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NATIONAL ECONOMICS UNIVERSITY -*** - NATIONAL ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY STUDENTS’ PREFERENCES OF FASHION: FASHION TRENDS AND CONSUMER BEHAVIOR Class: Writing project_AEP(121)_Kinh doanh quốốc tếố Tiến tiếốn_16 Team: Students: Hoang Thi Quynh Anh Quach Doan Khanh Linh Dinh Thi Khanh Linh Duong Khanh Linh Nguyen Quang Minh Nguyen Nhat Minh HANOI, JANUARY 2022 DECLARATION We would like to assure the topic “National economic university students’ preferences of fashion: Fashion trends and consumer behavior” is an independent research project under the guidance of Mrs Pham Thi Huong Giang The experimental work is entirely our own work; the collaborative contributions have been indicated clearly and acknowledged The topic and content of the report are the products that we have worked to research, analyze data, and bring out implications The data and results are presented honestly, and we will take full responsibility and discipline of the university if there is any problem i ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and foremost, the research would not have been possible without the conscientious support from our instructor, Mrs Pham Thi Huong Giang Her dedication is an inspiration for us to accomplish this research We would like to express our deep and sincere gratitude to her for giving us the opportunity to conduct the research and providing invaluable guidance throughout this research It is a great honor for us to study under her guidance Secondly, we are extremely grateful to our families for financial and emotional support We are extending our heartfelt for their acceptance and understanding during the research Thirdly, we would like to express our gratitude to our friends and respondents for spending valuable time participating in our survey despite their busy schedules They helped us a lot in gathering different information, collecting data, and gave us different ideas in making this research unique Last but not least, we would like to thank my fellow group members for the stimulating discussions, for the sleepless nights we were working together before deadlines, and for all the fun we have had in the last three months ii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS NEU National Economic University CSI Consumer Style Inventory iii LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES Figures Figure 2.1 Year-based students sorting .15 Figure 2.2 Gender 16 Figure 2.3 Budget for fashion purchase per month 16 Figure 2.4 Clothing materials 17 Figure 2.5 Color preferences .18 Figure 2.6 Trending accessories 19 Figure 2.7 Trending styles at work/school 20 Figure 2.8 Trending styles in daily life 21 Figure 2.9 Factors affecting students' fashion style 24 Figure 2.10 Students' brand biasness 30 Figure 2.11 Reasons for choosing domestic brands' products 31 Figure 2.12 Reasons for choosing global brands' products .32 Tables Table 2.1 Brand preferences 23 Table 2.2 Consumers' characteristics 26 Table 2.3 Objective factors 27 Table 2.4 Other outer factors 28 iv TABLES OF CONTENTS DECLARATION I ACKNOWLEDGEMENT II LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS III LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES IV Figures iv Tables iv TABLES OF CONTENTS V INTRODUCTION 1 Rationale Purpose of the research Scope of the research Research questions: Methodology Design of the research CHAPTER 1: LITERATURE REVIEW 1.1 Fashion trends 1.1.1 The concept of fashion trends .5 1.1.2 Previous study on fashion trends 1.2 Consumer behavior 1.2.1 The theory of consumer behavior 1.2.2 Previous study on consumer behavior .10 Conclusion 13 CHAPTER 2: FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION .15 2.1 Background information of respondents 15 2.2 Fashion trends of National Economic University students .17 2.1.1 Trendy fashion factors 17 2.1.2 Trendy fashion styles 20 2.1.3 Students’ brands