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Bioavailability of organic chemicals in soil and sediment

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  • Series Preface

  • Contents

  • Introduction Setting of the Scene, Definitions, and Guide to Volume

    • References

  • Part I: Chemical Distribution in Soil and Sediment

    • Importance of Soil Properties and Processes on Bioavailability of Organic Compounds

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 General Considerations

        • 2.1 Types of Sorbates

        • 2.2 Sorption Fundamentals

      • 3 Properties of Soil Particles Important for Bioavailability

        • 3.1 Solid and Dissolved Organic Matter

        • 3.2 Pyrogenic Carbonaceous Materials

        • 3.3 Mineral Phases

        • 3.4 Anthropogenic Substances

        • 3.5 Other Soil Features Affecting Bioavailability

      • 4 Sorption and Bioavailability: Thermodynamic Controls

        • 4.1 Chemical Speciation

        • 4.2 Partition Models and Structure-Activity Relationships

        • 4.3 Competitive Effects

      • 5 Sorption and Bioavailability: Non-equilibrium

        • 5.1 General Considerations

        • 5.2 High Desorption Resistance and Its Effects on Bioavailability

        • 5.3 Receptor-Facilitated Bioavailability

          • 5.3.1 Receptor Behavior

          • 5.3.2 The Surface Depletion Effect

          • 5.3.3 Alteration of Soil Matrix or Interfacial Chemistry

          • 5.3.4 Release of Biosurfactants

          • 5.3.5 Direct Mining

      • 6 Conclusions and Future Directions

      • References

    • Sorption of Polar and Ionogenic Organic Chemicals

      • 1 Sorption of Polar (Nonionic) Chemicals

        • 1.1 Classical Linear Free Energy Relationships

        • 1.2 Using a Systematic Polyparameter Approach to Account for all Nonionic Sorptive Interactions

      • 2 Sorption of Ionogenic Chemicals

        • 2.1 Relevance of Ionogenic Chemicals for Risk Assessment

        • 2.2 Chemical Speciation for Ionogenic Chemicals

        • 2.3 Sorbent Speciation Driving Surface Potentials

        • 2.4 Relevant Solvent Parameters for Ionogenic Chemicals

        • 2.5 Relevant Chemical Parameters for Ionogenic Chemicals

        • 2.6 Relevant Sorbent Phases in Soils for Organic Cations

        • 2.7 Sorption of Amphoteric IOCs

      • References

    • Environmental Fate Assessment of Chemicals and the Formation of Biogenic Non-extractable Residues (bioNER)

      • 1 Fate of Chemicals in the Environment: Controlling Factors and Relevance for Risk Assessment

      • 2 Environmental Fate and NER Risk Assessment in Regulatory Testing of Organic Chemicals

      • 3 Microbial Degradation of Organic Chemicals

      • 4 Microbial Biomarkers for bioNER Analytics

      • 5 BioNER Explained Part of `Black Box´ NER in Several Fate Assessments

      • 6 Direct and Indirect Assimilation of Carbon from Chemicals as Two Routes for bioNER Formation

      • 7 Growth and Starvation Metabolism as Two Routes for bioNER Formation

      • 8 Recent ECHA Suggestions for Differentiation Between the Three Types of NER

      • 9 Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives

      • Annex

      • References

    • Impact of Sorption to Dissolved Organic Matter on the Bioavailability of Organic Chemicals

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Sorption of Organic Chemicals to DOM

      • 3 Impact of Sorption to DOM on the Bioavailability of Organic Chemicals

        • 3.1 Bioaccumulation

        • 3.2 Biodegradation

      • 4 Concluding Remarks

      • References

  • Part II: Bioavailability and Bioaccumulation

    • Measuring and Modelling the Plant Uptake and Accumulation of Synthetic Organic Chemicals: With a Focus on Pesticides and Root ...

