Bella John Liza Mia Billy Carol Betty Ben Maia Alex Kim Pam Willy Sally Carla Milly Tom Peter Sam COMPLETE THE SENTENCES USING THE RIGHT ACTION VERB swimming looking making carrying playing sunbathing reading standing buying sitting 1- Sally is ………… a book 2- Milly and Sam are …………… with a ball 3- Peter is …………….an ice-cream 4- Alex and Betty are……………… with each other 5- Paul and Kim are …………… sand castles 6- Liza and Billy are…………… 7- Carol and Ben are …………… for seashells 8- Pam is……………… under the sun 9- Bella is …………… 10- Carla and Tom are …………… ice-cream 11- Willy is ………………two ice-creams 12- John is …………… on a red air bed talking eating