choosing tendency 22 2.1.4 Factors affecting students’ fashion styles 23 2.3 Purchasing behavior of National Economic University students 25 v 2.2.1 Mental factors of consumers .25 2.2.2 Physical factors of fashion items 26 2.2.3 Other objective factors affecting fashion products purchasing process 28 2.2.4 Global/local brands preferences 29 CHAPTER 3: RECOMMENDATIONS 34 3.1 Recommendations for young fashion consumers 34 3.1.1 Recommendations about common fashion styles 34 3.1.2 Recommendations about unique fashion styles 35 3.2 Recommendations for fashion brands and stores 36 3.2.1 Recommendations based on students’ fashion trends and preferences .36 3.2.2 Recommendations based on students’ purchase behavior 37 CONCLUSION 40 Summary of the study 40 Limitations 41 Recommendations for further studies .42 REFERENCES 43 APPENDIX 46 Questionnaire 46 vi INTRODUCTION Rationale The fashion industry has changed drastically within the last two decades The concept of fast fashion was only created a few decades ago It is easy to recognize the impact of fashion on students, fashion flair is everywhere As fashion and trends change, students become more concerned with how they look and how they are perceived than they with their academic success and achievement The fashions of different patterns of clothes contribute to behavior problems and safety issues in the classrooms and in the hallway of college Students' behavior is reflected in the way they present themselves In recent years, college campuses have experienced violence Many college administrations, mindful of their responsibility to provide a safe environment for students, have implemented policies specifying dress codes or the wearing of uniforms Moreover, fashion is a hot topic recently, mainly because of the interest globally, fashion research can help younger generations approach closer to fashion knowledge and understand it more It can develop a perspective of fashion as a complex, multidimensional form of knowledge and as a technology of garment mass production It identifies the various modalities of fashion knowledge and characterizes their different rates and extents of transmission across space and time in terms of their relative complexity Furthermore, fashion also reflects multiculturalism Fashion is multi-faceted in its inclusion of people, places, and products How people dress and adorn themselves reflects their space, their time, and their innovators In such a vast world with as many cultural differences, where thanks to the develop of technology people can easily connect to any continent, fashion varies from region to region It is often influenced by politics, technology, social influence, and the economic state of the society, therefore, fashion is a bonding language between continents and nations Finally, examining the student’s preference of fashion can contribute to the fashion trends and marketing strategies for the fashion industry Teenagers’ decision-making styles have become a major study topic among marketing and behavioral science academics Most prior academics have focused on the customer buying behavior and decision-making patterns that individuals exhibit when purchasing things in a modern retail setting Students’ decision-making style is a mental orientation that describes a consumer's approach to making decisions Examining this idea is therefore significant in marketing strategies since it influences customer behavior and is relevant for market segmentation The main aim of this study is to examine the student’s attitude towards clothing behavior Fashion is an ever-growing industry with new fashion career opportunities, and a lot of schools and students are taking notice Some of the students might even take fashion more seriously, as their future career in their life Purpose of the research The study aims to investigate NEU students’ behavior in consuming fashion products, what their tendencies are, what factors