Tài liệu Báo cáo Y học: The effects of ring-size analogs of the antimicrobial peptide gramicidin S on phospholipid bilayer model membranes and on the growth of Acholeplasma laidlawii B ppt
Theeffectsofring-sizeanalogsoftheantimicrobial peptide
gramicidin Sonphospholipidbilayermodel membranes
and onthegrowth of
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Monika Kiricsi
, Elmar J. Prenner
, Masood Jelokhani-Niaraki
*, Ruthven N. A. H. Lewis
Robert S. Hodges
and Ronald N. McElhaney
Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada;
Protein Engineering Network of Centers of
Excellence, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
We have examined the effects of three ring-sizeanalogsof the
cyclic b-sheet antimicrobialpeptidegramicidinS (GS) on the
thermotropic phase behavior and permeability of phos-
pholipid modelmembranesandonthegrowthofthe cell
wall-less Gram-positive bacteria Acholeplasmalaidlawii B.
These three analogs have ring sizes of 10 (GS10), 12 (GS12)
or 14 (GS14) amino acids, respectively. Our high-sensitivity
differential scanning calorimetric studies indicate that all
three of these GS analogs perturb the gel/liquid-crystalline
phase transition of zwitterionic phosphatidylcholine
(PtdCho) vesicles to a greater extent than of zwitterionic
phosphatidylethanolamine (PtdEtn) or of anionic phos-
phatidylglycerol (PtdGro) vesicles, in contrast to GS itself,
which interacts more strongly with PtdGro than with Ptd-
Cho and PtdEtn bilayers. However, the relative potency of
the perturbation ofphospholipid phase behavior varies
markedly between the three peptides, generally decreasing in
the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12. Similarly, these three
GS ring-sizeanalogs also differ considerably in their ability
to cause fluorescence dye leakage from phospholipid vesi-
cles, with the potency of permeabilization also generally
decreasing in the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12. Finally,
these GS ring-sizeanalogs also differentially inhibit the
growth of A. laidlawii with growth inhibition also decreasing
in the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12. These results indicate
that the relative potencies of GS and its ring-sizeanalogs in
perturbing the organization and increasing the permeability
of phospholipidbilayermodel membranes, andof inhibiting
the growthof A. laidlawiiB cells, are at least qualitatively
correlated, and provide further support for the hypothesis
that the primary target of these antimicrobial peptides is the
lipid bilayerofthe bacterial membrane. The very high anti-
microbial activity of GS14 against the cell wall-less bacteria
A. laidlawii as compared to various conventional bacteria
confirms our earlier suggestion that the avid binding of this
peptide to the bacterial cell wall is primarily responsible for
its reduced antimicrobial activity against such organisms.
The relative magnitude ofthe effects of GS itself, andof the
three ring-size GS analogs, onphospholipidbilayer organi-
zation and cell growth correlate relatively well with the
effective hydrophobicities and amphiphilicities of these
peptides but less well with their relative charge density,
intrinsic hydrophobicities or conformational flexibilities.
Nevertheless, all of these parameters, as well as others, may
influence theantimicrobial potency and hemolytic activity of
GS analogs.
Keywords: antimicrobial peptides; gramicidin S; phospholi-
pid bilayers; membranes.
Gramicidin S (GS) is a cyclic decapeptide of primary
structure [cyclo-(Val-Orn-Leu-
] first isolated
from Bacillus brevis [1] and is one of a series of
antimicrobial peptides produced by this microorganism
[2,3]. GS exhibits potent antibiotic activity against a broad
spectrum of both Gram-negative and Gram-positive
bacteria, as well as against several pathogenic fungi [4–
7]. Unfortunately, GS is rather nonspecific in its actions
Correspondence to R. N. McElhaney, Department of Biochemistry, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alberta, Canada T6G 2H7.
Fax: +1 780 4920095, E-mail: rmcelhan@gpu.srv.ualberta.ca
Abbreviations: GS, gramicidin S; Myr
Gro-PCho, dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine; Myr
Gro-PEtn, dimyristoylglycerophosphoethanolamine;
Gro-PGro, dimyristoylglycerophosphoglycerol; DSC, differential scanning calorimetry; L
, lamellar liquid-crystalline phase; L
or L
lamellar gel phase with untilted or tilted hydrocarbon chains, respectively; L
or L
, lamellar crystalline phase with untilted or tilted hydrocarbon
chains, respectively; P
, lamellar rippled gel phase with tilted hydrocarbon chains; PtdCho, phosphatidylcholine; PtdEtn, phosphatidylethanol-
amine; PtdGro, phosphatidylglycerol; PamOleGro-PCho, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycerophosphocholine; PamOleGro-PEtn, 1-palmitoyl-
2-oleoyl-glycerophospholamine; PamOleGro-PGro, 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-glycerophosphoglycerol.
*Present address: Department of Chemistry, Wilfred Laurier University, Waterloo, Ontario, Canada N2L 3C5.
Present address: Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Genetics, University of Colorado, Health Sciences Center, 4200 East Ninth Avenue,
Denver, CO 80262, USA.
(Received 9 August 2002, revised 9 October 2002, accepted 15 October 2002)
Eur. J. Biochem. 269, 5911–5920 (2002) Ó FEBS 2002 doi:10.1046/j.1432-1033.2002.03315.x
and exhibits appreciable hemolytic as well as antimicrobial
activity, thus restricting the potential use of GS as an
antibiotic to topical applications at present. However,
recent work has shown that structural analogsof GS
can be designed with markedly reduced hemolytic activity
and enhanced antimicrobial activity (see below), suggest-
ing the possibility that appropriate GS derivatives may
be used as potent oral or injectable broad-spectrum
antibiotics [4–7].
