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  • front-matter

    • Environmental Issues inSupply Chain Management

      • PrefaceOn the Way to EnvironmentalFriendly Supply Chain Management

      • Contents

  • fulltext

    • 1 Using Environmental Demands to Improve Supply Chain Performance

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…GRAIMOD: A Tool For Supporting GRAI Methodology

        • 2.1 GRAI Methodology

        • 2.2 Architecture of GRAIMOD

          • 2.2.1 GRAIXPERT

          • 2.2.2 GRAISUC

          • 2.2.3 GRAIQUAL

      • 3…Carbon Footprint : A New Criterion of Enterprise Performance Improvement

      • 4…How to use GRAIMOD for Improving the Sustainable Supply Chain

      • 5…Examples

        • 5.1 Sustainable Supply Chain

        • 5.2 Sustainable Transport

        • 5.3 Sustainable City Organization

      • 6…Conclusions and Further Research

      • References

  • fulltext_001

    • 2 Sustainability in the Supply Chain: Analysing the Enablers

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Enablers of Sustainability in the Supply Chain

      • 3…ISM Methodology

      • 4…The Formation of Structural Self-Interaction Matrix (SSIM)

        • 4.1 Reachability Matrix

        • 4.2 Level Partitions

        • 4.3 Building the ISM Model

        • 4.4 Classification of Enablers: MICMAC Analysis

        • 4.5 Discussion

      • 5…Conclusions

      • References

  • fulltext_002

    • 3 Sustainable Transport System Virus: The Conceptual Process Framework of Problems Identification and Analysis in Distribution System

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Theoretical Background

      • 3…Sustainable Transport System Virus Analysis Methodology

      • 4…Empirical Verification of STVA Tool

      • 5…Designing Sustainable Transport System Problem Virus of the Company

      • 6…Conclusions and Further Research

      • References

  • fulltext_003

    • 4 Internet Support of a Reverse Logistics

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Theoretical Aspects of Waste Material Economy

      • 3…The Prognoses of the Number of Waste in Poland

      • 4…Reverse Logistics

      • 5…Internet Exchanges

      • 6…Internet Aggregator Market in Reverse Logistics

      • 7…Characteristics of Polish Market of Internet Waste Material Exchanges

      • 8…Conclusions

      • References

  • fulltext_004

    • 5 Dynamic Recovery Network for WEEE

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction: Configuration of the Network

      • 2…Reverse Logistics and Network Configuration

      • 3…Industry Insights

      • 4…Dynamic Reconfiguration Model

        • 4.1 Previous Work

        • 4.2 Graph Theory in Recovery Network

        • 4.3 Model Assumptions

      • 5…Simulation Results

      • 6…Conclusions

      • References

  • fulltext_005

    • 6 Optimizing the Recycling Process of Electronic Appliances

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Legislation Related to WEEE

      • 3…State-of-the-Art

      • 4…Proposed Methodology

      • 5…Application of the Model in Companies

      • 6…Analysis of Results

      • 7…Conclusions

      • References

  • fulltext_006

    • 7 Strategic Planning and Operational Planning in Reverse Logistics: A Case Study for Italian WEEE

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction and Literature Review

      • 2…Strategic Planning

      • 3…Operational Planning

      • 4…Strategic Optimization Modelling

        • 4.1 Variants to the Basic Model

      • 5…Operational Planning Modelling

        • 5.1 Step 1, Group Formation and Cluster Analysis

        • 5.2 Step 2, Routing and Tour Definition

      • 6…LD-RevOptimizer Decision-Support System

      • 7…Case Study

        • 7.1 Strategic Planning Results

        • 7.2 Operational Planning Results

      • 8…Conclusions and Further Research

      • References

  • fulltext_007

    • 8 Efficient Vehicle Routing Practices for WEEE Collection

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

        • 1.1 Environmental Regulations and the WEEE Directive

      • 2…The WEEE Collection Problem

        • 2.1 Brief Literature Review

        • 2.2 The Case of Galicia, Spain

      • 3…Mathematical Models

        • 3.1 Heterogeneous Fleet and Site Dependent Formulation

        • 3.2 Split Loads and Date Windows Formulation

      • 4…Solution Approaches

      • 5…Computational Experiments

        • 5.1 Validation of the Heuristics

        • 5.2 Data Instances

        • 5.3 Results and Analysis

      • 6…Conclusions and Further Research

      • Acknowledgments

      • References

  • fulltext_008

    • 9 Impact of Emerging Environmental Regulations on the Reverse Logistics System for Portable Batteries in Spain

