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TheBookofReligions by John Hayward
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Title: TheBookof Religions
Author: John Hayward
Release Date: October 24, 2009 [Ebook #30323]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO 8859-1
The Bookof Religions
Comprising The
Views, Creeds, Sentiments, or Opinions,
Of All The
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 1
Principal Religious Sects In The World
Particularly Of
All Christian Denominations
Europe and America
To Which Are Added
Church and Missionary Statistics
Together With
Biographical Sketches
By John Hayward
Author of "New England Gazetteer"
Albert Colby And Company.
20 Washington Street.
Preface. Index. Lutherans, Or, The Evangelical Lutheran Church. Calvinists. Hopkinsians. Arians. Socinians.
Humanitarians. Sectarians. Church Government. Presbyterians. Cumberland Presbyterians. Episcopalians.
Historical Notice OfThe Church In The United States. Articles Of Religion. Cambridge And Saybrook
Platforms. Moravians, Or United Brethren. Tunkers. Mennonites, Or Harmless Christians. Disciples Of
Christ; Sometimes Called Campbellites, or Reformers. Friends, or Quakers. Shakers, Or The United Society
Of Believers. Reformation. Reformed Churches. Reformed Dutch Church. Reformed German Church.
Restorationists. Universalists. Roman Catholics. Bereans. Materialists. Arminians. Methodists, Or The
Methodist Episcopal Church. Methodists, Or The Methodist Protestant Church. Protestants. Sabellians.
Sandemanians. Antinomians. Pelagians. Pre-Adamites. Predestinarians. Orthodox Creeds. Andover Orthodox
Creed. New Haven Orthodox Creed. Swedenborgians, Or, The New Jerusalem Church. Fighting Quakers.
Harmonists. Dorrelites. Osgoodites. Rogerenes. Whippers. Wilkinsonians. Aquarians. Baxterians. Miller's
Views on the Second Coming of Christ. Come-Outers. Jumpers. Baptists. Anabaptists. Free-Will Baptists.
Seventh-Day Baptists, Or Sabbatarians, Six-Principle Baptists. Quaker Baptists, Or Keithians. Pedobaptists.
Anti-Pedobaptists. Unitarians. Brownists. Puritans. Bourignonists. Jews. Indian Religions. Deists. Atheists.
Pantheists. Mahometans. Simonians. Pagans. Satanians. Abelians, or Abelonians. Supralapsarians. Dancers.
Epicureans. Skeptics. Wickliffites. Diggers. Zuinglians. Seekers. Wilhelminians. Non-Resistants.
Southcotters. Family Of Love. Hutchinsonians. Mormonites, Or The Church OfThe Latter-Day Saints.
Daleites. Emancipators. Perfectionists. Waldenses. Allenites. Johnsonians. Donatists. Se-Baptists.
Re-Anointers. Tao-Se, or Taou-Tsze. Quietists. Knipperdolings. Mendæans, Mendaites, Mendai Ijahi, Or
Disciples Of St. John, That Is, The Baptist. Muggletonians. Yezidees, Or Worshippers OfThe Devil. Greek or
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 2
Russian Church. Primitive Christians. Trinitarians. Millenarians. Whitefield Calvinistic Methodists.
Nonjurors. Nonconformists. Christian Connection. Puseyites. Free Communion Baptists. Transcendentalists.
Augsburg Confession Of Faith. Armenians. Primitive Methodists. Novatians. Nestorians. High-Churchmen.
Ancient American Covenant Or Confession Of Faith. Statistics Of Churches. Baptists. Free-Will Baptists.
Seventh-Day Baptists. Christian Connection. Calvinistic Congregationalists. Disciples Of Christ.
Episcopalians. Friends. Jews. Lutherans. Protestant Methodists. Methodists. Presbyterians. Other Presbyterian
Communities. Reformed Dutch Church. Roman Catholics. Swedenborgians. Unitarians. Universalists.
Missionary Statistics. First Protestant Missions. Moravian Missions. London Missionary Society. American
Board Of Foreign Missions. Presbyterian Board Of Foreign Missions. English Baptist Missionary Society.
