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Read the text on an excursion to a museum Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank Last week, we went on a fantastic trip to the Museum of is (NATURE) History, which (LOCATE) only a few blocks away from our school On (ARRIVE) our guide was located arrival waiting for us and told us what we were going to see The most exciting part of the museum was the section on (HISTORY) animals We historical stared in (AMAZE) at all the skeletons of species that became extinct millions of years amazement ago There was a special (EXHIBIT) on dinosaurs, creatures that have fascinated us for a exhibition long time The guide gave us some interesting facts about these (GIANT) creatures The giant Tyrannosaurus Rex, for example, reached a (HIGH) of over metres The Seismosaurus height was probably the longest dinosaur with an estimated (LENGTH) of up to 40 metres length The only (ADVANTAGE) of the trip was that there was not enough time to see all the disadvantage interesting things the museum offered Towards the end it got very (CROWD) and our crow ed guide informed us that it would be better if we came during the morning hours At the end of the tour, she thanked us for our (PATIENT) and attention and asked for patience feedback She gave us a sheet of paper on which we could write down suggestions (SUGGEST) and (IMPROVE) for future school groups After two hours in one of the improvements most incredible buildings I have ever seen we went back to school Use the word in brackets at the end of each line to form a new word that fits into the blank Make sure you have something to say before you stand up and constructed speak (CONSTRUCT) centre is being built outside the town (INDUSTRY) A new industrial She was a very woman (AMBITION) ambitious Trees are being cut down to provide parking space (ADD) additional The school is located in a quiet area (RESIDENT) residential I don’t think your demands are very (REASON) reasonable My father became the owner of a gigantic estate (WEALTH) w eathiest Something very happened to me yesterday (AMUSE) amusing Exercise can be a very activity as long as you not overdo it (BENEFIT) benefitial 10 We had a very time at the party yesterday (ENJOY) enjoyable Our Changing Way of Life changing lifestyles Change happens (CONSTANT) as the last 50 years have proved Some changes, such as air travel, the Internet and mobile phones, provide ease and (CONVENIENT) Others, like access to education, have had a deeper impact.Nothing has had a bigger influence on our lives than recent changes in education Fifty years ago, education was considered by some an (NECESSARY) luxury Nowadays, however, education isn't just a privilege for the (CHOOSE) few Young men and women from all areas of life are becoming (PROFESSION) and improving their quality of life This will be (BENEFIT) to future generations because a better-educated society is a fairer and more skilled one (IRONY), however, the change from rural to urban living that drove people to cities in search of better opportunities has led to several modernday problems City dwellers have become less (HEALTH) They no longer eat fresh farm food, and instead, prefer ready meals and fast food Urban (RESIDE) no longer exercise by working the land They use their cars instead of walking Even though we are so (TECHNOLOGY) advanced, we are also (FOOL) We destroy our forests, build more cars and roads, and eat rubbish (ENVIRONMENT) will all tell you that the future looks bleak.More change is on the way and, unless we change the way we think, the next fifty years will be very difficult 11 Running is a very way of keeping yourself in good shape(EFFECT) 12 Our town library is facing some serious problems (FINANCE) financial 13 Some people remain well into their eighties (ACT) activities 14 The police became when the man started telling lies (SUSPECT) suspecious 15 He had lost so much weight that he was hardly (RECOGNISE) recognised 16 My cousin is very and loves doing sports (COMPETE) competitive people are often said to be uncommunicative (CREATE) 17 creative 18 The management think the company will succeed , but I am rather (DOUBT) doubtful 19 The film I saw yesterday was rather (DISAPPOINT) 20 British weather can be very (CHANGE) changeable Use the word in brackets at the end of each line to form a new word that fits into the blank She has a job in which she takes on great (RESPONSIBLE) When I walked in, she looked at me in His (ASTONISH) came as a great shock to all of us (DIE) There have been a lot of in the world of medicine in the last two decades (DEVELOP) The sudden of the ship was a complete mystery (DISAPPEAR) I made a remarkable We reported the when I opened the box (DISCOVER) of our car to the local police (LOSE) loss The boy didn't get to leave the school playground (PERMIT) permission If your doesn't improve , we will have to expel you from this school (BEHAVE) behaviour 10 When he lost his trousers , the whole room shook with (LAUGH) laughters 11 She turned red with 12 It’s been a (EMBARRASS) meeting you (PLEASE) pleasure 13 