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Emerging Environmental Regulation of Batteries

      • 3…Spanish Legislation

      • 4…Reverse Logistics Practices for Recovering Portable Batteries: Spanish Case

      • 5…Selective Collection Points

      • 6…Integrated Management System (IMS)

      • 7…Storage and Load Consolidation Centres

      • 8…Recycling Facilities

      • 9…Challenges and Opportunities

        • 9.1 Meeting Regulations

        • 9.2 Need for a Study to Locate Collection Points

        • 9.3 Vehicle Routing and Scheduling Model

        • 9.4 Fragmented Logistics System

      • 10…Conclusions

      • Acknowledgment

      • References

  • fulltext_009

    • 10 Logistic Models to Ensure Residual Agroforestry Biomass as a Sustainable Resource

      • Abstract

      • 1…Biomass Utilization for Energy

      • 2…Feedstock Production (Biomass)

        • 2.1 Quantifying Residual Biomass for Logistics Model Implementation

          • 2.1.1 Regression Models

          • 2.1.2 Biomass of the Whole Plant

          • 2.1.3 Multispectral Images

          • 2.1.4 Biomass Quantifying by LiDAR Data

        • 2.2 Methods for Biomass Harvesting

      • 3…Feedstock Logistics

        • 3.1 Algorithms to Locate Concentration Points for Biomass Supply

        • 3.2 Algorithms to Accomplish Optimum Vehicle Routing Sequences

      • 4…Conclusions

      • Acknowledgments

      • References

  • fulltext_010

    • 11 Energetic Assessment of the Broiler Poultry Supply Chain

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction: The Broiler Poultry Supply Chain

      • 2…Energy Use Throughout the Chicken Breast Supply Chain

        • 2.1 The Food Supply Chain

        • 2.2 Managing Energy in the Supply Chain: Methodology

      • 3…Description of the Case Study

        • 3.1 The Company

        • 3.2 Description of the Breast Fillet Production Process

      • 4…Energy Analysis

        • 4.1 Scope of Study, Boundary Conditions and Functional Unit

        • 4.2 Quantitative and Qualitative Analysis of the Chicken Breast Production Chain

        • 4.3 Cleaner Production Potential

      • 5…Current Status Assessment

        • 5.1 Methodology

        • 5.2 Analysis and Results

      • 6…Recommendations for Improvement

        • 6.1 Systematically Collecting and Analysing Energy Consumption Data

        • 6.2 Formulating Energy Policies

        • 6.3 Formulating Energy Objectives

        • 6.4 Fostering Staff Participation

        • 6.5 Benchmarking

        • 6.6 Investing in Infrastructure

        • 6.7 Optimising Routes

        • 6.8 Warehouse Management

      • 7…Final Status Assessment: Foreseeable Changes

      • 8…Conclusions

      • References

  • fulltext_011

    • 12 The Railway as a Key Element of Sustainable Tourist Development in a Rural Area of Difficult Access: Application to a Spanish Mountain Resort

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Sustainable Tourism and Transport

      • 3…The Vall de Núria Case. History and Tourist Attraction

      • 4…Development of Tourism in Vall de Núria

      • 5…Vall de Núria Environmental Orientation

      • 6…Conclusions

      • Acknowledgments

      • References

  • fulltext_012

    • 13 A Proposal of a Business Model in the European Passengers Railway Sector to Reduce its Environmental Impact

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…Literature Review of Business Models

      • 3…The Sustainability of the European Railway Sector

      • 4…Study of the Transformation of the Danish Railway Sector

        • 4.1 Evolution of the Danish Railway Sector and Its Environmental Commitment

        • 4.2 Digital Tickets and Related Commercial Offerings that Reduce Paper Tickets and Other Costs

        • 4.3 Business Model Innovation in the Greater Copenhagen Commuting Systems: ‘‘Bring Your Bike’’

      • 5…Proposal

      • 6…Limitations and Future Research Directions

      • References

  • fulltext_013

    • 14 Challenges in Last-Mile e-Grocery Urban Distribution: Have New B2C Trends a Positive Impact on the Environment?