GS has been extensively studied by a wide range of
physical techniques [2,3] and its 3D structure is well
determined. In this minimum energy conformation, the
two tripeptide sequences Val-Orn-Leu form an antiparallel
b-sheet terminated on each side by a type II¢ b-turn formed
by the two
-Phe-Pro sequences. Four intramolecular
hydrogen bonds, involving the amide protons and carbonyl
groups ofthe two Leu and two Val residues, stabilize this
rather rigid structure. The GS molecule is amphiphilic, with
the two somewhat polar and positively charged Orn
sidechains andthe two
-Phe rings projecting from one
side of this molecule, andthe four hydrophobic Leu and Val
sidechains projecting from the other side. Moreover, the
amphiphilic nature of GS is required for its antimicrobial
activity [2,3]. A number of studies have shown that this
conformation ofthe GS molecule is maintained in water, in
protic and aprotic organic solvents of widely varying
polarity, and in detergent micelles andphospholipid bilay-
ers, even at high temperatures and in the presence of agents
which often alter protein conformation.
There is good evidence from studies ofthe interaction of
GS and its analogs with bacterial cells that the destruction
of the integrity ofthe lipid bilayerofthe inner membrane
is the primary mode ofantimicrobial action of this peptide
[8]. In support of this hypothesis, GS has been found to
interact strongly with phospholipidmodel membranes,
perturbing their organization and increasing their per-
meability. In recent years we have extended these studies
of GS/phospholipid bilayer interactions considerably.
Specifically, we have investigated the strength and nature
of the interactions of GS with phospholipid bilayers by
utilizing differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) to mon-
itor the effect on this peptideonphospholipid thermo-
tropic phase behavior [9]. We demonstrated by
spectroscopy [10] and X-ray diffraction [11] that GS can
induce inverted nonlamellar cubic phases in various
phospholipid vesides by producing negative monolayer
curvature stress and that GS causes thinning of phosphol-
ipid bilayers. We showed by densitometry and sound
velocimetry that GS binding to PtdCho bilayers decreases
the temperature and cooperativity of their gel/liquid-
crystalline phase transition and increases the volume
compressibility and decreases the density ofthe host
bilayer [12], indicating that GS increases the motional
freedom ofthe lipid hydrocarbon chains. We also showed
that cholesterol decreases the effect of GS on phospholipid
bilayers, at least primarily by reducing the penetration of
the peptide into thephospholipidmodel membrane [13].
We demonstrated by Fourier transform infrared spectros-
copy that GS is located at the polar/apolar interfacial
region ofphospholipid bilayers near the glycerol backbone
region below the polar headgroups and above the fatty
acyl chains, and that GS penetrates more deeply into
anionic and more fluid phospholipid bilayers [14]. Finally,
using solid-state
F-NMR spectroscopy and a
GS analog, we showed that GS is aligned with its cyclic
b-sheet ring lying flat in the plane ofthe bilayer, consistent
with its amphiphilic character, although the peptide
molecules rotate rapidly and wobble in liquid-crystalline
PtdCho bilayers [15].
We have recently shown that there are several structural
variations ofthe GS molecule which can lead to a
dissociation ofantimicrobialand hemolytic activities [4–7],
including variations in ring size [5]. The secondary
structures of these ring-sizeanalogs exhibit a definite
periodicity in b-sheet structure, with rings containing six,
10 and 14 residues having the conventional antiparallel
b-sheet structure of GS, and those containing eight or 12
residues having largely distorted structures [5,16].
Although GS analogs containing fewer than 10 residues
exhibit no significant antimicrobial or hemolytic activities,
the 12-residue peptide (GS12) retains appreciable activity
against Gram-negative bacteria and fungi, exhibits consid-
erably reduced activity against Gram-positive bacteria, but
most importantly also displays a significantly reduced
hemolytic activity, resulting in a significant improvement
in microbial specificity (therapeutic index) for Gram-
negative bacteria. In contrast, the 14-residue analog
(GS14) shows markedly reduced antimicrobial activity
against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria
and increased hemolytic activity as compared to GS itself
and thus a much lower therapeutic index [5]. These results
are important because they establish that it is possible to
dissociate theantimicrobialand hemolytic activities of GS
by ring-size alterations.
In this paper, we present our initial results dealing
with the interactions ofthe three biologically active ring-
size analogsof GS (GS10, GS12 and GS14) with
phospholipid bilayermodel membranes. We first investi-
gated theeffectsof these GS ring-sizeanalogson the
thermotropic phase behavior of LMVs composed of
dimyristoylglycerophosphocholine (Myr
Gro-PCho), dimy-
ristoylglycerophosphoethanolamine (Myr
Gro-PEtn) and
dimyristoylglycerophosphoglycerol (Myr
Gro-PGro) by
DSC, in order to determine their effectson phospholipid
bilayer organization in the gel and liquid-crystalline states.
We then studied the effect of these analogson the
permeability of LUVs composed of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoyl-
glycerophosphocholine (PamOleGro-PCho), 1-palmitoyl-
2-oleoylglycerophosphoethanolamine (PamOleGro-PEtn)
and 1-palmitoyl-2-oleoylglycerophosphoglycerol (PamOle-
Gro-PGro), in order to assess their relative abilities to
disrupt lipid membranes. We chose to study the zwitter-
ionic, bilayer-preferring phospholipid PtdCho as it is
abundant in the outer monolayer ofthe lipid bilayers of
mammalian plasma membranes [17], while the zwitter-
ionic, nonbilayer phase-preferring PtdEtn andthe anionic,
bilayer phase-preferring PtdGro are thought to be
common components ofthe outer monolayer of the
lipid bilayerof bacterial membranes [18,19]. Finally, we
investigated the relative abilities of GS10, GS12 and
GS14 to inhibit thegrowthof A. laidlawii B, a cell wall-
less Gram-positive bacteria. The goal of this work is to
understand the relationship between the structure of
these GS ring-size analogs, their interactions with
phospholipid bilayermodel membranes, and their anti-
microbial and hemolytic activities.
