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Lịch sử 11 ôn tập hk2

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Ôn tập Lịch Sử 11 hk2, do mình tự biên soạn để giúp mọi người học tốt hơn và được điểm cao trong công việc học tập của mọi người ạ. Chúng cũng khá hữu ích cho những ai yêu thích môn này, lưu ý có những câu mình tự nghĩ ra và có những câu mình lấy trên mạng hihi.

LƯU HOẰNG TRÍ KEYS BAI TAP TIENG ANH il (THEO CHUONG TRINH THE DIEM 2015) PEARSON| Tài liệu miễn phí, khơng bán NHÀ XUẤT BẢN ĐẠI HỌC QUỐC GIA HÀ NỘI UNIT 1: THE GENERATION GAP_ A PHONETICS If the ‘children be'come inde'pendent, it will be 'good as they can 'make their own de'cisions 'whether they are 'right or 'wrong Some 'parents 'spend too little time co'mmunicating with and ‘listening to their ‘children ‘Children have to dis'cuss 'serious 'things or 'big de'cisions with their ‘parents as it 'shows re'spect to them ‘Corporal pu'nishment is not a'llowed since this may ‘cause a ‘serious ‘impact on their ‘children’s de'velopment Every ‘home should have a 'list of 'family 'rules which 'state expec'tations for be'haviour It is im'portant to in'form the 'family before 'going out anywhere B VOCABULARY _J1H 2.E H/ closer behave Il/ talk & GRAMMAR 3G-4.J 5:BH.:6D :71-::8AÁ easier stressed precious values skills fun know/see care ask IV/ values impose burden V/ powerful chance VI/ A airmail E daybreak 7 B F attitude curfews who bills background _ C deadline G peacemaker after advantages bedtime feedback '9.F;Z3IĐ¿C remind respectful 9 D H 10 siblings provides _10 nuclear babysitter makes opportunity countryside runway mature VII/ shouldn’t 2.should 3.shouldn’t shouldn’t should should VIII/ mustn’t mustn’t may must have to have to IX/ don’t have to get up have to find don’t have to have to write don’t have to wear have to wear don’t have to answer 10 have to be have to try don’t have to worry C READING V1.T H/ 2.T 3.E :214.32'6sEiiö6: T They are: a teenager is getting bad grades at school, a teen is hanging out with a bad crowd, and a parent is very strict with their teenager That teen may have difficulty in graduating from high school and getting into college, or getting scholarships for school Because their teen can end up doing thc se bad things too A teenager wants to rebel when his parent is very strict with him They are: both parties should commu.iicate with each other, teenagers should things together with their parents, or they go io a family counselor Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - HƯ Because they maintain peace and order in the family matters Everyone should be involved in making the decision of important be responsible and practise They are the pillars of the family and to guide the children to - good values ine not only at home but They teach children to become more responsible and have discipl especially outside of the home among children They can prevent conflict, misunderstanding, quarrels and fights IV/ Task 1: C Task 2: laptop Task 3: 1.T V/I.D online homepage 3.F 2.B D SPEAKING 2.C 2.B VI.A I/1.G real-time upload offline 3T 3A 4F 4C 5F 5.C 6F 3F 3D 4E 4A 5D 5.F 6B 7T 8T E WRITING V/ All family members must discuss the rules family rules Young children should receive lots of encouragement to follow The daily routines make children feel safe and secure be lighter for everyone Ifevery family member shares the household chores, the burden will a chance to suggest We should hold an informal family meeting to give family members better ways to share household chores at the community 1am allowed to take part in social activities at school and 26 W/1.E II 3F 4D 5.B Parent-child conflicts can occur for many reasons everyone involved Resolving a parent-child conflict requires the participation of Communication is a very useful tool in resolving conflicts criticizing them all the time Parents try to understand what a child is thinking instead of conflicts Family rules should be appropriate and fair in order to avoid IV/ Student’s own answer TEST 5A 4C 3D 2.C HI/1D 10C 9C 8A 7.A HƯ B IV/ 16 misunderstanding 11 technologies 25A 23.D 24C 22C V/21.B - Lưu H‹ f (Unit 1) 12B I1LC 18 reaction 27.B 26D 15.D 14A 13C 19 personality 20 situation 28.D 29.A 30.B New Shop.vn 35.B 33.A 34.C 32.B VƯ31.D 37.E 38.G 39.B 40.D VH/ 36 C VHU 41 It is my parents’ wish that I should speak in a polite voice to other people 42 I should get home by curfew 43 lam allowed to visit my classmates at the weekend 44 45 IX/ 46 47 48 49 My parents always refuse