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Tài liệu RESTful Web Services doc

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  • RESTful Web Services

    • Table of Contents

    • Foreword

    • Preface

      • The Web Is Simple

      • Big Web Services Are Not Simple

      • The Story of the REST

      • Reuniting the Webs

      • What’s in This Book?

      • Administrative Notes

      • Conventions Used in This Book

      • Using Code Examples

      • Safari® Enabled

      • How to Contact Us

      • Acknowledgments

    • Chapter 1. The Programmable Web and Its Inhabitants

      • Kinds of Things on the Programmable Web

      • HTTP: Documents in Envelopes

      • Method Information

      • Scoping Information

      • The Competing Architectures

        • RESTful, Resource-Oriented Architectures

        • RPC-Style Architectures

        • REST-RPC Hybrid Architectures

        • The Human Web Is on the Programmable Web

      • Technologies on the Programmable Web

        • HTTP

        • URI

        • XML-RPC

        • SOAP

        • WS-*

        • WSDL

        • WADL

      • Leftover Terminology

    • Chapter 2. Writing Web Service Clients

      • Web Services Are Web Sites

        • Wrappers, WADL, and ActiveResource

      • del.icio.us: The Sample Application

        • What the Sample Clients Do

      • Making the Request: HTTP Libraries

        • Optional Features

        • Ruby: rest-open-uri and net/http

        • Python: httplib2

        • Java: HttpClient

        • C#: System.Web.HTTPWebRequest

        • PHP: libcurl

        • JavaScript: XMLHttpRequest

        • The Command Line: curl

        • Other Languages

      • Processing the Response: XML Parsers

        • Ruby: REXML, I Guess

        • Python: ElementTree

        • Java: javax.xml, Xerces, or XMLPull

        • C#: System.Xml.XmlReader

        • PHP

        • JavaScript: responseXML

        • Other Languages

      • JSON Parsers: Handling Serialized Data

      • Clients Made Easy with WADL

    • Chapter 3. What Makes RESTful Services Different?

      • Introducing the Simple Storage Service

      • Object-Oriented Design of S3

        • A Few Words About Buckets

        • A Few Words About Objects

        • What If S3 Was a Standalone Library?

      • Resources

      • HTTP Response Codes

      • An S3 Client

        • The Bucket List

        • The Bucket

        • The S3 Object

      • Request Signing and Access Control

        • Signing a URI

        • Setting Access Policy

      • Using the S3 Client Library

      • Clients Made Transparent with ActiveResource

        • Creating a Simple Service

        • An ActiveResource Client

        • A Python Client for the Simple Service

      • Parting Words

    • Chapter 4. The Resource-Oriented Architecture

      • Resource-Oriented What Now?

      • What’s a Resource?

      • URIs

        • URIs Should Be Descriptive

        • The Relationship Between URIs and Resources

      • Addressability

      • Statelessness

        • Application State Versus Resource State

      • Representations

        • Deciding Between Representations

      • Links and Connectedness

      • The Uniform Interface

        • GET, PUT, and DELETE

        • HEAD and OPTIONS

        • POST

          • Creating subordinate resources

          • Appending to the resource state

          • Overloaded POST: The not-so-uniform interface

        • Safety and Idempotence

          • Safety

          • Idempotence

          • Why safety and idempotence matter

        • Why the Uniform Interface Matters

      • That’s It!

    • Chapter 5. Designing Read-Only Resource-Oriented Services

      • Resource Design

      • Turning Requirements Into Read-Only Resources

      • Figure Out the Data Set

        • General Lessons

      • Split the Data Set into Resources

        • General Lessons

      • Name the Resources

        • Encode Hierarchy into Path Variables

        • No Hierarchy? Use Commas or Semicolons

          • Map URIs

          • Scale

        • Algorithmic Resource? Use Query Variables

        • URI Recap

      • Design Your Representations

        • The Representation Talks About the State of the Resource

        • The Representation Links to Other States

        • Representing the List of Planets

        • Representing Maps and Points on Maps

        • Representing the Map Tiles

        • Representing Planets and Other Places

        • Representing Lists of Search Results

      • Link the Resources to Each Other

      • The HTTP Response

        • What’s Supposed to Happen?

          • Conditional HTTP GET

        • What Might Go Wrong?

      • Conclusion

    • Chapter 6. Designing Read/Write Resource-Oriented Services

      • User Accounts as Resources

        • Why Should User Accounts Be Resources?

