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HỌC VIỆN BÁO CHÍ VÀ TUYÊN TRUYỀN KHOA QUAN HỆ QUỐC TẾ BÀI TẬP MÔN TIẾNG ANH CHUYÊN NGÀNH Sinh viên thực : Nguyễn Thị Khánh Hoà Lớp : QHCT&TTQT K38 Mã sinh viên : 1856110017 Giảng viên hướng dẫn: TS Nguyễn Thị Việt Nga TS Nguyễn Thị Hương Hà Nội, tháng 12 năm 2021 MỤC LỤC LISTENING I II III Questions Transcipts Keys READING I II Question Answers WRITING I II Question Answers LISTENING I Questions Question 1-3: Choose the best answer A B C D A B C D A B C D Which countries were at the G-20 Summit? 20 Richest countries 20 wealthiest countries 20 healthiest countries 20 most powerful countries Why did they have the first in-person meeting after years? Because of Covid-19 fifth-wave As the leaders gathered in Rome, Italy Because coronavirus has new variant Because of Coronavirus lockdowns How many countries discuss about Iran’s nuclear program? Question 4-8: Matching The first agenda day A said this is a game-changer that'll create at least $60 billion in new The leaders revenue a year in the U.S B announced the U.S and the European Union have reached agreement over steel and aluminum A senior official tariffs C completely agree a global minimum Big Internet giants tax of 15% on corporations D focused on global health and the The White House post-COVID economic recovery E will not be able to avoid paying taxes by setting up headquarters in low-tax countries F will reshape the rules of the global economy G claimed steel and aluminum tariffs were a threat to U.K national security Question 9-14 Answer the question (no more than three words) What will be allowed to enter the U.S without tariffs under the new deal? 10 Who must the G-20 much more for? 11 How many percent of the population has received at least one dose of Covid-19 vaccines? 12 How did Draghi say about the diferences between the high-income countries and the poorer countries? 13 Which conference will start on Monday in Glasgow? 14 Which action points had host Italy set at the summit? Question 15-20: True/False or Not given 15 Observers fear that real commitments here in Rome to reduce emissions are completely implementable 16 Parades of thousand people on the streets requesting world leaders, save the planet 17 President Biden met separately with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain to talk about some multilateralism issues 18 French President call on Iran to give up a possible U.S return to a nuclear program deal to prevent what they call a dangerous escalation 19 The four leaders didn’t want Iran can develop or acquire a nuclear weapon 20 The leaders say Iran has accelerated provocative nuclear steps that are key to nuclear weapons programs II Transcipts MICHEL MARTIN, HOST: It was a busy day at the G-20 summit today as leaders from the world's 20 wealthiest countries met in Rome, Italy, for their first in-person gathering after nearly two years of coronavirus lockdowns President Biden is there He also had a key meeting today with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain to discuss what to next about Iran's nuclear program NPR's Sylvia Poggioli is with us now from Rome to tell us more Sylvia, welcome Thank you for joining us SYLVIA POGGIOLI, BYLINE: Thank you for having me MARTIN: What was on the agenda today? POGGIOLI: Well, the first day focused on global health and the post-COVID economic recovery And the leaders unanimously endorsed a global minimum tax of 15% on corporations Earlier, a senior Biden administration official who briefed reporters said this is a game-changer that'll create at least $60 billion in new revenue a year in the U.S and will reshape the rules of the global economy This means that big internet giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft will not be able to avoid paying taxes by setting up headquarters in lowtax countries And at the end of the day, the White House announced the U.S and the European Union have reached agreement over steel and aluminum tariffs that had been imposed by the Trump administration that claimed they were a threat to U.S national security They won't be completely removed, but some quantity of European steel and aluminum will be allowed to enter the U.S without tariffs under the new deal And it's really seen as an important step in overcoming the tensions in U.S.