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Glossary of life quality and values

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Glossary of Life Quality and Values Nguyễn Thị Thuý Hiền 19CNACLC08 STT WORD VIETNAMESE MEANING EXAMPLE SOURCE 1 Harassment Quấy rối Things like working public services, clean air, accessible education safety from violence and harassment and speaking freely without fear of arrest Harassment 2 Sustainable Economic Development Phát triển kinh tế bền vững là một sáng kiến ​​quốc gia được xây dựng dựa trên các tài sản độc đáo của các nền kinh tế địa phương nhằm giải quyết những thách thức cá nhân củ.

Glossary of Life Quality and Values Nguyễn Thị Thuý Hiền- 19CNACLC08 ST T WORD Harassment Sustainable Economic Development Equal rights VIETNAMESE MEANING Quấy rối EXAMPLE Things like working public services, clean air, accessible education safety from violence and harassment and speaking freely without fear of arrest Phát triển kinh tế This is where bền vững the sustainable sáng kiến quốc economic gia xây development dựng dựa assessment tài sản độc đáo comes in using kinh ten dimensions tế địa phương it measures not nhằm giải only a country's thách thức economic cá nhân họ performance but cung cấp lợi its social and ích thực tế environmental định lượng sustainability as well as the outcome of its long-term investments Quyền bình đẳng Morocco's nói đến: promotion of Bình đẳng trước women's roles pháp luật, in politics and người có society as well quyền as equal rights in marriage and SOURCE Harassment Sustainable Economic Development Equal rights Poverty Cực kỳ thiếu tiền cải Malnutrition Một bệnh khơng có đủ thức ăn lành mạnh Standard of living Tiêu chuẩn sống property upon divorce led to greater gender equality which correlates highly with overall progress Every night hundreds of millions of people go to bed hungry it doesn't have to be this way, here's what you need to know hunger and poverty go hand-in-hand around the world, one in nine people can't get enough food to lead healthy productive lives One-third of the world's population struggles with malnutrition hunger hits girls and women Country's all seek to offer improved standards of living as an indication of progress and economic advancement with higher standards of living in a country its Poverty Malnutrition Standard of living Mortality rate Overestimate Economic growth 10 Conflict arose citizens are seen to be better off Tỷ lệ tử vong So the thước đo số người traditional GDP chết measure lacks in quần thể cụ thể, assessing the tính theo qualitative quy mô dân aspect of a số đó, country standard đơn vị thời gian of living which includes such aspects as infant mortality rates and the number of doctors available per person Đánh giá cao This overestimates standard of living when real GDP is bumped up due to increased spending on restoring an economy wiped out by natural disaster Tăng trưởng kinh This was mainly tế gia tăng caused by the cải thiện giá enormous trị thị trường economic điều chỉnh theo growth of lạm phát hàng mainly Asian hóa dịch vụ countries, which kinh tế made people sản xuất theo thời richer gian Nảy sinh xung đột Because these borders did not coincide with the borders of the habitat of different groups Mortality rate Overestimate Economic growth Conflict arose 11 Corruption Tham nhũng 12 Preciousness Sự quý giá 13 Moral values Giá trị đạo đức 14 A livable city Thành phố đáng sống of peoples, some groups had to live together in one country and conflicts arose, which seriously hindered the development of the country Another argument that falls under the political perspective and coincides with the previous one is corruption After all, you probably eat animals, but you wouldn't eat a human being Then your value -the unique preciousness of human life is in conflict with your feelings for your dog You sure feel like cheating, but if you have moral values, you know it's wrong to Each year, monocle publishes its ranking of the top 25 cities for quality of life, Corruption Preciousness Moral values A livable city 15 Infrastructure 16 Psychological 17 Mental Cơ sở hạ tầng Liên quan đến tâm trí cảm xúc người Liên quan đến tâm trí, liên quan đến q trình suy nghĩ these most livable cities in the world get the essentials right reliable public transport good schools low crime Finally there's this year's number one city for quality of life it excels across all the categories and