affect their buying process, and what trends are popular among them Based on that, this study provides information for the people who want to catch up with the young generation’s fashion trends, to choose more suitable clothes in order to either fit in or stand out Moreover, this research also provides an insight view for fashion brands and stores which are aiming at a particular subject - young people Scope of the research This research is conducted based on NEU students’ responses, with the scope being 100 students from different departments of National Economic university, age from 18 – first year to 22,23 – last year and the data were collected in the last months November and December of 2021 Research questions: In order to achieve the purpose of the research, research questions are put out: - What are NEU students’ recent fashion preferences? - When choosing a clothing item, what factors NEU students base on, or notice? - What objective factors are NEU students mostly affected by in the process of choosing fashion products? Methodology To conduct this research, we have chosen the quantitative method Data were culled using primary data set through the distribution of questionnaires To get the primary data, questionnaires are the best suitable which are based on exploration, observation, and survey In this research, a survey is used to collect the data once from a population through using random sampling techniques In exact terms, this study seeks to explore the behavior in choosing items from fashion brands of university students The respondents to this survey will be the students at the National Economic University of Vietnam The data were collected in December 2021 and the research had explored the students’ habits in choosing fashion items, what trends are becoming popular among them, and then developed a valid and reliable database that informs reader fashion items-choosing behavior of university students whose budget was limited but very fashionable Design of the research Introduction: introduces the rationale, purposes, scope, research questions and methodology of the research Moreover, the design of the research is also included in this part Chapter 1: Literature Review contains a literature review, which includes analysis of models and theoretical framework that have been previously introduced to the research area This chapter contains definitions of the main terms such as “fashion trends” and “consumer behavior” and a search strategy for the primary and secondary data, problems that will be discussed in this research Viewpoints of other authors regarding the research in general and research problems in particular are also included in this chapter Chapter 2: Findings and Discussion connotes discussion and analyses This chapter plays a critical role in the achievement of research aims and objectives Findings of the literature review have been compared to primary data findings in this chapter Also, in-depth discussions have been provided in relation to each individual research objective Chapter 3: Recommendations provides recommendations Conclusion: sums up the study and points out the limitations of the research Also, this part contains suggestions for further studies in the same topic or same field age-consumers-generation-z.html/ 21 Oăzsomer, A (2012) The Interplay Between Global and Local Brands: A Closer Look at Perceived Brand Globalness and Local Iconness 22 Pham, H T., Hoang, K T., Nguyen, T T., Do, P H., & Mar, M T C (2021) Sharing Economy: Generation Z’s Intention Toward Online Fashion Rental in Vietnam The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Business, 8(3), 997–1007 https://doi.org/10.13106/JAFEB.2021.VOL8.NO3.0997 23 Shaylie (2021, November 18) How to Pull Off a Sporty Chic Look Her style code Retrieved from: https://www.herstylecode.com/outfits/pull-off-sporty-chic-look/ 24 Singh, A P., & Dangmei, J (2016) Understanding the Generation Z: the Future