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Tài liệu needs assessment study for market driven agricultural technology transfer pot

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Needs Assessment Study for Market-driven

Agricultural Technology Transfer and

Commercialization in Nigeria

A Synthesized Report

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‘The author are gratefil to the US Ageney fr Tnernational Development for providing

the funds for the execution ofthis sad We benefited immensely from the cooperation and sistance ofthe Abia, Adarawa,

Katsina, and Oyo State Agricultural Development Project Out thanks alo go to Dr

Inga, Head of Unit, Projet Coordinating Unic(PCU) andl heal ce PCL andthe

Agro-Industal Development Unico the Federal Departmen of Agriculture, Abuja

‘We sincerely hope that the contents of this document wil generate enough intrest towards achieving marker-drven technology transfer and conmercilzaton of the rua

Trang 5

Rural Sector Enhancement Program Funding agency

United States Agency fr International Development (USAID) Coordination

Incernacional Inestute of Topica Agriculture ITA), Iban

De Pati Kormawa, Agricul Economise and Projet Coordinator Di Jos Chan, Aggeultual Econom”

DrK Makin, Matkee Economia (Wineock International)

[De Wile Adelle, Technology Tansfer Speciale ‘Yer Nooke,Seterary

DeD Keatinge, Dinctor, Resource and Crop Managemen Division, IITA, Tadan Partners


Federal MinisyofAgrculeure and Rural Development, Abu

Project Coordinating Unt Sheds, Abuja

Ago-Indusial Development Unie, Shed, Abu Sate Agscultral Development Project


Pro B Opunfowora, Consikant Economist, ABISE Consulting Sytem, Lagos, Nga Prof LA Bg, Raa Sociologist, Bene Sate Universe, Makutd

Prof 0, Olukos, Agiuleaal conoag, Ahmad Bello Universi, Zaria Prof EC Oks, Agricul Ezonomis, University of Nigeria, Nau

Pro BO, Ogunbamers, Ral Socalogist, University of Maiduguri

1De0.0, Oyshanj, Agronomin 8 Progzm Leader, Project Coordinating Unit (PCLD, Sheds, Abuja

[D:KiB, Kolawole Agonomit, Project Coordinating Unit (PCU), Shea Abu DCC Molokw, Agricultural Econom, Proje Coordinating Unie (PCU), Shed,

Abia DAM, Haband, Agronomist, Projeee Coordinating Unc (RCU), Shed, Abu

| Adam, Agronomist,Pojece Coordinating Unie (CU), Shed, Abuja

TDrCTL Eoelinna, Apdelưunl Eeonemit Federal Univesy of Technology, Owes)

Trang 7

Contents ‘Objestns ofthe Nees Asesment Sed “eo SCE — = =

Use of erie and sgrodhen

Trang 8

Agricul Developmen Project (ADP) oS ae

‘Tedneg tole mapper ef Marke information stem


pire rope ad ara of highest production by sae

Trang 9


‘Acronyms and abbreviations Agiulurl Cac Guarantee Scheme Fund

‘Accelerated Diseminaton of Improved Agrculewal Technology in Nig

Agieahunl Devlopmnen: Project

‘Agi Inder Development Unie block extension ane

bene cor tio ek even ct

‘community based organizations (Crop Srorage Unie

(Coven Reseach Init of Nigeria

Economic Comin Fede Institut of Ens Reseach, shod, Lagos of West Afean axes

Federal Minitcyof Agree and Rural Development

Forsatry Research aie of Nigeria

Ieratonal Cope Research Iatite For the Semi-Aid Tropics

Ineracional Fund for Agricultural Development Ineernatioml Insite of Tropical Agiclure

Intenatonl Livtock Research Instine

Katrina State Agsiultual and Ral Development Authorisy loc government sels)

‘Marker deven Agra Technolgy Teanaferand Commeriiation Marks Information Sytem

National Fetzer Company of Nigeria

‘National Food and Drugs Adminisrstion and Conca

‘Nigerian Agrcltural Cre and Rural Development Bank ‘Navona Agricultural Ineurance Company

[National Center for Agricultural Michanizaion

[National Gras Reseuch Insite rnongeveramenal organization

National Root Cops Research Insite [National Seed Service

Orpinization of Alcan Uaicy

‘open pollinate (mae varieties Prnject Coordinating Unit

Proje Monitoring and Ersfaation jects Devlpment Agency Poatharves Technology Deparment

Trang 10


‘oval Intistions Department

Root and Tuber Expansion Program Raber Research Ine of Niger

‘SemiAeid Food Grain Research and Development Project ‘Strutuel Adjustment Program

suber mater pects Standards Organization of Nigeria

Scientific and Technial Reseach Commision United State Agency for International Development West Afics Rice Development Association

Trang 11



Background of the study

“The Run Sector Enhancement Project (RUSED) is organized in two phases The pilot hse wil nfo 20 month tating rors July 2001) andi funded by the United States ‘Agency for Insertional Development (USAID) The projects designe to esta marr

tien technology ransfer and cmmercalzation steatey ast evel in ote to generate

‘employment and enhance nunÏ sgieluun cnerpiecio Nỗgeis The gol of the pronto elp rsa democratic goverament though ealleixion

of poverty by generating employment opporsnitis and cation of wealth by simulating Imarkeroriented aicultiatproducion apd productivity I aims o tap the subsancal ‘conomie potential in Nigesssagiculral scor by improving its prodacivisy 2nd somedtvene, ledlng enhanced rural incomes, reduced fod prices, and expanded

‘employment opporniis Sides have shows that poveny lvl in Nigeia have bee onthe incense since 1986

and moss ofthe resource poor work in che agrclrlsesrr and reside in url areas RUSER therefore casero illgerandon small and mediun-scale farmers whe acount

for more than 8096 of the farming population in Nigeria RUSEP srtegy contbutes to povey alleviation by focusing on improved production and ptducirlg of ergeed commodities with wellesablsied and known marker opporsniis These have dhe Potential 0 generate employment though the development of more formalized market

frieaed agscutre By tapping this poten the project can coneribute wo the desed provement in Niger agycleral set anh reaching beneficial implications for

fod sec, income enhancement, and powers reduction a wel associa and economic

development Iie cxpeced that per capita income wil sand the amber of people who

leo er han USS1/day will decree, -RUSEP sme at shift fom asbistnce wo matke-vinted agricul production The

eselopenearand taster of maker and demand driven technologies forthe commer

‘ion of giclee instittion coloring with Winsock lneraionl nd the Fedral Ministry of Agia ae important vb tht cn make this happen INTAsthe implement

ture and Ral Development (FMAKERD) Through this necwor, the jet wl lobby 0 limprove other neces infact forthe developmen of a well Fesoning mark