      • Abstract

      • 1…Introduction

      • 2…The Logistics of e-Commerce

        • 2.1 Inventory Strategies in e-Commerce Distribution

        • 2.2 Transport Strategies and Final Distribution

        • 2.3 Logistics Practices Observed by French e-Grocery Distributors

      • 3…Impacts of B2C Trends on e-Commerce: A Scenario Assessment Approach

      • 4…Conclusion

      • References

Nội dung

EcoProduction Environmental Issues in Logistics and Manufacturing Series Editor Paulina Golinska For further volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/10152 Paulina Golinska • Carlos Andres Romano Editors Environmental Issues in Supply Chain Management New Trends and Applications 123 Editors Paulina Golinska Poznan University of Technology Strzelecka 11 60-965 Poznan Poland Carlos Andres Romano Department of Management Polytechnic University of Valencia Camino de Vera S/N 46022 Valencia Spain ISSN 2193-4614 ISSN 2193-4622 (electronic) ISBN 978-3-642-23561-0 ISBN 978-3-642-23562-7 (eBook) DOI 10.1007/978-3-642-23562-7 Springer Heidelberg New York Dordrecht London Library of Congress Control Number: 2012939333 Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 This work is subject to copyright. All rights are reserved by the Publisher, whether the whole or part of the material is concerned, specifically the rights of translation, reprinting, reuse of illustrations, recitation, broadcasting, reproduction on microfilms or in any other physical way, and transmission or information storage and retrieval, electronic adaptation, computer software, or by similar or dissimilar methodology now known or hereafter developed. Exempted from this legal reservation are brief excerpts in connection with reviews or scholarly analysis or material supplied specifically for the purpose of being entered and executed on a computer system, for exclusive use by the purchaser of the work. Duplication of this publication or parts thereof is permitted only under the provisions of the Copyright Law of the Publisher’s location, in its current version, and permission for use must always be obtained from Springer. Permissions for use may be obtained through RightsLink at the Copyright Clearance Center. Violations are liable to prosecution under the respective Copyright Law. The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use. While the advice and information in this book are believed to be true and accurate at the date of publication, neither the authors nor the editors nor the publisher can accept any legal responsibility for any errors or omissions that may be made. The publisher makes no warranty, express or implied, with respect to the material contained herein. Printed on acid-free paper Springer is part of Springer Science+Business Media (www.springer.com) Preface On the Way to Environmental Friendly Supply Chain Management Traditionally, supply chain management is defined as design, planning, and control of flow of goods among a number of independent entities from sourcing base to the final consumers. For the last 20 years, environmental issues of supply chain management have gained a growing concern among academia and practitioners. First, this was because governments imposed new regulations for environment protection in a number of countries around the world and then researchers have included these new constraints and objective functions in their models to represent better the new reality. The second reason is because companies have faced the need to seek for new ways of costs reduction and appropriate products returns management. The effort to improve supply chains using environmental friendly management approaches results in manufacturing performance improvements by developing new ways to manage product quality, quantity, and production system flexibility by collaborating with suppliers, dealers, and consumers. In order to do this, companies have to fix their common environmental objectives, sharing technical information about products, planning and processes, or starting common programs to reduce adverse impacts over the environment. The aim of this monograph is to present the emerging environmental issues in the organization and management of supply chains. The scope of the book takes into consideration how the emerging environmental regulation might be trans- formed into business practices. Therefore, authors present, in individual chapters, innovative approach to eco-friendly organization and coordination of logistics processes and supply chain configuration. In this monograph the emphasis is placed on three main areas: 1. Environment and supply chain operations—the objective of this area is to present a general framework to understand how supply chain operations can be improved when environmental issues are taken into account; 2. Reverse logistics—example of electronic and electric equipments waste man- agement; this area is devoted to a broad field of reverse logistics. The chapters v