to allow me to ask for things in the supermarket A few clear and specific rules are likely to be more effective than a long list Parents have more authority, power, and influence than their children Parents must set the limits of acceptable and unacceptable behaviour for their children A relationship of mutual respect should be developed between parents and children Each person in the conflict wants or needs something different from what the other person thinks ' 50 Parents always want the best things for their children, but Se should also respect their children’s privacy of their thoughts, bedroom, and phone calls TEST (Unit 1) HEH/1.A Ill/6.B 2.C 7.D IV/ 16 foreign 3B 4A 8B 9C 17 upset 23B 24.D 33.C 34.B 38.G 39.B 5.C 10B 11D 18 disrespectful 12A 13B 14A 15.D 19 significant 20 popular 25.C 26.A 27.C 28.A 29.C 30.B V/21.C 22.A 35.A VI/31.D 32.A 40.A VIl/36.C 37.F VIH/ 41 Children are allowed to take part in the rule-making process 42 Many families find it useful to write down a set of rules about how family members are expected to behave 43 Many parents think that they should make the rules public by sticking them on the fridge 44 Young children will need to get supervision and support to follow family rules 45 A family must have rules about safe behaviour, including rules about alcohol use, dating and curfew IX/ 46 Rules can help your family members get along better, and make family life more peaceful 47 Effective rules are positive statements about how your family wants to look after and treat its members 48 Family rules help children and young people learn where the limits are, and what is expected of them 49 It is important to involve all members of the family as much as possible when developing family rules 50 As children get older, they can contribute even more to decide what the rules should be, as well as the consequences for breaking them Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11-5 UNIT 2: RELATIONSHIPS g9: Ee A PHONETICS I haven’t seen you for ages What’re you doing here so early in the morning? I’m going to work I’ve worked for a student dating website for two weeks What’s your job? I’m improving people’s profiles Many people don’t know what to write about themselves and they’ve sent very boring profiles What’ll you in the near future? I’m surfing the Net to get a new job The company says they’ll give me a job offer next week B VOCABULARY dating reconciled relationship broken up I/ Closeness sympathetic argument met face to face date 10 romantic relationships II/ interest(s) what & GRAMMAR — support/encourapement successes smart/intelligent 5D 4C 3B 2.A 100D 9C §A 7B 6C HƯ 1.A IV/ It was hand-carved wooden spoons that Welsh boys gave to girls as a symbol of their love It was around a bonfire that dating was done within China’s Dai ethnic group It is many teenagers that spend a lot of time thinking and talking about being in a relationship It is a great influence that Friends can have on teens’ choices It is at high school that teenagers are going through lots of physical and emotional changes It is your family relationships that plays a big part in the way your child thinks C READING V/ Task 1: 1.C 3.A 4B 5.D Task 2: 1.T / 2.F 3T:.4T1 5E 6T: 7.1 8T H/ 1: give in (v) = (to agree) to something that you not want to peer (n) = a person (who is) the same age 7B 6C 5F 4.T 3u} 8A 9D 10B D SPEAKING LE F 3C 4A 5.D 3B 4C 5A E WRITING /1.D 2.F - Luu Hoang New Shop.vn about teenage I Current mood: upset @ wren me anything My mum is extremely strict, and she doesn’t let says no I never go out with my friends because she always is wrong I am not going to sneak out because I know it class I get good grades at school, and I am at the top of my works far from home _ She is an overprotective mother, and my dad often Counsellor’s answer: Thank you for reaching us at our website at home It sounds that things are really difficult for you your mum It is so upset for you not to feel trusted by what you are thinking I think you should sit down and talk to her about or aunt or a school counsellor 10 You can talk to a trusted adult like your uncle 2.D HI/1.B TG IƯ B IV/ 16 concerns © TEST (Unit 2) 5.C 4A 3.A 13.4 12C 11.D 10C 9.A 8D 19 wishes 17 adulthood 18 feelings 15.D 14D 20 decisions Ví left in Japan 21 It is for the college years that dating is on Valentine’s Day in Japan 22 It is girls that are to buy boys white chocolate much chocolate 23 It is the boy that must give the girl twice as an boy often holds during a date 24 It is