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Instructions for the Exam “Intro to AI” – DS&AI program With the guidance of the Training Department, the School has agreed that our class takes the exam on the Moodle environment, with the following information: Time: 2:30 p.m to 4:30 p.m., Monday, February 14th, 2022 Type: Multiple-Choice Question More precisely: • the exam time starts at 2.30 p.m Do not be late, or you will not be accepted for the exam • the exam is supposed to last 50 minutes in total But, the first 30-45 minutes will be dedicated to verifying the students’ identity and camera setting, and overall I prefer to ask you to be free until 4.30pm, in case of serious technical difficulty Exam system: Moodle, managed by the Training Department, in which: • Students MUST use SEB (Safe Examination Browser) on their computer, to reply to the exam’s question on Moodle o • • The information about the Moodle test’s address will be sent to you, on Teams a few hours before the examination Students MUST join a MS TEAMS room/meeting for supervisory purposes of exam o I will create two different rooms/meetings on MS Teams for the exam monitoring At all times, there will be at least 1-2 persons to supervise each room/meeting (either me, the Teaching Assistant Minh Chau, or another lecturer) o Obviously, each student should connect only to one Teams room/meeting The information about which room/meeting to connect to, depending on your student number, will be given to you later Students MUST practice SEB before the exam, because any technical issues due to unfamiliarity with SEB will not be accepted Instructions of the Training Department for students: • The general instructions are very much similar to the ones from last semesters As a recall, hereafter are the instructions for semester 2020.2: https://ctt.hust.edu.vn/DisplayWeb/DisplayBaiViet?baiviet=38060 • Instructions for installing SEB (Safe Examination Browser), which is COMPULSORY for this exam: https://ctt.hust.edu.vn/DisplayWeb/DisplayBaiViet?baiviet=38055 More instructions from Prof Visani for students: • Camera setting when joining Teams: see figures below Please note that : o The cell-phone camera (for monitoring on Teams) should be set such that: § The student’s hands are visible at all times § The student’s face is visible, and recognizable, at all times § The computer screen, running Moodle with SEB, should be also visible o Depending on your apartment / room layout, it might not be straightforward for you to get such a camera setting, so: § Please arrange this camera setting in advance, as any student who fails to comply to this setting quickly enough will be denied participation in the examination (will need to postpone under specific procedures defined in accordance with the School) • Please, ensure that you have a good internet connection during the exam Indeed, the School requires that you access both TEAMS and Moodle at the same time, and both require good bandwidth And, if a student’s image on TEAMS is frozen / disconnected for too long, then there is no way for us to monitor this student So, in that case, the student would have to postpone the exam under specific procedures defined in accordance with the School… It’s best to avoid this scenario by ensuring that you have the best internet access possible • If you are in a specific situation (such as: impossible to get access to a good internet connection, no webcam available, etc.), please contact me by email at murielv@soict.hust.edu.vn, so that I can guide you with specific procedures defined in accordance with the School • During the first 30-45 minutes of the exam, we will have to verify that your face (on Teams) matches your student card I want to avoid wasting too much time by asking you to show your student card on the exam day, especially that the resolution might not be good with such a small picture So, if it’s not done yet, please upload a clear photo of your student card on Teams (I created an assignment for that on Teams in December 2021) before the 11th of February, 23h59 So that, on the exam day, we will only have to compare your face to the student card that you already uploaded in the assignment I need to be able to recognize your face For some reason, the Teams app does not display easily the jpg images, so please upload a PDF file This PDF file should be named with your student number, for example 20200000.pdf For the students who not have their student card with them (e.g if they are in their provinces while their student card is in Hanoi, you can upload a photo of your national ID card, passport, or driving license, instead Any student who fails to comply to this simple requirement, for which I made many calls since last December, will be denied participation in the examination (will need to postpone under specific procedures defined in accordance with the School) Some information about the modalities of the examination: - No documents are allowed (nor printed, nor on the computer), and SEB will ensure that you cannot open any other file than just the Moodle page for the exam - All the topics seen during the lectures and exercises may be subject to questions But, as usual, my main focus will be to check if you understood the lectures / exercises and are able to apply this knowledge to real-life problems, not to check if you know all the lectures by heart… - By now, all students should be quite familiar with such online, Multiple-Choice Questions exams For this reason, there is no need for a sample test, and we will not have any sample test before that exam - There will be NO NEGATIVE POINTS for multiple-choice questions So, even if your answer is wrong for a given question, you will get 0, but no minus point will affect your global grade - I am working on a big bank of questions, each question corresponding to a given a topic and a given level of difficulty (from to 7) Each student will be assigned randomly a subset of these questions by taking into account their topics and difficulty levels, so that each student will have to answer a different set of questions, but all possible subsets will be equivalent (similar topics, similar difficulty) Each student will have to reply 30-40 questions within 50 minutes - Because of the way the questions will be randomly selected and shuffled in Moodle, you will get questions in a totally random order (both in terms of topic and difficulty) Do not be surprised / confused by that - The test will be open as soon as we finish with all the verification procedure and remain opened for 50 minutes in total So, if we finish the verification procedure within 30 minutes, the test should be opened on Moodle from 15h to 15h50, and then it will close automatically You will have to finish answering all the questions within these 50 minutes, so you must start answering the questions as soon as the test is opened - You’ll know from the moment where you opened the quiz, how many questions you have to answer in total, so that you can manage your time Going back to previous questions will be possible, so you can skip a question temporarily and go back to this question by the end of the quiz, or review/modify your answers to some of the previous questions - After 50 minutes, the quiz will be closed and your answers so far, automatically submitted (even if you did not finish answering all questions, or if you did not click on the final “Submit” button) For the students who did not press the final “Submit” button on time, all the answers validated by pressing “Next” will be graded as normal (like students who pressed the final Submit button) But (for students who did not press the final “Submit” button on time), any answer that was not validated by pressing “Next” (normally at most question) will not be graded at all So please check the clock and validate as many questions as you can before the end of these 50 minutes! - There will be types of questions: with a single correct answer, or with multiple correct answers (2, or correct answers), graded as follows: - Questions with a single correct answer count for point - Questions with multiple correct answers count for points (whatever the number of correct answers) There are few of these questions (much fewer than the single answer questions) When it’s a multiple-choice question, it will be indicated to you in the question, as follows: « Multiple answers are possible », but the number of correct answers will not be given to you Questions with multiple correct answers will be graded in « all or nothing » mode, meaning that, let’s say that there are correct answers: - if you tick only or of these answers, you’ll get - if you tick or more answers, you’ll get - Therefore, the only solution for you to get points is to tick exactly the correct answers The same goes for questions with possible answers (the only solution for you to get points is to tick exactly the correct answers), etc

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2022, 13:36