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Plant Uptake of Xenobiotic Compounds

        • 2.1 Transfer from Soil Solution to the Root Including Bioavailable and Residual Fractions

        • 2.2 Plant Uptake via the Root Pathway

      • 3 Measurement of Plant Uptake

        • 3.1 Root Concentration Factor (RCF)

        • 3.2 Translocation Factor (TF)

        • 3.3 Transpiration Stream Concentration Factor (TSCF)

        • 3.4 Plant Uptake Factor (PUF)

        • 3.5 Laboratory Methods of Measuring Plant Uptake

          • 3.5.1 Intact Plant

          • 3.5.2 De-topped Plant

          • 3.5.3 Future Method Development

      • 4 Physical-Chemical Relationships Used in the Modelling of Plant Uptake

        • 4.1 Octanol-Water Partition Coefficient (log KOW) and TSCF

      • 5 Modelling Plant Uptake for Environmental Fate Predictions

        • 5.1 Plant Uptake Within Current Environmental Fate Models

      • 6 Conclusion

      • References

    • Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Organic Chemicals in Terrestrial Invertebrates

      • 1 Exposure Routes and Organismal Traits

      • 2 Bioaccumulation and Toxicity

      • 3 Models

      • 4 Organic Chemicals and Interactions with Biota

        • 4.1 Plant Protection Products

          • 4.1.1 Herbicides

            • Bioaccumulation of Herbicides

            • Effect of Herbicides at Sub-Organism Level

            • Effect of Herbicides at Individual and Population Levels

          • 4.1.2 Insecticides

            • Bioaccumulation of Insecticides

            • Effect of Insecticides at Sub-Organism Level

            • Effects of Insecticides at Individual and Population Levels

          • 4.1.3 Fungicides

            • Bioaccumulation of Fungicides

            • Effect of Fungicides at Sub-Organism Level

            • Effects of Fungicides at Individual and Population Levels

          • 4.1.4 Molluscicides

            • Effect of Molluscicides at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.2 Pharmaceuticals: Veterinary and Human

          • 4.2.1 Bioaccumulation of Pharmaceuticals

          • 4.2.2 Effects of Pharmaceuticals at Sub-Organism Level

          • 4.2.3 Effects of Pharmaceuticals at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.3 Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

          • 4.3.1 Bioaccumulation of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds

          • 4.3.2 Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds at Sub-Organism Level

          • 4.3.3 Effect of Polycyclic Aromatic Compounds at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.4 Polychlorinated Biphenyls

          • 4.4.1 Bioaccumulation of Polychlorinated Biphenyls

          • 4.4.2 Effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls at Sub-Organism Level

          • 4.4.3 Effect of Polychlorinated Biphenyls at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.5 Flame Retardants

          • 4.5.1 Bioaccumulation of Flame Retardants

          • 4.5.2 Effects of Flame Retardants at Sub-Organism Level

          • 4.5.3 Effects of Flame Retardants at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.6 Personal Care Products

          • 4.6.1 Bioaccumulation of Personal Care Products

          • 4.6.2 Effect of Personal Care Products at the Sub-Organism Level

          • 4.6.3 Effect of Personal Care Products at Individual and Population Levels

        • 4.7 Mixtures

      • 5 Bioaccumulation in Edible Terrestrial Invertebrates: Link to Human Exposure

      • 6 Final Remarks

      • References

    • Assessment of the Oral Bioavailability of Organic Contaminants in Humans

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Concepts of In Vivo Bioavailability

        • 2.1 Concepts of Absolute Bioavailability and Relative Bioavailability

        • 2.2 Bioavailability Process and Limitations

          • 2.2.1 Passive Diffusion

          • 2.2.2 Carrier-Mediated Transport

        • 2.3 Rate Limiting Steps in the Gastrointestinal Bioavailability

          • 2.3.1 Dissolution Rate

          • 2.3.2 Perfusion Rate

          • 2.3.3 Diffusion/Permeability Rate

          • 2.3.4 Gastric Emptying Rate

        • 2.4 Computational Modelling and Pharmacoinformatic Approaches to the Prediction of Oral Bioavailability

