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Ebook 45 đề thi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh: Phần 2

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Ebook 45 đề thi trắc nghiệm tiếng Anh: Phần 2 tiếp tục từ đề 24 đến 45 và kèm phần đáp án trắc nghiệm của 45 đề thi trong sách để các bạn học sinh ôn luyện, kiểm tra lại bài làm và chuẩn bị tốt cho kì thi THPT Quốc gia.

24 I Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question, L.A rose A.đaughttr A Busy A.forbidden B, disease B launch B bus B.arid e€ e c C D D D D abide increase laughter flush hidden SNAG Il Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question, A.commerce A popularity A appliance A consequent 8.submerge B personality B applicant B subsequent C converge C.hospitaity C admirable C frequently _D immerse D.apprentice —_D, applicable _D delinquent III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct We advertised the house widely but only the handful of people have (A) shown any interest () ( (DỊ 10 I suppose I have had a fair number of experience in making speeches (A) ø) () () 11 The good thing about this knife is such that the blade can be replaced A {B) (Cc) (PD) 12 Sue just can’t stop thinking about football! She is obsessed by her local-team! A) (8) (@ 13 Heavy snow has fallen in the mountains and many villages have (AI been cut off during the past two days Œđ) (¢ (D) 14, In spite of the tenants’ objections, the apartment manager (A) (B) decided to rise the rent by forty dollars per month {C} {D} 15 I wasn’t used to so much walk, and ended up hobbling home, with (4) B} (c) {D) blisters on both feet 16 My sister was tiptoeing so as making no noise along the corridor (A) đ (C) (D) 172 â} TV From the four words or phrases (A, B, C, or D), choose the one that best completes the sentence According to the minister, changes in the budget will A refer B impact C affect 18 “So, when is your maths exam?” “Well, this time tomorrow | for it.” A will be sitting B will sit C will have been sitting D sit This fund has been set up to help protect those endangered with complete extinction A kinds B breeds C races Several hundred people have signed the petition 17 nuclear tests in the region _ all of us soon D experience of animals that are D species to put a to the A stop B finish © break D cease To the best of my that dentist’s name was Thomas Garreth A thinking B mind C recollection _D remembrance The boards in the staircase would always wake us up whenever somebody climbed up al night A creaking B, cracking C roaring D screeching 23 We have to the hard times hoping that things will change for the better in the future A maintain B endure C persist D outlive 24 *Where’s Christine?” “I don’t know; she _ _ the office fifteen minutes ago.” A has left B had left C left D had been leaving 25 His parents have always wanted Phillip to set a good to his younger brothers both at school and at home A form B guidance C.pattern D model 26 “Why didn’t Madeline show up at the party last night?” “When I called her at 11 :00 she _ A had still been studying B was still studying would still study D still studied 27, Betty says she cannot stand looking at the rat, touching it A even so B as far as C what it D let alone 28 Beyond all _ , it was Alice who gave away our secrets A, dispute B conclusion — C fail D contradiction 29, According to the captain, his special units can take an immediate action against terrorists should such a need A.experienoee B.originate €.cvoke D arise 173 30 Anything he does is in _with the law and that’s why I have suggested him for the post A commitment B obedience C, compliance _D responsibility 31 To his own great » professor Howard has discovered a new method of bulimia treatment A.reputation —_—B credit C fame Ð name The book says that the revolution was off by the assassination of the state governor 33 34 A, triggered B cropped C launched _D prompted I was awfully tired However, I made up my mind to myself to the tedious task once again A involve B absorb C apply D engross Seldom does she refuse to her friends a good but on that occasion she was too busy to pay attention to other people’s problems A.assistance B.turn € aid D backing 35 Did you know that Oscar Wilde _ — in Paris durïng his final years? A has been living B, had lived C had been living D lived 36 Before we set out on the excursion, we were with sandwiches and some hot tea in a thermos flask by the owners of the hostel A distributed —_B granted C provided D assigned 37 Let’s not buy anything from this man I've lost my in him since he mentioned something about an illegal passport A.confidence B assurance C certainty D.respect 38 Only those who have scored more than a hundred points will be a prize A attributed B supplied C devised D awarded 39 Our father’s sudden illness has doubt on our holiday trip to Egypt A cast B borne C passed D dropped 40 Ineed you to give 100% effort out there - so don’t _ me down, A put B let C sit D have - "You're looking miserable.” “1 on my thesis when my computer suddenly crashed.” A used