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TIẾNG ANH CÙNG MS NHUNG NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER TIẾNG ANH THCS – THPT NO: 0904836821 MULTIPLE CHOICE TEST I Choose the word whose underlined part is pronounced differently A bought B thought C plough D fought A plenty B marry C merry D heaven A climb B find C tin D tiny A pitch B watch C butcher D architect kiến trúc sư A rose B buzz C please D rehearse II Choose the word whose stress is different A associate B introductory C continental lục địa D revolutionary cách mạng A career B descent C cement D hustle chen lấn A demand B copper đồng C national D novelist A affect B effect C defeat D decent tử tế 10 A impossible B establish thiết lập C manufacture chế tạo D perversity nghịch cảnh III Choose the right word or phrase to complete the sentences 11 Some people feel that television should give less _ to sport A programmers người lập trình B coverage tin tức C concern bận tâm D involvement 12 If you can't find what you faint in this chapter, look it up in the _ A reference tham chiếu B index muc C catalogue danh mục D directory thư mục 13 People believe there is a between the two crimes A joint B chain C link D connector 14 I can't tell Peter and Paul apart; they are twins A similar tương tự B alike giống đứng trước danh từ C resemblance giống D identical giống y hệt 15 You are not allowed to drive _the influence alcohol A under/ of B in / of C under/ by D by/ in 16 She was overwhelmed choáng ngợp with honor recognition her bravery A with/ of B on/ in C by/ about D in/ of 17 exception the little baby, everybody in my family has to jog _every morning A With/ to B With/ of C In/ of D By/ on 18 The staff cannot take leaves at the same time They have to take holidays _rotation A on B under C by D in 19 The interviewees are supposed to give their answers to the job offers _ A on the spot chỗ B all in all nói chung C beyond the joke khơng cịn câu chuyện hài hước D within reach tầm với 20 The children often make of Charles which annoys his parents very much A allowance B fun C way D consideration 21 Bundy beach is _only from the sea A explainable B returnable C stoppable D accessible 22 It is impossible to why so many people go in for that kind of sport A account B explain C cause D reason 23 After making a of England, the band is coming again A time B chance C tour D date 24 In conferences, speakers the audience mainly in English A say B speak C talk D address 25 Have you got any to the present system? A change B replacement C alteration D alternative 26 He may be _ to penicillin, so you should give him some test before giving him a shot MS NHUNG (0904836821) – NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER A reactive phản hồi B allergic dị ứng C resistant kháng cự D preventive phòng ngừa 27 The _ is the mixture of gases that surrounds any planet or star A atmosphere B air C cloud D hemisphere 28 Language is not the private property of those who use it A properly B necessarily C acceptably D considerably 29 The man at the bird and fired A aimed nhằm vào B directed đạo C pointed D launched tung 30 They were disappointed when receiving the results A unsatisfied B dissatisfied C unsatisfactory D satisfaction 31 He control of the car and it crashed into the wall A let go B released C took D lost 32 It is no good host to such a rude man A to have played B to play C playing D play 33 Did you remember Jenny? No, I forgot A to phone B phoning C having phoned D to have phoned 34 If you have a headache, try _ an aspirin A to take B taking C take D being taken 35 I was woken by a bell A ringing B being ringing C rang D to be rung 36 I cannot imagine Helen a motorbike She is just 12 years old A ride B to ride C riding D on ride 37 The teacher the truth, for he looked very angry A should have known B can know C must have known D is known 38 young men not have good preparation for the job interview A Most B Much cộng danh từ không đếm đc C A great amount of cộng dt không đếm đc great deal of cộng danh từ không đếm đc 39 I the homework by the time you come back A will finish B have finish C finish D will have finished 40 Harry pretended giả vờ me at the meeting, which made me angry A not to see B not having seen C to never see D not seeing 41 He talks as if he _ everything about me A knows B has known C had known D knew 42 Although , he has been to more than 30 countries in the world and gained a _lot of experience A his young age B young C been young D he was young 43 Not only Linda but also Jim _down the names for the course in Latin A has put B have put C they put D are putting 44 Speak slowly _ everybody can understand you A so as to B seeing that C such that D so that 45 _ is defined in terms of British Thermal Unit or Btu for short A The heat B Heat C It is heat D Although heat 46 Biologists tell us that the earth has seen 500 million species of animals _ or so A during the last billion years B it was during the last billion years C while in the last billion years D since the last billion years 47 The fuel savings _ by adequate home insulation are very significant A that accomplished B that can be accomplished C can be accomplished D accomplishing 48 The more distant a star happens to be, the dimmer A that seems to us B seems to us C seeming to us D it seems to us 49 On September 9, 1950, California was admitted