5912 M. Kiricsi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
The three ring-sizeanalogsof GS studied here were
synthesized and purified as described previously [4–6]. The
phospholipids utilized in this study were purchased from
Avanti Polar Lipids (Alabaster, AL, USA) andthe calcein
from Molecular Probes (Eugene, OR, USA) and all were
used without further purification. All ofthe other chemicals
utilized here were highest purity reagent grade purchased
from BDH Inc. (Toronto, ON, Canada) and were used as
The lipid/peptide mixtures for the DSC studies were
prepared by mixing the appropriate amounts of phospho-
lipid andpeptide dissolved in methanol and ethanol,
respectively, removing the solvent under a stream of N
and exposing the resultant lipid/peptide films to high
vacuum overnight to remove any traces of solvent. Fully
hydrated peptide-containing MLVs were then prepared by
vortexing in excess aqueous buffer (10 m
100 m
NaCl, 2 m
above the main phase transition temperature of the
phospholipid component. This procedure, andthe rationale
for utilizing it, have been described previously [9].
The calorimetry was performed on a Nano-DSC Calori-
meter (Calorimetry Sciences Corp., Spanish Fork, UT,
USA) utilizing a scan rate of 10 °CÆh
. Sample runs were
repeated at least three times to insure reproducibility. Data
acquisition and analysis was carried out using
-2 (MicroCal LLC, Northampton, MA, USA) and
ORIGIN software (OriginLab Corporation, Northampton,
MA, USA). Samples containing the GS ring-size analogs
alone, dissolved in buffer at a peptide concentration
corresponding to that present in the phospholipid-peptide
mixtures, exhibit no detectable thermal events over the
temperature range 0–90 °C. This indicates that these
peptides do not undergo any cooperative thermal denatur-
ation over this temperature range and thus that the
endothermic events observed by DSC arise exclusively from
phase transitions ofthe phospholipid.
The calcein leakage experiments were performed essen-
tially as previously described [20]. Briefly, the phospholipid
vesicles were prepared by drying chloroform solutions of
PamOleGro-PCho or PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-
PGro (7 : 3 molar ratio) under N
in a round-bottomed
flask and removing traces ofthe solvent by overnight
vacuum. The dry lipid film was then hydrated by the same
buffer used for the DSC experiments, but in this case also
containing a high concentration (70 m
vortexing at room temperature. The resulting MLVs were
then freeze-thawed several times and extruded through a
100-mm filter using a LipoFast apparatus (Avestin Inc.,
Ottawa, ON, Canada). The resulting LUVs were then
passed through a Sephadex G-50 column to remove calcein
not trapped inside thephospholipid vesicles. The peptide-
induced leakage ofthe self-quenched calcein from the LUVs
was then monitored by measuring the fluorescence of
calcein released into the aqueous buffer as a function of time
at 25 °C. The fluorescence intensity was measured with a
Perkin-Elmer LS50B spectrophotometer (Beaconsfield,
UK) utilizing slit widths for both excitation and emission
of 3 nm and quartz cells of 1-cm path length; the excitation
and emission were recorded at wavelengths of 496 and
516 nm, respectively.
The A. laidlawiiB cells were grown and cell growth was
monitored turbidometriedly, all as previously described [21].
The effect ofthering-sizeanalogs studied here on cell
growth was monitored by adding various concentrations of
these peptides to the culture medium just prior to the
addition of a 10% by volume inoculation with cells in the
mid log phase of growth.
Structure and biological activities of GS ring-size
The amino acid sequences andthe 3D structures ofthe three
ring-size analogsof GS studied here are presented in Fig. 1.
These three peptides are all based onthe structure of GS
itself except that the
-Phe residue in each ofthe two type II¢
b-turns has been replaced by a
-Tyr residue andthe Orn
residues have been replaced by Lys residues. The former
replacement was made to increase the water solubility of
these compounds andthe latter to decrease the cost of
chemical synthesis [4–7]. Note that these conservative amino
acid substitutions do not by themselves significantly alter
the conformation or biological activity of these peptides, as
shown by the fact that the structure in aqueous solution,
and antimicrobialand hemolytic activities, of GS and GS10
are similar, although GS is slightly more active against both
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria than is GS10
Perturbation ofphospholipid thermotropic phase
behavior by GS ring-size analogs
We studied theeffectsof concentrations of these GS ring-
size analogs ranging from 1 to 4 mole percent on the
thermotropic phase behavior of aqueous dispersions of two
zwitterionic phospholipids and one anionic phospholipid by
DSC. In each case the result of progressively increasing the
Fig. 1. The amino acid sequence, structure and conformation ofthe ring-
size analogsof GS studied here (GS10, GS12 and GS14) in aqueous
Ó FEBS 2002 GramicidinS analog–membrane interactions (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 5913
peptide concentration was simply to progressively increase
the magnitude ofthe characteristic effectsof each particular
analog onthe thermotropic phase behavior of each
phospholipid system examined. We have thus chosen to
present DSC thermograms for each GS ring-size analog and
each phospholipid system at only the highest peptide
concentration tested, as the characteristic differences in
their effects are most clear under these circumstances. We
also point out that a peptide concentration of 4 mole
percent (phospholipid/peptide molar ratio of 25 : 1) is well
within the physiologically relevant concentration range for
GS itself [2,3,8].