his girlfriend's handbag that a South Kore his wife woman that the South Korean man expect 25 Once married, it is a more traditional to be V/26.C VI/36.D VIL/4ILF IX/46E 27A 37B 42.E 47D 2.C HI/1.A 7.B HƯ C IV/ 16 discuss 28B 38.A 43.C 48A 29.D 39.C 44D 49.F 30.B 40.B 45.A 50.B 31.C 32.D 33.A TEST (Unit 2) 5.A 4D 3B 13.D 12C 11A 10C 9B 8A 19 arranged 18 follow 17 take 34C 35.A 15.C 14.A 20 decreases Ví in Central and South America is until the age of 15 that dating is not allowed 21 gathered for parties at a home and slept there 22 It was in Italy and Switzerland that teens when the party was over dating rules than any other places in the world 93 It is in the Netherlands that people have fewer getting to know each other in Brazil 94 It is kissing that is considered as a part of ts often on her boyfriend in Italy 25 It is a background check that a girl’s paren Bai tap Tiéng Anh 11-7 VI26C 27A 28D 29B 30B 31B 32A VI/36.B 37D 38A 39C 40B VIH/41ID 42G 43C 44B 45E IX/ 46 I think my friend Mary is developing an eating disorder 33D 34B 35C 47 She always talks to me that she would like to be a fashion model, 48 She has gone on a diet for a month, and she sometimes skips meals 49 Her parents always follow her wish, and they don’t see the negative effects of her diet 50 We try/have tried to ask the school counsellor to explain the side effects of skipping meals to her UNIT 3: BECOMING INDEPENDENT A PHONETICS _AllOR2usJare spending lots2of timetJin ffonftJOŸ screens Be sure to pay your renk ;and bilis ¿on time ItUisua goodUidea to be aware sof your weaknesses mw Nm Ụ Whatware skills vofUanUindependent learner? aw Thesevare modesUof transportation anUindependent teen should know œ mm Parents want to giveva teenUalivof the tools he needs to be successful IfUa teen possessesUallVof the life skills, he will succeedUin the world I think you haveva lotuof life skills inorder to liveVindependently H/ The finalk ›aim of ;any parent is to bringjupLJan independent, responsible child This may seem obvious, but most/of ¿1s know Ít takes real focusc¿onjit Kids often become ready for the world when they turn eighteen They need to practisea ict inorder ic behaveUindependently It means ailvof them shouldUincrease their ability to make decisions son their own Sometimes parentsailow children to make inappropriate options, and then kids_ought to movevon B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR flow focus information 4, team techniques T phan issue sysiem 10 werk l/l hygiene self-reliant cope/deal decisions effort communication suffer HẬU Iwas amazed to recognize that | could work more effectively with my time log It is impossible for anyone to focus and produce really high-quality work without giving their brains some time to rest and recharge It is important to make a list of atizinable goals that you can achieve 4, It is very simple to use an electrsnic calendar to write down the things you need to do, including appointments and deadiines It is neither urgent nor important te read fiinny emails or check Facebook first New Shop.vn It is surprisingly hard (for you) to practise time management in your daily life It is very useful to keep a time log at times of pressure, for example, when revising for examinations It is nice to think that you can work for 8-10 hours straight, especially when you are working to a deadiine 1V/ independence by encouraging good It’s very important for parents te help build a chiid’s 1, habits It’s necessary for customers to have to read fabric care labels and recognize which clothes require dry cleaning Itis both urgent and iaportant for parents to pick their children up from school 4, It is essential for students to learn to prioritise their tasks ft is reasonable for all of us to focus and concentrate on one thing at a time Vi f you have no desire to cook, invest in a microwave We sh lity to take a leadership role within group situations Action Priority Matrix is a/one tool to help you prioritize effectively 4, One usefu | way to eliminate wasted time is to use a time log 35 You can ask your tutor for permission to submit an assignment late if necessary our time is ¢ mportant/a key element for you to succeed in your study LY The schoo} library is a suitable venue for you to escape frem distractions oo Do you think it is the ideal time to send that email confirming your holiday dates? C READING V/ 1, courses are for students with a range of additional leaming needs from moderate ning difficulties to severe learning-difficulties