-Europe relations that are part of the Trump legacy MARTIN: What about the pandemic? Was this discussed? And its effect on economies - how was this talked about? POGGIOLI: Oh, absolutely In his welcome, Italian Prime Minister Mario Draghi stressed that the pandemic had kept them apart for almost two years But Draghi also pointed out that the G-20 must much more for the poorer countries These 20 countries account for 75% of global trade and 60% of the world population Draghi said in high-income countries, more than 70% of the population has received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccines (SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING) PRIME MINISTER MARIO DRAGHI: In the poorest ones, this percentage drops to roughly 3% These differences are morally unacceptable and undermine the global recovery MARTIN: Sylvia, what about an issue that has just become very important in a lot of conversations - the issue of climate change? POGGIOLI: Well, this summit is, in some ways, a preamble to the U.N Climate Change Conference that starts Monday in Glasgow, and that will be attended by many of the same leaders who are here in Rome Now, host Italy here at the summit had set three action points - people, planet, prosperity - and hopes the summit will set a shared midcentury deadline for net zero carbon emissions That very difficult topic will be dealt with tomorrow But other than an acknowledgement of the danger of global warming, observers fear that real commitments here in Rome to reduce emissions are pretty unlikely, and that's despite the presence of many young environmental activists While the G-20 leaders were meeting on the outskirts of Rome, thousands marched through the streets, demanding, world leaders, save the planet And they repeatedly shouted, shame, shame UNIDENTIFIED PEOPLE: (Chanting in non-English language) MARTIN: And as we mentioned earlier, President Biden met separately with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain to talk about Iran Can you tell us what came out of that? POGGIOLI: Well, French President Emmanuel Macron's office issued a statement - joint statement - that called on Iran to seize the opportunity of a possible U.S return to a nuclear program deal to prevent what they call a dangerous escalation The four leaders vowed they'll everything to ensure Iran can never develop or acquire a nuclear weapon And they expressed concern that Iran has accelerated provocative nuclear steps, such as producing highly enriched uranium and enriched uranium metal They say these are not needed for civilian use but are key to nuclear weapons programs MARTIN: That was NPR's Sylvia Poggioli telling us about the meeting of the world's 20 largest economies, the so-called G-20 meeting in Rome Sylvia, thank you so much for bringing us up to date POGGIOLI: Thank you Link Listening: https://www.npr.org/2021/10/30/1050850659/italian-primeminister-multilateralism-is-the-answer-to-covid-pandemic III Keys Question 1-3: Multiple choice Which countries were at the G-20 Summit? A 20 Richest countries B 20 wealthiest countries C 20 healthiest countries D 20 most powerful countries Answer: B (It was a busy day at the G-20 summit today as leaders from the world's 20 wealthiest countries met in Rome, Italy.) Why did they have the first in-person meeting after years? A Because of Covid-19 fifth-wave B As the leaders gathered in Rome, Italy C Because coronavirus has new variant D Because of Coronavirus lockdowns Answer: D (It was a busy day at the G-20 summit today as leaders from the world's 20 wealthiest countries met in Rome, Italy, for their first in-person gathering after nearly two years of coronavirus lockdowns.) How many countries discuss about Iran’s nuclear program? A B C D Answer: C (President Biden is there He also had a key meeting today with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain to discuss what to next about Iran's nuclear program.) Question 4-8: Matching The first agenda day A said this is a game-changer that'll create at least $60 billion in new revenue a year in the U.S The leaders B announced the U.S and the E.U have reached agreement over steel and aluminum tariffs A senior official C completely agree a global minimum tax of 15% on corporations Big Internet giants D focused on global health and the post-COVID economic recovery The White House E will not be able to avoid paying taxes by setting up headquarters in low-tax countries F will reshape the rules of the global economy G claimed steel and aluminum tariffs were a threat to U.S national security Answer: 4.D (Well, the first day focused on global health and the post-COVID economic recovery) C (And the leaders unanimously endorsed a global minimum tax of 15% on corporations.) A (Earlier, a senior Biden administration official who briefed reporters said this is a game-changer that'll create at least $60 billion in new revenue a year in the U.S and will reshape the rules of the global economy.) E (This means that big internet giants like Apple, Google, Amazon, Facebook and Microsoft will not be able to avoid paying taxes by setting up headquarters in low-tax countries.) B (And at the end of the day, the White House announced the U.S and the European Union have reached agreement over steel and aluminum tariffs.) Question 9-14 Answer the question (no more than words) What will be allowed to enter the U.S without tariffs under the new deal? Answer: steel and aluminum (They won't be completely removed, but some quantity of European steel and aluminum will be allowed to enter the U.S without tariffs under the new deal.) 10 10 Who must the G-20 much more for? Answer: the poorer countries (Draghi also pointed out that the G-20 must much more for the poorer countries.) 