to work B was working © would work D, have been working | You _ finish your homework now You can always it after dinner A couldn't B mustn't C don't have to D shouldn’t wasn’t impressed with the exhibition — most of the painting were of a very _ Standard A low B small C narrow D litde 174 44 Ron a business trip to Italy with a visit to his uncle in Venice A.attached —_B united C joined D combined 45 Don’t at people - it’s rude, A show B point © indicate D aim 46, Jane really to looking after her younger brother A detested B opposed C objected D disliked 47.1 wish you would keep _ the argument You're just making things worse A up with B out of C to D up 48 Why lie to him about your condition? You , ., tell him the truth or things might get worse A had better B would better C should better D would rather 49 Jeff seemed to be of remembering anything I told him A unable B unwilling C.ineiicient D.incapable 50 I decided that couldn't put their thoughtless behaviour any longer A up B off C up with D through to 51 Don’t forget to _in touch while you're away A keep B put C make D hold 52 However strict we took, we couldn’t eliminate the risk of any further riots in the streets A controls B measures C discipline —_D regulations 53 They are expanding the business because the for their product is so high A need B request C claim D demand 54 Could you please an eye on the kids for a minute? A put B have C keep D take 55 I had a long with my neighbour yesterday We talked for hours A conversation B protest C explanation D accusation V Read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C, or D) best fits each space TOURISM Around 200 million people are employed in tourism worldwide, making it the largest industry in the modern global economy It is estimated that threequarters of a billion people (56) on holiday each year, and industry planners (57) this figure to double by 2020 Some of the biggest beneficiaries are less developed countries, (58) _ it is often their main source of income (59) „ along with the economic benefits, this mass movement of people has resulted in threats (60) the environment People often forget the damage caused by carbon emissions from aircraft, which (61) directly to 175 global warming Deforestation has cleared (62) in order to build hotels, airports and roads, and this has destroyed wildlife In some areas, water shortages are now common (63) of the need to fill swimming pools and water (64) courses for tourists By pushing up prices for goods and services, tourism can also be (65} to the people who live in tourist destinations In response to these concerns, some travel operators now offer environment friendly holidays Many of these aim to reduce the negative (66) of tourism by promoting only hotels that have (67) _in equipment to recycle waste and use energy and water efficiently, Increasingly, tourists are also being reminded to show respect (68} the customs of the people (69) countries they are going to visit, and to support local businesses, such as restaurants and shops, which depend (70) _ tourism for their main income 56 57 58 59 60, 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 A go A hope A where A Therefore A at A.contribute A space A thanks A tennis A harmful A reasons A.instaled A with A whose A from B travel C move D leave B believe C think D expect B whom C which D when B.Alhough C.However D Furthermore B.on € for D.to B result C cause D act B earth C land D place B because C duc D since B volleyball C.riding D golf B, destructive _ C offensive D dangerous B effects C objectives — D achievements B,chosen C bought D invested B to C for D at B their C that D whom B on C of D to VI Read the passages and the questions or unfinished sentences Then choose the answer— A, B, C, or D — that you think fits best TRAVEL NARROWS THE MIND Is your journey really necessary? John Rentoul makes the case against travel and tourism Ido not understand the modern fashion for long-distance travel a course It was once an evolutionary advantage to it all; people moved around in the search for food and better living conditions But now we so without a purpose We travel thousands of miles to get to the other side of the world, and then two weeks later we come back again What for? To see the sights and make a mess of them? To get to know other cultures? You must be joking ‘The instinct to explore has been exhausted Humans have been everywhere, done everything They have climbed to the top of Everest so often the summit 176 resembles a rubbish dump Driven by their genes to invent ever more absurd frontiers to cross, the sort of people who might once have trekked across the Rocky Mountains are now chartering jets so they can freefall parachute over Antarctica This restlessness and our ever increasing desire to travel long distances is disastrous for the environment Air travel burns up unimaginable quantities of fuel and is the most energy-hungry’thing that people can It is a scandal that aviation fuel for international flights is not taxed If the governments of the world could agree to