > Recall that a measure μ such that μ(B(x, r)) ≈ rn for all x ∈ supp(μ), < r ≤ diam(supp(μ)), is called n-Ahlfors-David (n-AD) regular, or abusing the language, AD regular A set E ⊂ C is called n-AD regular (abusing the language, n AD regular) if H|E is AD regular A variant of Question 3.1 is the following: n Question 3.4 Consider E ⊂ Rd n-AD regular, with n integer, and set μ = H|E n If Rμ is bounded in L (μ), is then E uniformly n-rectifiable? 512 X Tolsa We recall now the notion of uniform n-rectifiability (or simply, uniform rectifiability), introduced by David and Semmes in [DS2] For n = 1, an AD regular 1-dimensional measure is uniformly rectifiable if its support is contained in an AD regular curve For an arbitrary integer n ≥ 1, the notion is more complicated One of the many equivalent definitions (see Chapter I.1 of [DS2]) is the following: μ is uniformly rectifiable if there exist θ, M > so that, for each x ∈ supp(μ) and R > 0, there is a Lipschitz mapping g from the n-dimensional ball Bn (0, R) ⊂ Rn into Rd such that g has Lipschitz norm ≤ M and μ B(x, R) ∩ g(Bn (0, R)) ≥ θRn In the language of [DS2], this means that supp(μ) has big pieces of Lipschitz images n is uniformly of Rn A Borel set E ⊂ Rd is called uniformly rectifiable if H|E rectifiable For n = the answer to Question 3.4 is true again, because of curvature The result is from Mattila, Melnikov and Verdera [MMV] For n > 1, in [DS1] and [DS2] some partial answers are given Let Hn be class of all the operators T defined as follows: T f (x) = k(x − y)f (y) dμ(x), where k is some odd kernel (i.e., k(−x) = −k(x)) smooth away from the origin such that |x|n+j |∇j k(x)| ∈ L∞ (Rd \ {0}) for j ≥ Next result is from [DS1] Theorem 3.5 Let E ⊂ Rd be n-AD regular, with n integer E is uniformly nn rectifiable if, and only if, all operators T from the class Hn are bounded in L2 (H|E ) In Theorem 2.1 we mentioned that the existence of the density Θn (x, E) for Hn -almost every x ∈ E implies that n is integer If we replace existence of density by L2 boundedness of Riesz transforms the following holds: n Theorem 3.6 Let E ⊂ Rd with Hn (E) < ∞, and set μ = H|E Suppose that Rμn is bounded in L2 (μ) We have: (a) n ∈ (0, 1) (b) If E is n-AD regular, then n is integer The statement (a) is from Prat [Pra] It follows by the “curvature method”, that is to say, by using a formula analogous to (3.2) which holds for < n < The statement (b) was proved Vihtila using tangent measures Her proof can be n easily extended to the case where Θn∗ (x, H|E ) > H n -a.e in E, instead of the AD regularity assumption However, it is an open question to prove that this also holds for arbitrary sets E with Hn (E) < ∞ Under the stronger assumption of n the existence of p.v.Rn (H|E )(x) Hn -almost everywhere, this problem has been recently solved in [RT] For more information and additional results regarding L2 boundedness of Riesz transforms and rectifiability we suggest to have a look at [Vo], [MaT], [GPT], [JP], [To4], [To5], [To6], and [ENV], for instance Riesz Transforms and Rectifiability 513 References [DS1] G David and S Semmes, Singular integrals and rectifiable sets in Rn : Beyond Lipschitz graphs, Ast´erisque No 193 (1991) [DS2] G David and S Semmes, Analysis of and on uniformly rectifiable sets, 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Avan¸cats (ICREA) and Departament de Matem` atiques Universitat Aut` onoma de Barcelona 08193 Bellaterra (Barcelona), Catalunya e-mail: xtolsa@mat.uab.cat ... “Harmonic and complex analysis and its applications” (2007–2012) The purpose of the Conference was to bring together both experts and novices in analysis with experts in mathematical physics, ... exploring the bridge between complex, real analysis, potential theory, PDE and modern topics of fluid mechanics and mathematical physics Harmonic and Complex Analysis is a well-established area in... mechanics and mathematical physics and applications has at the same time stimulated a variety of deep mathematical theories During the last quarter of the twentieth century the face of mathematical physics

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