11 What percentage of the population has received at least one dose of Covid19 vaccines? Answer: more than 70% (Draghi said in high-income countries, more than 70% of the population has received at least one dose of COVID-19 vaccines.) 12 How did Draghi say about the diferences between the high-income countries and the poorer countries? Answer: morally unacceptable/undermine global recovery (These differences are morally unacceptable and undermine the global recovery) 13 Which agenda will start on Monday in Glasgow? Answer: U.N Climate Change (This summit is, in some ways, a preamble to the U.N Climate Change Conference that starts Monday in Glasgow, and that will be attended by many of the same leaders who are here in Rome) 14 Which action points had host Italy set at the summit? Answer: people, planet, prosperity 11 (Host Italy here at the summit had set three action points - people, planet, prosperity) Question 15-20: True/False or Not given 15 Observers fear that real commitments here in Rome to reduce emissions are completely implementable Answer: F (Observers fear that real commitments here in Rome to reduce emissions are pretty unlikely) 16 Parades of thousand people on the streets requesting world leaders, save the planet Answer: T (While the G-20 leaders were meeting on the outskirts of Rome, thousands marched through the streets, demanding, world leaders, save the planet And they repeatedly shouted, shame, shame.) 17 President Biden met separately with the leaders of France, Germany and Britain to talk about some multilateralism issues Answer: NG 18 French President call on Iran to give up a possible U.S return to a nuclear program deal to prevent what they call a dangerous escalation Answer: F (Well, French President Emmanuel Macron's office issued a statement joint statement - that called on Iran to seize the opportunity of a possible U.S return to a nuclear program deal to prevent what they call a dangerous escalation) 19 The four leaders didn’t want Iran can develop or acquire a nuclear weapon 12 Answer: T (And they expressed concern that Iran has accelerated provocative nuclear steps, such as producing highly enriched uranium and enriched uranium metal.) 20 The leaders say Iran has accelerated provocative nuclear steps that are key to nuclear weapons programs Answer: T (They say these are not needed for civilian use but are key to nuclear weapons programs.) 13 READING: I Questions: SUMMARIZE THE NEWS IN YOUR OWN WORDS (100-150 WORDS) Three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine appear effective against the Omicron variant, a lab test indicated encouraging news, even as Denmark and Britain announced new restrictions to stem surging caseloads In preliminary results published on Wednesday, the US and German companies behind one of the world's foremost shots to combat Covid-19 said a booster generated around the same level of potent antibodies against Omicron as is seen after a second dose with the initial strain But they warned that "the Omicron variant is probably not sufficiently neutralized after two doses." The announcement, which has not yet been peer reviewed, was called reassuring by experts, and came as the first independent data from labs around the world emerged, indicating the new mutations are better at evading immunity from infections and vaccines than those before them "We still need to be very measured and take a wait and see approach, but I think what we have is at least encouraging," virologist Angela Rasmussen of Canada's Vaccine and Infectious Disease Organization told AFP Blood samples from around 20 people who had received two doses of the current vaccine showed on average a 25-fold reduction in neutralizing antibodies compared to the early strain of the virus, the companies said But they added that another part of the immune response from T cells were probably still effective against the new variant, meaning that people with two doses "may still be protected against severe forms of the disease" 14 The vaccine-makers are developing an Omicron-specific version of the jab, which they hope will be ready by March, but say the decision whether to mass produce it would depend on the variant's spread In Europe, Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen announced she would extend Christmas school holidays, curtail