something about it, they would have a permanent source of income - and put the brakes on the fastest-growing source of global warming gases As for the idea that travel broadens the mind, widens people’s horizons and promotes international understanding, this is just nonsense You can only really lea anything about foreign countries by living and working in them and I applaud those who it It is tourism J object to, and especially the desire to go to the remotest, wildest and often poorest places in the world and build four-star hotels in them It does not the local people much good: the hotels are all owned by foreign companies and only 30 per cent of the profits stay in the country Instead, it encourages the demand for Coca-Cola and McDonalds and accelerates the homogenization of world culture Go abroad and exactly what you at home But it is not just travel to remote places which is unwise Even in the United Kingdom, there is no way I would travel long distances by car As with air travel, statistics may tell us that motorways are not dangerous, but no one can tell me that it is safe for people to be hurtling along within feet of each other at more than 70 miles per hour If you have to travel long distances, the only civilized way is by train Next summer, as you hold on to your seat nervously during take-off, and prepare yourself for a week or two of jet lag and sunburn, think of me, enjoying uninterrupted sleep on the overnight train to Glasgow 71, What does the author say about the fashion for long-distance travel? A, It enables us to understand other’ cultures B It helps us to relax C There is no longer any point to it D It takes up a lot of time 72 Why people things such as freefall parachuting in Antarctica, according to the author? A They feel the need for greater challenges B They are trying to solve personal problems © It is safer than climbing mountains D They want to go trekking in isolated places 177 73, Why, according to the author, should aviation fuel be taxed? A, Other types of fuel are taxed B It would enable governments to buy more fuel C It would help governments stay in power D It would ultimately help reduce pollution 74 What does the author mean when he says that tourism accelerates the homogenization of world culture (line 30)? A Everyone is eating fast food B People are rapidly becoming the same wherever you go C People in remote places are becoming poorer D The pace or life is speeding up 75 What does the author feel about road travel? A Distances are too long B Motorways are safe C Other countries are safer than the United Kingdom D Driving can be dangerous IT’S ARCTIC IF YOU HAVEN'T HEARD OF THE BAND MONKEYS! ARCTIC MONKEYS, YOU MUST LIVE ON A DIFFERENT PLANET! OR YOU'VE GOT BETTER THINGS TO DO WITH YOUR TIME THAN LISTEN TO ROCK AND POP ARCTIC MONKEYS ARE ONE OF THE MOST SUCCESSFUL BANDS OF THE LAST FEW YEARS BUT HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THEM? The band have been playing together since 2002, but they first became really successful in 2005 There are currently four boys in the band (Alex, Jamie, Matt and Nick) and two boys (Andy and Glyn) have left the band since it started All the members grew up in Sheffield, in the North of England, and a lot of the songs are about life in Sheffield When the band were getting started, they used to give people free CDs of their songs at concerts Fans would put these on the Internet, so other people could listen to them too Because of this, some journalists have written that Arctic Monkeys became famous because of the website MySpace, but this isn't really true Alex has said that when the band got its first record contract, he didn’t know what MySpace was Arctic Monkeys have sold a very large number of CDs, and they've won lots of music awards and prizes too, including the 2006 Mercury Prize for Album of the Year They were also nominated for the 2007 prize, but they didn’t win They've also broken some records For example, their first album (Whatever People Say I Am, That’s What Fm Not) became the fastest selling first album in British music history The band have been on lots of tours, giving concerts wherever they go They have done a world tour, and smaller tours a Europe, North America and Asia The boys have also done some interviews, but not many They're quite shy, and 178 don’t like giving interviews and talking about themselves They have appeared on TV quite a lot to play their songs They have a great sense of humour, so they sometimes wear silly clothes Once, they wore clown costumes to perform a song Their songs are often funny too Because the words are clever and amusing, some people don’t believe that Arctic Monkeys write their own songs They think other people write the songs for them However, there is no proof that this is true, and Alex says he has been writing songs since he was at school, so here at PopMag, we believe they write them themselvest 76 What happened in 2002? A Arctic Monkeys became very successful B Andy and Glyn stopped playing in Arctic Monkeys C The boys started the band Arctic Monkeys D The