cause their range of Life Skills courses enables learners to develop vocational skilis ned to improve opportunities for progression tc employment and/or further study You ti 4, will be taught cookery, nal skills creative skills, workshop skills, animal care skills, and Students are taught in small groups and all courses include lessons that help them bui!d conti fide ence and improve literacy, numeracy and skills for independence, employment aiid progression They can arrange an expert’s visit for potential students, and parerits (including a tour to view our facilities and discuss the course options) /1,Ð 2.0 3A 4E 5B 535.1 4F 3F 6T 7F 8T 9T 10F Task I: : Tusk2:112NG 1ask 3: Because the skills are valuable not on'v in job-hunting, but also in many other aspects cf life (from revising for examinations to working in a vacation job) Because they have to find time to apply for jobs (at the same time) Bòi tập Tiếng Anh 11 - We can reduce any time-related stress in our lives by adjusting our routines and patterns of behaviour your It is setting clear goals, breaking your goals down into several steps, and reviewing progress towards your goals It mostly involves focusing on urgent and important tasks rather than those that are trivial IV/ 22€ 1.E 3.A 4B 5.D 3B 4G 5A : It becomes counter-productive when we push our children to be independent before they’re ready Because the child was not ready for the move toward independence discomfort The child will stay confined within her comfort zone and won’t overcome her and fear about taking on new independence or a new experience Parents should push their children gently, incrementally and with lots of support 10 Because he could hear his mother’s voice close but not right next to him 5B 4C 3D 2.B V/I.A D SPEAKING Vite I/1.E OE 3C: X6 4.D 5.5 6E 7.H 8D E WRITING V/ Courses in independent living skills are advertised dence The courses are for individuals who may need to maintain or develop their indepen There are (at least) courses We will be taught skills of scheduling and keeping appointments these SVILC's specialist will work with us to identify the areas of our life that require types of skills and design a plan to achieve success W1.E 2c 3P 4F 5Á TEST 2.A HIV 1.C 7.B HƯ 6.B IV/ 16 independently 4C 3B 9A 8C 11 rowtines 6H 7B 8D (Unit 3) 5.D IIC 10D \8 haircut 13A 12B 19 injuries 15D 14C 20 encourage V/ 21 It is probably healthy for foreigners to try and eat some homemade meals 22 It is important (for you) to go out of your comfort zone and meet other people 23 It is very helpful (for you) to use Action Plans to break large projects down into manageable steps work 24 It is reasonable (for us) to focus on one task at a time to produce higher quality 25 It is very stressful (for us) to too many tasks at the same time 35.C 34A 32.B.33.D 31.C 29,D.30.A 28.B 27.C VI/26.A 39.A 40.B 38.C 37B VI/36D 45.E 44A 43D 42B VI/41F 10 - Lưu Hoằng Trí IX/ 46 47 48 49 50 Dear Ms Brown, I have been a trainee employee for the ABC Company for one year am writing this letter to enquire about a training course on management of our time, and interaction with co-workers I would like to know how to have an enjoyable social life, make friends, and access social activities I hope you will allow me to apply for the training course Please contact me at this address if you have any questio ns I hope for your kind consideration Sincerely yours, Mary HI/1.C HH B 2A 7.C 3.D 8A IV/ 16 function TEST (Unit 3) 4.D 5.A 9A 10D ILA 12B 17 requires V/ 18 achieves 13C 19 organize 14D 15D 20 dedicate 21 A teen with a job has the responsibility to learn how to cover monthly expenses, 22 It’s a basic skill to have to use an iron safely 23 Teens should have the important skill to cope with loneliness 24 We should have interpersonal skills to persuade other people to tell us the ways to something 25 We should have a good public transportation system to rely on (It's useful to have ) VI/26B 27A 28C 29D 30A 31B 32.D 33.C 34.A 35.C VH/36C 37B 38D 39.A 40B VUI/41.D 42F 43B 44.E 45C IX/ Dear Sir/Madam, 46 | am a first-year student and I would like to learn independent living skills, and I would like to be taught these new skills with practical instructions 47 I would also like to know how to write an independent living plan to meet my individual needs, such as meal planning, financial management, obtaining housing and transportation, and much more 48 I would like to join the classes in the evening because I go to college at daytime 49 I hope that your answers to my questions will help me to make the right decision about the course 50 Thank you very much for your time I am looking forward to hearing from you Faithfully yours, Nick a New Stop:.vn | | | 50 The acceptance as a member country would improve development, and strengthen ASEAN’s centrality its prospects for economic UNIT 6: GLOBAL WARMING A PHONETICS fi Vi I/I.N 2.7 Ee g8 3A 4A 6.” 