      • 3 Measurement of Relative Bioavailability (In Vivo Studies)

        • 3.1 Animal Model Selection

        • 3.2 Body Weight

        • 3.3 Exposure Period

        • 3.4 Exposure Mode

        • 3.5 Biomarkers

        • 3.6 Exposure Dose

      • 4 Sample Collection, Treatment and Analysis for Organic Contaminants

      • 5 Validation of In Vitro Studies Using In Vivo Studies

        • 5.1 Correlations Between In Vivo and In Vitro Methods (IVIVC)

      • 6 Challenges and Expectations of Bioavailability Studies

        • 6.1 Improvement of Available In Vitro Models and Statistical Prediction Models

        • 6.2 Prediction of Soil Properties to Compound Bioavailability

        • 6.3 Contaminant Forms and States of Speciation Relate to their Bioavailability

      • 7 Conclusions

      • References

  • Part III: Impact of Sorption Processes on Toxicity, Persistence and Remediation

    • Carbon Amendments and Remediation of Contaminated Sediments

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Sediment Remediation

        • 2.1 Need for Remediation

        • 2.2 Traditional Methods

          • 2.2.1 Monitored Natural Recovery

          • 2.2.2 Dredging

          • 2.2.3 Capping

      • 3 Sediment Remediation with Carbon Amendments

        • 3.1 Activated Carbon as a Sorbent

        • 3.2 Applicability

        • 3.3 Remediation Efficiency

        • 3.4 Secondary Ecological Effects

      • 4 Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects

      • References

    • Why Biodegradable Chemicals Persist in the Environment? A Look at Bioavailability

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Persistence Versus Biodegradability

      • 3 Bioavailability Processes

      • 4 The Microbial Component of Bioavailability: Solubilization and Cell Positioning

      • 5 The Geochemical Component of Bioavailability: Organic Matter and Black Carbon

      • 6 Bioavailability of Biodegradable Chemicals Present as Non-extractable Residues

      • 7 Persistence and Chemical Management

      • 8 Bioavailability in the OECD Test Series

      • 9 Non-standardized Approaches for Assessing Biodegradation

      • 10 Concluding Remarks

      • References

    • Bioavailability as a Microbial System Property: Lessons Learned from Biodegradation in the Mycosphere

      • 1 Bioavailability and Contaminant Degrading Microbial Systems

        • 1.1 Introduction

        • 1.2 Bioavailability as a Driver of Biodegradation

        • 1.3 Microbial System Properties as Drivers of Bioavailability

      • 2 Traits of Mycelial Fungi Relevant for Contaminant Biodegradation

        • 2.1 Fungi Are Ubiquitous and Also Present in Contaminated Habitats

        • 2.2 Fungi Have a Broad Catabolic Potential and Decouple Contaminant Transformation from Biomass Formation

        • 2.3 Fungi Adapt Well to Habitat Heterogeneity and Create Suitable Niches for Contaminant Biodegradation

      • 3 Linking Mycosphere Traits and Processes to Bottlenecks of Contaminant Bioavailability

        • 3.1 Bottleneck 1: Availability to Degraders

        • 3.2 Bottleneck 2: Activity and Abundance of Degraders

        • 3.3 Bottleneck 3: Functional Stability and Diversity of Degraders

      • 4 Lessons Learned: Contaminant Bioavailability Stretches over Various Organizational Levels and Requires Deep Understanding of...

      • References

  • Part IV: Methods for Measuring Bioavailability

    • Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility of Hydrophobic Organic Contaminants in Soil and Associated Desorption-Based Measurements

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Conceptual Fate of HOCs in Soils

        • 2.1 Temporal Fractionation of HOCs in Soil

          • 2.1.1 Sorption

          • 2.1.2 Desorption

            • Desorption Kinetics

      • 3 Contaminant Bioavailability and Bioaccessibility

        • 3.1 Measurement of HOC Bioaccessibility

          • 3.1.1 Exhaustive Measurement of HOC Bioaccessibility

          • 3.1.2 Non-exhaustive Measurement of HOC Bioaccessibility

            • Mild Solvent Extractions

            • Aqueous and Aqueous-Based Non-exhaustive Extractions

            • Extraction with Cyclodextrins

            • Solid-Phase Extractions

          • 3.1.3 In Vitro Extractions to Simulate Oral Ingestion and Gastrointestinal Digestion Soil-Borne HOCs

      • 4 Desorption-Resistant or Residual HOC Fractions and Associated Potential Risks

      • 5 Considerations for the Development of a Simple Intelligent Desorption Extraction Scheme for the Measurement of HOCs´ Bioacce...

