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Trang 1
Nguyen Van Hung College of Natunal Scienses, VNU
Abstract : In this work we evaluated the anharmonic effects in Extended X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (EXAFS) of Cu in the Single-Shell model They are proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the radius of the spherical shell The anharmonic EXAFS spectra are compared with the harmonic ones showing significant differences Our anhrmonic spectra at T=700K agree very well with the measured ones and are much better than the results calculated by the harmonic model
Trang 2mean free path, F(k) is the atomic backscattering amplitude, 8(k) is a net shift and the sum is over the coordination shells of neighbors of the absorbing atom In this case one expands the asymmetric terms in the brack-cts in a Taylor serie about Rị= <¡> and rewrite the thermal everage in terms of cumulants sm); [5] defined by the equation :
<e™ p= sơ|Š (G47 !m]ø : (4)
When phonon-phonon interactions are important the terms given in Eqs (2) and (3) are required to give an accurate description of the EXAFS The term of Eq (1) including o2 desribes Debye-Waller factor We assume that at temperature To the system is in a equilibrium and the nearest neighbor separation between two atoms is Ro and the harmonic approach is valid So at temperature T>To the anharmonicity appears and it must be considered At temperatures above the Debye temperature the classical model works well [6} and the MSRD o 2(T) including the harmonic contribution 024 (T) and the anharmonic one a2 (T) has been calculated [2] and desribed by:
a (T)=[14B (AR Joys (Ds BNR, 057) (5)
Where the anharmonic contribution is valucd by the anharmonic factor:
rp R )=—— Ađ7Œ) _l§y 8Dœ)° a kyAT -P—— +24), cae KAT 2 eas kaAT v 6
2ŒR.)=“ 5t an! arg ee ee Ì ©)
Aơ3(= ø1()-ø 1Œ): AT= T~T, (7)
In this anharmonic model the harmonic potential is replaced by the Morse pair potential [7]:
U(R) = Df exp [-2a(R-R,)I -2exp [ -u (R-R,)I (8)
Where œ and D are constants with dimensions of recipri distance and cnergy, respectively, kg is Boltzmann is constant The anharmonic contribution causes also a phase change Therefore, to include the anharmonicity the phase of EXAFS spectra is corrected by :
A®(T) = 2k| AR, ~2Aø “(2 -+) ~4g ®(T)k* R eœ 3 ®
Ao ?= 6 (T)-ø (T,); AR, = R(T)-R, = 3kyAT/8Da (10) Where (3) is the therd cumulant [4]
Cu has fee structure with the lattice constant of 3.61 A which was used to calculate the coordiinations of the neighbor atoms Cu has comparatively large anharmonic vibrations even at room temperature, but at T=80K no anharmoniccity was measured [8] that is why the value Tp= 100K was used Debye temperature Ty) is temperature dependent, but for T2100K it is about Constant at T= 315K which was uscd in our calculation The values y = 2 18 ; D = 0.3429ceV; a= 1.35887! were taken from [7] All calculated values are called
Trang 3and called anharmonic if besides the harmonic Cu MSRD the anharmonic contribution was involved
The anharmonic factor of Cu calculated with the
help of Eq (6) is proportional to the &
temperature and inversely proportional to the radius of the spherical shell (Fig.1) These qualities are the same in the case of anharmonic 0.05 contribution 024 calculated with the help of Eq
(5) and illustrated in Fig.2.Because in our theory 0.00
the single-shell model was used then Rg is also 100 30 300 700 800
the radius of the outer shell that is why the TÍK] above are similar to the ones discovered in a
experiment [1] that the anharmonicity of motion of crystal atoms increases with desreasing particle
size and with increasing temperature Certainly, in the case of particle the surface effects have to be included and the anharmonic contribution must be stronger The anharmonic MSRD have
Cu been calculated with the help of Eq (5) and
— 18 shell compared with the harmonic ones for the first 288 shell and the second shell (Fig.3) It shows increasing 34 shell : of the anharmonic MSRD especially at high temperature The calculated anharmonic MSRD O15} —— 14 shell 2" shell r4 chell 0.10
Fig 1 Temperature and shell size dependence of anharmonic factor
value of 0.91 x 10°2 A? for the first shell at
T = well with the measured one of 0.876 x
10° A2 {6} that is why the use cf — persent
TÍK] theory can be extended for the room
Fig 2 Anharmon ic contribution to temperature The mean = free path is k-
the MSRD dependent (Fig.4) influencing on the anharmonic
correction of the phase of EXAFS spectra To