5.N B VOCABULARY & GRAMMAR U 2-E 1,C global warming carbon dioxide Il/ flooding HƯ 10 greenhouse effect energy sea life greenhouse gases carbon emissions climate change alternative sources Iv/ 1.G 3E 2:C 5.B fossil fuels 4.D 3.A industrialized countries 4A 5H famine forest sea levels carbon ƒoolprini 6F 7B endangered species Š energy use 8D After having developed hydropower, Switzerland can rely much on hydroelectricity, a source of renewable energy After having called for powering every school in the district with clean energy, students can enjoy fresh air and have fewer respiratory diseases Because having suffered from heavy rain and floods, Soc Trang held a forum to discuss the issue with international organizations for long-term solutions Because having impacted on the whole country, the El Nino phenomenon’ caused a decrease of rainfall in the north and an increase in the south After having asked the parents to contribute to the fund, the school installed solar panels m on the school roofs to harness After having launched the organizers received hundreds After having been carried out V/ solar power “Solutions for Environmental Pollutions” campaign, the of practical projects in Lao Cai Province for three years, the Eco-village project creates a green, clean and beautiful landscape Since having used toxic chemicals environment in farming, people made a serious effect on the The company denied having dumped hundreds of tons of waste into the river The government praised these big companies for having invested in wind and solar energy The mining industry in this region is responsible for having discharged most of carbon dioxide emissions into the atmosphere Local people blame the melting of polar ice for having made the number of polar bears much smaller The public criticizes the local businesses for not having developed clean technologies in recent years 18 - Lưu Hoằng Trí ‘ C READING U Gases in the earth’s atmosphere stop some of the heat from escaping into space so that the earth is kept warm There are higher temperatures on Earth It said that humans are causing global warming They are: driving a car, flying on a plane (or building factories, and cutting trees) They are: the changes in the sun’s brightness during its 11-year solar cycle, and erupting volcanoes agree disagree disagree agree 10 disagree II/1.T 2.F 3T 4F 5.T II/1.T 3.E' ST '$%T' 6.F”'7F.'S5ST IV/ Task 1: 1.D TUÁO: Be A 35B Task 2: 1.T 2.T 3.F 4.NG 5.T Task 3: 1.B 2D 3E 4A 5.C D SPEAKING 1.C 2.G E WRITING 1.D 2, A 3E 4A 5H 6B 3F 4C 5E 6B 7F 6D TEST (Unit 6) 2.D 3A 4B 5B 7.B 8C 9.B 10.C 11.D 12A 13B 14B 15D 17 global warming 18 climatechange 19.finance 20 organizations HH/I.C HI/6 A IV/ 16 host V/ 21 We admire the world’s largest IT companies for having powered their operations with 100 percent renewable energy 22 Local communities in North Carolina thanked Greenpeace for having supplied all public school districts with 100 percent renewable energy 23 Local people in Ben Tre blamed salinity of water for having caused significant damage to the crops and livestock 24, Mary remembers having installed a wind turbine to provide energy for all lights and airconditioners in the home 25 Scientists accuse the burning of fossil fuels and other human activities for having increased average global temperatures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past 100 years VI/ 26.B 27.A 28.C 29.C 30.D VII/36.B 37.D 38.A 39.C 40.C VIH/4I.D 42.A 43.E 44.F 45.C 31.C 32A 33A 34.D 35.C fi IX/ Smart solutions to reduce emissions 46 We have to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide emissions that we are putting into the atmosphere Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - 19 47 We have already had clean technology and practical solutions to accomplish it 48 We should expand the use of renewable energy and try to become less dependent on fossil fuels 49, Governments have to pass laws to ban tropical deforestation 50, All organizations and individuals should work together to build a clean energy economy by investing in efficient energy technologies, and industries TEST (Unit 6) _HH/I.B © MƯ Ð 7.B IV/ 16 fertilizer 3Đ::1449;.53.