included in this area are good examples of supply chain best practices in equipment waste recovery and management; 3. Sustainability issues—sector specific solutions. The last part presents good examples of both quantitative and qualitative studies where the reader will see the application of environmental management to real cases. The aim of the first chapter is to present the main performance criteria, social, and environmental, which are used for finding the optimum of the enterprise and its supply chain using GRAI approach. This criterion is used as one way for helping enterprises to improve themselves for being competitive faced with the new economic context to model. The next chapter aims to identify the enablers to sustainability in the supply chains and their mutual relationships. The author proposes the classification of the enablers to explain better their influence on the supply chain management in sustainable manner. In the subsequent chapter the authors propose a conceptual process framework of problems occurring in organizations of transport processes within distribution systems. This solution is tested in the apparel industry, which is characterized by a high demand for transport services. Chapter 4 contains analyses of e-markets for waste management in Poland. The authors evaluate a number of existing information platform to present their advantages and weaknesses. It is an interesting study of how information tech- nologies can contribute to further development of the reverse logistics. The problems of reverse logistics organization and optimization are described in the five subsequent chapters. Emphasis is placed on the electronic and electric equipment waste management (WEEE). The WEEE is the fastest growing waste group among all. It is mainly because of very short life cycle, growing demand, and decreasing cost of products. The analysts estimate that the number of PCs is growing about 12 % annually. At that pace, it will reach two billion units by early 2014. Also, the number of mobiles and household appliances is growing very rapidly. As a result the volume of e-waste is increasing three times quicker that other waste categories. According to the WEEE Forum 1 the European Union itself is generating over eight million tons of e-waste per annum. The authors in Chap. 5 discuss the problems of complex relations between reverse supply chain participants. Companies have problems to stimulate the time and quantity of returns. Due to dynamic changes in the recovery network planning many weeks in advance is difficult because forecasts quickly become outdated. The authors propose a model to overcome these difficulties. The next chapter focuses on optimizing the recycling process of electronic appliances. A methodology that takes into account technical, economic, legal, and environmental issues is proposed by the authors. 1 www.weeeforum.org vi Preface In Chap. 7 the authors present a decision support platform for the strategic and operational planning in reverse logistics applied to a multi-stage collection net- work of electronic and electric equipment. This chapter concerns a holistic approach on reverse logistics including a hierarchical process of decision making on the allocation of customers and vehicle routing with different transportation modes. The problem of vehicle routing is also addressed in the subsequent chapter, where the authors present how the European Union Directive 2002/96/EC on Waste of Electrical and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) might be transformed into vehicle routing practices. The integer programming is applied to solve the prob- lems in the recovery networks. The problems of reverse logistics for WEEE are concluded by the chapter on the impact of the emerging environmental regulation of batteries on the Spanish collection and recovery system. The authors identify the main problems regarding this system as well as propose the improvements to the current reverse logistics system. The last part of the book presents the problems and applications typical for selected industries. The idea of sustainable development emphasizes the ratio- nalization of the demand for resources and services. Chapter 10 presents advanced techniques applied by the authors for the detection and quantification of biomass. On the basis of analysis of the previous results, logistics models are developed for determining the optimal collection points, transportation routes, and location of the processing industries. In the next chapter focus is placed on the food industry. The authors conduct analyses of the environmental impact of mass and energy flows when the product moves from ‘‘cradle to grave’’ and the product life cycle to predict the operation and use of energy associated with the production. They also propose some improvements related to forward and reverse logistics operations in order to increase the energy efficiency of the company. Sustainability issues in