American Baptist Board Of Foreign Missions. Free-Will Baptists. Episcopal Missions. Society For
Propagating The Gospel Among The Indians And Others. Wesleyan Or English Methodist Missionary
Society. Missions OfThe Methodist Episcopal Church. Seventh-Day Baptist Missionary Society. French
Protestant Missionary Society. Netherlands Missionary Society. Scottish Missionary Society. German
Missionary Society. Church Of Scotland Missions. Rhenish Missionary Society. Missions OfThe Roman
Catholic Church. Jews' Missionary Society. Indians. Biographical Sketches ofthe Fathers ofthe Reformation,
Founders of Sects, and of other Distinguished Individuals Mentioned in this Volume. John Wickliffe. Jerome
of Prague. John Huss. John OEcolampadius. Martin Luther. Ulriucus Zuinglius. Martin Bucer. Philip
Melancthon. Peter Martyr. Henry Bullinger. John Knox. John Calvin. Jerome Zanchius. Theodore Beza. Leo
X. Justin. Arius. Athanasius. Moses Maimonides. John Agricola. Michael Servetus. Simonis Menno. Francis
Xavier. Faustus Socinus. Robert Brown. James Arminius. Francis Higginson. Richard Baxter. George Fox.
William Penn. Benedict Spinoza. Ann Lee. John Glass. George Keith. Nicholas Louis, Count Zinzendorf.
William Courtney. Richard Hooker. Charles Chauncey. Roger Williams. John Clarke. Ann Hutchinson.
Michael Molinos. John Wesley. George Whitefield. Selina Huntingdon. Robert Sandeman. Samuel Hopkins.
Jonathan Mayhew. Samuel Seabury. Richard Clarke. Joseph Priestly. James Purves. John Jebb. John Gaspar
Christian Lavater. John Tillotson. Isaac Newton. Charles V. Francis Bacon. Matthew Hale. Princess Elizabeth.
Robert Boyle. John Locke. Joseph Addison. Isaac Watts. Philip Doddridge. John Murray. Elhanan
Winchester. Saint Genevieve. Gilbert Burnet. Theological Schools. Footnotes
A few years since, the Editor ofthe following pages published a volume of "Religious Creeds and Statistics;"
and, as the work, although quite limited, met with general approbation, he has been induced to publish another
of the same nature, but on a much larger plan, trusting that it will prove more useful, and more worthy of
public favor.
His design has been, to exhibit to his readers, with the utmost impartiality and perspicuity, and as briefly as
their nature will permit, the views, creeds, sentiments, or opinions, of all the religious sects or denominations
in the world, so far as utility seemed to require such an exhibition; but more especially to give the rise,
progress, and peculiarities, of all the principal schemes or systems of religion which exist in the United States
at the present day.
The work is intended to serve as a manual for those who are desirous of acquiring, with as little trouble as
possible, a correct knowledge ofthe tenets or systems of religious faith, presented for the consideration of
mankind; to enable them, almost at a glance, to compare one creed or system with another, and each with the
holy Scriptures; to settle the minds of those who have formed no definite opinions on religious subjects; and
to lead us all, by contrasting the sacred truths and sublime beauties of Christianity with the absurd notions of
pagan idolaters, of skeptics, and of infidels, to set a just value on the doctrines of HIM WHO SPAKE AS
To accomplish this design, the Editor has obtained, from the most intelligent and candid among the living
defenders of each denomination, full and explicit statements of their religious sentiments such as they believe
and teach. He is indebted to the friends of some new sects or parties in philosophy and religion, for an account
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 3
of their respective views and opinions. With regard to anterior sects, he has noticed, from the best authorities,
as large a number as is thought necessary for the comparison of ancient with modern creeds.
The Church and Missionary Statistics are believed to be as accurate as can be constructed from materials
which annually undergo greater or less changes.
The Biographical Sketches are derived from the most authentic sources. While they convey useful knowledge
in regard to the fathers and defenders ofthe various systems of religious faith, they may also stimulate our
readers to the practice of those Christian virtues and graces which adorned the lives of many of them, and
render their names immortal.
A few only ofthe works from which valuable aid has been received, can be mentioned: Mosheim and
McLaine's Ecclesiastical History; Gregory and Ruter's Church History; Encyclopædia Americana; Brown's
Encyclopedia of Religious Knowledge; Adams's View of Religions, and History ofthe Jews; Benedict's
History of all Religions; Evans's Sketches; Buck's and Henderson's Theological Dictionaries; Eliot's, Allen's,
and Blake's Biographical Dictionaries; Davenport; Watson; Grant's Nestorians, Coleman's Christian
Antiquities; Ratio Disciplinæ; Haydn's Dictionary of Dates, &c.
To clergymen and laymen of all denominations, who have assisted the Editor in presenting their various views
with clearness and fairness; to the secretaries ofthe several missionary boards; to editors of religious journals,
and to other persons who have kindly furnished documents for the Statistics and Biographical Sketches, he
tenders acknowledgments of unfeigned gratitude.