        • Authentication, Authorization, Privacy, and Trust

        • Turning Requirements into Read/Write Resources

        • Figure Out the Data Set

        • Split the Data Set into Resources

        • Name the Resources with URIs

        • Expose a Subset of the Uniform Interface

        • Design the Representation(s) Accepted from the Client

        • Design the Representation(s) to Be Served to the Client

        • Link This Resource to Existing Resources

        • What’s Supposed to Happen?

        • What Might Go Wrong?

      • Custom Places

        • Figure Out the Data Set

        • Split the Data Set into Resources

        • Name the Resources with URIs

        • Expose a Subset of the Uniform Interface

        • Design the Representation(s) Accepted from the Client

        • Design the Representation(s) Served to the Client

        • Link This Resource to Existing Resources

        • What’s Supposed to Happen?

        • What Might Go Wrong?

      • A Look Back at the Map Service

    • Chapter 7. A Service Implementation

      • A Social Bookmarking Web Service

      • Figuring Out the Data Set

      • Resource Design

        • REST in Rails

        • The User Controller

        • The Bookmarks Controller

        • The User Tags Controller

        • The Calendar Controller

        • The URI Controller

        • The Recent Bookmarks Controller

        • The Bundles Controller

        • The Leftovers

        • Remodeling the REST Way

        • Implementation: The routes.rb File

      • Design the Representation(s) Accepted from the Client

      • Design the Representation(s) Served to the Client

      • Connect Resources to Each Other

      • What’s Supposed to Happen?

      • What Might Go Wrong?

      • Controller Code

        • What Rails Doesn’t Do

          • Conditional GET

          • param[:id] for things that aren’t IDs

        • The ApplicationController

        • The UsersController

        • The BookmarksController

        • The TagsController

        • The Lesser Controllers

          • The CalendarController

          • The RecentController

          • The UrisController

      • Model Code

        • The User Model

        • The Bookmark Model

      • What Does the Client Need to Know?

        • Natural-Language Service Description

        • Description Through Standardization

        • Hypermedia Descriptions

    • Chapter 8. REST and ROA Best Practices

      • Resource-Oriented Basics

      • The Generic ROA Procedure

      • Addressability

        • Representations Should Be Addressable

      • State and Statelessness

      • Connectedness

      • The Uniform Interface

        • Safety and Idempotence

        • New Resources: PUT Versus POST

        • Overloading POST

      • This Stuff Matters

        • Why Addressability Matters

        • Why Statelessness Matters

        • Why the Uniform Interface Matters

        • Why Connectedness Matters

          • A terrifying example

      • Resource Design

        • Relationships Between Resources

        • Asynchronous Operations

        • Batch Operations

        • Transactions

        • When In Doubt, Make It a Resource

      • URI Design

      • Outgoing Representations

      • Incoming Representations

      • Service Versioning

      • Permanent URIs Versus Readable URIs

      • Standard Features of HTTP

        • Authentication and Authorization

          • Basic authentication

          • Digest authentication

          • WSSE username token

        • Compression

        • Conditional GET

        • Caching

          • Please cache

          • Thank you for not caching

          • Default caching rules

        • Look-Before-You-Leap Requests

        • Partial GET

      • Faking PUT and DELETE

      • The Trouble with Cookies

      • Why Should a User Trust the HTTP Client?

        • Applications with a Web Interface

        • Applications with No Web Interface

        • What Problem Does this Solve?

    • Chapter 9. The Building Blocks of Services

      • Representation Formats

        • XHTML

        • XHTML with Microformats

        • Atom

          • OpenSearch

        • SVG

        • Form-Encoded Key-Value Pairs

        • JSON

        • RDF and RDFa

        • Framework-Specific Serialization Formats

        • Ad Hoc XHTML

        • Other XML Standards and Ad Hoc Vocabularies

        • Encoding Issues

          • XML and HTTP: Battle of the encodings

          • The character encoding of a JSON document

      • Prepackaged Control Flows

        • General Rules

        • Database-Backed Control Flow

          • GET

          • PUT

          • POST for creating a new resource

          • POST for appending to a resource

          • DELETE

        • The Atom Publishing Protocol

          • Collections

          • Members

          • Service document

          • Category documents

          • Binary documents as APP members

          • Summary

        • GData

          • Querying collections

          • Data extensions

        • POST Once Exactly

      • Hypermedia Technologies

        • URI Templates

        • XHTML 4

          • XHTML 4 links

          • XHTML 4 forms

          • Shortcomings of XHTML 4

        • XHTML 5

        • WADL

          • Describing a del.icio.us resource

          • Describing an APP collection

          • Is WADL evil?