Both company managers put their at the bottom of the document (SIGN) signatures 14 On the second evening we made a restaurant (COMPLAIN) about the service in this 15 After dinner, she had an important 16 British Airways announced the to make (ANNOUNCE) of flight BA671 from Frankfurt (ARRIVE) 17 My boyfriend and I had a terrible 18 As far as I’m concerned , the other day (ARGUE) is more important than money (HAPPY) 19 If you can’t stand the , get out of the kitchen (HOT) 20 I’m afraid I am very with lazy people (PATIENT) 21 Do French, Spanish and Italian have any 22 He always seems to have a lot of anything 23 In all ? (SIMILAR) (CONFIDENT) He thinks he can achieve , he'll pass the exam (PROBABLE) 24 The mountain reaches a of almost 6,000 metres (HIGH) Use the words in brackets to form a new word that fits into each blank My mum is the chairman's assistant She has a lot of (RESPONSIBLE) I have an important Jamie's early to make (ANNOUNCE) came as a shock to all of us (DIE) death When the comedian told the joke, the whole auditorium was filled with I reported the The boys' of my passport to the authorities (LOSE) was reported to their parents (BEHAVE) When she got home she immediately filed a The The (COMPLAIN) of flight OS2895 will be announced soon (ARRIVE) of the airplane was a mystery to the investigators (APPEAR) (LAUGH) 10 When I opened the door everyone looked at me in 11 There have been a great number of (ASTONISH) in many fields of research (DEVELOP) 12 When they got to the top of the mountain they made a remarkable 13 The headmaster gave us 14 It's been a 15 The (DISCOVER) to leave lessons earlier (PERMIT) meeting your parents (PLEASE) of the bank depends on how many customers it can get (SUCCEED) Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank! have been warning us about the effects of global warming for many years (SCIENCE) The boy hit his head so hard that he lost According to the weather report there is a high afternoon (PROBABLE) Antibiotics are only (CONSCIOUS) of thunderstorms this of you take them for a few days (EFFECT) Stonehenge is famous for its architecture (ASTONISH) You don't have to be afraid of the examination It's completely The first settlers came from islands in the Pacific (DISTANCE) The orchestra has given a wonderful The judge came to the 10 The (PAIN) during the previous season (PERFORM) that the witness was lying (CONCLUDE) of our flight was delayed due to foggy weather in London (ARRIVE) 11 For your own , please step back from the cages (SAFE) 12 My sister has been suffering from a bad cough (LATE) Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank! The land is very dry, which makes difficult (FARM) If you plan your journey carefully you will have an Even though Marty was an excellent shooter, he There are many time in India (FORGET) missed the target (REPEAT) companies that are working on new technologies (INNOVATE) The book contains a of poems from three decades (COLLECT) There are millions of people all over the country (WEALTH) brought the Plague to Europe from Asia (SAIL) Our teacher has put together some on (INTEREST) Divers went down to a 10 We had 11 The newspaper articles for us to work of over 30 metres (DEEP) deciding who to send to the compaction (DIFFICULT) creature has not been sighted for over a week (MYSTERY) 12 The hotel offers a view of the sea (SPECTACLE) Complete the sentences with the correct adjectives: use the words in capitals He’s such a person He forgets everything when he goes out (CARE) There’s a pen mark on the sofa but it's not very He tried to paint his bedroom, but he wasn't very Thomas is very (NOTICE) (SUCCESS) He usually saves his pocket money (SENSE) Never use electronic gadgets near water ! – It’s really ! (DANGER) Sam’s room is It’s a real mess (HORROR) When I’m tired I sometimes feel cross and I think watching too much TV can be (MOOD) for young children (HARM) I'll buy a second-hand computer game They’re really 10 I never watch thrillers late at night because they’re too 11 I have had very 12 He’ s a (AFFORD) (SCARE) holidays this year They were great (ENJOY) case He simply won’t listen to you (HOPE) Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into each gap Forged pieces of art or fake (PAINT) are becoming an increasing problem for museums and art galleries around the world Many of them found their way into (EXHIBIT) and art (COLLECT) in the course of the 20th century In the past it was difficult for curators and art experts to recognize forged works because they did not have the technology that they today For gallery (OWN) it is embarrassing to find out that one of the masterpieces on display is a fake Such (AWARE) can be expensive as well A British museum, for example, paid £440,000 (about $700,000) for a forged Egyptian statue in 2003 Why (PROFESSION) forgers it? Some just it for profit, but many don’t Some of the best fakers tried to create great pieces of art themselves and failed, so they take another painting and copy it Most forgers are (ART) themselves but others are art conservators They are very (SKILL) and know the technology