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School of Business,
Economics and
Social Sciences
Gateway to the world of Science
StUdy GUide
School of Business, Economicsand Social Sciences
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 1 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
Subject to errors and changes. The information is as of June 2010.
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MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 2 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
contentS 3
Welcome 4
1 MasterProgram„Politics,EconomicsandPhilosophy“ 4
11 Objectives and Structure of the MasterProgram 4
12 Curriculum 5
13 Compulsory Modules 5
14 Registration for Courses 8
15 Assessment 8
16 Master Thesis 8
17 Master Degree 8
18 Part-Time Study 9
2 General Information and Advice for Students 9
21 STiNE 9
22 Welcome Day 9
23 Ofce of Student Affairs (Studienbüro) 9
24 Student Center – Zentrum für Studierende 10
25 Central Academic Advising and Psychological Counselling Services (ZSPB) 10
26 Libraries of the School of Business, Economicsand Social Sciences 10
27 Further Information on the MSc Program PEP 10
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 3 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
4 welcoMe
The major theme of the program “Politics, Economicsand
Philosophy“ (PEP) is the analysis of individual and collec-
tive decisions which will be studied from the perspective
of the three disciplines involved Students will learn how
to combine insights from political science, economicsand
philosophy in order to solve decision problems arising in
such diverse areas as politics, corporate governance, inter-
national relations and others
PEP is a research-oriented masterprogramand it aims to
provide a thorough and rigorous training in modern theo-
ries and methods in political science, economicsand philo-
sophy On the one hand PEP is designed for students who
subsequently intend to enter a PhD program in one of the
three disciplines and who want to pursue an interdiscipli-
nary approach in their research On the other hand PEP
addresses students who want to pursue a career in the pu-
blic sector, a private enterprise or in national and interna-
tional organizations
The program duration is two years (four semesters) In
each of the rst three semesters the students attend disci-
plinary courses in political science, economicsand philoso-
phy as well as interdisciplinary seminars in economicsand
political science or philosophy The fourth semester is de-
voted to the master thesis
Dear students,
We welcome you to the masterprogram “Politics, Economicsand Philosophy” (PEP) at the University of Hamburg and
wish you a successful start into your course of study. You have selected a challenging interdisciplinary program that will
at the same time deepen and complement the knowledge you have acquired with your bachelor degree.
This study guide will provide you with some essential information about PEP (the curriculum, assessments etc.) and it is
meant to support you in the successful completion of the program. If you have questions that are not answered in this
study guide, please do not hesitate to contact the staff at the Ofce of Student Affairs (Studienbüro), the PEP program
director and the professors and research associates teaching in PEP.
We are looking forward to a fruitful collaboration with you!
Anke Gerber Yamina Ehrt
Program Director Program Coordinator
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 4 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
MaSter ProGraM„PoliticS,econoMicSandPhiloSoPhy“(M.Sc.) 5
The PEP curriculum consists of electives, six compulsory
modules and a master thesis The electives and compulso-
ry modules have to be completed within the rst three se-
mesters while the master thesis is written in the fourth
semester In addition there is a non-compulsory prepara-
tory course in “Intermediate Microeconomics” which takes
place as a block course before the start of the regular
courses in the rst semester This course is particularly re-
commended to those students who do not have a bache-
lor degree in economics
The electives can be chosen from a list of courses offered
by the School of Business, Economicsand Social Sciences
as well as from the School of Humanities In each semester
the list of courses that are eligible for the PEP electives is
published in STiNE
Students have to acquire a total of 120 credit points (CP)
for the successful completion of the PEP program These
120 CP are distributed across the electives, compulsory
modules and the master thesis as follows:
Module 1: Methodology
and History of
12 CP
Module 2: Philosophy and
Economics of
Individual and
Social Choice
12 CP
Module 3: Individual and
12 CP
Module 4: Institutions in
Economic and
18 CP
Module 5: Interdisciplinary
Seminar in
Philosophy and
12 CP
Module 6: Interdisciplinary
Seminar in
Politics and
12 CP
Electives: 12 CP
Master Thesis: 30 CP
Students are required to be present during class time in all
courses except for the preparatory course in “Intermediate
Microeconomics” You must not miss more than 15% of the
classes in a module in order to complete it
In the following we provide a brief description of the com-
pulsory modules For more details please have a look at
the “Fachspezische Bestimmungen für den Master-
studiengang “Politics, Economicsand Philosophy” (in
German only)
This module gives an overview of modern epistemology
and the philosophy of science Students learn to deliberate
over the methodological background of the disciplines, th-
ey acquire deep knowledge of the history of economic
thought and they learn how to interpret scientic papers
on economic theory in view of the history of economic
thought and the history of ideas
Semester 1
SWS (hours/week) 2
CP (Credit Points) 6
Semester 1
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
This module is devoted to the analysis of distributive justi-
ce and social welfare Students learn how to analyze deci-
sion processes in national, international and supranatio-
nal institutions in a positive as well as in a normative way
Semester 1
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
Semester 1
SWS (hours/week) 2
CP (Credit Points) 6
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 5 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