For the pilot phase, RUSEPisbing carried utin four state (Abia, Adama, Kasia, and Ojo) n Nigeria ology 2nd genpolical blanc (designed wo enbance the unity of

[Nigeria and co stregthen the ongoing democratic proces inthe county) were important

Trang 12

tEetosconddeedineleoingthe nes rom where the projet wll be expanded to ncighbovng or te, Thefou: it ateviliaiaer sec Fas sates The RUSEP elected

‘ommeadesftechnologis ae those with the grates present and projected maker vale, ‘where Nigeria hac a comparative advange ofesononti and national interest RUSEP involved in several activities, each of which wl drecly contribute othe achievement of

USAID Nigeria Stragic Objecve 2: "Strengthen the nacional capacity for economic

‘efor and enhance capaci to revive scleral growth” Project concept

RUSEP is an agricultural development inkatve of USAID, ITA, and FMABRD The major focus isto improve Nigerian agricultural prodatvty and componente

Poverty: generate improved ral employment andincome, enhance vvieconomic wear, ‘ee fod prices, andachieea sustainable food secur sytem, tl aprindusil devel:

‘opments and widespread ru agibusine enteprenutiip through capacity bling, The satgy being popoted for the implementation of the RUSEP concept isto

focus on the improvement in production and commerialization of ageed commodities through the promovionofvibanemarket-diven areal echnology rans and ca ‘merization (MDATTC); fist in the for pilot wats ofthe country, ad later expand

to other sites, ‘The operational components ofthis srategy wil facut on the following MDATTC

‘+ asiableand enabling policy environment and insiutionl sapportartangemens

+ thedevelopmencand widespread adoption of improved and more alepive reduction icchaologies

+ mutker development and marke reforms though aroprocesig, ‘matting arrangement fo agricultural products, beter afiastactute, andthe development of 2 matket information generation and deminaion stem improved ‘commerczacon of arcu input delivery tem

the exablisiment of functional mircredit aupport program private ecotprtipaton in ll ces of MDATTC activites 2 dynamic human development progam,

Project goal

The goal ofthe project sw help sustain democratic govcinment in Nigeria though the

alleiaton of porery by geaeratiog employment opporsniisand wells creion hugh

Trang 13

Objectives of the Needs Assessment Study

[ANeedsAucasment Study was cared out in ech ofthe pilot states vo provdeinformaton

{or project developmen and implementation, The major objective of dhe study were:

+ TR eeetheporemil *Toconduc preliminary survey of fou pilor ates in Nigeria wih he purpose of fora MDATTC of greet in Nigra

= goeratingrelevane Improvement dita Fr sting ster wih igh potedal fo agiuluel

denying commodies and echnologies with high potential for technology

tomer and commercisiztion

= eniyngsubjec-martet areas of MDATTC atv where imerenions a most in ro enhance the achievement ofthe objectives of RUSEP inthe


Terms of reference

“The Neos Ascument Study was setup with the following 1, tøidendỹ dc mo likely areas and crops the sate where technology eanser and ers of elerenc:

‘comumeclization could be achieve

3 to idendf tục pe of technology andthe lee of adoption in ems vite (aorage, processing, et) as chey affect he major crops of interes the of downstream

5 toss the profil ofthe dense cop a fr lee nd mat vin the sate

4, 0 densify the constrains lating guns market-driven arieulure in che ate (€g,echnelogsnfserocure lnpotupply uxien, snd entpat ma)

5, 6) m pedueea dapbeeefpoteseoragibuincee and othesirxolved in the peneovion and điccmimtion efgcelenl echnalogis, formal and informal

Insite, ul and microinancial ncuts farmer groupe, and viable nd

credible nongovernmental oranitions (NGOs) oSdenay key potential sake- holden

(©) tocamine the tole of exiting foncsionalfmerasocations, community-based ongniatons (CBOA) and donor agencies including womeris groups and

propos thet ure roles inthe development and wafer of masker-dien technologie in he wate

(6 to cramine the level of private sector involvement in tems of input supply and ‘output market in the state and propose way to encourage grester priate sector ptciption in inputs and ourpu marke development

7 "tases the presen sation of mates information sytem (MIS) in the sate and suggest way o develop a more comprehensive MIS that can ink producer

Droceors, and the end-user of agricul products incuding NGOS and ote ‘organizations within and outside these,

Trang 14

Method of the study The study area

The sudy was conducted in Abia, Adamawa, Katina, and Oyo sates Abia Sate lcs ‘becween longitudes 700 and 8°10 E and lateads 4°45" and 6*17"N inthe aoutearern part of Nigeria Th climate i ropiol and humid all he year round The ny seo, from March to October, is bimodl with 2-wesk break (in rafal in August The dry

sewen cect fiom November ro Febuary The mein annul snl ranges fom 2000 rm to 2500 mim with she southern aes ofthe state receiving more than the northern

areas The vegeaton is predominantly lwand an fore Human activity (bush barn- fing, catvation, and planing) hasbeen 20 nena that mos ofthe forsshave become degraded The major able crops grown ate casa, jam, ize plantsnibanans, aie, ‘melon, sweeps, cowpes, pineapple, and vegetable (Telia, okt pepper, and romatoe) Farm landholdings inthe sate range rom 0.3 o 1.0 Major re crops

clade ol palm, coon, ning gabonensis ol best coconut, mango, and pu

(Other farming actives include sheep and gout rearing, pouy keeping, abit keeping ch Besing bec keping,smál Beming, and of fam sce, spec procesing and uslzaion The population was estimated 212.3 millon in 1991 The poplation density

‘about 364 peronsfkm: The pecenage ofthe population in agsiultaral production is

(659%, The average housshold sa is about sx persons pe amily A total of 315910 fem Sales ar covered by 212 exenson agents giving tio oF one extension agent to 1490

fam fails ‘darn State asa and aes of39742.12 kr, which abou 4.4% ofthe lind rcs

in Nigeria The sate es beween luiaule 8 and ỊT N and langiude: TL and 1375" Aecoding phe H9)I population censer the zrte hada population of 2.15 millon

‘This was projecred 0 be 25 millon by 1997, giving a density f 63 people’ About

809% of she popolsion reside in rural areas snd are engaged in agricul production sctvtes The sate has about 42 milion ha of land out of which 29 milion i arable bu only 0.232 million hearer (899) ar being pe under culation annually, The

