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Financial accounting an introduction 2e by elliot benedict

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  • Cover

  • Financial Accounting An Introduction

  • Contents in brief

  • Contents in detail

  • Acknowledgements

  • Guided tour

  • Part A The Financial Accounting System

    • The need for accounting

      • What is financial accounting?

      • The Statement of financial position

      • The impact of transactions on the Statement of financial position

      • The Statement of income

      • Why does a business need to keep accounting records?

      • Why does outside the business need accounting information

      • Why managers within a business need accounting information

      • Maintaining confidence in the accuracy of accounting information

      • Accounting terminology

      • Summary

      • Reference

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

    • Accounting for cash

      • Why cash should be controlled

      • How is cash controlled?

      • The Cash account

      • Possible misappropriation of cash

      • Writing up a Bank account

      • A two-column Cash Book

      • Accounting terminology

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • The double-entry accounting system

      • Why do we need to analyse cash transactions?

      • Methods of analysing receipts and payments

      • Checking the correctness of the analysis

      • The double-entry system of accounting

      • Recording transactions on the double-entry system

      • Illustration of how the double-entry system operates

      • Balancing each ledger account

      • The Trial Balance

      • More about the Trial Balance

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • The Statement of financial position and Statement of income

      • Five classes of accounts

      • Identifying assets from expenses

      • Identifying income from liabilities and capital

      • Accounting treatment of payments

      • Accounting treatment of receipts

      • How the class of an account is identified

      • Statement of income

      • The Statement of financial position

      • Statement of financial position compared with Trial Balance

      • The set order of items in a Statement of financial position

      • The elements of financial statements

      • Accounting equation

      • Accounting errors

      • More accounting terminology

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accounting for credit transactions

      • What is a credit transaction?

      • Accounting for credit sales

      • Accounting for sales returns

      • Accounting for credit purchases

      • Accounting for purchase returns

      • Trade discount

      • Day Books with analysis columns

      • Drawings by the owner of a business

      • Types of ledgers

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Inventories, profit margin and gross profit ratio

      • Reporting unsold purchases as an asset

      • Goods lost or disposed of otherwise than by sale

      • Accounting for closing and opening inventory

      • Goods removed for personal use by the proprietor

      • Expenses to be included within the cost of sales

      • Finding the quantity of closing inventory

      • Identification of goods remaining unsold

      • Controls needed when doing a physical count of inventory

      • When physical count results may need adjustment

      • Valuing the closing inventory

      • Goods with customers on a sale or return basis

      • Valuing closing inventory at net realisable value

      • The requirements of IAS 2

      • Profit margin and gross profit percentage

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accruals, prepayments, depreciation and bad debts

      • The accruals concept

      • Accounting for accrued expenses

      • Accounting for prepaid expenses

      • Accounting for deferred income

      • Depreciation and the straight-line method of measurement

      • Accounting for depreciation

      • Reducing balance method of measuring depreciation

      • Sum of the years’ digits method of measuring depreciation

      • Bad debts and allowance for doubtful debts

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Disposal, revaluation and impairment of non-current assets

      • What are non-current assets?

      • Why does a gain or loss arise on the disposal of an asset?

      • Accounting for the disposal of a non-current asset

      • Disposal of one from a class of assets

      • Preparation of a statement of movement of non-current assets

      • Two problems in disposal accounting encountered in examinations

      • Disposal of an asset depreciated on the reducing balance method

      • Disposal by scrapping or trading-in

      • Reporting non-current assets at current valuation

      • Merits of reporting non-current assets at valuation

      • Demerits of reporting non-current assets at valuation

      • Requirements relating to reporting assets at valuation

      • Accounting for revaluation gain/loss

      • Impairment of a non-current asset

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

  • Part B Financial Statements of Limited Companies, Sole Traders, Groups and Partnerships

    • Accounting for limited companies

      • What is a limited company?

      • How is a limited company formed?

      • Advantages of limited companies

      • Disadvantages of limited companies

      • Types of limited companies

      • Shares and loan notes (debentures)

      • Accounting for a share issue

      • All-inclusive concept of reporting earnings in each accounting period

      • Accounting for current tax

      • Accounting for deferred tax

      • Financial statements of companies for internal use

      • Accounting for dividends

      • When adjustments have to be made to the retained earnings

      • Illustration of financial statements prepared for internal use

      • Financial statements of companies for publication

      • Illustration of financial statements prepared for publication

      • The Statement of comprehensive income

      • Issue of bonus shares

      • Rights issue of shares

      • Statement of changes in equity: an extended version

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Incomplete records

      • What is an incomplete records situation?

      • Four rules to remember

      • Illustration of how the four rules work

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Statements of cash flows

      • Why a business should focus on its cash resources

      • Preparation of a Statement of cash flows

      • Format of a Statement of cash flows

      • Why operating profit does not equal cash inflow

      • Statement of cash flows using the indirect method

      • Cash flow from asset disposal

      • Cash and cash equivalents

      • Interpretation of a Statement of cash flows

      • Usefulness of the Statement of cash flows

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accounting ratios and interpretation of financial statements

      • The need to interpret financial statements

      • What is an accounting ratio?