While the Editor assures the public that the whole has been prepared with much diligence and care, and with
an entire freedom from sectarian zeal or party bias, he cannot but indulge the hope that his "Book of
Religions" will prove acceptable and beneficial to the community, as imbodying a great variety of facts on a
subject of deep concern, worthy ofthe exercise of our highest faculties, and requiring our most charitable
Abelians, or Abelonians, 243
Addison, Joseph, 417
Agricola, John, 370
Allenites, 280
American Missions, 336
Anabaptists, 190
Ancient American Covenant, 308
Andover Orthodox Creed, 138
Antinomians, 128
Anti-Pedobaptists, 196
Apostles' Creed, 102
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 4
Aquarians, 168
Arians, 18
Arius, 368
Armenians, 303
Arminians, 115
Arminius, James, 373
Assembly's Catechism, 141
Athanasian Creed, 102
Athanasius, 368
Atheists, 217
Augsburg Confession, 302
Bacon, Francis, 407
Baptists, 182, 311, 340 Quaker, 193
Baptist Missions, English, 339
Baxter, Richard, 376
Baxterians, 169
Bereans, 109
Beza, Theodore, 366
Bible Chronology, 175
Biographical Sketches, 350
Bishops, Episcopal, 314
Bourignonists, 201
Boyle, Robert, 412
Brown, Robert, 373
Brownists, 200
Bucer, Martin, 360
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 5
Bullinger, Henry, 363
Burnet, Gilbert, 429
Calvin, John, 365
Calvinists, 11, 313
Cambridge Platform, 48
Campbellites, 58
Charles V., 405
Chauncey, Charles, 385
Christian Connection, 295, 313
Christianity, Progress of, 432
Chronology, Bible, 175
Church Government, 20
Church Statistics, 311
Clarke, John, 387
Clarke, Richard, 399
Come-Outers, 177
Congregationalists, 20, 313
Courtney, William, 384
Creed, Andover, 138 Apostles', 102 Athanasian, 102 Augsburg, 302 New Haven, 142 Nicene, 105 Orthodox,
Cumberland Presbyterians, 25
Daleites, 272
Dancers, 244
Deists, 215
Diggers, 246
Disciples of Christ, 58, 314
Disciples of St John, 284
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 6
Dissenters. See Puritans.
Doddridge, Philip, 420
Donatists, 281
Dorrelites, 164
Dutch Reformed Church, 88
Elizabeth, Princess, 411
Emancipators, 272
English Baptist Missions, 339
Methodist Missions, 343
Epicureans, 244
Episcopalians, 26, 314, 341
Essenes, 202
Family of Love, 259
Fighting Quakers, 162
Fox, George, 377
Free Communion Baptists, 300
Free-Will Baptists, 190, 312, 341
French Missions, 346
Friends, or Quakers, 64, 319
Genevieve, 162, 428
German Missions, 346
German Reformed Church, 90
Glass, John, 383
Glassites, 126
Government, Church, 20
Greek Church, 288
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 7
Hale, Matthew, 408
Harmless Christians, 57
Harmonists, 163
Hicksites, 74, 319
High Churchmen, 308
Higginson, Francis, 310, 374
Hooker, Richard, 385
Hopkins, Samuel, 397
Hopkinsians, 13
Humanitarians, 19
Huntingdon, Lady Selina, 395
Huss, John, 354
Hutchinson, Ann, 389
Hutchinsonians, 259
Independents, 20
Indian Missions, 342 Religions, 210 Statistics, 347
Jebb, John, 401
Jerome of Prague, 352
Jews, 202, 319, 347
Johnsonians, 280
Jumpers, 181
Justin Martyr, 368
Keith, George, 383
Keithians, 193
Knipperdolings, 283
Knox, John, 363
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 8
Latter-Day Saints, 260
Lavater, John G. C., 402
Lee, Ann, 381
Leo X., 367
Locke, John 415
London Missionary Society, 335
Luther, Martin, 355
Lutherans, 9, 320
Mahometans, 220
Maimonides, Moses, 203, 370
Martyr, Peter, 362
Materialists, 112
Mayhew, Jonathan, 398
Mendæans, 284
Melancthon, Philip, 361
Mennonites, 57
Menno, Simonis, 372
Methodists, Episcopal, 117, 321 Protestant, 123, 321 Methodists, Primitive, 305 Methodists' Missions, 344
Views of Perfection, 274
Miller's Views on the Second Coming of Christ, 170
Millenarians, 292
Missionary Statistics, 333
Missions, American Foreign, 336
Missions, Indian, 342
Molinos, Michael, 389
Moravians, 49, 333
Mormonites, 260
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 9
Muggletonians, 284
Murray, John, 423
Necessarians. See Materialists.