‘mean firm sie pe firming household in the year 2001 was 0.73 ha, however there are x few miu and large scale farmers wih fam holdings exeodngS heres The anal

‘nfl corded wae 1055 mm ip 1999 andl 1366 min in 2000, cveing the pesod Api to Outober and caching th peak in Aur with an average of 256 mm The wegen "ange fom northern Guinea savanna in the exteme souls a sub-Sadensxvanna inthe

‘aureme north The dveearoccology and sol typex are quite favorable forthe production

ofa wide range “Therese tre repionsin Oyo Sate the oe, derived evan, and savanna Thea of cops ivestock, heres, and sored fruits and wee cop

fouragroecoloyclnnes, hada zones wih the fora rejon while Oyo and Ogbomowo

anes are in he deve svanna region Sak 2one compdsing Sal, yn, and Tein local goverment seis (LGA) fl within the sana rion

Trang 15

postion in the middle, while Zone It ithe northern Gina saanna inthe souther part

‘fhe tae, The climate oppor wide rae sorghum, maize, coos, mil, groundnut, cowpea, ce, sugarcane, soybean, eooayam, of ai-fe erops The most important ae

tun sweet ceara The fidama crops inclide tomo, pepper, cabage,osian, and ol “The major naple fod crops ar sorghum, mil, cowpea, and ce while the major cash crop ate cotton, maine, spbeen, groundnut, and sagatene,

Data collection ‘A team of 13 mulidiplinary consents collet dat for this study oer a ptiod of

10 dye using a rapid rural appaialechnique Fiat the agricultural development projects (ADP were vite vo eck Fld survey atsiance, Other data were lio obained fom the Ministry of Agriculrre,ageuleutl inpue companis, and apro-indasis Fil

‘sits were made to villages and cies, Vatous firmer, farmer gro, cottage indo tnd agroindusves were vrted at wala fabscstor ol procesingmachincs in rural and

nhân hat Informal interviews were used obsain information on xing procesingtechnolopies

thet farm eve, proceed fod demand, prodton coms a fim and marke vel, tnd ypesof exining production and torae technologie oth athe nga and cotage

level The data collected during the fld vis informed the eximarer on profitability of fxm prodtion,fiemgate procssing, and cottage (procening) enterprises for difleent

prods Afer dats calleson, che conulanc tec a ITA for one week to live and

Trang 16


Priority major crops and production status

Priority major crops

“The criteria for selection of priosty cope were base on their potential adaprablcy 20 ‘commercial processing capbiliy, socioeconomic and cultural significance, 2s wel 2:

‘conomic advantage in tems of production and consimption of the cops in various oceselfn Yam, cưena, eae planai/banana were selected othe priority major

‘rope of nteret in Alia State “The pity major cope for Adamawa Sete ia oder of economic importance and

commeralization ate maize followed by e, and then growndawt Ta Kasia Sat, the Priory major cope selected bythe needs assent survey were sorghum maze, and Soybean, Oyo Stat has the preset comparative advange in the production of saa,

yt and maize and marker niche for he, rosy ofthe site to urban marker, expected quick rewens on investment, ee

‘of production and processing, aces elative infasrucare, number of farmer Eoupdlaeocalane, ranking by key informanss, and perceived commesclization

potential informed the section of sites forthe RUSEP in the sates, Sdeced sits for [RUSEP in Abia State were Bende LGA for reo yam and Uta Eas or West LGAs for

cassava or plantainbanana Tn Adamawa Sate, the seca ster were Ganye LGA for maize, Fare and Ganye

LLGAS for rice and Hong LGA fr groundnut The selected site for Oy Statin onder of importance wiz Asbo, fsa nd Saks Eat LGAs Thee sis located in Fantua LGA,

‘woe selected for Katina Sate by the noadsasesiment sic Table 1 shows the major Priory crops and ecommended pilot project locations in each sate

“Table 1 Major prt crops and areas of highest production by stato

Sạc Tăng major crops Toeaton

¬ "Yar, esr, ie and plansn/banena ‘Bend, Ulva Kaseand Wet LGAs

Adamawa Mai andgromdnat Ganye, Flore, and Hong LGAs

Katsing” Maize, sorghum, andsoybein Fannin LGA

Oye Mai, asa, yar, and soybean Asbo, Ivajowa, and Saki Fast, UGA

Trang 17

‘Status of production technology, storage and processing, and ‘extent of adoption and utilization

Production technologies

In Abia Sate, the we of improved planting vsti is widespread forall elected erp Improved cassava vats clivatd by farmer include NR 8082, NR 8083, and'TMS

130572 The technology ian input technology practiced by frmers Improved ie varices include ya varies include QMhotersgo, Neaopoko and Akan The yarn inset

FARO 44 (ep), IRS, Suakoko-, Cane, FARO-15, nd BG 90-2, Improved plain

‘ates ince Pra 1, Pia 17, and Pies 3 Cooking banana varieties inelude Carat, Bhiggoe, and Faggamo, The sade and selings ae sourced by the ADP from IITA

[National Root Crops Resch Intute (NRCRD), the National Seed Service (NSS), and Premier Seds, Thee ae mulipliad and distributed by che ADP to she farmer: The sed supply sautin, however, is poor and roaly inadequate for the 319910 far fales

Covered by the exes departinent A government-owned ced supply agency (Aba Agso- Input Company Led) exits in the sate bu its actives se constained by bureaucratic

pocelue Tn Adama Src, private seed companies include AFCOTT Nig, PLC, Sebore Farms,

‘Admawa are maie te and coron Aboat 406 ADE, Alber Sols, and Premier Sede, The typeof oŸ chai emet source theese especialy maize zed produced and matketed

ted ie fom the state ADP and oer sad companies while he est source ether from their ld stock or purchase grain a ced from the vlage market Pate seed compa- ies ineviewe indicated thatthe busines of eed realing every prfiabe for private ‘Cucpreneu but the ivoemen of laa aer ins production and makeing as Gn enterpro ae nox developed Dring planing, son ered see of maze and rice ‘e ealled by private individuals in all the LGA headquarer inthe sate Farmers ae

{vac of the pein in performance of improved cops, bu the major limitation ro

“videeolexảopdon In these cannot net the demand of armen, vas surlutelso igh ome, Current dhe quany of cere seeds

Ín Ketins State, bod loca and improved seeds are in common use in dhe dice sgreciogial zones, Loa cilia of sorghum (Yar Ruzrba, Yar Wash, Gabjin, ec) te epecally common among met in the Sudan Sahelian ble where caltation of

sorghum is moce widespread Improved smghum varies such as Samnsong 6, Susong 14 Samsong 17 (AR), ICSV-MI, and ICSV-400 (CRISAT) are ako used Improved

