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Tài liệu School of Business NFF 2011 August 20-24 doc

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School of Business NFF 2011 August 20-24 Table of Contents 3 Welcome 5 Conference theme 6 Keynote speaker 7 About Stockholm University School of Business 8 Programme 10 Programme at a glance 16 Track and scientific programme 53 Abstracts 153 Author index 3 Welcome to the 21 st NFF conference. On behalf of the Nordic Academy of Management Board it is a great pleasure to welcome you all to the 21 st NFF conference organized by Stockholm University School of Business. We hope the conference once again offers excellent networking opportunities among your Nordic colleagues. Those of you for which this is the first NFF conference we hope it is the springboard of your academic career as it has been for so many of us who have participated over the years. We once again look forward to a warm and wonderful conference and doctoral consortium held at the beautiful campus at Kräftriket and the beautiful Stockholm Archipelago. Let’s make it a memorable conference! Malin Brännback Chairperson of the Board of Nordic Academy of Management 4 Welcome to NFF 2011 and to the Stockholm University School of Business. It is a great pleasure to welcome you all to the 21 st NFF-conference here at our beautiful campus at Kräftriket. There will be plenty of time for conversations with new and old colleagues during three intensive days with some 300 presentations organised in 30 different tracks. Colleagues from all facets of the academic discipline have answered our call for tracks and papers. This gives us a very interesting programme including research tracks in accounting, finance, entrepreneurship, marketing, organisation and management and tracks taking inspiring views on teaching and education. On behalf of the organising committee and the faculty of the School of Business I invite you to make the NFF 2011 a great conference. Jan Löwstedt Chair of the Organising committee NFF 2011 5 Conference theme The process of producing and teaching management knowledge involves much more than applying a certain method or theory. It is also a social process full of interaction between people in organisations, colleagues, students etc. According to the Nordic tradition in Business Administration, knowledge in the field of management is closely related to the day-to-day conduct in all aspects of managerial and organisational practices. In short, Business Administration is a practice about another practice. The aim of the 21 st NFF conference is to mirror this practice and the many challenging fields of research and education that researchers in business administration currently work in. The different sub disciplines of the subject (accounting, finance, marketing, organization, entrepreneurship etc.) as well as different research traditions and methodologies will be represented. In line with tradition the conference will gather a broad spectrum of researchers and teachers are represented, mainly from the Nordic countries. Conference sponsors Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius stiftelse - Handelsbanken Liber (Exclusive sponsor of Monday evening reception) Studentlitteratur 6 Trond Björnenak – Tuesday 12:30 Dr. Trond Bjørnenak is Professor at Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration (NHH). His research focuses on the following fields: Cost and performance management, Strategic management accounting, The disign and use of managment control systems, Beyond Budgeting and the diffusion of management accounting innovations. Title of presentation: Beyond Budgeting – a Scandinavian Perspective Christina Garsten – Monday 9:30 Dr. Christina Garsten is Professor and the Head of the Social Anthropology department at Stockholm University. Her research interests are oriented towards the anthropology of organisations, with focus on the globalisation of corporations and markets and on emerging forms of regulation and accountability in the labour market and in transnational trade. Title of presentation: Practices of mediation: organization studies, ethnography, and the art of bricolage Christian Grönroos – Monday 17:00 Dr. Christian Grönroos is since 1999 Professor of Service and Relationship Marketing at Hanken School of Economics Finland (Svenska handelshögskolan) and founder of its research and knowledge centre CERS Centre for Relationship Marketing and Service Management. Title of presentation: På marknaden finns det bra service - vad kan vi lära av det? (Presentation will be held in Swedish) Keynote at the Ph.D. workshop Dr. Janne Tienari is Professor of Organizations and Management at Aalto University School of Economics. His teaching and research focus on managing multinational corporations, cross-cultural studies of gender and organizing, strategy work, media discourse, and the future of management. He is the Editor of the Scandinavian Journal of Management. Keynote speakers 7 About