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Essentials of Applied Physics
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[...]... inertia Units of moment Moment 14 The gyroscope of inertia Derivation of formula of Ill moment of inertia of inertia Work and energy of rotation about axis other than center of gravity CONSERVATION LAWS 119 General survey of the field of mechanics Impulse and momentum Conservation of momentum Conservation of angular momentum Illustrations Variation of mass with speed "Law of conservation of mass" no... Dependence of speed of sound on temperature Pitch, loudness, and quality Harmonics The Doppler effect Reflection of sound Definitions Sound represents energy of sound Time of reverberation Kundt's tube Interference of sound Diffraction Organ pipes Violin strings 18 HEAT AND TEMPERATURE: THE TWO LAWS OF THERMODYNAMICS 161 Heat as a form of energy Theoretical basis of temperature Conversion of energy of motion... two laws of thermodynamics Generalization of the second law Entropy; efficiency of a heat engine 19 HEAT TRANSFER 170 Conduction; Comof transfer of heat by conduction Numerical values of putation More complicated cases Convection heat conductivities Radiation Computation of transfer of heat by radiation An Perfect reflectors and perfect illustration of heat insulation Three general methods of heat absorbers... expansion Balance wheel on a watch of liquids 21 transfer solids Volume expansion Coefficients linear Volume expansion expansion of solids and of gases CALORIMETRY 184 Measurement of matter Energy is point diagram Artificial refrigeration Heat 22 of Definition of specific heat required to separate molecules heat Heat States of The triple of vaporization of fusion MAGNETISM facts of 192 The underlying The theory... 1200 , 4 as ^r^r of a meter, , , 1 and our pound as TT-^TZTO SUMMARY OF CHAPTER r * i -i a kilogram 1 Technical Terms Defined PhysicsPhysics is a study of the facts of inanimate nature together with the theories that thus far have stood the test of experiment Fact Facts, in physics, are the direct result of physical experimentation and observation Theory sistent, An assumption or system of assumptions... curriculum of the average school gent beings The smaller group contains, for example, physics, chemall of which deal with inanimate istry, astronomy, and geology, nature; we study these either out of a sheer desire for knowledge for its own sake, or because of possible applications of this informa*-2^ tion in our daily lives Mathematics occupies something of a middle position; it consists of a set of rules... better at present to think of matter as the substance of which physical bodies are made, and reserve until later a discussion of terms Although matter that which occupies space, the method is we must remember We of measuring quantity of matter, or mass may temporarily think of energy as a storehouse out of which comes the ability to change either the shape or the state of motion of matter A physical fact... cosine; sine law, cosine law 305 307 APPENDIX 7: Table of sines and cosines 308 APPENDIX 8: Three-place logarithm table 311 APPENDIX 9: The two fundamental theories ofphysics 313 APPENDIX 10: List of symbols used in this book 315 INDEX ESSENTIALS O F AppliedPhysics CHAPTER I Introduction 1-1 Why Study Physics? By far the larger group of subjects is that containing history, biology, sociology,... molecule of paper consists of a group of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms Random molecular motion, that is, haphazard motions of individual' molecules relative to each other, FORCE; 3-5] WORK; ENERGY; POWER constitutes heat energy Rearrangements of 17 atoms to form different kinds of molecules involve changes in chemical energy; the burning of paper, the rusting of iron, and the explosion of gunpowder... MOMENT OF PACE FORCE; CENTER OF GRAVITY 64 Translatory versus rotatory motion Causes of motion Moment of force Equilibrium Rules for solving an equilibrium problem Center of gravity 9 ACCELERATION 73 More general conditions Acceleration Uniform acceleration The two fundamental equations Graphical representation Derived equations Summary of equations The acceleration of Hints concerning the solution of . center.
inertia. Derivation
formula of moment of
moment of inertia. Work and
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