the tourism industry are described in the subsequent chapter. A detailed description of the sustainable tourism model at Vall de Núria is given. The authors explain how a friendly tourist destination is achieved by application of environmental awareness to regional development. The transport sector is crucial for sustainable development. The development of the railway infrastructure might significantly contribute to the the reduction of congestion and CO 2 emissions. The authors in this chapter present how new business models might enable railway companies to improve their services, reduce operating costs, and minimize the environmental impact of transport operations. They provide an initial overview of business model renewals in the European railway sector and their environmental impactions. The final chapter presents the influence of e-commerce development on urban logistics. The authors identify the impact which e-groceries have on distribution processes. They analyze ways to better use the last mile delivery vehicles in order to lower greenhouse gases emission in urban areas. Preface vii This monograph provides a broad scope of the current issues important for the development of the environmentally friendly supply chain management. It is a composition of theoretical trends and practical applications. The advantage of this book is the presentation of practical applications from a number of different countries around Europe. Paulina Golinska Carlos Andres Romano viii Preface Contents Part I Environment and Supply Chain Operations Using Environmental Demands to Improve Supply Chain Performance 3 Paul Eric Dossou and Philip Mitchell Sustainability in the Supply Chain: Analysing the Enablers 25 Katarzyna Grzybowska Sustainable Transport System Virus: The Conceptual Process Framework of Problems Identification and Analysis in Distribution System 41 Piotr Cyplik, Lukasz Hadas and Marcin Hajdul Internet Support of a Reverse Logistics 57 Karolina Werner and Rafał Mierzwiak Part II Reverse Logistics: Example of Electronic and Electric Equipment Waste Management Dynamic Recovery Network for WEEE 75 Paulina Golinska and Arkadiusz Kawa Optimizing the Recycling Process of Electronic Appliances 91 Arantxa Rentería and Esther Alvarez Strategic Planning and Operational Planning in Reverse Logistics: A Case Study for Italian WEEE 107 Riccardo Manzini and Marco Bortolini ix Efficient Vehicle Routing Practices for WEEE Collection 131 Julio Mar-Ortiz, Belarmino Adenso-Díaz and José Luis González-Velarde Impact of Emerging Environmental Regulations on the Reverse Logistics System for Portable Batteries in Spain 155 Eva Ponce-Cueto and José A. González-Manteca Part III Sustainability Issues: Sector Specific Solutions Logistic Models to Ensure Residual Agroforestry Biomass as a Sustainable Resource 173 Borja Velázquez-Martí, Carlos Gracia and Javier Estornell Energetic Assessment of the Broiler Poultry Supply Chain 197 Jesús Muñuzuri, Rafael Grosso, Pablo Cortés and José Guadix The Railway as a Key Element of Sustainable Tourist Development in a Rural Area of Difficult Access: Application to a Spanish Mountain Resort 223 María-del-Val Segarra-Oña, Ángel Peiró-Signes, Lluis Miret-Pastor and María de-Miguel-Molina A Proposal of a Business Model in the European Passengers Railway Sector to Reduce its Environmental Impact 237 María de-Miguel-Molina, Kasper-Vilstrup Roldsgaard, María-del-Val Segarra-Oña and Blanca de-Miguel-Molina Challenges in Last-Mile e-Grocery Urban Distribution: Have New B2C Trends a Positive Impact on the Environment? 251 Jesús González-Feliu, Bruno Durand and Dina Andriankaja x Contents Using Environmental Demands to Improve Supply Chain Performance Paul Eric Dossou and Philip Mitchell Abstract This chapter presents GRAIMOD a tool for supporting GRAI Methodology. This tool is used for managing Enterprise and particularly Supply Chain performance improvements. In addition to the main performance criteria, social, societal and envi- ronmental dimensions will be used for finding the optimum of the enterprise. A detailed example will be given for illustration. The originality of this chapter is the definition of carbon footprint (management) as a new performance criterion. The future supply chain has to integrate this new dimension. The example presented also studies the possibility of using the tramway for transporting raw materials and products in a city. Keywords Carbon footprint Á Performance criteria Á Environmental Á Social and societal dimensions Á Enterprise modeling Á Supply chain optimization 1 Introduction As a result of the gloomy economic climate in Europe brought about by the ongoing crisis affecting all enterprises (particularly SMEs) in France, the French government has recently decided to create different poles of innovation and research associated to the activities of enterprises. The objective is to propose new ideas for helping these enterprises to be more efficient and able to resist the threat to their existence from globalisation. P. E. Dossou (&) Á P. Mitchell Icam Group, 28 Icam Vendée Boulevard d’Angleterre, 85000 La Roche-Sur-Yon, France e-mail: Paul-eric.dossou@icam.fr P. Mitchell e-mail: philip.mitchell@icam.fr P. Golinska and C. A. Romano (eds.), Environmental Issues in Supply Chain Management, EcoProduction, DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-23562-7_1, Ó Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 3 [...]