nightlife and urge citizens to work from home as the country fights off a sharp rise in infections "The plan is not to have a long closure," she said, while acknowledging a return to home offices would also be unwelcome for many Her British counterpart Boris Johnson likewise brought back guidance to work from home and vaccine passports for venues such as nightclubs and stadiums The new measures apply to England, and were already in place in Scotland and Wales II Answers A encourage news from the lab test, three doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech coronavirus vaccine appear effective against the Omicron variant, even as Denmark and Britain announced new restrictions In preliminary results, the Covid-19 shots companies said a booster-generated potent antibodies against Omicron as before with the initial strain and the Omicron variant probably more than doses to be neutralized Virologists need to very measured, but they also said a part of the immune response - were probably still effective against the new variant, meaning that people with two doses may still be protected against severe forms of the disease The vaccinemakers are developing an Omicron-specific version of the jab, but say the decision whether to mass produce it would depend on the variant's spread In 15 Europe, Danish and British Prime Minister to fight off with the infections by new measures 16 WRITING I Questions BASING ON THE FOLLOWING INFORMATION, WRITE COMPLETE NEWS OF 100-150 WORDS The United States is set to host the 2028 Summer Olympics in Los Angeles and is preparing to bid for the 2030 Winter Olympics in Salt Lake City President Joe Biden's administration cited what the United States calls genocide against minority Muslims in China's Xinjiang region China denies all rights abuses The American diplomatic boycott, encouraged for months by some members of the U.S Congress and rights groups, is happening despite attempts to stabilize ties with a video meeting last month between Biden and China's Xi Jinping In the late summer of 2018, the United Nations revealed that at least a million Uighurs had been detained in “counter-extremism centres” in China’s Xinjiang province, thrusting the treatment of a once-obscure mostly Muslim ethnic group into the spotlight The report also revealed that a further two million Uighurs had been “forced into so-called re-education camps for political and cultural indoctrination” beginning in the middle of 2017 Other reports put the figure at one million The White House said no official delegation would be sent to the Games because of concerns about China's human rights record But it said US athletes could attend and would have the government's full support New Zealand said that it had also expressed concerns about human rights in China, but that it would not send top officials mostly because of the pandemic 17 The obstacles to attending the Beijing Olympics are not just diplomatic China has very stringent quarantine rules, requiring everyone who enters the country to spend two weeks in isolation, followed by a week or two of daily health monitoring at home or a hotel, with many restrictions on travel and social interactions The annoyances of the pandemic could diminish attendance, as they did in Tokyo They could also give cover to nations that would simply rather not attend II Answers American dipolmatic boycott between U.S and China The American diplomatic boycott, encouraged for months by some members of the U.S Congress and rights groups, is happening despite attempts to stabilize ties with a video meeting last month between Biden and China's Xi Jinping Tensions are high between the two countries The US has accused China of genocide in its repression of the predominantly Muslim Uyghur minority in the western region of Xinjiang - an allegation China has strongly denied In the late summer of 2018, the United Nations revealed that at least a million Uighurs had been detained in “counter-extremism centres” in China’s Xinjiang province, thrusting the treatment of a once-obscure mostly Muslim ethnic group into the spotlight The report also revealed that a further two million Uighurs had been “forced into so-called re-education camps for political and cultural indoctrination” beginning in the middle of 2017 Other reports put the figure at one million 18 ... the presence of many young environmental activists While the G-20 leaders were meeting on the outskirts of Rome, thousands marched through the streets, demanding, world leaders, save the planet... requesting world leaders, save the planet Answer: T (While the G-20 leaders were meeting on the outskirts of Rome, thousands marched through the streets, demanding, world leaders, save the planet

Ngày đăng: 18/04/2022, 00:34

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