      • The need to focus the interpretation

      • Ratios to measure profitability

      • Ratios to assess liquidity

      • Ratios to assess operating performance

      • Level of risk to equity shareholders

      • Share market ratios

      • Limitations of accounting ratios

      • Interpreting financial information by other means

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Consolidation of financial statements

      • The need to prepare consolidated financial statements

      • Consolidation of Statements of financial position

      • Where the subsidiary is acquired rather than incorporated

      • The acquisition of a subsidiary later than upon incorporation

      • Fair valuation of the subsidiary’s assets

      • Cancellation of inter-company debts

      • Elimination of unrealised profit

      • Where the subsidiary is one partly owned

      • Consolidation of Statements of income

      • The Consolidated Statement of changes in equity

      • Preparation of the Consolidated Statement of income illustrated

      • An associate company

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accounting for partnerships

      • What is a partnership?

      • Legal framework of partnerships

      • A partnership agreement

      • Limited liability partnerships

      • Partners’ Capital accounts and Current accounts

      • Charges on profit and appropriation of profit

      • Interest on partners’ drawings

      • Accounting for interest on partners’ drawings

      • Admission of a new partner – profit-share adjustments

      • Admission/retirement of a partner – fair value adjustments

      • What is goodwill and how it is adjusted for?

      • Death or retirement of a partner

      • Revaluation account

      • Dissolution of a partnership by piecemeal disposal

      • Disposal of a partnership as a going concern

      • Opening the books of a newly formed acquiring company

      • Converting the books of the partnership to those of a company

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

  • Part C Accounting for Current Assets and Liabilities

    • Bank account and bank reconciliation

      • The balance in a bank account

      • The two-column Cash Book

      • Accounting in the books of the bank

      • The need for a bank reconciliation statement

      • Preparing a bank reconciliation statement

      • Need to amend the Cash Book prior to reconciliation

      • Cash discount or settlement discount

      • The three-column Cash Book

      • Dishonour of a customer’s cheque and reversal of discount allowed

      • The petty cash systems

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • The Journal and correction of errors

      • The need for a Journal

      • Transactions usually journalised

      • The style of presenting a journal entry

      • Journal entries for opening new books of account

      • Journal entry for acquisition of a non-current asset on credit terms

      • Journal entries for transfers between accounts

      • Correction of errors

      • Alternative approaches to error correction

      • The need for journal entries to be authorised

      • Suspense account

      • Preparing financial statements without clearing the Suspense

      • Recalculation of profits after correcting errors

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Control accounts

      • Introduction to Control accounts

      • The steps for writing up a Control account

      • Control account corroborates the accuracy of individual balances

      • Benefits of writing up Control accounts

      • The Trade receivables ledger control account

      • Trade payables control account

      • When a Control balance fails to corroborate individual balances

      • Control accounts for other assets and liabilities

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accounting for Sales tax (VAT) and payroll

      • Introduction to Sales tax

      • Accounting for Sales tax collected from customers

      • Accounting for Sales tax on purchases and expenses

      • Prime entry for sales and purchases liable to Sales tax (VAT)

      • How Sales tax is calculated and features in financial statements

      • VAT regulations in the UK

      • Salaries and wages

      • Summary

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

  • Part D The Conceptual Framework

    • Conceptual framework of accounting

      • Financial reports

      • Who benefits from a conceptual framework?

      • Identification of the stakeholders

      • Main areas of stakeholder interest

      • The information needs of all stakeholders are not the same

      • Underlying assumptions when preparing financial statements

      • Working rules

      • Capital maintenance

      • Qualitative characteristics of information in financial statements

      • The elements of financial statements

      • Recognition of an element in a financial statement

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Revenue recognition

      • What is revenue recognition?

      • Problems with revenue recognition

      • Relevance of accounting concepts to revenue recognition

      • Traditional approaches to revenue recognition

      • The critical event approach or transactions approach

      • The accretion approach

      • Revenue allocation approach

      • Requirements of IAS 18 Revenue Recognition

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

  • Part E Accounting for Non-Current Assets, Liabilities and Provisions

    • Accounting for tangible non-current assets

      • Identification of an asset

      • Identification of tangible non-current assets

      • Recognition of property, plant and equipment in accounts

      • Measurement of PPE on the cost model

      • Accounting for an asset acquired in exchange for another

      • Accounting for subsequent expenses

      • Capitalisation of borrowing costs

      • Depreciation of non-current assets

      • Why non-current assets should be depreciated

      • The case for depreciating buildings

      • The component approach to depreciation and capitalisation

      • Depreciation of infrastructure assets by renewal accounting

      • Requirements of IAS 16 regarding depreciation

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Accounting for intangible assets and government grants

      • What is an intangible asset?

      • Intangible assets other than goodwill

      • Accounting for intangibles other than goodwill

      • Accounting for goodwill

      • Research and development costs

      • The case against capitalising development costs

      • The case for capitalising development costs

      • Government grants – alternative approaches to accounting

      • Asset-related government grants

      • Income-related government grants

      • Other requirements on accounting for grants

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

    • Liability, provision, contingency and post reporting-date events Chapter

      • What is a liability?

      • Referring to a liability as a provision

      • Accounting for provisions

      • What is a contingent liability?

      • Accounting for contingent liabilities

      • Demarcating liabilities, provisions and contingent liabilities

      • Thresholds on whether occurrence is probable, possible or remote

      • Contingent assets

      • Events after the reporting period

      • Summary

      • References

      • Suggested answers to activities

      • Multiple choice questions

      • Progressive questions

      • Test questions

  • Suggested answers to progressive questions

  • Index

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Ngày đăng: 03/05/2022, 16:42