that is used to identify works of art They sometimes produce documents that go with famous paintings or sculptures Thus, forgeries may not be identified for years, or even decades Police admit, that, although they are looking into cases of art forgery more often, it is still very hard to tell if the numbers are rising or not Art has become a kind of (INVEST) so the market for forgeries and fake works is becoming larger Forgers use the internet to help them sell phony works of art On the other side , since it is easiest to fake lost or missing works of art, the internet can provide fast information on whether a painting or sculpture has (APPEAR) or not Some forgers are even brave enough to copy works of (LIVE) artists In one of the biggest forgery cases in history, Scotland Yard arrested Shaun Greenhalg, who created over 120 paintings and sculptures worth millions over the past 20 years But many forgers may still be at large Art experts say that, because there is such a demand in art, up to half of the art that is in (CIRCULATE) may be a forgery Most of it is sold at auctions in London John Myatt was one of the biggest art forgers of the 20th century He was (PRISON) for creating fake Picassos and Renoirs After he was relased in 2000 he has started to create his own art, which now sells at a rather high price NASA has announced the (DISCOVER) of the eighth planet of a star system, similar to our solar system The star, Kepler-90 is over 2,500 light years away and larger and hotter than our sun It is the first star (KNOW) to have as many planets as our solar system The Kepler-90 star system is much more compact than our solar system The outermost planet orbits the star at about the same (DISTANT) as the earth orbits the sun Its inner planets are small and The (ROCK) while the outer ones are larger and made up of gas (NEW) discovered planet, Kepler-90i , is the third celestial object in the star system It is probably similar to our earth, but because of its (CLOSE) to its home star has an average surface temperature of about 400° C It moves around the star once every 14.4 days The findings were made (BASE) on data provided by the Kepler Space Telescope Launched in March 2009, the telescope has (CONSTANT) been scanning certain sections of the universe in search of new stars and (PLANET) systems Up to now, over 2,000 new worlds have been discovered To help analyse the data, NASA has been relying on artificial (INTELLIGENT) software supplied by Google This software examines weak signals of light when objects pass in front of a star (EXPECT) at NASA are up as this new method of (EXAMINE) data is expected to reveal even more new planets in the future Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the gap It’s no use taking such measures They are all going to be The (EFFECT) problem is that there are not enough good teachers to educate our children (BASE) The parents - teachers association has planned a number of students (ACT) She was the only for the job (APPLY) The plane is scheduled to fly to the Canary Islands nonstop (DIRECT) He saw her in the crowd but suddenly she The government must come to a possible (DECIDE) He bought a gas He has the 10 He is very 11 Don’t be such so for the foreign (APPEAR) on whether to apply new taxes as soon as for his camping trips a few years ago (COOK) to play in every position, so he’s a very valuable player (ABLE) that his team will win the World Cup (CONFIDENCE) When are you going to start behaving like an adult? (CHILD) se the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the gap 1 The new zoo's main are the baby lions (ATTRACT) Passengers on planes must always fasten their The manager is belts (SAFE) that all players can be signed on (HOPE) What's the between figure skating and speed skating? (DIFFERENT) She completed her current project I love my new sofa It's so and then got a new task to do.(SUCCEED) The older one was much more (COMFORT, COMFORT) She chose some modern colourful furniture to It's always very to drive at such a high speed (DANGER) August is a such a month in our city because everyone is away on holidays (PEACE) 10 Nobody could find a 11 Even though they had 12 I feel very up her apartment (BRIGHT) to the problem (SOLVE) difficulties, they were happily married (FINANCE, HAPPY) today I think I'll get myself some coffee (SLEEP) Dear Manager I have (RECENT) seen an advertisement on your website in which you need an (ASSIST) manager for your hotel I am attaching the (APPLY) form with this email I have been working in the (CATER) business for many years and I am very (PASSION) about good food I have a few professional together with others In (ADD), I am Two months ago I finished a (RELY) and hard-working (TRAIN) course in because I am keen on having a career in the excellent (QUALIFY) and I can work (ADMINISTRATE) , (TOURST) business I can give you (REFER) from my former (EMPLOY) Please consider my email and let me know whenever you have come to a (DECIDE) Sincerely Max Monday Use the word in capitals to form a new word that fits into each blank ! The of the president was delayed