The initial DSC heating thermograms, illustrating the
thermotropic phase behavior of large MLVs composed of
Gro-PCho alone andof Myr
mixtures, are presented in Fig. 2. The MLVs composed of
Gro-PCho alone exhibit two transitions on heating, a
less enthalpic, less cooperative pretransition centered at
14 °C and a more enthalpic, more cooperative main phase
transition centered at 24 °C. The pretransition corresponds
to the conversion of a planar lamellar gel phase with tilted
hydrocarbon chains (the L
phase) to the rippled gel phase
with tilted hydrocarbon chains (the P
phase) andthe main
phase transition to the conversion ofthe P
phase to the
lamellar liquid-crystalline (L
phase. A subtransition cen-
tered at 16 °C is not observed here because this sample was
not extensively annealed at low temperatures. For a more
complete description ofthe thermotropic phase behavior of
Gro-PCho and other members ofthe homologous
series of linear disaturated PCs, the reader is referred to
Lewis et al. [22].
The effect ofthe incorporation of 4 mole percent
(peptide/phospholipid molar ratio 1 : 25) ofthe three GS
ring-size analogs studied here onthe thermotropic phase
behavior ofthe host Myr
Gro-PCho bilayer varies greatly,
as illustrated in Fig. 2. For GS12, a single DSC endotherm
is observed whose temperature and enthalpy are essentially
unchanged from that of Myr
Gro-PCho alone and whose
cooperativity is only moderately reduced. In contrast, the
incorporation of both GS10 and GS14 produce much
broader, lower enthalpy DSC endotherms, particularly in
the case ofthe latter peptide. In fact in both instances, these
two peptides produce two-component DSC traces consist-
ing of a relatively more cooperative, higher enthalpy
component centered at a lower temperature than the main
phase transition temperature of Myr
Gro-PCho alone, and
a much less cooperative, more enthalpic component
centered at a higher temperature (see Fig. 3). Moreover,
the magnitude in the downward shift in the temperature of
the sharp component, andofthe upward shift in the
temperature ofthe broad component, is greater for GS14
than for GS10. Also, the relative enthalpy ofthe higher
temperature DSC component is considerably greater and
the cooperativity of this component is considerably less in
the GS14/Myr
PCho MLVs. According to our prior studies of GS/
Gro-PCho mixtures, we interpret the sharp and broad
components ofthe two-component DSC endotherms as the
chain-melting phase transition of peptide-poor and peptide-
enriched phospholipid domains, respectively [9]. Note also
that the incorporation of GS10 and GS14 abolish the
pretransition of Myr
Gro-PCho whereas the incorporation
of GS12 does not. These results suggest that GS12 perturbs
the thermotropic phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PCho bilay-
ers to a much lesser extent than does GS10 and GS14, and
that GS14 is more potent in this regard than is GS10.
Fig. 2. Initial high-sensitivity DSC heating scans illustrating the effect of
the addition of 4 mole percent GS10, GS 12 or GS14 onthe thermotropic
phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PCho MLVs.
Fig. 3. A DSC heating thermogram of Myr
Gro-PCho MLVs con-
taining 4 mole percent GS14 (–
—) and its deconvolution into sharp and
broad components (- - - -).
5914 M. Kiricsi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
Interestingly, GS14 and GS10 alter the phase behavior of
itself [9].
DSC heating scans of MLVs composed of Myr
PEtn alone, or of Myr
Gro-PEtn containing 4 mole percent
of one ofthe three ring-sizeanalogsof GS, are presented in
Fig. 4. Aqueous dispersions of Myr
Gro-PEtn alone, which
have not been extensively incubated at low temperatures
prior to calorimetric analysis, exhibit a single fairly cooper-
ative, relatively energetic L
phase transition centered
near 50 °C (see [23] for a more complete description of the
thermotropic phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PEtn and other
members ofthe homologous series of linear saturated
PtdEtns). If peptide-containing Myr
Gro-PEtn MLVs are
exposed to temperatures above but near to the L
transition of Myr
Gro-PEtn, the presence of these peptides
has only a very small effect onthe main phase transition,
causing a slight reduction in the phase transition tempera-
ture and a modest decrease in the cooperativity ofthe phase
transition with no detectable change in the overall transition
enthalpy (see Fig. 4A). However, if these peptide-containing
Gro-PEtn vesicles are exposed to temperatures well
above the L
phase transition temperature, then subse-
quent DSC heating scans reveal an additional decrease in
the temperature and cooperativity, but still little change in
the enthalpy, ofthe chain-melting phase transition (see
Fig. 4B). Interestingly, however, GS14 and GS10 again
exhibit larger effectsonthe thermotropic phase behavior of
Gro-PEtn than does GS12. However, in all cases the
presence of these peptides produces only a slight destabi-
lization ofthe L
phase relative to the L
phase of Myr
PEtn bilayers, as also observed previously with GS itself [9].
Also, repeated recycling through the phase transition
temperature actually increases the magnitude ofthe effect
of these peptides on Myr
Gro-PEtn phase behavior, in
contrast to the situation with Myr
Gro-PCho MLVs. This
effect, which was also observed to a lesser extent with GS
itself [9], suggests that repeated exposure to high tempera-
tures facilitates peptide incorporation into Myr
The initial DSC heating scans of MLVs of Myr
PGro alone, or Myr
Gro-PGro MLVs containing 4 mole
percent of one ofthe three GS ring-sizeanalogs studied here,
are shown in Fig. 5. Aqueous dispersions of Myr
PGro alone, which have not been extensively annealed at
low temperatures, exhibit two endothermic events upon
heating, a less energetic pretransition near 14 °C and a more
energetic main transition near 24 °C. Again, a subtransition
phase transition) centered near 25 or 40 °C is not
observed under these conditions. The pretransition arises
form a conversion ofthe (L
) phase and the
main transition from the conversion ofthe P
to the L
phase. For a more detailed discussion ofthe thermotropic
phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PGro and other members of
the homologous series of linear saturated PGs, see Zhang
et al. [24].