receive o(3) (T) (Fig.5) for Cu we yg3§ Ơ
extrapolated its measured of value 0.13x103
[8] according to its proportionlity to the square of temperature [4,6] The temperature 0.025 dependence of the phase corrections of the = 0,020
anharmonic EXAFS spectra is included in AR, *%
and ơ), while the shell size
dependence is only in the term Aø2/R, 0010 that is why, the temperature dependence of Ap 0.005 is stronger than its shell size dependence
The harmonic and anharmonic EXAFS spectra — 109 300 500 7
have been calculated using muffin-tin potential TIK}
for the absorbing and back scattering atoms Fig 3 Comparison of harmonic MSRD with Because extrinsic and losses involve the same anharmonic one of the first and the
Trang 4losses and interference tend to compensate each other, considerably reducing the net j= effect of the intrinsic processes alone, these loss « 25 terms are simply lumped into a constant reduction factor S% (3] The major contribution to the EXAFS is from the first shell We 5 compare in Fig.7 the harmonic EXAFS spectrum with the anharmonic one for the first shell at T ie
= 700K In calculation of these spectra the value 5 a
‘ 1
S2,=0.9 {3] was used In the EXAFS teehque the ° : ~ ° Fourier transfrorm provides structural
information Fig.8 compares the of Fourier transform of the harmonic and anharmonic EXAFS spectra of the first shell at three
temperature Fig.9 illustrates the damping and the shifting to the right of the anharmonic | EXAFS spectra with increasing temperature especially at high k-values Fig.7 and Fig.8 show significant differences between the harmonic and the anharmonic case The behaviors of calculated anharmonic EXAFS spectra (Fig.9) are similar to the ones of the measured results [9] Fig.10 shows that our calculated anharmonic result very well with Fig 4 k - dependence of the mean-free path
oo oD 300 500 700 the measured one and is must better than
TÍK] the curve calculated by the harménic code
Fig 5 Temperature dependence of [3] From the above results we can see the the third cumulant necessity of the anharmonic corrections in the EXAFS spectra calculated by the harmonic model as well as their temperature and shell size dependence T T 00) 0,25 cy T+7OOK, 16 shell, single seattering — -20) = ok tt shell single scattering Se = ` 4 -§ = 700K ~~~ 500K *40 =« 295K -00 120! 1 Lig 5 § -8 1 4 10 Kay 0 kí Ay
Fig 6 Phase corrections due to Fig 7 Harmonic and anharmonic EXAFS anharmonicity at three temperatures, spectra of the first shell at T=700K
Trang 50.60 T = © abel 040 Cụ mì gies k-AtcomÏ Cu single scattering, anbarmonie
18f shell, single scattering —— 295k Tạ 040 / ne —~ 500x 5 T<500K,AR=0.082 —kmeil kề 700K § 030 —-~-anharmonie 0.00 = ~ E th 020 Fy, rooK, ano ~0,20 010 -046ø Lo — —————————— 0.00, 00 20 40 60, 2 , 10 aa " R(Ä] (A)
Fig 8 Fourier transform magnitudes of Fig 9 Anharmonic EXAFS spectra at three harmonic and anharmonic EXAFS spectra temperatures
of the first shell at three temperatures 0.25 2 3 2 ki 0.20 T= 700K 5 Ỹ Ề — FEFF Om r SOHO of cm £ 0.05 3 2 01 9 % 6 2.0 4.0 6.0 RA]
Fig 10 Comparison of measured fourier transform magnitude with the one calculated
by our anharmonic model and by FEFF IV.CONCLUSIONS
~The anharmonic effects discovered in the measurement of EXAFS of Cu have been calculated They are proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the radius of the shell The calculated results afrce well with the measured ones even at room temperature showing the necessity of the anharmonic corrections in the EXAFS spectra calculated by the harmonic model Including the anharmonic contribution in our model can widen the use of the famous code FEFF of Prof John Rehr et al [3] for calculating EXAFS spectra at high temperature,
The author |sincerely thanks Mr.L Troeger for, his providing the measured results of EXAFS
of Cu,, vờ
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Nguyên Văn Hùng
Khoa vật lý, Dại học khoa học tự nhiền-ĐHQG HIN
Trong cơng trình này chúng tơi đã đính giá các hiệu ứng phi diều hịa trong phần cấu trúc tỉnh tế của phổ hấp thụ Ren-ghen (EXAFS) của Cú với mơ hình đơn lớp Các ảnh hưởng phi điều hịa được tìm thấy tỷ lệ thuận với án kính của lớp cầu Các phổ EXAFS phi điều hịa đã được so sánh với các phổ điều hịa và cho thấy sự khác nhau rõ rệt giữa chúng Các phổ phi điều hịa tính theo mơ hình của chúng tơi ở nhiệt độ 700K đã rất trùng với kết quản thực nghiệm và sự trùng hợp này tốt hơn các phổ tính theo mơ hình điều hịa rất nhiều,
nhiệt độ và tỷ lệ nghịch với