‘openpoliatd vatietes (OPV) and hybrid cals of maize (DMR, TZPBSR, TZEE, (OBA Super, ALHERILJO, ec) ave wide nging acepuabilty and adoption in bok

ecologies Soybean cultvation ie reatively new and cleation is more common in the

‘sorte Guine savanna zone Introduced and improved cltvarsareSamsoy TAR) and

"TGX-1448-ZE (NCR) The Sate Government dough the Katana Sate Agricultural and Raal Developmen Authority (KTARDA) har evilzed the sed mliplcation program

Trang 18

9o contnetguowe inthe following yea for dhe production of ered seed The te

_goverament has envisaged an expanded sed producon program for maize, sorghtin and

‘other exp fo the yas he, In Oyo Ste, the adopcion rate of new mie vases is very low because the maor-

iy ofthe farmers all use OPV a agains hybrids which give much higher yl under ‘he same agronomic pracices Intemational Fad for Agricultural DevlopmenRoot and Tuber Expansion Program (IFAD/RTEP) intervention has popular cassava production with cuings of improved casa varices, taking about 90% of otal esa anced fom 1999 ITTA, Ibadan, and NRCRI, Umodike, wee actively involied in she

‘lease of iflerenc casa vats sch ak TMS 14 @) 1426, TMS 6 and TMS 4, in ad tion 9 TMS 30572 and TMS 30555 with lowe yande lvl bus higher yield poten

[RTEP is supporting the population ofthe mintet seed yam technology tantra: sins the use of wae yam as seed The popula soybean vatictes gown inthe seat ace “TGX 336 and TGX 923-2EN,

Use of fertiizer and agrochemicals

Prior to witharawalof subsidies fom chemical fries by the Federal Government of [Nigeria (FGN) in 1998, eile were prot from the Naonal Fetzer Company of [Nigeria (NAFCON) in Onne, Rivets Sat; Federal SypesPhowphateFerulizes Company, ‘Kaduna; Felizerand Chemicals Lid, Kaduna and Feuzr Blending Plant, Mia [Niger Sate Wich che inauguration of democratic gpvemment, many mor tate are

stblcingftize plans ln Abia State the estimated annual demand fo flac range fom 198 000 in 1999,

208 000 cn 2000, and 0 227000 «in 200, There was 2 dein fetlzr supply i 1999 and 2000, butane url in 2001 This surpls has not anda into epee

age, as Fetzer sil ot adequately suppl to farmers In Adama Sate, che Federal and sate goverment provided the bulk ofthe erie

‘ne sold inthe tatein 1999, 2000, and 2001 The etatedvoral annul requirement of ‘hemi fries by farmers inthe tie 70-410 This s made up of NPK, 45000 t,

‘tea, 1200 rand SSP, 13410 tI 2001, nly 10310 «a 1596 of the eaicl quander ses distributed nthe sate The ferns were procured by the government snd diseibed

1 real stores located inthe 21 LGA headquarters inthe uate Sales wee made through

‘commie extablshed by she Ministry of Agicaleare (MOA) in each LGA Member of the eommirce were drawn from farmers, ADDS; MOA LGA politica pari, and some

_ecuty agencies The Commision fener fom varius sources and sll at dhe major makes inthe sate Ii however, “There are also middlemen engaged in he ferilier busines They recur chemical of Agrcuute headed the commie dene tat (the feria are not delivered on time; and i) the ype of fra demand are aot avaiable, The quantity offers dibuted to farmers in c sục

tronly inadequate In Katsina Stat, leat onganic manure, especially Farmyard manus, isthe most

Trang 19

teen manure and compost ate uncommon The use of inorganic ferilie,pariculaly in

‘maize hased production nytemsin both upland and ada tes, every common, Though

‘widely accepted by the farmers, cher room forimproveene among moe lees with respect to ime, rates and methods of application ofthe diferen brands of eet for

dlifzent crop and cropping stems This isin spite of the effort of research insttes in developing specific recommendations for Frlize inal the identified cops Hawever,

farmers with acess to the Sasalawa Global 2000 program have shown = grat del of

improvement in the economic uae of fries in the production of mai “The svibilo and u of ferileeand agrochemicals ne discus in the Oyo

Se port bur ii expected to be the sme station at in hes tates Tall the plot “sates agrochemicals sucha herbicides, psc, and red dressing chemical ae reidly

raul in real store the commer ries and towns, Sie ofthe eae ao ae the

agrochemicals to the local makets on macke day The demand for ches sprochemical

low dst exorbitant pier charged bythe dealers, The existence of such markers in urban

‘or semisrban areas contributes tothe high input cous for frmes inthe ural rcs This teandateso lower wage of agrochemical and deplesion in sel nutsiens resources,

‘Processing and storage technologies

Tewas evident during the stay thar storage actives no indiation thar essva, plantain, and banana were stored Yam rored in bans Rie thacisnocimmediaely mile is stored nd mild atthe need rns, Storage of pay te very low tn Abia State, hee was

issomerimes extended othe nex farming season when esl to ay forlnbor and other farm commitmens, Some ofthe nege targeted towards taking advantage of higher

prices during ving the harvest seo, when pies are lower andl during the fF eon she of zeazon periods kineranc traders buy up and tore pay o milled ice

In Adamawa Ste, rua farmers do not store re, maize and groondmit produce for long This is because af che presng eed for cath to meet ther immediate nancial obligations Moreover t0 buy their required production inpus, most of them obtained credit fom middlemen, which they must repay immediacy afer harvest eter in cash fori kind The middlemen ae untlly buying gens of wsercompanics lated ouside the sate These middlemen ae always around during the harvesting pti in eich of these commodities o buy and more for some ine in jute bags wing storage chemicals ‘The stored commodities ae handed ove to their epectve parent companies 3 on as adequate tansporation rangement are completed This marketing arangement doce rot guarance adequate remuneration farmer? production efforts since thi sale prices

ae slay below the going marke prices In Kaviaa Sate, thee ified ssl ofimproved ell, on-farm, and house

hold-levelsoragesuctres Farmers usualy keep the prodaceon-futm unprotected for short period, but largely store produce in oly onsteced thatched teuctures (Rub) around households Gorghum) ot on rooftops and somerimes in empoy rm (hrshed mae, sorghum, and soybean In most cakes size skeen so ta cư tục