Stockholm University School of Business Stockholm University School of Business belongs to Stockholm University. The University, which dates back to 1878, is a regional centre for research and education, set in a wonderful cultural and natural environment in the world’s first national city park. The School of Business is responsible for educating business leaders and managers of the future in both the private and public sector. The school aims to develop the learning process in such a way that creative thinking and critical reasoning are the guiding principles for the entire study programme. Our courses are based on the latest research. Close contacts with the worlds of business and research, both at a national and international level, allow us to offer a transnational education. We have more than 3,500 students, around seventy lecturers/researchers, some fifty doctoral students and about thirty administrative staff. We collaborate closely with universities in Sweden and abroad. The School of Business is located in restored buildings dating back to 1912 in the traditional “Kräftriket”campus area, beautifully located near the picturesque “Brunnsviken” lake. The area is within walking distance of Stockholm city centre, is easily accessible by public transportation and has plenty of parking facilities. 8 Monday 8:30–9:30 Registration and coffee in building 3 9:30–10:50 Welcome and keynote Practices of mediation: organization studies, ethnography, and the art of bricolage by Christina Garsten in Wallenbergsalen and on screen in Gröjersalen 11:00-12:30 Paper sessions 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 Paper sessions 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-17:00 Paper sessions 17:10-18:00 Keynote På marknaden finns det bra service - vad kan vi lära av det? by Christian Grönroos in Wallenbergsalen and on screen in Gröjersalen 18:00-20:00 Evening reception with tapas and wine at Kräftriket. Sponsored by Liber Tuesday 8:00-9:30 Paper sessions 9:30-10:00 Coffee break 10:00-11:30 Paper sessions 11:30-12:30 Lunch 12:30-13:20 Beyond Budgeting – a Scandinavian Perspective Keynote by Trond Bjørnenak in Wallenbergsalen and on screen in Gröjersalen 13:30-15:00 Paper sessions 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 15:30-17:00 Paper sessions 18:45 Dinner at City Hall Buses from Hotel Oden and Best Western Time Hotel leave at 18:30 Dress code: dark suit Programme 9 Wednesday 9:30-10:30 Paper sessions 10:30-11:00 Coffee break 11:00-12:30 Paper sessions 12:30-13:30 Lunch 13:30-15:00 NFF members meeting in Wallenbergsalen and paper sessions 15:00-15:30 Coffee break 10 Programme at a glance Monday Seminar room 3:229 Seminar room 3:230 Seminar room 3:231 Seminar room 3:232 Seminar room 3:238 Seminar room 3:239 Seminar room 3:240 Seminar room 3:241 Seminar room 5:21 Seminar room 5:22 Seminar room 5:31 Seminar room 5:32 Visionen Styrelse- rummet 08:30-09:00 Registration and coffee 09:00-09:30 09:30-10:00 Welcome and Keynote 10:00-10:30 10:30-11:00 11:00-11:30 Track 1: Perspectives on Service research Track 2: The practice of services – ma- naging and or- ganizing service production Track 3: Brands & bran- ding - contem- porary theories and practices Track 5: Management, information and technology Track 15: The practice idiom in organisa- tion studies Track 16: Management and management studies as textual practices Track 17: Nordic Practices of HRM Track 22: Change & Intervention Track 12: Unconventio- nal Views on Entrepreneur- ship – A Return To Practice? Track 23: Mergers & Acquisitions: A Stakeholder Perspective Track 6: Interdisciplina- ry Perspectives on Auditing Track 19: Self-control and self-organi- sation in post- bureaucratic organisations Track 13: Practices in Projects – Researching Temporary Organizations 11:30-12:00 12:00-12:30 12:30-13:00 Lunch 13:00-13:30 13:30-14.00 Track 1: Perspectives on Service research Track 2 : The practice of services – ma- naging and or- ganizing service production Track 3: Brands & bran- ding - contem- porary theories and practices Track 5: Management, information and technology Track 15: The practice idiom in organisa- tion studies Track 16: Management and management studies as textual practices Track 17: Nordic Practices of HRM Track 22: Change & Intervention Track 12: Unconventio- nal Views on Entrepreneur- ship – A Return To Practice? Track 23: Mergers & Acquisitions: A Stakeholder Perspective Track 6: Interdisciplina- ry Perspectives on Auditing Track 19: Self-control and self-organi- sation in post- bureaucratic organisations Track 13: Practices in Projects – Researching Temporary Organizations 14:00-14:30 14:30-15:00 15:00:-15:30 Coffee 15:30-16:00 Track 1: Perspectives on Service research Track 2: The practice of services – ma- naging and or- ganizing service production Track 3: Brands & bran- ding - contem- porary theories and practices Track 5: Management, information and technology Track 27: On the Shoulders of Giants Track 16: Management and management studies as textual practices Track 17: Nordic Practices of HRM Track 22: Change & Intervention Track 12: Unconventio- nal Views on Entrepreneur- ship – A Return To Practice? Track 23: Mergers & Acquisitions: A Stakeholder Perspective Track 6: Interdisciplina- ry Perspectives on Auditing Track 19: Self-control and self-organi- sation in post- bureaucratic organisations Track 13: Practices in Projects – Researching Temporary Organizations 16:00-16:30 16:30-17:00 17:10-18:00 Keynote [...]