boys met for the first time in Sheffield 77 The article says it’s NOT true that A, fans were very happy to get free CDs at concerts B people listened to Arctic Monkeys’ songs on the internet C Arctic Monkeys gave away free CDs at concerts D the website MySpace made Arctic Monkeys popular 78, The 2007 Mercury Prize for Album of the Year A had the same winner as the 2006 Mercury Prize B is a musi prize that Arctic Monkeys didn’t win C is the only prize that Arctic Monkeys have won D is one of many prizes Arctic Monkeys have won 79 From the article, it seems that the boys don’t enjoy A travelling around the world B playing their music to their fans C doing interviews with journalists D making other people laugh 80 What does the writer of this article believe? A, that Arctic Monkeys write all their own songs B that Alex hasn't been writing songs since he was at school C that Arctic Monkeys’ songs aren’t funny and clever D that Arctic Monkeys don't write their own songs — THE END - 179 25 I II Find the word that has its underlined part pronounced differently from the other three in each question A A A A caught great hopeful pretty B B B B bought bean opposite send C C © C drought beach local dental D D D D laughter reach postal petty Find the word with the stress pattern different from that of the other three words in each question Avreluctance A.meteorite A.employee A amount B attendance B.ferocious B.relugee B themselves C C C C performance adventure committee control D utterance D.achievement D absentee D primarily III Identify the one underlined word or phrase that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct The leading lady unfortunately losing her voice during the dress rehearsal A 8) c) ©) 10 Last night my neighbours were shouting for hours and I can‘t get to sleep (A) (B) 11, When you lived in London, did you use to travelling by bus? (A) 8) (c) (D} (yD) 12 Everyone was having a good time, although not many people danced A) @) {c) (D) 13 Jill was really hungry because she didn't eat all day (A) (B) (cy () 14 I was trying to get into touch with you all day yesterday (A) (By () {D) 15 There was more than a month before i realised what had happened (A) (By (c) (D) 16, There are still a few details which need being seen to before the wedding, (A) B) (C) (D) IV From the four words or phrases (A, B, C, or D), choose the one that best completes the sentence 17 “Did you hear the rain last night?” - “Yes, it all night.” A had been pouring B was pouring C has poured D was poured 180 I can’t whatever I want because I am still financially on my parents A.determined —_ B subject C dependable D reliant 19 “Who took part in the celebration?” “ Mr Wallace, Mrs Simmons and Frank Cox, to but a few.” A name B say C call D state 20 An instant investigation was launched after a bag firearms and a load of cocaine was discovered by the sniffer dogs A.composing B comprising C embracing _D involving Mr Thornton was obliged to pay damages to his neighbours in _ for the devastations his pet dogs made in their gardens A.reparation B.reward C penalty D compensation 22 Why you always ask me a favour when I have got my full? A hands B brains C palms D arms 23 “Can’t we just order a nice bit of cod” “Don’t be ridiculous! We _ all this way to eat fish and chips.” A haven't been coming B hadnt come C aren’t coming D haven't come for the first two or three weeks as they want to 24, They said I'd be on find out about my skills A testing B probation C inspection D.examination 25 It was to Mark that he'd better withdraw from the game in case his knee injury got worse A.argumented B insisted C, recommended D appealed 26 The authorities probably want to be tough and won't to the hijackers’ absurd demands A yield B resign C abandon D collapse 27, “Mary has difficulty fitting in.” “Well, I guess she to this type of work.” A didn’t use B hasn’t been used C doesn’t get used D isn’t used 28 Pasta in its various forms is the dict in Italy A common B staple C usual D obvious 29 “1 love your car.” - “This old thing? We it for fifteen years.” A had had B have been having C have had D used to have his family a lot of trouble and worry with 30 The Stetsons’ son must be his wild ideas A giving B developing € providing D making our attention to the mistake, the If it hadn't been for Simon who faulty project would have received our acceptance A caught B drew C paid D called 18 184 ... (57) this figure to double by 20 20 Some of the biggest beneficiaries are less developed countries, (58) _ it is often their main source of income (59) „ along with the economic benefits, this... compensation 22 Why you always ask me a favour when I have got my full? A hands B brains C palms D arms 23 “Can’t we just order a nice bit of cod” “Don’t be ridiculous! We _ all this way to... used C doesn’t get used D isn’t used 28 Pasta in its various forms is the dict in Italy A common B staple C usual D obvious 29 “1 love your car.” - “This old thing? We it for fifteen years.” A

Ngày đăng: 05/05/2022, 09:09

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