to the Union A being thirty-first state B the thirty-first state C for the thirty-first state D as the thirty-first state 50 _ the sense of smell can provide us with important signals, it is not nearly as _useful as hearing A Although B However C Still D Despite 51 I have to see such a rude receptionist A never B yet C forever D not 52 Child Care is the _ child care manual ever written, and its author is a famous pediatrician MS NHUNG (0904836821) – NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER D A A widely most read B most read widely C most widely read D read most widely 53 The relative size of an insect's wing is much greater than A of a bird’s wing B that of a bird's wing C a wing of a bird is D that wing of a bird 54 My brother is an authority Chinese cuisine A over B at C in D on 55 The building walls are made of glass is the place where I used to work A whose B which C that D of which IV Choose the sentence that is similar in meaning to the one given 56 John is fat because he eats so many chips A If John doesn't eat so many chips, he will not be fat B If John didn't eat so many chips, he would not be fat C John is fat though he eats so many chips D Being fat, John eats so many chips 57 They built a garage at the end of last year A A garage was in building at the end of last year B The building was of the garage at the end of last year C The garage was built at the end of last year D The garage was in built at the end of last year 58 Susan is sorry that she didn't learn the lesson A Susan wishes she didn't learn the lesson B Susan wishes she would learn the lesson C Susan wishes she had learned the lesson D Susan is sorry for having learnt the lesson 59 I was not careful and I met an accident A If I had beer' careful, I wouldn't meet an accident B I met an accident because of my carelessness C Being careful, I met an accident D Unless I had been careful, I would have met an accident 60 Bob was angry because we were late A Bob was angry with our being late B We were late, that made Bob angry C Bob was not angry although we were late D We were late, but Bob did not get angry 61 All the students must not use the dictionaries A The dictionaries must not being used by students B The dictionaries must not be used by students C The dictionaries must be not used by students D The dictionaries are not being used by students 62 "Don't forget to hand in the report, Pete!" said Kate A Kate reminded Pete of handing in the report B Kate said that Pete had forgotten to hand in the report C Kate forgot to hand in the report to Pete D Kate reminded Pete to hand in the report 63 Paula turned up đến when everybody had gone home A Paula came after everybody went home B Paula turned back when everybody went home C Paula returned home with everybody D Everybody came before Paula went home 64 I am sure Helen is playing guitar now A It is certainly for Helen to play guitar now B Helen's playing guitar is now certain C Helen must have played guitar D Helen must be playing guitar 65 My uncle didn't recognize me until I spoke A My uncle recognized me not until I spoke B Only when my uncle recognized me did I speak C Not until I spoke did my uncle recognize me D When I spoke, my uncle didn't recognize me V Identify the error in each sentence 66 The famous Jim Thorpe won both the pantaloon or decathlon in the 1912 Olympic Games and A B C D 67 Knowledges about cultures provides insights into the learned behaviors of groups knowledge A B C D 68 The most bulkiest of the poisonous độc snakes is the diamond backed rattler, which reaches feet inches long bulkiest A B C D 69 Trees are designed as neither hardwoods or softwoods either A B C D 70 Copper was the first metal used by man and is still of strong demand because it is a good conductor of electricity (be in demand : ưa chuộng) A B C D 71 The speed of light varies considerably, depending on the medium through which it is moved moves A B C D 72 Among bees, the queen is never alone, but is always surrounded by a swarm of workers, whom guard, clean, and A B C D feed her which 73 The right to vote was granted to women after only the adoption of the 19th Amendment in 1920 MS NHUNG (0904836821) – NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER A B C D 74 Magnesium is much lighter than steel, so it is wide used in space vehicles and aircraft more A B C D 75 The normal credit card has a magnetic strip that holds 1,700 bits of informations information A B C D VI Choose the most suitable word for each space When I first arrived here to take up my new job, I stayed in a hotel, but I soon started looking for some permanent (76) _ The first flat I (77) over was in (78) _ and was obviously extremely damp ẩm ướt in winter Quite apart from the fact that the only (79) _ was of a brick wall Then I had a look at a small flat in a modern (80) _ It had a (81) _ space and a garden, but the (82) was far too high for me I didn't want to (83) _ up in a tiny place, so I answered an ad for house-sharing The house was in a quiet (84 ) , and as soon as I sawpit I fell in love with it There was a high overgrown mọc um tùm (85) around the front garden, and (86) _ to park cars in the drive The room to (87) looked out định hướng (88) _ the back garden, and had a big bay window Although it meant (89) the kitchen and the living room, I did have my own bathroom, really just