The addition of 4 mol percent of one ofthe three GS
ring-size analogsof GS studied has a relatively modest effect
on the thermotropic phase behavior of Myr
MLVs. In all cases the presence ofpeptide decreases the
cooperativity ofthe main transition. Also, each peptide
induces the presence of a second, less enthalpic, broad
component ofthe DSC endotherm which occurs at a higher
temperature than does the more enthalpic sharp compo-
nent. As well, in the case of GS14 only, additional
endothermic events are noted at temperatures near 31 and
39 °C. As before, the magnitude ofthe effect of these
peptides onthe cooperativity ofthe main phase transition
decreases in the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12. Moreover,
GS14 decreases the enthalpy ofthe main phase transition of
Gro-PGro substantially whereas GS12 and GS10
actually appear to slightly increase the total enthalpy of the
two-component main phase transition. We note that GS
itself, however, has a greater effect onthe thermotropic
phase of Myr
Gro-PGro MLVs than do any ofthe three
Fig. 4. Initial high-sensitivity DSC heating scans illustrating the effect of
the addition of 4 mol percent GS10, GS12 or GS14 onthe thermotropic
phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PEtn MLVs. (A) Myr
Gro-PEtn MLVs
not exposed to high temperatures (i.e. temperatures above 65–70 °C).
(B) Myr
Gro-PEtn MLVs exposed to high temperatures (i.e. temper-
atures of 75 °Corhigher).
Fig. 5. Initial high-sensitivity DSC heating scans illustrating the effect of
the addition of 4 mole percent GS10, GS12 or GS14 onthe thermotropic
phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PGro MLVs.
Ó FEBS 2002 GramicidinS analog–membrane interactions (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 5915
ring-size analogs studied here [9]. Also, as noted previously
for GS, recycling through the phase transition temperature
has little effect onphospholipid phase behavior in contrast
to the situation with Myr
Gro-PCho and Myr
MLVs, suggesting that these peptides readily incorporate
into Myr
Gro-PGro bilayers in the liquid-crystalline state
and remain incorporated in the gel state.
Permeabilization ofphospholipid bilayers by GS
ring-size analogs
In order to determine the relative abilities of these three ring-
size analogsof GS to permeabilize phospholipid bilayers, we
determined the amount of entrapped calcein dye released by
the addition of 4 mole percent peptide to LUVs composed
of either PamOleGro-PCho or a mixture of PamOleGro-
PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro (7 : 3 molar ratio). PamOleGro-
PCho was selected to mimic thephospholipid composition
of the outer monolayer of eukaryotic plasma membranes
[17] andthe PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro mixture
tomimicthephospholipid composition ofthe Escherichia coli
inner membrane [18]. Although we intended to study vesicles
composed of PamOleGro-PEtn or PamOleGro-PGro
alone, the former did not form well defined LUVs under
our experimental conditions [25] and PamOleGro-PGro
formed only small unilamellar vesicles [26]; as antimicrobial
peptide binding can be influenced by the degree of curvature
strain in phospholipid [27], such a size difference would have
made comparisons between the three individual phosphol-
ipids difficult. However, the PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOle-
Gro-PGro mixture formed well-behaved LUVs.
As illustrated in Fig. 6, the addition of each ofthe three
ring-size analogsof GS cause considerable fluorescence dye
leakage when added to PamOleGro-PCho LUVs at a final
peptide/phospholipid molar ratio of 1 : 25, with the extent
of dye leakage decreasing in the order GS14 >
GS10 > GS12 [28]. Moreover, at lower peptide concentra-
tions, GS14 is perhaps 10-fold more potent at releasing
calcein than is GS10 or GS12 [28]. Interestingly, the
addition ofthe same amount of these three peptides to
PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro LUVs is generally
less effective at releasing entrapped calcein, particularly in
the case of GS10, andthe relative effectiveness ofthe three
peptides now decreases in the order GS14 > GS12 >
GS10. Moreover, in this vesicle system GS14 does not
exhibit a relatively much greater potency at lower concen-
trations than do the other peptides. GS14 was thus the most
effective peptide in both phospholipid vesicle systems with
GS10 exhibiting the greatest phospholipid compositional
selectivity, much more strongly affecting the PamOleGro-
PCho system in comparison to the PamOleGro-PEtn/
PamOleGro-PGro mixed system.
Inhibition ofgrowth of
A. laidlawii
B by GS ring-size
In order to extend the above studies to a living microbial
system, we investigated the effect of these three ring-size
analogs of GS onthegrowthof A. laidlawii B, a cell wall-less
Gram positive bacteria (Mollicute). The absence of a
lipopolysaccharide-containing cell wall or outer membrane
or a lipopeptidoglycan outer layer is a major advantage of
utilizing this organism for such studies, as the antimicrobial
peptides added should have free physical access to the
surface ofthe limiting membrane and extracellular structures
should not compete with the membrane lipid bilayer for
peptide binding. Moreover, the membrane lipid composition
[29], andthe organization and dynamics ofthe membrane
lipid bilayer [30] of this organism, have been extensively
studied by ourselves and others, potentially facilitating a
molecular interpretation of any results obtained.