... 9) But what is sustainability in the Supply Chain (or the Sustainable Supply Chain (SSC), the Environmentally Responsible Supply Chain, Green Supply Chain (GSC), green logistics and reverse logistics) ? Sustainability in the Supply Chain is a key component of corporate responsibility Sustainability in the supply chain is the management of environmental, social and economic impacts, and the encouragement... enterprise for promotion and obtaining new customers by paying attention to the product local origin and the global sustainable organization The optimization obtained had an impact on cost and lead time, but we also tried to respect environmental demands and reduce carbon levels in order to obtain a sustainable chain For example, we organized the sourcing and selection of suppliers for choosing partners who... Supply Chain in sustainability Á Á Keywords Sustainability Supply chain Sustainable supply chains self-interaction matrix ISM methodology Á Á Structural 1 Introduction A supply chain is a network of organizations that are involved in different processes and activities that produce value in the form of products and services in the hands of the ultimate consumer (Christopher 1998) The Supply Chain is a... innovation Research and development (R&D) Suppliers’ capability in product development (continued) Sustainability in the Supply Chain 29 Table 1 (continued) No Enablers 11 12 13 14 15 16 Continuous improvement Training and development Learning-by-doing Collective development of labels, standards, norms, best practices databases, existing guidelines, voluntary agreements, and private sectors initiatives for... reverse-flow logistics, and green logistics (Byrne and Deeb 1993) The growing concern about sustainable development has an increasingly greater impact upon the Supply Chains and SCM As stated by Linton et al (2007), p 1078: sustainability also must integrate issues and flows that extend beyond the core of SCM: product design, manufacturing by-products, by-products produced during product use, product... performance is based on five points: • • • • Highest load factor possible Minimizing distance: we have to optimize transport plans and scheduling Optimization of resources and drivers: transport and waiting times Definition of purchasing policy respecting the environment: quality of service and cost • Monitoring: quick identification of deviations in terms of quality and invoicing For instance, the enterprise... organisation and very proud of the sustainable and green touch 5.2 Sustainable Transport This example presents the difficult issues of transport for enterprises and one way for solving it by using GRAIMOD The main mode of transport in France is road by using trucks This kind of transport has the advantage of being very simple because of the quality of roads in France But, with the steady increase in the price... important are the following: • Reorganisation of procurement, purchasing and dispatch systems within 2 months, • Setting up of a global quality policy within 1 year, • Preparation and the setting up of the environmental certification ISO 14001 within 1 year • Preparation and setting up of the certification ISO 9000 within 1 year, • Preparation and setting up of the certification OHSAS 18001 within 3 years, Here... reduction of carbon in the supply chain allows to obtain a green and sustainable supply chain adapted to the future In fact, it is important for enterprises to prepare themselves for the end of the current crisis in order to be really efficient in future circumstances So they have to take into account the changes in our world and anticipate them by introducing in the management of their supply chain the social,... Waste management Biodegradation Nontoxic incineration Scrapping Product returns Source reduction Recycling Material substitution Reuse of materials Waste disposal Re -manufacturing Repair Logistics organisation ensuring goods safety and consumer health (ex: via the set up of tracking and tracing tools all along the chain, the search for transport scheduling and routing optimisation) (ex: load factor improvement, . EcoProduction Environmental Issues in Logistics and Manufacturing Series Editor Paulina Golinska For further volumes: http://www.springer.com/series/10152 Paulina. for integrating other expert knowledge, a case base for capitalizing cases and reusing them during a new modeling, and a reference models base containing

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2014, 20:20