Workforce South-Asian Journal of Multidisciplinary Studies, 3, 1-5 25 Sproles, G B (1985), From Perfectionism To Fadism: Measuring Consumers’ Decision-making Style 26 Sproles, G.; Kendall, E (1996) A Methodology for Profiling Consumers' DecisionMaking Styles, The Journal of Consumer Affair 27 Stiefvater, S (2018, March 29) Hippie Fashion Trends That Are Totally Back in Style Purewow Retrieved from: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/economics/impact-ofglobalization-on-fashion-and-pharmaceutical-industries-economics-essay.php#citethis 28 Thuy Dung (2021), Bí quết phơếi đơề cơng sở thu hút fashionista hiệu Elle.vn Retrieved from: https://www.elle.vn/xu-huong-phong-cach/phoi-do-cong-sonhu-fashionista?fbclid=IwAR1gA6q1Cd9XT96Y8BP6VNol7zS4lZG0SkNy8dyUMVeAOUNQHBt5dMgcY4 29 UKEssays (2018, Nov) Impact Of Globalization On Fashion And Pharmaceutical Industries Economics Essay Retrieved from UKEssays: https://www.ukessays.com/essays/economics/impact-of-globalization-on-fashion-andpharmaceutical-industries-economics-essay.php#citethis 30 Wanninayake W.M., Consumer Decision-Making Styles and Local Brand Business: Exploration in the Czech Republic, Journal of Competitiveness, pp.3-17, Mar 2014 31 Wehmeyer, M L (1992) Self-determination and the education of students with mental retardation Education & Training in Mental Retardation, 27(4), 302–314 32 Xie, Z (2021) Minimalism as a key trend of fashion industry in recent years Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design Retrieved from: https://er.knutd.edu.ua/bitstream/123456789/18195/1/APSD2021_V2_P382-385.pdf APPENDIX Questionnaire I General information B ạn sinh viên năm mầếy?     Năm nhầết Năm hai Năm ba Năm cuôếi Bạn sinh viên khoa/viện nào? Giớ i tnh bạn?  Nam  Nữ  Không muôến đêề cập Mức chi tiêu hàng tháng vào thời trang:     < 1triệu 1-3 triệu 3-5 triệu > triệu II NEU students’ recent fashion preferences Chầết liệu bạn thường hay chọn? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả lời)       Cotton Da Polyester Sợi thiên nhiên Vải sợi dệt Khác … Màu săếc quầền áo ưa thích bạn gì? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả lời)    Màu nóng Màu lạnh Màu pastel    Màu trung tnh Không quan tầm màu săếc Khác … Phong cách ưa chuộng bạn học/đi làm? (Đượ c chọn nhiêều cầu trả lời)     Đôềng phục trường, khoa/viện Trang phụ c thoải mái, lị ch (hoodie, quầền jeans, áo phông, ) Trang phục công sở (somi, vest, blazer ) Khác … Phong cách ưa chuộng bạn đời sôếng hàng ngày?        Phong cách tôếi giản Phong cách thể thao Phong cách oversized Phong cách Hippie (kêết h ợp nhiêều lo ại quầền áo, m ặc theo l ớp kèm ph ụ kiện) Phong cách Y2K Phong cách Dark academia Khác … Phong cách thời trang bạn thường đượ c ảnh hưở ng từ đầu? (Đượ c chọ n nhiêều cầu trả lời)     Bạn bè Gia đình Ng ười tiêếng, người có tầềm ảnh hưởng Khác … 10 Gầền đầy bạ n thích phụ kiện thời trang nào? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả l ời)        Nhầẫn nhựa màu Vòng ngọc trai Dầy đeo trang Kẹp tóc nhiêều màu Bandana/turban Túi dệt da intrecciato Khác… 11 Trong brand ngoại nh ập sau đầy, b ạn có thích tiêu thụ sản ph ẩm c brand không? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả lời)              Zara H&M Uniqlo Adidas Nike Lining MLB Levi's Mango Channel LouisVuitton Dolce & Gabbana Khác … 12 Trong brand nội địa sau đầy, bạn có thích tiêu thụ sản phẩm brand không? (Được chọ n nhiêều cầu trả lời)                 T-REDX Grimm DC Yellow Flicker DEGREY TEELAB BOO (Bò sữa) Môi Điên COOLMATE ClownZ Freakers 67% Club NOWSAIGON SWE DirtyCoins HBS Khác… III Evaluating the tendency of NEU students when choosing a clothing item and factors affecting their fashion items purchasing process 13 Nh ững cầu miêu tả sau đầy giơếng với thói quen mua hàng thời trang bạn nhầết? (Đánh giá mức độ: không hêề đúng, đúng, bình thường, đúng, hồn tồn đúng) Content Opinion Quan tầm tới chầết lượng Quan tầm tới giá Chú trọng đ ộ tiêếng thương