its continued to adapt and to grow admirably investing in infrastructure improving public space and services as well as projecting itself remarkably well to the world The five indicators that help determine a person's quality of life are economic, social, physical, psychological and political Psychological indicators refer to a person's mental health and to the level of which a person feels supported, there are many factors Infrastructure Psychological Mental 18 Material comfort 19 Income per capita 20 The community approach 21 Quarter-life crisis that influences a person's wellbeing Sự tiện ích mặt Every person vật chất who is classified as not being a white person that is what the system of white supremacy is and what is it for but fun but glory and for material comfort Thu nhập bình The opportunity quân đầu người for a decent standard of living measured by gross national income per capita Cách tiếp cận Let's start with cộng đồng dựa the most basic tham gia one which is the phận community người dân approach The địa phương cụ community thể approach is the most synonymous with the basic process identified as community development Khủng hoảng But I’ll bet phần tư đời you’ve never khủng heard of a crisis hoảng "liên quan you may be đến mối lo facing in a few phương hướng short years I chất lượng call it “the sống" xảy phổ quarter life biến crisis.” Material comfort Income per capita The community approach Quarter-life crisis 22 Indicators of well-being 23 Gated community 24 Security khoảng độ tuổi từ hai mươi đến ba mươi Các số hạnh phúc The highest potential of well-being that the average person can achieve is determined by how good or how bad the quality of these opportunities are, the main issue is identifying the opportunities that are measurable globally applicable and the most effective indicators of well-being Cộng đồng In these highkiểm soát rise housing dạng cộng đồng communities, dân cư nhà every building có lối vào reflects the kiểm sốt chặt chẽ ethnic diversity cho người bộ, of the entire xe đạp ô tô, country, so you thường đặc have no ghettos trưng chu for the Malay or vi kín tường no ghettos for hàng rào the Indian or gated communities An ninh bảo vệ And actually người, tòa you know nhà, tổ chức there's sort of an quốc gia chống lại inverse mối đe dọa relationship Indicators of well-being Gated community Security 25 26 27 28 Income tội phạm công nước Thu nhập tiền kiếm từ việc làm nhận từ khoản đầu tư between freedom and security If you look at Income studies on happiness versus wealth, what you find out is wealth is important only to a level of a kind of middle-class income or maybe slightly above Positive Mối quan hệ tích People that have Positive relationship cực positive relationship relationships with the people they love have better relationships at work, better relationships at home, better relationships in life Cycle of Chu kỳ nghèo đói It's a cycle of Cycle of poverty poverty that poverty continues from one generation to another Socioeconomic Địa vị kinh tế xã Socioeconomic Socioeconomic status hội hay tình trạng status as julia status kinh tế xã hội has relayed to thước đo tổng you has seen a hợp kinh tế xã significant dip hội kinh nghiệm làm việc người vị trí kinh tế xã hội cá nhân gia 29 Crime 30 Unemploymen t issues đình mối quan hệ với người khác Tội phạm Vấn đề thất nghiệp The news this Crime morning while the quality of life in housing is improving, people are still concerned about crime and service delivery Connectivity in Unemploymen their t issues communities greater levels of can personally satisfaction and a sense of belonging of kind of where they are so in spite of the crime issues in spite of the unemployment issues there is still a greater sense of belonging and being social from a government service to develop ... malnutrition hunger hits girls and women Country's all seek to offer improved standards of living as an indication of progress and economic advancement with higher standards of living in a country its... personally satisfaction and a sense of belonging of kind of where they are so in spite of the crime issues in spite of the unemployment issues there is still a greater sense of belonging and being social... number one city for quality of life it excels across all the categories and its continued to adapt and to grow admirably investing in infrastructure improving public space and services as well

Ngày đăng: 10/04/2022, 17:09