Nestorians, 306
Netherland Missions, 346
New Haven Orthodox Creed, 142
New Jerusalem Church, 150
Newton, Isaac, 403
Nicene Creed, 105
Nonconformists, 294
Nonjurors, 294
Non-Resistants, 247
Novatians, 305
Oberlin Views of Sanctification, 278
OEcolampadius, John, 355
Orthodox Creeds, 132
Osgoodites, 166
Pantheists, 219
Pagans, 234
Pedobaptists, 193
Pelagians, 130
Penn, William, 378
Perfectionists, 274
Pharisees, 202
Popes of Rome, 326
The BookofReligions by John Hayward 10
[...]... "The Third Bookof Esdras, The Fourth Bookof Esdras, TheBookof Tobias, TheBookof Judith, The Rest of theBookof Hester, The Bookof Wisdom, Jesus the Son of Sirach, Baruch the Prophet, The Song ofthe Three Children, The Story of Susanna, Of Bel and the Dragon, The Prayer of Manasses, The First Bookof Maccabees, The Second Bookof Maccabees "All the Books ofthe New Testament, as they are commonly... Canonical Books ofthe Old and New Testament, of whose authority was never any doubt in the Church "Of the Names and Number ofthe Canonical Books. Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numeri, Deuteronomium, Joshue, Judges, Ruth, The First Bookof Samuel, The Second Bookof Samuel, The First Bookof Kings, The Second Bookof Kings, The First Bookof Chronicles, The Second Bookof Chronicles, The First Bookof Esdras,... ought to be ministered in a known Tongue 10 Ofthe reverent Estimation of God's Word 11 Of Alms-doing 12 Ofthe Nativity of Christ 13 Ofthe Passion of Christ 14 Ofthe Resurrection of Christ 15 Ofthe worthy receiving ofthe Sacrament ofthe Body and Blood of Christ 16 Ofthe Gifts ofthe Holy Ghost 17 For the Rogation-Days 18 Ofthe State of Matrimony 19 Of Repentance 20 Against Idleness 21 Against... And in unity of this Godhead there be three persons, of one substance, power, and eternity; the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost "ART II Ofthe Word, or Son of God, which was made very Man. The Son, which is the Word ofthe Father, begotten from everlasting ofthe Father, the very and eternal God, of one substance with the Father, took man's nature in the womb ofthe blessed Virgin, of her substance:... clergy, the private confession of sins, the use of wafers in the administration ofthe Lord's supper, the form of exorcism in the celebration of baptism, and other ceremonies ofthe like nature, as tolerable, and some of them useful The Lutherans maintain, with regard to the divine decrees, that they respect the salvation or misery of men in consequence of a previous knowledge of their sentiments and characters,... distinctly, that they may be understanded ofthe people The Bookof Religions by John Hayward 32 "Of the Names ofthe Homilies. 1 Ofthe right Use ofthe Church 2 Against Peril of Idolatry 3 Of repairing and keeping clean of Churches 4 Of Good Works; first of Fasting 5 Against Gluttony and Drunkenness 6 Against Excess of Apparel 7 Of Prayer 8 Ofthe Place and Time of Prayer 9 That Common Prayers and Sacraments... Esdras, The Second Bookof Esdras, TheBookof Hester, The Bookof Job, The Psalms, The Proverbs, Ecclesiastes or Preacher, Cantica or Songs of Solomon, Four Prophets the greater, Twelve Prophets the less "And the other Books (as Hierome saith) the Church doth read for example of life, and instruction of manners, but yet doth it not apply them to establish any doctrine; such are these following: "The Third... individuals Matters of a general nature are submitted to a meeting ofthe whole community, consisting either of all male members of age, or of an intermediate body elected by them Public meetings are held every evening in the week Some of these are devoted to the reading ofthe Scriptures, others to the communication of accounts from the missionary stations, and others to the singing of hymns or selected... elders, agreeably to the form prescribed in thebook styled the Constitution ofthe Presbyterian Church, and having them ordained and The Bookof Religions by John Hayward 21 installed as their session They judge that to presbyteries the Lord Jesus has committed the spiritual government of each particular congregation, and not to the whole body ofthe communicants; and on this point they are distinguished... representatives ofthe Laity Nor are these the only points in which the Bishop of our Church may feel pleasure in asserting the free and republican constitution of our government; for, in our ecclesiastical judicatories, the representatives ofthe laity possess strict coordinate authority, the power of voting as a separate body, and of annulling, by a majority of votes, the acts ofthe Bishops and Clergy." TheBook . The Book of Religions by John Hayward
The Project Gutenberg EBook of The Book of Religions by John Hayward
This eBook is for the use of anyone. 2009 [Ebook #30323]
Language: English
Character set encoding: ISO 8859-1
The Book of Religions