hiệu Luôn tm kiêếm s ự mẻ, hợp xu hướng 5 Th ường coi mua săếm s ự giải trí, thú vui Th ường không lên kêế ho ạch mua săếm, mua hàng cách m tnh Th ường không biêết ph ải mua có q nhiêều lựa chọn Trung thành với thương hiệu cửa hàng ưa thích 5 5 IV Evaluate the effect of objective factors on NEU students in the process of choosing fashion products Content Opinion 14 Đánh giá quan trọng yếu tố sau lên trình mua sắm thời trang bạn: (đánh giá mức độ: quan trọng, quan trọng, bình thường, quan trọng, khơng quan trọng) Độ thoải mái Chầết liệu bêền, tôết Kiểu dáng phù hợp Thời tiêết 5 Hồn c ảnh (đơề làm; học; chơi ) Phù hợp với văn hóa Giá 15 Đánh giá tác động ếu tơế sau lên q trình mua săếm thời trang bạn:(đánh giá mức độ: rầết ả nh hưở ng, ảnh hưởng, bình thường, ảnh hưởng, không ảnh hưởng) Tầm trạng Phong cách cá nhần 10 Độ ảnh hưởng người tiêếng 11 Hình ảnh thương hiệu 12 Độ ảnh hưởng gia đình/bạn bè/mơi tr ường sơếng làm việc Khơng khí cửa hàng 5 13 16 Nêếu sử dụng hàng nội đị a ngoạ i nhậ p, bạ n thích loại hàng hơn?    Nội địa Ngoại nhập Cả * Nêếu lựa chọn phương án hàng nội địa: 17 Tại bạn lại thích hàng nội địa? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả l ời)       Giá phù hợp Tầm lý ủng h ộ hàng n ội đ ịa (Ng ười Việt Nam dùng hàng Việt Nam) Kiểu dáng phù hợp với thị hiêếu Ảnh hưởng KOLs, người tiêếng Dêẫ dàng mua hàng, đổi trả, giao dịch Khác… * Nêếu lựa chọn phương án hàng ngoại nhập: 18 Tại bạn lại ưa chuộ ng hàng ngoại nhập? (Được chọn nhiêều cầu trả lời)       Danh tiêếng Chầết lượng, độ bêền cao Nhanh chóng cập nhật xu hướng quôếc têế Nh ững mầẫu th ời trang m ới l khác với hàng nội địa Sự lựa chọn đa dạng, phong phú Khác … * Nêếu chọn phương án seẫ đưa hêết cầu hỏi 17, 18 Figures and Tables 1.Year-based students sorting Gender Budget for fashion purchase per month 4.Popular clothing materials Color preferences Trending accessories Trending styles at work/school Trending styles in daily life Brand preferences Domestic brands Name Foreign brands Preference (%) Name Preference (%) BOO (Bò sữa) 47,7 Adidas 63,2 DirtyCoins 25,6 Nike 60,0 DEGREY 24,4 Uniqlo 51,6 TEELAB 24,4 Zara 49,5 SWE 20,9 H&M 40,0 COOLMATE 20,9 MLB 24,2 NOWSAIGON 19,8 Levi’s 21,1 ClownZ 18,6 Louis Vuitton 20,0 Môi Điên 16,3 Mango 16,8 T-REDX 10,5 Chanel 16,8 Grimm DC 8,1 Dolce & Gabbana 9,5 Yellow Flicker 8,1 Lining 6,3 HBS 7,0 Freakers 5,8 67% Club 3,5 10 Factors affecting students' fashion style 11 Consumers’ characteristics Frequency (%) Characteristic Never Rarely Usually Frequently Always High-quality-conscious 15 53 28 Price-conscious 15 47 35 Brand-conscious 13 21 42 17 Fashion-conscious 14 32 33 15 Recreational 10 22 29 21 18 Impulsive 10 13 25 29 23 Confused by over choice 15 27 34 18 Brand loyalty 19 42 19 11 12 Objective factors Frequency (%) Physical factors Always Frequently Usually Rarely Never Comfort 56 29 12 Fabric 40 40 16 Body shape 60 30 Climate 25 34 32 Functionality 30 42 21 Culture 20 40 29 Price 42 36 16 13 Other outer factors Frequency (%) Outer factors Always Frequently Usually Rarely Never Mood 22 34 29 15 Personal Style 37 43 18 Celebrities 12 52 23 Brand Image 14 56 20 Environment/ Friends/ Family 12 25 48 11 Store environment 13 32 32 15 14 Students’ brand biasness 15 Reasons for choosing domestic brands products 16 Reasons for choosing local brands’ products ... assure the topic ? ?National economic university students’ preferences of fashion: Fashion trends and consumer behavior? ?? is an independent research project under the guidance of Mrs Pham Thi Huong... study In order to clarify and provide more information about the named title ? ?National Economic University students’ preferences of fashion: Fashion trends and consumer behavior, ” research questions... 1.1 Fashion trends 1.1.1 The concept of fashion trends .5 1.1.2 Previous study on fashion trends 1.2 Consumer behavior 1.2.1 The theory of consumer behavior

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