We present in Fig. 7 growth curves for A. laidlawii in the
presence or absence of various concentrations ofthe three
GS ring-sizeanalogs studied here. It is clear from these
curves that a considerable difference in thegrowth inhib-
itory potency of these three peptides exists. For example
GS10 is a fairly potent antimicrobial agent, inhibiting
A. laidlawiiBgrowth slightly at the lowest concentration
tested (0.25 l
), strongly at the next highest peptide
Fig. 6. A bar graph illustrating the percentage of entrapped calcein dye
leakage at equilibrium from LUVs composed of either PamOleGro-
PCho (white bar) or PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro(7:3molar
ratio) (hatched bar) upon the addition of 4 mol percent GS10, GS12 or
Fig. 7. Growth curves at 37 °CofA. laidlawiiB in the absence or
presence of various concentrations of GS10, GS12 or GS14. The sym-
bols utilized are: (·), absence of peptide, and (h), (s), (n), (,), and
(e), peptide concentrations of 0.25, 0.50, 1.0, 2.0 and 4.0 l
respectively, in thegrowth medium.
5916 M. Kiricsi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
concentrated (0.50 l
), and completely suppressingly
growth at concentrations of 1.0 l
and higher. In con-
trast, GS12 is a much weaker growth inhibitory agent,
with significant inhibition ofgrowth being observed only
at peptide concentrations of 1.0–2.0 l
with complete
growth inhibition occurring only at the highest peptide
concentration tested (4.0 l
). Onthe other hand, GS14 is a
very potent inhibitor ofthegrowthof this organism, with
significant growth suppression being observed at the lowest
peptide concentration tested (0.25 l
) andthe complete
inhibition ofgrowth at all higher peptide concentrations.
Thus the potency ofgrowth inhibition of these peptides
decreases in the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12. We note
also that when sufficient peptide was added to these
A. laidlawiiB cultures to completely inhibit cell growth,
the initial turbidity ofthe 10% (v/v) innoculum of mid-log
phase cells added to fresh culture media was reduced to
blank values. This result indicates that these GS ring-size
analogs of GS exert a cidal rather than a static effect on
A. laidlawii cells, presumably by causing cell lysis to occur,
mycoplasma and bacterial systems [8]. Interestingly, we find
that GS itself is slightly less effective at inhibiting the growth
of A. laidlawii than is GS10 (data not presented), in contrast
to results with most species of conventional bacteria, where
GS is slightly more effective than GS10 [5].
We showed previously that the effect of GS on the
thermotropic phase behavior ofphospholipid bilayers
depends markedly on both the structure and charge of the
lipid polar headgroup [9,10]. Specifically, the presence of GS
has only a very small effect onthe thermotropic phase
behavior of Myr
Gro-PEtn bilayers, even at very high
peptide concentrations and after multiple cycling through
the gel/liquid-crystalline phase transition. Only upon expo-
sure ofthe Myr
Gro-PEtn bilayers to high temperature is a
small decrease in the temperature, enthalpy and coopera-
tivity ofthe main phase transition andthe induction of a
minor lower temperature shoulder on this endotherm
observed. The addition of similar amounts of GS to
Gro-PCho bilayers results in a somewhat greater but
still rather small decreases in the temperature, enthalpy and
cooperativity ofthe main phase transition and induces a
new broad component ofthe DSC endotherm centered at a
slightly higher temperature. In contrast, the addition of GS
to Myr
Gro-PGro bilayer produces a considerably larger
decrease in the temperature, enthalpy and cooperativity of
the main phase transition and induces the presence of a
second transition at a considerably higher temperature, but
whose temperature decreases more rapidly than that of the
main phase transition with increasing peptide concentra-
tion. We thus concluded that GS interacts more strongly
with anionic phospholipids such as PtdGro than with
zwitterionic phospholipids, and more strongly with more
fluid zwitterionic phospholipids like PtdCho than with less
fluid zwitterionic phospholipids like PtdEtn. However, the
three ring-sizeanalogsof GS studied here thus exhibit a
somewhat different phospholipid polar head group specif-
icity, as discussed below.
The overall phospholipid specificity ofthe three GS ring-
size analogs studied here is broadly similar to that of GS
itself in that the degree of perturbation of phospholipid
thermotropic phase behavior increases in the order
Gro-PEtn < Myr
Gro-PCho < Myr
Moreover, the magnitude ofthe decrease in temperature,
enthalpy and cooperativity ofthe main phase transition of
the three phospholipids studied here generally decreases in
the order GS14 > GS10 > GS12, as does the temperature
and the relative magnitude ofthe new endotherm or
endotherms induced by the addition ofthe peptide.
However, the magnitude oftheeffectsof GS [9] and its
three ring-sizeanalogsonthe thermotropic phase behavior
of the phospholipids studied here depends onthe specific
phospholipid vesicle system being studied. Specifically, the
order of decreasing perturbation ofphospholipid phase
behavior by GS itself, and by the three ring-sized analogs
studied here, is GS14 > GS10 > GS > GS12 in
Gro-PCho MLVs, GS14 @ GS10 > GS @ GS12 in
Gro-PEtn MLVs, and GS > GS14 >GS10 > GS12
in MLVs of Myr
Gro-PGro. Thus, although GS12 has the
weakest effect in all three vesicles systems, the relative order
of effectiveness varies with polar headgroup structure for
the other three peptides, with GS14 and GS10 exhibiting a
greater effect than GS itself in the two zwitterionic
phospholipid bilayers studied here but a smaller effect in
the anionic phospholipidbilayer system.
The potency ofthe three ring-sizeanalogsof GS in
inducing the leakage of calcein dye entrapped in PamOle-
GS10 > GS12, which is the same decreasing order as
exhibited by these three peptides in perturbing the thermo-
tropic phase behavior of Myr
Gro-PCho MLVs. Interest-
ingly, the three GS ring-sizeanalogs are generally less potent
at releasing entrapped calcein from PamOleGro-PEtn/
PamOleGro-PGrothanfromPamOleGro-PCho LUVs,
particularly in the case of GS10, so that the order of
decreasing potency of vesicle permeation in PamOleGro-
PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro LUVs is GS14 > GS12 > GS10.