6 MaSterProGraM„PoliticS,econoMicSandPhiloSoPhy“ (M.Sc.)
Semester 2
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
Semester 3
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
Semester 3
SWS (hours/week) 2
CP (Credit Points) 6
In this interdisciplinary seminar methods and results from
philosophy andeconomics are applied, consolidated and
contrasted in view of specic individual and collective de-
cision problems
Semester 2
SWS (hours/week) 2
CP (Credit Points) 12
In this interdisciplinary seminar methods and results from
politics andeconomics are applied, consolidated and con-
trasted in view of specic individual and collective decisi-
on problems
Semester 3
SWS (hours/week) 2
CP (Credit Points) 12
In this module students acquire basic knowledge in the
normative and descriptive theory of individual and collec-
tive decisions They learn how to analyze the functioning
of modern states and their institutions and to apply the
theories to specic political problems
Semester 2
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
Semester 3
SWS (hours/week) 3
CP (Credit Points) 6
In this module students develop the capacity to analyze
the effect of institutions on individual and collective deci-
sions against the background of economic and political
theory They learn how to analyze specic national and in-
ternational organizations and the legal texts and contracts
they are subject to
Moreover, students learn how to apply modern political
theories to questions of welfare economicsand individual
and collective decision processes and they are trained in
deriving and justifying normative positions based upon
these theories
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 6 07.07.10 13:36:58 Uhr
MaSter ProGraM„PoliticS,econoMicSandPhiloSoPhy“(M.Sc.) 7
Elective (6CP) Elective (6CP)
(bloc seminar)
History of
Economic Thought
Master Thesis
Methodology of
Social Sciences
Public Choice
Economics (6CP)
Social Choice and
Welfare (6CP)
Political Economy
Economics and
Politics of
Institutions (6CP)
Ethics (6CP) Political
Political Theory
Seminar (12CP)
Seminar (12CP)
The following gure gives an overview of the modules
taught in PEP:
1 Intermediate Microeconomics
(Preparatory Coursel)
2 Methodology and History of Ideas 12
2 Philosophy andEconomics of
Individual and Social Choice
2 Individual and Collective Decisions 12
3 Institutions in Economic and Political
1 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Philosophy
and Economics
1 Interdisciplinary Seminar in Politics
and Economics
* Electives 12
2 Master Thesis 30
*The nal number of electives to be completed depends on the credit points
for each course. Overall, 12 credit points have to be obtained. Credit points
for selected courses may vary.
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 7 07.07.10 13:36:58 Uhr
8 MaSterProGraM„PoliticS,econoMicSandPhiloSoPhy“ (M.Sc.)
Students have to register for modules and courses in STiNE
Registration is possible within a specic period that is an-
nounced on wwwinfostineuni-hamburgde
Observe that you rst have to register for a module and
only then you can register for specic courses in the
PEP students are guaranteed to always get a place in the
courses of the compulsory modules However, there may
be participation constraints in the elective courses and if
there are more applications than places students are ad-
mitted according to some allocation rule like, for example,
a random assignment
At the beginning of each course the instructor will an-
nounce the form of the assessment in the course In disci-
plinary courses there is usually a written exam at the end
of the semester In interdisciplinary seminars the assess-
ment usually consists of a combination of an essay, an oral
presentation and a nal written exam
The instructor may also assign particular course work to
the students (short essays, problem sets, oral presenta-
tions etc) and approve only those students for the nal
exam who have completed the assigned tasks The in-
structor can give a bonus for particular achievements in
the course work The bonus can improve the nal grade for
the course by up to 07 points
If the assessment is in form of a nal written exam, there
are two examination dates: one at the end of the lecture
period of the given semester and one at the end of the
break before the next semester starts Students are re-
quired to take the rst examination date and they are au-
tomatically registered for the rst exam when they regi-
ster for a course The second examination date is reserved
for those students who have not passed the exam at the
rst examination date
Please observe that an exam is always graded as “failed” if
a student has registered for the exam but does not partici-
pate in the exam In case of illness students immediately
have to submit a doctor’s certicate to the Studienbüro
The results of the exams are published in STiNE The
German grading system is as follows:
= ”very good” is granted for an excellent performance
= ”good” is granted for a performance that is well
above average
= ”satisfactory” is granted for an average
= ”sufcient” is granted for a performance that is just
sufcient to pass despite some deciencies
= ”insufcient” means that the student has failed
For a more differentiated assessment interim grades are
allowed, where the integer grades are increased or decrea-
sed by 03 points Observe, however, that the grades 07,
43, 47 and 53 are not allowed
The nal grade for a module is the weighted average of
the grades for the single courses in the module, where the
weight of a course is given by the number of credit points
acquired with the course
The fourth semester is devoted to the master thesis
Students are admitted to the master thesis if they have ac-