because of bad weather (ARRIVE) I had to write a of the house I wanted to buy (DESCRIBE) We didn't recognise him at first His The submarine levelled out at a The editor gave me has changed a lot (APPEAR) of 2,000 feet (DEEP) to interview one of the journalists (PERMIT) There are still many people in developing countries who live in extreme Not being chosen for the team was a great to him (APPOINT) It is very expensive to have a car Most people forget about the pay (INSURE) There have been many great computer (INVENT) (POOR) they in the past hundred years One of them is the 10 My father always tells me that crying is a sign of 11 His (WEAK) of medicine impressed me (KNOW) 12 Since she won the gold medal at the last Olympic Games, has really got to her (FAMOUS) 13 I won the easily (COMPETE) 14 What you think of his ? - It was great ! (SPEAK) A trip to southwestern Germany The (FAME) Black Forest and the picturesque town of Baden Baden are in south-western Germany I went there recently in search of a (PEACE), relaxing holiday and I (CERTAIN) wasn't disappointed The town is surrounded by (MARVEL) scenery, clear lakes and tall mountains The weather during my visit was so cool and (MIST) that it created a wonderfully (MYSTERY) atmosphere There are plenty of interesting places to visit including the town's century palace and the Roman baths I also explored the could hear was the gentle sound of The food was excellent I tried several clocks as souvenirs (DELIGHT) 15th (SHADE) Black Forest where all I (FLOW) streams (TASTE) local dishes I also bought some cuckoo I had the holiday of a lifetime in Baden Baden With its (FANTASY) natural (FRIEND) people, and (SURROUNDINGS) , I would certainly recommend it to anyone who wants to go on holiday in the near future Use the word in capitals at the end of the sentence to form a new word that fits into the blank ! The result was very strange In fact, it was simply They reached an not to sell the product to each other's base customers (AGREE) After losing her job she was for another month (EMPLOY) The most important value in our school is Her arguments are so (OBEY) that it is not possible to have a real discussion with her (LOGICAL) You can wear anything you want It's an occasion (FORMAL) This is a good essay I find your statements very He simply You must have 10 Margaret 11 It was an (BELIEVE) (CONVINCE) and nobody knew where he had gone (APPEAR) You'll be called up soon (PATIENT) quickly and got into the warm bath (DRESS) day trip we had with our classmates (FORGET) 12 The parents decided that it was an Make Money From Being on TV pet for such a small child (SUIT) You can make a career from pay for an Your (REAL) television Some of these television programmes will (APPEAR) on their shows, others will reward the (SUCCEED) depends on the are all about (PERFORM) you make , because these shows (ENTERTAIN) You may even get a chance to appear on other shows One star of Castaway, for example, has a regular job in a big London However, there are the other (WIN) (MUSIC) (ADVANTAGE) too In a programme like Pop Idol you have to beat (COMPETE) and in shows like Big Brother, the (PRODUCE) will be filming you around the clock At some stage you will probably be saying something you are not (PARTICULAR) proud of Nobody other than the (CONTEST) will know how serious the situation was If you are will not be the kind of (FORTUNE) you may become famous , but it (FAMOUS) you want Use the word in brackets to form a new word that fits into the blank in each sentence I wear a lot of make-up in order to feel I am a very (CONFIDENCE) person I can never wait (PATIENT) I always have my cell phone with me I am completely Mom hates those shoes They are so My brother bought an outdoor jacket It's so It will be a without it (HELP) (COMFORT) when he goes hiking (PRACTICE) day today The sun isn't going to come out (CLOUD) Eating chips is not very (HEALTH) 8 Most of our possessions are (REPLACE) She is really a We could live just as well without them person She can play three different instruments and sing as well (MUSIC) 10 The manual is completely All the information is out-of-date (USE) 11 She isn't wearing the most shoes (FASHION) 12 My sister likes wearing clothes (COLOUR) 13 My friend is the most person I know He always goes to parties and discos (SOCIAL) 14 At weddings, its to kiss the bride (TRADITION) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in capitals ! I need to my knowledge of classical music (BROAD) I love all forms of , including ballet and opera (ENTERTAIN) Phantom of the Opera is a During her music show (SENSATION) , the girl lived in Australia (YOUNG) The mid-20th century saw the of pop music (ARRIVE) Bollywood movies achieved huge You need to in the 1990s (POPULAR) your muscles if you want to become a bodybuilder (STRONG) The money they get from donations will them to buy more equipment (ABLE) Thieves sometimes target people at concerts , so be 10 Watching old movies is my mum's idea of with your wallets (CARE) (HAPPY)

Ngày đăng: 12/04/2022, 19:24


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