Trang 20

Chemicals such as phostoxin, actelic dust, gammalin, and ratax ae used for

prods stored npolyeilene proceting sored products was cimated at 70% (KTARDA), Pblicowaed large-scale bags, dems, jeyeans ete The lew of chemical means of

Rongesơoauex lave been erected in the wate forthe orageof grain under the Federal ‘Goveinment of Nigeria (FGN) Serategc Grain Reserve Program A few age sevtures

-e aio avilable with the our companies located in Kasi and Funes tn bork ces farmers Rave no acces ro keep thee in in these tues,

The market for priority major erops “The marketing sem fr traditional food product is characterized by Hucsatons in

supply andthe aw of supply and demand determines product prices The cue market

Ing ateangement forthe eleced crops is therfore devoid of government intervention Ln ‘eve ndiidual traders carey dục markeing and they operate fel i bo ru and

tran markers "The mating chant for thes cop consists mainly of dee tema flow chanel

[Bats the moveent from the producer through the rural wholesle/ssemble and rural rakes rele othe consumers The scat canna ithe movement fom the producer

‘hrough the provsr to ithe dhe ual aserblefeile oro the urban marker wholesale

‘corals and even consumer The hide thaarsing deel from the prodacerto tbe

‘Sralor urban consumers Though the FGN has placed ban on the importation

Ind coporaon of thee commode, thee are indians thar substantial coseborder ‘ead ee in gral and her produce

‘Unaly, thọc cops te sold as grain a firm gt, local makers or exported to other

sates Intermediate proceed products, such 26 flour, cooking ol, ruwo paplsnacs, Poste and mil, are some ofthe pathways inthe marketing ofthese crops: Thera

XIsdtdon tha the demand for gina raw material forthe manufctring industry is vi de increase in Nigeria, Maize and sorgham are sed incrasingy 2s parcial subsites Te wheat in bakery ie and pat indasees af wel as ra maces nthe beverge

nd bowingindastres Household consumpion ofthese ropshas sulted inthe nite Awaihbily rimluscial ve Thuy sme industries now engage in diet potion of

‘pale and sorghum in onde to mex i requiement ima, soybean pat ovate tes inching the formalaion af baby ood

Bch the industial end-users and the rural producers are linked though the

channcsdexstbed above Genrly he matketingsytem ientenched wih biases against

mullacle produces: Markes ar subject domination by cals involving hawkes,

middlemen, snd porter ll organized into associations These sociation produce saling diel co buyers and de series of incemediries makes ic difiae for are prevent

produce eo demand and get good prices, expecially as they are not usally ngaizes, Fordhcrmoee, many produces are freed to sll her produce at harvest ro say

‘immediate cash seas ort avoid preservation problems, Consequenty they do not uly get good pie for dee effort, This may be compounded for farmer in vilig,

Trang 21

0 throgh loc of physical and inca lifficulieo e to matet This encourages the Innervation of middlemen andthe prevalence of quick sales to them a fame prices,

‘hich are sigan lower than tional and nasonal mate prices “Marketing information i liegely thoagh frmento lames exchange Some farmer?

groupe and asians have set up rangemens for obtaining matketng information for ‘Somnmodiies of interest o them fom all ver Niger

Market opportunities for priority Presently there ae few or no formalized forward or backward istictional linkages major crops

berween smal eae fires groups, cooperatives, or asocations wth lage or medium-scale grinds in any ofthe plo ae, But marker opporzniis exis oral he ient-

Fed crop with agro indartries apc food and pharmaceutical industries, ivesock fet

all sac mill, baker fr bread and conesonery and brewer the primary masher

Arve Cottage lee proctor atthe second evel mates ives who can be aggregate

Tito groupe ate um ee 0 provide eet ctr fr rural commerce ‘Many ofthese induces were denied dating the study But che repors were unable

to provide compchensv informacion on quanti, qa and ype of produc rquised

et given period per indus, present source and Sourcing methods or stocking schedule! fat by auch indies de othe imited ime frame gen fr the neds asesment survey Sch information hast be called in detain ode provide Further data om market,

“oppotunii for the sete prio cops in Niger "The local demand fr sac fom the sexe, pharmaceutical, food, wood produc,

and chee indus in Nigeria appears o be largely unsaid by local production, [As che cos of imports ies, the demand for locally produced sah wl increase, These ar subseantilopporcnitis fr the supply of dey cases mash or cips vo che Nigedan

yest and beverage indus, anll-caeietoc mils and proprietary lrgezale aims

ed ventres in Lagos Aba, Nacw, Ona, Pore Harcourt, Jos, Kano, Kadunas and Thadan, The hey isto produce dry casa mash or chips of sccepabe quality and of ae

able quantities “Higher production and transportation com, widespread consumption of casas as

food, poor port handing flies nd congestion, and low buyer prices make ic unlikely

fae Nigeria o compete fective with the Tat Farin supplving cara chip or pdlle tơ ‘he European Union, were they rin high demand as ivestock feed components

Maize procning offers anoter potential for mares expansion i domenicHvetock fect, for which ithe major ingredient Community use of compose fou for bakery and confectionery product presents another opportniy for ril-bsed enterprises (Garren in Adama State there ae no ao-baze indus tht ula mane, ice and {groundnur as raw materiale o proces ino intermediate or nal products Trươporrsden

‘Sons of imported ‘rising agrobaed industries in Adamawa State relocate raw materi echnical deignpeblems, and Ezished preducs oced the o Lagos which hea sexpore

Trang 22

1 Kassna Saxe, so lowenillsar located in Katina and Punto pres mare into

ous While the mile Kain is factional nd government-owned the mill ar Fancsais

prety owned and hasbeen out of prion forthe a 10 yar Consderableamounts Erin fom maize sorghum, soybean, and groundnut are proce ouside the sate

ture Bed end produces ave produced much a flout, confectionery, mil, beverages,

Trang 23


Constraints to market-driven technology transfer and commercialization

Technology of production

Prsey thee exists in Nigeria a song reseach-ecension fsmerinputnkag system (REFILS) wich astro bis towards the development and disemination of improved

crop vats Buc seach suppor 0 extension delivery though conduct of production

‘onsrint anal rnin and formulation levels de to inadequate fading, poor losis and facies Preset ecension sevice ofl eating echnalogie has len tolow

supporto fer has become neiosie ln providing eleva emtice in conduting fied-evel demonsuarions on eral production problems such as sol fri, and use

and aplication oFaocherscal ond flere, Routine esi vee and wipervsicn tne consrained by low fining, por logis support, and low more among eld ae (Gn the othe bards the strucnie tht nenrpatt the Inpulmaking lineages I ne

funciona Nonaailability oferta! production inpues such at improved seeds feilzer,