Thus, although GS14 is the most potent ring-size analog in
both perturbing the thermotropic phase behavior and
permeabilizing PtdCho vesicles and GS10 is the second
most potent analog, the behavior of GS12 is somewhat
anomalous in that its ability to induce dye leakage in
PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro vesides, but not in
PamOleGro-PCho vesicles, is much greater than predicted
by its smaller effect onthe thermotropic phase behavior of
all three phospholipids examined. Interestingly, GS itself is
less potent than GS14 but more potent than GS10 and
GS12 in permeabilizing PamOleGro-PCho LUVs [31].
However, in PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro LUVs,
GS is less potent than both GS14 and GS12, but remains
more potent than GS10 [31].
The effectiveness ofthe three ring-sizeanalogsof GS
studied here onthegrowth inhibition and killing of
A. laidlawiiB cells also decreases in the order GS14 >
GS10 > GS12, again paralleling the decreasing relative
potency of these peptides in perturbing the thermotropic
phase behavior ofthe three phospholipid MLVs studied and
of the permeabilization of PamOleGro-PCho LUVs. As
well, the relative antimicrobial potency of this series of
peptides also mirrors the order ofthe decreasing extent of
dye leakage from PamOleGro-PEtn/PamOleGro-PGro
LUVs, except that the order of GS10 and GS12 are
reversed in this system. Nevertheless, there is generally a
Ó FEBS 2002 GramicidinS analog–membrane interactions (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) 5917
good correlation overall between the relative perturbation
of host bilayer organization as measured by DSC, the
permeabilization ofphospholipid vesicles as measured by
calcein leakage, andthe inhibition ofthegrowth of
A. laidlawii B. We note also that GS is less potent at
inhibiting thegrowthof this organism than is GS14 but
more potent than GS10 and especially GS12 (data not
presented). Overall, then, these results indicate that studies
of the interactions of other analogsof GS with phospholipid
vesicles may be useful for predicting the antimicrobial
potency of these analogsand possibly also for understand-
ing the molecular basis for their differential antimicrobial
potencies again different classes and species of bacteria,
many of which may differ considerably in the lipid
compositions of their membranes [18,19].
It is instructive to compare the relative antimicrobial
potencies of these three GS ring-sizeanalogs against various
Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria and against
A. laidlawii, as the former types of bacteria possess either a
lipopeptidoglycan outer barrier or a lipopolysaccharide-
containing cell wall or outer membrane, respectively, which
is lacking in the latter organism. Against conventional
bacteria, the order of decreasing antimicrobial potency is
GS10 > GS12 > GS14 [5], whereas against A. laidlawii B
the order is GS14 > GS10 > GS12. This result would
appear to confirm our previous suggestion that the low
effective antimicrobial activity of GS14, particularly against
Gram-negative bacteria, is due to its strong binding to the
lipopolysaccharide component ofthe bacterial cell wall [5],
which effectively competes for the binding of available
peptide with the lipids ofthe inner membrane [5]. Thus, when
an outer cell wall is absent, as in A. laidlawii B,such
competition is not observed and GS14 is then able to exert its
intrinsically high antimicrobial activity. However, the aggre-
gation of GS14 in solution may also reduce its ability to
penetrate the cell wall of Gram-negative bacteria, which
could also reduce its effective antimicrobial activity. What-
ever the reason for its low activity against conventional
bacteria, the high antimicrobial potency of GS14 against
A. laidlawii suggests that this peptide might potentially be
clinically useful in treating the many serious diseases of man
and animals caused by various Mollicutes [32,33]. It is also
interesting to note that with these particular ring-size analogs
of GS, their relative potencies at perturbing the organization
and increasing the permeability ofphospholipid bilayer
model membranes, andof causing the lysis of A. laidlawii B
and human erythrocytes, are at least qualitatively correlated.
As discussed earlier, GS10 and GS14 both exist in
aqueous solution as antiparallel b-sheet structures separated
by type II¢ turns, as does GS itself, although GS14 has a
somewhat less rigid structure as compared to GS10,
presumably due to its expanded ring; in contrast, GS12
exists in a distorted b-sheet and b-turn structure and is
conformationally much more flexible [5,16,28]. Although
the intrinsic hydrophobicities of these three peptides are
predicted to decrease in the order GS12 > GS14 > GS10,
based onthe ratios ofthe number of charged polar Lys
residues to hydrophobic Val and Leu residues (4 : 4, 4 : 6
and 2 : 4, respectively), the actual measured solubilities in
water decrease in the order GS12 > GS10 > GS14. The
lower solubility of GS14 as compared to GS10 in water
appears to be related to its slightly greater amphiphilicity
and to its significantly greater exposed hydrophobic surface
area, which results in GS14 forming aggregates in aqueous
solution above a concentration of about 50–60 m
whereas GS10 and GS12 remain monomeric even at much
higher concentrations [22]. Note also that GS14 and GS10
are considerably more amphiphilic than is GS12, as in the
former two peptides the more polar charged Lys andthe less
polar Val and Leu residues project on opposite sides of the
ring, whereas this is not the case for GS12.
