Adding a Sim 5-Axis Operation
To add a Sim 5-Axis Operation to the CAM-
Part, right-click the Operations header in
SolidCAM Manager and choose the Sim
5-Axis Milling command from the Add
The default Parallel cuts dialog box is displayed.
Sim 5-Axis Operation dialog box
SolidCAM offers a variety of Sim 5-Axis operations tailored for specific machining tasks Each operation includes a set of parameters and options that align with the selected technology, facilitating efficient programming for various Sim 5-Axis applications.
This section enables you to define the type of the Sim 5-Axis operation SolidCAM provides you with the following types of the Sim 5-Axis operation:
This strategy enables you to generate the tool path with cuts that are parallel to each other.
This strategy enables you to perform the machining along a lead curve The generated cuts are parallel to each other.
This strategy enables you to generate the tool path on the drive surface parallel to the specified check surface.
This strategy enables you to generate the tool path orthogonal to a Lead curve
• Morph between two boundary curves
This strategy enables you to generate a morphed tool path between two leading curves The generated tool path is evenly spread over the drive surface.
• Morph between two adjacent surfaces
This approach allows for the creation of a customized tool path on a drive surface, confined by two check surfaces The tool path is evenly distributed between these check surfaces, ensuring precise machining This strategy is particularly effective for machining impellers that feature twisted blades.
This strategy enables you to generate a tool path along a curve projected on the drive surface.
This strategy projects the curve selected in the Projection curves section down onto the drive surfaces.
This strategy projects a radial pattern on the surface It can be particularly effective on circular shaped components and shallow areas.
This strategy projects a spiral pattern on the surface.
This strategy projects the curve selected in the Projection curves section down onto the drive surfaces and creates offsets on the sides of the projection curve.
The parameters for Sim 5-Axis operation are organized into several subgroups, which are presented in a tree format on the left side of the Operation dialog box By clicking on a subgroup name, users can view the corresponding parameters on the right side of the dialog box.
Define the CoordSys position for the Sim 5-Axis operation.
Choose a geometry for machining and define the machining strategy and its parameters.
Choose a tool for the operation and define the related parameters such as feed and spin.
Define the Clearance area and the machining levels.
Define the orientation of the tool axis during the Sim 5-Axis machining.
The Link and Default Lead-In/Out pages enable you to define how the Sim 5-Axis cutting passes are linked to the complete tool path.
Avoid the tool gouging of the selected drive surfaces and check surfaces.
Define the parameters of the Sim 5-Axis roughing.
Define the parameters related to the kinematics and special characteristics of the CNC- machine.
Define a number of miscellaneous parameters and options related to the Sim 5-Axis tool path calculation.
The stages of the Sim 5-Axis Operation parameters definition
The operation definition is divided into three major stages:
1 CoordSys , Geometry , Finish Parameters and Links – generation of the tool path for the selected faces Tool tilting and gouge checking are not performed at this stage.
2 Tool axis control – controlling the angle of the tool from the normal vector at every point along the tool path.
3 Gouge check – avoiding tool and holder collisions.
Tool path generation Tool axis control
To select the appropriate Coordinate System for your operation, either choose an existing option from the list or click the Define button to create a new one This action opens the CoordSys Manager dialog box, which allows you to define a new coordinate system as needed.
Coordinate System directly on the solid model.
When the Coordinate System is chosen for the operation, the model is rotated to the selected CoordSys orientation.
For more information on the Coordinate System definition, refer to the SolidCAM Milling User Guide
The CoordSys definition must be the first step in the operation definition process.
In a Sim 5-Axis operation, it is essential to select only the Machine Coordinate Systems, as the tool path generated is based on this system The resulting tool path includes both the positions and the tool axis orientation at each point, created within the 4/5-axis space relative to the Machine Coordinate System This system is specifically defined in relation to the center of rotation of the CNC machine, which serves as its origin.
The Geometry page enables you to define the geometry and its parameters for machining.
This section allows you to establish the geometry for the Sim 5-Axis operation in SolidCAM All machining strategies within this operation rely on a defined Drive surface geometry, while certain strategies may require the specification of additional geometries.
In the Drive surface section, select the desired geometry from the list or create a new one by clicking the New icon This action opens the Select Faces dialog box, allowing you to choose one or multiple faces of the SolidWorks model Simply click on the relevant model faces to highlight your selections.
To deselect a chosen face, simply click on the highlighted face again or right-click its name in the list and select the Unselect option from the menu.
When transferring model files between different CAD systems, surface normals may become reversed To address this issue, SolidCAM offers tools to display and edit the normals of model surfaces during the geometry selection process.
The Show direction for highlighted faces only check box enables you to display the surface normals for the specific highlighted faces in the list.
The Show direction for selected faces check box enables you to display the normals direction for all the faces in the list.
SolidCAM allows for machining surfaces in alignment with the positive direction of their normal vectors However, when surfaces are misoriented, it becomes necessary to reverse these normal vectors The Reverse/Reverse All command provides a straightforward solution for reversing the direction of surface normal vectors effectively.