      • 6 Conclusion and Suggestions for Further Research

      • Appendix

      • References

    • Passive Sampling for Determination of the Dissolved Concentrations and Chemical Activities of Organic Contaminants in Soil and...

      • 1 Fate of Organic Contaminants in Soils and Sediments

      • 2 The Role of Dissolved Organic Contaminants in Soil and Sediment Pore Water

      • 3 Measuring Dissolved Concentrations of Organic Contaminants in Pore Water

      • 4 Passive Sampling for Measuring Dissolved Concentrations of Organic Contaminants

      • 5 Non-depletion Passive Sampling

      • 6 Equilibrium Passive Sampling in Soils and Sediments

      • 7 Confirming the Equilibrium in Equilibrium Passive Sampling

      • 8 Non-equilibrium Passive Sampling in Soils and Sediments

      • 9 Passive Sampling in Soil Slurries Versus Dry Soil

      • 10 Outlook for Passive Sampling in Soils and Sediments

      • References

    • Microbial, Plant, and Invertebrate Test Methods in Regulatory Soil Ecotoxicology

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Overview on Soil Ecotoxicological Test Methods

        • 2.1 Soil Properties

        • 2.2 Biological Test Methods

          • 2.2.1 Soil Microorganisms

          • 2.2.2 Soil Invertebrates

          • 2.2.3 Plants

        • 2.3 Bioavailability in Prospective and Retrospective Risk Assessment

          • 2.3.1 General Considerations

          • 2.3.2 Case Study

          • 2.3.3 Prospective Risk Assessment

          • 2.3.4 Applications of Bioavailability in Retrospective Risk Assessment

      • 3 Concluding Remarks and Future Prospects

      • References

  • Part V: Bioavailability in Chemical Risk Assessment

    • Implementation of Bioavailability in Prospective and Retrospective Risk Assessment of Chemicals in Soils and Sediments

      • 1 Introduction

      • 2 Consideration of Bioavailability in Prospective Risk Assessment

        • 2.1 General

        • 2.2 Derivation of Risk Limits/Quality Standards

      • 3 Inclusion of Bioavailability in Retrospective Risk Assessment

        • 3.1 General

        • 3.2 Tiered Approaches to Human and Ecological Risk Assessment

        • 3.3 Site-Specific Risk Assessment: The Triad Approach

      • 4 Implementation of Bioavailability in Risk Assessment

        • 4.1 Why Implementation of Bioavailability?

        • 4.2 Experimental Methods Available for Implementation of Bioavailability in (Tiered) Risk Assessment

          • 4.2.1 Organic Contaminants

          • 4.2.2 Heavy Metals

        • 4.3 Reference Framework as the Basis for Implementation of Bioavailability

          • 4.3.1 Relating Actually Bioavailable Concentrations to the Toxicity of Aquatic Biota

          • 4.3.2 Relating Potentially Bioavailable Concentrations to the Toxicity of Soil Biota

      • 5 Perspective

      • References

    • Concluding Remarks and Research Needs

      • 1 Is Bioavailability Science Ready for Use in Regulation of Organic Chemicals?

      • 2 How Should Bioavailability of Organic Chemicals Be Measured?

      • 3 How Should Bioavailability Be Implemented into Regulation of Organic Chemicals?

      • 4 Research Needs in Bioavailability

      • 5 Conclusions

      • References

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Ngày đăng: 23/05/2022, 08:53