€ 9A §C 10C 17 carbon footprint ILA 12C 13C 14D 15.B 18 energy-saving 19 carbon emissions 20 man-made V/ 21 They remember having been unprepared for sudden floods last year 22 Local communities in New Orleans criticized the US government for having provided insufficient supplies for the flood victims for 23 Local people in Quang Tri Province blame deforestation and overflowing dams having caused worse floods and storms in recent years Nam 24 The US government denies having caused various diseases and birth defects in Viet with Agent Orange 25 He admitted having pumped salty water into the fields illegally 35.A 34B 32.A 33.C 31.B 29.D 30.C 28.A 27B VI/26.C 39.D 40.C 38C 37A VI/36B 45.C 44A 43B 42.F VII41I.D IX/ the 46 “Water Wise” is an organization which was established to raise awareness among youth and protect the environment e 47 It has become/becomes a well-known organization for Vietnamese youth who encourag the communities to save water resources 48 “Water Wise” attracts hundreds of members to join in use of 49 Participants learn how to prevent damage to the environment by limiting the plastic bags — ndly 50 It develops Green School, which is a project to establish a network of eco-frie schools throughout Viet Nam UNIT 7: FURTHER A PHONETICS 2A Lis M.: Ii ds he Ae B VGCABULARY 2.E Ui.Đ Il/ eligible tuition BO eA LH 6, V & GRAMMAR 4C 3.A institutions scholarship 20 - Luu Hoang Tri EDUCATION 5.B mandatory § qualifications transcripts campus counsellor 10 major H mandatory pre-university IV/ 1.v academic year prepare 3.v 4v 7v lasts undertake proceed degrees pursue 10 requirement 10.v I’ve had this watch for over five years I’ve liked chocolates for years Have you known Maria for a long time? I haven’t seen David for years I’ve hated onions since I was a child v/ has been looking, hasn’t found I’ve been reading ve met They’ve been building filled in VI/ has grown has been raising succeeded I’ve been getting loved has increased make up My brother has started has been has been working has offered will say 10 were C READING Hà ma ch Gi ee 1U HƯ Further education is used to describe the education that occurs following compulsory post-16 secondary education, and higher education primarily describes post-18 learning It includes a few different levels, such as A-Levels and Higher National Diplomas They can extend a Foundation Degree to a bachelor’s degree, with one year or more of extra study They can attend further education in the sixth-form college part of a school or in independent further education colleges, as well as in other work-based, adult and community learning institutions It awards students academic degrees, and professional qualifications They lead to a higher demand for university education than ever before They are Australia, the US, China, Singapore and the UK Because English has become the dominant foreign language in Vietnam They offer scholarships to international students Because living costs in Australia compare favourably with the United States and UK, and it is closer to Viet Nam than other English-speaking countries, making visits home easier The American education is considered the best in the world They are business health professions administration, finance, engineering, maths, computer science, and Because they were required to take university entrance examinations in Vietnamese It is one of the criteria to rank Vietnamese universities They come from the Asia Pacific region including China, Japan, Korea, Australia, Laos, Cambodia and Thailand They study Vietnamese studies, Vietnamese literature or South East Asian studies They should have courses and programmes taught in English Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - 21 ... teenagers should things together with their parents, or they go io a family counselor Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - HƯ Because they maintain peace and order in the family matters Everyone should be involved... a vacation job) Because they have to find time to apply for jobs (at the same time) Bòi tập Tiếng Anh 11 - We can reduce any time-related stress in our lives by adjusting our routines and patterns... Task 1.B Task D SPEAKING 1.G 2.E E WRITING , VIE 2.D 3.B 4.F 5.C H/1.E 2.C 3A 4B 5D Bài tập Tiếng Anh 11 - 13 HI/ILC H6 B IV/ 16 play V/ 21 started VI/26.B VI/36D VIW/41.D IX/ 2D 3.B 7.C 4A TEST

Ngày đăng: 04/05/2022, 00:11

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