The Drive surface offset parameter enables you to define a machining allowance for the drive surface The machining is performed at the specified distance from the drive surface.
The offset is three-dimensional and expands the faces in every direction.
Some Sim 5-Axis machining strategies use additional curve geometries for the tool path generation SolidCAM enables you to define such geometries using the Geometry Edit dialog box.
For more information on the wireframe geometry selection, refer to the
This section is available only for Parallel cuts strategy It offers you two ways in which the tool path cuts can be performed:
When selecting this option, the tool path cuts are produced in a linear fashion, with the specified axis from the Around axis list being perpendicular to the machining plane.
• When the X-axis is chosen from the Around axis list, the machining is performed in the YZ-plane;
• When the Y-axis is chosen from the
Around axis list, the machining is performed in the ZX-plane;
• When the Z-axis is chosen from the
Around axis list, the machining is performed in the XY-plane.
The Define Angle by Section feature allows users to specify the angle for linear machining This can be done either by inputting the desired angle value in the edit box or by selecting a line directly on the model.
This section is available only when
Linear is chosen for Work type
When this option is chosen, the tool path cuts are generated in the Constant Z manner around the axis chosen from the Around axis list.
The Around axis list enables you to choose the axis
( X , Y or Z ) around which the tool path cuts will be generated. α
This section is available only for the Parallel to curves strategy
The Edge curve section enables you to define lead curve for the operation using the Geometry Edit dialog box (see topic 3.1.3 ).
It is recommended to choose the Drive surface edge as the lead curve geometry to get better placement of the tool path.
This section is available only for Parallel to surface strategy It enables you to generate the tool path on the Drive surface parallel to the specified check surface.
The Edge surface section enables you to define the check surfaces geometry for the tool path generation.
The drive and check surfaces have to be adjacent, i.e they must have a common edge.
Depending on the defined Tool tilting (see topic 7.3 ) it is recommended to activate the gouge checking (see chapter 9 ), to make sure that the check surface will not be gouged.
When a ball-nosed tool is used with this strategy, it is recommended to use the
Tool center based calculation option
This option generates passes near the check surface, ensuring that the tool remains tangent to both the drive surface and the check surface If the calculations do not account for the tool center, it can result in an incorrect tool path.
SolidCAM enables you to define a number of advanced options for the Parallel to surface strategy Click the Advanced button to display the
Advanced Options of Surface Paths Pattern dialog box.
The Generate tool path front side option enables SolidCAM to take into account the normals of the defined check surface.
When this check box is not selected, the tool path is generated on the drive surface only from all the sides of the check surface.
Selecting this checkbox prompts SolidCAM to create a tool path that considers the orientation of the surface normals Consequently, the generated tool path is positioned exclusively on the front side of the checked surface.
SolidCAM enhances machining efficiency by automatically extending passes tangentially to the edges of the drive surface Users can modify the extension direction of the first pass using the Single edge tool path tangent angle parameter, while subsequent passes continue to extend tangentially.
This section is available only for Perpendicular to curve strategy, which enables you to generate the tool path orthogonal to the Lead curve defined in the Geometry section.
Note that when the selected curve is not a straight line, the cuts are not parallel to each other.
The lead curve geometry in SolidCAM is not restricted to the surface; during tool path calculation, virtual points are created along the lead curve at intervals defined by the Step over value These points are projected onto the drive surface using the curve's normal vector, resulting in the generation of virtual surface points at the intersection Consequently, the machining passes are established through these points, maintaining a normal orientation to the lead curve.
Single edge tool path tangent angle
Single edge tool path tangent angle
If the cuts cross each other at the edge of the surface, caused by an inappropriate lead curve, you will not get an acceptable result
For effective tool path generation, the lead curve must be positioned precisely on or above the drive surface If the lead curve is below the surface, no tool path will be created Additionally, when only a portion of the lead curve is above the surface, a tool path will only be generated at the intersection of the lead curve's normal vector with the drive surface.
3.1.8 Start and End edge curve
The Start edge curve and End edge curve options are essential for both the Morph between two boundary curves and Morph between two adjacent surfaces strategies The first strategy generates a morphed tool path that is evenly distributed across the drive surface, connecting two leading curves In contrast, the second strategy is specifically designed for machining impellers featuring twisted blades.
These sections enable you to define the leading curves for the morphing using the Geometry Edit dialog box (see topic 3.1.3 ).
It is recommended to choose the Drive surface edges as the lead curves geometry to get better morphing of the tool path.
End edge curveDrive surface
Morph between two adjacent surfaces
The Start edge surfaces and End Edge surfaces sections enable you to define the check surfaces geometry for the tool path generation.
The drive and check surfaces have to be adjacent, i.e they must have a common edge.
Depending on the defined Tool tilting (see topic 7.3 ) it is recommended to activate the gouge checking (see chapter 9 ), to make sure that the check surfaces will not be gouged.