Agrochemical, labor and frm implements at cos affordable to famers has kepe the

prodctvigy a mal! im enterprise at low eel In parla deo insliene access

*omaoso and loy len opacty and ski among rarbaed fabricator of ntermedinge

coer sing machine ‘opertons These limi the capacity for growl of commercial production systems for am operations, farmers we udimenary mal wos em

Postharvest activities at the farmer lovel

Tenitedpcsevf SE se cSbiCn cử ca

‘idual household consumption ca be me cossuningandiacfiien, Thị puasejoue

thư bín Si: chiếc pcb Sees ws Bt oF eli peat

‘Aigificane quay of the fren haryen or boca of lack of sage and prceting fale, and quit ofen firmers ae forced roel ther ere when pies ae lowes eee

of combination of problemsal peeration,procsing, and func leverage, However those who can afford eo proces crops benef grey fom added vale

‘All the ented cope are beth dette and indully proce Monto the enced produce ofthe age cope are in dry form The paging requremenes ae

Trang 24

Production of processing and storage technologies

In gener there avery weak emphasis on dhe dissemination of processing technololet

‘within de spinon secon The Agr-indutial Development Unie (AIDU), ITA, the Federal nai of Industrial Resch, Osho (FRO), the National Cntr for Agi-

calral Mechaization (NCAN), the Pojecs Development Agency (PRODA, and other ‘arch and development innitions for agroproceming machines ave developed range

ofsimpleand ecient small eae procesing machines Due othe weakest in echnologi- ‘al ena, thse procetng machines have remained lg with reach inaiaten These

roragype are not commerily salable which would have made them available in large

genset alfodable price, Gap ex in vers of nforation regarding the svalabily of

{Mfordable processing machines for smallacale procawots at the ral level, Fu gate proce licks standards and grading is als licking, Specific consersnes aloo exis in

procesing ona cop-by-<rop bai Fabrication experts in che country has increased but replication of amenable

technologies i lacking bcnise of some rw materi, especially a shee angles, aod Channel Fabricators presently source these materials tom the scrap market and the fishing leaves aloe to be desired The serp marker i limited resource and the

procesing marines may not be duble, Recoure tthe ed industry enor foaming ‘the indus presently producer on rode and not Bac ahoets Even where the reuied

materiale ois they are quite expensive, ‘Generally, adopion and ate of improved procesing technologies ae evident but

inadequate in thereto Atte nomen, only about 30% ofthe developed processing

machines ate avallble the local Bl eel The et ae yee o be extended to fabrica-

tom and processors Thee iy thetefore, «potential marke for equipmen: fabrication, “While women do more ofthe household or cote proesing, the avalable machines are mainly owned and operated by men This undercore the mend for machines tha are

` “The AIDU, ADR, and other institutions charged with the responsibly for the

evelopment of agroprocesing technologies to su the needs of the village and ‘nulla entcpreneutsned findingand spac being They are generliyunderstafed, lunderfonded, and poorly equipped ofall ther oes

Private sector involvement

Private sector iavalvement in technology taster and commercaination is low For

insance, Sell Petroleum Nigeriaand the Ap Green River projec exist in Abia State They ‘ngage actively in extension and seed multpiation and dsriburion and alo encourage

Seroprocessng and lta croft, but thee actverarelimited io theieaea of operation

ihin the ate “Experience ofthe indus seco in the late 1980 and aly 190 may ave abo

Motel the perception ofthe private secor 0 agricultural production For instance, the industrial sector using apicluralcommodits a raw materi adopted a baclorard

Trang 25

lmtegdan dung de SAP yersby eablahingluge plantations rom which they sourced raw materials for maize, sorghum, and whest The importaon of thec comnodidex ‘as lanned to promote lol production In addition to dec produeson, the private ‘organizations engaged contact outgrower organizations whereby groups of farmers -vet xeieel with inpus and eit advances ro prodace certain crops The sponsoring ‘companies later purchucd ths cops This arrangement sealed ina saben os of

‘api because prodocdon on luc eale firms was groly inefcent Ln addition, the aqrowen Eld to honor contrac greament with indus

Microcredit and credit support facilities

“Thesoureesof finance avalbleto farmers canbe broadly divided inc the formal and inix-

sal sector The formal cei iniutons comprise bank such asthe Nigeria Agricul,

(Co-operative, and Rural Derdapment Bank (NACRDB), community banks, commercial banks, and NGOs There ia gener lack of expt in che system to si thc che

quirements of te agricultural sector Thecredic problem irone fac of scr 0 feral

cred and high ines rates duct the current cinpharison deregulation in government

pig Ther islitleawareneon the partf farmer and process abou asble finan

tnsiiions and requirements on hw oobin cede fr tei enterprises, These

<relitnstusionsempleszeroup in diabusement ar dicouraing to fumes and would-be investor Many fume groups lending bur prevailing collateral requirements and delays

tre noc ejstered dev poor linkages and this inhibits sistance to chem Credit fier to suppor: procurement of etal production inputs and improved storage practices 3 the fue eel has aded firmer, due largely to poor onpniationalsrengsh snd ack of

dynamism in encerprive groupe Formal inauons on tei part have been lscouriged in granting loans tofarmes doe

to high defeat and tansacton cost Also, the newly reconttted NACRDB, which Isaupposed to uke care of firm edi needt low interes rts, ha ot ben incorporate,

Government incre funding fr the Agrcalral Credit Guarantee Scheme in the yest

2000 buries cumenly operating at very low expaciy Furthermore, inthe rl aes dhe nance and cred ewok very thinly psd and

notafceny geared o meting fet demand, Funds rm penonalfaly saving 2nd

‘elativesand/oetrade/merchantshave radonally been che major source of financing for

‘many frmere.The informal cede instutions are patronized because oftheir aponee faxmen! neds bat loans granted arelow and unable so provide for higher oer invexments

such a processing machines and sorage is

Rural infrastructure

Generally, ack of basic infasuructure (toads, transportation, posable water, electric iy, ec) inhibit efiency and agricul production capaci, impai the quay of rural prodacts, and isan enormous stain on the labor fore Specially, accenibilgy has dec consequences on farmers agicutual productivity and income: Though the

Trang 26

roads inking the major ơn ae ven good url eer rad nerwoks ae por oF

‘fuentabtne ples Many ofthe url communities sme dng the wee own, This means lation ines of acs fo markt and ate served by dis tracks, which re

re das making movernent of pople and goods dificsle with adverse significant Tngheionlacesekedng cont of isp, aces to eah seve, and ober social servis

reed plc is bck ofa eal and incxpesive anspor oem Where the transport re poor the ately few sade who can ove commodities fom remote villas