quired at least 72 credit points, where 12 credit points have
been obtained in inter-disciplinary seminars Students
must apply for admission to the master thesis not later
than 6 weeks after passing all modules The master thesis
must be completed within 6 months after ling It must
be written in English
30 credit points are granted for the successful completion
of the master thesis
The degree “Master of Science (MSc)” is awarded to those
students who have acquired 120 credit points in the PEP
program The nal grade is the weighted average of the
grades for all modules (including electives) and the master
thesis, where the weight for a module, resp the master
thesis, is given by the number of credit points acquired
with the module, resp the master thesis
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 8 07.07.10 13:36:58 Uhr
General inforMation and advice for StUdentS 9
Students who are working at least 15 but no more than 19
hours per week, who have children or who have to nurse
family members that are in need of care, are well advised
to study part-time If you study part-time, your workload is
reduced by one half and you can complete the courses in
two semesters that normally have to be completed in only
one semester Part-time study is not possible during the
nal semester: The master thesis has to be completed
within 6 months
The staff at the Ofce of Student Affairs (Studienbüro)
Business andEconomics provides students with informati-
on and advice on:
• administration of study assessments
• study and examination guidelines and regulations
• course registration
• advisory service for prospective
• students
You may also consult the Ofce of Student Affairs for ad-
vice concerning your course of study
Von-Melle-Park 5
Entrance C/ Ground Floor
20146 Hamburg
STiNE (wwwstineuni-hamburgde) is a campus-wide in-
tegrated software that administers studying and teaching
at the University of Hamburg STiNE allows students to re-
gister online for modules, courses and exams, to download
course material and to receive messages from instructors
and the Student Affairs Ofce
Before the start of the winter term, the School of Business,
Economics and Social Sciences organizes a Welcome Day for
students of the MSc Economics programme During the
Welcome Day, students receive comprehensive information
on the master programme, the School of Business, Economics
and Social Sciences and the University of Hamburg For tho-
se students who attend the Welcome Day the obligation to
consult the study advisory service is waived
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 9 07.07.10 13:36:58 Uhr
10 General inforMation and advice for StUdentS
The Student Center is a service center for applicants and
current students It is responsible for registration and ex-
matriculation procedures as well as for applications to
part-time study and application for leaves of absence The
center also administers your semester certicates, replace-
ment certicates and many other things
Alsterterasse 1
20354 Hamburg
The Central Academic Advising and Psychological Coun-
selling Services offer a manifold range of services from in-
formation events to group counselling On a regular basis,
it organises seminars and workshops to develop students’
personal strengths and professional qualications
For personal questions and problems affecting your stu-
dies, you can turn to the psychological counselling
Alsterterrasse 1
20354 Hamburg
The School’s specialised library of Business Studies and
Economics (Fachbibliothek Wirtschaftwissenschaften), the
German National Library of Economics (ZBW) – Leibniz
Information Centre for Economicsand many other librari-
es situated in Hamburg connect you to a great selection of
academic literature in both print and digital version
For further information, please visit:
sozialoekonomie/bibliotheken/ (overview of libraries in
http://www.zbw.eu/index-e.html (Homepage of the
German National Library of Economics (ZBW) – Leibniz
Information Centre for Economics)
(Homepage Fachbibliothek Wirtschaftswissenschaften)
For further information, you may also visit our website:
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 10 07.07.10 13:36:59 Uhr
[...]...f o r yo u r n ot e s MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 11 11 07.07.10 13:36:59 Uhr School of Business, Economicsand Social Sciences S chool of B u sines S , E conomics and S ocial S ciences Universität Hamburg Von-Melle-Park 5 D - 20146 Hamburg www.wiso.uni-hamburg.de Fachbereich Sozialwissenschaften (Department of Social Sciences) Allende... Hallerstraße „Philosophenturm“ (Department of Philosophy) Von-Melle-Park 6 VMP 6 de lh of Fachbereich Sozialökonomie (Department of Socio Economics) Von-Melle-Park 9 VMP 9 Fachbereiche Volkswirtschaftslehre und Betriebswirtschaftslehre (Departments of Economicsand Business Administration) Von-Melle-Park 5 VMP 5 Schlüterstraße Congress Centrum Ed m haussee Mensa mc Rothenbau ße Re ntz el s tra e lle... Gr An der Verbindungsbahn Regionales Rechenzentrum (Computer Center) RRZ Schlüterstraße 10 un dSie m er s-A DAMMTOR Fernbahn/S-Bahn lle e Staats- und Universitätsbibliothek Carl von Ossietzky (National and University Library) Stabi Uni-Hauptgebäude (Main University Building) Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 ESA 1 Uni-Hauptgebäude West-Flügel (Main University Building, West Wing) Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 ESA 1 Gateway . Ehrt
Program Director Program Coordinator
MSc PEP Studienfuehrer 4.indd 4 07.07.10 13:36:57 Uhr
MaSter ProGraM „PoliticS, econoMicS and PhiloSoPhy“ (M. Sc. ).
Social Sciences
Public Choice
Economics (6CP)
Social Choice and
Welfare (6CP)
Political Economy
Economics and