We can ask whether or not the observed order of
biophysical or biological potencies of GS itself andof the
three ring-sizeanalogsof GS studied here, namely GS
@ GS14 > GS10 > GS12, correlates well with any of the
physical properties of these peptides which we have previ-
ously measured. In terms ofthe relative conformational
flexibility of this series of peptides, there is not a particularly
good correlation with the observed results, as conforma-
tional rigidity decreases in the order GS > GS10 >
GS14 > GS12. Similarly, an even poorer correlation is
observed between the intrinsic hydrophobicities of these
peptides, which decrease in the order GS > GS10 >
GS14 > GS12, and their biophysical and biological activ-
ities or with the ratio of positively charged Orn or Leu
residues to the total number of residues (GS12 > GS14 >
GS10 ¼ GS). However, a reasonably good correlation is
observed between the effective hydrophobicities of these
peptides, as assessed by their decreasing solubilities in water,
and their decreasing amphiphilicities, as measured by their
retention times on reversed-phase high-performance liquid
chromatographic columns, which are both related to the
accessible nonpolar surface areas of these peptides [5]. Both
effective hydrophobicity and amphiphilicity decrease in the
order GS > GS14 > GS10 > GS12, which correlates
well with their decreasing ability to perturb the organization
of lipid bilayermodeland A. laidlawii membranes. These
results are in only partial agreement with previous studies of
GS analogs with 10-membered rings, which indicated that a
high b-sheet content, as well as a high effective hydrophob-
icity and amphiphilicity, are correlated with a high antibac-
terial activity [2,3,8]. However, the present results may not be
surprising, as the requirement for an ordered b-sheet
structure was rationalized previously by assuming that in
disordered GS analogs, the absence ofthe interstrand
hydrogen bonds present in the b-sheet ring results in
solvation ofthe amide NH and CO groups, in turn causing
a decrease of partitioning into the lipid bilayerand reducing
their effectiveness [5]. However, because the three ring-size
analogs of GS studied here have fairly markedly different
intrinsic hydrophobicities due to their variable ratios of Lys
to Val and Leu residues, these amino acid compositional
differences may dominate the phospholipid/water partition-
ing process, thus overshadowing any smaller changes arising
from conformational effects. However, the generally positive
correlation between the effective hydrophobicity and
amphiphilicity ofthe GS ring-sizeanalogsandthe magnitude
of their perturbation ofphospholipidbilayer membranes
and thegrowthof A. laidlawii, generally agrees well with the
results of previous studies oftheantimicrobial activity of
these [5] and other [4–7] ring-sizeanalogsof GS. This finding
is important in that it adds further support to the hypothesis
that GS and its analogs kill bacteria primarily through their
disruption ofthe lipid bilayerofthe cell membrane.
In the absence of complications arising from the differ-
ential interactions of GS and its ring-sizeanalogs with the
5918 M. Kiricsi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
outer membrane or cell wall of conventional bacteria, we
can identify at least three factors which can determine the
degree to which a particular antimicrobialpeptide will
perturb the organization and integrity of phospholipid
bilayer membranesand inhibit thegrowthof A. laidlawii B.
These are thephospholipid bilayer/water partition coeffi-
cient, the localization and orientation ofthepeptide within
the phospholipid bilayer, andthe degree to which the
peptide disturbs phospholipid packing once inserted into
the bilayer. The fact that the relative order of both
decreasing effectiveness in perturbing the thermotropic
phase behavior and compromising the integrity of phosp-
holipid model membranes, as well as inhibiting the growth
of A. laidlawiiB (GS @ GS14 > GS10 > GS12) correlates
well with the increasing water solubility of these peptides,
can be explained in part by the fact that the phospholipid
bilayer/water coefficient should also decrease in the above
order, so that the effective concentration ofpeptide in the
target membrane also progressively decreases. Similarly, the
good correlation observed between the biophysical and
biological effectsof GS and its ring-sizeanalogs with their
degree of amphiphilicity may be related to the fact that the
degree of amphiphilic character may determine the good-
ness ofthe characteristic interfacial location of these and
some other antimicrobial peptides, which is thought to be at
the polar/apolar region ofthephospholipidbilayer near the
glycerol backbone, where the polar, positively charged Orn
or Lys residues can interact with the negatively charged
phosphate polar headgroups ofthe lipid bilayerand the
nonpolar Val and Leu sidechains with the upper portions of
phospholipid hydrocarbon chains [9,14,15]. Although we
have no independent information at present about the
intrinsic perturbing effectsof these peptides on phosphol-
ipid bilayers (i.e. the degree perturbation per peptide
molecule actually present in the bilayer), we might expect
that this would be related to the asymmetry of shape and
possibility also to the size ofthepeptide molecule. A crude
estimate of these two parameters, based simply on the
structure and conformation of these peptides in water as
illustrated in Figs 1 and 2, might suggest that the intrinsic
perturbation of these peptides would decrease in the order
GS14 > GS > GS10 > GS12. Experiments are currently
underway to actually determine thephospholipid bilayer/
water partition coefficient, the localization and orientation
in thephospholipid bilayer, andtheeffectsofthe presence
of these peptides onphospholipid organization and pack-
ing. The results of these experiments should allow us to
quantitate the above parameters and gain additional insight
into the molecular basis ofthe structure/activity correlations
reported here.
This work was supported by operating grants from the Protein
Engineering Network of Centers of Excellence andthe Canadian
Institutes of Health Research, and by major equipment grants from the
Alberta Heritage Foundation for Medical Research. MK was sup-
ported in part by a Hungarian Eo
s Fellowship.
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5920 M. Kiricsi et al. (Eur. J. Biochem. 269) Ó FEBS 2002
. The effects of ring-size analogs of the antimicrobial peptide
gramicidin S on phospholipid bilayer model membranes
and on the growth of
Acholeplasma laidlawii
Monika. with
phospholipid bilayer model membranes. We first investi-
gated the effects of these GS ring-size analogs on the
thermotropic phase behavior of LMVs composed of