a shower and washbasin (90) _ into what must have once been a cupboard 76 A home B accommodation chỗ C house D landlords chủ nhà 77 A passed B viewed C came D looked 78 A an attic gác xép B a basement tầng hầm C a cave D a bed-sit giường ngồi 79 A view B entrance cổng vào C distance D bathroom 80 A tower B department C block D square 81 A living B breathing C working D parking 82 A lift nâng B roof mái nhà C area D rent thuê 83 A end B live C shut D pay 84 A surroundings B neighborhood C context D premises sở 85 A fence rào chắn B bush bụi rậm C hedge hàng rào D lawn 86 A room B permission C areas D place 87 A let B myself C pay D luckily 88 A in B over C at D for 89 A without B in C sharing D having 90 A poured đổ B crowded đông người C cluttered lộn xộn D crammed nhồi nhét VII Read the following passage and choose the correct answers Most people can remember a phone number for up to thirty seconds When this short amount of time elapses, trôi qua (92)however, the numbers are erased from the memory How did the information get there in the first place? Information that makes its way to the short term memory (STM) does so via the sensory giác quanstorage area The brain has a filter lọc which only allows stimuli kích thích that is of immediate interest to pass on to đến the STM, also known as the working memory There is much debate tranh luận about the capacity dung lượng and duration of the short term memory The most accepted theory comes from George A Miller, a cognitive psychologist who suggested that humans can remember approximately seven chunks miếng mảnh nhỏ of information A chunk is defined as a meaningful unit of information, such as a word or name rather than just a letter or number Modern theorists nhà lý thuyết đại suggest that one can increase the capacity of the short term memory by chunking or classifying phân loại similar information together By organizing information, one can optimize tối ưu hóa the STM, and improve the chances of a memory being passed on to long term storage When making a Conscious effort to memorize something, such as information for an exam, many people engage in "rote rehearsal" học thuộc By repeating something over and over again, we are able to keep a memory alive Unfortunately, this type of memory maintenance only succeeds if there are no interruptions gián đoạn As soon as a person stops rehearsing the information, it has the tendency to disappear When a pen and paper are not handy tiện dụng , you might attempt nỗ lực to remember a phone number by repeating it aloud If the doorbell rings or the dog barks to come in before you get the opportunity to make your phone call, you will forget the number instantly Therefore, rote rehearsal is not an efficient way to pass information from the short term to long term memory A better way is to practice "elaborate rehearsal diễ tập công phu" This involves assigning semantic meaning to a piece of information so that it can be filed along with other pre-existing long term memories Encoding mã hóa information semantically mặt ngữ nghĩa also makes it more retrievable truy xuất Retrieving information can be done by recognition or recall Humans can recall memories that are stored in the long term memory and used often However, if a memory seems to be forgotten, it may eventually be retrieved by prompting nhắc lại The more cues dấu hiệu a person is given (such as pictures), the more likely a memory can be retrieved This is why multiple choice MS NHUNG (0904836821) – NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER tests are often used for subjects that require a lot of memorization According to the passage, how memories get transferred to the STM? A They revert from the long term memory B They are filtered from the sensory storage area C They get chunked when they enter the brain D They enter via the nervous system 92 The word "elapses" in paragraph is closest in meaning to A passes B adds up C appears D continues 93 All of the following are mentioned as places in which memories are stored EXCEPT the A STM B long term memory C sensory storage area D maintenance area 94 Why does the author mention a dog's bark? A It is a type of memory B It is a type of interruption C Dogs have better memories than humans D A dog's bark is similar to a doorbell 95 What is paragraph mainly about? A George A Miller B Cognitive theorists C STM capacity D Modern debates 96 How theorists believe a person can remember more information in a short time? A By organizing it B By repeating it C By giving it a name D By drawing it 97 The author believes that rote rotation luân phiên thuộc lòng is A the best way to remember something B more efficient than chunking C ineffective in the long run D an unnecessary interruption 98 The word "it" in the first sentence of the last paragraph refers to A encoding B STM C semantics D information 99 The word "elaborate" in paragraph is closest in meaning to A complex phứ tạp B efficient C pretty D regular 100 Which of the following is NOT supported by the passage? A The working memory is the same as the short term memory B A memory is kept alive through constant repetition tiếp thu C Cues help people to recognize information D Multiple choice exams are the most difficult 91 MS NHUNG (0904836821) – NATIONAL EXAM TRAINER

Ngày đăng: 13/04/2022, 21:34


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