Somat the ares Policy limitations

Price input, mates, and red polcesare noc efetvey enforced and no focused on he TH nes Of sipicaneimporance is he inability ofthe goveroment 9 steagthe

ran decaf lal careny The benefit of a subsidy scheme for agricultural Sapte vee lin dụ nọ lly acroe co mall scale farmers veto che conrup practices of

“nung sgcndey cpeidly povcnrsenkfmndionade: TY Kon co underground emake and old co the same farmers a pres fr above she ho điưne bưặc quasties

aoe Jol mer Both farmers and consumers have ver the yeas been subjected 0 {nfaonary pices ince input and ourput makers

Institutional support

Agiolonlieiedonria NgZi xe aden but wet psy underfunded and poly

CN mat majo gap in Nạn sgictleiel the absence ofa market information MIS) This has made mporibl for fers and indies to be cy Inked

Trang 27


Appropriate intervention framework


“The succes introduction of matker-riven technologies and commerialzation of epicure in Nigeia maybe slow and uneven iflefceniely o macket fore, Information

ows and ikges arctan apd vechnological change (spacalyprocesing technolo

in) and demand-driven gricral development ‘Stakcholder, especially at sare and commaniey levels, require a change from

nonmaetbslstence behavior vo inereazed market lations, Contoson the uals and Consitency of supply and demand of sriculturliapu, power-itesive echnologies,

tnd output ate requied ro enaireeficiency in Nigra agricultural sector An appropriate teraction Famework is therfore needed to achieve the desied benef ofthe RUSEP Projet Intervention at the Federal, state, and local government levels +The FGN should strengthen agree inscions through increased funding

+The str Federal and tate government shoud iatoduce and empower hat incorporates inputlmarketing linkage

“+The Feder, st, and local governments should ensure that nfadzueture Facies that wil nae eflsciveparcpstion in agribusiness re pu in

place (sods, lecriciy lecommusicaons and wate)

+ TTheFGN should reduce ails and should subside educational equipment (computes) 0 emble cheaper replacements and upgrading

+ ThePGN shoul a2 mater of urgency incompoate and empower the [Nigerian Agiulual Credit and Rural Development Bank

The Project Coordinating Unit (PCU)

‘The PCU, an am ofthe FMA8RD, should + Birate RUSEP implementaion ac sat eel

1 fiat the maker information system at sate level

Trang 28

.Agro-industial Ðeyelopmnent Unit(AIDU)

TheAge-Inleobl Dcvlepnemr ni (AIDU) an am of te FMABRD, should: Tocateprocesing machine prototypes from national an international

agencies and resench itu

+ teansie machine procrypr designe by fabricators fr replication ‘ensue that appropriate machine peictons are met

1+ ads government oennue thc adaquite supply of specialized machine ‘components ar in ample supely eq, burners elec heting element)

+ advise ADPs on azengthening che Pothacvest Tecnology Department

+ advise RUSEP on dhe enablishmen of plo projets on newly developed procening plans within aes of compative advantage

+ evaluate performance of pocesing sae ADDS, ener in collaboration with the

‘Agricultural Development Project ADP) All che teport recognize thatthe RUSEP should be located within the ADPs atthe sate

level The ADPS should: + implement RUSEP within the sates + create and empower Poubarvest Technology Department + generate daa for MIS

* ssi farmer, processor and women groups in he development cmepies of viable

ensue the exablshment of fume, women proccrer and cooperative groups

*+ provide linkages beeen fer, women groupe, and cedifinancil nditudene biet, and private and public gear inp prodetion


1+ strengthen linkages beeen mers apd procasondagroindsrries trough ontactial agreements forthe production of aly rw materiale

‘provide nd cooperates on improned technology extension and ting verve ofc rganiatons, processors and management

+ Scag ikage wich PCU and AIDU

+ monitor and evaluate is (ADP) activites periodically

Financial institutions “The nancial inntrone should:

+ provide microcredit and loan o frmerorganiatons, women groups, prcestor, and cooperatives (community bank, National Agricul

CCrodic and Rural Development Bank}

Trang 29

‘Localleommunity participation Farmers and procesiors and community leader should

+ Tink cozage proceso, farmer groupeproducers and gio indus

+ facia formation offre groups and imergrop lending

+ search for microcredivloas agyochemieals implements) and improved iat frie sds,

‘+ partcpae in eed multiplication (on x contactor community basis)

1+ search where neces) foc makes for thee produce (rough contact strangemenss

Institutional mechanism on project evaluation and monitoring ‘Therepors abo recommend te esablishment of insaronsl mechanisms for monitoring,

cooing and manning pros aie thong The inition of Pojct Techni Commitee involving key sake- holders o provide guideline and oversight on projet iplemenaion (The is cu),

+ Manloriaghe aplementxiøn cfmsjeosby PCU, AIDU, suá HTA scare level

+ The ADP in collaboration withthe LGA staffs to monitor implementation st the community lee

+ Promote liskages with Nasional Agency fr Food and Drugs Administration and (Control (NAFDAC) and Standards Organisation of Nigeria (SON) ro ensue pro-

cessing machine standande and product qual

Policy and institutional support Research and development

*+ Encourage resach and development of improved (markeble)rechnologies on continuous and eusaiabl bi

+ Encourage the dsemination of rserch findings Extension

Extension programs particulary by the ADPs should shift facut tackle specifi problems ‘with measunble indices of performance foreach expert extension Focus should be on

postharvest technology capaci development and eke infrmation stem, Tisean be

chicved chrough

1+ improved extension rato: at east one extension agen to $00 furmets

*+ provision of vekices and motorbike (sate government shouldbe encouraged to find)

Trang 30


‘Government should der the CBN eo enforce and monitor dhe approved provision om intr rats for arcu lane andthe Agricultural Crdie

GGuaranee Scheme

1+ Government should enforce the exiting run banking policy

1+ Farmer groups and organisations should be encouraged nave 3 cern, erence of het income wth banks

‘+ Farmers and group should be trained ro bil hse own capita, nace capital for invent, and sevice dee operation

Postharvest technology development technology policy tovands agroprocesing and agrbusines should cts on

‘+ Providing scalable technologies + _Imegaring screening and designing tasks int a viable instiatonal framework and maintaining a national design pai