... University of Iceland, rsmari@hi.is Haukur Ingi Júnasson, The University of Iceland, hij@hi.is Norway: Erling S Andersen, BI Norwegian School of Management, erling.s.andersen@bi.no Asbjứrn Rolstadồs, NTNU, asbjorn.rolstadas@ntnu.no Sweden: Tomas Blomqvist, Umeồ School of Business, tomas.blomqvist@usbe.umu.se Mats Engwall, The Royal Institute of Technology, mats.engwall@indek.kth.se Markus Họllgren, Umeồ School. .. assessment of its contribution to our understanding of organizational aspects is highly timely It is thus the aim of this track to critically assess the promises the practice idiom holds for organization theory and practice Track organisers: Robert Demir (contact person), Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden, + 46 8 16 46 53, rd@fek.su.se Ali Yakhlef, Stockholm University School of Business, ... promotion of small businesses Anders W Johansson Wednesday August 24 11:00-12:30 10:13 Circus, music, theatre in the kingdom of crystal entrepreneuring as a societal, ethico aesthetic practice? Marja Soila-Wadman 10:14 Voices of the Suburbs - The paradox of social entrepreneurial initiatives addressing vulnerable groups Ester Barinaga 10:15 Strategies of spreading social innovations: The case of organic... Bo.Edvardsson@kau.se Evert Gummesson, School of Business, Stockholm University, Sweden, Evert.Gummesson@fek.su.se Anders Gustafsson, CTF-Service Research Center, Karlstad Business School, Sweden, Anders.Gustafsson@kau.se Kristina Heinonen, CERS-Center for Relationship Marketing and Service Management, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, Kristina.Heinonen@hanken.fi Christian Kowalkowski Department of Management and Engineering,... organization, which makes the understanding of the network context important Track organisers Maria Bengtsson, Umeồ School of Business and Economics, Umeồ University, Sweden, +46 70 2491503, maria.bengtsson@usbe.umu.se Sửren Kock, Hanken School of Economics, Finland, +358 50 5256709, soren.kock@hanken.fi Room 3:232 Tuesday August 23 08:00-09:30 04:01 Exploring the process of balancing cooperation and competition... judged, in the course of producing new ways of thinking and existing The desire driving this track is putting critique to work on financial ideas, theories and practices, in order to create concepts that will allow us to think finance differently Track organisers: Thomas Bay (contact person), Stockholm University School of Business, Sweden, bay@fek.su.se Jesper Blomberg, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden,... 3:231 Monday August 22 11:00-12:30 03:01 A connectionist mode of association and the sense of place - implications for a theory of place -of- origin effects Mikael Andộhn 03:02 The problem of focus on essence in place branding discourse and why it is all about perception Sebastian Zenker ; Mikael Andộhn 03:03 Understanding city branding: a framework for analysis Lucarelli Andrea Monday August 22 13:30-15:00... branding of cities Sara Brorstrửm 03:06 Sensory positioning of metropolitan cities - Using food as an element in city branding Emma Bjửrner (former Gustafsson) ; Per Olof Berg Monday August 22 15:30-17:00 03:07 Image of the mega mall and attraction of the shoppers from the nearby towns Maija Rửkman 03:08 A critical perspective on city branding as a managerial practice Markus Walz 21 Tuesday August 23... Grứnhaug Monday August 22 15:30-17:00 01:07 Perspectives of risk - relationships in the Energy sector Ross Ritchie ; Jannis Angelis 17 Tuesday August 23 08:00-09:30 01:08 The service innovation concept - a literature review Per Carlborg ; Daniel Kindstrửm ; Christian Kowalkowski 01:09 Empirical research on the antecedents of trust in business- to -business relationships - Shifting the focus on small businesses... textuality of management, management studies and the relation between the two Track organisers: Love Bửrjeson (contact person), Mọlardalen University School of Sustainable Development of Society and Technology, Sweden, + 46 76 1905 888, love.borjeson@mdh.se Peter Svensson, Lund University, The School of Economics and Management, Sweden, +46 46 222 01 86, peter.Svensson@fek.lu.se Room 3:239 Monday August . School of Business NFF 2011 August 20-24 Table of Contents 3 Welcome 5 Conference theme 6 Keynote speaker 7 About Stockholm University School of Business 8. Brännback Chairperson of the Board of Nordic Academy of Management 4 Welcome to NFF 2011 and to the Stockholm University School of Business. It is a great

Ngày đăng: 18/02/2014, 08:20