    • Chapter 10. The Resource-Oriented Architecture Versus Big Web Services

      • What Problems Are Big Web Services Trying to Solve?

      • SOAP

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • WSDL

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • UDDI

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • Security

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • Reliable Messaging

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • Transactions

        • The Resource-Oriented Alternative

      • BPEL, ESB, and SOA

      • Conclusion

    • Chapter 11. Ajax Applications as REST Clients

      • From AJAX to Ajax

      • The Ajax Architecture

      • A del.icio.us Example

      • The Advantages of Ajax

      • The Disadvantages of Ajax

      • REST Goes Better

      • Making the Request

      • Handling the Response

      • JSON

      • Don’t Bogart the Benefits of REST

      • Cross-Browser Issues and Ajax Libraries

        • Prototype

        • Dojo

      • Subverting the Browser Security Model

        • Request Proxying

        • JavaScript on Demand

          • Dynamically writing the script tag

          • Library support

    • Chapter 12. Frameworks for RESTful Services

      • Ruby on Rails

        • Routing

        • Resources, Controllers, and Views

        • Outgoing Representations

        • Incoming Representations

        • Web Applications as Web Services

        • The Rails/ROA Design Procedure

      • Restlet

        • Basic Concepts

        • Writing Restlet Clients

        • Writing Restlet Services

          • Resource and URI design

          • Request handling and representations

          • Compiling, running, and testing

        • Conclusion

      • Django

        • Create the Data Model

        • Define Resources and Give Them URIs

        • Implement Resources as Django Views

          • The bookmark list view

          • The bookmark detail view

          • Further directions

        • Conclusion

    • Appendix A. Some Resources for REST and Some RESTful Resources

      • Standards and Guides

        • HTTP and URI

        • RESTful Architectures

        • Hypermedia Formats

        • Frameworks for RESTful Development

        • Weblogs on REST

      • Services You Can Use

        • Service Directories

        • Read-Only Services

        • Read/Write Services

    • Appendix B. The HTTP Response Code Top 42

      • Three to Seven Status Codes: The Bare Minimum

      • 1xx: Meta

        • 100 (“Continue”)

        • 101 (“Switching Protocols”)

      • 2xx: Success

        • 200 (“OK”)

        • 201 (“Created”)

        • 202 (“Accepted”)

        • 203 (“Non-Authoritative Information”)

        • 204 (“No Content”)

        • 205 (“Reset Content”)

        • 206 (“Partial Content”)

        • 207 (“Multi-Status”)

      • 3xx: Redirection

        • 300 (“Multiple Choices”)

        • 301 (“Moved Permanently”)

        • 302 (“Found”)

        • 303 (“See Other”)

        • 304 (“Not Modified”)

        • 305 (“Use Proxy”)

        • 306: Unused

        • 307 (“Temporary Redirect”)

      • 4xx: Client-Side Error

        • 400 (“Bad Request”)

        • 401 (“Unauthorized”)

        • 402 (“Payment Required”)

        • 403 (“Forbidden”)

        • 404 (“Not Found”)

        • 405 (“Method Not Allowed”)

        • 406 (“Not Acceptable”)

        • 407 (“Proxy Authentication Required”)

        • 408 (“Request Timeout”)

        • 409 (“Conflict”)

        • 410 (“Gone”)

        • 411 (“Length Required”)

        • 412 (“Precondition Failed”)

        • 413 (“Request Entity Too Large”)

        • 414 (“Request-URI Too Long”)

        • 415 (“Unsupported Media Type”)

        • 416 (“Requested Range Not Satisfiable”)

        • 417 (“Expectation Failed”)

      • 5xx: Server-Side Error

        • 500 (“Internal Server Error”)

        • 501 (“Not Implemented”)

        • 502 (“Bad Gateway”)

        • 503 (“Service Unavailable”)

        • 504 (“Gateway Timeout”)

        • 505 (“HTTP Version Not Supported”)