+ Ensuring steady supply of agroprocesing ‘machine components Th completion ofthe Ajacta Ste Rllng Mil machinery inputs and pecilizad

willbe desire oal wards achieving hie poi

4+ _Suengthening the paces ofthe Agro-Indusri Development Unt (AIDU), the Nasional Center for Agrialial Mechanztion (NCAM),

the Cop Storage Unie CSU), and other instuons foe aroprocesing sổ tonjp Eciiie đorlegitenE

Promotion of private sector Involvement

‘+ To minimize che activites of middlemen, rmeclprocesor should be ‘encouraged form themsles into groups, which would enable them 0

aggregate ter produce in ealleion centers into quan and gaalites

‘har woud new marketing artangement be stractve ro nvidia end-user The emphasis sto ete and improve mer ncome

+ Famer groups, amacatios, cooperatives, and proceso should be encouraged te =wer mo concactul geenenc with input supplier and india

crd-aser to improne market opporsnities, secure the provision of gualiy products and services, reduce transaction cons and fone accountability st ered ease ioe

+ Farmer groups and organization shouldbe made to eas product spec wore infsricrr in onder improve thst income and reduce

dare snes

Commercialization of input and output markets

“The RUSEP projec should incre the commeraaon of np and ouryut mares by + encouraging piace sector patcpaion in agricultural inp mulipicon zd dcemination of improved ees and processing rechnoloies

1+ sablshing and omodng commusity approach 0 snd mulkiplicaton

Trang 31

+ eating aware om input arab, con character and sprocoogial sicily

+ creating an enabling environment an other agroiadusial products expecially atthe expo eel eg the for marke demand for food anima fed,

‘West Afian subregion andthe export proceing one)

+ máng MIS to improve linkages shough pris information and disemiaton to stabilize domestic demand, reduce production coss and inflaton, and

‘encourage rl arbusinesentepreneuhip Human capital development

Farmers, producers, and cottage processors:

Parcpaing frmersffrmer groups should betaine in Tsien etnagement

‘operton, maintenance, and oer sechnology management practices

rary proceing sep for aiows products Packaging techniques handling, and rnsporaion

book Keping and rudimentary managemene accounting 'egiqrtien procedre with Standards Organston of Nigeria

‘sequiionofloans and enterprise enablshment

‘ters or procnsing machine lesion ad acqson to ese quali and ality

Training fr input suppliers

“Training needs for inpue supplies (-Feeizeagrochemicl importers, disuibuoes, and reales cried sed prodcers nd markets, contact prodices) wl bein the form

of seminars co sense them on the RUSEP project andthe requirements of inputs by oeclogcal environment in Nigeria

Training needs tor support staff

“Tsing for extension agents and ADP was necded inthe allowing ares ‘management of extension servicer

training nehods and peseaation sl

basic computer application techni go vưiing small and medivm sale entrepreneurial developmen hile

women leadership, oraniaio, and management in groups ‘management and organization of groupe and cooperatives induction script wing and presentation als through the clectrone media ‘communication techniques in eension

‘Elective eension supervision methods

-adlette makedng and conmacualammngenens

‘information onistitonl organization (eg, NAFDAC, SON) tee, tail, lute, healh and envionment laws eqused wo esablshagroprocesing industries

Trang 32

“The recommendaons ofthe reports an MIS include + RCỮ and AIDU should produc national ising of al indus end-sers

of grcultul product and develop a aytem of monitoring erops and indus ‘aw materials requitements Link end-users with saze MIS tha wil connect,


+ Prove and update information on commodity prices, free group! crgmizatons and procesor group with their amamoity specializations, ft

amily land holding per capita, hovsdold tats demand for inputs and outputs, plntng and harvesting fod demand in urban and rural wes, tine by cop,

‘weiter, ad cima tors et

+ MIS should beable to provide information through national and sate ‘cevson and ado programs on lest reseach innovations, input pies

td sure, ousput markets and prices, processor and industrial ender eed, and locations within the sate and county,

Trang 33


Fy LA, 10 Olt ‘echnalg cnr ad enmerleaon in Kain Se Nigel A eportofde Raal Sear and 1 Adama 201, menmer aly fr maken ca

Enhincnen Pps ITA, Kn

Kolmole, KA, L Azo, EC Ober and C1 Edina 200 Neos anemment sy fot

‘ker ives goa ecology eam ad onseraian i Aba Ste Nie Apt ‘te Ral Secor Eocene Pram ITA Tan

Opa 0.0., pital echnclogy take td commento in Alama Se, igi A pe fhe 0 Opry nC Mastr 201.Nedrteczmen ri rxhe-lder

Ria Soan Enhancement rg, TA, ada

Opuafowors, 5 AM Bohan, and ¥.Oloma, 201 Nek steoment dy fe muhetdien spl eelgy tra ad sien in Oyo Sine, Nigel A et fe Rua

Trang 35


ITA (IITA) was founded in 1967 as an international

Sears dày vi) are na ao develop Sustain prodcton yaaa TT becare the fist Aran Ink nthe wore peter of apc! eer ees Known theConelat Group ointmaonl Apelor ear (CGIAR) fred 27 Te so ee fod oy —

Pinusy inte hurd and subhorhd sober of Re Shina Arie y conducing nmaanh and aielavdleEincseengloitimimodetem Ipove fod yates acl stay syaogs ral scares in partnetip wit ational si Intratoalsachees to send MTAconcacte Teen eompiees cameron wang and eine lag Sennen Fe tae ee ee ine Os ele ee ase Te —

ee Osos one es cac

ones te eveyone dc ‘itodes Resch fotos onsale tod postharvest ystems and o tbe olowing eed copying

See ce ce mare ate na Sen mdyam

Trang 36


RUSEP is a marketled agricultural technology transfer and commerialization project, The project ‘was conceived in recognition of the need to increase private sector investment inthe agricultural sector The project intends to promote effective linkages between producers, processors with markets and to improve

Agricultural productivity in Nigeria

‘Market development is a key aspect of the projec

This involves the identification of commodities with market opportunities, the organization and training

Of clients, Including farmers, processors and traders

‘Thus providing the necessary skills and information to respond to the demands of market opportunitics

Facilitating market information flow through an active ‘market information system provides inereased access

to, and ase of, improved agricultaral inputs This aims to generate effective business linkages and agricultural

trade +

RUSEP provides a coordinated and synergistic approach with existing public and private support put and credit) institutions to increase the eectiveness and impact of research This is with the

‘im to expand opportunities in output markets beyond

their present capacity in order to transform the rural tconamy from subsistence to commercial agriculture

‘Thus, the project will contribute to wealth creation, {generate employment, diversity incomes, and increase food security in both rural and urban areas

Ngày đăng: 21/02/2014, 16:21