    • Appendix C. The HTTP Header Top Infinity

      • Standard Headers

        • Accept

        • Accept-Charset

        • Accept-Encoding

        • Accept-Language

        • Accept-Ranges

        • Age

        • Allow

        • Authorization

        • Cache-Control

        • Connection

        • Content-Encoding

        • Content-Language

        • Content-Length

        • Content-Location

        • Content-MD5

        • Content-Range

        • Content-Type

        • Date

        • ETag

        • Expect

        • Expires

        • From

        • Host

        • If-Match

        • If-Modified-Since

        • If-None-Match

        • If-Range

        • If-Unmodified-Since

        • Last-Modified

        • Location

        • Max-Forwards

        • Pragma

        • Proxy-Authenticate

        • Proxy-Authorization

        • Range

        • Referer

        • Retry-After

        • TE

        • Trailer

        • Transfer-Encoding

        • Upgrade

        • User-Agent

        • Vary

        • Via

        • Warning

        • WWW-Authenticate

      • Nonstandard Headers

        • Cookie

        • POE

        • POE-Links

        • Set-Cookie

        • Slug

        • X-HTTP-Method-Override

        • X-WSSE

    • Index

Nội dung

[...]... of Yahoo!’s web services (http://developer.yahoo.com/) • Most other read-only web services that don’t use SOAP • Static web sites • Many web applications, especially read-only ones like search engines ‡ More than you’d think The Google SOAP API for web search technically has a RESTful architecture So do many other read-only SOAP and XML-RPC services But these are bad architectures for web services, because... it easy to implement RESTful web services: Ruby on Rails, Restlet (for Java), and Django (for Python) We also have three appendixes we hope you find useful: Appendix A, Some Resources for REST and Some RESTful Resources The first part lists interesting standards, tutorials, and communities related to RESTful web services The second part lists some existing, public RESTful web services that you can... Amazon Web Services account (http://aws.amazon.com/) and customize the Ruby code with your Access Key ID Here’s a sample run of the program: $ ruby amazon-search.rb C1D4NQS41IMK2 "restful web services" "RESTful Web Services" by Leonard Richardson, Sam Ruby "Hacking with Ruby: Ruby and Rails for the Real World" by Mark Watson At its best, the programmable web works the same way as the human web When... Here we explain the Ajax architecture for web applications in terms of web services: an Ajax application is just a web service client that runs inside your web browser That makes this chapter an extension of Chapter 2 We show how to write clients for RESTful web services using XMLHttpRequest and the standard JavaScript library Chapter 12, Frameworks for RESTful Services In the final chapter we cover three... something goes wrong If you provide RESTful web services, you can spend your complexity on additional features, or on making multiple services interact Success in providing services also means being part of the Web instead of just “on” the Web: making your information available under the same rules that govern well-designed web sites The closer you are to the basic web protocols, the easier this is The... issues: how to design and implement RESTful web services, and clients for those services Our secondary focus is on theory: what it means to be RESTful, and why web services should be more RESTful instead of less We don’t cover everything, but we try to hit today’s big topics, and because this is the first book of its kind, we return to the core issue—how to design a RESTful service—over and over again... program starts acting like a web browser It makes an HTTP request to a URI: in this case, something like http://xml.amazon.com/onca/xml3?KeywordSearch =restful +web+ services& mode=books&f=xml&type=lite&page=1 The web server at xml.amazon.com responds with an XML document This document, shown in Example 1-3, describes the search results, just like the HTML document you see in your web browser, but in a more... questions that web services answer differently, I can group web services by their answers to the questions In my studies I’ve identified three common web service architectures: RESTful resource-oriented, RPC-style, and REST-RPC hybrid I’ll cover each in turn RESTful, Resource-Oriented Architectures The main topic of this book is the web service architectures which can be considered RESTful: those which... Now, lots of architectures are technically RESTful, ‡ but I want to focus on the architectures that are best for web services So when I talk about RESTful web services, I mean services that look like the Web I’m calling this kind of service resource-oriented In Chapter 3 I’ll introduce the basic concepts of resource-oriented REST, in the context of a real web service: Amazon’s Simple Storage Service... commonsense set of rules for designing RESTful web services We also show you the view from the client side: how you can write programs to consume RESTful services Our examples include realworld RESTful services like Amazon’s Simple Storage Service (S3), the various incarnations of the Atom Publishing Protocol, and Google Maps We also take popular services that fall short of RESTfulness, like the del.icio.us . and implement RESTful web services, and clients for those services. Our secondary focus is on theory: what it means to be RESTful, and why web services should. you can im- plement web services without implementing Big Web Services: that the Web should be all the service you need. We believe the Web s basic technologies

Ngày đăng: 16/02/2014, 13:20

